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epabst edited this page Oct 12, 2011 · 10 revisions

Scala Android Crud

This is a framework for writing Android Apps using Scala that need entity operations (i.e. CRUD). It is open source so that the community can collaborate to enhance it to make it feature-rich, yet simple to use, and enable high productivity in developing Android Apps.


  • ListActivity and Activity implemented for you for each Entity.
    • Menu button support for ListActivity (not yet for Activity)
    • Context menu support for ListActivity
  • SQLite Database auto-generated based on Entity definition in Scala.
  • Backup and Restore using Google Backup Service supported for Entity data.
  • Foreign Keys supported between Entities
    • Default navigation included between them.
    • They are great for narrowing results as well.
  • Generated data supported, with access to existing Entities.
  • Uses Robolectric for unit tests.
  • Uses Scala 2.8 and Maven

Getting Started

  1. Install Android SDK.
  2. Install giter8
  3. Run:
    g8 epabst/scala-android-crud
  4. Go into the directory that was created.
  5. Run (this prevents errors with maven-buildnumber-plugin):
    git init
  6. Run:
    mvn generate-sources
  7. Run “mvn idea:idea”, “mvn ecplise:eclipse”, etc. if needed.
  8. Run the provided GenerateLayouts class. It will create files inside of ./res/layout.
  9. To build and install it on an Android device, connect the device or start an emulator instance and then run this command:
    mvn clean package android:deploy

To add additional entities:

  1. Copy the Entity.scala file for each additional entity.
  2. Replace the name references in the new file for each class and set the entityName.
  3. Add strings for each entity to res/values/strings.xml, and refer to them from the …String fields in each CrudType.
  4. Add the new Activity classes to the AndroidManifest.xml.
  • We do recommend fixing the directory and file names to match the package and class names.
  • To use the Google Backup Service, add a backup service key to the AndroidManifest.xml.
  • See some sample customizations are exemplified as sequential commits in: demo-of-scala-android-crud.
  • Contact me with any questions. I should respond within 24 hours. I’ll document the answers to my questions for future reference.

More Information

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