This describes how to set up your system for working on this threepress RDFa fork in a virtualenv environment.
This has been worked through on Mac OS X. Other operating systems will differ. If you get it working in any other platforms, please let me know what you had to do, so that I can update this information.
This assumes that you are comfortable with the command line (Terminal) and that you have Python and Git already installed. The Python 2.6, which comes with Mac OS X, works just fine.
This assumes that you do not have virtualenv
installed. If you do, then
you'll need to skip some of the steps below as appropriate. Also, if you
already have some of the Python libraries that threepress depends installed on
your system, you'll receive an error message when you try to re-install them.
Don't worry about that; just keep going.
First, we need to install virtualenv
and set up a sandbox to install
threepress RDFa and everything else you'll need. To get started, open up a
command line window and type the commands in bold.
easy_install virtualenv
virtualenv threepress
cd threepress
echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$VIRTUAL_ENV/threepress:$VIRTUAL_ENV/threepress/bookworm' >> bin/activate
echo 'export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=bookworm.settings' >> bin/activate
source bin/activate
Now, we need to install the dependencies necessary for the threepress site.
pip install cssutils
pip install python-openid
pip install twill
pip install BeautifulSoup
STATIC_DEPS=true easy_install lxml
pip install
hg clone gdata-python-client
easy_install gdata-python-client
Now get threepress RDFa. The command below is for read-only access to it. If you have read-write access, substitute in the correct URL for that (you can find it on the project page).
git clone git://
Now that threepress RDFa is in place, you also need to install a few more dependencies.
svn co minidetector
cp -r minidetector/minidetector/ threepress-rdfa/bookworm/minidetector
If you set up Bookworm to use SQLite databases, searching won't work, but this is very easy to get going, and most everything else seems to work.
First we'll create a directory for logging:
mkdir threepress-rdfa/bookworm/log
Next, create the file threepress-rdfa/bookworm/
. It specifies the
database settings and turns debugging on. It should contain this:
import settings
# Local settings for development.
DEBUG = True
settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = 'django.db.backends.sqlite3'
settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = 'bookworm.sqlite'
And finally, initialize the database: syncdb
This will print some warning information (most of this should go away in the near future). It will also ask you some questions about settings up a superuser. You want to create one; remember the username and password.
If you want the full capabilities of Bookworm, you need to use MySQL and enable full-text searching.
Like above, first create a directory for logging:
mkdir threepress-rdfa/bookworm/log
Next, create a database in MySQL:
CREATE DATABASE bookworm DEFAULT character set = UTF8;
You also might want to create a user with permission to create databases and tables (for setting up and testing), as well as adding, removing, and viewing data.
Next, create the file threepress-rdfa/bookworm/
. It specifies the
database settings and turns debugging on. It should look something like this
(you'll need to insert the right information for the username and password, and
you may need to change some other settings as well):
import settings
# Local settings for development.
DEBUG = True
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'NAME': 'bookworm',
'HOST': '',
'PORT': '3306',
'init_command': 'SET storage_engine=MyISAM',
Now initialize the database: syncdb
This will print some warning information (most of this should go away in the near future). It will also ask you some questions about settings up a superuser. You want to create one; remember the username and password.
Finally, enable full text searching. Again in MySQL, execute this command:
USE bookworm;
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX epubtext ON library_htmlfile (words);
The site is set up now. Every time that you want to work on it, you'll need to open a command line window and follow these steps:
cd <YOUR threepress DIRECTORY>
source bin/activate runserver