Follow the instructions to set up MM2 replication between the primary and secondary AWS MSK clusters.
The instructions provide guidance to set up the active-passive MM2 topology where the data from the primary clusters gets replicated into the secondary cluster.
However, this setup can be easily extended to achieve active-active MM2 replication topology as well.
NOTE: Apache Kafka version 2.7 and above have incorporated the automated consumer offset sync functionality.
Any version below 2.7 would result into not replicating the consumer offsets across clusters.
On this page
- Provision MM2 EC2 Instance
- Configure VPC SG Inbound Rules
- Configure MM2 EC2 Instance
- Start MM2 Replication
- Next
- Resources
Following the principle of remote consume and local produce, we will provision an EC2 instance in the secondary AWS region. Follow the steps as listed here for provisioning an EC2 instance:
While following the EC2 instance creation steps make sure to incorporate the below three instructions
- Select the secondary regions MSK VPC and one of the Az
- Assign the EC2 instance with
IAM role as created before - Create a new security group for this VPC instead and name it mm2-sg
Add an inbound rules to the secondary clusters VPC default SG to allow All traffic from the mm2-sg security group.
Once provisioned, follow the below steps:
SSH into the instance
Install Java 8 by running
sudo yum install java-1.8.0
Download and extract Apache Kafka 2.7.1 binaries
wget tar -xzf kafka_2.13-2.7.1.tgz rm kafka_2.13-2.7.1.tgz
Create a folder named /tmp on the client machine. Then, go to the bin folder of the Apache Kafka installation and run the following command, replacing JDKFolder with the name of your JDK folder.
cp /usr/lib/jvm/<JDKFolder>/jre/lib/security/cacerts /tmp/kafka.client.truststore.jks
cp /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_141/jre/lib/security/cacerts /tmp/kafka.client.truststore.jks
CD into kafka_2.13-2.7.1 directory
Create a new file
inside the kafka_2.13-2.7.1 directoryvim
Update the contents of the file as shown below after replacing appropriate values for sections indicated with
# Kafka datacenters. clusters = source, target source.bootstrap.servers = #_primary MSK clusters broker addresses_# target.bootstrap.servers = #_secondary MSK clusters broker addresses_# # Source and target clusters configurations. = 3 = 3 = 3 = 3 = 3 = 3 # Enable the MM2 flow source->target.enabled = true # set this to true to enable bidirectional replication target->source.enabled = false # Authentication settings for source MSK source.sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-512 source.ssl.truststore.location=/tmp/kafka.client.truststore.jks required \ username="#_USER_NAME_USED_OF_SASL_AUTH_#" \ password="#_PWD_USED_OF_SASL_AUTH_#"; # Authentication settings for target MSK target.sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-512 target.ssl.truststore.location=/tmp/kafka.client.truststore.jks required \ username="#_USER_NAME_USED_OF_SASL_AUTH_#" \ password="#_PWD_USED_OF_SASL_AUTH_#"; # Mirror maker configurations offset-syncs.topic.replication.factor = 3 heartbeats.topic.replication.factor = 3 checkpoints.topic.replication.factor = 3 # all topics and all consumer groups topics = .* groups = .* topics.blacklist = .*[\-\.]internal, .*\.replica, __consumer_offsets groups.blacklist = console-consumer-.*, connect-.*, __.* # number of MM2 tasks to run on this instance tasks.max = 2 replication.factor = 3 refresh.topics.enabled = true sync.topic.configs.enabled = true refresh.topics.interval.seconds = 10 # enable consumer offsets synchronisation source-> = true # target-> = true # Enable heartbeats and checkpoints. source->target.emit.heartbeats.enabled = true source->target.emit.checkpoints.enabled = true # target->source.emit.heartbeats.enabled = true # target->source.emit.checkpoints.enabled = true
Refer this link for more MM2 configurations and their description
CD into kafka_2.13-2.7.1 directory if not already and run the following command to start replication
If everything is correctly configured then you should see a similar output on the console