We could replace the need to register main thread APIs by allowing developers to pass a reference to the current context when they construct a tasklet:
// main.html
import tasklet.js; // defines TextAdder
import dom.js; // defines appendText(text) and appendBox(text, style)
const textAdder = new textAdder(document);
// tasklet.js
remote class TextAdder {
constructor(context) {
this.dom = context;
async doSomething() {
await this.dom.appendText('Hello');
await this.dom.appendBox(' World!');
Allowing this sort of context passing also makes it easier to define web components that split work between main and background:
<!-- Declarative view -->
<template id="my-element">
<div id="color">Red</div>
<button onclick="swap">Click me!</button>
<!-- View logic -->
// Custom element definition
class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
// Import template markup
let markup = document.querySelector('#my-element'); // imagine this works
let shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode:'open'});
// Initialize backgound work
this.tasklet = new MyElementTasklet(this);
swap() {
const currentColor = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#text').textContent;
updateUI(newColor) {
this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#text').textContent = newColor;
// Background class
remote class MyElementTasklet {
constructor(context) {
this.dom = context;
updateColor(currentColor) {
if(currentColor == 'Red') {
else {
// Register the element
window.customElements.define('my-element', MyElement);