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SFP: State-free Priors for Exploration in Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning

This repository contains the code to our paper published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR) 2022.

Environment Setup

  • A Mujoco installation is necessary to run most of our code. Installation details can be found here.

  • We recommend pipenv for creating and managing virtual environments (dependencies for other environment managers can be found in Pipfile). The virtual environment can be simply created and activated with

cd sfp
pipenv install
pipenv shell

Generating Expert Trajectories

  • To generate expert trajectories for a suite of environments
python scripts/ --env suite_name
python scripts/ --env suite_name
  • Running this script once for the point-maze suite and once for the meta-world suite is sufficient for all experiments.
  • The scripts saves trajectories in ~/.d4rl/datasets.

Training Prior Models

  • Code for training prior models is contained in flows. After expert data is generated, a flow-based model can be trained with:
python flows/ --env suite_name
  • By default, training metrics are logged to ~\logs and the model is saved to ~\flows.

Training Downstream RL

  • An agent can be trained on a downstream task with
python --env env_name
  • Results are once again logged to ~\logs.


Default directories can be edited in All settings can be handled by editing default_params.json in the correct directory (either the main directory of flows).

Flow Training

Param Default Info
env "meta-world" environment suite
mode "action" conditioning variable (also 'state', 'image' or 'action+state')
n_step 1 number of steps to condition upon
batch_size 400 input batch size for training
test_batch_size 1000 input batch size for testing
epochs 100 number of epochs to train for
lr 0.0001 learning rate
num_blocks 6 number of invertible blocks
num_hidden 128 number of hidden units
t_act relu translation activation
s_act relu shift activation
bn True batch normalization
shared True whether to share parameters in the coupling layers
pre_mlp True whether to preprocess actions before pushing through s/t networks
pre_mlp_units 128 units for preprocessing conditioning input
seed 1 random seed
num_threads 8 number of cpu threads
log_interval 1000 how many batches to wait before logging training status
one_step False enables learning single action distributions
debug False debugging flag
device "cpu" torch device
deterministic False use deterministic actor instead of density model
gaussian false learn a gaussian prior
data_ratio 1.0 fraction of data to be used for training

Downstream RL

Param Default Info
exp_name "default" experiment name
env "reach-v2" environment name
epochs 50 number of epochs
seed 0 seed
num_threads 8 number of threads to use
num_test_episodes 10 number of test episodes
save_freq 1 number of epochs between savings
debug False debug mode (logs to /tmp)
gpu False whether to use cuda acceleration
steps_per_epoch 4000 environment steps per epoch
start_steps 10000 initial steps of random exploration
update_after 1000 number of steps to start training
update_every 50 interval between training runs
max_ep_len 1000 maximum length of an episode
terminate_on_success False whether an episode should terminate when successful
batch_size 100 batch size for optimization
replay_size 1000000 size of the experience replay
gamma 0.99 discount rate
polyak 0.995 polyak rate
alpha 0.2 inverse of reward scale
lr 0.001 learning rate for neural networks
hid 256 units per hidden layer
l 2 number of hidden layers
visual False moves to visual RL
fix_env_seed False whether to fix goal in sawyer envs
neg_rew False sets rewards to -1/0 instead of 0/1
action_prior "none" action prior (e.g. 'parrot_state')
goal_cond True enables goal_conditioning
her True enables hindsight experience replay
replay_k 4 hindsight replay ratio
prioritize False enables PER
prioritize_alpha 0.6 alpha for PER
prioritize_beta 0.4 beta for PER
prioritize_epsilon 1e-05 epsilon for PER
clip_gradients False gradient clipping for Q-networks
sil False enables SIL
sil_m 4 how many imitation steps for a single RL update
sil_bs 100 SIL batch size
sil_weight 1.0 weight of SIL loss
sil_value_weight 0.1 relative weight of SIL value loss
n_step_rew 10 steps for Q-value backup
clip_rew True clip multi-step reward to [0, 1] range
use_prior False enables mixing SAC policy with prior
prior_model "flow" or 'deterministic', 'lscde', 'vae'
prior_cond "action" or 'state', 'action+state', 'state+goal'
prior_n_step 1 number of steps to condition prior on
prior_objective True modifies SAC objective to maximize mixing weight
prior_initial True whether to use prior for initial exploration
prior_schedule 0 number of steps for mixing coefficient scheduling
data_ratio 1.0 amount of data used for training prior
one_step False enables unconditional action prior
bc_epochs 0 number of behavioral cloning epochs to initialize policy
use_polyrl false enables SAC-PolyRL
rand_init_cond true conditions prior with uniformly sampled variables at beginning of episode
lambda_param false whether to learn lambda as a param or NN
beta 0.0 parameter encouraging high mixing weights
learn_lambda true if false, does not train lambda
lambda_init 0.95 initialization for lambda
prior_clamp" 0.0 restricts support of prior distribution
prior_smoothing 0.0 smooths out prior by mixing with an uniform distribution
epsilon 1e-9 gradient scaling for lambda function
sparsity 14.0 sparsity parameter for mujoco experiments
bias 0.1 state bias for mujoco experiments
permute_action False shuffles action dimension in mujoco
kl_reg False whether to use soft kl regularization

Example Commands

SFP on window-close (entire pipeline)

python scripts/ --env meta-world
python scripts/ --env meta-world
python flows/ --env meta-world
python --env window-close-v2 --use_prior True --alpha 0.01

Training Flow Model for PARROT on GPU

python --mode image --env meta-world --shared true --pre_mlp_units 256 --num_blocks 4 --device cuda --bn false --lr 1e-05 --num_hidden 256

Training Flow Model for PARROT-state

python --mode state --env meta-world --shared true --pre_mlp_units 256 --num_blocks 4 --bn false --lr 1e-05 --num_hidden 256

Training SAC on door-open

python --env door-open-v2 --use_prior False

Training SAC with BC on window-open

python --env window-open-v2 --use_prior False --bc_epochs 10

Training PARROT-state on window-open

python --env window-open-v2 --use_prior False --action_prior parrot_state

Training SFP on window-open (visual)

python --env window-open-v2 --use_prior True --alpha 0.01 --visual True --replay_size 200000 --gpu True


title={{SFP}: State-free Priors for Exploration in Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning},
author={Marco Bagatella and Sammy Joe Christen and Otmar Hilliges},
journal={Transactions on Machine Learning Research},