diff --git a/examples/jax_gpu/launcher_docker.py b/examples/jax_gpu/launcher_docker.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f660b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/jax_gpu/launcher_docker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""This showcases how to create a launcher script without ever
+requiring the user to manually build a singularity image.
+import subprocess
+from absl import app
+from absl import flags
+from lxm3 import xm
+from lxm3 import xm_cluster
+from lxm3.contrib import ucl
+_LAUNCH_ON_CLUSTER = flags.DEFINE_boolean(
+    "launch_on_cluster", False, "Launch on cluster"
+_GPU = flags.DEFINE_boolean("gpu", False, "If set, use GPU")
+def build_image(path: str, tag: str, dockerfile: str):
+    cmd = ["docker", "buildx", "build", "-t", tag, "-f", dockerfile, path]
+    subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
+    return f"docker-daemon://{tag}"
+def main(_):
+    with xm_cluster.create_experiment(experiment_title="basic") as experiment:
+        if _GPU.value:
+            job_requirements = xm_cluster.JobRequirements(gpu=1, ram=8 * xm.GB)
+        else:
+            job_requirements = xm_cluster.JobRequirements(ram=8 * xm.GB)
+        if _LAUNCH_ON_CLUSTER.value:
+            # This is a special case for using SGE in UCL where we use generic
+            # job requirements and translate to SGE specific requirements.
+            # Non-UCL users, use `xm_cluster.GridEngine directly`.
+            executor = ucl.UclGridEngine(
+                job_requirements,
+                walltime=10 * xm.Min,
+            )
+        else:
+            executor = xm_cluster.Local(job_requirements)
+        spec = xm_cluster.PythonPackage(
+            # This is a relative path to the launcher that contains
+            # your python package (i.e. the directory that contains pyproject.toml)
+            path=".",
+            # Entrypoint is the python module that you would like to
+            # In the implementation, this is translated to
+            #   python3 -m py_package.main
+            entrypoint=xm_cluster.ModuleName("py_package.main"),
+        )
+        image_spec = build_image(
+            path=".", tag="jax_gpu:latest", dockerfile="Dockerfile"
+        )
+        spec = xm_cluster.SingularityContainer(spec, image_path=image_spec)
+        [executable] = experiment.package(
+            [xm.Packageable(spec, executor_spec=executor.Spec())]
+        )
+        experiment.add(
+            xm.Job(
+                executable=executable,
+                executor=executor,
+                # You can pass additional arguments to your executable with args
+                # This will be translated to `--seed 1`
+                # Note for booleans we currently use the absl.flags convention
+                # so {'gpu': False} will be translated to `--nogpu`
+                args={"seed": 1},
+                # You can customize environment_variables as well.
+                env_vars={"XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE": "false"},
+            )
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    app.run(main)