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Both TypeORM and Mikro-ORM? #8747

Answered by evereq
PrimeDominus asked this question in General
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@PrimeDominus a very good question, we decided to support both TypeORM and Mikro-ORM for the following main reasons (there were more, but those are really primary):
a) TypeORM had (have?) issues with maintenance and we wanted to make sure we are using some ORM that very well-supported and will not be gone for long, so Mikro-ORM sounds like a good choice (and from what I see so far it's frequently updated repo)
b) There were critical bugs in TypeORM that were NOT fixed for long and it made us issues running the platform in production... So we wanted to illuminate that while the TypeORM team fixing those bugs, so we added another ORM :)
c) This one is actually the most important strategical…

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