- added dates optional facility to findTargets()
- fixed issues with sun and moon reporting on findtargets()
- Added modelTest()
- Added all stars up to magV 6, i.e. all visible stars
- Added planetary.extremes()
- Fixed issue with reporting of sunrise/set dates in findTargets()
- Fixed issue with az2dec()
- Fixed manual page for randomTest()
- Fixed plotting issue with plotAzimuth()
- Fixed typos in vignette
- Added parameter col to plot.skyscapeR.sigtest()
- coordtrans() can now transform skyscapeR.spd objects
- coordtrans() has been sped up through vectorisation
- Changed randomTest() to use SNOW, now allowing for progress bar
- randomTest() can now perform the test on multiple measurements at the same site/horizon much faster
- Small fixes to riseset()
- Corrected issues with exportHor()
- Changed star() to use internal version of stellar ephemeris and naming (replacing swephR's version)
- Complete rewrite of the engine behind star.phases() to allow for seasonality calculations outside of swephR's time interval
- Fixed issue in star.phases() to do with alt.hor and circumpolar stars
- Added facility to plot multiple star.phases objects
- Added hor2min.dec() and hor2max.dec() to calculate min/max decs for given horizon profile or location
- Added sky colour option to plot.skyscapeR.horizon()
- Fixed issue with jd2time where day was not correct for change of date
- Fixed issue with riseset where date was not displayed accurately when the day changed