dragen -f -r ${1} -1 ${2} -2 ${3} \
--output-file-prefix ${4} \
--output-directory ${5}
--RGID illumina --RGSM ${4} \
--enable-map-align true \
--enable-map-align-output true \
--output-format bam --enable-sort true \
--enable-duplicate-marking true \
--enable-variant-caller true \
--enable-vcf-compression true \
--vc-target-bed ${6} \
--enable-cnv true \
--cnv-target-bed ${6} --cnv-normals-list ${7} \
--enable-sv true --sv-exome true --sv-call-regions-bed ${6}
dragen -r ${1} -1 ${2} -2 ${3} \
--RGSM ${4} --RGID illumina \
--output-directory ${5} \
--output-file-prefix ${4} \
--enable-map-align true --enable-cnv true \
--cnv-enable-gcbias-correction false \
--cnv-enable-self-normalization false \
--cnv-target-bed ${6} --cnv-interval-width 500
将 prefix.target.counts.gc-corrected.gz 文件写到PoN.txt文本文件中,其内容如下
--enable-cnv true
--cnv-filter-copy-ratio 0.2 # The default value is 0.2, leading to calls less than CR=0.8 or greater than CR=1.2.
--cnv-filter-length 10000 # Specifies the minimum event length in bases at which a reported event is marked as PASS in the output VCF file. The default is 10000
--cnv-filter-qual 10 # PASS in the output VCF file
WGS_Coverag_per_Sample | Recommended_Resolution(bp) |
5X | 10000 |
10X | 5000 |
>=30X | 1000 |
–cnv-interval-width 用来控制解析度,WES默认是500,WGS默认是1000该参数在分析是需要设置,如果设置变小会增加分析时间
--vc-target-bed-padding 100
Diploid_or_Haploid | ALT | FORMAT:CN | FORMAT:GT |
Diploid | . | 2 | ./. |
Diploid | DUP | >2 | ./1 |
Diploid | DEL | 1 | 0/1 |
Diploid | DEL | 0 | 1/1 |
Haploid | . | 1 | 0 |
Haploid | DUP | >1 | 1 |
Haploid | DEL | 0 | 1 |
CNV refers to an intermediate scale structural variant, with copy number changes ranging from 1 Kb to 5 Mb of DNA
CNV size cutoffs were 1 kb for losses and 2kb for gains
high copy number calls expected to have >0.85,and high copy number loss <-1.25