This module contains Spring Factory Beans that allow you to configure tracing with only XML. Notably, this requires minimally Spring version 2.5.
Bean Factories exist for the following types:
- AsyncReporterFactoryBean - for configuring how often spans are sent to Zipkin
- ActiveMQSenderFactoryBean - for zipkin-sender-activemq-client
- OkHttpSenderFactoryBean - for zipkin-sender-okhttp3
- KafkaSenderFactoryBean - for zipkin-sender-kafka
- RabbitMQSenderFactoryBean - for zipkin-sender-amqp-client
- URLConnectionSenderFactoryBean - for zipkin-sender-urlconnection
Here's a basic example
<bean id="spanReporter" class="zipkin2.reporter.beans.AsyncReporterFactoryBean">
<property name="sender">
<bean class="zipkin2.reporter.beans.OkHttpSenderFactoryBean">
<property name="endpoint" value="http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans"/>
Here's an example with Kafka configuration and extended configuration:
<bean id="sender" class="zipkin2.reporter.beans.KafkaSenderFactoryBean">
<property name="bootstrapServers" value=""/>
<!-- if using a zipkin server 2.8+, you can send in binary format -->
<property name="encoding" value="PROTO3"/>
<property name="topic" value="test_zipkin"/>
<bean id="spanReporter" class="zipkin2.reporter.beans.AsyncReporterFactoryBean">
<property name="sender" ref="sender"/>
<!-- wait up to half a second for any in-flight spans on close -->
<property name="closeTimeout" value="500"/>