This Project is Patika-Orion Innovation Turkey Angular Bootcamp assignment. The server is active on heroku. Also, you can test the project live in Vercel.(Admin Account:[email protected] 12345----Customer Account:[email protected] 12345)
- Transloco package was used for internationalization.
- The app provides dual language support. (English and Turkish)
- Angular material and bootstrap 5 were used for the design.
- Product cards are designed as reusable components. (List-view-Component/Grid-view-Compoonent)
- Semantic HTML elements were used to make the application SEO friendly.(main-section-figure-article-etc...)
- Lazy loading was used to increase application opening performance. (Admin-Panel)
- The app includes 4 guards(is-admin:to check if User is admin then will allow to go admin-panel,login:to check if User is logged, then will allow to go profile page and show products,logged:to check if User is logged,then wont allow to go again register and login page. lastly unsaved:to check if User has unsaved changes, If has ,then will warn user.)
- This app provides responsive design through Bootstrap 5.
- Transloco
- AppRoutingModule
- HttpClientModule
- FormsModule
- ReactiveFormsModule
- Sweetalert2
- Font Awesome
- Bootstrap 5
- Google Fonts
- Angular Material
- Chart.js
🚀 Run npm i or npm install
to install all packages then You should use ng serve --o
🔌 Server is online on Heroku. You dont need to do anything.
- NodeJS
- npm
- Angular 13
- Vs Code
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Run Angular Project
ng serve --o
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Ferhat ASLAN - Linkedin - [email protected]
Project Link: