Release notes since 0.8.6
- 8294504b1b867d39d66e5ef69306c245c1496161 Adding the posibility of ignoring an entire controller
- Ingoring all methods of a controller by adding an excluded annotation on class level
- @ApiIgnore can now be specified on Type, but also on Parameter and has been added to the defaultIgnorableParameterTypes Set
- Allows detection of customs SwaggerSpringMvcPlugins from spring context's with ancestors.
- Fixed an issue with the ClassOrApiAnnotationResourceGrouping that was making a cases sensitive compare
- Autowired the ObjectMapper ...
- Made junit a test dependency
- Merge pull request #260 from MinosPong/master
- Updating the notable dependencies
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
- Fix Enum allowable list does not display in the Swagger Model
- Updated the version dependencies
- Merge pull request #246 from jkorri/allowables_for_enum_array_params
- Fixed the tests as a result of fixing #255
- Removes the duplication of controller naming strategy being set
- Fix the rendering of void responses
- Merge pull request #258 from lucastschmidt/master
- #257 bug - slow scanner
- When substituting types the base types should not be included as models
- Include array element type for method parameters
- Automatically retrieve allowableValues and set allowMultiple for enum arrays
- Update
- Released version 0.8.3
- [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration