All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ApplicationMetadataApi | listAccessControlledResources | GET /api/metadata/access/resources | ListAccessControlledResources: Get resources available for access control |
DeliveriesApi | listDeliveries | GET /api/deliveries | ListDeliveries: List Deliveries |
EventTypesApi | getEventType | GET /api/eventtypes/{eventType} | GetEventType: Gets the specified event type schema. |
EventTypesApi | listEventTypes | GET /api/eventtypes | ListEventTypes: Lists all of the available event types. |
ManualEventApi | triggerManualEvent | POST /api/manualevent | TriggerManualEvent: Trigger a manual event. |
NotificationsApi | createNotification | POST /api/subscriptions/{scope}/{code}/notifications | CreateNotification: Add a Notification to a Subscription. |
NotificationsApi | deleteNotification | DELETE /api/subscriptions/{scope}/{code}/notifications/{id} | DeleteNotification: Delete a notification for a given subscription. |
NotificationsApi | getNotification | GET /api/subscriptions/{scope}/{code}/notifications/{id} | GetNotification: Get a notification on a subscription. |
NotificationsApi | listNotifications | GET /api/subscriptions/{scope}/{code}/notifications | ListNotifications: List all notifications on a subscription. |
NotificationsApi | updateNotification | PUT /api/subscriptions/{scope}/{code}/notifications/{id} | UpdateNotification: Update a Notification for a Subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | createSubscription | POST /api/subscriptions | CreateSubscription: Create a new subscription. |
SubscriptionsApi | deleteSubscription | DELETE /api/subscriptions/{scope}/{code} | DeleteSubscription: Delete a subscription. |
SubscriptionsApi | getSubscription | GET /api/subscriptions/{scope}/{code} | GetSubscription: Get a subscription. |
SubscriptionsApi | listSubscriptions | GET /api/subscriptions | ListSubscriptions: List subscriptions. |
SubscriptionsApi | updateSubscription | PUT /api/subscriptions/{scope}/{code} | UpdateSubscription: Update an existing subscription. |
- AccessControlledAction
- AccessControlledResource
- ActionId
- AmazonSqsNotificationType
- AmazonSqsNotificationTypeResponse
- AmazonSqsPrincipalAuthNotificationType
- AmazonSqsPrincipalAuthNotificationTypeResponse
- Attempt
- AttemptStatus
- AzureServiceBusNotificationType
- AzureServiceBusTypeResponse
- CreateNotificationRequest
- CreateSubscription
- Delivery
- EmailNotificationType
- EmailNotificationTypeResponse
- EventFieldDefinition
- EventTypeSchema
- IdSelectorDefinition
- IdentifierPartSchema
- Link
- LusidProblemDetails
- LusidValidationProblemDetails
- ManualEvent
- ManualEventBody
- ManualEventHeader
- ManualEventRequest
- MatchingPattern
- Notification
- NotificationStatus
- NotificationType
- NotificationTypeResponse
- ResourceId
- ResourceListOfAccessControlledResource
- ResourceListOfDelivery
- ResourceListOfEventTypeSchema
- ResourceListOfNotification
- ResourceListOfSubscription
- SmsNotificationType
- SmsNotificationTypeResponse
- Subscription
- UpdateNotificationRequest
- UpdateSubscription
- WebhookNotificationType
- WebhookNotificationTypeResponse