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This a free command line tool which can be used to query a database table in Treasure Data with some options to filter the result.


How to run it from JAR file

  1. Download the JAR file TDQuery-(version).jar from release tab.
  2. Open command line interface(e.g. cmd.exe in Windows), cd to the you local disk where the JAR was downloaded.
  3. Run command java -jar TDQuery-(version).jar bryandb orders to execute a query.
  4. Get help message by running java -jar TDQuery-(version).jar -h or simply run java -jar TDQuery-(version).jar without any arguments.

A simple example would be: java -jar TDQuery-1.0.jar bryandb orders which will return all records in table "orders" from database "bryandb".

There are some options you can use to filter the result as described as below:

usage: DBQuery [Options]... DatabaseName TableName
 -c,--column <col1,col2,...>   Optional: The comma separated list of
                               columns to restrict the result to. Return
                               all columns if not specified.
 -e,--engine <engine>          Optional: The query engine, presto or hive.
                               presto by default.
 -f,--format <tsv/csv>         Optional: The output format, csv(comma
                               separated value) or tsv(tab separated
                               value). tsv by default.
 -h,--help                     Tisplay help message
 -l,--limit <number>           Optional: The limit of records returned.
                               Read all records if not specified.
 -m,--min <timestamp>          Optional: The minimum timestamp. NULL by
 -M,--MAX <timestamp>          Optional: The maximum timestamp. NULL by

The database name "bryandb" and table name "orders" used in the example is only for demonstrating purpose and it was the builtin data set which are accessed using this tool.

The table "orders" have some fictional purchase order information with the following coloumns:


Time range from Sunday, January 5, 2003 3:00:00 PM(1041778800 in Unix Timestamp) to Monday, May 30, 2005 3:00:00 PM(1117465200 in Unix Timestamp). You can use this webpage to convert Unix Timestamp to human readable time. (See: You will need to use time in Unix Timestamp format when you want to filter result by time.

Access your own database in Treasure Data

Since you may have your own data already resided in the Treasure Data and you may want to use this program to access it, you can achieve it by build this program from source code and modify the property file.

It requires modify some configuration file in the resources folder, so you need to download the source and repackaging after modification is done.

After you downloaded the source code successfully, modify this two files below:

  1. Modify the content of file "" in folder "src\main\resources" using your own apikey.

  2. Modify the content of file "" in folder "src\main\resources" using your own table schema.

NOTICE: If you have Treasure Data Toolbelt( installed in your environment and it is already configured(run command "td -e" from command line to check if you have toolbet installed and configured), then you can simply delete the file "" from folder "src\main\resources". In this way, the program will load your apikey from "\td.conf" directly. Please choose your preferred way.

Then continue with the build process to build an executable JAR file. Then you are ready to search your own dataset.

How to build it from source

  1. You will need install Java and Maven. Below is the version used in this program.

JDK 1.8.0_211

Apache Maven 3.6.1

  1. Download all the source code from repository.
  2. Open command interface(e.g. cmd.exe in Windows), cd to the folder "TDQuery".
  3. Run command mvn package
  4. Now you will have the executable JAR file generated in the target. There will be two JAR files generated, please choose the JAR file with the name TDQuery-(version).jar.
  5. Run it as an executable JAR file. The usage is the same as before.

NOTICE: If you changed the table schema in file "", the test phase may failed when running command mvn package due to all the test cases were written to test the data in sample table "bryandb.orders". So you can change pom.xml in the project root directory to skip the surefire by change the element from <skip>false</skip> to <skip>true</skip>. Then you will be able to continue building it even the test failed.

Tools and libraries used in the program

  1. td-client-0.9.0.jar, Java Library for Treasure Data REST API.
  2. commons-cli-1.4.jar, Apache commons-cli library used for parsing command line options.
  3. logback-classic-1.2.3.jar, Logback library for logging.
  4. AllPairs for creating test cases. (