- Install
root@vultr:~# wgzero install
Wireguard Interface Name [wg0]:
Available interfaces :
Interface [enp1s0]:
Endpoint []:
ListenPort [55037]:
Address []:
MTU [1420]:
Client MTU [1384]:
DNS [unset]:
KeepAlive [unset]:
Specify private key [none]:
Enable IPv6 [y/N]:
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/[email protected] → /lib/systemd/system/[email protected].
Done, make sure 55037/UDP is open
- Adding client
root@vultr:~# wgzero add client1 wg0
Choose client IPv4 []:
Generate Pre-Shared Key? [y/N]: y
# Alias = client1
# PrivateKey = AJx3jStV/72np4CNBK0oe48k+BgFX2rG2gPJCbPuaEg=
PreSharedKey = YGLJ2BHmy7+6jZsnIZU6QXldp4gjwFFpOd3h52Sk97o=
PublicKey = 2EcUVhswZ+6XrXzcKiHxl7MFMtOKNHts+avew7eYDF4=
AllowedIPs =
## CLIENT ##
Add the following client? [Y/n]:
- Show client config
root@vultr:~# wgzero show client1 wg0
Address =
PrivateKey = AJx3jStV/72np4CNBK0oe48k+BgFX2rG2gPJCbPuaEg=
MTU = 1384
# DNS =
PublicKey = omYCFuqfA+KvpcXal9da+dlofmTIYEAXgniQbj6TIzk=
PresharedKey = YGLJ2BHmy7+6jZsnIZU6QXldp4gjwFFpOd3h52Sk97o=
# PersistentKeepalive =
Endpoint =
AllowedIPs =
- Export client config to file
root@vultr:~# wgzero show client1 wg0 > client1.conf
- Show client QR
root@vultr:~# wgzero qr client1 wg0