diff --git a/.appveyor.yml b/.appveyor.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22f692da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.appveyor.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# image
+image: Visual Studio 2017
+# build platform
+platform: x64
+# clone directory
+clone_folder: c:\xmr-stak-cpu
+ - mkdir c:\xmr-stak-dep
+ - curl -fsS http://slproweb.com/download/Win64OpenSSL-1_0_2L.exe -o Win64OpenSSL.exe
+ - Win64OpenSSL.exe /silent /verysilent /sp- /suppressmsgboxes
+ - curl -fsS https://www.open-mpi.org/software/hwloc/v1.11/downloads/hwloc-win64-build-1.11.7.zip -o hwloc-win64-build.zip
+ - 7z x hwloc-win64-build.zip -o"c:\xmr-stak-dep" -y > nul
+ - curl -fsS http://mirror.reismil.ch/gnu/libmicrohttpd/libmicrohttpd-latest-w32-bin.zip -o libmicrohttpd-w32-bin.zip
+ - 7z x libmicrohttpd-w32-bin.zip -o"c:\xmr-stak-dep" -y > nul
+ - call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\VsMSBuildCmd.bat"
+ - cd c:\xmr-stak-cpu
+ - set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\xmr-stak-dep\hwloc-win64-build-1.11.7;C:\xmr-stak-dep\libmicrohttpd-0.9.55-w32-bin\x86_64\VS2017\Release-static;
+ - cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -T v141,host=x64 .
+ - msbuild xmr-stak-cpu.sln /p:Configuration=Release
+ - cd c:\xmr-stak-cpu\bin\Release
+ - copy c:\xmr-stak-dep\hwloc-win64-build-1.11.7\bin\libhwloc-5.dll .
+ - copy c:\xmr-stak-dep\libmicrohttpd-0.9.55-w32-bin\x86_64\VS2017\Release-dll\libmicrohttpd-dll.dll .
+ - dir
+# - xmr-stak-cpu.exe -c ..\..\..\config.txt
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 60a43dbd..86a97f89 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37b77490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+dist: trusty
+osx_image: xcode8.3
+sudo: false
+language: cpp
+ apt:
+ packages: &default_packages
+ - cmake
+ - libmicrohttpd-dev
+ - libssl-dev
+ - libhwloc-dev
+ include:
+ - os: linux
+ compiler: gcc
+ addons:
+ apt:
+ sources:
+ - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
+ packages:
+ - *default_packages
+ - gcc-5
+ - g++-5
+ env:
+ - os: linux
+ compiler: gcc
+ addons:
+ apt:
+ sources:
+ - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
+ packages:
+ - *default_packages
+ - gcc-6
+ - g++-6
+ env:
+ - os: linux
+ compiler: gcc
+ addons:
+ apt:
+ sources:
+ - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
+ packages:
+ - *default_packages
+ - gcc-7
+ - g++-7
+ env:
+ - os: osx
+ compiler: gcc
+ - if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = osx ]; then brew tap homebrew/science; fi
+ - if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = osx ]; then
+ brew install hwloc;
+ cmake -DMICROHTTPD_ENABLE=OFF -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl .;
+ else
+ fi;
+ - make VERBOSE=1
+ - ./bin/xmr-stak-cpu -c ./config.txt
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 68d24326..0a056bea 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
# https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak-nvidia/pull/10#issuecomment-290821792
# If you remove this guard to compile with older gcc versions the miner will produce
# a high rate of wrong shares.
- message(FATAL_ERROR "GCC version must be at least 5.1!")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "g++ version must be at least 5.1!")
@@ -48,36 +48,98 @@ set(LIBS ${LIBS} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
# Find microhttpd
-option(MICROHTTPD_REQUIRED "Enable or disable the requirement of microhttp (http deamon)" ON)
-find_library(MHTD NAMES microhttpd)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "microhttpd NOT found: use `-DMICROHTTPD_REQUIRED=OFF` to build without http deamon support")
+option(MICROHTTPD_ENABLE "Enable or disable the requirement of microhttp (http deamon)" ON)
+ find_path(MTHD_INCLUDE_DIR
+ microhttpd.h
+ /opt/local
+ /usr/local
+ /usr
+ include)
+ find_library(MHTD
+ microhttpd
+ libmicrohttpd.lib
+ lib)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "microhttpd NOT found: use `-DMICROHTTPD_ENABLE=OFF` to build without http deamon support")
- message(STATUS "microhttpd NOT found: disable http server")
- add_definitions("-DCONF_NO_HTTPD")
+ set(LIBS ${LIBS} ${MHTD})
+ include_directories(AFTER ${MTHD_INCLUDE_DIR})
- set(LIBS ${LIBS} ${MHTD})
+ add_definitions("-DCONF_NO_HTTPD")
# Find OpenSSL
-option(OpenSSL_REQUIRED "Enable or disable the requirement of OpenSSL" ON)
- include_directories(${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR})
+option(OpenSSL_ENABLE "Enable or disable the requirement of OpenSSL" ON)
+ find_package(OpenSSL)
+ include_directories(${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR})
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "OpenSSL NOT found: use `-DOpenSSL_ENABLE=OFF` to build without SSL support")
+ endif()
- message(FATAL_ERROR "OpenSSL NOT found: use `-DOpenSSL_REQUIRED=OFF` to build without SSL support")
+ add_definitions("-DCONF_NO_TLS")
+# Find hwloc
+option(HWLOC_ENABLE "Enable or disable the requirement of hwloc" ON)
+ hwloc.h
+ /opt/local
+ /usr/local
+ /usr
+ include)
+ find_library(HWLOC
+ libhwloc.lib
+ hwloc
+ lib)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "hwloc NOT found: use `-DHWLOC_ENABLE=OFF` to build without hwloc support")
- add_definitions("-DCONF_NO_TLS")
- endif()
+ set(LIBS ${LIBS} ${HWLOC})
+ include_directories(AFTER ${HWLOC_INCLUDE_DIR})
+ add_definitions("-DCONF_NO_HWLOC")
+# Windows Sockets
+ set(LIBS ${LIBS} wsock32 ws2_32)
@@ -85,8 +147,10 @@ endif()
# activate sse2 and aes-ni
-set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -msse2 -maes")
-set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -msse2 -maes")
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -msse2 -maes")
+ set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -msse2 -maes")
# activate static libgcc and libstdc++ linking
@@ -104,6 +168,7 @@ add_library(xmr-stak-c
set_property(TARGET xmr-stak-c PROPERTY C_STANDARD 99)
+target_link_libraries(xmr-stak-c ${LIBS})
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..230ce73a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Compile **xmr-stak** for FreeBSD
+## Install Dependencies
+*Note: This guide is tested for FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE*
+From the root shell, run the following commands:
+ pkg install git libmicrohttpd hwloc cmake
+Type 'y' and hit enter to proceed with installing the packages.
+ git clone https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak-cpu.git
+ cd xmr-stak-cpu
+ cmake .
+ make
+Now you have the binary located at "bin/xmr-stak-cpu". Either move this file to your desired location or run "make install" to install it to your path.
+You can edit the prebuilt [config.txt](config.txt) file found in the root of the repository or you can make your own. This file is required to run xmr-stak-cpu.
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4cc19eaf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Compile **xmr-stak** for Linux
+### GNU Compiler
+ # Ubuntu / Debian
+ sudo apt install libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev cmake build-essential libhwloc-dev
+ cmake .
+ make install
+ # Arch
+ sudo pacman -S base-devel hwloc openssl cmake libmicrohttpd
+ cmake .
+ make install
+ # Fedora
+ sudo dnf install gcc gcc-c++ hwloc-devel libmicrohttpd-devel openssl-devel cmake
+ cmake .
+ make install
+ # CentOS
+ sudo yum install centos-release-scl cmake3 hwloc-devel libmicrohttpd-devel openssl-devel
+ sudo yum install devtoolset-4-gcc*
+ sudo scl enable devtoolset-4 bash
+ cmake3 .
+ make install
+ # Ubuntu 14.04
+ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
+ sudo apt update
+ sudo apt install gcc-5 g++-5 make
+ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-5 1 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-5
+ curl -L http://www.cmake.org/files/v3.4/cmake-3.4.1.tar.gz | tar -xvzf - -C /tmp/
+ cd /tmp/cmake-3.4.1/ && ./configure && make && sudo make install && cd -
+ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/cmake cmake /usr/local/bin/cmake 1 --force
+ sudo apt install libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev libhwloc-dev
+ cmake .
+ make install
+- g++ version 5.1 or higher is required for full C++11 support. CMake release compile scripts, as well as CodeBlocks build environment for debug builds is included.
+### To do a static build for a system without gcc 5.1+
+ make install
+Note - cmake caches variables, so if you want to do a dynamic build later you need to specify '-DCMAKE_LINK_STATIC=OFF'
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3cd3996d..07a01fbb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,11 +5,15 @@ XMR-Stak is a universal Stratum pool miner. This is the CPU-mining version; ther
## HTML reports
+## HTML and JSON API report configuraton
+To configure the reports shown above you need to edit the httpd_port variable. Then enable wifi on your phone and navigate to [miner ip address]:[httpd_port] in your phone browser. If you want to use the data in scripts, you can get the JSON version of the data at url [miner ip address]:[httpd_port]/api.json
## Usage on Windows
1) Edit the config.txt file to enter your pool login and password.
2) Double click the exe file.
-XMR-Stak should compile on any C++11 compliant compiler. Windows compiler is assumed to be MSVC 2015 CE. MSVC build environment is not vendored.
+XMR-Stak should compile on any C++11 compliant compiler.
Hash: SHA256
@@ -17,51 +21,35 @@ Hash: SHA256
d34a0ba0dd7b3b1f900a7e02772e197e974b4a73 libeay32.dll
2ee9966a0fc163da58408d91be36b84fa287c10b ssleay32.dll
-a03f81d7445005e0d51e3825e67cac8413df1068 xmr-stak-cpu.exe
-98bb62cd1f3c7a11a18d6c2b1f1bd6bf4b5b41a3 xmr-stak-cpu-notls.exe
+e4d8a974e58985214de163df0c1ed0f54250d7ee xmr-stak-cpu.exe
+ae0153ff98df82022b2c392d6a17c5f3614f6a50 xmr-stak-cpu-notls.exe
05003137a87313c81d6c348c9b96411c95d48dc22c35f36c39129747 libeay32.dll
133c065d9ef2c93396382e2ba5d8c3ca8c6a57c6beb0159cb9a4b6c5 ssleay32.dll
-9666ae2cfa337599282615275ea05f4e6240fd571c86530583ac89aa xmr-stak-cpu.exe
-46f633b125907feed2f16fc97dcc8402a67218809fef226a77c0aa70 xmr-stak-cpu-notls.exe
+7bfc30b06524dc9139a3157e2661d2a6f5720738dde8e490f05cc8e2 xmr-stak-cpu.exe
+005fb81fc3711a97b2ce65bad0ca97318d878dc793a8cba99c7d1f6f xmr-stak-cpu-notls.exe
-Sat 29 Apr 16:59:00 BST 2017
+Wed 19 Jul 21:18:58 BST 2017
Version: GnuPG v2
+## Compile guides
-## Compile on Linux (Debian-based distros)
-### GNU Compiler
- sudo apt-get install libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev cmake build-essential
- cmake .
- make install
-- GCC version 5.1 or higher is required for full C++11 support. CMake release compile scripts, as well as CodeBlocks build environment for debug builds is included.
-### To do a static build for a system without gcc 5.1+
- make install
-Note - cmake caches variables, so if you want to do a dynamic build later you need to specify '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE'
+- [Linux](LINUXCOMPILE.md)
+- [Windows](WINCOMPILE.md)
-You can find a complete compile guide under [Advanced Compile Options](#advanced-compile-options).
#### CPU mining performance
@@ -73,7 +61,7 @@ Performance is nearly identical to the closed source paid miners. Here are some
* **Dual E5640** - 365 H/s (same as above)
## Default dev donation
-By default the miner will donate 1% of the hashpower (1 minute in 100 minutes) to my pool. If you want to change that, edit **donate-level.h** before you build the binaries.
+By default the miner will donate 2% of the hashpower (2 minute in 100 minutes) to my pool. If you want to change that, edit **donate-level.h** before you build the binaries.
If you want to donate directly to support further development, here is my wallet
@@ -115,7 +103,7 @@ If that happens, disable all auto-staring applications and run the miner after a
**msvcp140.dll and vcruntime140.dll not available errors**
-Download and install this [runtime package](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145) from Microsoft. *Warning: Do NOT use "missing dll" sites - dll's are exe files with another name, and it is a fairly safe bet that any dll on a shady site like that will be trojaned. Please download offical runtimes from Microsoft above.*
+Download and install this [runtime package](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746572) from Microsoft. *Warning: Do NOT use "missing dll" sites - dll's are exe files with another name, and it is a fairly safe bet that any dll on a shady site like that will be trojaned. Please download offical runtimes from Microsoft above.*
**Error: MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mmap failed**
@@ -168,12 +156,15 @@ and install.
-`CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` set the build type
- valid options: `Release` or `Debug`
- you should always keep `Release` for your productive miners
-- `MICROHTTPD_REQUIRED` allow to disable/enable the dependency *microhttpd*
+- `MICROHTTPD_ENABLE` allow to disable/enable the dependency *microhttpd*
+ - by default enabled
+ - there is no *http* interface available if option is disabled: `cmake . -DMICROHTTPD_ENABLE=OFF`
+- `OpenSSL_ENABLE` allow to disable/enable the dependency *OpenSSL*
- by default enabled
- - there is no *http* interface available if option is disabled: `cmake . -DMICROHTTPD_REQUIRED=OFF`
-- `OpenSSL_REQUIRED`allow to disable/enable the dependency *OpenSSL*
+ - it is not possible to connect to a *https* secured pool if option is disabled: `cmake . -DOpenSSL_ENABLE=OFF`
+- `HWLOC_ENABLE` allow to disable/enable the dependency *hwloc*
- by default enabled
- - it is not possible to connect to a *https* secured pool if optin is disabled: `cmake . -DOpenSSL_REQUIRED=OFF`
+ - the config suggestion is not optimal if option is disabled: `cmake . -DHWLOC_ENABLE=OFF`
## PGP Key
diff --git a/WINCOMPILE.md b/WINCOMPILE.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..603ce5ce
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# Compile **xmr-stak** for Windows
+## Install Dependencies
+### Preparation
+- open a command line `cmd`
+- run `mkdir C:\xmr-stak-dep`
+### Visual Studio 2017 Community
+- download VS2017 Community and install from [https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/](https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/)
+- during the install chose the components
+ - `Desktop development with C++` (left side)
+ - `Toolset for Visual Studio C++ 2015.3 v140...` (right side)
+### CMake for Win64
+- download and install the latest version from [https://cmake.org/download/](https://cmake.org/download/)
+- tested version: [cmake 3.9](https://cmake.org/files/v3.9/cmake-3.9.0-rc3-win64-x64.msi)
+- during the install choose the option `Add CMake to the system PATH for all users`
+### OpenSSL for Win64
+- download and install the precompiled binary form [https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html](https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html)
+- tested version: [OpenSSL 1.0.2L](https://slproweb.com/download/Win64OpenSSL-1_0_2L.exe)
+### Hwloc for Win64
+- download the precompiled binary from [https://www.open-mpi.org/software/hwloc/v1.11/](https://www.open-mpi.org/software/hwloc/v1.11/)
+- tested version: [hwloc-win64-build-1.11.7](https://www.open-mpi.org/software/hwloc/v1.11/downloads/hwloc-win64-build-1.11.7.zip)
+- unzip hwloc to `C:\xmr-stak-dep`
+### Microhttpd for Win32
+- download the precompiled binary from [http://ftpmirror.gnu.org/libmicrohttpd/](http://ftpmirror.gnu.org/libmicrohttpd/)
+- tested version: [libmicrohttpd-0.9.55-w32-bin](http://mirror.reismil.ch/gnu/libmicrohttpd/libmicrohttpd-0.9.55-w32-bin.zip)
+- unzip microhttpd to ``C:\xmr-stak-dep`
+### Validate the Dependency Folder
+- open a command line `cmd`
+- run
+ ```
+ cd c:\xmr-stak-dep
+ tree .
+ ```
+- the result should have the same structure
+ ```
+ ├───hwloc-win64-build-1.11.7
+ │ ├───bin
+ │ ├───include
+ │ │ └───hwloc
+ │ │ └───autogen
+ │ ├───lib
+ │ │ └───pkgconfig
+ │ └───share
+ │ ├───doc
+ │ │ └───hwloc
+ │ ├───hwloc
+ │ └───man
+ │ ├───man1
+ │ ├───man3
+ │ └───man7
+ └───libmicrohttpd-0.9.55-w32-bin
+ ├───x86
+ │ ├───MinGW
+ │ │ ├───shared
+ │ │ │ └───mingw32
+ │ │ │ ├───bin
+ │ │ │ ├───include
+ │ │ │ └───lib
+ │ │ │ └───pkgconfig
+ │ │ ├───shared-xp
+ │ │ │ └───mingw32
+ │ │ │ ├───bin
+ │ │ │ ├───include
+ │ │ │ └───lib
+ │ │ │ └───pkgconfig
+ │ │ ├───static
+ │ │ │ └───mingw32
+ │ │ │ ├───include
+ │ │ │ └───lib
+ │ │ │ └───pkgconfig
+ │ │ └───static-xp
+ │ │ └───mingw32
+ │ │ ├───include
+ │ │ └───lib
+ │ │ └───pkgconfig
+ │ ├───VS2013
+ │ │ ├───Release-dll
+ │ │ ├───Release-dll-xp
+ │ │ ├───Release-static
+ │ │ └───Release-static-xp
+ │ ├───VS2015
+ │ │ ├───Debug-dll
+ │ │ ├───Debug-dll-xp
+ │ │ ├───Debug-static
+ │ │ ├───Debug-static-xp
+ │ │ ├───Release-dll
+ │ │ ├───Release-dll-xp
+ │ │ ├───Release-static
+ │ │ └───Release-static-xp
+ │ └───VS2017
+ │ ├───Debug-dll
+ │ ├───Debug-static
+ │ ├───Release-dll
+ │ └───Release-static
+ └───x86_64
+ ├───MinGW
+ │ ├───shared
+ │ │ └───mingw64
+ │ │ ├───bin
+ │ │ ├───include
+ │ │ └───lib
+ │ │ └───pkgconfig
+ │ └───static
+ │ └───mingw64
+ │ ├───include
+ │ └───lib
+ │ └───pkgconfig
+ ├───VS2013
+ │ ├───Release-dll
+ │ └───Release-static
+ ├───VS2015
+ │ ├───Debug-dll
+ │ ├───Debug-static
+ │ ├───Release-dll
+ │ └───Release-static
+ └───VS2017
+ ├───Debug-dll
+ ├───Debug-static
+ ├───Release-dll
+ └───Release-static
+ ```
+## Compile
+- download and unzip `xmr-stak-cpu`
+- open a command line `cmd`
+- `cd` to your unzipped source code directory
+- execute the following commands (NOTE: path to VS2017 can be different)
+ ```
+ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\VsMSBuildCmd.bat"
+ set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\xmr-stak-dep\hwloc-win64-build-1.11.7;C:\xmr-stak-dep\libmicrohttpd-0.9.55-w32-bin\x86_64\VS2017\Release-static
+ mkdir build
+ cd build
+ cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -T v141,host=x64 ..
+ msbuild xmr-stak-cpu.sln /p:Configuration=Release
+ cd bin\Release
+ copy C:\xmr-stak-dep\hwloc-win64-build-1.11.7\bin\libhwloc-5.dll .
+ copy ..\..\..\config.txt .
+ ```
+- customize your `config.txt` file by adding the pool, username and password
diff --git a/autoAdjust.hpp b/autoAdjust.hpp
index c9ee9e6c..93a88e88 100644
--- a/autoAdjust.hpp
+++ b/autoAdjust.hpp
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ class autoAdjust
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Autoconf failed: L3 size sanity check failed - %u KB.", L3KB_size);
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Autoconf failed: Printing config for a single thread. Please try to add new ones until the hashrate slows down.");
- printer::inst()->print_str("\n**************** Copy&Paste ****************\n\n");
+ printer::inst()->print_str("\n**************** Copy&Paste BEGIN ****************\n\n");
printer::inst()->print_str("\"cpu_threads_conf\" :\n[\n");
printer::inst()->print_str(" { \"low_power_mode\" : false, \"no_prefetch\" : true, \"affine_to_cpu\" : false },\n");
- printer::inst()->print_str("],\n\n**************** Copy&Paste ****************\n");
+ printer::inst()->print_str("],\n\n**************** Copy&Paste END ****************\n");
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class autoAdjust
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Autoconf core count detected as %u on %s.", corecnt,
linux_layout ? "Linux" : "Windows");
- printer::inst()->print_str("\n**************** Copy&Paste ****************\n\n");
+ printer::inst()->print_str("\n**************** Copy&Paste BEGIN ****************\n\n");
printer::inst()->print_str("\"cpu_threads_conf\" :\n[\n");
uint32_t aff_id = 0;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class autoAdjust
L3KB_size -= 2048;
- printer::inst()->print_str("],\n\n**************** Copy&Paste ****************\n");
+ printer::inst()->print_str("],\n\n**************** Copy&Paste END ****************\n");
diff --git a/autoAdjustHwloc.hpp b/autoAdjustHwloc.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92a668a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoAdjustHwloc.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "console.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#endif // _WIN32
+class autoAdjust
+ autoAdjust()
+ {
+ }
+ void printConfig()
+ {
+ printer::inst()->print_str("The configuration for 'cpu_threads_conf' in your config file is 'null'.\n");
+ printer::inst()->print_str("The miner evaluates your system and prints a suggestion for the section `cpu_threads_conf` to the terminal.\n");
+ printer::inst()->print_str("The values are not optimal, please try to tweak the values based on notes in config.txt.\n");
+ printer::inst()->print_str("Please copy & paste the block within the asterisks to your config.\n\n");
+ hwloc_topology_t topology;
+ hwloc_topology_init(&topology);
+ hwloc_topology_load(topology);
+ try
+ {
+ std::vector tlcs;
+ tlcs.reserve(16);
+ results.reserve(16);
+ findChildrenCaches(hwloc_get_root_obj(topology),
+ [&tlcs](hwloc_obj_t found) { tlcs.emplace_back(found); } );
+ if(tlcs.size() == 0)
+ throw(std::runtime_error("The CPU doesn't seem to have a cache."));
+ for(hwloc_obj_t obj : tlcs)
+ proccessTopLevelCache(obj);
+ printer::inst()->print_str("\n**************** Copy&Paste BEGIN ****************\n\n");
+ printer::inst()->print_str("\"cpu_threads_conf\" :\n[\n");
+ for(uint32_t id : results)
+ {
+ char str[128];
+ snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " { \"low_power_mode\" : %s, \"no_prefetch\" : true, \"affine_to_cpu\" : %u },\n",
+ (id & 0x8000000) != 0 ? "true" : "false", id & 0x7FFFFFF);
+ printer::inst()->print_str(str);
+ }
+ printer::inst()->print_str("],\n\n**************** Copy&Paste END ****************\n");
+ }
+ catch(const std::runtime_error& err)
+ {
+ printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Autoconf FAILED: %s", err.what());
+ printer::inst()->print_str("\nPrinting config for a single thread. Please try to add new ones until the hashrate slows down.\n");
+ printer::inst()->print_str("\n**************** FAILURE Copy&Paste BEGIN ****************\n\n");
+ printer::inst()->print_str("\"cpu_threads_conf\" :\n[\n");
+ printer::inst()->print_str(" { \"low_power_mode\" : false, \"no_prefetch\" : true, \"affine_to_cpu\" : false },\n");
+ printer::inst()->print_str("],\n\n**************** FAILURE Copy&Paste END ****************\n");
+ }
+ /* Destroy topology object. */
+ hwloc_topology_destroy(topology);
+ }
+ static constexpr size_t hashSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
+ std::vector results;
+ template
+ inline void findChildrenByType(hwloc_obj_t obj, hwloc_obj_type_t type, func lambda)
+ {
+ for(size_t i=0; i < obj->arity; i++)
+ {
+ if(obj->children[i]->type == type)
+ lambda(obj->children[i]);
+ else
+ findChildrenByType(obj->children[i], type, lambda);
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool isCacheObject(hwloc_obj_t obj)
+ {
+#if HWLOC_API_VERSION >= 0x20000
+ return hwloc_obj_type_is_cache(obj->type);
+ return obj->type == HWLOC_OBJ_CACHE;
+ }
+ template
+ inline void findChildrenCaches(hwloc_obj_t obj, func lambda)
+ {
+ for(size_t i=0; i < obj->arity; i++)
+ {
+ if(isCacheObject(obj->children[i]))
+ lambda(obj->children[i]);
+ else
+ findChildrenCaches(obj->children[i], lambda);
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool isCacheExclusive(hwloc_obj_t obj)
+ {
+ const char* value = hwloc_obj_get_info_by_name(obj, "Inclusive");
+ return value == nullptr || value[0] != '1';
+ }
+ // Top level cache isn't shared with other cores on the same package
+ // This will usually be 1 x L3, but can be 2 x L2 per package
+ void proccessTopLevelCache(hwloc_obj_t obj)
+ {
+ if(obj->attr == nullptr)
+ throw(std::runtime_error("Cache object hasn't got attributes."));
+ size_t PUs = 0;
+ findChildrenByType(obj, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, [&PUs](hwloc_obj_t found) { PUs++; } );
+ //Strange case, but we will handle it silently, surely there must be one PU somewhere?
+ if(PUs == 0)
+ return;
+ if(obj->attr->cache.size == 0)
+ {
+ //We will always have one child if PUs > 0
+ if(!isCacheObject(obj->children[0]))
+ throw(std::runtime_error("The CPU doesn't seem to have a cache."));
+ //Try our luck with lower level caches
+ for(size_t i=0; i < obj->arity; i++)
+ proccessTopLevelCache(obj->children[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t cacheSize = obj->attr->cache.size;
+ if(isCacheExclusive(obj))
+ {
+ for(size_t i=0; i < obj->arity; i++)
+ {
+ hwloc_obj_t l2obj = obj->children[i];
+ //If L2 is exclusive and greater or equal to 2MB add room for one more hash
+ if(isCacheObject(l2obj) && l2obj->attr != nullptr && l2obj->attr->cache.size >= hashSize)
+ cacheSize += hashSize;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector cores;
+ cores.reserve(16);
+ findChildrenByType(obj, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, [&cores](hwloc_obj_t found) { cores.emplace_back(found); } );
+ size_t cacheHashes = (cacheSize + hashSize/2) / hashSize;
+ //Firstly allocate PU 0 of every CORE, then PU 1 etc.
+ size_t pu_id = 0;
+ while(cacheHashes > 0 && PUs > 0)
+ {
+ bool allocated_pu = false;
+ for(hwloc_obj_t core : cores)
+ {
+ if(core->arity <= pu_id || core->children[pu_id]->type != HWLOC_OBJ_PU)
+ continue;
+ size_t os_id = core->children[pu_id]->os_index;
+ if(cacheHashes > PUs)
+ {
+ cacheHashes -= 2;
+ os_id |= 0x8000000; //double hash marker bit
+ }
+ else
+ cacheHashes--;
+ PUs--;
+ allocated_pu = true;
+ results.emplace_back(os_id);
+ if(cacheHashes == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!allocated_pu)
+ throw(std::runtime_error("Failed to allocate a PU."));
+ pu_id++;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/cli-miner.cpp b/cli-miner.cpp
index 38fb7201..45d2c163 100644
--- a/cli-miner.cpp
+++ b/cli-miner.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,12 @@
#include "jconf.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "donate-level.h"
-#include "autoAdjust.hpp"
+#ifndef CONF_NO_HWLOC
+# include "autoAdjustHwloc.hpp"
+# include "autoAdjust.hpp"
+#include "version.h"
# include "httpd.h"
@@ -36,6 +41,8 @@
#ifndef CONF_NO_TLS
@@ -69,6 +76,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ srand(time(0));
const char* sFilename = "config.txt";
bool benchmark_mode = false;
@@ -133,7 +142,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- printer::inst()->print_str("XMR-Stak-CPU mining software, CPU Version.\n");
+ printer::inst()->print_str( XMR_STAK_NAME" " XMR_STAK_VERSION " mining software, CPU Version.\n");
printer::inst()->print_str("Based on CPU mining code by wolf9466 (heavily optimized by fireice_uk).\n");
printer::inst()->print_str("Brought to you by fireice_uk and psychocrypt under GPLv3.\n\n");
char buffer[64];
@@ -148,7 +157,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if(strlen(jconf::inst()->GetOutputFile()) != 0)
- executor::inst()->ex_start();
+ executor::inst()->ex_start(jconf::inst()->DaemonMode());
+ using namespace std::chrono;
+ uint64_t lastTime = time_point_cast(high_resolution_clock::now()).time_since_epoch().count();
int key;
@@ -169,6 +181,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ uint64_t currentTime = time_point_cast(high_resolution_clock::now()).time_since_epoch().count();
+ /* Hard guard to make sure we never get called more than twice per second */
+ if( currentTime - lastTime < 500)
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500 - (currentTime - lastTime)));
+ lastTime = currentTime;
return 0;
diff --git a/config.txt b/config.txt
index 0dcb9e92..22a857ea 100644
--- a/config.txt
+++ b/config.txt
@@ -76,6 +76,16 @@ null,
"nicehash_nonce" : false,
+ * Manual hardware AES override
+ *
+ * Some VMs don't report AES capability correctly. You can set this value to true to enforce hardware AES or
+ * to false to force disable AES or null to let the miner decide if AES is used.
+ *
+ * WARNING: setting this to true on a CPU that doesn't support hardware AES will crash the miner.
+ */
+"aes_override" : null,
* TLS Settings
* If you need real security, make sure tls_secure_algo is enabled (otherwise MITM attack can downgrade encryption
@@ -93,8 +103,10 @@ null,
* pool_address - Pool address should be in the form "pool.supportxmr.com:3333". Only stratum pools are supported.
* wallet_address - Your wallet, or pool login.
* pool_password - Can be empty in most cases or "x".
+ *
+ * We feature pools up to 1MH/s. For a more complete list see M5M400's pool list at www.moneropools.com
-"pool_address" : "pool.supportxmr.com:3333",
+"pool_address" : "pool.usxmrpool.com:3333",
"wallet_address" : "",
"pool_password" : "",
@@ -139,6 +151,14 @@ null,
"h_print_time" : 60,
+ * Daemon mode
+ *
+ * If you are running the process in the background and you don't need the keyboard reports, set this to true.
+ * This should solve the hashrate problems on some emulated terminals.
+ */
+"daemon_mode" : false,
* Output file
diff --git a/crypto/c_keccak.c b/crypto/c_keccak.c
index e11ca474..eadb85b7 100644
--- a/crypto/c_keccak.c
+++ b/crypto/c_keccak.c
@@ -24,18 +24,6 @@ const uint64_t keccakf_rndc[24] =
0x8000000000008080, 0x0000000080000001, 0x8000000080008008
-const int keccakf_rotc[24] =
- 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 2, 14,
- 27, 41, 56, 8, 25, 43, 62, 18, 39, 61, 20, 44
-const int keccakf_piln[24] =
- 10, 7, 11, 17, 18, 3, 5, 16, 8, 21, 24, 4,
- 15, 23, 19, 13, 12, 2, 20, 14, 22, 9, 6, 1
// update the state with given number of rounds
void keccakf(uint64_t st[25], int rounds)
@@ -63,26 +51,86 @@ void keccakf(uint64_t st[25], int rounds)
// Rho Pi
t = st[1];
- for (i = 0; i < 24; ++i) {
- bc[0] = st[keccakf_piln[i]];
- st[keccakf_piln[i]] = ROTL64(t, keccakf_rotc[i]);
- t = bc[0];
- }
+ st[ 1] = ROTL64(st[ 6], 44);
+ st[ 6] = ROTL64(st[ 9], 20);
+ st[ 9] = ROTL64(st[22], 61);
+ st[22] = ROTL64(st[14], 39);
+ st[14] = ROTL64(st[20], 18);
+ st[20] = ROTL64(st[ 2], 62);
+ st[ 2] = ROTL64(st[12], 43);
+ st[12] = ROTL64(st[13], 25);
+ st[13] = ROTL64(st[19], 8);
+ st[19] = ROTL64(st[23], 56);
+ st[23] = ROTL64(st[15], 41);
+ st[15] = ROTL64(st[ 4], 27);
+ st[ 4] = ROTL64(st[24], 14);
+ st[24] = ROTL64(st[21], 2);
+ st[21] = ROTL64(st[ 8], 55);
+ st[ 8] = ROTL64(st[16], 45);
+ st[16] = ROTL64(st[ 5], 36);
+ st[ 5] = ROTL64(st[ 3], 28);
+ st[ 3] = ROTL64(st[18], 21);
+ st[18] = ROTL64(st[17], 15);
+ st[17] = ROTL64(st[11], 10);
+ st[11] = ROTL64(st[ 7], 6);
+ st[ 7] = ROTL64(st[10], 3);
+ st[10] = ROTL64(t, 1);
// Chi
- for (j = 0; j < 25; j += 5) {
- bc[0] = st[j ];
- bc[1] = st[j + 1];
- bc[2] = st[j + 2];
- bc[3] = st[j + 3];
- bc[4] = st[j + 4];
- st[j ] ^= (~bc[1]) & bc[2];
- st[j + 1] ^= (~bc[2]) & bc[3];
- st[j + 2] ^= (~bc[3]) & bc[4];
- st[j + 3] ^= (~bc[4]) & bc[0];
- st[j + 4] ^= (~bc[0]) & bc[1];
- }
+ // unrolled loop, where only last iteration is different
+ j = 0;
+ bc[0] = st[j ];
+ bc[1] = st[j + 1];
+ st[j ] ^= (~st[j + 1]) & st[j + 2];
+ st[j + 1] ^= (~st[j + 2]) & st[j + 3];
+ st[j + 2] ^= (~st[j + 3]) & st[j + 4];
+ st[j + 3] ^= (~st[j + 4]) & bc[0];
+ st[j + 4] ^= (~bc[0]) & bc[1];
+ j = 5;
+ bc[0] = st[j ];
+ bc[1] = st[j + 1];
+ st[j ] ^= (~st[j + 1]) & st[j + 2];
+ st[j + 1] ^= (~st[j + 2]) & st[j + 3];
+ st[j + 2] ^= (~st[j + 3]) & st[j + 4];
+ st[j + 3] ^= (~st[j + 4]) & bc[0];
+ st[j + 4] ^= (~bc[0]) & bc[1];
+ j = 10;
+ bc[0] = st[j ];
+ bc[1] = st[j + 1];
+ st[j ] ^= (~st[j + 1]) & st[j + 2];
+ st[j + 1] ^= (~st[j + 2]) & st[j + 3];
+ st[j + 2] ^= (~st[j + 3]) & st[j + 4];
+ st[j + 3] ^= (~st[j + 4]) & bc[0];
+ st[j + 4] ^= (~bc[0]) & bc[1];
+ j = 15;
+ bc[0] = st[j ];
+ bc[1] = st[j + 1];
+ st[j ] ^= (~st[j + 1]) & st[j + 2];
+ st[j + 1] ^= (~st[j + 2]) & st[j + 3];
+ st[j + 2] ^= (~st[j + 3]) & st[j + 4];
+ st[j + 3] ^= (~st[j + 4]) & bc[0];
+ st[j + 4] ^= (~bc[0]) & bc[1];
+ j = 20;
+ bc[0] = st[j ];
+ bc[1] = st[j + 1];
+ bc[2] = st[j + 2];
+ bc[3] = st[j + 3];
+ bc[4] = st[j + 4];
+ st[j ] ^= (~bc[1]) & bc[2];
+ st[j + 1] ^= (~bc[2]) & bc[3];
+ st[j + 2] ^= (~bc[3]) & bc[4];
+ st[j + 3] ^= (~bc[4]) & bc[0];
+ st[j + 4] ^= (~bc[0]) & bc[1];
// Iota
st[0] ^= keccakf_rndc[round];
diff --git a/crypto/cryptonight_aesni.h b/crypto/cryptonight_aesni.h
index 6d8479ce..8bbb27ce 100644
--- a/crypto/cryptonight_aesni.h
+++ b/crypto/cryptonight_aesni.h
@@ -368,9 +368,11 @@ void cryptonight_double_hash(const void* input, size_t len, void* output, crypto
uint8_t* l1 = ctx1->long_state;
uint64_t* h1 = (uint64_t*)ctx1->hash_state;
- __m128i ax0 = _mm_set_epi64x(h0[1] ^ h0[5], h0[0] ^ h0[4]);
+ uint64_t axl0 = h0[0] ^ h0[4];
+ uint64_t axh0 = h0[1] ^ h0[5];
__m128i bx0 = _mm_set_epi64x(h0[3] ^ h0[7], h0[2] ^ h0[6]);
- __m128i ax1 = _mm_set_epi64x(h1[1] ^ h1[5], h1[0] ^ h1[4]);
+ uint64_t axl1 = h1[0] ^ h1[4];
+ uint64_t axh1 = h1[1] ^ h1[5];
__m128i bx1 = _mm_set_epi64x(h1[3] ^ h1[7], h1[2] ^ h1[6]);
uint64_t idx0 = h0[0] ^ h0[4];
@@ -383,9 +385,9 @@ void cryptonight_double_hash(const void* input, size_t len, void* output, crypto
cx = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0]);
- cx = soft_aesenc(cx, ax0);
+ cx = soft_aesenc(cx, _mm_set_epi64x(axh0, axl0));
- cx = _mm_aesenc_si128(cx, ax0);
+ cx = _mm_aesenc_si128(cx, _mm_set_epi64x(axh0, axl0));
_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0], _mm_xor_si128(bx0, cx));
idx0 = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(cx);
@@ -397,9 +399,9 @@ void cryptonight_double_hash(const void* input, size_t len, void* output, crypto
cx = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0]);
- cx = soft_aesenc(cx, ax1);
+ cx = soft_aesenc(cx, _mm_set_epi64x(axh1, axl1));
- cx = _mm_aesenc_si128(cx, ax1);
+ cx = _mm_aesenc_si128(cx, _mm_set_epi64x(axh1, axl1));
_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0], _mm_xor_si128(bx1, cx));
idx1 = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(cx);
@@ -408,27 +410,35 @@ void cryptonight_double_hash(const void* input, size_t len, void* output, crypto
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0], _MM_HINT_T0);
- uint64_t hi, lo;
- cx = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0]);
+ uint64_t hi, lo, cl, ch;
+ cl = ((uint64_t*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0])[0];
+ ch = ((uint64_t*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0])[1];
- lo = _umul128(idx0, _mm_cvtsi128_si64(cx), &hi);
+ lo = _umul128(idx0, cl, &hi);
- ax0 = _mm_add_epi64(ax0, _mm_set_epi64x(lo, hi));
- _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0], ax0);
- ax0 = _mm_xor_si128(ax0, cx);
- idx0 = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(ax0);
+ axl0 += hi;
+ axh0 += lo;
+ ((uint64_t*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0])[0] = axl0;
+ ((uint64_t*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0])[1] = axh0;
+ axh0 ^= ch;
+ axl0 ^= cl;
+ idx0 = axl0;
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0], _MM_HINT_T0);
- cx = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0]);
+ cl = ((uint64_t*)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0])[0];
+ ch = ((uint64_t*)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0])[1];
- lo = _umul128(idx1, _mm_cvtsi128_si64(cx), &hi);
+ lo = _umul128(idx1, cl, &hi);
- ax1 = _mm_add_epi64(ax1, _mm_set_epi64x(lo, hi));
- _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0], ax1);
- ax1 = _mm_xor_si128(ax1, cx);
- idx1 = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(ax1);
+ axl1 += hi;
+ axh1 += lo;
+ ((uint64_t*)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0])[0] = axl1;
+ ((uint64_t*)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0])[1] = axh1;
+ axh1 ^= ch;
+ axl1 ^= cl;
+ idx1 = axl1;
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0], _MM_HINT_T0);
diff --git a/crypto/cryptonight_common.cpp b/crypto/cryptonight_common.cpp
index 63ce3a4e..9d03ed7d 100644
--- a/crypto/cryptonight_common.cpp
+++ b/crypto/cryptonight_common.cpp
@@ -146,6 +146,9 @@ cryptonight_ctx* cryptonight_alloc_ctx(size_t use_fast_mem, size_t use_mlock, al
#if defined(__APPLE__)
ptr->long_state = (uint8_t*)mmap(0, MEMORY, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
+ ptr->long_state = (uint8_t*)mmap(0, MEMORY, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
ptr->long_state = (uint8_t*)mmap(0, MEMORY, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
diff --git a/donate-level.h b/donate-level.h
index ccae28f9..71b79628 100644
--- a/donate-level.h
+++ b/donate-level.h
@@ -3,13 +3,16 @@
* Dev donation.
* Percentage of your hashing power that you want to donate to the developer, can be 0.0 if you don't want to do that.
- * Example of how it works for the default setting of 1.0:
- * You miner will mine into your usual pool for 99 minutes, then switch to the developer's pool for 1.0 minute.
+ * Example of how it works for the default setting of 2.0:
+ * You miner will mine into your usual pool for 98 minutes, then switch to the developer's pool for 2.0 minute.
* Switching is instant, and only happens after a successful connection, so you never loose any hashes.
- * If you plan on changing this setting to 0.0 please consider making a one off donation to my wallet:
+ * If you plan on changing this setting to 0.0 please consider making a one off donation to our wallets:
+ * fireice-uk:
* 4581HhZkQHgZrZjKeCfCJxZff9E3xCgHGF25zABZz7oR71TnbbgiS7sK9jveE6Dx6uMs2LwszDuvQJgRZQotdpHt1fTdDhk
+ * psychocrypt:
+ * 43NoJVEXo21hGZ6tDG6Z3g4qimiGdJPE6GRxAmiWwm26gwr62Lqo7zRiCJFSBmbkwTGNuuES9ES5TgaVHceuYc4Y75txCTU
-constexpr double fDevDonationLevel = 1.0 / 100.0;
+constexpr double fDevDonationLevel = 2.0 / 100.0;
diff --git a/executor.cpp b/executor.cpp
index af108111..948b156d 100644
--- a/executor.cpp
+++ b/executor.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ executor* executor::oInst = NULL;
- my_thd = nullptr;
void executor::push_timed_event(ex_event&& ev, size_t sec)
@@ -461,6 +460,7 @@ void executor::ex_main()
+ case EV_HTML_JSON:
@@ -826,6 +826,121 @@ void executor::http_connection_report(std::string& out)
+inline const char* hps_format_json(double h, char* buf, size_t l)
+ if(std::isnormal(h) || h == 0.0)
+ {
+ snprintf(buf, l, "%.1f", h);
+ return buf;
+ }
+ else
+ return "null";
+void executor::http_json_report(std::string& out)
+ const char *a, *b, *c;
+ char num_a[32], num_b[32], num_c[32];
+ char hr_buffer[64];
+ std::string hr_thds, res_error, cn_error;
+ size_t nthd = pvThreads->size();
+ double fTotal[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+ hr_thds.reserve(nthd * 32);
+ for(size_t i=0; i < nthd; i++)
+ {
+ if(i != 0) hr_thds.append(1, ',');
+ double fHps[3];
+ fHps[0] = telem->calc_telemetry_data(2500, i);
+ fHps[1] = telem->calc_telemetry_data(60000, i);
+ fHps[2] = telem->calc_telemetry_data(900000, i);
+ fTotal[0] += fHps[0];
+ fTotal[1] += fHps[1];
+ fTotal[2] += fHps[2];
+ a = hps_format_json(fHps[0], num_a, sizeof(num_a));
+ b = hps_format_json(fHps[1], num_b, sizeof(num_b));
+ c = hps_format_json(fHps[2], num_c, sizeof(num_c));
+ snprintf(hr_buffer, sizeof(hr_buffer), sJsonApiThdHashrate, a, b, c);
+ hr_thds.append(hr_buffer);
+ }
+ a = hps_format_json(fTotal[0], num_a, sizeof(num_a));
+ b = hps_format_json(fTotal[1], num_b, sizeof(num_b));
+ c = hps_format_json(fTotal[2], num_c, sizeof(num_c));
+ snprintf(hr_buffer, sizeof(hr_buffer), sJsonApiThdHashrate, a, b, c);
+ a = hps_format_json(fHighestHps, num_a, sizeof(num_a));
+ size_t iGoodRes = vMineResults[0].count, iTotalRes = iGoodRes;
+ size_t ln = vMineResults.size();
+ for(size_t i=1; i < ln; i++)
+ iTotalRes += vMineResults[i].count;
+ jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(dev_pool_id + 1);
+ size_t iConnSec = 0;
+ if(pool->is_running() && pool->is_logged_in())
+ {
+ using namespace std::chrono;
+ iConnSec = duration_cast(system_clock::now() - tPoolConnTime).count();
+ }
+ double fAvgResTime = 0.0;
+ if(iPoolCallTimes.size() > 0)
+ fAvgResTime = double(iConnSec) / iPoolCallTimes.size();
+ res_error.reserve((vMineResults.size() - 1) * 128);
+ char buffer[256];
+ for(size_t i=1; i < vMineResults.size(); i++)
+ {
+ using namespace std::chrono;
+ if(i != 1) res_error.append(1, ',');
+ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sJsonApiResultError, int_port(vMineResults[i].count),
+ int_port(duration_cast(vMineResults[i].time.time_since_epoch()).count()),
+ vMineResults[i].msg.c_str());
+ res_error.append(buffer);
+ }
+ size_t n_calls = iPoolCallTimes.size();
+ size_t iPoolPing = 0;
+ if (n_calls > 1)
+ {
+ //Not-really-but-good-enough median
+ std::nth_element(iPoolCallTimes.begin(), iPoolCallTimes.begin() + n_calls/2, iPoolCallTimes.end());
+ iPoolPing = iPoolCallTimes[n_calls/2];
+ }
+ cn_error.reserve(vSocketLog.size() * 128);
+ for(size_t i=0; i < vSocketLog.size(); i++)
+ {
+ using namespace std::chrono;
+ if(i != 0) cn_error.append(1, ',');
+ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sJsonApiConnectionError,
+ int_port(duration_cast(vMineResults[i].time.time_since_epoch()).count()),
+ vSocketLog[i].msg.c_str());
+ cn_error.append(buffer);
+ }
+ size_t bb_size = 1024 + hr_thds.size() + res_error.size() + cn_error.size();
+ std::unique_ptr bigbuf( new char[ bb_size ] );
+ int bb_len = snprintf(bigbuf.get(), bb_size, sJsonApiFormat,
+ hr_thds.c_str(), hr_buffer, a,
+ int_port(iPoolDiff), int_port(iGoodRes), int_port(iTotalRes), fAvgResTime, int_port(iPoolHashes),
+ int_port(iTopDiff[0]), int_port(iTopDiff[1]), int_port(iTopDiff[2]), int_port(iTopDiff[3]), int_port(iTopDiff[4]),
+ int_port(iTopDiff[5]), int_port(iTopDiff[6]), int_port(iTopDiff[7]), int_port(iTopDiff[8]), int_port(iTopDiff[9]),
+ res_error.c_str(), jconf::inst()->GetPoolAddress(), int_port(iConnSec), int_port(iPoolPing), cn_error.c_str());
+ out = std::string(bigbuf.get(), bigbuf.get() + bb_len);
void executor::http_report(ex_event_name ev)
assert(pHttpString != nullptr);
@@ -843,6 +958,11 @@ void executor::http_report(ex_event_name ev)
+ case EV_HTML_JSON:
+ http_json_report(*pHttpString);
+ break;
@@ -856,7 +976,8 @@ void executor::get_http_report(ex_event_name ev_id, std::string& data)
std::lock_guard lck(httpMutex);
assert(pHttpString == nullptr);
- assert(ev_id == EV_HTML_HASHRATE || ev_id == EV_HTML_RESULTS || ev_id == EV_HTML_CONNSTAT);
+ assert(ev_id == EV_HTML_HASHRATE || ev_id == EV_HTML_RESULTS
+ || ev_id == EV_HTML_CONNSTAT || ev_id == EV_HTML_JSON);
pHttpString = &data;
httpReady = std::promise();
diff --git a/executor.h b/executor.h
index d900b418..968db061 100644
--- a/executor.h
+++ b/executor.h
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ class executor
return oInst;
- void ex_start() { my_thd = new std::thread(&executor::ex_main, this); }
- void ex_main();
+ void ex_start(bool daemon) { daemon ? ex_main() : std::thread(&executor::ex_main, this).detach(); }
void get_http_report(ex_event_name ev_id, std::string& data);
@@ -53,7 +52,6 @@ class executor
telemetry* telem;
std::vector* pvThreads;
- std::thread* my_thd;
size_t current_pool_id;
@@ -67,6 +65,8 @@ class executor
static executor* oInst;
+ void ex_main();
void ex_clock_thd();
void pool_connect(jpsock* pool);
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ class executor
void http_hashrate_report(std::string& out);
void http_result_report(std::string& out);
void http_connection_report(std::string& out);
+ void http_json_report(std::string& out);
void http_report(ex_event_name ev);
void print_report(ex_event_name ev);
@@ -126,10 +127,7 @@ class executor
bool compare(std::string& err)
if(msg == err)
- {
- increment();
return true;
- }
return false;
diff --git a/httpd.cpp b/httpd.cpp
index 7c94f766..53b73f17 100644
--- a/httpd.cpp
+++ b/httpd.cpp
@@ -36,11 +36,9 @@
#include "webdesign.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
-#include "libmicrohttpd/microhttpd.h"
#define strcasecmp _stricmp
#endif // _WIN32
httpd* httpd::oInst = nullptr;
@@ -84,6 +82,13 @@ int httpd::req_handler(void * cls,
MHD_add_response_header(rsp, "ETag", sHtmlCssEtag);
MHD_add_response_header(rsp, "Content-Type", "text/css; charset=utf-8");
+ else if(strcasecmp(url, "/api.json") == 0)
+ {
+ executor::inst()->get_http_report(EV_HTML_JSON, str);
+ rsp = MHD_create_response_from_buffer(str.size(), (void*)str.c_str(), MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_COPY);
+ MHD_add_response_header(rsp, "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
+ }
else if(strcasecmp(url, "/h") == 0 || strcasecmp(url, "/hashrate") == 0)
executor::inst()->get_http_report(EV_HTML_HASHRATE, str);
diff --git a/hwlocMemory.hpp b/hwlocMemory.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f471951d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hwlocMemory.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "console.h"
+#ifndef CONF_NO_HWLOC
+/** pin memory to NUMA node
+ *
+ * Set the default memory policy for the current thread to bind memory to the
+ * NUMA node.
+ *
+ * @param puId core id
+ */
+void bindMemoryToNUMANode( size_t puId )
+ int depth;
+ hwloc_topology_t topology;
+ hwloc_topology_init(&topology);
+ hwloc_topology_load(topology);
+ depth = hwloc_get_type_depth(topology, HWLOC_OBJ_PU);
+ for( size_t i = 0;
+ i < hwloc_get_nbobjs_by_depth(topology, depth);
+ i++ )
+ {
+ hwloc_obj_t pu = hwloc_get_obj_by_depth(topology, depth, i);
+ if( pu->os_index == puId )
+ {
+ if( 0 > hwloc_set_membind_nodeset(
+ topology,
+ pu->nodeset,
+ {
+ printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "hwloc: can't bind memory");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "hwloc: memory pinned");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void bindMemoryToNUMANode( size_t )
diff --git a/jconf.cpp b/jconf.cpp
index d272325c..4ac4c13c 100644
--- a/jconf.cpp
+++ b/jconf.cpp
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ using namespace rapidjson;
* This enum needs to match index in oConfigValues, otherwise we will get a runtime error
-enum configEnum { aCpuThreadsConf, sUseSlowMem, bNiceHashMode,
+enum configEnum { aCpuThreadsConf, sUseSlowMem, bNiceHashMode, bAesOverride,
bTlsMode, bTlsSecureAlgo, sTlsFingerprint, sPoolAddr, sWalletAddr, sPoolPwd,
iCallTimeout, iNetRetry, iGiveUpLimit, iVerboseLevel, iAutohashTime,
- sOutputFile, iHttpdPort, bPreferIpv4 };
+ bDaemonMode, sOutputFile, iHttpdPort, bPreferIpv4 };
struct configVal {
configEnum iName;
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ configVal oConfigValues[] = {
{ aCpuThreadsConf, "cpu_threads_conf", kNullType },
{ sUseSlowMem, "use_slow_memory", kStringType },
{ bNiceHashMode, "nicehash_nonce", kTrueType },
+ { bAesOverride, "aes_override", kNullType },
{ bTlsMode, "use_tls", kTrueType },
{ bTlsSecureAlgo, "tls_secure_algo", kTrueType },
{ sTlsFingerprint, "tls_fingerprint", kStringType },
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ configVal oConfigValues[] = {
{ iGiveUpLimit, "giveup_limit", kNumberType },
{ iVerboseLevel, "verbose_level", kNumberType },
{ iAutohashTime, "h_print_time", kNumberType },
+ { bDaemonMode, "daemon_mode", kTrueType },
{ sOutputFile, "output_file", kStringType },
{ iHttpdPort, "httpd_port", kNumberType },
{ bPreferIpv4, "prefer_ipv4", kTrueType }
@@ -251,6 +253,11 @@ bool jconf::NiceHashMode()
return prv->configValues[bNiceHashMode]->GetBool();
+bool jconf::DaemonMode()
+ return prv->configValues[bDaemonMode]->GetBool();
const char* jconf::GetOutputFile()
return prv->configValues[sOutputFile]->GetString();
@@ -447,11 +454,14 @@ bool jconf::parse_config(const char* sFilename)
- if(!NeedsAutoconf())
- {
- if(!bHaveAes)
- printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Your CPU doesn't support hardware AES. Don't expect high hashrates.");
- }
+ if(NeedsAutoconf())
+ return true;
+ if(prv->configValues[bAesOverride]->IsBool())
+ bHaveAes = prv->configValues[bAesOverride]->GetBool();
+ if(!bHaveAes)
+ printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Your CPU doesn't support hardware AES. Don't expect high hashrates.");
return true;
diff --git a/jconf.h b/jconf.h
index f932728f..c42fbe03 100644
--- a/jconf.h
+++ b/jconf.h
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ class jconf
bool NiceHashMode();
+ bool DaemonMode();
bool PreferIpv4();
inline bool HaveHardwareAes() { return bHaveAes; }
diff --git a/jpsock.cpp b/jpsock.cpp
index 913f9162..d179f2af 100644
--- a/jpsock.cpp
+++ b/jpsock.cpp
@@ -32,8 +32,9 @@
#include "jext.h"
#include "socks.h"
#include "socket.h"
+#include "version.h"
-#define AGENTID_STR "xmr-stak-cpu/1.3.1"
using namespace rapidjson;
diff --git a/libmicrohttpd/microhttpd.h b/libmicrohttpd/microhttpd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ff292280..00000000
--- a/libmicrohttpd/microhttpd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2875 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of libmicrohttpd
- Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors)
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- * @file microhttpd.h
- * @brief public interface to libmicrohttpd
- * @author Christian Grothoff
- * @author Karlson2k (Evgeny Grin)
- * @author Chris GauthierDickey
- *
- * All symbols defined in this header start with MHD. MHD is a small
- * HTTP daemon library. As such, it does not have any API for logging
- * errors (you can only enable or disable logging to stderr). Also,
- * it may not support all of the HTTP features directly, where
- * applicable, portions of HTTP may have to be handled by clients of
- * the library.
- *
- * The library is supposed to handle everything that it must handle
- * (because the API would not allow clients to do this), such as basic
- * connection management; however, detailed interpretations of headers
- * -- such as range requests -- and HTTP methods are left to clients.
- * The library does understand HEAD and will only send the headers of
- * the response and not the body, even if the client supplied a body.
- * The library also understands headers that control connection
- * management (specifically, "Connection: close" and "Expect: 100
- * continue" are understood and handled automatically).
- *
- * MHD understands POST data and is able to decode certain formats
- * (at the moment only "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and
- * "mulitpart/formdata"). Unsupported encodings and large POST
- * submissions may require the application to manually process
- * the stream, which is provided to the main application (and thus can be
- * processed, just not conveniently by MHD).
- *
- * The header file defines various constants used by the HTTP protocol.
- * This does not mean that MHD actually interprets all of these
- * values. The provided constants are exported as a convenience
- * for users of the library. MHD does not verify that transmitted
- * HTTP headers are part of the standard specification; users of the
- * library are free to define their own extensions of the HTTP
- * standard and use those with MHD.
- *
- * All functions are guaranteed to be completely reentrant and
- * thread-safe (with the exception of #MHD_set_connection_value,
- * which must only be used in a particular context).
- *
- *
- * @defgroup event event-loop control
- * MHD API to start and stop the HTTP server and manage the event loop.
- * @defgroup response generation of responses
- * MHD API used to generate responses.
- * @defgroup request handling of requests
- * MHD API used to access information about requests.
- * @defgroup authentication HTTP authentication
- * MHD API related to basic and digest HTTP authentication.
- * @defgroup logging logging
- * MHD API to mange logging and error handling
- * @defgroup specialized misc. specialized functions
- * This group includes functions that do not fit into any particular
- * category and that are rarely used.
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-#if 0 /* keep Emacsens' auto-indent happy */
-/* While we generally would like users to use a configure-driven
- build process which detects which headers are present and
- hence works on any platform, we use "standard" includes here
- to build out-of-the-box for beginning users on common systems.
- If generic headers don't work on your platform, include headers
- which define 'va_list', 'size_t', 'ssize_t', 'intptr_t',
- 'uint16_t', 'uint32_t', 'uint64_t', 'off_t', 'struct sockaddr',
- 'socklen_t', 'fd_set' and "#define MHD_PLATFORM_H" before
- including "microhttpd.h". Then the following "standard"
- includes won't be used (which might be a good idea, especially
- on platforms where they do not exist).
- */
-#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
-#if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && !defined (_SSIZE_T_DEFINED)
-typedef intptr_t ssize_t;
-#endif /* !_SSIZE_T_DEFINED */
-#if defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(_SYS_TYPES_FD_SET)
-/* Do not define __USE_W32_SOCKETS under Cygwin! */
-#error Cygwin with winsock fd_set is not supported
- * Current version of the library.
- * 0x01093001 = 1.9.30-1.
- */
-#define MHD_VERSION 0x00095100
- * MHD-internal return code for "YES".
- */
-#define MHD_YES 1
- * MHD-internal return code for "NO".
- */
-#define MHD_NO 0
- * MHD digest auth internal code for an invalid nonce.
- */
- * Constant used to indicate unknown size (use when
- * creating a response).
- */
-#ifdef UINT64_MAX
-#define MHD_SIZE_UNKNOWN ((uint64_t) -1LL)
-#ifdef SIZE_MAX
-#define MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_WITH_ERROR (((size_t) -1LL) - 1)
-#ifndef _MHD_EXTERN
-#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(MHD_W32LIB)
-#define _MHD_EXTERN extern
-#elif defined (_WIN32) && defined(MHD_W32DLL)
-/* Define MHD_W32DLL when using MHD as W32 .DLL to speed up linker a little */
-#define _MHD_EXTERN __declspec(dllimport)
-#define _MHD_EXTERN extern
- * MHD_socket is type for socket FDs
- */
-#if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(_SYS_TYPES_FD_SET)
-typedef int MHD_socket;
-#define MHD_INVALID_SOCKET (-1)
-#else /* !defined(_WIN32) || defined(_SYS_TYPES_FD_SET) */
-typedef SOCKET MHD_socket;
-#endif /* !defined(_WIN32) || defined(_SYS_TYPES_FD_SET) */
-#endif /* MHD_SOCKET_DEFINED */
- * Define MHD_NO_DEPRECATION before including "microhttpd.h" to disable deprecation messages
- */
-#define _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg)
-#define _MHD_NO_DEPR_IN_MACRO 1
-#define _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO(msg)
-#define _MHD_NO_DEPR_FUNC 1
-#define _MHD_DEPR_FUNC(msg)
-#endif /* MHD_NO_DEPRECATION */
-#ifndef _MHD_DEPR_MACRO
-#if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && _MSC_VER+0 >= 1500
-/* VS 2008 or later */
-/* Stringify macros */
-#define _MHD_INSTRMACRO(a) #a
-/* deprecation message */
-#define _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg) __pragma(message(__FILE__ "(" _MHD_STRMACRO(__LINE__)"): warning: " msg))
-#define _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO(msg) _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg)
-#elif defined(__clang__) || defined (__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)
-/* clang or GCC since 3.0 */
-#define _MHD_GCC_PRAG(x) _Pragma (#x)
-#if __clang_major__+0 >= 5 || \
- (!defined(__apple_build_version__) && (__clang_major__+0 > 3 || (__clang_major__+0 == 3 && __clang_minor__ >= 3))) || \
- __GNUC__+0 > 4 || (__GNUC__+0 == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__+0 >= 8)
-/* clang >= 3.3 (or XCode's clang >= 5.0) or
- GCC >= 4.8 */
-#define _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg) _MHD_GCC_PRAG(GCC warning msg)
-#define _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO(msg) _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg)
-#else /* older clang or GCC */
-/* clang < 3.3, XCode's clang < 5.0, 3.0 <= GCC < 4.8 */
-#define _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg) _MHD_GCC_PRAG(message msg)
-#if (__clang_major__+0 > 2 || (__clang_major__+0 == 2 && __clang_minor__ >= 9)) /* FIXME: clang >= 2.9, earlier versions not tested */
-/* clang handles inline pragmas better than GCC */
-#define _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO(msg) _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg)
-#endif /* clang >= 2.9 */
-#endif /* older clang or GCC */
-/* #elif defined(SOMEMACRO) */ /* add compiler-specific macros here if required */
-#endif /* clang || GCC >= 3.0 */
-#endif /* !_MHD_DEPR_MACRO */
-#ifndef _MHD_DEPR_MACRO
-#define _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg)
-#endif /* !_MHD_DEPR_MACRO */
-#define _MHD_NO_DEPR_IN_MACRO 1
-#define _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO(msg)
-#endif /* !_MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO */
-#ifndef _MHD_DEPR_FUNC
-#if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && _MSC_VER+0 >= 1400
-/* VS 2005 or later */
-#define _MHD_DEPR_FUNC(msg) __declspec(deprecated(msg))
-#elif defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && _MSC_VER+0 >= 1310
-/* VS .NET 2003 deprecation do not support custom messages */
-#define _MHD_DEPR_FUNC(msg) __declspec(deprecated)
-#elif (__GNUC__+0 >= 5) || (defined (__clang__) && \
- (__clang_major__+0 > 2 || (__clang_major__+0 == 2 && __clang_minor__ >= 9))) /* FIXME: earlier versions not tested */
-/* GCC >= 5.0 or clang >= 2.9 */
-#define _MHD_DEPR_FUNC(msg) __attribute__((deprecated(msg)))
-#elif defined (__clang__) || __GNUC__+0 > 3 || (__GNUC__+0 == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__+0 >= 1)
-/* 3.1 <= GCC < 5.0 or clang < 2.9 */
-/* old GCC-style deprecation do not support custom messages */
-#define _MHD_DEPR_FUNC(msg) __attribute__((__deprecated__))
-/* #elif defined(SOMEMACRO) */ /* add compiler-specific macros here if required */
-#endif /* clang < 2.9 || GCC >= 3.1 */
-#endif /* !_MHD_DEPR_FUNC */
-#ifndef _MHD_DEPR_FUNC
-#define _MHD_NO_DEPR_FUNC 1
-#define _MHD_DEPR_FUNC(msg)
-#endif /* !_MHD_DEPR_FUNC */
- * Not all architectures and `printf()`'s support the `long long` type.
- * This gives the ability to replace `long long` with just a `long`,
- * standard `int` or a `short`.
- */
-#ifndef MHD_LONG_LONG
- * @deprecated use #MHD_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG instead!
- */
-#define MHD_LONG_LONG long long
-#define MHD_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG unsigned long long
-#else /* MHD_LONG_LONG */
- * Format string for printing a variable of type #MHD_LONG_LONG.
- * You should only redefine this if you also define #MHD_LONG_LONG.
- */
- * @deprecated use #MHD_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_PRINTF instead!
- */
-#define MHD_LONG_LONG_PRINTF "ll"
- * @defgroup httpcode HTTP response codes.
- * These are the status codes defined for HTTP responses.
- * @{
- */
-#define MHD_HTTP_CONTINUE 100
-#define MHD_HTTP_OK 200
-#define MHD_HTTP_CREATED 201
-#define MHD_HTTP_ACCEPTED 202
-#define MHD_HTTP_NO_CONTENT 204
-#define MHD_HTTP_FOUND 302
-#define MHD_HTTP_SEE_OTHER 303
-#define MHD_HTTP_USE_PROXY 305
-#define MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND 404
-/** @deprecated */
-#define MHD_HTTP_CONFLICT 409
-#define MHD_HTTP_GONE 410
-#define MHD_HTTP_LOCKED 423
-#define MHD_HTTP_RETRY_WITH 449
-/** @} */ /* end of group httpcode */
- * Returns the string reason phrase for a response code.
- *
- * If we don't have a string for a status code, we give the first
- * message in that status code class.
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN const char *
-MHD_get_reason_phrase_for (unsigned int code);
- * Flag to be or-ed with MHD_HTTP status code for
- * SHOUTcast. This will cause the response to begin
- * with the SHOUTcast "ICY" line instad of "HTTP".
- * @ingroup specialized
- */
-#define MHD_ICY_FLAG ((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)1) << 31))
- * @defgroup headers HTTP headers
- * These are the standard headers found in HTTP requests and responses.
- * @{
- */
-/* See also: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html */
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT "Accept"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_CHARSET "Accept-Charset"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING "Accept-Encoding"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE "Accept-Language"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES "Accept-Ranges"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_AGE "Age"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ALLOW "Allow"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION "Authorization"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL "Cache-Control"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONNECTION "Connection"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING "Content-Encoding"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LANGUAGE "Content-Language"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH "Content-Length"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LOCATION "Content-Location"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_MD5 "Content-MD5"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE "Content-Range"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE "Content-Type"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_COOKIE "Cookie"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_DATE "Date"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_EXPECT "Expect"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_EXPIRES "Expires"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_FROM "From"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_HOST "Host"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_IF_MATCH "If-Match"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE "If-Modified-Since"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH "If-None-Match"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_IF_RANGE "If-Range"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE "If-Unmodified-Since"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED "Last-Modified"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_LOCATION "Location"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS "Max-Forwards"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_PRAGMA "Pragma"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE "Proxy-Authenticate"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION "Proxy-Authorization"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_RANGE "Range"
-/* This is not a typo, see HTTP spec */
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_REFERER "Referer"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_RETRY_AFTER "Retry-After"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_SERVER "Server"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_SET_COOKIE "Set-Cookie"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_SET_COOKIE2 "Set-Cookie2"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_TRAILER "Trailer"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING "Transfer-Encoding"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE "Upgrade"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT "User-Agent"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_VARY "Vary"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_VIA "Via"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_WARNING "Warning"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
-#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION "Content-Disposition"
-/** @} */ /* end of group headers */
- * @defgroup versions HTTP versions
- * These strings should be used to match against the first line of the
- * HTTP header.
- * @{
- */
-#define MHD_HTTP_VERSION_1_0 "HTTP/1.0"
-#define MHD_HTTP_VERSION_1_1 "HTTP/1.1"
-/** @} */ /* end of group versions */
- * @defgroup methods HTTP methods
- * Standard HTTP methods (as strings).
- * @{
- */
-/** @} */ /* end of group methods */
- * @defgroup postenc HTTP POST encodings
- * See also: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.4
- * @{
- */
-#define MHD_HTTP_POST_ENCODING_FORM_URLENCODED "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-#define MHD_HTTP_POST_ENCODING_MULTIPART_FORMDATA "multipart/form-data"
-/** @} */ /* end of group postenc */
- * @brief Handle for the daemon (listening on a socket for HTTP traffic).
- * @ingroup event
- */
-struct MHD_Daemon;
- * @brief Handle for a connection / HTTP request.
- *
- * With HTTP/1.1, multiple requests can be run over the same
- * connection. However, MHD will only show one request per TCP
- * connection to the client at any given time.
- * @ingroup request
- */
-struct MHD_Connection;
- * @brief Handle for a response.
- * @ingroup response
- */
-struct MHD_Response;
- * @brief Handle for POST processing.
- * @ingroup response
- */
-struct MHD_PostProcessor;
- * @brief Flags for the `struct MHD_Daemon`.
- *
- * Note that if neither #MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION nor
- * #MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY is used, the client wants control over
- * the process and will call the appropriate microhttpd callbacks.
- *
- * Starting the daemon may also fail if a particular option is not
- * implemented or not supported on the target platform (i.e. no
- * support for SSL, threads or IPv6).
- */
-enum MHD_FLAG
- /**
- * No options selected.
- */
- MHD_NO_FLAG = 0,
- /**
- * Run in debug mode. If this flag is used, the library should
- * print error messages and warnings to `stderr`.
- */
- /**
- * Run in HTTPS mode.
- */
- MHD_USE_SSL = 2,
- /**
- * Run using one thread per connection.
- */
- /**
- * Run using an internal thread (or thread pool) doing `select()`.
- */
- /**
- * Run using the IPv6 protocol (otherwise, MHD will just support
- * IPv4). If you want MHD to support IPv4 and IPv6 using a single
- * socket, pass #MHD_USE_DUAL_STACK, otherwise, if you only pass
- * this option, MHD will try to bind to IPv6-only (resulting in
- * no IPv4 support).
- */
- MHD_USE_IPv6 = 16,
- /**
- * Be pedantic about the protocol (as opposed to as tolerant as
- * possible). Specifically, at the moment, this flag causes MHD to
- * reject HTTP 1.1 connections without a "Host" header. This is
- * required by the standard, but of course in violation of the "be
- * as liberal as possible in what you accept" norm. It is
- * recommended to turn this ON if you are testing clients against
- * MHD, and OFF in production.
- */
- /**
- * Use `poll()` instead of `select()`. This allows sockets with `fd >=
- * FD_SETSIZE`. This option is not compatible with using an
- * 'external' `select()` mode (as there is no API to get the file
- * descriptors for the external select from MHD) and must also not
- * be used in combination with #MHD_USE_EPOLL.
- */
- MHD_USE_POLL = 64,
- /**
- * Run using an internal thread (or thread pool) doing `poll()`.
- */
- /**
- * Suppress (automatically) adding the 'Date:' header to HTTP responses.
- * This option should ONLY be used on systems that do not have a clock
- * and that DO provide other mechanisms for cache control. See also
- * RFC 2616, section 14.18 (exception 3).
- */
- /**
- * Run without a listen socket. This option only makes sense if
- * #MHD_add_connection is to be used exclusively to connect HTTP
- * clients to the HTTP server. This option is incompatible with
- * using a thread pool; if it is used, #MHD_OPTION_THREAD_POOL_SIZE
- * is ignored.
- */
- /**
- * Use `epoll()` instead of `select()` or `poll()` for the event loop.
- * This option is only available on some systems; using the option on
- * systems without epoll will cause #MHD_start_daemon to fail. Using
- * this option is not supported with #MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION.
- */
- MHD_USE_EPOLL = 512,
-/** @deprecated */
- /**
- * Run using an internal thread (or thread pool) doing `epoll()`.
- * This option is only available on Linux; using the option on
- * non-Linux systems will cause #MHD_start_daemon to fail.
- */
-/** @deprecated */
- /**
- * Force MHD to use a signal pipe to notify the event loop (of
- * threads) of our shutdown. This is required if an appliction uses
- * then performs #MHD_quiesce_daemon (which eliminates our ability
- * to signal termination via the listen socket). In these modes,
- * #MHD_quiesce_daemon will fail if this option was not set. Also,
- * use of this option is automatic (as in, you do not even have to
- * specify it), if #MHD_USE_NO_LISTEN_SOCKET is specified. In
- * "external" `select()` mode, this option is always simply ignored.
- * MHD can be build for use a pair of sockets instead of a pipe.
- * Pair of sockets is forced on W32.
- *
- * You must also use this option if you use internal select mode
- * or a thread pool in conjunction with #MHD_add_connection.
- */
- /**
- * Use a single socket for IPv4 and IPv6.
- */
- /**
- * Enable `epoll()` turbo. Disables certain calls to `shutdown()`
- * and enables aggressive non-blocking optimisitc reads.
- * Most effects only happen with #MHD_USE_EPOLL.
- * Enalbed always on W32 as winsock does not properly behave
- * with `shutdown()` and this then fixes potential problems.
- */
- /**
- * Enable suspend/resume functions, which also implies setting up
- * pipes to signal resume.
- */
- /**
- * Enable TCP_FASTOPEN option. This option is only available on Linux with a
- * kernel >= 3.6. On other systems, using this option cases #MHD_start_daemon
- * to fail.
- */
- * Type of a callback function used for logging by MHD.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param fm format string (`printf()`-style)
- * @param ap arguments to @a fm
- * @ingroup logging
- */
-typedef void
-(*MHD_LogCallback)(void *cls,
- const char *fm,
- va_list ap);
- * @brief MHD options.
- *
- * Passed in the varargs portion of #MHD_start_daemon.
- */
- /**
- * No more options / last option. This is used
- * to terminate the VARARGs list.
- */
- /**
- * Maximum memory size per connection (followed by a `size_t`).
- * Default is 32 kb (#MHD_POOL_SIZE_DEFAULT).
- * Values above 128k are unlikely to result in much benefit, as half
- * of the memory will be typically used for IO, and TCP buffers are
- * unlikely to support window sizes above 64k on most systems.
- */
- /**
- * Maximum number of concurrent connections to
- * accept (followed by an `unsigned int`).
- */
- /**
- * After how many seconds of inactivity should a
- * connection automatically be timed out? (followed
- * by an `unsigned int`; use zero for no timeout).
- */
- /**
- * Register a function that should be called whenever a request has
- * been completed (this can be used for application-specific clean
- * up). Requests that have never been presented to the application
- * (via #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback) will not result in
- * notifications.
- *
- * This option should be followed by TWO pointers. First a pointer
- * to a function of type #MHD_RequestCompletedCallback and second a
- * pointer to a closure to pass to the request completed callback.
- * The second pointer maybe NULL.
- */
- /**
- * Limit on the number of (concurrent) connections made to the
- * server from the same IP address. Can be used to prevent one
- * IP from taking over all of the allowed connections. If the
- * same IP tries to establish more than the specified number of
- * connections, they will be immediately rejected. The option
- * should be followed by an `unsigned int`. The default is
- * zero, which means no limit on the number of connections
- * from the same IP address.
- */
- /**
- * Bind daemon to the supplied `struct sockaddr`. This option should
- * be followed by a `struct sockaddr *`. If #MHD_USE_IPv6 is
- * specified, the `struct sockaddr*` should point to a `struct
- * sockaddr_in6`, otherwise to a `struct sockaddr_in`.
- */
- /**
- * Specify a function that should be called before parsing the URI from
- * the client. The specified callback function can be used for processing
- * the URI (including the options) before it is parsed. The URI after
- * parsing will no longer contain the options, which maybe inconvenient for
- * logging. This option should be followed by two arguments, the first
- * one must be of the form
- *
- * void * my_logger(void *cls, const char *uri, struct MHD_Connection *con)
- *
- * where the return value will be passed as
- * (`* con_cls`) in calls to the #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback
- * when this request is processed later; returning a
- * value of NULL has no special significance (however,
- * note that if you return non-NULL, you can no longer
- * rely on the first call to the access handler having
- * `NULL == *con_cls` on entry;)
- * "cls" will be set to the second argument following
- * #MHD_OPTION_URI_LOG_CALLBACK. Finally, uri will
- * be the 0-terminated URI of the request.
- *
- * Note that during the time of this call, most of the connection's
- * state is not initialized (as we have not yet parsed he headers).
- * However, information about the connecting client (IP, socket)
- * is available.
- */
- /**
- * Memory pointer for the private key (key.pem) to be used by the
- * HTTPS daemon. This option should be followed by a
- * `const char *` argument.
- * This should be used in conjunction with #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_CERT.
- */
- /**
- * Memory pointer for the certificate (cert.pem) to be used by the
- * HTTPS daemon. This option should be followed by a
- * `const char *` argument.
- * This should be used in conjunction with #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_KEY.
- */
- /**
- * Daemon credentials type.
- * Followed by an argument of type
- * `gnutls_credentials_type_t`.
- */
- /**
- * Memory pointer to a `const char *` specifying the
- * cipher algorithm (default: "NORMAL").
- */
- /**
- * Pass a listen socket for MHD to use (systemd-style). If this
- * option is used, MHD will not open its own listen socket(s). The
- * argument passed must be of type `MHD_socket` and refer to an
- * existing socket that has been bound to a port and is listening.
- */
- /**
- * Use the given function for logging error messages. This option
- * must be followed by two arguments; the first must be a pointer to
- * a function of type #MHD_LogCallback and the second a pointer
- * `void *` which will be passed as the first argument to the log
- * callback.
- *
- * Note that MHD will not generate any log messages
- * if it was compiled without the "--enable-messages"
- * flag being set.
- */
- /**
- * Number (`unsigned int`) of threads in thread pool. Enable
- * thread pooling by setting this value to to something
- * greater than 1. Currently, thread model must be
- * #MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY if thread pooling is enabled
- * (#MHD_start_daemon returns NULL for an unsupported thread
- * model).
- */
- /**
- * Additional options given in an array of `struct MHD_OptionItem`.
- * The array must be terminated with an entry `{MHD_OPTION_END, 0, NULL}`.
- * An example for code using #MHD_OPTION_ARRAY is:
- *
- * struct MHD_OptionItem ops[] = {
- * };
- * d = MHD_start_daemon (0, 8080, NULL, NULL, dh, NULL,
- *
- * For options that expect a single pointer argument, the
- * second member of the `struct MHD_OptionItem` is ignored.
- * For options that expect two pointer arguments, the first
- * argument must be cast to `intptr_t`.
- */
- /**
- * Specify a function that should be called for unescaping escape
- * sequences in URIs and URI arguments. Note that this function
- * will NOT be used by the `struct MHD_PostProcessor`. If this
- * option is not specified, the default method will be used which
- * decodes escape sequences of the form "%HH". This option should
- * be followed by two arguments, the first one must be of the form
- *
- * size_t my_unescaper(void *cls,
- * struct MHD_Connection *c,
- * char *s)
- *
- * where the return value must be "strlen(s)" and "s" should be
- * updated. Note that the unescape function must not lengthen "s"
- * (the result must be shorter than the input and still be
- * 0-terminated). "cls" will be set to the second argument
- */
- /**
- * Memory pointer for the random values to be used by the Digest
- * Auth module. This option should be followed by two arguments.
- * First an integer of type `size_t` which specifies the size
- * of the buffer pointed to by the second argument in bytes.
- * Note that the application must ensure that the buffer of the
- * second argument remains allocated and unmodified while the
- * deamon is running.
- */
- /**
- * Size of the internal array holding the map of the nonce and
- * the nonce counter. This option should be followed by an `unsigend int`
- * argument.
- */
- /**
- * Desired size of the stack for threads created by MHD. Followed
- * by an argument of type `size_t`. Use 0 for system default.
- */
- /**
- * Memory pointer for the certificate (ca.pem) to be used by the
- * HTTPS daemon for client authentification.
- * This option should be followed by a `const char *` argument.
- */
- /**
- * Increment to use for growing the read buffer (followed by a
- * `size_t`). Must fit within #MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_MEMORY_LIMIT.
- */
- /**
- * Use a callback to determine which X.509 certificate should be
- * used for a given HTTPS connection. This option should be
- * followed by a argument of type `gnutls_certificate_retrieve_function2 *`.
- * This option provides an
- * alternative to #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_KEY,
- * #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_CERT. You must use this version if
- * multiple domains are to be hosted at the same IP address using
- * TLS's Server Name Indication (SNI) extension. In this case,
- * the callback is expected to select the correct certificate
- * based on the SNI information provided. The callback is expected
- * to access the SNI data using `gnutls_server_name_get()`.
- * Using this option requires GnuTLS 3.0 or higher.
- */
- /**
- * When using #MHD_USE_TCP_FASTOPEN, this option changes the default TCP
- * fastopen queue length of 50. Note that having a larger queue size can
- * cause resource exhaustion attack as the TCP stack has to now allocate
- * resources for the SYN packet along with its DATA. This option should be
- * followed by an `unsigned int` argument.
- */
- /**
- * Memory pointer for the Diffie-Hellman parameters (dh.pem) to be used by the
- * HTTPS daemon for key exchange.
- * This option must be followed by a `const char *` argument.
- */
- /**
- * If present and set to true, allow reusing address:port socket
- * (by using SO_REUSEPORT on most platform, or platform-specific ways).
- * If present and set to false, disallow reusing address:port socket
- * (does nothing on most plaform, but uses SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE on Windows).
- * This option must be followed by a `unsigned int` argument.
- */
- /**
- * Memory pointer for a password that decrypts the private key (key.pem)
- * to be used by the HTTPS daemon. This option should be followed by a
- * `const char *` argument.
- * This should be used in conjunction with #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_KEY.
- */
- /**
- * Register a function that should be called whenever a connection is
- * started or closed.
- *
- * This option should be followed by TWO pointers. First a pointer
- * to a function of type #MHD_NotifyConnectionCallback and second a
- * pointer to a closure to pass to the request completed callback.
- * The second pointer maybe NULL.
- */
- /**
- * Allow to change maximum length of the queue of pending connections on
- * listen socket. If not present than default platform-specific SOMAXCONN
- * value is used. This option should be followed by an `unsigned int`
- * argument.
- */
- * Entry in an #MHD_OPTION_ARRAY.
- */
-struct MHD_OptionItem
- /**
- * Which option is being given. Use #MHD_OPTION_END
- * to terminate the array.
- */
- enum MHD_OPTION option;
- /**
- * Option value (for integer arguments, and for options requiring
- * two pointer arguments); should be 0 for options that take no
- * arguments or only a single pointer argument.
- */
- intptr_t value;
- /**
- * Pointer option value (use NULL for options taking no arguments
- * or only an integer option).
- */
- void *ptr_value;
- * The `enum MHD_ValueKind` specifies the source of
- * the key-value pairs in the HTTP protocol.
- */
-enum MHD_ValueKind
- /**
- * Response header
- */
- /**
- * HTTP header.
- */
- /**
- * Cookies. Note that the original HTTP header containing
- * the cookie(s) will still be available and intact.
- */
- /**
- * POST data. This is available only if a content encoding
- * supported by MHD is used (currently only URL encoding),
- * and only if the posted content fits within the available
- * memory pool. Note that in that case, the upload data
- * given to the #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback will be
- * empty (since it has already been processed).
- */
- /**
- * GET (URI) arguments.
- */
- /**
- * HTTP footer (only for HTTP 1.1 chunked encodings).
- */
- * The `enum MHD_RequestTerminationCode` specifies reasons
- * why a request has been terminated (or completed).
- * @ingroup request
- */
-enum MHD_RequestTerminationCode
- /**
- * We finished sending the response.
- * @ingroup request
- */
- /**
- * Error handling the connection (resources
- * exhausted, other side closed connection,
- * application error accepting request, etc.)
- * @ingroup request
- */
- /**
- * No activity on the connection for the number
- * of seconds specified using
- * @ingroup request
- */
- /**
- * We had to close the session since MHD was being
- * shut down.
- * @ingroup request
- */
- /**
- * We tried to read additional data, but the other side closed the
- * connection. This error is similar to
- * #MHD_REQUEST_TERMINATED_WITH_ERROR, but specific to the case where
- * the connection died because the other side did not send expected
- * data.
- * @ingroup request
- */
- /**
- * The client terminated the connection by closing the socket
- * for writing (TCP half-closed); MHD aborted sending the
- * response according to RFC 2616, section 8.1.4.
- * @ingroup request
- */
- * The `enum MHD_ConnectionNotificationCode` specifies types
- * of connection notifications.
- * @ingroup request
- */
-enum MHD_ConnectionNotificationCode
- /**
- * A new connection has been started.
- * @ingroup request
- */
- /**
- * A connection is closed.
- * @ingroup request
- */
- * Information about a connection.
- */
-union MHD_ConnectionInfo
- /**
- * Cipher algorithm used, of type "enum gnutls_cipher_algorithm".
- */
- int /* enum gnutls_cipher_algorithm */ cipher_algorithm;
- /**
- * Protocol used, of type "enum gnutls_protocol".
- */
- int /* enum gnutls_protocol */ protocol;
- /**
- * The suspended status of a connection.
- */
- int /* MHD_YES or MHD_NO */ suspended;
- /**
- * Connect socket
- */
- MHD_socket connect_fd;
- /**
- * GNUtls session handle, of type "gnutls_session_t".
- */
- void * /* gnutls_session_t */ tls_session;
- /**
- * GNUtls client certificate handle, of type "gnutls_x509_crt_t".
- */
- void * /* gnutls_x509_crt_t */ client_cert;
- /**
- * Address information for the client.
- */
- struct sockaddr *client_addr;
- /**
- * Which daemon manages this connection (useful in case there are many
- * daemons running).
- */
- struct MHD_Daemon *daemon;
- /**
- * Socket-specific client context. Points to the same address as
- * the "socket_context" of the #MHD_NotifyConnectionCallback.
- */
- void **socket_context;
- * Values of this enum are used to specify what
- * information about a connection is desired.
- * @ingroup request
- */
-enum MHD_ConnectionInfoType
- /**
- * What cipher algorithm is being used.
- * Takes no extra arguments.
- * @ingroup request
- */
- /**
- *
- * Takes no extra arguments.
- * @ingroup request
- */
- /**
- * Obtain IP address of the client. Takes no extra arguments.
- * Returns essentially a `struct sockaddr **` (since the API returns
- * a `union MHD_ConnectionInfo *` and that union contains a `struct
- * sockaddr *`).
- * @ingroup request
- */
- /**
- * Get the gnuTLS session handle.
- * @ingroup request
- */
- /**
- * Get the gnuTLS client certificate handle. Dysfunctional (never
- * implemented, deprecated). Use #MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_GNUTLS_SESSION
- * to get the `gnutls_session_t` and then call
- * gnutls_certificate_get_peers().
- */
- /**
- * Get the `struct MHD_Daemon *` responsible for managing this connection.
- * @ingroup request
- */
- /**
- * Request the file descriptor for the listening socket.
- * No extra arguments should be passed.
- * @ingroup request
- */
- /**
- * Returns the client-specific pointer to a `void *` that was (possibly)
- * set during a #MHD_NotifyConnectionCallback when the socket was
- * first accepted. Note that this is NOT the same as the "con_cls"
- * argument of the #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback. The "con_cls" is
- * fresh for each HTTP request, while the "socket_context" is fresh
- * for each socket.
- */
- /**
- * Check wheter the connection is suspended.
- * @ingroup request
- */
- * Values of this enum are used to specify what
- * information about a deamon is desired.
- */
-enum MHD_DaemonInfoType
- /**
- * No longer supported (will return NULL).
- */
- /**
- * No longer supported (will return NULL).
- */
- /**
- * Request the file descriptor for the listening socket.
- * No extra arguments should be passed.
- */
- /**
- * Request the file descriptor for the external epoll.
- * No extra arguments should be passed.
- */
- /**
- * Request the number of current connections handled by the daemon.
- * No extra arguments should be passed.
- */
- * Callback for serious error condition. The default action is to print
- * an error message and `abort()`.
- *
- * @param cls user specified value
- * @param file where the error occured
- * @param line where the error occured
- * @param reason error detail, may be NULL
- * @ingroup logging
- */
-typedef void
-(*MHD_PanicCallback) (void *cls,
- const char *file,
- unsigned int line,
- const char *reason);
- * Allow or deny a client to connect.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param addr address information from the client
- * @param addrlen length of @a addr
- * @return #MHD_YES if connection is allowed, #MHD_NO if not
- */
-typedef int
-(*MHD_AcceptPolicyCallback) (void *cls,
- const struct sockaddr *addr,
- socklen_t addrlen);
- * A client has requested the given url using the given method
- * must call MHD callbacks to provide content to give back to the
- * client and return an HTTP status code (i.e. #MHD_HTTP_OK,
- * #MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, etc.).
- *
- * @param cls argument given together with the function
- * pointer when the handler was registered with MHD
- * @param url the requested url
- * @param method the HTTP method used (#MHD_HTTP_METHOD_GET,
- * @param version the HTTP version string (i.e.
- * @param upload_data the data being uploaded (excluding HEADERS,
- * for a POST that fits into memory and that is encoded
- * with a supported encoding, the POST data will NOT be
- * given in upload_data and is instead available as
- * part of #MHD_get_connection_values; very large POST
- * data *will* be made available incrementally in
- * @a upload_data)
- * @param upload_data_size set initially to the size of the
- * @a upload_data provided; the method must update this
- * value to the number of bytes NOT processed;
- * @param con_cls pointer that the callback can set to some
- * address and that will be preserved by MHD for future
- * calls for this request; since the access handler may
- * be called many times (i.e., for a PUT/POST operation
- * with plenty of upload data) this allows the application
- * to easily associate some request-specific state.
- * If necessary, this state can be cleaned up in the
- * global #MHD_RequestCompletedCallback (which
- * can be set with the #MHD_OPTION_NOTIFY_COMPLETED).
- * Initially, `*con_cls` will be NULL.
- * @return #MHD_YES if the connection was handled successfully,
- * #MHD_NO if the socket must be closed due to a serios
- * error while handling the request
- */
-typedef int
-(*MHD_AccessHandlerCallback) (void *cls,
- struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- const char *url,
- const char *method,
- const char *version,
- const char *upload_data,
- size_t *upload_data_size,
- void **con_cls);
- * Signature of the callback used by MHD to notify the
- * application about completed requests.
- *
- * @param cls client-defined closure
- * @param connection connection handle
- * @param con_cls value as set by the last call to
- * the #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback
- * @param toe reason for request termination
- * @ingroup request
- */
-typedef void
-(*MHD_RequestCompletedCallback) (void *cls,
- struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- void **con_cls,
- enum MHD_RequestTerminationCode toe);
- * Signature of the callback used by MHD to notify the
- * application about started/stopped connections
- *
- * @param cls client-defined closure
- * @param connection connection handle
- * @param socket_context socket-specific pointer where the
- * client can associate some state specific
- * to the TCP connection; note that this is
- * different from the "con_cls" which is per
- * HTTP request. The client can initialize
- * and access in the meantime using
- * @param toe reason for connection notification
- * @ingroup request
- */
-typedef void
-(*MHD_NotifyConnectionCallback) (void *cls,
- struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- void **socket_context,
- enum MHD_ConnectionNotificationCode toe);
- * Iterator over key-value pairs. This iterator
- * can be used to iterate over all of the cookies,
- * headers, or POST-data fields of a request, and
- * also to iterate over the headers that have been
- * added to a response.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param kind kind of the header we are looking at
- * @param key key for the value, can be an empty string
- * @param value corresponding value, can be NULL
- * @return #MHD_YES to continue iterating,
- * #MHD_NO to abort the iteration
- * @ingroup request
- */
-typedef int
-(*MHD_KeyValueIterator) (void *cls,
- enum MHD_ValueKind kind,
- const char *key,
- const char *value);
- * Callback used by libmicrohttpd in order to obtain content. The
- * callback is to copy at most @a max bytes of content into @a buf. The
- * total number of bytes that has been placed into @a buf should be
- * returned.
- *
- * Note that returning zero will cause libmicrohttpd to try again.
- * Thus, returning zero should only be used in conjunction
- * with MHD_suspend_connection() to avoid busy waiting.
- *
- * @param cls extra argument to the callback
- * @param pos position in the datastream to access;
- * note that if a `struct MHD_Response` object is re-used,
- * it is possible for the same content reader to
- * be queried multiple times for the same data;
- * however, if a `struct MHD_Response` is not re-used,
- * libmicrohttpd guarantees that "pos" will be
- * the sum of all non-negative return values
- * obtained from the content reader so far.
- * @param buf where to copy the data
- * @param max maximum number of bytes to copy to @a buf (size of @a buf)
- * @return number of bytes written to @a buf;
- * 0 is legal unless we are running in internal select mode (since
- * this would cause busy-waiting); 0 in external select mode
- * will cause this function to be called again once the external
- * select calls MHD again;
- * #MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_OF_STREAM (-1) for the regular
- * end of transmission (with chunked encoding, MHD will then
- * terminate the chunk and send any HTTP footers that might be
- * present; without chunked encoding and given an unknown
- * response size, MHD will simply close the connection; note
- * that while returning #MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_OF_STREAM is not technically
- * legal if a response size was specified, MHD accepts this
- * and treats it just as #MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_WITH_ERROR;
- * #MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_WITH_ERROR (-2) to indicate a server
- * error generating the response; this will cause MHD to simply
- * close the connection immediately. If a response size was
- * given or if chunked encoding is in use, this will indicate
- * an error to the client. Note, however, that if the client
- * does not know a response size and chunked encoding is not in
- * use, then clients will not be able to tell the difference between
- * This is not a limitation of MHD but rather of the HTTP protocol.
- */
-typedef ssize_t
-(*MHD_ContentReaderCallback) (void *cls,
- uint64_t pos,
- char *buf,
- size_t max);
- * This method is called by libmicrohttpd if we
- * are done with a content reader. It should
- * be used to free resources associated with the
- * content reader.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @ingroup response
- */
-typedef void
-(*MHD_ContentReaderFreeCallback) (void *cls);
- * Iterator over key-value pairs where the value
- * maybe made available in increments and/or may
- * not be zero-terminated. Used for processing
- * POST data.
- *
- * @param cls user-specified closure
- * @param kind type of the value, always #MHD_POSTDATA_KIND when called from MHD
- * @param key 0-terminated key for the value
- * @param filename name of the uploaded file, NULL if not known
- * @param content_type mime-type of the data, NULL if not known
- * @param transfer_encoding encoding of the data, NULL if not known
- * @param data pointer to @a size bytes of data at the
- * specified offset
- * @param off offset of data in the overall value
- * @param size number of bytes in @a data available
- * @return #MHD_YES to continue iterating,
- * #MHD_NO to abort the iteration
- */
-typedef int
-(*MHD_PostDataIterator) (void *cls,
- enum MHD_ValueKind kind,
- const char *key,
- const char *filename,
- const char *content_type,
- const char *transfer_encoding,
- const char *data,
- uint64_t off,
- size_t size);
-/* **************** Daemon handling functions ***************** */
- * Start a webserver on the given port.
- *
- * @param flags combination of `enum MHD_FLAG` values
- * @param port port to bind to (in host byte order)
- * @param apc callback to call to check which clients
- * will be allowed to connect; you can pass NULL
- * in which case connections from any IP will be
- * accepted
- * @param apc_cls extra argument to apc
- * @param dh handler called for all requests (repeatedly)
- * @param dh_cls extra argument to @a dh
- * @param ap list of options (type-value pairs,
- * terminated with #MHD_OPTION_END).
- * @return NULL on error, handle to daemon on success
- * @ingroup event
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Daemon *
-MHD_start_daemon_va (unsigned int flags,
- uint16_t port,
- MHD_AcceptPolicyCallback apc, void *apc_cls,
- MHD_AccessHandlerCallback dh, void *dh_cls,
- va_list ap);
- * Start a webserver on the given port. Variadic version of
- * #MHD_start_daemon_va.
- *
- * @param flags combination of `enum MHD_FLAG` values
- * @param port port to bind to
- * @param apc callback to call to check which clients
- * will be allowed to connect; you can pass NULL
- * in which case connections from any IP will be
- * accepted
- * @param apc_cls extra argument to apc
- * @param dh handler called for all requests (repeatedly)
- * @param dh_cls extra argument to @a dh
- * @return NULL on error, handle to daemon on success
- * @ingroup event
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Daemon *
-MHD_start_daemon (unsigned int flags,
- uint16_t port,
- MHD_AcceptPolicyCallback apc, void *apc_cls,
- MHD_AccessHandlerCallback dh, void *dh_cls,
- ...);
- * Stop accepting connections from the listening socket. Allows
- * clients to continue processing, but stops accepting new
- * connections. Note that the caller is responsible for closing the
- * returned socket; however, if MHD is run using threads (anything but
- * external select mode), it must not be closed until AFTER
- * #MHD_stop_daemon has been called (as it is theoretically possible
- * that an existing thread is still using it).
- *
- * Note that some thread modes require the caller to have passed
- * #MHD_USE_PIPE_FOR_SHUTDOWN when using this API. If this daemon is
- * in one of those modes and this option was not given to
- * #MHD_start_daemon, this function will return #MHD_INVALID_SOCKET.
- *
- * @param daemon daemon to stop accepting new connections for
- * @return old listen socket on success, #MHD_INVALID_SOCKET if
- * the daemon was already not listening anymore
- * @ingroup specialized
- */
-MHD_quiesce_daemon (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon);
- * Shutdown an HTTP daemon.
- *
- * @param daemon daemon to stop
- * @ingroup event
- */
-MHD_stop_daemon (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon);
- * Add another client connection to the set of connections managed by
- * MHD. This API is usually not needed (since MHD will accept inbound
- * connections on the server socket). Use this API in special cases,
- * for example if your HTTP server is behind NAT and needs to connect
- * out to the HTTP client, or if you are building a proxy.
- *
- * If you use this API in conjunction with a internal select or a
- * thread pool, you must set the option
- * #MHD_USE_PIPE_FOR_SHUTDOWN to ensure that the freshly added
- * connection is immediately processed by MHD.
- *
- * The given client socket will be managed (and closed!) by MHD after
- * this call and must no longer be used directly by the application
- * afterwards.
- *
- * Per-IP connection limits are ignored when using this API.
- *
- * @param daemon daemon that manages the connection
- * @param client_socket socket to manage (MHD will expect
- * to receive an HTTP request from this socket next).
- * @param addr IP address of the client
- * @param addrlen number of bytes in @a addr
- * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if this daemon could
- * not handle the connection (i.e. `malloc()` failed, etc).
- * The socket will be closed in any case; `errno` is
- * set to indicate further details about the error.
- * @ingroup specialized
- */
-MHD_add_connection (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon,
- MHD_socket client_socket,
- const struct sockaddr *addr,
- socklen_t addrlen);
- * Obtain the `select()` sets for this daemon.
- * Daemon's FDs will be added to fd_sets. To get only
- * daemon FDs in fd_sets, call FD_ZERO for each fd_set
- * before calling this function. FD_SETSIZE is assumed
- * to be platform's default.
- *
- * @param daemon daemon to get sets from
- * @param read_fd_set read set
- * @param write_fd_set write set
- * @param except_fd_set except set
- * @param max_fd increased to largest FD added (if larger
- * than existing value); can be NULL
- * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if this
- * daemon was not started with the right
- * options for this call or any FD didn't
- * fit fd_set.
- * @ingroup event
- */
-MHD_get_fdset (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon,
- fd_set *read_fd_set,
- fd_set *write_fd_set,
- fd_set *except_fd_set,
- MHD_socket *max_fd);
- * Obtain the `select()` sets for this daemon.
- * Daemon's FDs will be added to fd_sets. To get only
- * daemon FDs in fd_sets, call FD_ZERO for each fd_set
- * before calling this function. Passing custom FD_SETSIZE
- * as @a fd_setsize allow usage of larger/smaller than
- * platform's default fd_sets.
- *
- * @param daemon daemon to get sets from
- * @param read_fd_set read set
- * @param write_fd_set write set
- * @param except_fd_set except set
- * @param max_fd increased to largest FD added (if larger
- * than existing value); can be NULL
- * @param fd_setsize value of FD_SETSIZE
- * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if this
- * daemon was not started with the right
- * options for this call or any FD didn't
- * fit fd_set.
- * @ingroup event
- */
-MHD_get_fdset2 (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon,
- fd_set *read_fd_set,
- fd_set *write_fd_set,
- fd_set *except_fd_set,
- MHD_socket *max_fd,
- unsigned int fd_setsize);
- * Obtain the `select()` sets for this daemon.
- * Daemon's FDs will be added to fd_sets. To get only
- * daemon FDs in fd_sets, call FD_ZERO for each fd_set
- * before calling this function. Size of fd_set is
- * determined by current value of FD_SETSIZE.
- *
- * @param daemon daemon to get sets from
- * @param read_fd_set read set
- * @param write_fd_set write set
- * @param except_fd_set except set
- * @param max_fd increased to largest FD added (if larger
- * than existing value); can be NULL
- * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if this
- * daemon was not started with the right
- * options for this call or any FD didn't
- * fit fd_set.
- * @ingroup event
- */
-#define MHD_get_fdset(daemon,read_fd_set,write_fd_set,except_fd_set,max_fd) \
- MHD_get_fdset2((daemon),(read_fd_set),(write_fd_set),(except_fd_set),(max_fd),FD_SETSIZE)
- * Obtain timeout value for `select()` for this daemon (only needed if
- * connection timeout is used). The returned value is how many milliseconds
- * `select()` or `poll()` should at most block, not the timeout value set for
- * connections. This function MUST NOT be called if MHD is running with
- *
- * @param daemon daemon to query for timeout
- * @param timeout set to the timeout (in milliseconds)
- * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if timeouts are
- * not used (or no connections exist that would
- * necessiate the use of a timeout right now).
- * @ingroup event
- */
-MHD_get_timeout (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon,
- * Run webserver operations (without blocking unless in client
- * callbacks). This method should be called by clients in combination
- * with #MHD_get_fdset if the client-controlled select method is used.
- *
- * This function is a convenience method, which is useful if the
- * fd_sets from #MHD_get_fdset were not directly passed to `select()`;
- * with this function, MHD will internally do the appropriate `select()`
- * call itself again. While it is always safe to call #MHD_run (in
- * external select mode), you should call #MHD_run_from_select if
- * performance is important (as it saves an expensive call to
- * `select()`).
- *
- * @param daemon daemon to run
- * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if this
- * daemon was not started with the right
- * options for this call.
- * @ingroup event
- */
-MHD_run (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon);
- * Run webserver operations. This method should be called by clients
- * in combination with #MHD_get_fdset if the client-controlled select
- * method is used.
- *
- * You can use this function instead of #MHD_run if you called
- * `select()` on the result from #MHD_get_fdset. File descriptors in
- * the sets that are not controlled by MHD will be ignored. Calling
- * this function instead of #MHD_run is more efficient as MHD will
- * not have to call `select()` again to determine which operations are
- * ready.
- *
- * @param daemon daemon to run select loop for
- * @param read_fd_set read set
- * @param write_fd_set write set
- * @param except_fd_set except set (not used, can be NULL)
- * @return #MHD_NO on serious errors, #MHD_YES on success
- * @ingroup event
- */
-MHD_run_from_select (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon,
- const fd_set *read_fd_set,
- const fd_set *write_fd_set,
- const fd_set *except_fd_set);
-/* **************** Connection handling functions ***************** */
- * Get all of the headers from the request.
- *
- * @param connection connection to get values from
- * @param kind types of values to iterate over, can be a bitmask
- * @param iterator callback to call on each header;
- * maybe NULL (then just count headers)
- * @param iterator_cls extra argument to @a iterator
- * @return number of entries iterated over
- * @ingroup request
- */
-MHD_get_connection_values (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- enum MHD_ValueKind kind,
- MHD_KeyValueIterator iterator,
- void *iterator_cls);
- * This function can be used to add an entry to the HTTP headers of a
- * connection (so that the #MHD_get_connection_values function will
- * return them -- and the `struct MHD_PostProcessor` will also see
- * them). This maybe required in certain situations (see Mantis
- * #1399) where (broken) HTTP implementations fail to supply values
- * needed by the post processor (or other parts of the application).
- *
- * This function MUST only be called from within the
- * #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback (otherwise, access maybe improperly
- * synchronized). Furthermore, the client must guarantee that the key
- * and value arguments are 0-terminated strings that are NOT freed
- * until the connection is closed. (The easiest way to do this is by
- * passing only arguments to permanently allocated strings.).
- *
- * @param connection the connection for which a
- * value should be set
- * @param kind kind of the value
- * @param key key for the value
- * @param value the value itself
- * @return #MHD_NO if the operation could not be
- * performed due to insufficient memory;
- * #MHD_YES on success
- * @ingroup request
- */
-MHD_set_connection_value (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- enum MHD_ValueKind kind,
- const char *key,
- const char *value);
- * Sets the global error handler to a different implementation. @a cb
- * will only be called in the case of typically fatal, serious
- * internal consistency issues. These issues should only arise in the
- * case of serious memory corruption or similar problems with the
- * architecture. While @a cb is allowed to return and MHD will then
- * try to continue, this is never safe.
- *
- * The default implementation that is used if no panic function is set
- * simply prints an error message and calls `abort()`. Alternative
- * implementations might call `exit()` or other similar functions.
- *
- * @param cb new error handler
- * @param cls passed to @a cb
- * @ingroup logging
- */
-MHD_set_panic_func (MHD_PanicCallback cb, void *cls);
- * Process escape sequences ('%HH') Updates val in place; the
- * result should be UTF-8 encoded and cannot be larger than the input.
- * The result must also still be 0-terminated.
- *
- * @param val value to unescape (modified in the process)
- * @return length of the resulting val (`strlen(val)` may be
- * shorter afterwards due to elimination of escape sequences)
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN size_t
-MHD_http_unescape (char *val);
- * Get a particular header value. If multiple
- * values match the kind, return any one of them.
- *
- * @param connection connection to get values from
- * @param kind what kind of value are we looking for
- * @param key the header to look for, NULL to lookup 'trailing' value without a key
- * @return NULL if no such item was found
- * @ingroup request
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN const char *
-MHD_lookup_connection_value (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- enum MHD_ValueKind kind,
- const char *key);
- * Queue a response to be transmitted to the client (as soon as
- * possible but after #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback returns).
- *
- * @param connection the connection identifying the client
- * @param status_code HTTP status code (i.e. #MHD_HTTP_OK)
- * @param response response to transmit
- * @return #MHD_NO on error (i.e. reply already sent),
- * #MHD_YES on success or if message has been queued
- * @ingroup response
- */
-MHD_queue_response (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- unsigned int status_code,
- struct MHD_Response *response);
- * Suspend handling of network data for a given connection. This can
- * be used to dequeue a connection from MHD's event loop (external
- * select, internal select or thread pool; not applicable to
- * thread-per-connection!) for a while.
- *
- * If you use this API in conjunction with a internal select or a
- * thread pool, you must set the option #MHD_USE_PIPE_FOR_SHUTDOWN to
- * ensure that a resumed connection is immediately processed by MHD.
- *
- * Suspended connections continue to count against the total number of
- * connections allowed (per daemon, as well as per IP, if such limits
- * are set). Suspended connections will NOT time out; timeouts will
- * restart when the connection handling is resumed. While a
- * connection is suspended, MHD will not detect disconnects by the
- * client.
- *
- * The only safe time to suspend a connection is from the
- * #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback.
- *
- * Finally, it is an API violation to call #MHD_stop_daemon while
- * having suspended connections (this will at least create memory and
- * socket leaks or lead to undefined behavior). You must explicitly
- * resume all connections before stopping the daemon.
- *
- * @param connection the connection to suspend
- */
-MHD_suspend_connection (struct MHD_Connection *connection);
- * Resume handling of network data for suspended connection. It is
- * safe to resume a suspended connection at any time. Calling this
- * function on a connection that was not previously suspended will
- * result in undefined behavior.
- *
- * @param connection the connection to resume
- */
-MHD_resume_connection (struct MHD_Connection *connection);
-/* **************** Response manipulation functions ***************** */
- * Flags for special handling of responses.
- */
-enum MHD_ResponseFlags
- /**
- * Default: no special flags.
- */
- MHD_RF_NONE = 0,
- /**
- * Only respond in conservative HTTP 1.0-mode. In particular,
- * do not (automatically) sent "Connection" headers and always
- * close the connection after generating the response.
- */
- * MHD options (for future extensions).
- */
-enum MHD_ResponseOptions
- /**
- * End of the list of options.
- */
- MHD_RO_END = 0
- * Set special flags and options for a response.
- *
- * @param response the response to modify
- * @param flags to set for the response
- * @param ... #MHD_RO_END terminated list of options
- * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO on error
- */
-MHD_set_response_options (struct MHD_Response *response,
- enum MHD_ResponseFlags flags,
- ...);
- * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with
- * header information and then be used any number of times.
- *
- * @param size size of the data portion of the response, #MHD_SIZE_UNKNOWN for unknown
- * @param block_size preferred block size for querying crc (advisory only,
- * MHD may still call @a crc using smaller chunks); this
- * is essentially the buffer size used for IO, clients
- * should pick a value that is appropriate for IO and
- * memory performance requirements
- * @param crc callback to use to obtain response data
- * @param crc_cls extra argument to @a crc
- * @param crfc callback to call to free @a crc_cls resources
- * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory)
- * @ingroup response
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response *
-MHD_create_response_from_callback (uint64_t size,
- size_t block_size,
- MHD_ContentReaderCallback crc, void *crc_cls,
- MHD_ContentReaderFreeCallback crfc);
- * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with
- * header information and then be used any number of times.
- *
- * @param size size of the @a data portion of the response
- * @param data the data itself
- * @param must_free libmicrohttpd should free data when done
- * @param must_copy libmicrohttpd must make a copy of @a data
- * right away, the data maybe released anytime after
- * this call returns
- * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory)
- * @deprecated use #MHD_create_response_from_buffer instead
- * @ingroup response
- */
-_MHD_DEPR_FUNC("MHD_create_response_from_data() is deprecated, use MHD_create_response_from_buffer()") \
-_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response *
-MHD_create_response_from_data (size_t size,
- void *data,
- int must_free,
- int must_copy);
- * Specification for how MHD should treat the memory buffer
- * given for the response.
- * @ingroup response
- */
-enum MHD_ResponseMemoryMode
- /**
- * Buffer is a persistent (static/global) buffer that won't change
- * for at least the lifetime of the response, MHD should just use
- * it, not free it, not copy it, just keep an alias to it.
- * @ingroup response
- */
- /**
- * Buffer is heap-allocated with `malloc()` (or equivalent) and
- * should be freed by MHD after processing the response has
- * concluded (response reference counter reaches zero).
- * @ingroup response
- */
- /**
- * Buffer is in transient memory, but not on the heap (for example,
- * on the stack or non-`malloc()` allocated) and only valid during the
- * call to #MHD_create_response_from_buffer. MHD must make its
- * own private copy of the data for processing.
- * @ingroup response
- */
- * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with
- * header information and then be used any number of times.
- *
- * @param size size of the data portion of the response
- * @param buffer size bytes containing the response's data portion
- * @param mode flags for buffer management
- * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory)
- * @ingroup response
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response *
-MHD_create_response_from_buffer (size_t size,
- void *buffer,
- enum MHD_ResponseMemoryMode mode);
- * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with
- * header information and then be used any number of times.
- *
- * @param size size of the data portion of the response
- * @param fd file descriptor referring to a file on disk with the
- * data; will be closed when response is destroyed;
- * fd should be in 'blocking' mode
- * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory)
- * @ingroup response
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response *
-MHD_create_response_from_fd (size_t size,
- int fd);
- * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with
- * header information and then be used any number of times.
- *
- * @param size size of the data portion of the response;
- * sizes larger than 2 GiB may be not supported by OS or
- * @param fd file descriptor referring to a file on disk with the
- * data; will be closed when response is destroyed;
- * fd should be in 'blocking' mode
- * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory)
- * @ingroup response
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response *
-MHD_create_response_from_fd64 (uint64_t size,
- int fd);
- * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with
- * header information and then be used any number of times.
- *
- * @param size size of the data portion of the response
- * @param fd file descriptor referring to a file on disk with the
- * data; will be closed when response is destroyed;
- * fd should be in 'blocking' mode
- * @param offset offset to start reading from in the file;
- * Be careful! `off_t` may have been compiled to be a
- * 64-bit variable for MHD, in which case your application
- * also has to be compiled using the same options! Read
- * the MHD manual for more details.
- * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory)
- * @ingroup response
- */
-_MHD_DEPR_FUNC("Function MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset() is deprecated, use MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset64()") \
-_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response *
-MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset (size_t size,
- int fd,
- off_t offset);
-#if !defined(_MHD_NO_DEPR_IN_MACRO) || defined(_MHD_NO_DEPR_FUNC)
-/* Substitute MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset64() instead of MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset()
- to minimize potential problems with different off_t sizes */
-#define MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset(size,fd,offset) \
- _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO("Usage of MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset() is deprecated, use MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset64()") \
- MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset64((size),(fd),(offset))
- * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with
- * header information and then be used any number of times.
- *
- * @param size size of the data portion of the response;
- * sizes larger than 2 GiB may be not supported by OS or
- * @param fd file descriptor referring to a file on disk with the
- * data; will be closed when response is destroyed;
- * fd should be in 'blocking' mode
- * @param offset offset to start reading from in the file;
- * reading file beyond 2 GiB may be not supported by OS or
- * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory)
- * @ingroup response
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response *
-MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset64 (uint64_t size,
- int fd,
- uint64_t offset);
-#if 0
- * Enumeration for actions MHD should perform on the underlying socket
- * of the upgrade. This API is not finalized, and in particular
- * the final set of actions is yet to be decided. This is just an
- * idea for what we might want.
- */
-enum MHD_UpgradeAction
- /**
- * Close the socket, the application is done with it.
- *
- * Takes no extra arguments.
- */
- /**
- * Uncork the TCP write buffer (that is, tell the OS to transmit all
- * bytes in the buffer now, and to not use TCP-CORKing).
- *
- * Takes no extra arguments.
- *
- * NOTE: it is unclear if we want to have this in the
- * "final" API, this is just an idea right now.
- */
- * Handle given to the application to manage special
- * actions relating to MHD responses that "upgrade"
- * the HTTP protocol (i.e. to WebSockets).
- */
-struct MHD_UpgradeResponseHandle;
- * This connection-specific callback is provided by MHD to
- * applications (unusual) during the #MHD_UpgradeHandler.
- * It allows applications to perform 'special' actions on
- * the underlying socket from the upgrade.
- *
- * @param urh the handle identifying the connection to perform
- * the upgrade @a action on.
- * @param action which action should be performed
- * @param ... arguments to the action (depends on the action)
- * @return #MHD_NO on error, #MHD_YES on success
- */
-MHD_upgrade_action (struct MHD_UpgradeResponseHandle *urh,
- enum MHD_UpgradeAction action,
- ...);
- * Function called after a protocol "upgrade" response was sent
- * successfully and the socket should now be controlled by some
- * protocol other than HTTP.
- *
- * Any data received on the socket will be made available in
- * 'data_in'. The function should update 'data_in_size' to
- * reflect the number of bytes consumed from 'data_in' (the remaining
- * bytes will be made available in the next call to the handler).
- *
- * Any data that should be transmitted on the socket should be
- * stored in 'data_out'. '*data_out_size' is initially set to
- * the available buffer space in 'data_out'. It should be set to
- * the number of bytes stored in 'data_out' (which can be zero).
- *
- * The return value is a BITMASK that indicates how the function
- * intends to interact with the event loop. It can request to be
- * notified for reading, writing, request to UNCORK the send buffer
- * (which MHD is allowed to ignore, if it is not possible to uncork on
- * the local platform), to wait for the 'external' select loop to
- * trigger another round. It is also possible to specify "no events"
- * to terminate the connection; in this case, the
- * #MHD_RequestCompletedCallback will be called and all resources of
- * the connection will be released.
- *
- * Except when in 'thread-per-connection' mode, implementations
- * of this function should never block (as it will still be called
- * from within the main event loop).
- *
- * @param cls closure, whatever was given to #MHD_create_response_for_upgrade().
- * @param connection original HTTP connection handle,
- * giving the function a last chance
- * to inspect the original HTTP request
- * @param extra_in if we happened to have read bytes after the
- * HTTP header already (because the client sent
- * more than the HTTP header of the request before
- * we sent the upgrade response),
- * these are the extra bytes already read from @a sock
- * by MHD. The application should treat these as if
- * it had read them from @a sock.
- * @param extra_in_size number of bytes in @a extra_in
- * @param sock socket to use for bi-directional communication
- * with the client. For HTTPS, this may not be a socket
- * that is directly connected to the client and thus certain
- * operations (TCP-specific setsockopt(), getsockopt(), etc.)
- * may not work as expected (as the socket could be from a
- * socketpair() or a TCP-loopback)
- * @param urh argument for #MHD_upgrade_action()s on this @a connection.
- * Applications must eventually use this callback to perform the
- * close() action on the @a sock.
- */
-typedef void
-(*MHD_UpgradeHandler)(void *cls,
- struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- const char *extra_in,
- size_t extra_in_size,
- MHD_SOCKET sock,
- struct MHD_UpgradeResponseHandle *urh);
- * Create a response object that can be used for 101 UPGRADE
- * responses, for example to implement WebSockets. After sending the
- * response, control over the data stream is given to the callback (which
- * can then, for example, start some bi-directional communication).
- * If the response is queued for multiple connections, the callback
- * will be called for each connection. The callback
- * will ONLY be called after the response header was successfully passed
- * to the OS; if there are communication errors before, the usual MHD
- * connection error handling code will be performed.
- *
- * Setting the correct HTTP code (i.e. MHD_HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS)
- * and setting correct HTTP headers for the upgrade must be done
- * manually (this way, it is possible to implement most existing
- * WebSocket versions using this API; in fact, this API might be useful
- * for any protocol switch, not just WebSockets). Note that
- * draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-00 cannot be implemented this
- * way as the header "HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake"
- * cannot be generated; instead, MHD will always produce "HTTP/1.1 101
- * Switching Protocols" (if the response code 101 is used).
- *
- * As usual, the response object can be extended with header
- * information and then be used any number of times (as long as the
- * header information is not connection-specific).
- *
- * @param upgrade_handler function to call with the 'upgraded' socket
- * @param upgrade_handler_cls closure for @a upgrade_handler
- * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory)
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response *
-MHD_create_response_for_upgrade (MHD_UpgradeHandler upgrade_handler,
- void *upgrade_handler_cls);
- * Destroy a response object and associated resources. Note that
- * libmicrohttpd may keep some of the resources around if the response
- * is still in the queue for some clients, so the memory may not
- * necessarily be freed immediatley.
- *
- * @param response response to destroy
- * @ingroup response
- */
-MHD_destroy_response (struct MHD_Response *response);
- * Add a header line to the response.
- *
- * @param response response to add a header to
- * @param header the header to add
- * @param content value to add
- * @return #MHD_NO on error (i.e. invalid header or content format),
- * or out of memory
- * @ingroup response
- */
-MHD_add_response_header (struct MHD_Response *response,
- const char *header,
- const char *content);
- * Add a footer line to the response.
- *
- * @param response response to remove a header from
- * @param footer the footer to delete
- * @param content value to delete
- * @return #MHD_NO on error (i.e. invalid footer or content format).
- * @ingroup response
- */
-MHD_add_response_footer (struct MHD_Response *response,
- const char *footer,
- const char *content);
- * Delete a header (or footer) line from the response.
- *
- * @param response response to remove a header from
- * @param header the header to delete
- * @param content value to delete
- * @return #MHD_NO on error (no such header known)
- * @ingroup response
- */
-MHD_del_response_header (struct MHD_Response *response,
- const char *header,
- const char *content);
- * Get all of the headers (and footers) added to a response.
- *
- * @param response response to query
- * @param iterator callback to call on each header;
- * maybe NULL (then just count headers)
- * @param iterator_cls extra argument to @a iterator
- * @return number of entries iterated over
- * @ingroup response
- */
-MHD_get_response_headers (struct MHD_Response *response,
- MHD_KeyValueIterator iterator, void *iterator_cls);
- * Get a particular header (or footer) from the response.
- *
- * @param response response to query
- * @param key which header to get
- * @return NULL if header does not exist
- * @ingroup response
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN const char *
-MHD_get_response_header (struct MHD_Response *response,
- const char *key);
-/* ********************** PostProcessor functions ********************** */
- * Create a `struct MHD_PostProcessor`.
- *
- * A `struct MHD_PostProcessor` can be used to (incrementally) parse
- * the data portion of a POST request. Note that some buggy browsers
- * fail to set the encoding type. If you want to support those, you
- * may have to call #MHD_set_connection_value with the proper encoding
- * type before creating a post processor (if no supported encoding
- * type is set, this function will fail).
- *
- * @param connection the connection on which the POST is
- * happening (used to determine the POST format)
- * @param buffer_size maximum number of bytes to use for
- * internal buffering (used only for the parsing,
- * specifically the parsing of the keys). A
- * tiny value (256-1024) should be sufficient.
- * Do NOT use a value smaller than 256. For good
- * performance, use 32 or 64k (i.e. 65536).
- * @param iter iterator to be called with the parsed data,
- * Must NOT be NULL.
- * @param iter_cls first argument to @a iter
- * @return NULL on error (out of memory, unsupported encoding),
- * otherwise a PP handle
- * @ingroup request
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_PostProcessor *
-MHD_create_post_processor (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- size_t buffer_size,
- MHD_PostDataIterator iter, void *iter_cls);
- * Parse and process POST data. Call this function when POST data is
- * available (usually during an #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback) with the
- * "upload_data" and "upload_data_size". Whenever possible, this will
- * then cause calls to the #MHD_PostDataIterator.
- *
- * @param pp the post processor
- * @param post_data @a post_data_len bytes of POST data
- * @param post_data_len length of @a post_data
- * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO on error
- * (out-of-memory, iterator aborted, parse error)
- * @ingroup request
- */
-MHD_post_process (struct MHD_PostProcessor *pp,
- const char *post_data, size_t post_data_len);
- * Release PostProcessor resources.
- *
- * @param pp the PostProcessor to destroy
- * @return #MHD_YES if processing completed nicely,
- * #MHD_NO if there were spurious characters / formatting
- * problems; it is common to ignore the return
- * value of this function
- * @ingroup request
- */
-MHD_destroy_post_processor (struct MHD_PostProcessor *pp);
-/* ********************* Digest Authentication functions *************** */
- * Constant to indicate that the nonce of the provided
- * authentication code was wrong.
- * @ingroup authentication
- */
- * Get the username from the authorization header sent by the client
- *
- * @param connection The MHD connection structure
- * @return NULL if no username could be found, a pointer
- * to the username if found
- * @ingroup authentication
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN char *
-MHD_digest_auth_get_username (struct MHD_Connection *connection);
- * Authenticates the authorization header sent by the client
- *
- * @param connection The MHD connection structure
- * @param realm The realm presented to the client
- * @param username The username needs to be authenticated
- * @param password The password used in the authentication
- * @param nonce_timeout The amount of time for a nonce to be
- * invalid in seconds
- * @return #MHD_YES if authenticated, #MHD_NO if not,
- * #MHD_INVALID_NONCE if nonce is invalid
- * @ingroup authentication
- */
-MHD_digest_auth_check (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- const char *realm,
- const char *username,
- const char *password,
- unsigned int nonce_timeout);
- * Queues a response to request authentication from the client
- *
- * @param connection The MHD connection structure
- * @param realm The realm presented to the client
- * @param opaque string to user for opaque value
- * @param response reply to send; should contain the "access denied"
- * body; note that this function will set the "WWW Authenticate"
- * header and that the caller should not do this
- * @param signal_stale #MHD_YES if the nonce is invalid to add
- * 'stale=true' to the authentication header
- * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO otherwise
- * @ingroup authentication
- */
-MHD_queue_auth_fail_response (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- const char *realm,
- const char *opaque,
- struct MHD_Response *response,
- int signal_stale);
- * Get the username and password from the basic authorization header sent by the client
- *
- * @param connection The MHD connection structure
- * @param password a pointer for the password
- * @return NULL if no username could be found, a pointer
- * to the username if found
- * @ingroup authentication
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN char *
-MHD_basic_auth_get_username_password (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- char** password);
- * Queues a response to request basic authentication from the client
- * The given response object is expected to include the payload for
- * the response; the "WWW-Authenticate" header will be added and the
- * response queued with the 'UNAUTHORIZED' status code.
- *
- * @param connection The MHD connection structure
- * @param realm the realm presented to the client
- * @param response response object to modify and queue
- * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO otherwise
- * @ingroup authentication
- */
-MHD_queue_basic_auth_fail_response (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- const char *realm,
- struct MHD_Response *response);
-/* ********************** generic query functions ********************** */
- * Obtain information about the given connection.
- *
- * @param connection what connection to get information about
- * @param info_type what information is desired?
- * @param ... depends on @a info_type
- * @return NULL if this information is not available
- * (or if the @a info_type is unknown)
- * @ingroup specialized
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN const union MHD_ConnectionInfo *
-MHD_get_connection_info (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- enum MHD_ConnectionInfoType info_type,
- ...);
- * MHD connection options. Given to #MHD_set_connection_option to
- * set custom options for a particular connection.
- */
- /**
- * Set a custom timeout for the given connection. Specified
- * as the number of seconds, given as an `unsigned int`. Use
- * zero for no timeout.
- */
- * Set a custom option for the given connection, overriding defaults.
- *
- * @param connection connection to modify
- * @param option option to set
- * @param ... arguments to the option, depending on the option type
- * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if setting the option failed
- * @ingroup specialized
- */
-MHD_set_connection_option (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
- ...);
- * Information about an MHD daemon.
- */
-union MHD_DaemonInfo
- /**
- * Size of the key, no longer supported.
- * @deprecated
- */
- size_t key_size;
- /**
- * Size of the mac key, no longer supported.
- * @deprecated
- */
- size_t mac_key_size;
- /**
- * Listen socket file descriptor, for #MHD_DAEMON_INFO_EPOLL_FD_LINUX_ONLY
- */
- MHD_socket listen_fd;
- /**
- * Number of active connections, for #MHD_DAEMON_INFO_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS.
- */
- unsigned int num_connections;
- * Obtain information about the given daemon
- * (not fully implemented!).
- *
- * @param daemon what daemon to get information about
- * @param info_type what information is desired?
- * @param ... depends on @a info_type
- * @return NULL if this information is not available
- * (or if the @a info_type is unknown)
- * @ingroup specialized
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN const union MHD_DaemonInfo *
-MHD_get_daemon_info (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon,
- enum MHD_DaemonInfoType info_type,
- ...);
- * Obtain the version of this library
- *
- * @return static version string, e.g. "0.9.9"
- * @ingroup specialized
- */
-_MHD_EXTERN const char*
-MHD_get_version (void);
- * Types of information about MHD features,
- * used by #MHD_is_feature_supported().
- */
- /**
- * Get whether messages are supported. If supported then in debug
- * mode messages can be printed to stderr or to external logger.
- */
- /**
- * Get whether HTTPS is supported. If supported then flag
- */
- /**
- * Get whether option #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_CERT_CALLBACK is
- * supported.
- */
- /**
- * Get whether IPv6 is supported. If supported then flag
- * #MHD_USE_IPv6 can be used.
- */
- /**
- * Get whether IPv6 without IPv4 is supported. If not supported
- * then IPv4 is always enabled in IPv6 sockets and
- * flag #MHD_USE_DUAL_STACK if always used when #MHD_USE_IPv6 is
- * specified.
- */
- /**
- * Get whether `poll()` is supported. If supported then flag
- * #MHD_USE_POLL can be used.
- */
- /**
- * Get whether `epoll()` is supported. If supported then Flags
- * #MHD_USE_EPOLL and
- * #MHD_USE_EPOLL_INTERNALLY can be used.
- */
- /**
- * Get whether shutdown on listen socket to signal other
- * threads is supported. If not supported flag
- * #MHD_USE_PIPE_FOR_SHUTDOWN is automatically forced.
- */
- /**
- * Get whether socketpair is used internally instead of pipe to
- * signal other threads.
- */
- /**
- * Get whether TCP Fast Open is supported. If supported then
- * flag #MHD_USE_TCP_FASTOPEN and option
- */
- /**
- * Get whether HTTP Basic authorization is supported. If supported
- * then functions #MHD_basic_auth_get_username_password and
- * #MHD_queue_basic_auth_fail_response can be used.
- */
- /**
- * Get whether HTTP Digest authorization is supported. If
- * supported then options #MHD_OPTION_DIGEST_AUTH_RANDOM,
- * #MHD_digest_auth_check() can be used.
- */
- /**
- * Get whether postprocessor is supported. If supported then
- * functions #MHD_create_post_processor(), #MHD_post_process() and
- * #MHD_destroy_post_processor() can
- * be used.
- */
- /**
- * Get whether password encrypted private key for HTTPS daemon is
- * supported. If supported then option
- */
- /**
- * Get whether reading files beyond 2 GiB boundary is supported.
- * If supported then #MHD_create_response_from_fd(),
- * #MHD_create_response_from_fd64 #MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset()
- * and #MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset64() can be used with sizes and
- * offsets larger than 2 GiB. If not supported value of size+offset is
- * limited to 2 GiB.
- */
- /**
- * Get whether MHD set names on generated threads.
- */
- * Get information about supported MHD features.
- * Indicate that MHD was compiled with or without support for
- * particular feature. Some features require additional support
- * by kernel. Kernel support is not checked by this function.
- *
- * @param feature type of requested information
- * @return #MHD_YES if feature is supported by MHD, #MHD_NO if
- * feature is not supported or feature is unknown.
- * @ingroup specialized
- */
-MHD_is_feature_supported (enum MHD_FEATURE feature);
-#if 0 /* keep Emacsens' auto-indent happy */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/minethd.cpp b/minethd.cpp
index 199779ee..5c7871d2 100644
--- a/minethd.cpp
+++ b/minethd.cpp
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "console.h"
@@ -42,15 +43,23 @@ void thd_setaffinity(std::thread::native_handle_type h, uint64_t cpu_id)
#define SYSCTL_CORE_COUNT "machdep.cpu.core_count"
+#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
void thd_setaffinity(std::thread::native_handle_type h, uint64_t cpu_id)
#if defined(__APPLE__)
thread_port_t mach_thread;
- thread_affinity_policy_data_t policy = { cpu_id };
+ thread_affinity_policy_data_t policy = { static_cast(cpu_id) };
mach_thread = pthread_mach_thread_np(h);
thread_policy_set(mach_thread, THREAD_AFFINITY_POLICY, (thread_policy_t)&policy, 1);
+#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
+ cpuset_t mn;
+ CPU_ZERO(&mn);
+ CPU_SET(cpu_id, &mn);
+ pthread_setaffinity_np(h, sizeof(cpuset_t), &mn);
cpu_set_t mn;
@@ -64,6 +73,7 @@ void thd_setaffinity(std::thread::native_handle_type h, uint64_t cpu_id)
#include "minethd.h"
#include "jconf.h"
#include "crypto/cryptonight_aesni.h"
+#include "hwlocMemory.hpp"
telemetry::telemetry(size_t iThd)
@@ -140,7 +150,7 @@ void telemetry::push_perf_value(size_t iThd, uint64_t iHashCount, uint64_t iTime
iBucketTop[iThd] = (iTop + 1) & iBucketMask;
-minethd::minethd(miner_work& pWork, size_t iNo, bool double_work, bool no_prefetch)
+minethd::minethd(miner_work& pWork, size_t iNo, bool double_work, bool no_prefetch, int64_t affinity)
oWork = pWork;
bQuit = 0;
@@ -149,6 +159,7 @@ minethd::minethd(miner_work& pWork, size_t iNo, bool double_work, bool no_prefet
iHashCount = 0;
iTimestamp = 0;
bNoPrefetch = no_prefetch;
+ this->affinity = affinity;
oWorkThd = std::thread(&minethd::double_work_main, this);
@@ -295,16 +306,7 @@ std::vector* minethd::thread_starter(miner_work& pWork)
jconf::inst()->GetThreadConfig(i, cfg);
- minethd* thd = new minethd(pWork, i, cfg.bDoubleMode, cfg.bNoPrefetch);
- if(cfg.iCpuAff >= 0)
- {
-#if defined(__APPLE__)
- printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "WARNING on MacOS thread affinity is only advisory.");
- thd_setaffinity(thd->oWorkThd.native_handle(), cfg.iCpuAff);
- }
+ minethd* thd = new minethd(pWork, i, cfg.bDoubleMode, cfg.bNoPrefetch, cfg.iCpuAff);
if(cfg.iCpuAff >= 0)
@@ -359,8 +361,22 @@ minethd::cn_hash_fun minethd::func_selector(bool bHaveAes, bool bNoPrefetch)
return func_table[digit.to_ulong()];
+void minethd::pin_thd_affinity()
+ // pin memory to NUMA node
+ bindMemoryToNUMANode(affinity);
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+ printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "WARNING on MacOS thread affinity is only advisory.");
+ thd_setaffinity(oWorkThd.native_handle(), affinity);
void minethd::work_main()
+ if(affinity >= 0) //-1 means no affinity
+ pin_thd_affinity();
cn_hash_fun hash_fun;
cryptonight_ctx* ctx;
uint64_t iCount = 0;
@@ -448,6 +464,9 @@ minethd::cn_hash_fun_dbl minethd::func_dbl_selector(bool bHaveAes, bool bNoPrefe
void minethd::double_work_main()
+ if(affinity >= 0) //-1 means no affinity
+ pin_thd_affinity();
cn_hash_fun_dbl hash_fun;
cryptonight_ctx* ctx0;
cryptonight_ctx* ctx1;
diff --git a/minethd.h b/minethd.h
index 6ba269ef..3c88c267 100644
--- a/minethd.h
+++ b/minethd.h
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class minethd
typedef void (*cn_hash_fun)(const void*, size_t, void*, cryptonight_ctx*);
typedef void (*cn_hash_fun_dbl)(const void*, size_t, void*, cryptonight_ctx* __restrict, cryptonight_ctx* __restrict);
- minethd(miner_work& pWork, size_t iNo, bool double_work, bool no_prefetch);
+ minethd(miner_work& pWork, size_t iNo, bool double_work, bool no_prefetch, int64_t affinity);
// We use the top 10 bits of the nonce for thread and resume
// This allows us to resume up to 128 threads 4 times before
@@ -129,8 +129,11 @@ class minethd
static miner_work oGlobalWork;
miner_work oWork;
+ void pin_thd_affinity();
std::thread oWorkThd;
uint8_t iThreadNo;
+ int64_t affinity;
bool bQuit;
bool bNoPrefetch;
diff --git a/msgstruct.h b/msgstruct.h
index d3b17096..6f4a6fbe 100644
--- a/msgstruct.h
+++ b/msgstruct.h
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ struct job_result
This is how I learned to stop worrying and love c++11 =).
diff --git a/socket.cpp b/socket.cpp
index 565eb766..52f46b54 100644
--- a/socket.cpp
+++ b/socket.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,10 @@ bool plain_socket::set_hostname(const char* sAddr)
sAddrMb[ln] = '\0';
if ((sTmp = strstr(sAddrMb, "//")) != nullptr)
+ {
+ sTmp += 2;
memmove(sAddrMb, sTmp, strlen(sTmp) + 1);
+ }
if ((sPort = strchr(sAddrMb, ':')) == nullptr)
return pCallback->set_socket_error("CONNECT error: Pool port number not specified, please use format :.");
@@ -75,33 +78,34 @@ bool plain_socket::set_hostname(const char* sAddr)
return pCallback->set_socket_error_strerr("CONNECT error: GetAddrInfo: ", err);
addrinfo *ptr = pAddrRoot;
- addrinfo *ipv4 = nullptr, *ipv6 = nullptr;
+ std::vector ipv4;
+ std::vector ipv6;
while (ptr != nullptr)
if (ptr->ai_family == AF_INET)
- ipv4 = ptr;
+ ipv4.push_back(ptr);
if (ptr->ai_family == AF_INET6)
- ipv6 = ptr;
+ ipv6.push_back(ptr);
ptr = ptr->ai_next;
- if (ipv4 == nullptr && ipv6 == nullptr)
+ if (ipv4.empty() && ipv6.empty())
pAddrRoot = nullptr;
return pCallback->set_socket_error("CONNECT error: I found some DNS records but no IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.");
- else if (ipv4 != nullptr && ipv6 == nullptr)
- pSockAddr = ipv4;
- else if (ipv4 == nullptr && ipv6 != nullptr)
- pSockAddr = ipv6;
- else if (ipv4 != nullptr && ipv6 != nullptr)
+ else if (!ipv4.empty() && ipv6.empty())
+ pSockAddr = ipv4[rand() % ipv4.size()];
+ else if (ipv4.empty() && !ipv6.empty())
+ pSockAddr = ipv6[rand() % ipv6.size()];
+ else if (!ipv4.empty() && !ipv6.empty())
- pSockAddr = ipv4;
+ pSockAddr = ipv4[rand() % ipv4.size()];
- pSockAddr = ipv6;
+ pSockAddr = ipv6[rand() % ipv6.size()];
hSocket = socket(pSockAddr->ai_family, pSockAddr->ai_socktype, pSockAddr->ai_protocol);
diff --git a/socks.h b/socks.h
index 77687065..82bfa2fc 100644
--- a/socks.h
+++ b/socks.h
@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ inline const char* sock_gai_strerror(int err, char* buf, size_t len)
#include /* Needed for close() */
+#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
+#include /* Needed for IPPROTO_TCP */
inline void sock_init() {}
typedef int SOCKET;
@@ -76,7 +79,9 @@ inline void sock_close(SOCKET s)
inline const char* sock_strerror(char* buf, size_t len)
buf[0] = '\0';
-#if defined(__APPLE__)
+#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) || !defined(__GLIBC__)
strerror_r(errno, buf, len);
return buf;
diff --git a/version.h b/version.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab3d14aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/version.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#pragma once
+#define XMR_STAK_NAME "xmr-stak-cpu"
+#define XMR_STAK_VERSION "1.3.0-1.5.0"
diff --git a/webdesign.cpp b/webdesign.cpp
index 958d3120..e07b0156 100644
--- a/webdesign.cpp
+++ b/webdesign.cpp
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ extern const char sHtmlCssFile [] =
"a:active {"
"color: rgb(204, 122, 0);"
".all {"
"margin: auto;"
".header {"
"background-color: rgb(30, 30, 30);"
"color: white;"
@@ -167,6 +167,41 @@ extern const char sHtmlResultBodyHigh [] =
extern const char sHtmlResultTableRow [] =
"%s |
%llu | %s |
-extern const char sHtmlResultBodyLow [] =
+extern const char sHtmlResultBodyLow[] =