- One unit of each of the substances Mercury, Salt and Sulphur are mixed, using my "Alembic" (mixing pot), giving one unit of another substance, Gloop
- Any attempt to mix anything other than those three substances, gives Sludge, another substance
- Substances can undergo several Processes in my Alembic - they can be Cooked, Washed, Pickled or Fermented
- If Gloop is Cooked, Washed, Pickled and Fermented, in that order, it is the Philosopher's Stone (panacea and cure of all ills) [* To process a Substance, at least one unit must be in my Pantry, including Gloop - even when freshly processed/created, it must be stored there before re-use (to cool)]
Final rule: GROUP 1: When I process a substance, using any process, it becomes a different substance GROUP 2: When I process a substance, its state changes but is essentially the same substance (NB: mixing is not a process)