- Tejas Bubane, https://github.com/tejasbubane, r3.4 in test matrix, gh-109
- Luis Castillo, https://github.com/lekastillo, nice_hash gh-108
- Geremia Taglialatela, https://github.com/tagliala, gh-105 gh-107
- https://github.com/personnumber3377, gh-104 Fugit.parse choke on long input
- Michael Scrivo, https://github.com/mscrivo, gh-103
- Benjamin Darcet, https://github.com/bdarcet gh-95 gh-96 et-orbi #rweek
- https://github.com/franckduche gh-95 gh-96 et-orbi #rweek
- https://hithub.com/aunghtain, gh-93, include oneliner vs Ruby 2.6.6
- Marcos Belluci, https://github.com/delbetu, gh-88, 1st and last nat
- Michael Reinsch, https://github.com/mreinsch, gh-84 and gh-85
- Marc Anguera, https://github.com/markets, gh-70 and Sidekiq-Cron
- ski-nine, https://github.com/ski-nine, gh-81
- Joseph Halter, https://github.com/JosephHalter, gh-79
- James Healy, https://github.com/yob, gh-76
- John Bachir, https://github.com/jjb, gh-74
- Vivek Miyani, https://github.com/vivekmiyani, gh-71
- Peter Goldstein, https://github.com/petergoldstein infra, gh-65, -72
- Pascal Zumkehr https://github.com/codez gh-62, Santiago into DST vs Time.zone
- Ggallardoh https://github.com/Ggallardoh gh-60, America/Santiago into DST
- Khaled AbuShqear https://github.com/shqear93 gh-57, "12pm"
- John W Higgins https://github.com/wishdev gh-56, 15/30 cron decision
- Karen Sawrey https://github.com/karensawrey gh-47, Mon%2+1 rework idea
- Olle Jonsson https://github.com/olleolleolle gha Ruby 3.0
- Andy Pfister https://github.com/andyundso gh-53, entering DST
- Solteszad https://github.com/solteszad gh-51, fix previous_time vs last day of month
- Niklas https://github.com/gr8bit gh-49, Fugit::Cron.parse('')
- Matsuda Akira https://github.com/amatsuda gh-46, warning suppression
- Honglooker https://github.com/honglooker gh-43, New York cron skip
- Jérôme Dalbert https://github.com/jeromedalbert gh-41, gh-42
- Danny Ben Shitrit https://github.com/DannyBen nat variants, gh-38
- Dominik Sander https://github.com/dsander #rough_frequency 0, gh-36
- Milovan Zogovic https://github.com/assembler Cron#match? vs TZ, gh-31
- Jessica Stokes https://github.com/ticky 0-24 issue with cron, gh-30 and gh-47
- Shai Coleman https://github.com/shaicoleman parse_nat enhancements, gh-24, gh-25, gh-28, and gh-37
- Jan Stevens https://github.com/JanStevens Fugit.parse('every 15 minutes') gh-22
- Fabio Pitino https://github.com/hspazio nil on February 30 gh-21
- Cristian Oneț https://github.com/conet #previous_time vs 1/-1 endless loop gh-15
- Wenhui Wang https://github.com/w11th #next_time vs Chronic+ActiveSupport gh-11
- Lin-Jen Shin https://github.com/godfat #next_time untamed loop gh-13
- Nils Mueller https://github.com/Tolsto missing Olson timezone names gh-9
- jakemack https://github.com/jakemack issue when going out of DST gh-6
- Cristian Bica https://github.com/cristianbica Nat improvements gh-7
- Utilum https://github.com/utilum silenced Ruby warnings
- Tero Marttila https://github.com/SpComb added missing Cron#seconds
- Harry Lascelles https://github.com/hlascelles timezone reminder and more
- John Mettraux https://github.com/jmettraux author and maintainer
As fugit originates in rufus-scheduler, many thanks to all the rufus-scheduler contributors and people who gave feedback.