GEOG 567: Term Project Fall 2017 CW
Convolution Filtering
Summary: Image processing or filtering is not easily doable within ArcGIS. This tool provides a method of filtering a single band of a raster dataset. There are multiple preset filters available. Custom filters are also processable with a matrix input by user.
Preset filters:
Smoothing: Gaussian Blur 3x3
Smoothing: Gaussian Blur 5x5
Sharpen 3x3
Edge Detection: Laplacian 3x3
Outline 3x3
Neighbourhood average 3x3
Unsharp Masking
Custom filters:
custom - 3x3
custom - 5x5
Purpose: Input raster dataset to be filtered and output a raster as tif or img
Filters: can select from multiple presets or custom 3x3 or custom 5x5
Convolution: has zero padding included in processing
Input a raster and then select the band to filter
Input: raster dataset filepath
Output: raster dataset stored where user specifies in: tif or img