- Get all the tests to run in Eclipse and mvn test
- Remove “WARN” log messages when running tests
- Change all old tests to the new JUnit annotation style
- Make MySQL datatype tests use a properties file for connection information
- Count MySQL datatype tests as skipped if connection not configured
- Check if MySQL datatype tests can be sped up
- Make MySQL functional_tests use a properties file for connection information
- Count MySQL functional_tests as skipped if connection not configured
- Count skipped RDB2RDF tests as skipped
- Review TODOs and comments in the test suite
- We used to have the beginnings of an Oracle test suite; what happened to that?
- Make command line tools work; make sure that results of mvn compile and Eclipse compile get picked up
- Rename/modify the command line tools to better fit r2rml theme
- Cover GraphD2RQ with a solid set of unit tests
- Cover ModelD2RQ with a solid set of unit tests
- Cover Jena Assembler with a solid set of unit tests
- Fix Eclipse warnings
- Make logging use SLF4J instead of Apache Commons Logging
- Does logging work as it should? Where can log levels be configured?
- Upgrade to Jena 3
- Upgrade all dependencies to current versions
- Make alternative D2RQ mapping language namespace on d2rq.org work
- Rework D2RQ documentation and put into GitHub wiki
- Figure out how to package zip and tar files with Maven
- Separate the CLI tools from the library, and have logging system and configuration only with the tools, so that library doesn't depend on an SLF4J binding
- Ensure packaged archives contain only the jar, not the exploded classes
- Ensure command line tools work after unzipping
- Ensure the build produces a jar containing the tests, and it (plus any support files) ends up in the archive
- Ensure the tests work after unzipping
- Why did we have commons-dbcp-1.4.jar and commons-pool-1.6.jar in /lib?
- How to generate javadocs?
- How to produce the various vocabulary Java files from Turtle sources? Ant script was able to do it. Do we need a Maven plugin for Jena schemagen?
- Review the test suite for stuff that should be made declarative (e.g., datatype tests)
- Review codebase for stuff that should be made declarative (e.g., Vendor stuff)
- Pass complete R2RML and Direct Mapping test suites, including Named Graphs support
- Make Jena API use connection pooling