- Fix the issue caused by Dart's precision limitations.(#44)
- Changed IndexedWidgetBuilder to NullableIndexedWidgetBuilder (#42)
- fix closeToTrailing hittest issue. #38
- fix order is not right when network is not good.
- add clipBehavior
- support null-safety
- getter 'minTrailingIndex' was called on null(#18)
- keep the trailingChildren around when run out of children before reaching the scroll offset(#14)
- fix closeToTrailing issue. extended_list#6
- fix wrong layout when child's size is changed.
- fix wrong layout when itemCount is changed.(#6)
- breaking change: fix typo(fullCrossAxisExtend => fullCrossAxisExtent)
- breaking change: SliverWaterfallFlowDelegate is replace with SliverWaterfallFlowDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount and SliverWaterfallFlowDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent.
- support WaterfallFlow.count, WaterfallFlow.extend,SliverWaterfallFlow.count,SliverWaterfallFlow.extend.
- add miss dragStartBehavior.
- fix sdk error.
- support ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior(breaking change 1.17.0)
- fix sdk error.
- fix leading items are missing when pull to refresh.
- fix analysis_options
- web support.
- update demo.
- update description.
- first release.