+{% block login_container %}
Flux Tutorial running on AWS
+ After logging in, flux-tutorial --> notebook and double-click flux.ipynb to get started
+{% endblock login_container %}
+{% endblock login %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block script %}
+{{ super() }}
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/docker/start.sh b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/docker/start.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bad19ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/docker/start.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/usr/bin/flux start --test-size=4 /usr/local/bin/jupyter-lab --ip=
diff --git a/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/flux-tree/flux-tree b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/flux-tree/flux-tree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f12a9b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/flux-tree/flux-tree
@@ -0,0 +1,847 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# Copyright 2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC
+# This file is part of the Flux resource manager framework.
+# For details, see https://github.com/flux-framework.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+set -o errexit
+set -o pipefail
+#set -o xtrace
+FT_TOPO='1' # store arg to --topology (e.g., 2x2)
+FT_QUEUE='default' # store arg to --queue-policy (e.g., fcfs:easy)
+FT_PARAMS='default' # store arg to --queue-params
+FT_MATCH='default' # store arg to --match-policy (e.g., low:high)
+FT_PERF_OUT='%^+_no' # store perf-out filename given by --perf-out
+FT_PERF_FORMAT='{treeid:<15s} {elapse:>20f} {begin:>20f} {end:>20f} {match:>15f} '\
+'{njobs:>15d} {my_nodes:>5d} {my_cores:>4d} {my_gpus:>4d}'
+ # store perf-out with format given by --perf-format
+FT_FXLOGS='%^+_no' # dir in which flux logs are produced
+FT_FXRDIR='%^+_no' # flux rundir attribute to pass
+FT_LEAF='no' # is this a leaf instance (given by --leaf)?
+FT_G_PREFIX='tree' # store hierarchical path given by --prefix
+FT_DRY_RUN='no' # --dry-run for testing?
+FT_INTER='no' # is an option for internal levels given?
+FT_MAX_EXIT_CODE=0 # maximum exit code detected
+FT_MAX_FLUX_JOBID=0 # maximum flux jobid that reports max exit code
+FT_MAX_TREE_ID="" # FLUX_TREE_ID that reports max exit code
+ # --prefix is an internal-use-only option
+FT_JOB_NAME='%^+_no' # job name to use when submitting children
+ORIG_FLUXION_QMANAGER_RC_NOOP='' # module load options.
+declare -i FT_NJOBS=1 # store num of jobs to run, given by --njobs
+declare -i FT_NNODES=1 # store num of nodes assigned, given by --nnodes
+declare -i FT_NCORES=1 # store num of cores per node (--ncores-per-node)
+declare -i FT_NGPUS=0 # store num of gpus per node (--ngpus-per-node)
+declare -r top_prefix='tree' # prefix name to identify the top Flux instance
+declare -r t_delim='x' # topology delimiter
+declare -r p_delim=':' # match policy delimiter
+declare -r perf_format='%-15s %20s %20s %20s %15s %15s %5s %4s %4s'
+declare -a FT_CL=() # save the jobscript command into an array
+declare -A mp_policies=( # make sure to update this when match
+ [low]=1 # policies are updated.
+ [high]=1
+ [locality]=1
+ [variation]=1
+ [default]=1
+declare -A qp_policies=( # make sure to update this when
+ [fcfs]=1 # queuing policies are updated.
+ [easy]=1
+ [hybrid]=1
+ [conservative]=1
+ [default]=1
+declare -A q_params=( # make sure to update this when
+ [queue-depth]=1 # queuing parameters are updated.
+ [reservation-depth]=1
+ [default]=1
+declare -a jobids # array to store a set of submitted job IDs
+declare -r long_opts='help,leaf,flux-logs:,flux-rundir:,nnodes:'\
+declare -r short_opts='hlf:r:N:c:g:T:Q:P:M:J:o:X:d'
+declare -r prog=${0##*/}
+declare -r usage="
+Usage: ${prog} [OPTIONS] -- Jobscript\n\
+Create a Flux instance hierarchy according to the specified\n\
+policies and schedule/run the specified number\n\
+of Jobscripts at the last level of this hierarchy.\n\
+If --topology=2x4 and --njobs=32 are given, for instance,\n\
+2 Flux instances will be spawned from within the current instance,\n\
+each of which will in turn spawn 4 child Flux instances, totaling\n\
+8 instances at the last level of this hierarchy.\n\
+Once this is done, 4 jobs (of Jobscripts) will be scheduled\n\
+and executed at each of these 8 last-level Flux instances.\n\
+The resources specified by --nnodes (total number of nodes) and\n\
+--ncores-per-node (total number of cores per node)\n\
+are recursively divided such that each sibling Flux instance\n\
+will be assigned to an equal split of the resources of their\n\
+parent instance. In addition, --ngpus-per-node can be given,\n\
+in which case the given GPU count will also be split.\n\
+If not given, it is assumed that there is no GPU on nodes.\n\
+Jobscript is expected to submit one or more programs through\n\
+the flux-job submit command or its variants.\n\
+Jobscript is passed with five environment variables:\n\
+FLUX_TREE_ID is an ID string uniquely identifying the hierarchical\n\
+path of the Flux instance on which Jobscript is being executed.\n\
+FLUX_TREE_JOBSCRIPT_INDEX is the integer ID of each jobscript\n\
+invocation local to the Flux instance. It starts from 1 and\n\
+sequentially increases.\n\
+FLUX_TREE_NNODES is the number nodes assigned to the instance.\n\
+FLUX_TREE_NCORES_PER_NODE is the number of cores per node\n\
+assigned to the instance.\n\
+FLUX_TREE_NGPUS_PER_NODE is the number of GPUs per node\n\
+assigned to the instance.\n\
+If --queue-policy (additionally --queue-params) and/or\n\
+--match-policy are given, each level of this hierarchy will\n\
+be set to the specified queuing and matching policies and\n\
+parameters. Otherwise, all levels will be configured\n\
+to be used either the default policies or policies specified\n\
+environment variables.\n\
+If any one of Jobscripts returns a non-zero exit code, flux-tree\n\
+detects the script invocation exited with the highest code and print\n\
+both that exit code and the outputs printed from executing the script.\n\
+In this case, FLUX_TREE_ID and FLUX_TREE_JOBSCRIPT_INDEX are also\n\
+reported in the from of \${FLUX_TREE_ID}@index[\${FLUX_TREE_JOBSCRIPT_INDEX}]\n\
+ -h, --help Display this message\n\
+ -l, --leaf Leaf instance. Directly submit jobs\n\
+ to enclosing Flux instance. Mutually-exclusive\n\
+ with internal tree-node options like -T.\n\
+ (default=${FT_LEAF})\n\
+ -f, --flux-logs=DIR Dump Flux logs for all instances into DIR\n\
+ -r, --flux-rundir=DIR Set the rundir attribute of each Flux tree instance\n\
+ into a subdirectory within DIR. The content\n\
+ stores will be redirected to them as well\n\
+ -N, --nnodes=NNODES Total num of nodes to use\n\
+ (default=${FT_NNODES})\n\
+ -c, --ncores-per-node=NCORES Total num of cores per node to use\n\
+ (default=${FT_NCORES})\n\
+ -g, --ngpus-per-node=NGPUS Total num of gpus per node to use\n\
+ (default=${FT_NGPUS})\n\
+ -T, --topology=HPOLICY Topology of Flux instance hierarchy:\n\
+ e.g., 2x2 (default=${FT_TOPO})\n\
+ -Q, --queue-policy=QPOLICY Queuing policy for each level of\n\
+ the hierarchy: e.g., easy:fcfs\n\
+ -P, --queue-params=QPARAMS Queuing parameters for each level of\n\
+ the hierarchy: e.g.,\n\
+ queue-depth=5:reservation-depth=5\n\
+ -M, --match-policy=MPOLICY Match policy for each level of\n\
+ the hierarchy: e.g., low:high\n\
+ -J, --njobs=NJOBS Total num of Jobscripts to run\n\
+ (default=${FT_NJOBS})\n\
+ -o, --perf-out=FILENAME Dump the performance data into\n\
+ the given file (default: don't print)\n\
+ --perf-format=FORMAT Dump the performance data with the given\n\
+ format. Uses the python format\n\
+ specification mini-language.\n\
+ Example: \"{treeid:<15s},{elapse:>20f}\"\n\
+ --job-name=NAME Name to use when submitting child jobs\n\
+ -- Stop parsing options after this\n\
+die() { echo -e "${prog}:" "$@"; exit 1; }
+warn() { echo -e "${prog}: warning:" "$@"; }
+dr_print() { echo -e "${prog}: dry-run:" "$@"; }
+# Roll up the performance records for each Flux instance to the KVS
+# guest namespace of the parent Flux instance or print them out if top level.
+rollup() {
+ local prefix="${1}"
+ local blurb="${2}"
+ local out="${3}"
+ local num_children="${4}"
+ local format="${5}"
+ if [[ "${prefix}" == "${top_prefix}" && "${out}" != "%^+_no" ]]; then
+ flux tree-helper --perf-out="${out}" --perf-format="${format}" \
+ ${num_children} "tree-perf" "${FT_JOB_NAME}" <<< "${blurb}"
+ else
+ flux tree-helper ${num_children} "tree-perf" "${FT_JOB_NAME}" \
+ <<< "${blurb}"
+ fi
+# Return a JSON string out of the performance data passed.
+jsonify() {
+ local prefix="${1}"
+ local njobs="${2}"
+ local nnodes="${3}"
+ local ncores="${4}"
+ local ngpus="${5}"
+ local begin="${6}"
+ local end="${7}"
+ local avg=0
+ local avail="no"
+ local el_match=0
+ # Print resource match time only for internal study
+ # flux-resource isn't a public command
+ if [[ "x${FT_DRY_RUN}" = "xno" ]]
+ then
+ flux ion-resource -h > /dev/null 2>&1 && avail="yes"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${avail}" = "yes" ]]
+ then
+ avg=$(flux ion-resource stat | grep "Avg" | awk '{print $4}')
+ el_match=$(awk "BEGIN {print ${avg}*${njobs}*1000000.0}")
+ fi
+ local elapse=0
+ elapse=$(awk "BEGIN {print ${end} - ${begin}}")
+ echo "{\"treeid\":\"${prefix}\",\"njobs\":${njobs},\"my_nodes\":${nnodes},\
+# Fetch the next topology parameter that will be passed to
+# the next-level Flux instances. E.g., If the current level topology
+# is 2x3x4, the topology handled at the next level will be 3x4.
+next_topo() {
+ local topo="${1}"
+ local nx=''
+ local nfields=0
+ nfields=$(echo "${topo}" | awk -F"${t_delim}" '{print NF}')
+ # Remove the first topo parameter
+ [[ ${nfields} -gt 1 ]] && nx="${topo#*${t_delim}}"
+ echo "${nx}"
+# Fetch the next policy parameter that will be passed to
+# the next-level Flux instances. E.g., If the current policy parameter
+# is high:low:locality, the policies handled at the next level
+# will be low:locality.
+next_policy_or_param() {
+ local policy_or_param="${1}"
+ local nx=""
+ local nfields=0
+ nfields=$(echo "${policy_or_param}" | awk -F"${p_delim}" '{print NF}')
+ [[ ${nfields} -gt 1 ]] && nx="${policy_or_param#*${p_delim}}"
+ echo "${nx}"
+# Check if the given queuing policy is valid
+qpolicy_check() {
+ local policy=${1%%${p_delim}*}
+ [[ "x${policy}" = "x" ]] && return 1
+ [[ "${qp_policies["${policy}"]:-missing}" = "missing" ]] && return 1
+ return 0
+# Check if the given match policy is valid
+mpolicy_check() {
+ local policy=${1%%${p_delim}*}
+ [[ "x${policy}" = "x" ]] && return 1
+ [[ "${mp_policies["${policy}"]:-missing}" = "missing" ]] && return 1
+ return 0
+# Check if the given queue param is valid
+qparams_check() {
+ local param=''
+ param=$(echo "${1}" | awk -F"${p_delim}" '{print $1}')
+ param=${1%%${p_delim}*}
+ local final_param=''
+ final_param=${param##*,}
+ for i in $(seq 1 10)
+ do
+ local token1=${param%%,*}
+ local token2=${token1%=*}
+ [[ "x${token2}" = "x" ]] && return 1
+ [[ "${q_params["${token2}"]:-missing}" = "missing" ]] && return 1
+ [[ "x${token1}" = "x${final_param}" ]] && break
+ param=${param#*,}
+ done
+ return 0
+# Calculate the number of jobs to execute based on the number of Flux instances
+# being used at a level and the rank of the instance amongst its siblings.
+ local njobs="${1}"
+ local size="${2}" # rank starts from 1
+ local rank="${3}"
+ echo $(( njobs / size + (size + njobs % size)/(size + rank) ))
+# Calculate the total number of cores that will be assigned to a child
+# Flux instance based on the total number of nodes and cores per node
+# assigned to the current Flux instance as well as the size and rank parameter.
+ local nnodes="${1}"
+ local ncores="${2}"
+ local size="${3}"
+ local rank="${4}"
+ local t_cores=$(( nnodes * ncores ))
+ echo $(( t_cores / size + (size + t_cores % size) / (size + rank) ))
+# Calculate the total number of GPUs that will be assigned to a child
+# Flux instance based on the total number of nodes and GPUs per node
+# assigned to the current Flux instance as well as the size and rank parameter.
+ local nnodes="${1}"
+ local ngpus="${2}"
+ local size="${3}"
+ local rank="${4}"
+ local t_gpus=$(( nnodes * ngpus ))
+ echo $(( t_gpus / size + (size + t_gpus % size) / (size + rank) ))
+# Adjust the number of Flux instances to spawn at the next level
+# if the amount of resources managed by the parent instance is small.
+ local ncores="${1}"
+ local ngpus="${2}"
+ local size="${3}"
+ [[ ${ngpus} -ne 0 && ${ngpus} -lt ${size} ]] && size=${ngpus}
+ [[ ${ncores} -lt ${size} ]] && size=${ncores}
+ echo "${size}"
+# Calculate the total number of nodes that will be assigned to a child
+# Flux instance based on the total number of cores per node as well as
+# the total number of cores assigned to this child instance. Returns
+# minimum num of nodes required.
+ local ncores="${1}"
+ local m_cores="${2}"
+ echo $(( m_cores / ncores + (ncores + m_cores % ncores) / (ncores + 1 )))
+# Apply all of the policies for the target Flux instance
+# by setting environment variables.
+apply_policies() {
+ local queue_policy="${1%%${p_delim}*}"
+ local queue_param="${2%%${p_delim}*}"
+ local match_policy="${3%%${p_delim}*}"
+ if [[ "${queue_policy}" != "default" ]]
+ then
+ export FLUXION_QMANAGER_OPTIONS="queue-policy=${queue_policy}"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${queue_param}" != "default" ]]
+ then
+ export FLUXION_QMANAGER_OPTIONS="${qo:+${qo},}queue-params=${queue_param}"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${match_policy}" != "default" ]]
+ then
+ export FLUXION_RESOURCE_OPTIONS="hwloc-allowlist=node,core,gpu \
+ fi
+ if [[ "x${FT_DRY_RUN}" = "xyes" ]]
+ then
+ fi
+# Undo all of the policies set for the target Flux instance
+# by unsetting environment variables.
+unapply_policies() {
+ if [ "${ORIG_FLUXION_QMANAGER_OPTIONS}" != "none" ]
+ then
+ fi
+ if [ "${ORIG_FLUXION_RESOURCE_OPTIONS}" != "none" ]
+ then
+ fi
+ if [ "${ORIG_FLUXION_QMANAGER_RC_NOOP}" != "none" ]
+ then
+ fi
+ if [ "${ORIG_FLUXION_RESOURCE_RC_NOOP}" != "none" ]
+ then
+ fi
+ if [[ "x${FT_DRY_RUN}" = "xyes" ]]
+ then
+ fi
+# #
+# Handle Leaf or Internal Flux Instances #
+# #
+# Execute the script. Export a predefined set of
+# environment variables and execute the given jobscript.
+execute() {
+ local prefix="${1}"
+ local nnodes="${2}"
+ local ncores="${3}"
+ local ngpus="${4}"
+ local njobs="${5}"
+ local rc=0
+ for job in $(seq 1 "${njobs}");
+ do
+ export FLUX_TREE_ID="${prefix}"
+ export FLUX_TREE_NNODES="${nnodes}"
+ export FLUX_TREE_NCORES_PER_NODE="${ncores}"
+ export FLUX_TREE_NGPUS_PER_NODE="${ngpus}"
+ if [[ "x${FT_DRY_RUN}" = "xyes" ]]
+ then
+ dr_print "FLUX_TREE_ID=${FLUX_TREE_ID}"
+ dr_print "eval ${FT_CL[@]}"
+ continue
+ else
+ rc=0
+ "${FT_CL[@]}" || rc=$?
+ if [[ ${rc} -gt ${FT_MAX_EXIT_CODE} ]]
+ then
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ [[ "x${FT_DRY_RUN}" = "xno" ]] && flux queue drain
+ if [[ "x${FT_MAX_TREE_ID}" != "x" ]]
+ then
+ warn "${FT_CL[@]}: exited with exit code (${FT_MAX_EXIT_CODE})"
+ warn "invocation id: ${FT_MAX_TREE_ID}@index[${FT_MAX_JOBSCRIPT_IX}]"
+ warn "output displayed above, if any"
+ fi
+ unset FLUX_TREE_ID
+# Entry point to execute the job script. When this is invoke,
+# the parent Flux instance has already been started.
+# Measure the elapse time of the job script execution, and
+# dump the performance data.
+leaf() {
+ local prefix="${1}"
+ local nnodes="${2}"
+ local ncores="${3}"
+ local ngpus="${4}"
+ local njobs="${5}"
+ local perfout="${6}"
+ local format="${7}"
+ # Begin Time Stamp
+ local B=''
+ B=$(date +%s.%N)
+ execute "$@"
+ # End Time Stamp
+ local E=''
+ E=$(date +%s.%N)
+ local o=''
+ o=$(jsonify "${prefix}" "${njobs}" "${nnodes}" "${ncores}" \
+"${ngpus}" "${B}" "${E}")
+ rollup "${prefix}" "${o}" "${perfout}" "0" "${format}"
+# Roll up exit code from child instances
+rollup_exit_code() {
+ local rc=0
+ for job in "${jobids[@]}"
+ do
+ rc=0
+ flux job status --exception-exit-code=255 ${job} || rc=$?
+ if [[ ${rc} -gt ${FT_MAX_EXIT_CODE} ]]
+ then
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ "${FT_MAX_FLUX_JOBID}" != "0" ]]
+ then
+ flux job attach ${FT_MAX_FLUX_JOBID} || true
+ fi
+# Submit the specified number of Flux instances at the next level of the calling
+# instance. Use flux-tree recursively. Instances that have 0 jobs assigned are
+# not launched.
+submit() {
+ local prefix="${1}"
+ local nx_topo=$(next_topo "${2}")
+ local nx_queue=$(next_policy_or_param "${3}")
+ local nx_q_params=$(next_policy_or_param "${4}")
+ local nx_match=$(next_policy_or_param "${5}")
+ local nnodes="${6}"
+ local ncores="${7}"
+ local ngpus="${8}"
+ local size="${9}"
+ local njobs="${10}"
+ local log="${11}"
+ local rdir="${12}"
+ # Flux instance rank-agnostic command-line options for the next level
+ local T="${nx_topo:+--topology=${nx_topo}}"
+ T="${T:---leaf}"
+ local Q="${nx_queue:+--queue-policy=${nx_queue}}"
+ local P="${nx_q_params:+--queue-params=${nx_q_params}}"
+ local M="${nx_match:+--match-policy=${nx_match}}"
+ local F=''
+ [[ "x${log}" != "x%^+_no" ]] && F="--flux-logs=${log}"
+ local R=''
+ [[ "x${rdir}" != "x%^+_no" ]] && R="--flux-rundir=${rdir}"
+ local rank=0
+ # Main Loop to Submit the Next-Level Flux Instances
+ size=$(get_effective_size "${ncores}" "${ngpus}" "${size}")
+ apply_policies "${3}" "${4}" "${5}"
+ for rank in $(seq 1 "${size}"); do
+ local my_cores=0
+ my_cores=$(get_my_cores "${nnodes}" "${ncores}" "${size}" "${rank}")
+ local my_gpus=0
+ my_gpus=$(get_my_gpus "${nnodes}" "${ngpus}" "${size}" "${rank}")
+ local my_njobs=0
+ my_njobs=$(get_my_njobs "${njobs}" "${size}" "${rank}")
+ [[ "${my_njobs}" -eq 0 ]] && break
+ # Flux instance rank-aware command-line options
+ local J="--njobs=${my_njobs}"
+ local o=''
+ if [[ x"${log}" != "x%^+_no" ]]
+ then
+ if [[ "x${FT_DRY_RUN}" != "xyes" ]]
+ then
+ mkdir -p "${log}"
+ fi
+ o="-o,-Slog-filename=${log}/${prefix}.${rank}.log"
+ fi
+ if [[ x"${rdir}" != "x%^+_no" ]]
+ then
+ if [[ "x${FT_DRY_RUN}" != "xyes" ]]
+ then
+ rm -rf "${rdir}/${prefix}.${rank}.pfs"
+ mkdir -p "${rdir}/${prefix}.${rank}.pfs"
+ fi
+ o="${o:+${o} }-o,-Srundir=${rdir}/${prefix}.${rank}.pfs"
+ fi
+ local N=0
+ N=$(get_my_nodes "${ncores}" "${my_cores}")
+ local c=0
+ c=$((my_cores/N + (my_cores + my_cores % N)/(my_cores + 1)))
+ local g=0
+ g=$((my_gpus/N + (my_gpus + my_gpus % N)/(my_gpus + 1)))
+ local G=''
+ [[ ${g} -gt 0 ]] && G="-g ${g}"
+ local X="--prefix=${prefix}.${rank}"
+ if [[ "x${FT_DRY_RUN}" = "xyes" ]]
+ then
+ dr_print "Rank=${rank}: N=${N} c=${c} ${G:+g=${G}} ${o:+o=${o}}"
+ dr_print "Rank=${rank}: ${T:+T=${T}}"
+ dr_print "Rank=${rank}: ${Q:+Q=${Q}} ${P:+P=${P}} ${M:+M=${M}}"
+ dr_print "Rank=${rank}: ${X:+X=${X}} ${J:+J=${J}} ${FT_CL:+S=${FT_CL[@]}}"
+ dr_print ""
+ continue
+ fi
+ jobid=$(\
+flux submit --job-name=${FT_JOB_NAME} -N${N} -n${N} -c${c} ${G} \
+ flux start ${o} \
+ flux tree -N${N} -c${c} ${G} ${T} ${Q} ${P} ${M} ${F} ${R} ${X} ${J} \
+ -- "${FT_CL[@]}")
+ jobids["${rank}"]="${jobid}"
+ done
+ [[ "x${FT_DRY_RUN}" = "xno" ]] && flux queue drain && rollup_exit_code
+ unapply_policies
+# Collect the performance record for sibling Flux instances at one level.
+# For each child instance, get the performance record from the guest KVS
+# namespace, which had all of the records gathered for the subtree rooted
+# at this instance, and add that to the current record with its child key.
+coll_perf() {
+ local prefix="${1}"
+ local nnodes="${2}"
+ local ncores="${3}"
+ local ngpus="${4}"
+ local njobs="${5}"
+ local begin="${6}"
+ local end="${7}"
+ local perfout="${8}"
+ local nchildren="${9}"
+ local format="${10}"
+ #
+ # Make a JSON string from the performance data
+ #
+ local blurb=''
+ blurb=$(jsonify "${prefix}" "${njobs}" "${nnodes}" "${ncores}" "${ngpus}" "${begin}" "${end}")
+ rollup "${prefix}" "${blurb}" "${perfout}" "${nchildren}" "${format}"
+# Entry point to submit child Flux instances at the next level from the
+# calling Flux instance. Measure the elapse time of running all of these
+# Flux instances. Collect the performance record for that level at the end.
+internal() {
+ local prefix="${1}"
+ local nnodes="${6}"
+ local ncores="${7}"
+ local ngpus="${8}"
+ local njobs="${10}"
+ local perfout="${13}"
+ local format="${14}"
+ # Begin Time Stamp
+ local B=''
+ B=$(date +%s.%N)
+ submit "$@"
+ # End Time Stamp
+ local E=''
+ E=$(date +%s.%N)
+ if [[ "x${FT_DRY_RUN}" = "xyes" ]]; then
+ nchildren=0
+ else
+ nchildren=${#jobids[@]}
+ fi
+ coll_perf "${prefix}" "${nnodes}" "${ncores}" "${ngpus}" \
+"${njobs}" "${B}" "${E}" "${perfout}" "${nchildren}" "${format}"
+# #
+# Main #
+# #
+main() {
+ local leaf="${1}" # is this a leaf Flux instance?
+ local prefix="${2}" # id showing hierarchical path of the instance
+ local topo="${3}" # topology shape at the invoked level
+ local queue="${4}" # queuing policies at the invoked level and below
+ local param="${5}" # queue parameters at the invoked level and below
+ local match="${6}" # match policy shape at the invoked level
+ local nnodes="${7}" # num of nodes allocated to this instance
+ local ncores="${8}" # num of cores per node
+ local ngpus="${9}" # num of gpus per node
+ local njobs="${10}" # num of jobs assigned to this Flux instance
+ local flogs="${11}" # flux log output option
+ local frdir="${12}" # flux rundir attribute
+ local out="${13}" # perf output filename
+ local format="${14}" # perf output format
+ local size=0
+ if [[ ${leaf} = "yes" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ # flux-tree is invoked for a leaf: all of the internal Flux instances
+ # leading to this leaf have been instantiated and ${script} should
+ # be executed on the last-level Flux instance.
+ #
+ leaf "${prefix}" "${nnodes}" "${ncores}" "${ngpus}" "${njobs}" \
+ "${out}" "${format}"
+ else
+ #
+ # flux-tree is invoked to instantiate ${size} internal Flux instances
+ # at the next level of the calling instance.
+ #
+ size=${topo%%${t_delim}*}
+ internal "${prefix}" "${topo}" "${queue}" "${param}" "${match}" \
+ "${nnodes}" "${ncores}" "${ngpus}" "${size}" "${njobs}" \
+ "${flogs}" "${frdir}" "${out}" "${format}"
+ fi
+ exit ${FT_MAX_EXIT_CODE}
+# #
+# Commandline Parsing and Validate Options #
+# #
+GETOPTS=$(/usr/bin/getopt -o ${short_opts} -l ${long_opts} -n "${prog}" -- "${@}")
+eval set -- "${GETOPTS}"
+while true; do
+ case "${1}" in
+ -h|--help) echo -ne "${usage}"; exit 0 ;;
+ -l|--leaf) FT_LEAF="yes"; shift 1 ;;
+ -d|--dry-run) FT_DRY_RUN="yes"; shift 1 ;;
+ -f|--flux-logs) FT_FXLOGS="${2}"; shift 2 ;;
+ -r|--flux-rundir) FT_FXRDIR="${2}"; shift 2 ;;
+ -N|--nnodes) FT_NNODES=${2}; shift 2 ;;
+ -c|--ncores-per-node) FT_NCORES=${2}; shift 2 ;;
+ -g|--ngpus-per-node) FT_NGPUS=${2}; shift 2 ;;
+ -T|--topology) FT_TOPO="${2}"; FT_INTER="yes"; shift 2 ;;
+ -Q|--queue-policy) FT_QUEUE="${2}"; FT_INTER="yes"; shift 2 ;;
+ -P|--queue-params) FT_PARAMS="${2}"; FT_INTER="yes"; shift 2 ;;
+ -M|--match-policy) FT_MATCH="${2}"; FT_INTER="yes"; shift 2 ;;
+ -J|--njobs) FT_NJOBS=${2}; shift 2 ;;
+ -o|--perf-out) FT_PERF_OUT="${2}"; shift 2 ;;
+ --perf-format) FT_PERF_FORMAT="${2}"; shift 2 ;;
+ -X|--prefix) FT_G_PREFIX="${2}"; shift 2 ;;
+ --job-name) FT_JOB_NAME="${2}"; shift 2 ;;
+ --) shift; break; ;;
+ *) die "Invalid option '${1}'\n${usage}" ;;
+ esac
+FT_CL=( "${@}" )
+[[ "$#" -lt 1 || "${rcopt}" -ne 0 ]] && die "${usage}"
+[[ ! -x $(which ${FT_SCRIPT}) ]] && die "cannot execute ${FT_SCRIPT}!"
+[[ "${FT_NNODES}" -le 0 ]] && die "nnodes must be greater than 0!"
+[[ "${FT_NCORES}" -le 0 ]] && die "ncores must be greater than 0!"
+[[ "${FT_NGPUS}" -lt 0 ]] && die "incorrect ngpus!"
+qpolicy_check "${FT_QUEUE}" || die "invalid queue policy!"
+mpolicy_check "${FT_MATCH}" || die "invalid match policy!"
+qparams_check "${FT_PARAMS}" || die "invalid queue params!"
+if [[ "${FT_INTER}" = "yes" && "${FT_LEAF}" = "yes" ]]
+ die "--leaf must not be used together with internal tree-node options!"
+# if the user did not set a name, then use a partially random string to prevent
+# conflicts with other flux-tree instances during performance data collection
+# via flux-tree-helper
+if [[ "$FT_JOB_NAME" == '%^+_no' ]]; then
+ # code copied from:
+ # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/230673/how-to-generate-a-random-string
+ FT_JOB_NAME="flux-tree-$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 32)"
+# #
+# Invoke the Main Entry Level #
+# #
+main "${FT_LEAF}" "${FT_G_PREFIX}" "${FT_TOPO}" "${FT_QUEUE}" "${FT_PARAMS}" \
+ "${FT_MATCH}" "${FT_NNODES}" "${FT_NCORES}" "${FT_NGPUS}" "${FT_NJOBS}" \
+# vi:tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
diff --git a/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/flux-tree/flux-tree-helper.py b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/flux-tree/flux-tree-helper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eba17d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/flux-tree/flux-tree-helper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC
+# This file is part of the Flux resource manager framework.
+# For details, see https://github.com/flux-framework.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import json
+import argparse
+import logging
+import flux
+import flux.util
+import flux.kvs
+import flux.job
+LOGGER = logging.getLogger("flux-tree-helper")
+def get_child_jobids(flux_handle, num_children, child_name):
+ """
+ Get the jobids of num_children instances. Will repeatedly query the
+ job-info module until num_children jobids are collected, with sleeps
+ inbetween queries.
+ """
+ jobids = set()
+ since = 0.0
+ LOGGER.debug("Getting IDs of inactive children with name == %s", child_name)
+ while True:
+ for job in flux.job.job_list_inactive(
+ flux_handle,
+ max_entries=num_children,
+ since=since,
+ attrs=["t_inactive"],
+ name=child_name,
+ ).get_jobs():
+ jobid = job["id"]
+ since = max(since, job["t_inactive"])
+ jobids.add(jobid)
+ if len(jobids) >= num_children:
+ break
+ LOGGER.debug(
+ "Only %d out of %d children are inactive, sleeping before trying again",
+ len(jobids),
+ num_children,
+ )
+ time.sleep(1)
+ return jobids
+def get_this_instance_data():
+ data = json.load(sys.stdin)
+ return data
+def get_child_data(flux_handle, num_children, child_name, kvs_key):
+ child_data = []
+ jobids = get_child_jobids(flux_handle, num_children, child_name)
+ for jobid in jobids:
+ kvs_dir = flux.job.job_kvs_guest(flux_handle, jobid)
+ child_data.append(kvs_dir[kvs_key])
+ return child_data
+def combine_data(this_instance_data, child_data):
+ this_instance_data["child"] = child_data
+ return this_instance_data
+class PerfOutputFormat(flux.util.OutputFormat):
+ """
+ Store a parsed version of the program's output format,
+ allowing the fields to iterated without modifiers, building
+ a new format suitable for headers display, etc...
+ """
+ # List of legal format fields and their header names
+ headings = dict(
+ treeid="TreeID",
+ elapse="Elapsed(sec)",
+ begin="Begin(Epoch)",
+ end="End(Epoch)",
+ match="Match(usec)",
+ njobs="NJobs",
+ my_nodes="NNodes",
+ my_cores="CPN",
+ my_gpus="GPN",
+ )
+ def __init__(self, fmt):
+ """
+ Parse the input format fmt with string.Formatter.
+ Save off the fields and list of format tokens for later use,
+ (converting None to "" in the process)
+ Throws an exception if any format fields do not match the allowed
+ list of headings above.
+ """
+ # Support both new and old style OutputFormat constructor:
+ try:
+ super().__init__(fmt, headings=self.headings, prepend="")
+ except TypeError:
+ super().__init__(PerfOutputFormat.headings, fmt)
+def write_data_to_file(output_filename, output_format, data):
+ def json_traverser(data):
+ fieldnames = PerfOutputFormat.headings.keys()
+ output = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k in fieldnames}
+ output.update(data["perf"])
+ yield output
+ for child in data["child"]:
+ yield from json_traverser(child)
+ formatter = PerfOutputFormat(output_format)
+ with open(output_filename, "w") as outfile:
+ header = formatter.header() + "\n"
+ outfile.write(header)
+ fmt = formatter.get_format() + "\n"
+ for data_row in json_traverser(data):
+ # newline = formatter.format(data_row)
+ newline = fmt.format(**data_row)
+ outfile.write(newline)
+def write_data_to_parent(flux_handle, kvs_key, data):
+ try:
+ parent_uri = flux_handle.flux_attr_get("parent-uri")
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ return
+ parent_handle = flux.Flux(parent_uri)
+ try:
+ parent_kvs_namespace = flux_handle.flux_attr_get("parent-kvs-namespace").decode(
+ "utf-8"
+ )
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ return
+ env_name = "FLUX_KVS_NAMESPACE"
+ os.environ[env_name] = parent_kvs_namespace
+ flux.kvs.put(parent_handle, kvs_key, data)
+ flux.kvs.commit(parent_handle)
+def parse_args():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog="flux-tree-helper", formatter_class=flux.util.help_formatter()
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "num_children",
+ type=int,
+ help="number of children to collect data from. Should be 0 at leaves.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "kvs_key", type=str, help="key to use when propagating data up through the tree"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "job_name",
+ type=str,
+ help="name of the child jobs to use when filtering the inactive jobs",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--perf-out",
+ type=str,
+ help="Dump the performance data into the given file. "
+ "Assumed to be given at the root instance.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--perf-format",
+ type=str,
+ help="Dump the performance data with the given format string.",
+ )
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def main():
+ args = parse_args()
+ flux_handle = None
+ try:
+ flux_handle = flux.Flux()
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ flux_handle = None
+ LOGGER.debug("Getting this instance's data")
+ this_data = get_this_instance_data()
+ if flux_handle is not None and args.num_children > 0:
+ LOGGER.debug("Getting children's data")
+ child_data = get_child_data(
+ flux_handle, args.num_children, args.job_name, args.kvs_key
+ )
+ else:
+ child_data = []
+ LOGGER.debug("Combining data")
+ combined_data = combine_data(this_data, child_data)
+ if flux_handle is not None:
+ LOGGER.debug("Writing data to parent's KVS")
+ write_data_to_parent(flux_handle, args.kvs_key, combined_data)
+ if args.perf_out:
+ LOGGER.debug("Writing data to file")
+ write_data_to_file(args.perf_out, args.perf_format, combined_data)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/gcp/config.yaml b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/gcp/config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b44626c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/gcp/config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# A few notes!
+# The hub -> authentic class defaults to "dummy"
+# We shouldn't need any image pull secrets assuming public
+# There is a note about the database being a sqlite pvc
+# (and a TODO for better solution for Kubernetes)
+# This is the concurrent spawn limit, likely should be increased (deafults to 64)
+ concurrentSpawnLimit: 10
+ config:
+ DummyAuthenticator:
+ password: butter
+ JupyterHub:
+ admin_access: true
+ authenticator_class: dummy
+ # This is the image I built based off of jupyterhub/k8s-hub, 3.0.2 at time of writing this
+ image:
+ name: ghcr.io/flux-framework/flux-jupyter-hub
+ tag: "2023"
+ pullPolicy: Always
+# https://z2jh.jupyter.org/en/latest/administrator/optimization.html#scaling-up-in-time-user-placeholders
+ podPriority:
+ enabled: true
+ userPlaceholder:
+ # Specify 3 dummy user pods will be used as placeholders
+ replicas: 3
+# This is the "spawn" image
+ image:
+ name: ghcr.io/flux-framework/flux-jupyter-spawn
+ tag: "2023"
+ pullPolicy: Always
+ cpu:
+ limit: 1
+ memory:
+ limit: '4G'
+ cmd: /entrypoint.sh
+ initContainers:
+ - name: init-myservice
+ image: alpine/git
+ command: ["git", "clone", "https://github.com/rse-ops/flux-radiuss-tutorial-2023", "/home/jovyan/flux-tutorial"]
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: flux-tutorial
+ mountPath: /home/jovyan
+ # This is how we get the tutorial files added
+ storage:
+ type: none
+ # gitRepo volume is deprecated so we need another way
+ # https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#gitrepo
+ extraVolumes:
+ - name: flux-tutorial
+ emptyDir: {}
+ extraVolumeMounts:
+ - name: flux-tutorial
+ mountPath: /home/jovyan/
diff --git a/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/requirements.txt b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d9d99e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile with Python 3.11
+# by the following command:
+# Use the "Run workflow" button at https://github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s/actions/workflows/watch-dependencies.yaml
+ # via jupyterhub
+ # via jupyter-server
+ # via
+ # jupyter-server
+ # nbclassic
+ # via argon2-cffi
+ # via isoduration
+ # via stack-data
+ # via jupyterhub
+ # via jupyterlab
+ # via
+ # jsonschema
+ # referencing
+ # via jupyterlab-server
+ # via ipython
+ # via nbconvert
+ # via nbconvert
+ # via requests
+ # via jupyterhub
+ # via
+ # argon2-cffi-bindings
+ # cryptography
+ # via requests
+ # via ipykernel
+ # via pyopenssl
+ # via ipykernel
+ # via ipython
+ # via nbconvert
+ # via stack-data
+ # via nbformat
+ # via jsonschema
+ # via sqlalchemy
+ # via
+ # anyio
+ # jsonschema
+ # requests
+ # via
+ # jupyterlab
+ # nbclassic
+ # via ipykernel
+ # via nbclassic
+ # via jsonschema
+ # via ipython
+ # via
+ # jupyter-server
+ # jupyterhub
+ # jupyterlab
+ # jupyterlab-server
+ # nbclassic
+ # nbconvert
+ # via jupyterlab-server
+ # via jsonschema
+ # via
+ # jupyter-events
+ # jupyter-telemetry
+ # jupyterlab-server
+ # nbformat
+ # via jsonschema
+ # via
+ # ipykernel
+ # jupyter-server
+ # nbclassic
+ # nbclient
+ # via
+ # ipykernel
+ # jupyter-client
+ # jupyter-server
+ # jupyterlab
+ # nbclassic
+ # nbclient
+ # nbconvert
+ # nbformat
+ # via jupyter-server
+ # via jupyterlab
+ # via
+ # jupyter-lsp
+ # jupyterlab
+ # jupyterlab-server
+ # nbclassic
+ # nbgitpuller
+ # notebook-shim
+ # via jupyter-server
+ # via jupyterhub
+ # via -r requirements.in
+ # via -r requirements.in
+ # via nbconvert
+ # via jupyterlab
+ # via alembic
+ # via
+ # jinja2
+ # mako
+ # nbconvert
+ # via
+ # ipykernel
+ # ipython
+ # via nbconvert
+ # via -r requirements.in
+ # via nbconvert
+ # via
+ # jupyter-server
+ # nbclassic
+ # via
+ # jupyter-server
+ # nbclassic
+ # nbclient
+ # nbconvert
+ # via -r requirements.in
+ # via
+ # ipykernel
+ # nbclassic
+ # via
+ # jupyterlab
+ # nbclassic
+ # via jupyterhub
+ # via jupyter-server
+ # via
+ # ipykernel
+ # jupyter-server
+ # jupyterhub
+ # jupyterlab
+ # jupyterlab-server
+ # nbconvert
+ # via jupyterhub
+ # via nbconvert
+ # via jedi
+ # via ipython
+ # via ipython
+ # via jupyter-core
+ # via
+ # jupyter-server
+ # jupyterhub
+ # nbclassic
+ # via ipython
+ # via ipykernel
+ # via
+ # pexpect
+ # terminado
+ # via stack-data
+ # via cffi
+ # via
+ # ipython
+ # nbconvert
+ # via certipy
+ # via
+ # arrow
+ # jupyter-client
+ # jupyterhub
+ # via
+ # jupyter-events
+ # jupyter-telemetry
+ # via jupyter-events
+ # via
+ # ipykernel
+ # jupyter-client
+ # jupyter-server
+ # nbclassic
+ # via
+ # jsonschema
+ # jsonschema-specifications
+ # jupyter-events
+ # via
+ # jupyterhub
+ # jupyterlab-server
+ # via
+ # jsonschema
+ # jupyter-events
+ # via
+ # jsonschema
+ # jupyter-events
+ # via
+ # jsonschema
+ # referencing
+ # via jupyter-telemetry
+ # via ruamel-yaml
+ # via
+ # jupyter-server
+ # nbclassic
+ # via
+ # asttokens
+ # bleach
+ # python-dateutil
+ # rfc3339-validator
+ # via anyio
+ # via beautifulsoup4
+ # via
+ # alembic
+ # jupyterhub
+ # via ipython
+ # via
+ # jupyter-server
+ # jupyter-server-terminals
+ # nbclassic
+ # via nbconvert
+ # via
+ # ipykernel
+ # jupyter-client
+ # jupyter-server
+ # jupyterhub
+ # jupyterlab
+ # nbclassic
+ # nbgitpuller
+ # terminado
+ # via
+ # comm
+ # ipykernel
+ # ipython
+ # jupyter-client
+ # jupyter-core
+ # jupyter-events
+ # jupyter-server
+ # jupyter-telemetry
+ # jupyterhub
+ # jupyterlab
+ # matplotlib-inline
+ # nbclassic
+ # nbclient
+ # nbconvert
+ # nbformat
+ # via
+ # alembic
+ # sqlalchemy
+ # via jsonschema
+ # via requests
+ # via prompt-toolkit
+ # via jsonschema
+ # via
+ # bleach
+ # tinycss2
+ # via jupyter-server
diff --git a/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/.gitignore b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ebb2aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/.github/workflows/main.yml b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/.github/workflows/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d301e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/.github/workflows/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This workflow will install Python dependencies, run tests and lint with a variety of Python versions
+# For more information see: https://help.github.com/actions/language-and-framework-guides/using-python-with-github-actions
+on: [pull_request]
+ check-pr:
+ name: check formatting
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python-version: [3.6, 3.7, 3.8]
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - run: git fetch origin master
+ - uses: flux-framework/pr-validator@master
+ - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v1
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ - name: Lint with flake8
+ run: |
+ pip install flake8
+ pip install black
+ # stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
+ flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
+ # exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide
+ flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
+ black .
diff --git a/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/.mergify.yml b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/.mergify.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65c6341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/.mergify.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ - name: rebase and merge when passing all checks
+ conditions:
+ - base=master
+ - status-success="check formatting (3.6)"
+ - status-success="check formatting (3.7)"
+ - status-success="check formatting (3.8)"
+ - label="merge-when-passing"
+ - label!="work-in-progress"
+ - "approved-reviews-by=@flux-framework/core"
+ - "#approved-reviews-by>0"
+ - "#changes-requested-reviews-by=0"
+ - -title~=^\[*[Ww][Ii][Pp]
+ actions:
+ merge:
+ method: merge
+ strict: smart
+ strict_method: rebase
diff --git a/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/Makefile b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f219905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
+# You can set these variables from the command line, and also
+# from the environment for the first two.
+SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
+BUILDDIR = _build
+# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
+.PHONY: help Makefile check spelling $(SCHEMA_DIRS)
+# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
+# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
+%: Makefile
+check: spelling
+ @$(SPHINXBUILD) -W -b spelling "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)" $(SPHINXOPTS) $(O)
diff --git a/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/README.md b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9208b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+This repository has been archived. It is no longer maintained and it is
+likely the examples do not work or are no longer good or suggested
+Please look elswhere for examples.
+**Flux Workflow Examples**
+The examples contained here demonstrate and explain some simple use-cases with Flux,
+and make use of Flux's command-line interface (CLI), Flux's C library,
+and the Python and Lua bindings to the C library.
+The examples assume that you have installed:
+1. A recent version of Flux
+2. Python 3.6+
+3. Lua 5.1+
+**_1. [CLI: Job Submission](https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples/tree/master/job-submit-cli)_**
+Launch a flux instance and schedule/launch compute and io-forwarding jobs on
+separate nodes using the CLI
+**_2. [Python: Job Submission](https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples/tree/master/job-submit-api)_**
+Schedule/launch compute and io-forwarding jobs on separate nodes using the Python bindings
+**_3. [Python: Job Submit/Wait](https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples/tree/master/job-submit-wait)_**
+Submit jobs and wait for them to complete using the Flux Python bindings
+**_4. [Python: Asynchronous Bulk Job Submission](https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples/tree/master/async-bulk-job-submit)_**
+Asynchronously submit jobspec files from a directory and wait for them to complete in any order
+**_5. [Python: Tracking Job Status and Events](https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples/tree/master/job-status-control)_**
+Submit job bundles, get event updates, and wait until all jobs complete
+**_6. [Python: Job Cancellation](https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples/tree/master/job-cancel)_**
+Cancel a running job
+**_7. [Lua: Use Events](https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples/tree/master/synchronize-events)_**
+Use events to synchronize compute and io-forwarding jobs running on separate
+**_8. [Python: Simple KVS Example](https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples/tree/master/kvs-python-bindings)_**
+Use KVS Python interfaces to store user data into KVS
+**_9. [CLI/Lua: Job Ensemble Submitted with a New Flux Instance](https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples/tree/master/job-ensemble)_**
+Submit job bundles, print live job events, and exit when all jobs are complete
+**_10. [CLI: Hierarchical Launching](https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples/tree/master/hierarchical-launching)_**
+Launch a large number of sleep 0 jobs
+**_11. [C/Lua: Use a Flux Comms Module](https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples/tree/master/comms-module)_**
+Use a Flux Comms Module to communicate with job elements
+**_12. [C/Python: A Data Conduit Strategy](https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples/tree/master/data-conduit)_**
+Attach to a job that receives OS time data from compute jobs
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+## Python Asynchronous Bulk Job Submission
+Parts (a) and (b) demonstrate different implementations of the same basic use-case---submitting
+large numbers of jobs to Flux. For simplicity, in these examples all of the jobs are identical.
+In part (a), we use the `flux.job.submit_async` and `flux.job.wait` functions to submit jobs and wait for them.
+In part (b), we use the `FluxExecutor` class, which offers a higher-level interface. It is important to note that
+these two different implementations deal with very different kinds of futures.
+The executor's futures fulfill in the background and callbacks added to the futures may
+be invoked by different threads; the `submit_async` futures do not fulfill in the background, callbacks are always
+invoked by the same thread that added them, and sharing the futures among threads is not supported.
+### Setup - Downloading the Files
+If you haven't already, download the files and change your working directory:
+$ git clone https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples.git
+$ cd flux-workflow-examples/async-bulk-job-submit
+### Part (a) - Using `submit_async`
+#### Description: Asynchronously submit jobspec files from a directory and wait for them to complete in any order
+1. Allocate three nodes from a resource manager:
+`salloc -N3 -ppdebug`
+2. Make a **jobs** directory:
+`mkdir jobs`
+3. Launch a Flux instance on the current allocation by running `flux start` once per node, redirecting log messages to the file `out` in the current directory:
+`srun --pty --mpi=none -N3 flux start -o,-S,log-filename=out`
+4. Store the jobspec of a `sleep 0` job in the **jobs** directory:
+`flux mini run --dry-run -n1 sleep 0 > jobs/0.json`
+5. Copy the jobspec of **job0** 1024 times to create a directory of 1025 `sleep 0` jobs:
+``for i in `seq 1 1024`; do cp jobs/0.json jobs/${i}.json; done``
+6. Run the **bulksubmit.py** script and pass all jobspec in the **jobs** directory as an argument with a shell glob `jobs/*.json`:
+`./bulksubmit.py jobs/*.json`
+bulksubmit: Starting...
+bulksubmit: submitted 1025 jobs in 3.04s. 337.09job/s
+bulksubmit: First job finished in about 3.089s
+|ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ| 100.0% (29.4 job/s)
+bulksubmit: Ran 1025 jobs in 34.9s. 29.4 job/s
+### Notes to Part (a)
+- `h = flux.Flux()` creates a new Flux handle which can be used to connect to and interact with a Flux instance.
+- `job_submit_async(h, jobspec.read(), waitable=True).then(submit_cb)` submits a jobspec, returning a future which will be fulfilled when the submission of this job is complete.
+`.then(submit_cb)`, called on the returned future, will cause our callback `submit_cb()` to be invoked when the submission of this job is complete and a jobid is available. To process job submission RPC responses and invoke callbacks, the flux reactor for handle `h` must be run:
+if h.reactor_run() < 0:
+οΏΌ h.fatal_error("reactor start failed")
+The reactor will return automatically when there are no more outstanding RPC responses, i.e., all jobs have been submitted.
+- `job.wait(h)` waits for any job submitted with the `FLUX_JOB_WAITABLE` flag to transition to the **INACTIVE** state.
+### Part (b) - Using FluxExecutor
+#### Description: Asynchronously submit a single command repeatedly
+If continuing from part (a), skip to step 3.
+1. Allocate three nodes from a resource manager:
+`salloc -N3 -ppdebug`
+2. Launch a Flux instance on the current allocation by running `flux start` once per node, redirecting log messages to the file `out` in the current directory:
+`srun --pty --mpi=none -N3 flux start -o,-S,log-filename=out`
+3. Run the **bulksubmit_executor.py** script and pass the command (`/bin/sleep 0` in this example) and the number of times to run it (default is 100):
+`./bulksubmit_executor.py -n200 /bin/sleep 0`
+bulksubmit_executor: submitted 200 jobs in 0.45s. 441.15job/s
+bulksubmit_executor: First job finished in about 1.035s
+|ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ| 100.0% (24.9 job/s)
+bulksubmit_executor: Ran 200 jobs in 8.2s. 24.4 job/s
diff --git a/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/async-bulk-job-submit/bulksubmit.py b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/async-bulk-job-submit/bulksubmit.py
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import time
+import sys
+import flux
+from flux import job
+from flux import constants
+t0 = time.time()
+jobs = []
+label = "bulksubmit"
+# open connection to broker
+h = flux.Flux()
+def log(s):
+ print(label + ": " + s)
+def progress(fraction, length=72, suffix=""):
+ fill = int(round(length * fraction))
+ bar = "\u2588" * fill + "-" * (length - fill)
+ s = "\r|{0}| {1:.1f}% {2}".format(bar, 100 * fraction, suffix)
+ sys.stdout.write(s)
+ if fraction == 1.0:
+ sys.stdout.write("\n")
+def submit_cb(f):
+ jobs.append(job.submit_get_id(f))
+# asynchronously submit jobspec files from a directory
+for file in sys.argv[1:]:
+ with open(file) as jobspec:
+ job.submit_async(h, jobspec.read(), waitable=True).then(submit_cb)
+if h.reactor_run() < 0:
+ h.fatal_error("reactor start failed")
+total = len(jobs)
+dt = time.time() - t0
+jps = len(jobs) / dt
+log("submitted {0} jobs in {1:.2f}s. {2:.2f}job/s".format(total, dt, jps))
+count = 0
+while count < total:
+ # wait for jobs to complete in any order
+ job.wait(h)
+ count = count + 1
+ if count == 1:
+ log("First job finished in about {0:.3f}s".format(time.time() - t0))
+ suffix = "({0:.1f} job/s)".format(count / (time.time() - t0))
+ progress(count / total, length=58, suffix=suffix)
+dt = time.time() - t0
+log("Ran {0} jobs in {1:.1f}s. {2:.1f} job/s".format(total, dt, total / dt))
+# vi: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/async-bulk-job-submit/bulksubmit_executor.py b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/async-bulk-job-submit/bulksubmit_executor.py
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import time
+import sys
+import argparse
+import concurrent.futures as cf
+from flux.job import FluxExecutor, JobspecV1
+def log(label, s):
+ print(label + ": " + s)
+def progress(fraction, length=72, suffix=""):
+ fill = int(round(length * fraction))
+ bar = "\u2588" * fill + "-" * (length - fill)
+ s = f"\r|{bar}| {100 * fraction:.1f}% {suffix}"
+ sys.stdout.write(s)
+ if fraction == 1.0:
+ sys.stdout.write("\n")
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Submit a command repeatedly using FluxExecutor"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-n",
+ "--njobs",
+ type=int,
+ metavar="N",
+ help="Set the total number of jobs to run",
+ default=100,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("command", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args.command:
+ args.command = ["true"]
+ t0 = time.perf_counter()
+ label = "bulksubmit_executor"
+ with FluxExecutor() as executor:
+ compute_jobspec = JobspecV1.from_command(args.command)
+ futures = [executor.submit(compute_jobspec) for _ in range(args.njobs)]
+ # wait for the jobid for each job, as a proxy for the job being submitted
+ for fut in futures:
+ fut.jobid()
+ # all jobs submitted - print timings
+ dt = time.perf_counter() - t0
+ jps = args.njobs / dt
+ log(label, f"submitted {args.njobs} jobs in {dt:.2f}s. {jps:.2f}job/s")
+ # wait for jobs to complete
+ for i, _ in enumerate(cf.as_completed(futures)):
+ if i == 0:
+ log(
+ label,
+ f"First job finished in about {time.perf_counter() - t0:.3f}s",
+ )
+ jps = (i + 1) / (time.perf_counter() - t0)
+ progress((i + 1) / args.njobs, length=58, suffix=f"({jps:.1f} job/s)")
+ # print time summary
+ dt = time.perf_counter() - t0
+ log(label, f"Ran {args.njobs} jobs in {dt:.1f}s. {args.njobs / dt:.1f} job/s")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/comms-module/Makefile b/2024-RIKEN-AWS/JupyterNotebook/tutorial/flux-workflow-examples/comms-module/Makefile
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+all: capp.so ioapp.so
+FLUX_CORE_LIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs flux-core)
+FLUX_CORE_INCLUDES = $(shell pkg-config --cflags flux-core)
+ioapp.so: ioapp.o
+ gcc -Wl,--no-undefined --disable-static -shared -export-dynamic $^ -o $@ $(FLUX_CORE_LIBS)
+ioapp.o: app.c
+ gcc $(FLUX_CORE_INCLUDES) $^ -DIO_SERVICE=1 -fPIC -c -o $@
+capp.so: capp.o
+ gcc -Wl,--no-undefined --disable-static -shared -export-dynamic $^ -o $@ $(FLUX_CORE_LIBS)
+capp.o: app.c
+ gcc $(FLUX_CORE_INCLUDES) $^ -DCOMP_SERVICE=1 -fPIC -c -o $@
+ rm *.o *.so
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+### Using a Flux Comms Module
+#### Description: Use a Flux comms module to communicate with job elements
+##### Setup
+If you haven't already, download the files and change your working directory:
+$ git clone https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-workflow-examples.git
+$ cd flux-workflow-examples/comms-module
+##### Execution
+1. `salloc -N3 -ppdebug`
+2. Point to `flux-core`'s `pkgconfig` directory:
+| Shell | Command |
+| ----- | ---------- |
+| tcsh | `setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH