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This is a TypeScript toolkit library for development of purely functional and high-order cloud components with AWS CDK.


The library is an open-source extension to AWS CDK. It has been inspired by the following posts:

aws-cdk-pure is an utility for design and development of purely functional and higher-order components. You know React Hooks! Think of it as hooks for your cloud infrastructure.

Getting started

The latest version of the library is available at its master branch. All development, including new features and bug fixes, take place on the master branch using forking and pull requests as described in contribution guidelines. The latest package release is available at npm

npm install --save aws-cdk-pure

Key features

AWS Cloud Development Kit do not implement a pure functional approach. The abstraction of cloud resources is exposed using class hierarchy, each class represents a "cloud component" and encapsulates everything AWS CloudFormation needs to create the component. A shift from category of classes to category of pure functions simplifies the development by scraping boilerplate. A pure function component of type IaaC<T> is a right approach to express semantic of Infrastructure as a Code. Please check the details about the library design considerations here.

Cloud Formation Stacks and Resources

The library defines a core types IaaC<T> | IPure<T>. They express semantic of Infrastructure as a Code.

type IaaC<T> = (scope: cdk.Construct) => T

Purely functional semantic defines root operator. It attaches the pure stack components to the root of CDK application. Then, join operator attaches the pure definition of resource to the graph nodes. The logical name of the attached resources is defined by the name of a function.

import { root, join, IaaC } from 'aws-cdk-pure'

function RestApi(): cdk.Construct {/* ... */}

function Storage(): cdk.Construct {/* ... */}

function CodeBuildBot(stack: cdk.Construct): cdk.Construct {
  join(stack, RestApi)
  join(stack, Storage)
  return stack

const app = new cdk.App()
root(app, CodeBuildBot)

Pure Functional Cloud Resource

The original class-based semantic of AWS CDK defines a common constructor pattern for cloud resources, which takes a scope of the graph, logical name and properties of component.

type Node<Prop, Type> = new (scope: Construct, id: string, props: Prop) => Type

An overhead exists in class-based approach of resource definition. Firstly, the duplication of logical name - name of function and literal constant. Secondly, we can observe that category of cloud resource is bi-parted graph. The left side is “cloud components”, the right side is they properties (e.g. Function <-> FunctionProps). It is possible to infer a type of “cloud components” by type of its property and visa verse using ad-hoc polymorphism.

Purely functional semantic defines iaac operator - type safe factory. It takes a class constructor of “cloud component” as input and returns another function, which builds a type-safe association between “cloud component” and its property (see type Node<Prop, Type>).

import { join, iaac } from 'aws-cdk-pure'

const lambda = iaac(Function)

function WebHook(): FunctionProps {
  return {
    runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,
    code: new AssetCode(/* ... */),
    /* ... */

join(stack, lambda(WebHook))

In addition to iaac operator, the library support other type safe factories such as wrap and include. The warp lifts AWS CDK integrations and targets to pure functional domain.

import { wrap } from 'aws-cdk-pure'

const integrate = wrap(LambdaIntegration)

const method = integrate(lambda(WebHook))
restapi.root.addResource('test').addMethod('GET', method)

The include allows to import existing CloudFormation resources to the stack

import { include } from 'aws-cdk-pure'

const vpc = include(ec2.Vpc.fromVpcAttributes)

function Vpc(): VpcAttributes {
  return {
    vpcId: /* ... */


Runtime Customization of Cloud Resources

Often, a property of cloud resources needs to be resolved at runtime. You can do it with named closures.

function WebHook(code: AssetCode): IaaC<Function> {
  const WebHook = (): FunctionProps => ({
    runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,
    /* ... */
  return lambda(WebHook)

join(stack, WebHook(new AssetCode(/* ... */)))

Another typical use-case is naming of cloud resources after some runtime variables, e.g. name AWS Gateway API instances after domain name.

function ApiGateway(domain: string): IaaC<RestApi> {
  const gateway = iaac(RestApi)
  const Gateway = {[domain]: (): RestApiProps => ({/* ...*/})}

  return gateway(Gateway[domain])


The library works with IaaC<T> category. There is a challenge to use this type with native AWS CDK API. For example, the code fails to compile - addMethod requires an Integration type but IaaC<LambdaIntegration> is provided.

const api = restapi(MyApi)
const method  = integration(lambda(MyFunction))

api.root.addResource('test').addMethod('GET', method)

Purely functional semantic resolves this using functional abstractions (e.g. functions and monads). The type IPure<T> supertype of IaaC<T> implements functions to apply effects on inner type.

const lambda: IPure<Function> = iaac(Function)(WebHook)

const result: IPure<Function> = lambda.effect(
  (x: Function): void => /* applies a side effect to inner type */

const result: IPure<LambdaIntegration> =
  (x: Function): LambdaIntegration  => /* transforms a type from A to B */

const result: IPure<LambdaIntegration> = lambda.flatMap(
  (x: Function): IPure<LambdaIntegration>  => /* transforms a type from A to IaaC<B> */

// you solves above problem with flatMap
  .flatMap(api => 
    integration(lambda(MyFunction)).flatMap(method => {
      api.root.addResource('test').addMethod('GET', method)
      return api

Then, the library provides you convenient type-safe approach to deal with product of IPure<T> types. The product type is a structure where each member is a IPure<T> component (e.g. {[K in keyof T]: IaaC<T[K]>}).

// product of `IPure<T>` component
const api = restapi(MyApi)
const method  = integration(lambda(MyFunction))
const product = { api, method }

The library implements a helper function use to lift a product of components to IPure<T> type where you can use various composers.

use({/* product of IPure<Ts> */})
  .effect((x: {/* product of Ts */}): void => /* applies a side effect to inner type */)
  .flatMap((x: {/* product of Ts */}): {/* product of Tx */} => /* new product of IPure<Ts> */ )
  .yield(name) // yields back a component 

// you solves above problem 
use({ api, method })
  .effect(x => x.api.root.addResource('test').addMethod('GET', x.method))

Cross Stack References

Often, it is required to create resource in one stack and pass its reference to another one.

const root = new cdk.Stack(/* ... */)
const shared = pure.join(root, MySharedResource())

const other = new cdk.Stack(/* ... */)
pure.join(other, MyResource(shared))


You cloud code will looks like following snippet with this library. Check out aws-pure-cdk-hoc and serverless code build bot for example and reference implementations.

import { IaaC, root, join, use, iaac, wrap } from 'aws-cdk-pure'

// pure Lambda
function WebHook(): lambda.FunctionProps {
  return {
    runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,
    code: new lambda.AssetCode(...),

// pure API Gateway 
function Gateway(): api.RestApiProps {
  return {
    endpointTypes: [api.EndpointType.REGIONAL],

// HoC RestApi
function RestApi(): IaaC<api.RestApi> {
  const restapi = iaac(RestApi)(Gateway)
  const lambda  = iaac(Function)(WebHook)
  const webhook = wrap(LambdaIntegration)(lambda)
  return use({ restapi, webhook })
    .effect(x => x.restapi.root.addResource('webhook').addMethod('POST', x.webhook))

// pure stack
const app = new cdk.App()
const Stack = (): cdk.StackProps => ({ env: {} })
  pure.iaac(cdk.Stack)(Stack).effect(x => pure.join(x, RestApi))

Other libraries

You've might head about Punchcard

Punchcard adds to the vision by unifying infrastructure code with runtime code, meaning you can both declare resources and implement logic within one node.js application.

This library is not looking for unification of infrastructure and business logic code with this pure functional extension to AWS CDK. Instead, it promotes diversity of runtime of your lambda functions. It just shifts IaaC development paradigm from category of classes to category of pure functions.
