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Releases: foundryvtt/dnd5e


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 1.2.0 is a new major version for the dnd5e game system which implements a number of new features, bug fixes, and usability enhancements.

COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The version 1.2.0 release for the D&D5e system ONLY SUPPORTS Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 0.7.6 (release) and greater. To use this new game system version you must also use Foundry VTT version 0.7.6. If you do not wish to update your core software, please continue using a previous version of the dnd5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 1.2.0 release, please use the following manifest URL:


New Features

  • Refactored the way that senses data is stored in the Actor data model to explicitly track the sense type and distance for different perception types like darkvision, blindsight, tremorsense, or truesight. Add a new companion sub-application for configuring the senses that are available to a certain Actor.
  • Item attunement has been changed from a boolean to a numeric state which tracks whether or not an item requires attunement, as well as whether that item is currently attuned. Update the character sheet display to represent each state.
  • The maximum number of limited uses for an item is now allowed to be defined as a formula that is resolved against the base Actor data which owns that item. For example, Lay on Hands could be configured to use charges with a maximum number of 5 * @classes.paladin.levels or Bardic Inspiration can be configured to have a maximum number of uses of @abilities.cha.mod. Important Note: this feature requires a bug fix in the core FVTT software and will not function properly until core version 0.7.9 is released.
  • Allow the "Attack Roll Bonus" of an item action configuration to be a string field instead of purely numeric to support cases where the attack bonus incorporates a formula reference.
  • Item ammunition consumption may now reference the same item as the consumption target to support use cases like thrown weapons which deplete their own quantity when used. This allows, for example, throwing axes or javelins to consume their own quantity when an attack roll is made with that item.
  • The Ability Activation configuration sheet has been overhauled to consolidate ability usage workflow across all item types. Previously spells used a different separate workflow for their configuration and they have now been fully merged in with other item types. Additionally, the new ability usage configuration form supports the possibility of abilities which consume multiple resource types, for example with both limited uses per day as well as a linked consumed resource, both of which can be configured at the point in time that the ability is uses.
  • Improve the logic used to test whether an item satisfies the conditions needed for it to be used by first testing all usage requirements and then only enacting those data changes after verifiying that all requirements are jointly met. For example, if a spell requires both a spell slot and a linked consumed resource, both must be available in order for the spell to be cast.
  • Updated the logic which assigns proficiency to new Owned Items to reference the weapon and armor proficiencies of a player character to make a dynamic choice about the initial proficiency value for the weapon or equipment.
  • A character or NPCs spellcasting save DC is now shown next to the spellcasting ability selector on the Spellbook tab for both Character and NPC actor types.
  • Improve Wild Shape transformations by creating a new class for the assumed form of the creature that has the proper number and denomination of hit dice that the creature possesses. Enabling short resting while in Wild Shape.
  • Moved the button for movement speed configuration out from the traits tab and into the attributes header as a cog icon within the Speed attribute itself.
  • Redesign the "Toggle Effect" button for an Active Effect to switch between a Cancel symbol (for inactivate) and a Checkmark (For activate).
  • Rolling hit dice using the Short Rest dialog now correctly accounts for increases to temporary maximum hit points in the amount of health which may be restored.
  • Improve the displayed format of limited uses for spells to avoid overflow and collision with the spell title.
  • Improve the workflow for creating a measured template associated with an ability activation to re-maximize the initiating Actor Sheet after the measured template has been successfully placed.

Compendium Content

  • New Forgotten Adventures monster tokens have been added for 10 CR1/2 and CR1 creatures!
  • Added an initial set of Active Effects to the 5e system compendium packs supporting the following Class Features: Fiendish Resilience, Fighting Style: Archery, Fighting Style: Defense, Fighting Style: Dueling, Ki: Empty Body, Rage, Unarmored Movement (Monk).
  • Added an initial set of Active Effects to the 5e system compendium packs supporting the following Spells: Bane, Barkskin, Bless, Fire Shield, Shield.
  • Migrate the Monsters and Heroes compendium packs to use the new senses data structure.
  • Correct a text error in the description for the Talisman of Ultimate Evil.
  • Cleanup of unnecessary <span> tags from description HTML content in compendium packs.
  • Correct the Zombie and Pseudodragon monster entries which were incorrectly missing their token artwork.
  • Fix an issue with damage configuration for Alchemist's Fire.
  • Correct the activation cost and usage of Shadow Stealth in the Monster Features and Shadow creature compendium entries.
  • Removed the "Musical Instrument:" prefix from instrument items in the 5e items SRD. Added links in the baseline "Musical Instrument" entry which link to each specific instrument type.

Bug Fixes

  • Remove the proficiency bonus which was being incorrectly added to attack rolls made with consumable items like alchemist's fire which should (instead) be treated as improvised weapons.
  • Fix an issue with the display of item chat cards when the default roll mode was set to "self".
  • Fixed an issue with derived data preparation errors occur when adding owned items to a Vehicle type actor sheet.
  • Fixed an issue where Class Features were being duplicated when advancing a class level via drag-and-drop.
  • Remove a deprecated and unused reference to the isPC attribute in the Actor5e class which is no longer used.
  • Re-work the "Special Traits" application to use a thin-style Firefox scrollbar.
  • Avoid an issue when performing updates on an Owned Class item that do not contain the "data.subclass" key.
  • Resolve an issue with misconfiguration and handling of the trait selector ui for chosen class skills.
  • Fixed invalid consume values for Wing Attack which was not configured to correctly consume legendary actions for all dragon types.

API Changes

  • [BREAKING] Rename the MovementConfig class to ActorMovementConfig for more specificity and consistency with other Actor sub-configuration applications.
  • [BREAKING] Refactor the legacy DND5E.senses configuration object to use new localization keys and values.
  • The Actor5e#useSpell method is deprecated as all item usage now flows through the Item5e#roll function.
  • Add an Item5e#getSave helper method which computes the correct saving throw DC for a certain item ability given it's own data and the owning Actor data. Use this to fix a bug which failed to display the correct save DC for at-will or upcast spells.
  • Refactor Actor5e#createOwnedItem as Actor5e#createEmbeddedEntity to capture all cases where the createOwnedItem helper method is not used.
  • Add the options.critical = true flag to all DiceTerm instances within a Roll which were increased because of a critical hit.
  • Add a new Item5e#displayCard method which handles the final chat message generation for an Item card given input parameters which are provided from an external configuration.


  • Many thanks to Lucas for contributing the improvement to Short Rest logic to support temporary maximum HP.
  • Many thanks to Kandashi and siliconsaint for their help configuring active effects for Class Features and Spells.
  • Many thanks to Stryxin from Forgotten Adventures for the wonderful monster tokens.


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 1.1.0 is a new version which addresses some bugs and re-indexes the versioning schema for the 5e system.

COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The version 1.1.0 release for the D&D5e system ONLY SUPPORTS Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 0.7.6 (release) and greater. To use this new game system version you must also use Foundry VTT version 0.7.6. If you do not wish to update your core software, please continue using a previous version of the dnd5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 1.1.0 release, please use the following manifest URL:

New Features

  • Refactor versioning schema for the dnd5e system to use gen.major.minor starting from version 1.1.0.
  • Allow referencing other items that use a recharge mechanic as a resource consumption for an ability usage (for example dragons with multiple breaths).
  • Improve the default resizing for class-type Items to enlarge their dimensions relative to regular items without occupying the full screen.
  • Add tooltip titles to Active Effect control icons on the Actor and Item sheet.
  • Separate DND5E.DistanceUnits into two objects, DND5E.MovementUnits and DND5E.DistanceUnits (which includes MovementUnits) to more sensibly differentiate choices between movement speed and ability effect range.
  • The "Hover" type of movement replaces Walking speed, but should replace Flying speed.

Bug Fixes

  • Vehicle-type actors end up with proficency of NaN in the object returned by getRollData() for their owned items which could cause failures in certain attack rolls.
  • Strip residual permission data from 5e system compendium entities.
  • Changing the number of class levels manually in the class configuration sheet no longer automatically adds class features the same way that dragging-and-dropping the class does.
  • Improve the logic of where ammunition bonus is recorded for an attack roll to capture cases where the ammo does not come with an attack bonus, but does provide bonus damage (thanks Tyler).
  • Correct the incorrect damage formula of sling bullets in the items compendium.
  • Apply the correct amount of damage bonus to enchanted versions (+1/+2/+3) of ammunition (arrows, bolts, bullets).
  • When performing a dnd5e compendium migration, automatically unlock any compendium packs that are currently locked before triggering a migration for them.
  • Rolling a natural 20 on the second d20 in a 2d20kh advantage roll does not properly highlight the resulting chat roll as a critical success.
  • Ensure that game system migration does not fail unrecoverably when migrating a world or compendium pack where portions of the migration fails.
  • Allow decimal values to the nearest 0.1 to be used when configuring speed values for compatibility with the metric measurement system.
  • Reverting a Wild Shape transformation failed if there was no active Scene due to an incorrect assumption that the canvas is available.
  • Exclude flags and bonuses added by Active Effects from the configuration of the "Special Traits" app on the actor sheet. Diff changes to the special traits app against the underlying base data for the Actor rather than the derived data.
  • Only expand/collapse item descriptions for character sheet items which are rollable (i.e. items) and not for Active Effects at this time.
  • Fix an issue with incorrect data paths when updating an owned item of the class type (thanks Giddy)


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 0.99 is a major system update for the 5th Edition game system.

COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The version 0.99 release for the D&D5e system ONLY SUPPORTS Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 0.7.6 (release) and greater. To use this new game system version you must also use Foundry VTT version 0.7.6. If you do not wish to update your core software, please continue using a previous version of the dnd5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 0.99 release, please use the following manifest URL:

New Features

  • Implement support for the Active Effects system in the Actor and Item sheets provided by the D&D5E system. There is now an "Effects" tab on the character sheet which supports the addition, configuration, deletion, and toggling of effects which are present on the Actor. Reported effects are divided into three sections: "Temporary Effects" which are active and have a limited duration, "Passive Effects" which are active but have an unlimited duration, and "Inactive Effects" which are all other effects which are registered but are currently disabled. Similar controls also exist for Item entities where new effects can be created and configured.
  • An important note: creating, editing, and deleting active effects within an Owned Item is not yet supported. Editing Active Effects on an Item must be done at the World level and then the edited item should be applied to an Actor for the time being. The ability to manipulate Active Effects directly on an Owned Item will be arriving in a future update.
  • Active Effects can be dragged and dropped between Actor sheets to easily share or apply an effect to a different actor.
  • Movement speed of an actor has been overhauled and migrated from using free-form text fields for "primary movement" and "special movement" to instead tracking numeric values for special types of movement including walk, fly, climb, swim, and burrow. Additionally it is possible to flag whether a creature hovers as part of their "walking" speed. This data is now stored as data.attributes.movement in the 5e data model and replaces the now deprecated data.attributes.speed object.
  • Added a new Movement Configuration form into the UI which is used to customize the values of movement attributes for an Actor. You can access this movement configuration UI by clicking the cog icon to the right of "Configure Movement Speed" under the traits section of the Attributes tab.
  • The content of the optional "Chat Message Flavor" field that can be configured on Items will now be displayed at the top of chat cards which are played for that item.
  • It is now possible to roll initiative directly from your character sheet by clicking the "Initiative" header. This will automatically add your character to the current combat encounter, if one exists, and roll initiative if it has not yet been rolled.
  • Limit the height of the Special Traits configuration window and apply a scrolling container to the interior contents while keeping the "Save" button visible at the bottom of the UI.
  • The "Always Place Spell Template" setting has been removed because the Ability Use dialog has other important configuration details present in it such that it cannot be trivially bypassed.
  • Deprecated the Savage Attacks special trait which was previously (incorrectly) applied for all damage rolls and replace it with a more generic Melee Critical Damage Dice flag which can be flexibly used to add a configurable number of bonus damage dice to critical hits with melee weapons. This will work for both Savage Attacks as well as Brutal Critical or other similar features. For example, a Level 18 Orc Barbarian would set the value of this flag to 4 - rolling 4 additional weapon dice when scoring a critical hit with a melee weapon.
  • Added a new special Actor trait for "Diamond Soul" which will allow Monk characters to automatically add proficiency to all saving throws (including Death Saves).
  • Added new configurable special Actor traits for Spell Attack Critical Threshold and Weapon Attack Critical Threshold which can separately be used to customize the required number in order to achieve a critical hit for different attack types.
  • Shifted the computation of encumbrance to occur after Active Effects have been applied in case dynamic active effects data change the Actor's strength score - this affecting their carrying capacity.
  • Automatically applied newly acquired class features when a pre-existing class is increased by dragging and dropping the class item onto the character sheet multiple times.
  • Apply a maximum height to the UI of the Item Sheet and fix an issue which prevented the Item Sheet from being vertically resized using the resize handle.

Compendium Improvements

  • 14 creatures are populated with beautiful new Token artwork by Forgotten Adventures ( Many thanks for Stryxin for his continued contribution towards providing excellent artwork for 5e SRD creatures.
  • Improvements and adjustments to the Starter Heroes to apply certain data corrections and better configured features.
  • Fixed a bug where the Adult Red Dragon was pointing to an invalid creature artwork path.
  • Major improvements to the journal structure and styling of the Rules journal compendium.
  • Migrate the Heroes and Monsters compendium packs to use the new schema for explicit tracking of movement speed.
  • Remove some invalid bonuses field values from monster entries in the compendium.
  • Purge deprecated fields from monsters in the SRD compendium.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the identification of bonuses for the vehicle actor type which had incorrectly prevented vehicle sheets from rendering.
  • Ensured that custom named classes and subclasses are failure-tolerant when it comes to identifying class features that should be assigned automatically upon level-up.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented cantrip damage rolls from properly scaling if they included roll modifiers (like rerolls).
  • Chat cards for Tool items did not correctly support the ability to collapse their inner content, which they now will do.
  • Improve the behavior of the "Merge Skill Proficiencies" option on the Polymorph dialog to take the highest proficiency level betweent the original Actor and it's polymorphed shape rather than taking the highest total bonus as was incorrectly done before.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented overrides to the maximum number of Pact Magic spell slots from remaining applied in cases that the Actor did not have any pact magic caster levels.
  • Fixed an issue which required the user to have Ownership permission to a creature in order to initiate a drag operation for the purposes of polymorphing.
  • Fixed a display bug for inventory weight when an edge case floating point precision issue occured.
  • Corrected an error where, for vehicle sheets, the vehicle speed was incorrectly stored as data.attributes.speed.value instead of just data.attributes.speed
  • Special trait bonuses to damage and attack rolls which are rolled formulae (i.e. not static numbers) will be substituted immeidately when rolls are made so that inner references can still be applied. For example, setting a special trait bonus of will now work.

API Changes

  • Improved the Item5e#rollDamage method to pass through optional paramters to the underlying damageRoll utility function.
  • Removed data.spells.spell.max and data.spells.pact.max from the template.json structure since these are derived fields and should not be stored in the base data.

Localization Changes

  • Applied localization strings to item types on the Item sheet.

Community Contributions

I offer my sincere thanks to the following individuals who contributed substantial portions of work as part of the D&D5E 0.97 release. I am extremely excited that many of these individuals have made their first contributions (names in bold) to the 5e system with this update.

  • Mitch Hwang for CSS improvements to better support foreign language character sets on the Actor Sheet.
  • Martin Karlsson for continued improvements to the Rules Journal Entry compendium pack.
  • Cole Schultz for adding configurability of spell effect width for line templates, bug fixes, and API improvements to damage rolling.
  • supervj for improvements to the automated addition of class-features on level-up.


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 0.98 is a minor patch version which addresses some small bugs.

Compatibility: The version 0.98 release for the D&D5e system supports dual compatibility for Foundry Virtual Tabletop versions 0.6.6 (release) and 0.7.3 (beta).

Installation: To manually install the 0.98 release, please use the following manifest URL:

Bug Fixes

  • Proficiency bonus was incorrectly added to saving throws instead of DC. This has been fixed so that saving throws only scale from proficiency when proficient and spellcasting DCs always benefit from proficiency as originally intended.
  • [FVTT 0.7.x only] Active effects were incorrectly being written to actor data through the Actor Flags application because the submitted form data was not differenced against the overrides data object.
  • Monsters with Shield items incorrectly had an old version of the shield item which was flagged as Light Armor instead of a Shield type.
  • Module-related flags incorrectly persisted in core 5e compendium data and have been removed.
  • The section headers for the new traits in the Biography tab were not properly localized (thanks Andrew K!)


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 0.97 is a major system update.

Compatibility: The version 0.97 release for the D&D5e system supports dual compatibility for Foundry Virtual Tabletop versions 0.6.6 (release) and 0.7.3 (beta).

Installation: To manually install the 0.97 release, please use the following manifest URL:

New Features

  • Add support for additional characteristics of appearance/traits/ideals/bonds/flaws as separate fields on the character sheet Biography tab.
  • Add support for popping-out chat messages to a separate window if you are running Foundry VTT 0.7.2 or higher.
  • Redesigned the workflow for computing spellcasting DC to ensure that when the actor's ability scores or proficiency changes, the spell DC of spells will also revise.
  • When a consumable is destroyed because its final usage was consumed, store the item data in the resulting chat card so that attacks, damage, saves, or healing resulting from the item usage may still be rolled until the chat message itself is deleted.
  • Improve the string formatting of short and long rest messages to be more context-specific depending on whether hit dice or hit points were used or restored.
  • Continued work to automate the assignment of class features when adding new levels of a class to your character sheet.

Compendium Improvements

  • Add the new Racial Features (SRD) compendium which provides pre-configured features and racial traits for all of the races provided under the SRD/OGL.
  • Add values of dim vision and bright vision to all monsters in the SRD compendium. The monsters still have "Has Vision" disabled by default, but now if you want to turn vision on for a certain creature it will be pre-configured with the correct vision distances.
  • Restore Rules compendium entries for spell and item lists which were removed in the 0.95 update for compatibility reasons.
  • Add a Magic Items A-Z table in the Journal Entry with an improved table of contents.
  • Fix an incorrect configuration of the White Dragon Wyrmling's breath attack.
  • Enable creating a new spell in the Cantrip, Innate, or Pact magic categories of the character sheet directly.
  • Fix the Charm Person spell description to contain the "At Higher Levels" section.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue with the number of available spell slots getting stuck at zero in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where changing a Token's health while its actor had temporary hit points would incorrectly cause the actor to drop to zero HP.
  • Rolling saving throws for multiple tokens at once displayed the wrong names of the tokens in the resulting chat messages.
  • Fix typos in the sense names for several monsters.
  • Fix an error which could occur in the Actor5e#updateEmbeddedEntity method when the input data was provided as an array.
  • Change the way that item icons were rendered to the HTML sheet to avoid breaking URL paths which contained spaces or special characters.
  • Fix an error that occured when making attack rolls with a weapon that consumes ammunition, if no ammunition source was correctly defined.
  • Improve the presentation of the spellcasting dialog for At-Will spells to remove the incorrect notification that there are not sufficient spell slots to cast.
  • Halfling Lucky will now be correctly applied to initaitive rolls.
  • Fix an interface bug where dragging a minimized Item sheet would create a visual artifact where the sheet extended partially during the drag.
  • Fixed an issue where having a negative amount of currency would increase your carrying capacity.
  • Resolved an issue which could occur that caused the Dexterity tiebreaker for Initiative to not apply correctly.
  • Fix an issue where an absolute file path was incorrectly used for the d20 hover icon, breaking for some install configurations.
  • Ensure that spells granted by your class (like cleric domains) are treated as "always prepared" by default.

API Changes

  • Remove the unnecessary computation of ability score modifiers at the beginning of the Actor data preparation workflow.
  • Add support to pass newDay as an optional boolean when calling the short and long rest API methods.

Community Contributions

I offer my sincere thanks to the following individuals who contributed substantial portions of work as part of the D&D5E 0.97 release. I am extremely excited that many of these individuals have made their first contributions (names in bold) to the 5e system with this update.

  • Colin for work on automatic class features and leveling.
  • Martin for improvements to the journal entry rules SRD.
  • Kamil for improving the format of rest messages.
  • p4535992 for helpful bugfixes
  • Cole for helpful bugfixes and API improvements
  • itamarcu for a helpful bugfix
  • Giddy for a compendium correction


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 0.96 is a minor system update.

Compatibility: The version 0.96 release for the D&D5e system supports dual compatibility for Foundry Virtual Tabletop versions 0.6.5 (release) and 0.7.1 (alpha).

Installation: To manually install the 0.96 release, please use the following manifest URL:

New Features

  • Add optional parameters to the Item.roll() method to configure the roll mode and the automatic creation (or not) of a chat message as a result.
  • Allow for spells which define an "Other Formula" to scale correctly when upcast by referencing the @item.level attribute for the up-casted level.
  • Improve the Actor#shortRest method to support an option to automatically roll available hit dice rather than prompting with a dialog.
  • Improve the Actor#rollHitDie method to allow calling without passing an explicit HD denomination, in which case the first available HD type is automatically chosen.
  • Define currency conversion rules in the CONFIG object so that different localizations or custom currency systems can change the conversion rules that are used.
  • Display a warning and do not roll death saving throw failures if the Actor is not at zero HP.
  • When changing actor hit points on the character sheet directly, apply the same side effects (like resetting death saves) that are accomplished when using the Actor#applyDamage API.

Compendium Improvements

  • Fix broken Class Features links and Warlock Class description.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix damage scaling with cantrips which were accidentally broken in the previous 0.95 update.
  • Correctly pass the roll data object into the scaling damage formula for up-scaled spell casts.
  • Fix an incorrect Actor reference passed to the LongRestDialog ui.
  • Changes to actor size category did not properly update the Token size in core version 0.7.1 after changes to the schema of form update data.
  • Actor biography in the Limited permission sheet does not properly vertically scroll if it overflows the parent container height.
  • Allow upcasting of a spell even if a spell slot is not consumed in the process. This behavior broke in the 0.95 update.
  • Fix an issue where whitespace-only values in the bonuses section of Actor Traits ui would cause downstream dice rolls to fail.


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 0.95 is a major system update.

Compatibility: The version 0.95 release for the D&D5e system supports dual compatibility for Foundry Virtual Tabletop versions 0.6.5 (release) and 0.7.1 (alpha).

Installation: To manually install the 0.95 release, please use the following manifest URL:

New Features

  • Eliminate the SpellCastDialog class by expanding the flexibility of the AbilityUseDialog to encompass all types of item usages with both limited uses as well as spell slot consumption.
  • The updated AbilityUseDialog can now handle cases of spell items which also have limited uses - for example an innate spell which can only be cast a certain number of times per day.
  • Display a warning and do not play the chat card for limited use features which have no usages or charge remaining to use unless the "Consume" checkbox is unchecked.
  • [BREAKING] Deprecate the onClose attribute which could previously be passed in to the d20Roll and damageRoll functions as this argument is unnecessary.
  • The Item5e.rollAttack and Item5e.rollToolCheck will now correctly pass roll options in to the associated d20Roll function.
  • Improve the display of item chat cards to include the activation condition for the ability usage in parentheses after it's activation cost.
  • Improve the display of spell damage scaling to simplify the resulting damage formula by combining like terms. For example, when casting a Fireball at level 5, the resulting damage will be displayed as 10d6 rather than 8d6 + 2d6 (as before). This change only applies to core version 0.7.0 and greater.
  • When dropping a Class item onto a character sheet, if the character already has some levels of that class, increment the number of levels instead of creating a new Owned Item.
  • Move the computation of character encumbrance into the Actor.prepareData workflow instead of only computing encumbrance in the ActorSheet rendering process. This allows the encumbrance level of a character to be used as a trackable resource as well as referenced in other roll formulae or macros.
  • Add an option for "Non-Magical Physical" as a type of damage which creatures can have damage resistance or immunity from, since this option occurs commonly.
  • When a user has death save successes or failures, and they return to a positive number of hit points - reset the death save counters back to zero.
  • Attach flag metadata to dice rolls generated by the 5e system that communicates the type of roll it is and some additional details which would be needed to obtain more data about the item being used. See for details.

Compendium Improvements

  • Completed a comprehensive overhaul of the Monsters (SRD) compendium which audited, corrected, improved, and standardized the structure of all monsters in the SRD to a high level of quality. This was an enormous community effort - please see the community section below for more details.
  • Added a new Rules (SRD) compendium pack of journal entries which detail rule sections as provided by the text of the OGL document.
  • Comprehensively update the Monster Features compendium using the refined and corrected features as a byproduct of the Monsters (SRD) overhaul.
  • Update the Classes (SRD) compendium with expanded class descriptions and features drawn from the class text in the OGL. Each class now includes a table with dynamic links to the Class Features that the class obtains at each level.
  • Correct many instances of monsters in the SRD compendium who wield weapons but were incorrectly not flagged as being proficient with them.
  • Removed several duplicated class features, items, and monster features from compendium packs.
  • Remake Wand of the War Mage (+1/+2/+3) as en equipment item with the trinket subtype, instead of as a consumable.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue with editing damage formulae in Item Sheets which occured after the core 0.7.1 alpha update.
  • Fix an issue where computed encumbrance was artificially capped at 99% instead of 100%.
  • Fix a problem which prevented certain attributes like or attributes.hp.value from being selected as valid token bars or combat tracked resources.
  • Death saves were incorrectly counting non-natural 1's as a critical failure.
  • When bulk rolling saving throws for multiple controlled tokens - correctly associate a different chat message speaker for each roll instead of incorrectly attributing all saves to the same Token.
  • Prevent the TraitSelector app from displaying the custom string field if the allowCustom option is set as false.
  • Remove the "initiative" field from the system.json file since initiative is handled internally to the system.
  • Restore the "dropActorSheetData" hook to the _onDrop method of the Actor Sheet which was incorrectly removed in the previous update.
  • Fix a bug in 0.7.0 where cantrip damage scaling was incorrect.
  • Fix a bug where limited use ability resources could not be properly consumed if they only had one charge remaining (instead of zero).

Localization Improvements

  • Ability abbreviations (like "str") are now localized through the DND5E.AbilityStrAbbr (etc...) keys.

Community Contributions

I offer my sincere thanks to the following individuals who contributed substantial portions of work as part of the D&D5E 0.92 release. I am extremely excited that many of these individuals have made their first contributions (names in bold) to the 5e system with this update.

  • EvilCJ, gman95, Pudding, rune_devros, darkhelm, SuperNar3k, siliconsaint, Cobalt, and Desultory for their heroic efforts in overhauling the Monsters SRD compendium.
  • fohswe for contributing improved Class items and the new Rules compendium pack.
  • kyrie42 for improving death save automation logic.
  • cole for improving handling of death save critical failures.
  • marco for improving the null-case handling of when the dice roll form does not include a bonus field
  • fyorl for improving encumbrance computation for vehicle actors


13 Jun 16:45
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Version 0.9.4 is a major update for the D&D5E system.

Compatibility: The version 0.94 release for the D&D5e system supports dual compatibility for Foundry Virtual Tabletop versions 0.6.5 (release) and 0.7.0 (alpha).

Installation: To manually install the 0.94 release, please use the following manifest URL:

New Features

  • Add support for the vehicle Actor type which is used for ships and other vehicle types to support basic vehicle mechanics.
  • Added support for automatic addition of magical ammunition bonuses in ranged weapon attack and damage rolls.
  • Display a quantity (0) indicator for item stacks which have zero quantity of the item.
  • Add a tag to display the required material components used when casting a spell to the summary dropdown and to the resulting chat card.
  • Change the default spell scaling mode for newly created spells to "None" rather than "Cantrip".
  • Display a more informative error message if 5e system d20 rolls or damage rolls failed to evaluate due to invalid data.
  • Improve the resource consumption logic to allow for the possibility of abilities with a negative value of resource consumption (i.e. restoring uses).
  • Prevent casting a spell (with a visible error) if requesting to cast a spell for a level for which no spell slots are available when "Consume Spell Slot" is checked.
  • Render item portrait artwork on the item sheet in contain mode, rather than cover to always show the full item.
  • Convert usages of the old Nodesto Caps Condensed font to the newly licensed and included Modesto font.

Bug Fixes

  • Correct a UI bug which occured when editing the maximum spell slots for a spell level to a triple-digit number.
  • Fixed a bug where numeric fields no longer accept relative (i.e. +3, -3) modifiers.
  • Polymorphing a character while retaining class levels and spells failed to properly retain current and maximum spell slots, which is now corrected.
  • Correct an issue with configurable trait dialogs not being saved due to missing data entries in the HTML structure.
  • Fix CSS rules for "limited" visibility sheets and biographies to have a more readable layout.

Compendium Improvements

  • Correct several incorrect item names in the Items compendium pack.
  • Correct inaccuracy of the Unarmored Defense (Monk) ability.

Localization Improvements

  • Add localization support for many item roll and consumable usage strings which were missing translations.
  • Change references to "Health" to reference "Hit Points" for consistency with published sources.

Community Contributions

I offer my sincere thanks to the following individuals who contributed substantial portions of work as part of the D&D5E 0.92 release. I am extremely excited that many of these individuals have made their first contributions (names in bold) to the 5e system with this update.

  • DMMeYourWaifu (fyorl) for the vehicle actor type and character sheet.
  • Cauã for contributions towards ammunition automation.
  • RedReign for spell material components.
  • Shreedhar H for improvements to the configurability of dice roll calls.
  • Giddy for CSS improvements
  • M.C. for fixing a bug with incorrect listeners in the Short Rest Dialog
  • Cole for allowing passing custom roll parts to skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws.


13 Jun 16:45
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Version 0.9.3 is a major update for the D&D5E system.


Compatibility: The version 0.93 release for the D&D5e system supports FVTT Release version 0.6.0 and higher. For Foundry VTT versions prior to 0.6.0 you must install an earlier version of the 5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 0.93 release, please use the following manifest URL:

New Features

  • Restructured the Character Sheet to improve the layout, reduce height (down to 680px) for smaller monitors, and generally polish the aesthetics somewhat. A screenshot of the updated Character sheet layout is displayed above.
  • Restructured the NPC Sheet to keep primary combat attributes (like health and armor class) visible at all times above the fold of the sheet tabs instead of within the Attributes tab. A screenshot of the new NPC sheet layout is presented above.
  • Display class names in the header of the character sheet in addition to character level for ease of reference.
  • Improve the layout of the Features table on character sheets by better aligning columns and preventing word wrapping.
  • Clicking on an input field in a character sheet will now automatically highlight the existing content of that form field.
  • Display a spell casting confirmation dialog when using an innate or at-will spell if that spell has limited uses or an area-of-effect template that should be placed.
  • Improve the behavior of global bonuses for ability tests, skills, saving throws, and spell DC such that if a flat numeric bonus is set, it will be displayed passively on the character sheet, but if a dynamic formula-based bonus is applied it will not be displayed on the character sheet but added automatically to rolls.
  • Added support for alternative resting modes of Epic Heroism and Gritty Realism which can be applied under the D&D5e system settings menu.
  • Improved the workflow for consumable items to restore functionality of Destroy on Empty configuration which can automatically destroy and remove a consumable item once it's final charge or quantity stack is consumed.

Bug Fixes

  • Spells converted to scrolls when dropped on a Character Sheet were losing their actionType property and therefore all becoming "melee spell attack" by default. Now the action type of the original spell is preserved.
  • Fix some CSS layout issues with checkboxes related to recharge mechanics in item sheets.
  • Correct the application of death saving throw rules such that a critical failure on a 3rd death save did not either reset the counter or treat the player as dead.
  • Fix a bug with dialog handling in the 5e system that made strict assumptions about the outer HTML structure of the Dialog template.
  • Fix an issue with rolling hit dice which would cause the rolled formula to fail if the HD was rolled as a critical hit.
  • Applying healing to an actor was not respecting temporary maximum HP, which can now be replenished through the application of healing.

Compendium Improvements

  • Purge all _deprecated properties from Spell, Item, and Class Features compendiums to eliminuate unused data and reduce the size of those compendium packs.
  • Corrected the AC of Elven Chain in the Items SRD compendium.
  • Corrected the item type of "Wings of Flying" to be "clothing" instead of "light armor".

Community Contributions

I offer my sincere thanks to the following individuals who contributed substantial portions of work as part of the D&D5E 0.92 release. I am extremely excited that many of these individuals have made their first contributions (names in bold) to the 5e system with this update.

  • Jonas Haller for the addition of new resting modes
  • Steven Cao for fixes to the Death Saving Throw mechanics.
  • Giddy for compendium data fixes
  • Cauã for improvements to consumable usage


13 Jun 16:45
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D&D5e System Release v0.92

Welcome to a content update for the D&D5E system.


Compatibility: The version 0.92 release for the D&D5e system supports FVTT Release version 0.6.0 and higher. For Foundry VTT versions prior to 0.6.0 you must install an earlier version of the 5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 0.92 release, please use the following manifest URL:

New Features

  • Updated the item type of ammunition from being a weapon sub-type to being a consumable sub-type. Other aspects of Ammunition remain the same, but if you are currently tracking ammunition in your games your compendium packs should be updated to reference the new ammo types instead of the old weapon-based ammo.
  • Implement a distance measurement option for Euclidean distance which measures linear point-to-point distance.
  • Correct the logic for Death Saving Throw successes where a critical success will now restore the character to 1 hit point and reset death saves.
  • Improve the logic used to determine the default ability score modifier for a weapon to account for Finesse and Ranged weaponry rules to use Dexterity by default when appropriate.

Compendium Improvements

  • Incorporate Token artwork from Forgotten Adventures for many new creatures in the SRD compendium between CR 1/4 and CR3.
  • Released a new Compendium pack called Monster Features which contains a large number of features which appear on monsters in the 5e system. The purpose for this compendium pack is to make it much easier or faster to quickly pull together homebrew monsters using a combination of traits which appear on existing creatures as well as to better maintain the data quality for Monster features which can be first fixed in this compendium pack and then applied to all monsters who use those features.
  • Fix some issues with the default spellcasting ability scores for the Starter Heroes in the compendium pack.

Localization Improvements

  • Add localization support for some checkboxes on the sheet.

Community Contributions

I offer my sincere thanks to the following individuals who contributed substantial portions of work as part of the D&D5E 0.92 release. I am extremely excited that many of these individuals have made their first contributions (names in bold) to the 5e system with this update.

  • Stryxin for many new wonderful monster tokens.
  • SenorPez for implementing the Euclidean distance measurement option.
  • Cole Schultz for improving the Death Saving throw logic.
  • Peter Wedder for helping to refine weapon ability score defaults.
  • Lukas Ptosek for localization improvements.
  • trioderegion for updating the default spellcasting attributes for the starter heroes.
  • Melithian for helpful improvements to ammunition classification.