This page describes how to use the docker image to reproduce some experimental results.
The Docker image is available at evm-dis-docker-image. To use it you need a working version of docker. You can install Docker on your system following these steps.
To check that docker is properly installed, you may run
evm-dis git:(main) ✗ docker --version
Docker version 27.2.0, build 3ab4256
The Docker image contains a working version of Dafny (4.8.1), Java (23.0.1), Python3. You can download the image with (this can take while to download ...):
docker image pull franck44/tacas25:latest --platform linux/amd64
The image also contains some examples of bytecode in the src/dafny/test/src
You can now start a Docker container with the image with the command:
evm-dis git:(main) ✗ docker run -it franck44/tacas25
root@70bf3cda14c9:/# cd tacas25/evm-dis
root@70bf3cda14c9:/tacas25/evm-dis# java -version
java version "23.0.1" 2024-10-15
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 23.0.1+11-39)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.0.1+11-39, mixed mode, sharing)
root@70bf3cda14c9:/tacas25/evm-dis# dafny --version
root@70bf3cda14c9:/tacas25/evm-dis# python3 --version
Python 3.12.3
You can use the disassembler
root@70bf3cda14c9:/tacas25/evm-dis# ./ src/dafny/tests/src/simple/simpleCall.bin
Processing file: src/dafny/tests/src/simple/simpleCall.bin
Shortname: simpleCall.bin
Disassembled code:
00000000: PUSH1 0x07
00000002: PUSH1 0x08
00000004: PUSH1 0x10
00000006: JUMP
00000007: JUMPDEST
00000008: PUSH1 0x40
0000000a: MSTORE
0000000b: PUSH1 0x20
0000000d: PUSH1 0x40
0000000f: RETURN
00000010: JUMPDEST
00000011: SWAP1
00000012: JUMP
--------------- Disassembled ---------------------
You can generate a CFG (DOT format) for the binary the command:
root@70bf3cda14c9:/tacas25/evm-dis# ./ src/dafny/tests/src/simple/simpleCall.bin
Processing file: src/dafny/tests/src/simple/simpleCall.bin
Max depth size: 100
Shortname: simpleCall.bin
CFG (DOT) format generared in build/dot/simpleCall/
root@70bf3cda14c9:/tacas25/evm-dis# more build/dot/simpleCall.bin/
maxDepth is:100
MaxDepth reached:false
ErrorStates reached:0
States seen:0
WPre success:0
# of reachable invalid segments is: 0
Size of non minimised CFG: 3 nodes, 2 edges
Size of minimised CFG: 3 nodes, 2 edges
Minimised CFG
// Number of states: 3
// Number of transitions : 2
The result file,
, is in the folder build/dot/simpleCall.bin
The CFG for simpleCall.bin
can be verified by generating a Dafny program and verifying it as follows:
root@70bf3cda14c9:/tacas25/evm-dis# ./ src/dafny/tests/src/simple/simpleCall.bin
Processing file: src/dafny/tests/src/simple/simpleCall.bin
Shortname: simpleCall // resulting file: build/proofs/simpleCall/simpleCall-cfg-verifier.dfy
seg size: 20
Dafny program verifier finished with 3 verified, 0 errors
The Dafny source code is in build/proofs/simpleCall/simpleCall-cfg-verifier.dfy
root@70bf3cda14c9:/tacas25/evm-dis# more build/proofs/simpleCall/simpleCall-cfg-verifier.dfy
include "../../../src/dafny/AbstractSemantics/AbstractSemantics.dfy"
module {:disableNonlinearArithmetic} EVMProofObject {
import opened AbstractSemantics
import opened AbstractState
/** Node 0
* Segment Id for this node is: 0
* Starting at 0x0
* Segment type is: JUMP Segment
* Minimum stack size for this segment to prevent stack underflow: 0
* Minimum capacity for this segment to prevent stack overflow: 3
* Net Stack Effect: +2
* Net Capacity Effect: -2
function {:opaque} {:verify true} ExecuteFromCFGNode_s0(s0: EState, gas: nat): (s': EState)
// PC requirement for this node.
requires s0.pc == 0x0 as nat
// Stack requirements for this node.
requires s0.Operands() >= 0
decreases gas
if gas == 0 then s0
var s1 := Push1(s0, 0x07);
assert s1.Peek(0) == 0x7;
var s2 := Push1(s1, 0x08);
var s3 := Push1(s2, 0x10);
assert s3.Peek(0) == 0x10;
assert s3.Peek(2) == 0x7;
var s4 := Jump(s3);
// JUMP to the target at Peek(0)
To retrieve the CFG (DOT format) on your host machine you run the image as follows:
docker run -v /tmp:/tmp -it tacas25
root@09b31c7a9d50:/# cd tacas25/evm-dis
root@09b31c7a9d50:/tacas25/evm-dis# ./ src/dafny/tests/src/simple/simpleCall.bin
Processing file: src/dafny/tests/src/simple/simpleCall.bin
Max depth size: 100
Shortname: simpleCall.bin
root@09b31c7a9d50:/tacas25/evm-dis# cp build/dot/simpleCall.bin/ /tmp
The DOT file
will be available on your host /tmp
you can use the Graphviz-Online tool to visualise the dot
The generation and verification of the 978 Etherscan benchmarks is done with the following commands: (arguments are the input file, the maximum segment size, and the output result file):
root@09b31c7a9d50:/# ./ etherscan/success_files_1_100.txt 40 result_generation_files_1_100.txt
0xe99fcd9396dbc294055350267b8257e9b05f01ac: Success
0xfcd5b675ae8e9dd0172c84568b6ef504e1dc8619: Success
0xa24d3886be3557782eeffb5f6ac6a4bb24faff55: Success
0x5d5bb5bdb7a228fd2f0f90c5ec7e5bc609529821: Success
0x1a0205cd3fa5b3d8a11444a14b6c0fc993c2dc14: Success
The result file will indicate for each benchmark whether the generation of the proof objeft was successful or not.
root@09b31c7a9d50:/# more result_generation_files_1_100.txt
% Segsize is 40
0xe99fcd9396dbc294055350267b8257e9b05f01ac proof object generated: true
0xfcd5b675ae8e9dd0172c84568b6ef504e1dc8619 proof object generated: true
0xa24d3886be3557782eeffb5f6ac6a4bb24faff55 proof object generated: true
0x5d5bb5bdb7a228fd2f0f90c5ec7e5bc609529821 proof object generated: true
0x1a0205cd3fa5b3d8a11444a14b6c0fc993c2dc14 proof object generated: true
0xDcfCcaf54CB8c7c30bb7959929AbA24bF136FF57 proof object generated: true
0x5b348ec54c290683697f6a812ca1bfbb0e74c70d proof object generated: true
0x9a1ba1687c2759fe96bfacbfb5300458b7d726f0 proof object generated: true
The benchmarks are verified with the following command:
root@09b31c7a9d50:/# ./ etherscan/success_files_1_100.txt
processing 0xe99fcd9396dbc294055350267b8257e9b05f01ac
Dafny program verifier finished with 224 verified, 0 errors
Results File: /Users/franck/development/evm-dis/build/proofs/etherscan/0xe99fcd9396dbc294055350267b8257e9b05f01ac/0xe99fcd9396dbc294055350267b8257e9b05f01ac-cfg-verification-stats.csv
The verificaiton result (csv) file contains the verification status for each node in the CFG.
To collect the results of the verification for a set of benchmarks, you can use the following command:
root@09b31c7a9d50:/# ./ etherscan/success_files_1_100.txt
build/proofs/etherscan/0xe99fcd9396dbc294055350267b8257e9b05f01ac/0xe99fcd9396dbc294055350267b8257e9b05f01ac-cfg-verifier.dfy: errors: 0
0xe99fcd9396dbc294055350267b8257e9b05f01ac: Success
build/proofs/etherscan/0xfcd5b675ae8e9dd0172c84568b6ef504e1dc8619/0xfcd5b675ae8e9dd0172c84568b6ef504e1dc8619-cfg-verifier.dfy: errors: 0
0xfcd5b675ae8e9dd0172c84568b6ef504e1dc8619: Success
build/proofs/etherscan/0xa24d3886be3557782eeffb5f6ac6a4bb24faff55/0xa24d3886be3557782eeffb5f6ac6a4bb24faff55-cfg-verifier.dfy: errors: 0
0xa24d3886be3557782eeffb5f6ac6a4bb24faff55: Success
build/proofs/etherscan/0x5d5bb5bdb7a228fd2f0f90c5ec7e5bc609529821/0x5d5bb5bdb7a228fd2f0f90c5ec7e5bc609529821-cfg-verifier.dfy: errors: 0
0x5d5bb5bdb7a228fd2f0f90c5ec7e5bc609529821: Success
build/proofs/etherscan/0x1a0205cd3fa5b3d8a11444a14b6c0fc993c2dc14/0x1a0205cd3fa5b3d8a11444a14b6c0fc993c2dc14-cfg-verifier.dfy: errors: 0
0x1a0205cd3fa5b3d8a11444a14b6c0fc993c2dc14: Success
build/proofs/etherscan/0xDcfCcaf54CB8c7c30bb7959929AbA24bF136FF57/0xDcfCcaf54CB8c7c30bb7959929AbA24bF136FF57-cfg-verifier.dfy: errors: 0
0xDcfCcaf54CB8c7c30bb7959929AbA24bF136FF57: Success
build/proofs/etherscan/0x5b348ec54c290683697f6a812ca1bfbb0e74c70d/0x5b348ec54c290683697f6a812ca1bfbb0e74c70d-cfg-verifier.dfy: errors: 0
0x5b348ec54c290683697f6a812ca1bfbb0e74c70d: Success
The number of failed verification can be obtained with the following command:
root@09b31c7a9d50:/# ./ etherscan/success_files_1_100.txt | grep Failure | wc -l
Finally, the verification times can be consolidated with the following command:
root@09b31c7a9d50:/# python3 ./ etherscan/success_files_1_100.txt t.txt
file 0x325b549a92ffcaaa5dc90a77bc8b37c69268a1e9 0:00:52.885215
file 0x4fb610a0be1965b943ee17df7c7d80071835e056 0:00:09.718108
file 0x790888d358963e0dd6ad3036cf40db2297f4d5f8 0:01:01.541117
file 0xA651332Bf73905c326bdA4549A59c05Aa3bF7DA0 0:00:44.060206
file 0x317649779b7ca2fa139c79c3628e11da92d6a91b 0:00:52.337053
file 0x4502e675bda0a3e86eb7dc2ed5cb7c9465aa6ea8 0:01:09.235403
file 0x8F18602AF63138fB598772410BFB2514746f61E0 0:01:16.835714
file 0xe743a92cf9ec592593055a6d4bf940c645db2e61 0:00:44.259891
file 0x6705c9f03763d0b509c5d4aa5144963cb7641dd9 0:00:38.348125
file 0x9264Ac4E52EDdb5D0fb345CAE8E47A8b420a96fd 0:00:34.616653
file 0xdf3a6e9bb8980666d4b6e94897487715f6b96132 0:01:25.287386
file 0x57e5112c8741fa606e344c19a73679a671a8ffd2 0:01:27.743567
file 0xbbA444b7201AfE9911BeA144907187EbB1184f7C 0:01:29.433966
file 0x9f22c4b3Dbe693a34f2aF61a16a022F87d9499EE 0:00:00.077550
file 0x203b87e9b22a1b27a684cdb923d7646b12e39760 0:00:05.731754
file 0xf365cfabd90a1f954d377d3be32e4e251dcb0d95 0:01:00.696350
file 0x84e24271c69e1cd4574432ea2177e2d2b6ea04cd 0:01:01.211748
which indicates the duration of the verification for each benchmark. (0:01:01.541117 is 1 minute 1 second).
The simulation proof is available in the src/dafny/AbstractSemantics/SimulationProof.dfy
It can be verified with the command:
root@182b4415675f:/tacas25/evm-dis# dafny verify src/dafny/AbstractSemantics/SimulationProof.dfy
/tacas25/evm-dafny/src/dafny/util/int.dfy(303,26): Warning: The {:verify false} attribute should only be used during development. Consider using a bodyless lemma together with the {:axiom} attribute instead
303 | lemma {:verify false} LemmaToFromBytes(bytes:seq<u8>)
/tacas25/evm-dafny/src/dafny/bytecode.dfy(448,29): Warning: The {:verify false} attribute should only be used during development. Consider using a bodyless function together with the {:axiom} attribute instead
448 | function {:verify false} And(st: ExecutingState): (st': State)
| ^^^
/tacas25/evm-dafny/src/dafny/bytecode.dfy(487,29): Warning: The {:verify false} attribute should only be used during development. Consider using a bodyless function together with the {:axiom} attribute instead
487 | function {:verify false} Xor(st: ExecutingState): (st': State)
| ^^^
Dafny program verifier finished with 46 verified, 0 errors
Compilation failed because warnings were found and --allow-warnings is false
Note that the command generates several warnings that are not errors and originate from the Dafny-EVM code.
The warnings are related to the use of the {:verify false}
attribute in the Dafny code for the Dafny-EVM.Note That these functions have been verified in the past, and the {:verify false}
attribute may have been set to reduce the verification time. The Dafny_EVM is not part of this project and maintained independently.
A front end is provided at
To use the front-end, paste the code in .evm
files into the input tab.