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This tutorial shows how to program with the FCI as described in the tutorial paper in Section III-C. The FCI offers a 1kHz real-time transparent interface to the robot that allows to run custom controllers on an external computer running Linux with the PREEMPT RT patch. It can either fully circumvent Control or rely on the internal controllers to follow joint or Cartesian space trajectories at 1 kHz specified with the motion interfaces. Specifically, the FCI also provides joint position, joint velocity, Cartesian pose and Cartesian velocity interfaces. libfranka, the open source C++ library for the client-side of the interface, provides also access to all sensor measurements and the robot model library, which includes the kinematic and Lagrangian dynamic model parameters. This tutorial will show how to implement a standalone custom controller and then how to embed this custom controller into an App.

Note: For more information about the FCI check out its documentation.


Make sure that libfranka, RIDE and RaceCom are installed on your computer. To install libfranka follow these instructions. To install the necessary state machines for the RIDE integration, make sure that you are connected to Control (The FCI will not work if you are connected to the Arm base!) and logged into the Core:

ride login <robot-ip>

Create your build folder by running the following command on the root of the repository (not in the 3_FCI folder!):

mkdir build && cd build

Run cmake with the following flags in order to build the FCI tutorial

cmake -DBUILD_RIDE=OFF -DBUILD_FCI=ON -DBUILD_LEARNING=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFranka_DIR=<path/to/libfranka/build/folder> ..

and finally compile the FCI tutorial with


To compile the state machines and Apps and upload them to your robot run

make fci_tutorial_statemachines

After installing the bundle the Plug In FCI App should appear in the app pane. Note that the App is grey shaded as long as the fci_service is not running.


To program a plug in task with the FCI we implement a Cartesian impedance controller with an additional term that regulates the desired contact force. For details on the mathematical background, please check the Tutorial Paper. The controller is implemented in plug_in_controller.cpp/.h as a reusable function which is used in plug_in_controller_standalone.cpp to run the controller. The controller finishes when the hole_pose is reached within an certain tolerance and time. Otherwise it throws an franka_exception which stop the robot control. For more information on the controller have look at the paper in Section III-C.

Running the custom plug in controller

To run any FCI controller first make sure that your PC is running a real-time kernel and that it's connected to Control.

Warning: Make sure that end effector is in contact with a horizontal surface before running this code. The controller regulates the contact force along the z-axis of the robot's end-effector and if no object is holding it, the robot will move down!

To run the plug in controller go to the root directory of the repository, activate the external activation device and run

./build/3_FCI/standalone/plug_in_controller_standalone <robot-ip>

Note: You can change the control parameters in plug_in_controller_standalone.cpp and observe its impact to the behavior of the robot. Make sure you rebuild the plug in controller every time you make a change. The parameters are described in the header plug_in_controller.h.

RIDE integration

An FCI program can be also integrated into a state machine or an App. To do so we will need (1) an external RIDE service with an operation that runs the FCI controller and (2) a state machine that calls the operation. The following figure illustrates the interplay of interfaces in the system architecture and the involved bundles.

You can find the corresponding files in the ride_integration directory.

  1. FCI service: The implementation of the RaceCom service fci is located in services/src/fci_service.cpp. It has an operation plugIn that runs the FCI plug in controller described in the standalone section of this tutorial. The operation is defined in the services/msg/PlugIn.op file. It specifies an operation that accepts the plug in controller parameters and returns nothing in case of success and a string including the error message in case of any errors.

  2. State machine: The state machines are very similar to the plug in state machines of the ride_tutorial bundle. It also follows the same multi-layered implementation, but in this case the wrapper layer is not necessary because we have to convert less parameters from the context menu. Specifically, the fci_tutorial bundle located in the statemachines/bundles folder consists of the following state machines:

    1. The App layer plug_in_fci_app.lf:
      This state machine implements the context menu and handles all parameters such as the socket pose, the hole pose and the plug in controller parameters. It then performs the plug in by calling the plug_in_fci statemachine.

    2. The execution layer plug_in_fci.lf:
      This statemachine executes the plug in. It's the same code as in the plug_in state machine of the ride_tutorial bundle, but instead of the insert state, the operation plugIn of the fci service is called to run the controller.

Running the Plug in FCI App

If you successfully installed the fci_tutorial bundle you should see the Plug In FCI App (most probably grey shaded) in the App area of Desk.
Make sure you are connected to Control and do the following:

  1. Run the fci service:
    Open a terminal, go to the root of the repository and run

    ./build/3_FCI/ride_integration/services/fci_service <robot-ip> 11511 <network-interface>

    with the following arguments:

    • <robot-ip>: is IP address of the robot (Your preconfigured shopfloor IP).
    • <network-interface>: is the network interface used by your computer to reach the robot. You can check your network interfaces with the ip a command. If you are using an ethernet adapter, it will be named enpXXXX. Wireless adapters are denoted as wlpXXX. Ask your system administrator if you can't figure out your network interface.

    If everything went well, the service should be available and will appear listed when you enter the following command

    ride cli services

    In addition, the Plug In FCI App should now appear colored in Desk. The reason for that is that, for each App, Desk checks if the services that it requires are connected to the robot. If a service is missing, the App will appear grey shaded and will not be executable. In our example, after connecting the fci service the App should fulfill all requirements and should appear colored.

  2. Run the Plug In FCI App in Desk:

    1. Create a new Task

    2. Program the task: Drag the Plug In FCI App into the Timeline of the Task

    3. Parameterize the task: Click on the Plug In FCI App and follow the instruction to teach the robot.
      Note: The expert parameters are preconfigured and needn't to be changed. Anyway you can play around with them and observe how the behavior of the robot changes.

    4. Optional: Add a Cartesian Motion App before the Plug in FCI App to allow for the experiment to be repeated. Teach the Cartesian Motion in a way that it unplugs the plug.

    5. Activate the external activation device and click on the run button to start the task. This will finally make the robot move!