You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
Use AWS account email address and password to sign in as the AWS account root user to the IAM console
In the navigation pane of the console, choose User, and then choos Add user.
For User name, type the Administrator
Select the check box next to AWS Management Console access, select Custom password, and then type the new user's password in the text box. You can optionally
select Require password reset to force the user to create a new password the next time the user signs in.
Choose Next:Permissions
Set up AWS Cloud9 IDE
Go to the AWS Management Console, select Service then select Cloud9 under Developer Tools.
Select Create environment
Enter Development into Name and optionally provide a Description
Select Next Step
ou may leave Environment settings at their defaults of launching a new t2.micro EC2 instance which will be paused after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Select Next steps
Type in Admin:~/environment $ aws sts get-caller-identity
Switch to the tab where I have Cloud9 environment opened
Go to the AW Management Console, select Service then select Kinesis under Analytics
Select Get started if prompted with an introductory screen
Select Create data stream
Enter wildrydes into Kinesis stream name and 1 into Number of shards, then select Create Kinesis stream.
Within 60 seconds, Kinesis stream will be ACTIVE and ready to store real-time streaming data.
Produce messages into the stream
Switch to the tab where have Cloud9 environment opened.
In the terminal, run the producer to start emiting sensor data to the stream: ./producer
Read messages from the stream
Click New Terminal to open a new terminal tab.
Run the consumer to start reading sensor data from the stream: ./consumer
Create an identity pool for teh unicorn dashboard
Go to the AWS Management Console, services Services then select Cognito under Security, Identity & Compliance.
Select Manage Identity Pools.
Enter wildrydes into Identity pool name.
Tick the Enable access to unauthenticated identities checkbox.
Click Create Pool.
Click Allow which will create authenticated and unauthenticated roles for your identity pool.
Select Go to Dashboard.
Select Edit identity pool in the upper right hand corner.
Note the Identity pool ID for use in a later step.
Grant the unauthenticated role access to the stream
Go to the AWS Management Console, services Services then select IAM under Security, Identity & Compliance.
Select Roles in the left-hand navigation.
Select the Cognito_wildrydesUnauth_Role.
Select Add inline policy.
Select Choose a service and select Kinesis.
Tick the Read and List permissions checkboxes in the Actions section.
Select Resources to limit the role to the wildrydes stream.
Select Add ARN next to stream
Enter the region you're using in Region (e.g. us-east-1), your Account ID in Account, and wildrydes in Stream name.
To find your twelve digit AWS Accout ID number in the AWS Management Console, select Support in the navigation bar in the upper-right, and then select Support Center. Your currently signed ID appears in the upper-right corner below the Support menu.
Select Add
Select Review policy
Enter wildrydesDashboardPolicy in Name.
Select Create policy
View unicorn status on the dashboard
Open the Unicorn Dashboard.
Enter the Cognito Identity Pool ID and select Start.
Validate that you can see the unicorn on the map.
Click on the unicorn to see more details from the stream.
Experiment with the producer
Stop the producer by pressing Control + C and notice the messages stop and the unicorn disappear after 30 seconds.
Start the producer again and notice the messages resume and the unicorn reappear.
Hit the (+) button and click New Terminal to open a new terminal tab.
Start another instance of the producer in the new tab. Provide a specific unicorn name and notice data points for both unicorns in consumer’s output:: ./producer -name Bucephalus
Check the dashboard and verify you see multiple unicorns.
Aggregate data
Create an Amazon Kinesis stream
Go to the AWS Management Console, click Services then select Kinesis under Analytics.
Select Get started if prompted with an introductory screen.
Select Create data stream.
Enter wildrydes-summary into Kinesis stream name and 1 into Number of shards, then select Create Kinesis stream.
Whithin 60 seconds, your Kinesis stream will be ACTIVE and ready to store the real-time streaming data.
Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application
Switch to the tab where you have your Cloud9 environment open.
Run the producer to start emiting sensor data to the stream.
Go to the AWS Management Console, click Services then select Kinesis under Analytics.
Select Create analytics application.
Enter wildrydes into the Application name and then select Create application.
Select Connect streaming data.
Select wildrydes from Kinesis stream.
Scroll down and click Discover schema, wait a moment, and ensure that schema was properly auto-discovered.
Select Save and continue.
Select Go to SQL editor. This will open up an interactive query session where we can build a query on top of our real-time Amazon Kinesis stream.
Select Yes, start application. It will take 30-90 seconds for your application to start.
Copy and pase the following SQL query into the SQL editor:
MAX("MagicPoints"), MIN("HealthPoints"), MAX("HealthPoints")
Select Save and run SQL. Each minute, you will see rows arrive containing the aggregated data. Wait for the rows to arrive.
Click the Console link.
Select Connect to a destination.
Select wildrydes-summary from Kinesis stream.
Select DESTINATION_SQL_STREAM from In-application stream name.
Select Save and continue.
Read messages from the stream
Switch to the tab where you have your CLoud9 environment opened.
Run the consumer to start reading sensor data from the stream: ./consumer -stream wildrydes-summary
Experiment with the producer
Switch to the tab where you have your Cloud9 environment opened.
Stop the producer by pressing Control + C and notice the messages stop.
Start the producer again and notice the messages resume.
Hit the (+) button and click New Terminal to open a new terminal tab.
Start another instance of the producer in the new tab. Provide a specific unicorn name and notice data points fo rboth unicorns in
Process streaming data
Create an Amazon DynamoDB tables
Go to the AWS Management Console, choose Services then select DynamoDB under Database.
Click Create table.
Enter UnicornSensorData for the Table name.
Enter Name for the Partition key and select String for the key type.
Tick the Add sort key checkbox. Enter StatusTime for the Sort key and select String for the key type.
Leave the Use default settings box checked and choose Create.
Scroll to the Table details section of your new table's properties and note the Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You will use this in the next step.
Create an IAM role for your Lambda function
From the AWS Console, click on Services and then select IAM in the Securit, Identiy & Compliance section.
Select Policies from the left navigation and then click Create policy.
Using the Visual editor, we're going to create an IAM policy to allow our Lambda function access to the DynamoDB table created in the last section. To begin, select Service, begin typing DynamoDB in Find a service, and click DynamoDB.
Select Action, begin typing BatchWriteItem in Filter actions, and tick the BatchWriteItem checkbox.
In Region, enter the AWS Region in which you created the DynamoDB table in the previous section, e.g.: us-east-1.
In Account, enter your AWS Account ID which is a twelve digit number, e.g.: 123456789012. To find your AWS account ID number in the AWS Management Console, click on Support in the navigation bar in the upper-right, and then click Support Center. Your currently signed ID appears in the upper-right corner below the Support menu.
In Table Name, enter UnicornSensorData.
Select Add.
Select Review policy.
Enter WildRydesDynamoDBWritePolicy in the Name field.
Select Create policy.
Select Roles from the left navigation and then select Create role.
Select Next: Permissions.
Begin typing AWSLambdaKinesisExecutionRole in the Filter text box and check the box next to that role.
Begin typing WildRydesDynamoDBWritePolicy in the Filter text box and check the box next to that role.
Clikc Next: Review.
Enter WildRydesStreamProcessorRole for the Role name.
Click Create role.
Create a Lambda function to process the stream
Go to the AWS Management Console, choose Service then select Lambda under Compute.
Select Create a function.
Enter WildRydesStreamProcessor in the Name field.
Select Node.js 6.10 from Runtime.
Select WildRydesStreamProcessorRole from the Existing role dropdown.
Select Create function.
Scroll down to the Function code section.
Copy and paste the JavaScript code below into the code editor.
In the Environment variable section, enter an environment variable with Key TABLE_NAME and Value UnicornSensorData.
In the Basic settinggs section. Set the Timeout to 1 minute.
Scroll up and select Kinesis from the Designer section
In the Configure triggers section, select wildrydes-summary from Kinesis Stream.
Leave Batch size set to 100 and Starting position set to Latest.
Select Enable trigger
Select Add.
Select Save.
Monitor the Lambda function
Run the producer to start emiting sensor data to the stream with a unicorn name : ./producer -name Rocinante
Select the Monitor tab and eplore the metrics available to monitor the function. Select Jump to Logs to explore the function's log output.
Query the DynamoDB table
Select Services then select DynamoDB in the Database section.
Select Tables from the left-hand navigation.
Select UnicornSensorData.
Select the Items tab. Here you should see each per-minute data point for each Univorn for which you're running a producer.
Store & query data
Create an Amazon S3 bucket
From the AWS Management Console select Services then select S3 under Storage.
Select + Create bucket.
Provide a globally unique name for your bucket such as wildeydes-data-yourname.
Select the region you've been using for your bucket.
Select Next twice, and then select Create bucket.
Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream
From the AWS Management Console select Services then select Kinesis under Analytics.
Select Create delivery stream.
Enter wildrydes into Delivery stream name.
Select Kinesis stream as Source and select wildrydes as the source stream.
Select Next.
Leave Record transformation and Record format conversation disabled and select Next.
Select Amazon S3 from Desitation.
Choose the bucket you crerated in the previous section (i.e. wildrydes-data-johndoe) from S3 bucket.
Select Next.
Enter 60 into Buffer interval under S3 Buffer to set the frequency of S3 deliveries once per minute.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Create new or Choose from IAM role. In the new tab, click Allow.
Select Next. Review the delivery stream details and select Create delivery stream.
Create an Amazon Athena table
Select Services then select Athena in the Analytics section.
If prompted, select Get started and exit the first-run tutorial by hitting the x in the upper right hand corner of the modal dialog
Copy and paste the following SQL statement to create the table. Replace the YOUR_BUCKET_NAME_HERE placeholder with your bucket name (e.g. wildrydes-data-johndoe) in the LOCATION clause:
Name string,
StatusTime timestamp,
Latitude float,
Longitude float,
Distance float,
HealthPoints int,
MagicPoints int
Select Run Query.
Verify the table wildrydes was crerated by ensuring it has been added to the list of tables in the left navigation.
Explore the batched data files
Select Services then select S3 in the Storage section.
Enter the bucket name you created in the first section in the Search for buckets text input.
Select one of the files and select Download. Open the file with a text editor and explore its content.
Query the data files
Select Services then select Athena in the Analytics section.