In this page you can find info about:
- Creating a base CardHeader
- Standard Header without Buttons
- Standard Header with the overflow botton and Popup Menu
- Standard Header with the overflow botton and PopupMenu built programmatically
- Standard Header with the expand/collpase button
- Standard Header with custom button
- Customizing the innerContent Header Layout
- Customizing the HeaderLayout
- Style
Creating a base CardHeader
is pretty simple.
//Create a Card
Card card = new Card(getContext());
//Create a CardHeader
CardHeader header = new CardHeader(getContext());
//Add header to card
provides a base HeaderLayout with a InnerLayout and ButtonLayout.
For the CardViewNative:
You can find it in res/layout/native_base_header_layout.xml
For the CardView:
You can find it in res/layout/base_header_layout.xml
The built-in ButtonLayout provides these features:
- a overflow button with popup and listener
- a expand/collapse button
- a customizable button for your custom action
The built-in InnerLayout defined by :
(for theCardViewNative
) -
(for theCardView
It provide these features:
- a title
There are many ways you can customize the card header.
If you want a CardHeader
without buttons you can use this simple code:
//Create a CardHeader
CardHeader header = new CardHeader(getContext());
If you want a CardHeader
with the overflow button you can use this simple code:
//Create a CardHeader
CardHeader header = new CardHeader(getContext());
//Set the header title
//Add a popup menu. This method sets OverFlow button to visibile
header.setPopupMenu(, new CardHeader.onClickCardHeaderPopupMenuListener(){
public void onMenuItemClick(BaseCard card, MenuItem item) {
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Click on "+item.getTitle(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
//Add a PopupMenuPrepareListener to add dynamically a menu entry
//It is optional.
header.setPopupMenuPrepareListener(new CardHeader.OnPrepareCardHeaderPopupMenuListener() {
public boolean onPreparePopupMenu(BaseCard card, PopupMenu popupMenu) {
popupMenu.getMenu().add("Dynamic Item");
return true;
* Other examples:
* You can remove an item with this code:
* popupMenu.getMenu().removeItem(;
* You can use return false to hide the button and the popup
* return false;
You can use the listener CardHeader.OnClickCardHeaderPopupMenuListener
to listen callback when an item menu is clicked.
You can set a CardHeader.OnPrepareCardHeaderPopupMenuListener
with setPopupMenuPrepareListener
method or with setPopupMenu(int menuRes, OnClickCardHeaderPopupMenuListener listener, OnPrepareCardHeaderPopupMenuListener prepareListener)
to customize the menu items after being inflated.
As described below, the overflow icon is defined with a style and you can customize it.
You can add a PopupMenu entirely from code:
//Add a popup menu. This method sets OverFlow button to visible
//If you would like to add all menu entries without xml file you have to set this value
//Add the listener
header.setPopupMenuListener(new CardHeader.OnClickCardHeaderPopupMenuListener() {
public void onMenuItemClick(BaseCard card, MenuItem item) {
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Click on " + item.getTitle() + "-" + ((Card) card).getCardHeader().getTitle(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
//Add a PopupMenuPrepareListener to add dynamically a menu entry
header.setPopupMenuPrepareListener(new CardHeader.OnPrepareCardHeaderPopupMenuListener() {
public boolean onPreparePopupMenu(BaseCard card, PopupMenu popupMenu) {
popupMenu.getMenu().add("Dynamic item");
return true;
You can see an example in `'HeaderFragment': (source native). (source v1).
If you want a CardHeader
with the expand/collapse button you can use this simple code:
//Create a CardHeader
CardHeader header = new CardHeader(getContext());
//Set the header title
//Set visible the expand/collapse button
//Add Header to card
//This provides a simple (and useless) expand area
CardExpand expand = new CardExpand(getContext());
//Set inner title in Expand Area
If you want to customize the expand area you can simply extend CardExpand
class. See this page for more information.
//This provides a simple (and useless) expand area
CustomExpandCard expand = new CustomExpandCard(getContext());
//Add Expand Area to a Card
provides an 'other button' features.
You can use it for any actions.
you can use this simple code:
//Create a CardHeader
CardHeader header = new CardHeader(getContext());
//Set the header title
//Set visible the expand/collapse button
//Add a callback
header.setOtherButtonClickListener(new CardHeader.OnClickCardHeaderOtherButtonListener() {
public void onButtonItemClick(Card card, View view) {
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Click on Other Button", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//Add Header to card
You have to set your style and drawable for this button.
The easiest way is to copy this style in your project and use your custom drawables.
res/values/styles.xml : (I suggest you using a selector)
<!-- Other Button in Header for CardViewNative-->
<style name="card.native.header_button_base.other">
<item name="android:background">@drawable/card_menu_button_other</item>
<!-- Other Button in Header for CardView-->
<style name="card.header_button_base.other">
<item name="android:background">@drawable/card_menu_button_other</item>
res/values-v21/styles.xml : (I suggest a simple image because it use a ripple as background)
<!-- Other Button in Header for CardViewNative-->
<style name="card.native.header_button_base.other">
<item name="android:src">@drawable/ic_menu_other_action_more_normal</item>
<!-- Other Button in Header for CardView-->
<style name="card.header_button_base.other">
<item name="android:src">@drawable/ic_menu_other_action_more_normal</item>
You can use the listener CardHeader.OnClickCardHeaderOtherButtonListener
to listen callback when the other button is clicked.
If you want to set the other button programmatically you can use the same code above and add:
//Use this code to set your drawable
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Constants.API_L) {
// Use the simple png. It is the src in image (Android-L uses the ripple)
} else {
// Use a selector. It is the background in image
You can customize the built-in innerContent. You can use your inner layout.
You can extend the base class.
Then you can inflate your inner layout, then you can populate your layout with setupInnerViewElements(ViewGroup parent, View view)
public class CustomHeaderInnerCard extends CardHeader {
public CustomHeaderInnerCard(Context context) {
super(context, R.layout.carddemo_example_inner_header);
public void setupInnerViewElements(ViewGroup parent, View view) {
if (view!=null){
TextView t1 = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
if (t1!=null)
TextView t2 = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
if (t2!=null)
Then you can add this custom CustomHeaderInnerCard
to your Card
//Create a Card
Card card = new Card(getActivity());
//Create a CardHeader
CustomHeaderInnerCard header = new CustomHeaderInnerCard(getContext());
//Add Header to card
//Set card in the cardView
CardView cardView = (CardView) getActivity().findViewById(;
You can fully customize your header.
You can set your header layout, customizing card layout and inflating your header xml layout file.
First of all you have to provide your card layout.
The quickest way to start with this would be to copy the built-in layouts.
For CardViewNative:
clone res/layout/native_card_layout.xml
or res/layout/native_card_thumbnail_layout.xml
You can see res/layout/carddemo_native_example_card1_layout.xml
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
For CardView:
clone res/layout/card_layout.xml
or res/layout/card_thumbnail_layout.xml
You can see res/layout/carddemo_example_card1_layout.xml
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
Pay attention. The card header has a header (general) layout. You can specify it using this attr:card:card_header_layout_resourceID="@layout/carddemo_example_card1_header_layout"
This layout is not the header inner layout described above.
When you use a custom card layout with a custom header (general) layout is important to use the same IDs to preserve built-in features. When you use a custom inner layout you can change everything.
Then you have to define your header layout:
You can see an example in res/layout/carddemo_example_card1_header_layout.xml
<!-- This is the Header Layout -->
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
<!-- This is the Inner Content Header which you can populate runtime
with setupInnerViewElements(android.view.ViewGroup, android.view.View) method in CardHeader class. -->
Finally you can extend CardHeader
and popolate your elements as above.
It is very important to preserve the element with android:id="@+id/card_header_inner_frame"
Without this element, the setupInnerViewElements
method in your CardHeader
will not be called.
In the CardViewNative override these dimens to change the margins:
<dimen name="card_header_native_default_paddingLeft">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="card_header_native_default_paddingRight">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="card_header_native_default_paddingTop">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="card_header_native_default_paddingBottom">0dp</dimen>
You can customize some properties with your style and drawable files. The quickest way to start with this would be to copy the specific style or drawable in your project and change them.
For the CardViewNative:
These are the main style properties:
: header layout stylecard.native.header_simple_title
: title stylecard.native.header_button_frame
: button frame stylecard.native.header_button_base
: buttons stylecard.native.header_button_base.overflow
: overflow button stylecard.native.header_button_base.expand
: expand button stylecard.native.header_button_base.other
: other button style
<dimen name="card_header_native_default_paddingLeft">12dp</dimen>
<dimen name="card_header_native_default_paddingRight">12dp</dimen>
<dimen name="card_header_native_default_paddingTop">12dp</dimen>
<dimen name="card_header_native_default_paddingBottom">0dp</dimen>
color properties:
: default header text color
Example to change header title color:
<color name="card_text_color_header">#990066</color>
drawable/selector properties values/styles.xml
: default selector used by overflow menucard_menu_button_expand_material_animator
: default selector used by expand menu
<!-- Button Overflow in Header -->
<style name="card.native.header_button_base.overflow" >
<item name="android:background">@drawable/card_menu_button_overflow_material</item>
<!-- Button to Expand/Collapse in Header -->
<style name="card.native.header_button_base.expand">
<item name="android:background">@drawable/card_menu_button_expand_material</item>
drawable properties values-v21/styles.xml
: default image selector used by overflow menu (it has a ripple background)card_menu_button_expand_material_animator
: default image selector used by expand menu (it has a ripple background)
<!-- Button Overflow in Header -->
<style name="card.native.header_button_base.overflow" >
<item name="android:src">@drawable/card_menu_button_overflow_material</item>
<!-- Button to Expand/Collapse in Header -->
<style name="card.native.header_button_base.expand">
<item name="android:src">@drawable/card_menu_button_expand_material_animator</item>
Text Size
<dimen name="card_header_native_simple_title_text_size">18sp</dimen>
Text Font values-v16/fonts.xml
<string name="card_native_font_fontFamily_header">sans-serif-medium</string>
<string name="card_native_font_fontFamily_header">sans-serif-medium</string>
For the CardView:
These are the main style properties:
: header layout stylecard.header_simple_title
: title stylecard.header_button_frame
: button frame stylecard.header_button_base
: buttons stylecard.header_button_base.overflow
: overflow button stylecard.header_button_base.expand
: expand button stylecard.header_button_base.other
: other button style
color properties:
: default header text color
Example to change header title color:
<color name="card_text_color_header">#990066</color>
drawable/selector properties for android<21:
: default selector used by overflow menucard_menu_button_expand
: default selector used by expand menu
<!-- Button Overflow in Header -->
<style name="card.header_button_base.overflow" >
<item name="android:background">@drawable/card_menu_button_rounded_overflow</item>
<!-- Button to Expand/Collapse in Header -->
<style name="card.header_button_base.expand">
<item name="android:background">@drawable/card_menu_button_expand</item>
drawable properties for android>=21:
: default image used by overflow menu (it has a ripple background)ic_menu_expand_card_dark_normal
: default image selector used by expand menu (it has a ripple background)
<!-- Button Overflow in Header -->
<style name="card.header_button_base.overflow" >
<item name="android:src">@drawable/ic_menu_overflow_card_rounded_dark_normal</item>
<!-- Button to Expand/Collapse in Header -->
<style name="card.header_button_base.expand">
<item name="android:src">@drawable/ic_menu_expand_card_dark_normal</item>
Text Size
<dimen name="card_header_simple_title_text_size">20sp</dimen>
Text Font values-v16/fonts.xml
<string name="card_font_fontFamily_header">sans-serif-condensed</string>
<string name="card_font_fontFamily_header">sans-serif-condensed</string>
To change this button you have to override the styles described.
Example to change pressed expand button:
- you can copy ic_menu_expand_card_dark_pressed.png in your project and change it.
- or you can copy and modify the selector card_menu_button_expand.xml
- or you can copy and modify the style
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_menu_expand_card_dark_red_pressed"
<item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_menu_expand_card_dark_red_pressed"
<item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_menu_expand_card_dark_red_pressed"
<item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_menu_expand_card_dark_normal"/>
drawable-v21/ (remove the pressed state because it is provided by the ripple).
android:drawable="@drawable/ic_menu_expand_card_dark_red_pressed" />
<item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_menu_expand_card_dark_normal"/>