I'm a software engineer with experience in machine learning, data science, and distributed systems. Some of the projects I've worked on involve computer vision, natural language processing, and brain-computer interfaces.
⭐️ TensorBlur: Efficient GPU-accelerated blurring layers for Tensorflow graphs.
⭐️ PyUnity: Python utilities for Unity Perception (C#) - a toolkit for creating synthetic machine learning datasets
⭐️ Networking Test Kit: Test networking functionality (LSL, OSC, UDP) for OpenBCI devices. Integrated with the OpenBCI core app.
⭐️ ECG Respiratory Monitor: Live monitor for EEG, ECG, and respiratory biodata
⭐️ OpenBCI-MaxMSP Library: Library for interfacing between OpenBCI devices and MaxMSP
📝 Deep Neural Networks for Forecasting Single-Trial Event-Related Neural Activity (IEEE SMC 2018)
📝 Forecasting the Neural Time Series: Deep Neural Networks for Estimating EEG Event Responses (UCSD M.S. Thesis)
📝 Multi-Paradigm EEG Classification using Deep Neural Networks(BCI Meeting 2018 Poster)
📝 Finding the optimal cross-subject EEG data alignment method for analysis and BCI (IEEE SMC 2018)
📝 Error Potentials for a Reinforcement Learning-Based Brain-Computer Interface (Unpublished)