From d0a5243f90ba0ba7999f77c13870caa04d5dbfcc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Klaus Hallatschek <>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2024 20:39:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/33] Loop adapted to strict compiler scrutiny

in DIMATCOPY opt out case. (Was previously traditional
fortran practice.)
 cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90 | 10 +++++++---
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90
index 836e287db..3387f624e 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90
@@ -731,9 +731,13 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_landau()
           !alternative to domatcopy
-          do k=1,n_xi*n_energy
-             do j=1,n_xi*n_energy
-                gyrocolmat(j,1,k,1,ib,ia,ik)=gyrocolmat(k,1,j,1,ia,ib,ik)
+          do k=1,n_xi
+             do l=1,n_energy
+                do j=1,n_xi
+                   do m=1,n_energy
+                      gyrocolmat(m,j,l,k,ib,ia,ik)=gyrocolmat(l,k,m,j,ia,ib,ik)
+                   end do
+                end do
              end do
           end do

From 21a271e7f87f7a19a914a7c46a47693e3e5296f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Klaus Hallatschek <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2024 14:30:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/33] std=f2008 for debug option for tumbleweed

 platform/build/ | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/platform/build/ b/platform/build/
index c502f5b36..5fc8e26c5 100644
--- a/platform/build/
+++ b/platform/build/
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ NUMAS_PER_NODE=1
 # Compilers
-FC     = mpifort -DDIMATCOPY -std=gnu -fallow-argument-mismatch -fall-intrinsics -fimplicit-none -J $(GACODE_ROOT)/modules #-fPIC
+FC     = mpifort -DDIMATCOPY -fallow-argument-mismatch -fall-intrinsics -fimplicit-none -J $(GACODE_ROOT)/modules #-fPIC
 #FC     = mpifort -std=f2008 -fall-intrinsics -fimplicit-none -J $(GACODE_ROOT)/modules #-fPIC
 F77    = mpifort -fimplicit-none -fallow-argument-mismatch
 FOMP   =-fopenmp
 FMATH  =-fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -I$(FFTW_INC)
-FOPT   =-O3 -fexternal-blas -march=native -ffree-line-length-0
+FOPT   =-O3 -std=gnu -fexternal-blas -march=native -ffree-line-length-0
 # -floop-nest-optimize -floop-parallelize-all -flto
-FDEBUG =-Wall -W -fcheck=all -g -fbacktrace  -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -finit-real=snan # -std=f2003 -fall-intrinsics
+FDEBUG =-Wall -W -fcheck=all -g -fbacktrace  -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -finit-real=snan -std=f2008 -fall-intrinsics
 F2PY   = f2py
 # System math libraries

From 68084a1c44fe8f60e8a3f68de25a9163df88274d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Klaus Hallatschek <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2024 18:31:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/33] no unused variable, rel comp, int div warning

 platform/build/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/platform/build/ b/platform/build/
index 5fc8e26c5..19712de78 100644
--- a/platform/build/
+++ b/platform/build/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ FOMP   =-fopenmp
 FMATH  =-fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -I$(FFTW_INC)
 FOPT   =-O3 -std=gnu -fexternal-blas -march=native -ffree-line-length-0
 # -floop-nest-optimize -floop-parallelize-all -flto
-FDEBUG =-Wall -W -fcheck=all -g -fbacktrace  -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -finit-real=snan -std=f2008 -fall-intrinsics
+FDEBUG =-Wall -W -fcheck=all -Wno-compare-reals  -Wno-integer-division -Wno-unused-variable -g -fbacktrace  -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -finit-real=snan -std=f2008 -fall-intrinsics
 F2PY   = f2py
 # System math libraries

From 88ba3b6cb379eddfc5fb229c77667cf3b9c329a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Klaus Hallatschek <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2024 18:41:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/33] liquidat. obsol. statement fct in half_hermite.f90

 shared/math/half_hermite.f90 | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/shared/math/half_hermite.f90 b/shared/math/half_hermite.f90
index f81a47b85..e294605cf 100644
--- a/shared/math/half_hermite.f90
+++ b/shared/math/half_hermite.f90
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ subroutine half_hermite_norm(n,xmin,xmax,sign,alpha,a1,b1,c1,a,bsq,logg,verbos&
     real :: t00,t10
     real, parameter :: mori=.5,epsmori=1e-6,epsbase=5e-16,epsgauss=1e-18
     integer ngauss
-    real w,sech2,sech,sechb,tanhp1,tanhm1,tanhb
     real eps
     integer i,j,k,ia
     integer leftnew,rightnew ! How many points of the left or right summation have to be computed
@@ -164,15 +163,6 @@ subroutine half_hermite_norm(n,xmin,xmax,sign,alpha,a1,b1,c1,a,bsq,logg,verbos&
     ! n(i+1)=|-a(i)n(i)pn(i,x=0)-b(i)n(i-1)pn(i,x=0)|
     ! But we normalise to <P^2>
-    w(x)=x**alpha*exp(-sign*x*x) ! inline function for weight
-    sechb(x)=2.*x/(1.+x*x)
-    sech(x)=sechb(exp(-x))
-    sech2(x)=sech(abs(x))**2
-    tanhb(x)=2*x/(1+x)
-    tanhp1(x)=tanhb(exp(2*x))   ! tanh(x)+1 for x<0 approx. 2*exp(2*x) for x<<-1
-    tanhm1(x)=-tanhb(exp(-2*x)) ! tanh(x)-1 for x>0
     if (n==0) return
@@ -182,7 +172,7 @@ subroutine half_hermite_norm(n,xmin,xmax,sign,alpha,a1,b1,c1,a,bsq,logg,verbos&
     if (vb) then
-       ngauss=n+xmax**2+xmax*sqrt(-2*log(epsgauss))-log(epsgauss)/3
+       ngauss=n+floor(xmax**2+xmax*sqrt(-2*log(epsgauss))-log(epsgauss)/3)
        print *,'ngauss=',ngauss
@@ -671,6 +661,42 @@ subroutine half_hermite_norm(n,xmin,xmax,sign,alpha,a1,b1,c1,a,bsq,logg,verbos&
     if (vb) print *,'hhn used mem',2*(nsafe+nintervals)
     deallocate(mw,mp,poly,poly1) !deallocation may be necessary because these are pointers.
+  contains
+    elemental real function w(x)
+      implicit none
+      real,intent(in) :: x
+      w=x**alpha*exp(-sign*x*x) ! inline function for weight
+    end function w
+    elemental real function sechb(x)
+      implicit none
+      real,intent(in) :: x
+      sechb=2.*x/(1.+x*x)
+    end function sechb
+    elemental real function sech(x)
+      implicit none
+      real,intent(in) :: x
+      sech=sechb(exp(-x))
+    end function sech
+    elemental real function sech2(x)
+      implicit none
+      real,intent(in) :: x
+      sech2=sech(abs(x))**2
+    end function sech2
+    elemental real function tanhb(x)
+      implicit none
+      real,intent(in) :: x
+      tanhb=2*x/(1+x)
+    end function tanhb
+    elemental real function tanhp1(x)
+      implicit none
+      real,intent(in) :: x
+      tanhp1=tanhb(exp(2*x))   ! tanh(x)+1 for x<0 approx. 2*exp(2*x) for x<<-1
+    end function tanhp1
+    elemental real function tanhm1(x)
+      implicit none
+      real,intent(in) :: x
+      tanhm1=-tanhb(exp(-2*x)) ! tanh(x)-1 for x>0
+    end function tanhm1
   end subroutine half_hermite_norm
   subroutine gauss_nodes_functions(n,a,bsq,sp,ortho_f)

From b7f0217ee22528013e082d62c982fa4d88ce49d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Klaus Hallatschek <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2024 18:32:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/33] liquid. obsolescent statement fct in landau.F90

 shared/landau/landau.F90 | 126 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

diff --git a/shared/landau/landau.F90 b/shared/landau/landau.F90
index 6532f9b88..a305eed95 100644
--- a/shared/landau/landau.F90
+++ b/shared/landau/landau.F90
@@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
 !  gfortran -march=native -O3 -fno-stack-arrays -fimplicit-none -fdefault-real-8 landau.F90  -c
 !ifort -stand f15 -warn all -march=native -O3 -heap-arrays 10 -implicitnone -real-size 64 landau.F90 -c
-module landau
 #ifndef __PGI
   !can't use quad precision with frumpy pgi compiler
-  real(16), parameter,private :: pi1=atan(1._16)*4
+#define HIREAL real(16)
+#define HRS _16
+#define HIREAL real
+#define HRS
+module landau
+  HIREAL, parameter,private :: pi1=atan(1.HRS)*4
   ! real, parameter :: intnorm=pi1**(-1.5)*4*pi1
   ! int gphys(v) d^3v=1=int g(x) x^2 dx *intnor
   ! Maybe one should normalise this once for a given xmax and density 1?
-  real, parameter :: vunit=sqrt(2._16)
+  real, parameter :: vunit=real(sqrt(2.HRS))
   ! v*vunit is v in units of sqrt(T/m)
   ! v itself is v in units of sqrt(2T/m) ("collision operator units")
-  real, parameter,private :: pi1=atan(1.)*4
-  real, parameter :: vunit=sqrt(2.)
-  real, parameter :: intnorm=4/sqrt(pi1)
-  real, parameter :: normcol=sqrt(8/pi1)
+  real, parameter :: intnorm=real(4/sqrt(pi1))
+  real, parameter :: normcol=real(sqrt(8/pi1))
   ! Normalisation of ctest/emat cfield/emat for the self-collisions of the
   ! reference species without caa or cab.
   ! Note: must take into account muref^3=sqrt(1/8), since mu^2=m/(2T)
-  real, parameter :: normcolcgyro=4/sqrt(pi1)
+  real, parameter :: normcolcgyro=real(4/sqrt(pi1))
   integer :: verbose=0
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ real function tau_ab_inv(mua,mub,nb,za,zb,Ta,Tb)
     if (present(nb)) nb1=nb
     if (present(mua)) mua1=mua
     if (present(mub)) mub1=mub
-    tau_ab_inv=sqrt(8./pi1)/3*za1**2*zb1**2*nb1/(mua1*Ta1**2)*&
+    tau_ab_inv=real(sqrt(8./pi1))/3*za1**2*zb1**2*nb1/(mua1*Ta1**2)*&
   end function tau_ab_inv
@@ -71,36 +73,13 @@ subroutine gentestkernel(n,a1,b1,c1,xmax,beta,gp,gw,ngauss,lor_int,dif_int,addcu
     optional :: t1t2_int ! only calculate that term if it is present.
     optional :: addcutoff
-    real p0,p1,pi,q0,q1,qi,r0,r1,ri,s0,s1,si,x,x1,xmax1
+    real p0,p1,pi,q0,q1,qi,r0,r1,ri,s0,s1,si,x,xmax1
     real f1,f2
     integer i,j,k
-#ifndef __PGI
-    real(16) fct1,fct2,fct1lo,fct1hi,fct2lo,fct2hi !inline functions
-    real(16) w,xmaxx
-    real fct1,fct2,fct1lo,fct1hi,fct2lo,fct2hi !inline functions
-    real w,xmaxx
+    HIREAL xmaxx,x1
     logical t1t2,addcutoff1
     real t1,t2 ! for timing
-#ifndef __PGI
-    fct1(w)=.125_16*w**(-3)*(exp(-w*w)*w+(2*w*w-1)*.5_16*sqrt(pi1)*erf(w))
-    fct2(w)=.25_16*w**(-1)*(.5_16*sqrt(pi1)*erf(w)-w*exp(-w**2))
-    fct2hi(w)=-w**(-1)*((1._16/12)*xmaxx*exp(-xmaxx**2)*(3+2*xmaxx**2)-(sqrt(pi1)/8)*erf(xmaxx))
-    fct1(w)=.125*w**(-3)*(exp(-w*w)*w+(2*w*w-1)*.5*sqrt(pi1)*erf(w))
-    fct2(w)=.25*w**(-1)*(.5*sqrt(pi1)*erf(w)-w*exp(-w**2))
-    fct2hi(w)=-w**(-1)*((1./12)*xmaxx*exp(-xmaxx**2)*(3+2*xmaxx**2)-(sqrt(pi1)/8)*erf(xmaxx))
-    fct1lo(w)=fct1(w)-exp(-xmaxx**2)/6  ! for w<xmax
-    fct2lo(w)=fct2(w)-w*w*exp(-xmaxx**2)/6 !for w<xmax
-    !  fct1hi(w)=w**(-3)*((1./24)*exp(-xmaxx**2)*xmaxx*(3-6*w**2+2*xmaxx**2)+(sqrt(pi1)/16)*(2*w**2-1)*erf(xmaxx))
-    fct1hi(w)=-w**(-3)/48*((-2*exp(-xmaxx**2)*xmaxx*(3+2*xmaxx**2)+3*sqrt(pi1)*erf(xmaxx))+&
-         w**2*(12*exp(-xmaxx**2)*xmaxx-6*sqrt(pi1)*erf(xmaxx)))
-    !Inaccuracy for
-    !./hhv 5 .5 0 50 1 1
-    !was due to inaccuracies in this routine, likely due to cancellations in the fcts.
@@ -197,23 +176,13 @@ subroutine gentestkernel(n,a1,b1,c1,xmax,beta,gp,gw,ngauss,lor_int,dif_int,addcu
     do k=1,ngauss
-#ifndef __PGI
-       if (addcutoff1) then
-          f1=fct1lo(real(x1,16))
-          f2=fct2lo(real(x1,16))
-       else
-          f1=fct1(real(x1,16))
-          f2=fct2(real(x1,16))
-       endif
        if (addcutoff1) then
-          f1=fct1lo(x1)
-          f2=fct2lo(x1)
+          f1=real(fct1lo(x1))
+          f2=real(fct2lo(x1))
-          f1=fct1(x1)
-          f2=fct2(x1)
+          f1=real(fct1(x1))
+          f2=real(fct2(x1))
        do j=1,n
           if (j==1) then
@@ -234,7 +203,7 @@ subroutine gentestkernel(n,a1,b1,c1,xmax,beta,gp,gw,ngauss,lor_int,dif_int,addcu
-          if (t1t2) t1t2_int(j,i)=t1t2_int(j,i)+2*qi*ri*x1*f2
+          if (t1t2) t1t2_int(j,i)=t1t2_int(j,i)+2*qi*ri*real(x1)*f2
           ! ^^ vgl 1.8.19 (2)
           do i=2,n
@@ -245,21 +214,16 @@ subroutine gentestkernel(n,a1,b1,c1,xmax,beta,gp,gw,ngauss,lor_int,dif_int,addcu
-             if (t1t2) t1t2_int(j,i)=t1t2_int(j,i)+2*qi*ri*x1*f2
+             if (t1t2) t1t2_int(j,i)=t1t2_int(j,i)+2*qi*ri*real(x1)*f2
     if (addcutoff1 .and. beta>1) then
        do k=1,ngauss
-          x=x1/beta
-#ifndef __PGI
-          f1=fct1hi(real(x1,16))
-          f2=fct2hi(real(x1,16))
-          f1=fct1hi(x1)
-          f2=fct2hi(x1)
+          x=real(x1)/beta
+          f1=real(fct1hi(x1))
+          f2=real(fct2hi(x1))
           do j=1,n
              if (j==1) then
@@ -281,7 +245,7 @@ subroutine gentestkernel(n,a1,b1,c1,xmax,beta,gp,gw,ngauss,lor_int,dif_int,addcu
-             if (t1t2) t1t2_int(j,i)=t1t2_int(j,i)+2*qi*ri*x1*f2
+             if (t1t2) t1t2_int(j,i)=t1t2_int(j,i)+2*qi*ri*real(x1)*f2
              ! ^^ vgl 1.8.19 (2)
              do i=2,n
@@ -292,7 +256,7 @@ subroutine gentestkernel(n,a1,b1,c1,xmax,beta,gp,gw,ngauss,lor_int,dif_int,addcu
-                if (t1t2) t1t2_int(j,i)=t1t2_int(j,i)+2*qi*ri*x1*f2
+                if (t1t2) t1t2_int(j,i)=t1t2_int(j,i)+2*qi*ri*real(x1)*f2
@@ -320,8 +284,44 @@ subroutine gentestkernel(n,a1,b1,c1,xmax,beta,gp,gw,ngauss,lor_int,dif_int,addcu
     ! i.e. we multiply with beta!!
     if (t1t2) t1t2_int=t1t2_int*beta**(-4) ! ***<--- must be multiplied with (Ta/Tb-1)
     call cpu_time(t2)
     if (verbose>0) print '(A,G13.3)','gentestkernel took ',t2-t1
+  contains
+    elemental HIREAL function fct1(w)
+      implicit none
+      HIREAL,intent(in) :: w
+      fct1=.125HRS*w**(-3)*(exp(-w*w)*w+(2*w*w-1)*.5HRS*sqrt(pi1)*erf(w))
+    end function fct1
+    elemental HIREAL function fct2(w)
+      implicit none
+      HIREAL,intent(in) :: w
+      fct2=.25HRS*w**(-1)*(.5HRS*sqrt(pi1)*erf(w)-w*exp(-w**2))
+    end function fct2
+    elemental HIREAL function fct1lo(w)
+      implicit none
+      HIREAL,intent(in) :: w
+      fct1lo=fct1(w)-exp(-xmaxx**2)/6  ! for w<xmax
+    end function fct1lo
+    elemental HIREAL function fct1hi(w)
+      implicit none
+      HIREAL,intent(in) :: w
+      !  fct1hi(w)=w**(-3)*((1./24)*exp(-xmaxx**2)*xmaxx*(3-6*w**2+2*xmaxx**2)+(sqrt(pi1)/16)*(2*w**2-1)*erf(xmaxx))
+      fct1hi=-w**(-3)/48*((-2*exp(-xmaxx**2)*xmaxx*(3+2*xmaxx**2)+3*sqrt(pi1)*erf(xmaxx))+&
+           w**2*(12*exp(-xmaxx**2)*xmaxx-6*sqrt(pi1)*erf(xmaxx)))
+      !Inaccuracy for
+      !./hhv 5 .5 0 50 1 1
+      !was due to inaccuracies in this routine, likely due to cancellations in the fcts.
+    end function fct1hi
+    elemental HIREAL function fct2lo(w)
+      implicit none
+      HIREAL,intent(in) :: w
+      fct2lo=fct2(w)-w*w*exp(-xmaxx**2)/6 !for w<xmax
+    end function fct2lo
+    elemental HIREAL function fct2hi(w)
+      implicit none
+      HIREAL,intent(in) :: w
+      fct2hi=-w**(-1)*((1.HRS/12)*xmaxx*exp(-xmaxx**2)*(3+2*xmaxx**2)-(sqrt(pi1)/8)*erf(xmaxx))
+    end function fct2hi
   end subroutine gentestkernel
   subroutine genintkernel(n,lmax,a1,b1,c1,xmax,beta,t1t2ratio,gp,gw,ngauss,gp2,gw2,ng2,addcutoff,intkernel,intlokernel)

From 63babebbe4e11e84c938e797a75a6fedef2b9c28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Igor Sfiligoi <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 11:26:07 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 06/33] Add platform CONDA_OMPI_GNU

 platform/build/ | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 platform/env/env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU        | 28 ++++++++++++++++++
 platform/exec/exec.CONDA_OMPI_GNU      | 21 +++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 90 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 platform/build/
 create mode 100644 platform/env/env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU
 create mode 100755 platform/exec/exec.CONDA_OMPI_GNU

diff --git a/platform/build/ b/platform/build/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..157f8b818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# This platform assumes you have the environment fully from conda.
+# It will compile with OpenMPI and gfortran.
+# A single node setup is assumed (e.g. on a laptop, including Mac)
+# Make sure you create a dedicated envoronment, and have
+# at least the following is the packages installed:
+#    conda install -c conda-forge gfortran make python fftw openmpi netcdf4
+# More details in the env file
+MAKE = make
+MF90 = mpif90
+# Compilers and flags
+FC	= ${MF90} -std=f2008 -fall-intrinsics -I$(GACODE_ROOT)/modules -J$(GACODE_ROOT)/modules -g -I${PREFIX}/include
+F77	= ${MF90} -g 
+FMATH	= -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8
+FOPT	= -O3 -m64
+FDEBUG	= -Wall -fcheck=all -fbacktrace -fbounds-check -O0 -Wextra -finit-real=nan -Wunderflow -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow
+FBOUND	= -Wall -fbounds-check
+FOMP	= -fopenmp
+# System math libraries
+LMATH = -L${PREFIX}/lib -lfftw3 -llapack -lblas
+NETCDF = -L${PREFIX}/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf 
+NETCDF_INC =${PREFIX}/include
+# Archive
+ARCH = ar cr
+ifdef FANN_ROOT
+   # neural net libraries
+   NN_LIB=-L$(GACODE_ROOT)/../neural/ -I$(GACODE_ROOT)/../neural/ -lbrainfuse -L${PREFIX}/lib -lfann
diff --git a/platform/env/env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU b/platform/env/env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..986556a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/env/env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# This platform assumes you have the environment fully from conda.
+# Works on Mac, too.
+# Make sure you create a dedicated envoronment, and have
+# at least the following is the packages installed:
+#    conda install -c conda-forge gfortran make python fftw openmpi netcdf4
+# If you are new to conda, you can get everything setup by getting and running the installer from
+# and then installing in a dedicated environment called "gacode" using the following command:
+#     conda create -n gacode -c conda-forge gfortran make python fftw openmpi netcdf4
+#     conda activate gacode
+# (you will need to do the activate after each login/shell startup)
+if [ "x$GACODE_PLATFORM" != "xCONDA_OMPI_GNU" ]; then 
+elif [ "x$GACODE_ROOT" = "x" ]; then
+   echo "WARNING: GACODE_ROOT is not set" 2>&1
+elif [ ! -f $GACODE_ROOT/platform/env/env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU ]; then
+   echo "WARNING: GACODE_ROOT not properly set, cannot find env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU" 2>&1
+if [ ! -f $CONDA_PREFIX/include/fftw3.f03 ]; then
+   echo 'WARNING: Cound not find fftw3.f03 (expected in $CONDA_PREFIX/include/fftw3.f03' 2>&1
+elif [ "x$GACODE_PLATFORM" = "xCONDA_OMPI_GNU" ] && [ -f $GACODE_ROOT/platform/env/env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU ]; then
+   echo "INFO: Welcome to GACODE platform $GACODE_PLATFORM" 2>&1
diff --git a/platform/exec/exec.CONDA_OMPI_GNU b/platform/exec/exec.CONDA_OMPI_GNU
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..384de6e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/exec/exec.CONDA_OMPI_GNU
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# GACODE Parallel execution script
+# nmpi = MPI tasks
+# nomp = OpenMP threads per MPI task
+cd $simdir
+export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$nomp
+export OMP_STACKSIZE=400M
+echo ">mpirun -np $nmpi $exec"
+mpirun -np $nmpi $exec

From 7b8f3d0ce60e364716ac53d165effba70a83bbf8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Igor Sfiligoi <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 13:28:25 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 07/33] Update env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU

 platform/env/env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/platform/env/env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU b/platform/env/env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU
index 986556a85..48699dca5 100644
--- a/platform/env/env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU
+++ b/platform/env/env.CONDA_OMPI_GNU
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
 #     conda activate gacode
 # (you will need to do the activate after each login/shell startup)
+# Note: Recent conda setups provide openblas that is not compatible with OpenMP on Linux
+#       If needed, you can force the right openblas setup with
+#         conda install -c conda-forge libopenblas=*=*openmp*
 if [ "x$GACODE_PLATFORM" != "xCONDA_OMPI_GNU" ]; then 
 elif [ "x$GACODE_ROOT" = "x" ]; then

From 4e45265aa4cd2982adab890baa933cfefdc44f19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Candy <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 14:19:48 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 08/33] Fixed forgotten sbeta

 cgyro/src/cgyro_write_initdata.f90 | 1 +
 f2py/pygacode/cgyro/        | 2 ++
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_write_initdata.f90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_write_initdata.f90
index bdb5e14f8..44f32b358 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_write_initdata.f90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_write_initdata.f90
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_write_initdata
      do is=1,n_species
         write (io,fmtstr) sdlnndr(is)
         write (io,fmtstr) sdlntdr(is)
+        write (io,fmtstr) sbeta(is)
diff --git a/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/ b/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/
index 721a38b79..acbe0b0b0 100644
--- a/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/
+++ b/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/
@@ -496,9 +496,11 @@ def getgrid(self):
       # Added 3 May 2024
       self.sdlnndr = np.zeros(ns)
       self.sdlntdr = np.zeros(ns)
+      self.sbeta = np.zeros(ns)
       for i in range(ns):
          self.sdlnndr[i],p = self.eget(data,p) 
          self.sdlntdr[i],p = self.eget(data,p)
+         self.sbeta[i],p = self.eget(data,p)
       if p == -1:
          print('WARNING: (getgrid) Data format outdated. Please run cgyro -t')

From d38a87b482e71dfc9bcc4bed39e1c211a3184fca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aaron Ho <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 17:27:13 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 09/33] Added build and instructions for Pixi environment
 manager (#414)

* Added platform file for general Pixi Conda build

* Added environment and exec files for pixi

* Fix instructions to include OpenBLAS with OpenMP

* Split PIXI build into mpich and openmpi versions

* Enable oversubscribe in PIXI_OPENMP build
 platform/build/  | 73 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 platform/build/ | 73 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 platform/env/env.PIXI_MPICH         |  2 +
 platform/env/env.PIXI_OPENMP        |  2 +
 platform/exec/exec.PIXI_MPICH       | 19 ++++++++
 platform/exec/exec.PIXI_OPENMP      | 19 ++++++++
 6 files changed, 188 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 platform/build/
 create mode 100644 platform/build/
 create mode 100644 platform/env/env.PIXI_MPICH
 create mode 100644 platform/env/env.PIXI_OPENMP
 create mode 100755 platform/exec/exec.PIXI_MPICH
 create mode 100755 platform/exec/exec.PIXI_OPENMP

diff --git a/platform/build/ b/platform/build/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e16106e2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# OSX, Linux mpich using pixi
+# 1. Install Pixi
+#    curl -fsSL | bash
+# 2. Restart shell / terminal / console for Pixi to be recognized
+# 3. Create Pixi environment
+#    pixi init <env_name>
+# 4. Setup Pixi environment
+#    cd <env_name>
+#    git clone
+#    pixi add "python~=3.12,<3.13"
+#    pixi add git
+#    pixi add mpich
+#    pixi add gfortran
+#    pixi add openblas
+#    pixi add "libopenblas=*=*openmp*"
+#    pixi add liblapack
+#    pixi add fftw
+#    pixi add hdf5
+#    pixi add netcdf-fortran
+# 5. Enter and configure Pixi environment (must be repeated every entry)
+#    pixi shell
+#    export GACODE_ROOT=${PIXI_PROJECT_ROOT}/gacode
+#    source ${GACODE_ROOT}/shared/bin/gacode_setup
+# 6. Build GACODE
+#    cd gacode
+#    make
+#    cd ..
+# 7. Run regression tests
+#    neo -r
+#    tglf -r
+#    cgyro -r -n 4 -nomp 2
+#    tgyro -r -n 4
+MAKE        = make
+MF90        = mpif90
+# Compilers and flags
+FC	= ${MF90} -std=f2008 -fall-intrinsics -I$(GACODE_ROOT)/modules -J$(GACODE_ROOT)/modules -g -I${PREFIX}/include
+F77	= ${MF90} -g 
+FMATH	= -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8
+FOPT	= -O3 -m64 -fallow-argument-mismatch
+FDEBUG	= -Wall -fcheck=all -fbacktrace -fbounds-check -O0 -Wextra -finit-real=nan -Wunderflow -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow
+FBOUND	= -Wall -fbounds-check
+FOMP	= -fopenmp
+# System math libraries
+LMATH = -L${PREFIX}/lib -lfftw3 -llapack -lblas
+# Optional netCDF libraries
+NETCDF     = -L${PREFIX}/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf 
+NETCDF_INC = ${PREFIX}/include
+# Archive
+ARCH = ar cr
diff --git a/platform/build/ b/platform/build/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..093574949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# OSX, Linux mpich using pixi
+# 1. Install Pixi
+#    curl -fsSL | bash
+# 2. Restart shell / terminal / console for Pixi to be recognized
+# 3. Create Pixi environment
+#    pixi init <env_name>
+# 4. Setup Pixi environment
+#    cd <env_name>
+#    git clone
+#    pixi add "python~=3.12,<3.13"
+#    pixi add git
+#    pixi add openmpi-mpifort
+#    pixi add gfortran
+#    pixi add openblas
+#    pixi add "libopenblas=*=*openmp*"
+#    pixi add liblapack
+#    pixi add fftw
+#    pixi add hdf5
+#    pixi add netcdf-fortran
+# 5. Enter and configure Pixi environment (must be repeated every entry)
+#    pixi shell
+#    export GACODE_ROOT=${PIXI_PROJECT_ROOT}/gacode
+#    source ${GACODE_ROOT}/shared/bin/gacode_setup
+# 6. Build GACODE
+#    cd gacode
+#    make
+#    cd ..
+# 7. Run regression tests
+#    neo -r
+#    tglf -r
+#    cgyro -r -n 4 -nomp 2
+#    tgyro -r -n 4
+MAKE        = make
+MF90        = mpif90
+# Compilers and flags
+FC	= ${MF90} -std=f2008 -fall-intrinsics -I$(GACODE_ROOT)/modules -J$(GACODE_ROOT)/modules -g -I${PREFIX}/include
+F77	= ${MF90} -g 
+FMATH	= -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8
+FOPT	= -O3 -m64 -fallow-argument-mismatch
+FDEBUG	= -Wall -fcheck=all -fbacktrace -fbounds-check -O0 -Wextra -finit-real=nan -Wunderflow -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow
+FBOUND	= -Wall -fbounds-check
+FOMP	= -fopenmp
+# System math libraries
+LMATH = -L${PREFIX}/lib -lfftw3 -llapack -lblas
+# Optional netCDF libraries
+NETCDF     = -L${PREFIX}/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf 
+NETCDF_INC = ${PREFIX}/include
+# Archive
+ARCH = ar cr
diff --git a/platform/env/env.PIXI_MPICH b/platform/env/env.PIXI_MPICH
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a424ba80b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/env/env.PIXI_MPICH
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# The PIXI platform assumes that you have installed pixi and run the
+# appropriate commands to have the virtual environment set up well.
diff --git a/platform/env/env.PIXI_OPENMP b/platform/env/env.PIXI_OPENMP
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a424ba80b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/env/env.PIXI_OPENMP
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# The PIXI platform assumes that you have installed pixi and run the
+# appropriate commands to have the virtual environment set up well.
diff --git a/platform/exec/exec.PIXI_MPICH b/platform/exec/exec.PIXI_MPICH
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d0010ad46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/exec/exec.PIXI_MPICH
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# GACODE Parallel execution script (PIXI)
+# Used mpich2-1.0.1, so use mpirun rather than mpiexec
+echo $simdir
+cd $simdir
+mpirun -env OMP_NUM_THREADS $nomp -np $nmpi $exec
diff --git a/platform/exec/exec.PIXI_OPENMP b/platform/exec/exec.PIXI_OPENMP
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f4f1798b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/exec/exec.PIXI_OPENMP
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# GACODE Parallel execution script (PIXI_OPENMP)
+# Used openmpi-5.0.1
+echo $simdir
+cd $simdir
+mpirun -x OMP_NUM_THREADS=$nomp -np $nmpi --oversubscribe $exec

From e7ff35ebf2da7934c179f2eae11105e751b5180b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Klaus Hallatschek <>
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2024 10:00:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/33] c._in._coll._landau.F90: MPI_COMM..->CGYRO_COMM..

 cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90 | 46 +++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90
index 3387f624e..ff58c8e72 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module cgyro_init_collision_landau
   subroutine cgyro_init_landau()
     ! populate cmat with Galerkin based gyrokinetic Landau operator.
     ! cmat1 is only for comparison purposes
-    use cgyro_globals, only : vth,temp,mass,dens,temp_ele,mass_ele,dens_ele,rho,z,&
+    use cgyro_globals, only : CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,vth,temp,mass,dens,temp_ele,mass_ele,dens_ele,rho,z,&
          xi,w_xi,& !needed for projleg calc
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_landau()
     end if
-    !$    call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) ! may improve timing
+    !$    call MPI_Barrier(CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror) ! may improve timing
     call cpu_time(t1)
     ns=ispec(n_species,n_species) !number of non-redundant species pairs
     xmax=sqrt(e_max) !cut off at exp(-xmax^2)
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_landau()
     end do
     ! kperp_bmag_max is not completely global, there is still the n dependence.
     ! we need to maximize over the toroidal mode numbers:
-    call MPI_ALLREDUCE(MPI_IN_PLACE,kperp_bmag_max,1,MPI_REAL8,MPI_MAX,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
     if (verbose>0 .and. i_proc==0) print 6,'using kperprhomax=',kperprhomax
@@ -911,13 +911,13 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_landau()
        print 7,'pre_scatter timing:'
        do i=1,n_proc
           if (i>1) then
-             call MPI_Recv(t,11,MPI_REAL8,i-1,i-1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierror)
+             call MPI_Recv(t,11,MPI_REAL8,i-1,i-1,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,status,ierror)
           end if
 5         format("init_collision_landau: ",A,I0,A,7G24.16E3,A,I0,A,G24.16E3)
           print 5,'i_proc=',i-1,' took',t(1:7),' load ',load(i),' rel',t(3)/load(i)
        end do
-       call MPI_Send(t,11,MPI_REAL8,0,i_proc,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+       call MPI_Send(t,11,MPI_REAL8,0,i_proc,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
     end if
     call cpu_time(t1)
     ! Now do the scatter
@@ -931,17 +931,17 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_landau()
        if (proc(ik,ia,ib)/=0) then
 !!$          do j=1,n_proc
-!!$             call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+!!$             call MPI_BARRIER(CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
 !!$!          if (i_proc==0 .and. verbose>100) then
 !!$             if (i_proc==j-1) print *,'bcasting (ik,ia,ib,proc)=',ik,ia,ib,proc(ik,ia,ib)-1,'ip',i_proc
 !!$          !          end if
-!!$             call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+!!$             call MPI_BARRIER(CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
 !!$          end do
           call MPI_Bcast(gyrocolmat(:,:,:,:,ia,ib,ik),n_xi**2*n_energy**2,&
-               MPI_REAL8,proc(ik,ia,ib)-1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+               MPI_REAL8,proc(ik,ia,ib)-1,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
           if (ia>ib .and. temp(ia)==temp(ib)) then
              call MPI_Bcast(gyrocolmat(:,:,:,:,ib,ia,ik),n_xi**2*n_energy**2,&
-                  MPI_REAL8,proc(ik,ia,ib)-1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+                  MPI_REAL8,proc(ik,ia,ib)-1,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
           end if
        end if
@@ -1003,12 +1003,12 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_landau()
     if (i_proc==0) then
        do i=1,n_proc
           if (i>1) then
-             call MPI_Recv(t,11,MPI_REAL8,i-1,i-1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierror)
+             call MPI_Recv(t,11,MPI_REAL8,i-1,i-1,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,status,ierror)
           end if
           print *,'i_proc=',i-1,'took',t(1:10),'load',load(i),'rel',t(3)/load(i)
        end do
-       call MPI_Send(t,11,MPI_REAL8,0,i_proc,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+       call MPI_Send(t,11,MPI_REAL8,0,i_proc,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
     end if
     coltestmode: if(collision_test_mode==1) then
@@ -1036,10 +1036,10 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_landau()
        proc_c=0 ! dummy value if no processor is responsible
        do i=1,n_proc
-          call MPI_BCAST(nc1_proc(i),1,MPI_INTEGER,i-1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
-          call MPI_BCAST(nc2_proc(i),1,MPI_INTEGER,i-1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
-          call MPI_BCAST(nt1_proc(i),1,MPI_INTEGER,i-1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
-          call MPI_BCAST(nt2_proc(i),1,MPI_INTEGER,i-1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+          call MPI_BCAST(nc1_proc(i),1,MPI_INTEGER,i-1,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+          call MPI_BCAST(nc2_proc(i),1,MPI_INTEGER,i-1,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+          call MPI_BCAST(nt1_proc(i),1,MPI_INTEGER,i-1,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+          call MPI_BCAST(nt2_proc(i),1,MPI_INTEGER,i-1,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
           ! this assigns the processor with the highest number to the respective
           ! nc and nt range
@@ -1094,11 +1094,11 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_landau()
                       end do
                       if (i_proc/=0) then
-                         call MPI_SEND(c,size(c),MPI_REAL8,0,1234,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+                         call MPI_SEND(c,size(c),MPI_REAL8,0,1234,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
                       end if
                       if (i_proc==0) then
-                         call MPI_RECV(c,size(c),MPI_REAL8,proc_c(ic,itor)-1,1234,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierror)
+                         call MPI_RECV(c,size(c),MPI_REAL8,proc_c(ic,itor)-1,1234,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,status,ierror)
                       end if
                    end if
 !!$                  block
@@ -1227,11 +1227,11 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_landau()
                       end do
                       if (i_proc/=0) then
-                         call MPI_SEND(c,size(c),MPI_REAL8,0,1234,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+                         call MPI_SEND(c,size(c),MPI_REAL8,0,1234,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
                       end if
                       if (i_proc==0) then
-                         call MPI_RECV(c,size(c),MPI_REAL8,proc_c(ic,itor)-1,1234,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierror)
+                         call MPI_RECV(c,size(c),MPI_REAL8,proc_c(ic,itor)-1,1234,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,status,ierror)
                       end if
                    end if
@@ -1285,18 +1285,18 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_landau()
              end do
        end if
-       call MPI_reduce(md,d,1,MPI_REAL8,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+       call MPI_reduce(md,d,1,MPI_REAL8,MPI_MAX,0,CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
        if (i_proc==0) print 11,'Max. deviation over all processors:',d
 11      format ('cgyro_in._col.: ',A,G23.16)
-       call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+       call MPI_Barrier(CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
        call MPI_finalize(ierror)
     end if coltestmode
-!!$    call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+!!$    call MPI_Barrier(CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
 !!$    print *,'i_proc',i_proc,'done with init_landau'
-!!$    call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+!!$    call MPI_Barrier(CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
     elemental real function sinc(target_k,halfperiod)

From 03d5d4dff45753f50de26f64c993cb8bddd00bbc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Klaus Hallatschek <>
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2024 10:11:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/33] ifdef PGI -> ifdef LANDAU_PREC16

Higher precision mode for comparison purposes
 cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90 |  3 ---
 shared/landau/landau.F90                  | 10 ++++++----
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90
index ff58c8e72..49f8b4447 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_collision_landau.F90
@@ -106,9 +106,6 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_landau()
     if (i_proc==0) print 1,'WARNING: dens_rot not yet implemented!!'
     if (i_proc==0) print 1,'WARNING: nu_global not yet implemented!!'
     if (i_proc==0 .and. collision_test_mode==1) print 1,'collision_test_mode==1, comparing ...'
-#ifdef __PGI
-    if (i_proc==0) print 1,'WARNING: precision loss in landau.F90 - can''t use quad precision in PGI!!'
     if (i_proc==0 .and. maxval(abs(temp(1:n_species)-temp(1)))/=0) then
        print 1,'Warning: Landau not yet working for different species temperatures!!'
     end if
diff --git a/shared/landau/landau.F90 b/shared/landau/landau.F90
index a305eed95..c4a6fbf42 100644
--- a/shared/landau/landau.F90
+++ b/shared/landau/landau.F90
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
 !  gfortran -march=native -O3 -fno-stack-arrays -fimplicit-none -fdefault-real-8 landau.F90  -c
 !ifort -stand f15 -warn all -march=native -O3 -heap-arrays 10 -implicitnone -real-size 64 landau.F90 -c
-#ifndef __PGI
-  !can't use quad precision with frumpy pgi compiler
+#ifdef LANDAU_PREC16
+!at least in the past couldn't use quad precision with frumpy pgi compiler
+!for comparison purposes
 #define HIREAL real(16)
 #define HRS _16
 #define HIREAL real
 #define HRS
 module landau
   HIREAL, parameter,private :: pi1=atan(1.HRS)*4
   ! real, parameter :: intnorm=pi1**(-1.5)*4*pi1
@@ -85,14 +88,13 @@ subroutine gentestkernel(n,a1,b1,c1,xmax,beta,gp,gw,ngauss,lor_int,dif_int,addcu
     if (present(addcutoff)) addcutoff1=addcutoff
-#ifndef __PGI
 2   format (A,3G25.16)
     if (verbose>2) then
        print 2,'1,lo,hi',fct1lo(xmaxx),fct1hi(xmaxx),fct1(xmaxx)
        print 2,'2,lo,hi',fct2lo(xmaxx),fct2hi(xmaxx),fct2(xmaxx)
     end if
     ! lor_int and dif_int are symmetric in i,j
     ! t1t2_int is not symmetric (but not antisymmetric.)
     ! The first index is in that case the output index

From fd36c77d24698b3ee13e0b92b3ae688f65f7d494 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Klaus Hallatschek <>
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2024 10:23:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 12/33] Added LANDAU_PREC16 comment to TUMBLEWEED

 platform/build/ | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/platform/build/ b/platform/build/
index 19712de78..fd15f0dec 100644
--- a/platform/build/
+++ b/platform/build/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ NUMAS_PER_NODE=1
 # Compilers
 FC     = mpifort -DDIMATCOPY -fallow-argument-mismatch -fall-intrinsics -fimplicit-none -J $(GACODE_ROOT)/modules #-fPIC
+#FC     = mpifort -DDIMATCOPY -DLANDAU_PREC16 -fallow-argument-mismatch -fall-intrinsics -fimplicit-none -J $(GACODE_ROOT)/modules #-fPIC
 #FC     = mpifort -std=f2008 -fall-intrinsics -fimplicit-none -J $(GACODE_ROOT)/modules #-fPIC
 F77    = mpifort -fimplicit-none -fallow-argument-mismatch
 FOMP   =-fopenmp

From bf49aa66f032a39ee1b3be5ffe7cc7445b58a119 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Candy <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 15:40:12 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 13/33] Fixes to python strings. Added NU_EE to localdump

 cgyro/bin/cgyro_json        |  4 ++++
 f2py/pygacode/cgyro/ | 34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json b/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json
index f257073c9..68bd7a536 100755
--- a/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json
+++ b/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ d['MACH'] = sim.mach
 d['GAMMA_E'] = sim.gamma_e
 d['GAMMA_P'] = sim.gamma_p
 d['BETAE_UNIT'] = sim.betae_unit
+d['NU_EE'] =[ielec]
 d['ZMAG'] = sim.zmag
 d['DZMAG'] = sim.dzmag
@@ -164,6 +165,9 @@ print('cgyro_json: wrote out.cgyro.localdump')
 nmax = nmax+1
+if nmax < 3:
+    nmax = 3
 # Reference dimensions in CGYRO units
 vthref = np.sqrt(2.0)
diff --git a/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/ b/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/
index acbe0b0b0..42d12be11 100644
--- a/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/
+++ b/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/
@@ -314,19 +314,19 @@ def getgeo(self):
          print('INFO: ( Read data in '+fmt+'.cgyro.geo   '+t)
          self.geo = np.reshape(data,(self.n_theta,nfunc),'F')
-         tags = ['\theta',
-                 'G_\\theta',
-                 '|B|',
-                 '\omega_\mathrm{stream}',
-                 '\omega_\mathrm{trap}',
-                 '\omega_\mathrm{rdrift}',
-                 '\omega_\mathrm{adrift}',
-                 '\omega_\mathrm{aprdrift}',
-                 '\omega_\mathrm{cdrift}',
-                 '\omega_\mathrm{crdrift}',
-                 '\omega_\mathrm{gammap',
-                 'k_\perp',
-                 '\Theta']
+         tags = [r'\theta',
+                 r'G_\theta',
+                 r'|B|',
+                 r'\omega_\mathrm{stream}',
+                 r'\omega_\mathrm{trap}',
+                 r'\omega_\mathrm{rdrift}',
+                 r'\omega_\mathrm{adrift}',
+                 r'\omega_\mathrm{aprdrift}',
+                 r'\omega_\mathrm{cdrift}',
+                 r'\omega_\mathrm{crdrift}',
+                 r'\omega_\mathrm{gammap',
+                 r'k_\perp',
+                 r'\Theta']
          self.geotag = []
          for i in range(nfunc):
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ def getnorm(self,norm):
          self.kystr  = r'$k_\theta \rho_s$'
          self.qc     = 1.0
-         self.gbnorm = '_\mathrm{GBD}'
+         self.gbnorm = r'_\mathrm{GBD}'
          print('INFO: (getnorm) Using deuterium norm (rho_s = rho_sD, c_s = c_sD, etc)')
@@ -550,10 +550,10 @@ def getnorm(self,norm):
          vc = np.sqrt(self.temp[i]/te/self.mass[i])
          self.tnorm = self.t*vc
-         self.tstr  = r'$(v_'+str(i)+'/a) \, t$'
+         self.tstr  = r'$(v_'+str(i)+r'/a) \, t$'
          self.fnorm = self.freq/vc
-         self.fstr  = [r'$(a/v_'+str(i)+') \, \omega$',r'$(a/v_'+str(i)+') \, \gamma$']
+         self.fstr  = [r'$(a/v_'+str(i)+r') \, \omega$',r'$(a/v_'+str(i)+r') \, \gamma$']
          # Convert rho_sD=csD/Omega_i to rho_i=vi/Omega_i
          rhoc = vc/(self.z[i]/self.mass[i])
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ def getnorm(self,norm):
           # Convert Q_GBD to Q_GBi
          self.qc = vc*(self.temp[i]/te)*rhoc**2
-         self.gbnorm = '_\mathrm{GB'+str(i)+'}'
+         self.gbnorm = r'_\mathrm{GB'+str(i)+'}'
          print('INFO: (getnorm) Using species '+norm+' norm')

From 984b488aca4b935dc067ff1b22f6224237ba9e8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bhavin Patel <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 16:27:24 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 14/33] Update CCLAKE platform files (#424)

Thanks Bhavin
 platform/build/ |  9 ++++-----
 platform/env/env.CSD3_CCLAKE        | 14 +++++++-------
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/platform/build/ b/platform/build/
index 9f73642d4..77cf020dd 100644
--- a/platform/build/
+++ b/platform/build/
@@ -20,13 +20,14 @@ F77    = ${FC}
 FOMP   = -qopenmp
 FMATH  = -r8
-FOPT   = -xCORE-AVX512 -implicitnone -no-prec-div -O3 -fp-model fast=2 -pad -ip -qoverride-limits -mkl=cluster #-fast -no-ipo
+FOPT   = -xCORE-AVX512 -implicitnone -no-prec-div -O3 -fp-model fast=2 -pad -ip -qoverride-limits -qmkl=cluster #-fast -no-ipo
 FDEBUG = -shared-intel -implicitnone -check all -check noarg_temp_created -traceback
 F2PY  = f2py
 # System math libraries
-LMATH = -L${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} -lfftw3_threads -lfftw3f_threads -lfftw3 -lfftw3f -mkl=cluster
+LMATH = -L${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} -lfftw3_threads -lfftw3f_threads -lfftw3 -lfftw3f  -qmkl=cluster
 NETCDF  = -lnetcdf -lnetcdff
@@ -34,6 +35,4 @@ NETCDF_INC = ${CPATH}
 GATOFLAGS = -r8 -i8
 # Archive 
-ARCH = ar cr
+ARCH = ar cr
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform/env/env.CSD3_CCLAKE b/platform/env/env.CSD3_CCLAKE
index f06d14b88..ff6483d60 100644
--- a/platform/env/env.CSD3_CCLAKE
+++ b/platform/env/env.CSD3_CCLAKE
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ if [ -n "$SSH_TTY" ] ; then
 # Intel MPI compiler
-module unload rhel7/default-peta4
-module load rhel7/default-ccl
+module purge
+module load rhel8/default-ccl
-module load netcdf-
-module load netcdf-fortran-4.4.4-intel-17.0.4-cesnirf
-module load hdf5-1.10.1-intel-17.0.4-nsuex4z
-module load fftw-3.3.6-pl2-intel-17.0.4-mo4aryo
+module load intel-oneapi-mkl-cluster/2024.1.0/intel/r55ddo3z
+module load hdf5/1.14.3/intel/intel-oneapi-mpi/si2tlq4v
+module load netcdf-fortran/4.6.1/intel/intel-oneapi-mpi/kqukipdf
+module load fftw/3.3.10/intel/intel-oneapi-mpi/hwbiyhzw
-module load python-3.9.6-gcc-5.4.0-sbr552h
+module load python/3.11.0-icl

From 9d562fb7b6e4ec24593d459a7cf1f7b7ba984277 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Igor Sfiligoi <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 08:48:18 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 15/33] Add xgyro (#425)

* Add basic xgyro framework

* Add full CGYRO simulation logic in, and fix xgyro paths

* Add xgyro python wrapper

* Write errors on stderr

* Print sub-simulation info into

* Fix xgyro dir creation from template, and add xgyro to top Makefile

* Add regression support for xgyro

* Add xgyro reg02 and reg03

* Add support for MPI_RANK_ORDER=2, add reg test
 Makefile                                      |    3 +
 f2py/pygacode/                  |   14 +-
 shared/bin/gacode_reg_do                      |   31 +-
 shared/bin/gacode_reg_do_restart              |   51 +-
 shared/bin/gacode_setup                       |    1 +
 xgyro/Makefile                                |   27 +
 xgyro/bin/xgyro                               |  328 ++
 xgyro/bin/                      |   79 +
 xgyro/src/Makefile                            |   36 +
 xgyro/src/xgyro.f90                           |  127 +
 xgyro/src/xgyro_globals.f90                   |   35 +
 xgyro/src/xgyro_io.f90                        |   57 +
 xgyro/src/xgyro_mpi_setup.f90                 |  102 +
 xgyro/src/xgyro_read_input.f90                |  110 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/input.xgyro           |    5 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/input.cgyro     |   42 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec  |    4 +
 .../tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec.1  |    8 +
 .../tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec.2  |   12 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/input.cgyro     |   43 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec  |    4 +
 .../tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec.1  |    8 +
 .../tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec.2  |   12 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/input.cgyro     |   46 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec  |    4 +
 .../tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec.1  |    8 +
 .../tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec.2  |   12 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.cgyro     |   35 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.gacode    | 2219 +++++++
 .../tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.gacode.geo  | 5110 +++++++++++++++++
 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec  |    4 +
 .../tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.1  |    8 +
 .../tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.2  |   12 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/input.xgyro           |    7 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.cgyro     |   35 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.gacode    | 2219 +++++++
 .../tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.gacode.geo  | 5110 +++++++++++++++++
 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec  |    4 +
 .../tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.1  |    8 +
 .../tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.2  |   12 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/input.cgyro     |   49 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec  |    4 +
 .../tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec.1  |    8 +
 .../tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec.2  |   12 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/input.cgyro     |   52 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec  |    4 +
 .../tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec.1  |    8 +
 .../tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec.2  |   12 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/input.xgyro           |    6 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/input.cgyro     |   51 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec  |    4 +
 .../tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec.1  |    8 +
 .../tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec.2  |   12 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/input.cgyro     |   49 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec  |    4 +
 .../tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec.1  |    8 +
 .../tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec.2  |   12 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/input.xgyro           |    8 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/input.cgyro     |   45 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec  |    4 +
 .../tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec.1  |    8 +
 .../tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec.2  |   12 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/input.cgyro     |   42 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec  |    8 +
 .../tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec.1  |   16 +
 .../tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec.2  |   24 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/input.cgyro     |   55 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec  |    4 +
 .../tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec.1  |    8 +
 .../tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec.2  |   12 +
 xgyro/tools/input/reg_list                    |    4 +
 xgyro/tools/input/simdir_list                 |    6 +
 72 files changed, 16529 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 xgyro/Makefile
 create mode 100755 xgyro/bin/xgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/bin/
 create mode 100644 xgyro/src/Makefile
 create mode 100644 xgyro/src/xgyro.f90
 create mode 100644 xgyro/src/xgyro_globals.f90
 create mode 100644 xgyro/src/xgyro_io.f90
 create mode 100644 xgyro/src/xgyro_mpi_setup.f90
 create mode 100644 xgyro/src/xgyro_read_input.f90
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/input.xgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/input.cgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec.1
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec.2
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/input.cgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec.1
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec.2
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/input.cgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec.1
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec.2
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.cgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.gacode
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.gacode.geo
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.1
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.2
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/input.xgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.cgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.gacode
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.gacode.geo
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.1
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.2
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/input.cgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec.1
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec.2
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/input.cgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec.1
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec.2
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/input.xgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/input.cgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec.1
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec.2
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/input.cgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec.1
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec.2
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/input.xgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/input.cgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec.1
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec.2
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/input.cgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec.1
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec.2
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/input.cgyro
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec.1
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec.2
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/reg_list
 create mode 100644 xgyro/tools/input/simdir_list

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 47970cc8f..d626ae187 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ all:
 	cd vgen ; make
 	cd tglf ; make
 	cd cgyro ; make
+	cd xgyro ; make
 	cd gyro ; make
 	cd tgyro ; make
 	cd profiles_gen ; make
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ clean:
 	cd vgen ; make clean
 	cd tglf ; make clean
 	cd cgyro ; make clean
+	cd xgyro ; make clean
 	cd gyro ; make clean
 	cd tgyro ; make clean
 	cd profiles_gen ; make clean
@@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ distclean:
 	cd neo ; make clean
 	cd tglf ; make clean
 	cd cgyro ; make clean
+	cd xgyro ; make clean
 	cd gyro ; make clean
 	cd tgyro ; make clean
 	cd profiles_gen ; make clean
diff --git a/f2py/pygacode/ b/f2py/pygacode/
index da64f5570..cfdb83396 100644
--- a/f2py/pygacode/
+++ b/f2py/pygacode/
@@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ def add(self,param,default,n=1):
+    def rename(self,org_param,new_param):
+        self.data_dict[new_param] = self.data_dict[org_param]
+        del self.data_dict[org_param]
+        self.data_orderlist[self.data_orderlist.index(org_param)] = new_param
     def dep(self,param,default):
@@ -56,7 +61,7 @@ def printmsg(self):
     def set_extension(self,text):
         self.extension = text
-    def read_input(self,inputfile):
+    def read_input(self,inputfile,write_ext=True):
         # 1. read user input file
         with open(inputfile,'r') as fin:
            for line in fin.readlines():
@@ -88,8 +93,11 @@ def read_input(self,inputfile):
                 self.error_msg=self.error_msg+"ERROR: (gacodeinput) Bogus parameter "+x+'\n'
-        if self.error == 0:
-            with open(inputfile+self.extension,'w') as f:
+        if write_ext and (self.error == 0):
+            self.write_parsed(inputfile+self.extension)
+    def write_parsed(self,outfile):
+            with open(outfile,'w') as f:
                for x in self.data_orderlist:
                    f.write(self.data_dict[x]+'  '+x+'\n')
diff --git a/shared/bin/gacode_reg_do b/shared/bin/gacode_reg_do
index 76a11f125..adf24f3be 100755
--- a/shared/bin/gacode_reg_do
+++ b/shared/bin/gacode_reg_do
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #  gacode_reg_do 2 1 0 neo 1e-5
+#  gacode_reg_do 2 1 0 xgyro/cgyro 1e-5
@@ -23,10 +24,14 @@ fi
+# if a / is present in code_raw string, use the part after / to signify another code
+code=`python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.argv[1].split('/')[0])" ${code_raw}`
+code2=`python3 -c "import sys; carr=sys.argv[1].split('/'); print(carr[1] if (len(carr)==2) else '')"  ${code_raw}`
@@ -44,7 +49,11 @@ then
+if [ "x${code2}" == "x" ]; then
+  precfile=out.${code}.prec
+  precfile=out.${code2}.prec
 if [ "$scase" == "" ] 
@@ -59,13 +68,27 @@ cd $testdir
 for sim in $list
    $code -g $sim -p $testdir > out.$sim
-   rm -f $sim/$precfile
+   if [ "x${code2}" == "x" ]; then
+     rm -f $sim/$precfile
+   else
+      # this is actually a bundled test, check subdirs
+      for dname in `(cd $sim && ls -p |grep / | sed 's#/##')`; do
+         rm -f $sim/$dname/$precfile
+      done
+   fi
    if [ $n_omp -eq 1 ] && [ $n_proc -eq 1 ] ; then 
       $code -e $sim -p $testdir > out.$sim
       $code -e $sim -n $n_proc -nomp $n_omp -p $testdir > out.$sim
-   gacode_reg $sim $compdir $precfile $tol
+   if [ "x${code2}" == "x" ]; then
+      gacode_reg $sim $compdir $precfile $tol
+   else
+      # this is actually a bundled test, check subdirs
+      for dname in `(cd $sim && ls -p |grep / | sed 's#/##')`; do
+         gacode_reg $sim/$dname $compdir $precfile $tol
+      done
+   fi
    if [ $reset -eq 1 ]
       # Overwrite regression data with current data
diff --git a/shared/bin/gacode_reg_do_restart b/shared/bin/gacode_reg_do_restart
index a78df9943..f0f9c1425 100755
--- a/shared/bin/gacode_reg_do_restart
+++ b/shared/bin/gacode_reg_do_restart
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #  gacode_reg_do_restart 2 1 0 cgyro 1e-6 reg01
+#  gacode_reg_do_restart 2 1 0 xgyro/cgyro 1e-6 reg01
@@ -24,10 +25,14 @@ fi
+# if a / is present in code_raw string, use the part after / to signify another code
+code=`python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.argv[1].split('/')[0])" ${code_raw}`
+code2=`python3 -c "import sys; carr=sys.argv[1].split('/'); print(carr[1] if (len(carr)==2) else '')"  ${code_raw}`
@@ -45,8 +50,13 @@ then
+if [ "x${code2}" == "x" ]; then
+  precfile=out.${code}.prec
+  infile=input.${code}
+  precfile=out.${code2}.prec
+  infile=input.${code2}
 if [ "$scase" == "" ] 
@@ -61,33 +71,44 @@ cd $testdir
 for sim in $list
    $code -g $sim -p $testdir > out.$sim
-   rm -f $sim/$precfile
-   # patch input file to have frequent checkpointing
-   mv $sim/$infile $sim/$
-   grep -v RESTART_STEP $sim/$ > $sim/$infile
-   echo "RESTART_STEP=1" >> $sim/$infile
+   if [ "x${code2}" == "x" ]; then
+     dnames="$sim"
+   else
+     dnames=`(ls -p -d ${sim}/* |grep '/$' |sed 's/.$//' )`
+   fi
+   for dname in $dnames; do
+     rm -f ${dname}/$precfile
+     # patch input file to have frequent checkpointing
+     mv ${dname}/$infile ${dname}/$
+     grep -v RESTART_STEP ${dname}/$ > ${dname}/$infile
+     echo "RESTART_STEP=1" >> ${dname}/$infile
+   done
    # now run it 3 times
    for ((i=0; $i<3; i=$i+1))
     if [ $i -ne 0 ]
-      cp $sim/$precfile $sim/$precfile.$oi
+     for dname in $dnames; do
+      cp ${dname}/$precfile ${dname}/$precfile.$oi
+     done
     if [ $n_omp -eq 1 ] && [ $n_proc -eq 1 ] ; then 
       $code -e $sim -p $testdir > out.$sim
       $code -e $sim -n $n_proc -nomp $n_omp -p $testdir > out.$sim
-    cp $sim/$precfile $sim/$precfile.$i
-    if [ $i -eq 0 ]
-    then
+    for dname in $dnames; do
+     cp ${dname}/$precfile ${dname}/$precfile.$i
+     if [ $i -eq 0 ]
+     then
       # reuse the non-checkpointed result from original regression test
-    else
+     else
       # use the additional iterations else
-    fi
-    gacode_reg $sim $compdir $myprecfile $tol
+     fi
+     gacode_reg $dname $compdir $myprecfile $tol
+    done
    if [ $reset -eq 1 ]
diff --git a/shared/bin/gacode_setup b/shared/bin/gacode_setup
index 37c7b51f6..3afa61637 100755
--- a/shared/bin/gacode_setup
+++ b/shared/bin/gacode_setup
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 export PATH=$GACODE_ROOT/tgyro/bin:${PATH}
 export PATH=$GACODE_ROOT/gyro/bin:${PATH}
 export PATH=$GACODE_ROOT/cgyro/bin:${PATH}
+export PATH=$GACODE_ROOT/xgyro/bin:${PATH}
 export PATH=$GACODE_ROOT/neo/bin:${PATH}
 export PATH=$GACODE_ROOT/vgen/bin:${PATH}
 export PATH=$GACODE_ROOT/tglf/bin:${PATH}
diff --git a/xgyro/Makefile b/xgyro/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3ff01a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Toplevel makefile for xgyro
+include ${GACODE_ROOT}/platform/build/${GACODE_PLATFORM}
+export EXTRA_LIBS = \
+	${GACODE_ROOT}/cgyro/src/cgyro_lib.a \
+	${GACODE_ROOT}/f2py/expro/expro_lib.a \
+        ${GACODE_ROOT}/f2py/geo/geo_lib.a \
+        ${GACODE_ROOT}/shared/math/math_lib.a
+	gacode_getversion > .VERSION
+	cd ${GACODE_ROOT}/cgyro && make
+	cd src && make
+	cd ${GACODE_ROOT}/modules && rm -f xgyro*.mod
+	cd src && make clean
+	cd ${GACODE_ROOT}/cgyro && make deepclean
+	cd ${GACODE_ROOT}/modules && rm -f xgyro*.mod
+	cd src && make clean
diff --git a/xgyro/bin/xgyro b/xgyro/bin/xgyro
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6a2f68679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/bin/xgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+# xgyro
+#  Top-level script controlling execution of XGYRO.
+# Syntax validity check and help message
+if [ $n -eq 0 ]
+  echo
+  echo "Usage:   xgyro [options]"
+  echo
+  echo "         -p <path>"
+  echo "         Set optional path to simulation directory."
+  echo "         The default path is \$XGYRO_DIR/sim."
+  echo
+  echo "TEST MODE"
+  echo
+  echo "         -t <simdir>"
+  echo "         Sanity test for INPUT data in <simdir>."
+  echo
+  echo "EXECUTE MODE"
+  echo
+  echo "         -e <simdir>"
+  echo "         Use input data in <simdir>."
+  echo
+  echo "         -n <MPI tasks>"
+  echo "         Number of MPI tasks."
+  echo
+  echo "         -nomp <threads>"
+  echo "         Number of OpenMP threads per MPI task."
+  echo
+  echo "         -numa <n>"
+  echo "         NUMAs active per node."
+  echo
+  echo "         -mpinuma <n>"
+  echo "         MPI tasks per active NUMA."
+  echo
+  echo
+  echo "         -r"
+  echo "         Run full regression suite."
+  echo
+  echo "         -rs <case>"
+  echo "         Run specified regression case."
+  echo
+  echo "         -rt"
+  echo "         Enable restart regression testing."
+  echo
+  echo "         -reset"
+  echo "         Reset regression data."
+  echo
+  echo
+  echo "         -g"
+  echo "         List available simulation templates."
+  echo
+  echo "         -g <template>"
+  echo "         Copy <template> into simulation path."
+  echo
+  echo "UTILITIES"
+  echo
+  echo "         -h"
+  echo "         Version and platform information."
+  echo
+  echo "         -clean"
+  echo "         Clean simulation directory (all out.* and bin.* files)."
+  echo
+  echo "         -optclean"
+  echo "         Clean simulation directory except for timing files."
+  echo
+  echo "         -compress"
+  echo "         Replicate directory, but without restart or nonstandard files."
+  exit 1
+# Define variables for flag capture
+# Default number of cores
+# Execute/test mode flags
+# Parse command line options
+while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+  case "$1" in
+  -p) shift ; SIMROOT=$1 ;;
+  -e) shift ; LOCDIR=$1 ;;
+  -t) shift ; LOCDIR=$1 ; TEST_FLAG=1 ;;
+  -n) shift ; NPROC=$1 ;;
+  -nomp) shift ; NOMP=$1 ;;
+  -numa) shift ; NUMA=$1 ;;
+  -mpinuma) shift ; MPINUMA=$1 ;;
+  -g) shift ; LOCDIR=$1 ; GENERATE_FLAG=1 ;;
+  -r) REGRESS_FLAG=1 ;;
+  -rs) REGRESS_FLAG=1 ; shift ; SCASE=$1 ;;
+  -rt) REGRESS_RESTART=1 ;;
+  -reset) RESET=1 ;;
+  -h) gacode_printversion XGYRO ; exit 0 ;;
+  -help) shift ; HELP_TAG=$1 ;;
+  -clean) CLEAN=1 ;;
+  -optclean) CLEAN=2 ;;
+  *) echo "ERROR (xgyro script): unknown option $1." ; exit 1 ;;
+  esac
+  shift
+if [ "$LOCDIR" == "." ]
+   cd .. ; LOCDIR=$PWD
+# Check for inconsistent flags:
+                       + $REGRESS_FLAG ]
+if [ $FLAG_SUM -gt 1 ]
+   echo "ERROR: Can only specify one of -e, -t, -g, -r"
+   exit 1
+# Generate simdir if -g set, then exit.
+if [ $GENERATE_FLAG -eq 1 ]
+   if [ ! -f "${XGYRO_DIR}/tools/input/$LOCDIR/input.xgyro" ]
+   then
+      cat ${XGYRO_DIR}/tools/input/simdir_list
+   else
+      mkdir $SIMDIR
+      (cd ${XGYRO_DIR}/tools/input/$LOCDIR && tar -cf - .) | (cd $SIMDIR && tar -xf -)
+   fi
+   exit 0
+# Do the regression test if -r set, then exit.
+if [ $REGRESS_FLAG -eq 1 ]
+   N2=$[ NPROC / 4 ]
+   if [ $[ NPROC - 4 * N2 ] -eq 1 ]
+   then
+      echo "ERROR: (XGYRO) For regression test, number of processors must be multiple of 4."
+      exit 1
+   fi
+   # NOMP=1 RESET=0
+   if [ $REGRESS_RESTART -eq 0 ]
+   then
+      gacode_reg_do $NPROC $NOMP $RESET xgyro/cgyro 1e-6 $SCASE
+   else
+      gacode_reg_do_restart $NPROC $NOMP $RESET xgyro/cgyro 1e-6 $SCASE
+   fi
+   exit 0
+# Everything else must be done in $SIMDIR; so ensure existence
+# of $SIMDIR (needed at this point) and go there:
+if ! gacode_sim_warn $SIMDIR
+   exit 1
+# parse input.xgyro and all the subdir/input.cgyro
+cgyrodirs=`python $XGYRO_DIR/bin/ ${NPROC}`
+if [ $? -eq 1 ]
+    exit 1
+for dname in $cgyrodirs; do
+  (cd ${dname} && python $CGYRO_DIR/bin/
+  if [ $? -eq 1 ]
+  then
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  # datafile check
+  if [ -s "${dname}/out.xgyro.time" ] ; then
+   ncol=`awk '{print NF}' ${dname}/out.xgyro.time | sort -nu | tail -n 1`
+   if [ $ncol -eq 3 ] ; then
+      echo "ERROR: (CGYRO) Run cgyro_plot -plot text to update number of columns in ${dname}/out.cgyro.time"
+      exit 1
+   fi
+  fi
+# Clean/new options
+CFILES="bin.* batch.out batch.err *~"
+C1FILES="out.* *gen"
+C2FILES="*egrid *equilibrium *grids *hosts *memory *rotation"
+if [ $CLEAN -eq 1 ] ; then
+    rm -f $CFILES $C1FILES
+    for dname in $cgyrodirs; do
+        (cd ${dname} && rm -f $CFILES $C1FILES)
+    done
+    echo "INFO: (xgyro) Cleaned directory."
+    exit 1
+if [ $CLEAN -eq 2 ] ; then
+    rm -f $CFILES $C2FILES
+    for dname in $cgyrodirs; do
+      (cd ${dname} && rm -f $CFILES $C2FILES)
+    done
+    echo "INFO: (xgyro) Thinned out directory."
+    exit 1
+# Version stamp for CGYRO simulations
+# NOTE: log all starts and restarts, but NOT test mode
+if [ $TEST_FLAG -eq 0 ]
+ for dname in $cgyrodirs; do
+   pushd ${dname} >/dev/null
+   if [ $? -eq 1 ]
+   then
+    exit 1
+   fi
+   # If there are no restart files, its safe to overwrite the log file
+   PATTERN=(bin.cgyro.restar*)
+   if [ ! -r ${PATTERN[0]} ]; then
+      > out.cgyro.version
+   fi
+   # Date with custom formatting
+   date_tag=`date +"%y-%b-%d %T"`
+   version_tag=`gacode_getversion`
+   if [ -f out.cgyro.tag ]
+   then
+      simtime=`head -n2 out.cgyro.tag | tail -n1`
+      simtime=`echo $simtime`
+   else
+      simtime=0.0
+   fi
+   echo "$date_tag [$version_tag][$GACODE_PLATFORM][$simtime]" >> out.cgyro.version
+   popd >/dev/null
+ done 
+   NUMA=1
+gacode_printversion XGYRO
+if [ -f $XGYRO_DIR/src/xgyro ] ; then
+   $GACODE_ROOT/platform/exec/exec.$GACODE_PLATFORM \
+   echo "ERROR: XGYRO executable not found."
+   exit 1
+# Print runfile if test case
+if [ $TEST_FLAG -eq 1 ]
+    python $GACODE_ROOT/shared/bin/
diff --git a/xgyro/bin/ b/xgyro/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1683f33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+from gacodeinput import *
+import sys,os
+# Usage:
+# n_mpi
+total_MPI = int(sys.argv[1])
+# Read the fixed parameters first
+base = SimpleInput()
+# Perform the parsing
+n_dirs = int(base.data_dict['N_DIRS'])
+if (n_dirs<1):
+  print("ERROR: At least one CGYRO dir needed in input.xgyro.", file=sys.stderr)
+  sys.exit(1)
+del base
+# now do the full parsing
+x = SimpleInput()
+# XGYRO input parameters
+for i in range(n_dirs):
+  fi = i+1
+  x.add('MIN_MPI_%i'%fi, '1') 
+  x.add('DIR_%i'%fi, 'cgyro_dir_%i'%fi)
+# Perform the parsing
+if (x.error!=0):
+  x.printmsg()
+  sys.exit(x.error)
+# convert MIN_MPI into N_MPI, to get the same sum as total_MPI
+for i in range(n_dirs):
+  fi = i+1
+  min_mpi += int(x.data_dict['MIN_MPI_%i'%fi])
+if min_mpi>total_MPI:
+  print("ERROR: Need at least %i MPI processes."%min_mpi, file=sys.stderr)
+  sys.exit(1)
+if (total_MPI%min_mpi)!=0:
+  print("ERROR: MPI rank must be multiple of %i."%min_mpi, file=sys.stderr)
+  sys.exit(1)
+mpi_mult = total_MPI//min_mpi
+for i in range(n_dirs):
+  fi = i+1
+  old_k = 'MIN_MPI_%i'%fi
+  new_k = 'N_MPI_%i'%fi
+  x.rename(old_k,new_k)
+  x.data_dict[new_k] = '%i'%(int(x.data_dict[new_k])*mpi_mult)
+# now deal with cgyro setup
+for i in range(n_dirs):
+  fi = i+1
+  cgyro_dir = x.data_dict['DIR_%i'%fi]
+  if not os.path.isfile(cgyro_dir+"/input.cgyro"):
+    print("ERROR: Cound not find %s/input.cgyro"%cgyro_dir, file=sys.stderr)
+    sys.exit(1)
+# now we can write out the gen file
+# now that everything works, print out the CGYRO subdirs for further processing
+for i in range(n_dirs):
+  fi = i+1
+  cgyro_dir = x.data_dict['DIR_%i'%fi]
+  print(cgyro_dir)
diff --git a/xgyro/src/Makefile b/xgyro/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dce7eb96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+include ${GACODE_ROOT}/platform/build/${GACODE_PLATFORM}
+ifeq ($(OPT),debug)
+ifdef FFTW_INC
+FC += ${FOMP} ${FACC}
+EXEC = xgyro
+OBJECTS = xgyro_globals.o \
+          xgyro_io.o \
+          xgyro_mpi_setup.o \
+          xgyro_read_input.o
+.SUFFIXES : .o .f90 .F90
+all: xgyro_lib.a $(EXEC).o $(EXTRA_LIBS)
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o $(EXEC) $(EXEC).o xgyro_lib.a $(EXTRA_LIBS) $(LMATH)
+xgyro_lib.a: $(OBJECTS)
+	$(ARCH) xgyro_lib.a $(OBJECTS)
+.f90.o .F90.o :
+	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -c $<
+	rm -rf *.o xgyro_lib.a $(EXEC) *~ *.cub *.ptx *.gpu *.h *lst *.s
+-include ../install/make.ext.${GACODE_PLATFORM}
diff --git a/xgyro/src/xgyro.f90 b/xgyro/src/xgyro.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0685835b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/src/xgyro.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+program xgyro
+  use mpi
+  use xgyro_globals
+  use cgyro_globals
+  use xgyro_io
+  use cgyro_io
+  use timer_lib
+  implicit none
+  integer :: supported
+  integer, external :: omp_get_max_threads
+  character(len=32) :: arg
+  integer :: global_error_status = 0
+  integer :: i
+  character(len=192) :: msg
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! Find value of test flag
+  call get_command_argument(1,arg)
+  if (trim(arg) == '0') then
+     test_flag = 0
+  else
+     test_flag = 1
+  endif
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! Base path is cwd:
+  xgyro_path= './'
+  ! also set CGYRO path, but should not be really used
+  path= './'
+  ! create xgyro info file ASAP, so we can report error
+  open(unit=io,file=trim(xgyro_path)//xgyro_runfile_info,status='replace')
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! Query OpenMP for threads
+  !
+  n_omp = omp_get_max_threads()
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! Initialize MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator, including support for 
+  ! funneled threading (needed if OpenMP is enabled).
+  !
+  if (n_omp > 1) then
+     call MPI_INIT_THREAD(MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED,supported,i_err)
+     if (supported < MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED) then
+        write (*,*) "ERROR: Multi-threaded MPI not supported." 
+        call xgyro_error('Multi-threaded MPI not supported.')
+     endif
+  else 
+     call MPI_INIT_THREAD(MPI_THREAD_SINGLE,supported,i_err)
+  endif
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! Set the world MPI communicator
+  !
+  !
+  ! Query rank and size
+  !
+  call MPI_COMM_RANK(XGYRO_COMM_WORLD,xgyro_i_proc,i_err)
+  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(XGYRO_COMM_WORLD,xgyro_n_proc,i_err)
+  !write(*,*) "MPI size", xgyro_i_proc,xgyro_n_proc,i_err
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! read the xgyro input
+  call timer_lib_init('input')
+  call timer_lib_in('input')
+  call xgyro_read_input
+  call timer_lib_out('input')
+  if (error_status /= 0) then
+    write(*,*) "ERROR while reading input: ", error_message
+    call MPI_ABORT(XGYRO_COMM_WORLD,1,i_err)
+    call MPI_FINALIZE(i_err)
+    STOP 'ERROR while reading input'
+  endif
+  do i=1,xgyro_n_dirs
+    write(msg,'(A,A,A,I0)') "Sub-simulation ", trim(xgyro_dir_name(i)), " N_MPI ",xgyro_n_mpi(i)
+    call xgyro_info(trim(msg))
+  enddo
+  ! split XGYRO_COMM_WORLD into the appropriate CGYRO_COMM_WORLD
+  call xgyro_mpi_setup
+  if (error_status /= 0) then
+    write(*,*) "ERROR in initial MPI setup: ", error_message
+    call MPI_ABORT(XGYRO_COMM_WORLD,1,i_err)
+    call MPI_FINALIZE(i_err)
+    STOP 'ERROR in initial MPI setup'
+  endif
+  ! --------------------------------------------------------
+  ! resume standard CGYRO logic
+  ! my CGYRO path is from read params
+  path = trim(xgyro_dir_name(xgyro_i_dir))//'/'
+  !write(*,*) xgyro_i_proc,i_proc,n_proc,xgyro_i_dir,path
+  call timer_lib_in('input')
+  call cgyro_read_input
+  if (error_status /= 0) then
+    call xgyro_error('Failed to read one of the CGYRO inputs')
+    write(*,*) "ERROR while reading CGYRO input: ", error_message
+    call MPI_ABORT(XGYRO_COMM_WORLD,1,i_err)
+    call MPI_FINALIZE(i_err)
+    STOP 'ERROR while reading CGYRO input'
+  endif
+  call timer_lib_out('input')
+  call cgyro_init_kernel
+  if (error_status == 0) then
+        call cgyro_kernel
+        call cgyro_final_kernel
+  endif
+  ! final check for reporting purposes  
+  call MPI_ALLREDUCE(error_status, global_error_status, 1, &
+                MPI_INTEGER, MPI_MAX, XGYRO_COMM_WORLD, i_err)
+  if ((xgyro_i_proc==0) .and. (i_err==0) .and. (error_status == 0)) then
+    call xgyro_info('XGYRO finished without an error')
+  endif
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(i_err)
+end program xgyro
diff --git a/xgyro/src/xgyro_globals.f90 b/xgyro/src/xgyro_globals.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15f9a3ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/src/xgyro_globals.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+! xgyro_globals.f90
+!  XGYRO global variables.  The idea is to have a primary, large
+!  module containing all essential XGYRO arrays and scalars.
+module xgyro_globals
+  !---------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! I/O and error management variables
+  !
+  character(len=80) :: xgyro_path
+  character(len=14) :: xgyro_runfile_info    = ''
+  !---------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! Input parameters:
+  !
+  integer :: xgyro_mpi_rank_order
+  ! all the arrays are xgyro_n_dirs in size
+  integer :: xgyro_n_dirs
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: xgyro_n_mpi
+  ! note: dir_name has same length as path in cgyro_globals
+  character(len=80), dimension(:), allocatable :: xgyro_dir_name
+  !---------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! MPI variables and pointers
+  ! 
+  integer :: xgyro_i_proc
+  integer :: xgyro_n_proc
+  integer :: xgyro_i_dir
+  integer :: XGYRO_COMM_WORLD
+end module xgyro_globals
diff --git a/xgyro/src/xgyro_io.f90 b/xgyro/src/xgyro_io.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d507378d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/src/xgyro_io.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+module xgyro_io 
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------
+  ! xgyro_info.f90
+  !
+  !  Routine to write line to run file.
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine xgyro_info(message)
+    use xgyro_globals, only : xgyro_runfile_info, xgyro_i_proc, xgyro_path
+    use cgyro_globals, only : silent_flag, io
+    implicit none
+    character (len=*), intent(in) :: message
+    if (silent_flag == 0 .and. xgyro_i_proc == 0) then
+       open(unit=io,file=trim(xgyro_path)//xgyro_runfile_info,status='old',position='append')
+       write(io,'(a)') 'INFO: (XGYRO) '//message
+       close(io)
+    endif
+  end subroutine xgyro_info
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------
+  ! xgyro_error.f90
+  !
+  !  Routine to write line to error file.
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine xgyro_error(message)
+    use xgyro_globals, only : xgyro_runfile_info, xgyro_i_proc, xgyro_path
+    use cgyro_globals, only : error_status, error_message, &
+         silent_flag, io
+    implicit none
+    character (len=*), intent(in) :: message
+    error_status  = 1
+    error_message = message
+    if (silent_flag == 0 .and. xgyro_i_proc == 0) then
+       open(unit=io,file=trim(xgyro_path)//xgyro_runfile_info,status='old',position='append')
+       write(io,'(a)') 'ERROR: (XGYRO) '//message
+       close(io)
+    endif
+  end subroutine xgyro_error
+end module xgyro_io
diff --git a/xgyro/src/xgyro_mpi_setup.f90 b/xgyro/src/xgyro_mpi_setup.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecda9060a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/src/xgyro_mpi_setup.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+! xgyro_mpi_setup.f90
+!  Split main MPI communicator in per-cgyro ones  
+subroutine xgyro_mpi_setup
+  use timer_lib
+  use mpi
+  use xgyro_globals
+  use cgyro_globals, only : i_err, i_proc, n_proc, CGYRO_COMM_WORLD
+  use xgyro_io
+  implicit none
+  integer :: i_group, splitkey
+  character(len=192) :: msg
+  integer :: i, j, i_mpi
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: groups
+  ! Local group indices:
+  if (xgyro_mpi_rank_order == 1) then
+     ! convert from incremental xgyro_n_mpi(i) to abs mapping in groups
+     ! e.g.
+     !  1 -> 1
+     !  2 -> 2
+     !       3
+     !  1 -> 4
+     !
+     allocate(groups(xgyro_n_proc))
+     i_mpi = 0
+     do i=1,xgyro_n_dirs
+       do j=1,xgyro_n_mpi(i)
+         i_mpi = i_mpi + 1 ! keep it 1-based
+         groups(i_mpi) = i
+       enddo
+     enddo
+     ! then use the i_mpi -> group mapping
+     i_group = groups(xgyro_i_proc+1)  !xgyro_i_proc is 0-based
+     deallocate(groups)
+     call xgyro_info('MPI rank alignment 1')
+  else
+     ! find the 
+     ! e.g.
+     !   1 -> 1 -
+     !   2 -> 2 4
+     !   1 -> 3 -
+     allocate(groups(xgyro_n_dirs))
+     do i=1,xgyro_n_dirs
+        groups(i) = xgyro_n_mpi(i) ! make a copy of xgyro_n_mpi, so we save the orig values
+     enddo
+     ! grab the first i_mpi that was not claimed by lower i
+     i_group = 0
+     do i=0,xgyro_i_proc
+       ! try to pick the next group
+       i_group = i_group+1
+       if (i_group>xgyro_n_dirs) i_group = 1 ! wraparound
+       ! if the current group is not available, find the next avaialble one
+       do while ( groups(i_group) == 0 )
+               i_group = i_group+1
+               if (i_group>xgyro_n_dirs) i_group = 1 ! wraparound
+       enddo
+       ! remember the choice
+       groups(i_group) = groups(i_group) - 1
+     enddo
+     deallocate(groups)
+     call xgyro_info('MPI rank alignment 2')
+  endif
+  xgyro_i_dir = i_group;
+  !------------------------------------------------
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------
+  ! Split up GYRO_COMM_WORLD into groups and adjoint:
+  !
+  !             NEW_COMM_1  and  NEW_COMM_2
+  !
+  splitkey = xgyro_i_proc
+       i_group,& 
+       splitkey,&
+       i_err)
+  if (i_err /= 0) then
+     call xgyro_error('CGYRO_COMM_WORLD not created')
+     return
+  endif
+  !
+  ! Query cgyro rank and size
+  !
+  call MPI_COMM_RANK(CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,i_proc,i_err)
+  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(CGYRO_COMM_WORLD,n_proc,i_err)
+end subroutine xgyro_mpi_setup
diff --git a/xgyro/src/xgyro_read_input.f90 b/xgyro/src/xgyro_read_input.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64f3076b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/src/xgyro_read_input.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+subroutine xgyro_read_input
+  use mpi
+  use xgyro_globals
+  use cgyro_globals
+  implicit none
+  character(len=40) :: msg
+  integer :: i
+  integer :: total_mpi
+  if (xgyro_i_proc == 0) open(unit=1,file=trim(path)//'input.xgyro.gen',status='old')
+  call xgyro_readbc_int(xgyro_mpi_rank_order,'MPI_RANK_ORDER')
+  call xgyro_readbc_int(xgyro_n_dirs,'N_DIRS')
+  allocate(xgyro_n_mpi(xgyro_n_dirs))
+  allocate(xgyro_dir_name(xgyro_n_dirs))
+  total_mpi = 0
+  do i=1,xgyro_n_dirs
+    write (msg, "(A,I0)") 'N_MPI_', i
+    call xgyro_readbc_int(xgyro_n_mpi(i),msg)
+    total_mpi = total_mpi + xgyro_n_mpi(i)
+    write (msg, "(A,I0)") 'DIR_', i
+    call xgyro_readbc_string(xgyro_dir_name(i),msg)
+  enddo
+  if (total_mpi /= xgyro_n_proc) then
+          if (xgyro_i_proc == 0) write(*,*) 'ERROR: Invalid MPI rank size', total_mpi, ' != ',xgyro_n_proc
+          call MPI_ABORT(XGYRO_COMM_WORLD,1,i_err)
+          STOP 'Invalid MPI rank size'
+  endif
+  if (xgyro_i_proc == 0) close(1)
+end subroutine xgyro_read_input
+! Service routines: 
+! (1) read and broadcast an integer:
+subroutine xgyro_readbc_int(p,label)
+  use mpi
+  use xgyro_globals, only : xgyro_i_proc,XGYRO_COMM_WORLD
+  use cgyro_globals, only : i_err
+  implicit none
+  integer, intent(inout) :: p
+  character (len=*), intent(in) :: label
+  character (len=40) :: actual_label
+  if (xgyro_i_proc == 0) then
+       read(1,*) p,actual_label
+       if (label /= actual_label) then
+          write(*,*) 'ERROR: Invalid label found in input file', actual_label, ' != ', label
+          call MPI_ABORT(XGYRO_COMM_WORLD,1,i_err)
+          STOP 'Invalid label found in input file'
+       endif
+  endif
+end subroutine xgyro_readbc_int
+! (2) read and broadcast a real:
+subroutine xgyro_readbc_real(x)
+  use mpi
+  use xgyro_globals, only : xgyro_i_proc,XGYRO_COMM_WORLD
+  use cgyro_globals, only : i_err
+  implicit none
+  real, intent(inout) :: x
+  if (xgyro_i_proc == 0) read(1,*) x
+end subroutine xgyro_readbc_real
+! (3) read and broadcast a string:
+subroutine xgyro_readbc_string(p,label)
+  use mpi
+  use xgyro_globals, only : xgyro_i_proc,XGYRO_COMM_WORLD
+  use cgyro_globals, only : i_err
+  implicit none
+  character (len=80), intent(inout) :: p
+  character (len=*), intent(in) :: label
+  character (len=40) :: actual_label
+  if (xgyro_i_proc == 0) then
+       read(1,*) p,actual_label
+       if (label /= actual_label) then
+          write(*,*) 'ERROR: Invalid label found in input file', actual_label, ' != ', label
+          call MPI_ABORT(XGYRO_COMM_WORLD,1,i_err)
+          STOP 'Invalid label found in input file'
+       endif
+  endif
+end subroutine xgyro_readbc_string
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/input.xgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/input.xgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3bfe376e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/input.xgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+N_DIRS = 4
+DIR_1 = reg01
+DIR_2 = reg02
+DIR_3 = reg03
+DIR_4 = reg04
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/input.cgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/input.cgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2650fcd4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/input.cgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Numerical Resolution
+# Geometry
+# Collisions
+# Profiles
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e29f0bfce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec.1 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0575a24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec.1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec.2 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f68737c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg01/out.cgyro.prec.2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/input.cgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/input.cgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4d60f7a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/input.cgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Numerical Resolution
+# Geometry
+# Collisions
+# Profiles
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a29646dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec.1 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b4dccf95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec.1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec.2 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24ae6f96a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg02/out.cgyro.prec.2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/input.cgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/input.cgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ba12af28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/input.cgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Numerical Resolution
+# Fields
+# Geometry
+# Collisions
+# Profiles
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73f9c1d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec.1 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..947ab9d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec.1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec.2 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d46bab095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg03/out.cgyro.prec.2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.cgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.cgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68918fe35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.cgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Numerical Resolution
+# Fields
+# Geometry
+# Collisions
+# Profiles
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.gacode b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.gacode
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d39b5adc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.gacode
@@ -0,0 +1,2219 @@
+#  *original : Sun Oct  9 16:31:25 PDT 2022                           
+# *statefile : iterdb_kinefit_128913.01500                            
+#     *gfile : g128913.01500 08/02/2006 65 65                         
+#   *cerfile : dplasma_cer_format.128913.1500                         
+#      *vgen : null                                                   
+#     *tgyro : null                                                   
+# nexp
+# nion
+# shot
+# time
+# name
+D C
+# type
+[therm] [therm]
+# masse
+ 5.4488741E-04
+# mass
+ 2.0000000E+00 1.2000000E+01
+# ze
+# z
+ 1.0000000E+00 6.0000000E+00
+# torfluxa | Wb/radian
+ 6.1675847E-01
+# rcentr | m
+ 1.6955000E+00
+# bcentr | T
+ 2.0657085E+00
+# current | MA
+# rho | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2  2.0161417E-02
+  3  4.0104877E-02
+  4  6.0167863E-02
+  5  8.0252297E-02
+  6  1.0023702E-01
+  7  1.2027119E-01
+  8  1.4032579E-01
+  9  1.6029670E-01
+ 10  1.8030973E-01
+ 11  2.0030091E-01
+ 12  2.2033687E-01
+ 13  2.4036378E-01
+ 14  2.6037541E-01
+ 15  2.8041178E-01
+ 16  3.0043335E-01
+ 17  3.2046175E-01
+ 18  3.4045292E-01
+ 19  3.6045101E-01
+ 20  3.8043739E-01
+ 21  4.0043359E-01
+ 22  4.2042663E-01
+ 23  4.4043922E-01
+ 24  4.6043064E-01
+ 25  4.8040286E-01
+ 26  5.0039297E-01
+ 27  5.2038208E-01
+ 28  5.4038514E-01
+ 29  5.6038932E-01
+ 30  5.8038039E-01
+ 31  6.0036945E-01
+ 32  6.2036496E-01
+ 33  6.4037358E-01
+ 34  6.6037108E-01
+ 35  6.8038783E-01
+ 36  7.0039538E-01
+ 37  7.2039161E-01
+ 38  7.4040169E-01
+ 39  7.6042063E-01
+ 40  7.8044060E-01
+ 41  8.0048212E-01
+ 42  8.2053495E-01
+ 43  8.4054654E-01
+ 44  8.6060313E-01
+ 45  8.8065319E-01
+ 46  9.0075459E-01
+ 47  9.2081290E-01
+ 48  9.4091860E-01
+ 49  9.6105357E-01
+ 50  9.8226658E-01
+ 51  1.0000000E+00
+# rmin | m
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2  1.3677544E-02
+  3  2.7210331E-02
+  4  4.0827339E-02
+  5  5.4454411E-02
+  6  6.7988780E-02
+  7  8.1528278E-02
+  8  9.5041023E-02
+  9  1.0848014E-01
+ 10  1.2191544E-01
+ 11  1.3532016E-01
+ 12  1.4872668E-01
+ 13  1.6209625E-01
+ 14  1.7543715E-01
+ 15  1.8877435E-01
+ 16  2.0209486E-01
+ 17  2.1539871E-01
+ 18  2.2865667E-01
+ 19  2.4189308E-01
+ 20  2.5508541E-01
+ 21  2.6824539E-01
+ 22  2.8136431E-01
+ 23  2.9444818E-01
+ 24  3.0746116E-01
+ 25  3.2040923E-01
+ 26  3.3330036E-01
+ 27  3.4612223E-01
+ 28  3.5886908E-01
+ 29  3.7153206E-01
+ 30  3.8408660E-01
+ 31  3.9653172E-01
+ 32  4.0887072E-01
+ 33  4.2108598E-01
+ 34  4.3316089E-01
+ 35  4.4509905E-01
+ 36  4.5687649E-01
+ 37  4.6847990E-01
+ 38  4.7989570E-01
+ 39  4.9111945E-01
+ 40  5.0213082E-01
+ 41  5.1291499E-01
+ 42  5.2344522E-01
+ 43  5.3366916E-01
+ 44  5.4361939E-01
+ 45  5.5322066E-01
+ 46  5.6249148E-01
+ 47  5.7133750E-01
+ 48  5.7974475E-01
+ 49  5.8763057E-01
+ 50  5.9528283E-01
+ 51  6.0030608E-01
+# polflux | Wb/radian
+  1 -0.0000000E+00
+  2 -1.7981728E-04
+  3 -7.0927929E-04
+  4 -1.5883860E-03
+  5 -2.8071476E-03
+  6 -4.3455844E-03
+  7 -6.2036963E-03
+  8 -8.3714936E-03
+  9 -1.0828996E-02
+ 10 -1.3586195E-02
+ 11 -1.6633099E-02
+ 12 -1.9979698E-02
+ 13 -2.3616003E-02
+ 14 -2.7542014E-02
+ 15 -3.1767720E-02
+ 16 -3.6283132E-02
+ 17 -4.1088249E-02
+ 18 -4.6163093E-02
+ 19 -5.1507662E-02
+ 20 -5.7101978E-02
+ 21 -6.2936049E-02
+ 22 -6.8989898E-02
+ 23 -7.5253533E-02
+ 24 -8.1696986E-02
+ 25 -8.8300276E-02
+ 26 -9.5053414E-02
+ 27 -1.0192643E-01
+ 28 -1.0889935E-01
+ 29 -1.1594219E-01
+ 30 -1.2302499E-01
+ 31 -1.3012777E-01
+ 32 -1.3723056E-01
+ 33 -1.4431336E-01
+ 34 -1.5134621E-01
+ 35 -1.5831913E-01
+ 36 -1.6520213E-01
+ 37 -1.7197525E-01
+ 38 -1.7862849E-01
+ 39 -1.8514187E-01
+ 40 -1.9149542E-01
+ 41 -1.9767913E-01
+ 42 -2.0367304E-01
+ 43 -2.0944718E-01
+ 44 -2.1501152E-01
+ 45 -2.2033611E-01
+ 46 -2.2542095E-01
+ 47 -2.3022606E-01
+ 48 -2.3475146E-01
+ 49 -2.3897717E-01
+ 50 -2.4291917E-01
+ 51 -2.4554450E-01
+# q | -
+  1 -1.3926996E+00
+  2 -1.3957446E+00
+  3 -1.4044980E+00
+  4 -1.4183315E+00
+  5 -1.4360633E+00
+  6 -1.4560464E+00
+  7 -1.4766771E+00
+  8 -1.4971245E+00
+  9 -1.5163698E+00
+ 10 -1.5332316E+00
+ 11 -1.5471666E+00
+ 12 -1.5592594E+00
+ 13 -1.5705469E+00
+ 14 -1.5778350E+00
+ 15 -1.5851084E+00
+ 16 -1.5918073E+00
+ 17 -1.6005049E+00
+ 18 -1.6109832E+00
+ 19 -1.6240552E+00
+ 20 -1.6409590E+00
+ 21 -1.6604554E+00
+ 22 -1.6835085E+00
+ 23 -1.7092844E+00
+ 24 -1.7384366E+00
+ 25 -1.7716986E+00
+ 26 -1.8095402E+00
+ 27 -1.8524848E+00
+ 28 -1.9011103E+00
+ 29 -1.9555934E+00
+ 30 -2.0160825E+00
+ 31 -2.0828142E+00
+ 32 -2.1562532E+00
+ 33 -2.2369583E+00
+ 34 -2.3253152E+00
+ 35 -2.4222939E+00
+ 36 -2.5286328E+00
+ 37 -2.6454505E+00
+ 38 -2.7739335E+00
+ 39 -2.9160257E+00
+ 40 -3.0729974E+00
+ 41 -3.2472920E+00
+ 42 -3.4422794E+00
+ 43 -3.6589184E+00
+ 44 -3.9047304E+00
+ 45 -4.1832010E+00
+ 46 -4.5035673E+00
+ 47 -4.8759590E+00
+ 48 -5.3269691E+00
+ 49 -5.8523394E+00
+ 50 -7.0473590E+00
+ 51 -9.4688035E+00
+# w0 | rad/s
+  1 -6.1503400E+04
+  2 -6.1589418E+04
+  3 -6.1562335E+04
+  4 -6.1412661E+04
+  5 -6.1148098E+04
+  6 -6.0779755E+04
+  7 -6.0313668E+04
+  8 -5.9755319E+04
+  9 -5.9112749E+04
+ 10 -5.8387783E+04
+ 11 -5.7585858E+04
+ 12 -5.6703181E+04
+ 13 -5.5742431E+04
+ 14 -5.4712064E+04
+ 15 -5.3604630E+04
+ 16 -5.2425990E+04
+ 17 -5.1173645E+04
+ 18 -4.9854463E+04
+ 19 -4.8468122E+04
+ 20 -4.7010476E+04
+ 21 -4.5469829E+04
+ 22 -4.3863258E+04
+ 23 -4.2207779E+04
+ 24 -4.0524138E+04
+ 25 -3.8829087E+04
+ 26 -3.7136264E+04
+ 27 -3.5463620E+04
+ 28 -3.3826323E+04
+ 29 -3.2241224E+04
+ 30 -3.0716836E+04
+ 31 -2.9249992E+04
+ 32 -2.7837289E+04
+ 33 -2.6475332E+04
+ 34 -2.5164741E+04
+ 35 -2.3902595E+04
+ 36 -2.2687215E+04
+ 37 -2.1514365E+04
+ 38 -2.0373696E+04
+ 39 -1.9261089E+04
+ 40 -1.8172992E+04
+ 41 -1.7104290E+04
+ 42 -1.6050450E+04
+ 43 -1.5009560E+04
+ 44 -1.3971126E+04
+ 45 -1.2935646E+04
+ 46 -1.1891885E+04
+ 47 -1.0833720E+04
+ 48 -9.7492532E+03
+ 49 -8.6374286E+03
+ 50 -7.3970696E+03
+ 51 -6.3495800E+03
+# rmaj | m
+  1  1.7104031E+00
+  2  1.7103439E+00
+  3  1.7101738E+00
+  4  1.7098907E+00
+  5  1.7094833E+00
+  6  1.7089799E+00
+  7  1.7083581E+00
+  8  1.7076625E+00
+  9  1.7068949E+00
+ 10  1.7060653E+00
+ 11  1.7051817E+00
+ 12  1.7042522E+00
+ 13  1.7032905E+00
+ 14  1.7022998E+00
+ 15  1.7012832E+00
+ 16  1.7002501E+00
+ 17  1.6991974E+00
+ 18  1.6981378E+00
+ 19  1.6970684E+00
+ 20  1.6959916E+00
+ 21  1.6949116E+00
+ 22  1.6938286E+00
+ 23  1.6927457E+00
+ 24  1.6916556E+00
+ 25  1.6905628E+00
+ 26  1.6894718E+00
+ 27  1.6883664E+00
+ 28  1.6872609E+00
+ 29  1.6861491E+00
+ 30  1.6850370E+00
+ 31  1.6839069E+00
+ 32  1.6827821E+00
+ 33  1.6816390E+00
+ 34  1.6804918E+00
+ 35  1.6793282E+00
+ 36  1.6781602E+00
+ 37  1.6769866E+00
+ 38  1.6757879E+00
+ 39  1.6745900E+00
+ 40  1.6733894E+00
+ 41  1.6721811E+00
+ 42  1.6709619E+00
+ 43  1.6697451E+00
+ 44  1.6685388E+00
+ 45  1.6673338E+00
+ 46  1.6661489E+00
+ 47  1.6649888E+00
+ 48  1.6638508E+00
+ 49  1.6627539E+00
+ 50  1.6616715E+00
+ 51  1.6609396E+00
+# zmag | m
+  1  3.1447635E-02
+  2  3.1528225E-02
+  3  3.1607500E-02
+  4  3.1686805E-02
+  5  3.1748977E-02
+  6  3.1778199E-02
+  7  3.1809009E-02
+  8  3.1875313E-02
+  9  3.1961121E-02
+ 10  3.2035678E-02
+ 11  3.2105413E-02
+ 12  3.2218355E-02
+ 13  3.2320873E-02
+ 14  3.2430967E-02
+ 15  3.2541825E-02
+ 16  3.2672055E-02
+ 17  3.2803833E-02
+ 18  3.2937677E-02
+ 19  3.3099205E-02
+ 20  3.3263580E-02
+ 21  3.3419084E-02
+ 22  3.3606700E-02
+ 23  3.3800497E-02
+ 24  3.3994094E-02
+ 25  3.4237494E-02
+ 26  3.4475636E-02
+ 27  3.4725116E-02
+ 28  3.5037534E-02
+ 29  3.5352697E-02
+ 30  3.5693856E-02
+ 31  3.6103668E-02
+ 32  3.6525349E-02
+ 33  3.7014883E-02
+ 34  3.7579852E-02
+ 35  3.8190631E-02
+ 36  3.8909404E-02
+ 37  3.9722241E-02
+ 38  4.0645642E-02
+ 39  4.1734667E-02
+ 40  4.2991526E-02
+ 41  4.4473324E-02
+ 42  4.6252507E-02
+ 43  4.8376929E-02
+ 44  5.0978810E-02
+ 45  5.4199686E-02
+ 46  5.8286251E-02
+ 47  6.3557996E-02
+ 48  7.0709855E-02
+ 49  8.0867217E-02
+ 50  9.8223285E-02
+ 51  1.2759037E-01
+# kappa | -
+  1  1.2743830E+00
+  2  1.2739714E+00
+  3  1.2735666E+00
+  4  1.2731616E+00
+  5  1.2741058E+00
+  6  1.2759273E+00
+  7  1.2776704E+00
+  8  1.2794202E+00
+  9  1.2814330E+00
+ 10  1.2831852E+00
+ 11  1.2846004E+00
+ 12  1.2860299E+00
+ 13  1.2872704E+00
+ 14  1.2883229E+00
+ 15  1.2892544E+00
+ 16  1.2901038E+00
+ 17  1.2909682E+00
+ 18  1.2918057E+00
+ 19  1.2927050E+00
+ 20  1.2938132E+00
+ 21  1.2950511E+00
+ 22  1.2964253E+00
+ 23  1.2980328E+00
+ 24  1.2997663E+00
+ 25  1.3017152E+00
+ 26  1.3039576E+00
+ 27  1.3064059E+00
+ 28  1.3091583E+00
+ 29  1.3122470E+00
+ 30  1.3156689E+00
+ 31  1.3194691E+00
+ 32  1.3236631E+00
+ 33  1.3283050E+00
+ 34  1.3333863E+00
+ 35  1.3389966E+00
+ 36  1.3451282E+00
+ 37  1.3518295E+00
+ 38  1.3592387E+00
+ 39  1.3673767E+00
+ 40  1.3762999E+00
+ 41  1.3861948E+00
+ 42  1.3971521E+00
+ 43  1.4093226E+00
+ 44  1.4229410E+00
+ 45  1.4382647E+00
+ 46  1.4556840E+00
+ 47  1.4756904E+00
+ 48  1.4992268E+00
+ 49  1.5278274E+00
+ 50  1.5689925E+00
+ 51  1.6266386E+00
+# delta | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2  3.0784812E-03
+  3  7.3091851E-03
+  4  1.2754761E-02
+  5  1.7945757E-02
+  6  2.2982162E-02
+  7  2.7447578E-02
+  8  3.2243476E-02
+  9  3.6963257E-02
+ 10  4.1657769E-02
+ 11  4.6218628E-02
+ 12  5.0753077E-02
+ 13  5.5216827E-02
+ 14  5.9579222E-02
+ 15  6.3866212E-02
+ 16  6.8124349E-02
+ 17  7.2302068E-02
+ 18  7.6503719E-02
+ 19  8.0712513E-02
+ 20  8.4949465E-02
+ 21  8.9233495E-02
+ 22  9.3618194E-02
+ 23  9.8107045E-02
+ 24  1.0264591E-01
+ 25  1.0732553E-01
+ 26  1.1221299E-01
+ 27  1.1721110E-01
+ 28  1.2245205E-01
+ 29  1.2791963E-01
+ 30  1.3368258E-01
+ 31  1.3965748E-01
+ 32  1.4603765E-01
+ 33  1.5272367E-01
+ 34  1.5980530E-01
+ 35  1.6729242E-01
+ 36  1.7528203E-01
+ 37  1.8375841E-01
+ 38  1.9282186E-01
+ 39  2.0253259E-01
+ 40  2.1298909E-01
+ 41  2.2428870E-01
+ 42  2.3648961E-01
+ 43  2.4974352E-01
+ 44  2.6428853E-01
+ 45  2.8023283E-01
+ 46  2.9797714E-01
+ 47  3.1781208E-01
+ 48  3.4036402E-01
+ 49  3.6659956E-01
+ 50  4.0159491E-01
+ 51  4.4340194E-01
+# zeta | -
+  1 -0.0000000E+00
+  2 -1.1885924E-03
+  3 -1.2651641E-03
+  4 -2.3914960E-04
+  5 -1.9777538E-04
+  6 -7.7037709E-04
+  7 -8.6483541E-04
+  8 -5.0184769E-04
+  9 -9.4586354E-04
+ 10 -1.0156158E-03
+ 11 -1.0135341E-03
+ 12 -1.1111166E-03
+ 13 -1.1935783E-03
+ 14 -1.3105814E-03
+ 15 -1.3313918E-03
+ 16 -1.4790320E-03
+ 17 -1.6542257E-03
+ 18 -1.8076600E-03
+ 19 -1.9873417E-03
+ 20 -2.2704231E-03
+ 21 -2.5654369E-03
+ 22 -2.9101748E-03
+ 23 -3.3605840E-03
+ 24 -3.6967714E-03
+ 25 -4.1524032E-03
+ 26 -4.6689186E-03
+ 27 -5.2034970E-03
+ 28 -5.7591621E-03
+ 29 -6.4381800E-03
+ 30 -7.1324318E-03
+ 31 -7.8894358E-03
+ 32 -8.7492495E-03
+ 33 -9.6516857E-03
+ 34 -1.0622292E-02
+ 35 -1.1704064E-02
+ 36 -1.2876266E-02
+ 37 -1.4155217E-02
+ 38 -1.5549908E-02
+ 39 -1.7097030E-02
+ 40 -1.8805298E-02
+ 41 -2.0730984E-02
+ 42 -2.2891321E-02
+ 43 -2.5335607E-02
+ 44 -2.8207614E-02
+ 45 -3.1536138E-02
+ 46 -3.5616958E-02
+ 47 -4.0697687E-02
+ 48 -4.7221509E-02
+ 49 -5.6259661E-02
+ 50 -7.2426549E-02
+ 51 -1.0390449E-01
+# shape_cos0 | -
+  1  2.8267051E-02
+  2  2.8320039E-02
+  3  2.8472348E-02
+  4  2.8725816E-02
+  5  2.8926064E-02
+  6  2.9103717E-02
+  7  2.9342866E-02
+  8  2.9623929E-02
+  9  2.9848290E-02
+ 10  3.0127061E-02
+ 11  3.0363751E-02
+ 12  3.0607767E-02
+ 13  3.0821961E-02
+ 14  3.1030479E-02
+ 15  3.1235765E-02
+ 16  3.1432316E-02
+ 17  3.1627225E-02
+ 18  3.1837984E-02
+ 19  3.2047457E-02
+ 20  3.2286626E-02
+ 21  3.2510229E-02
+ 22  3.2781953E-02
+ 23  3.3072208E-02
+ 24  3.3370819E-02
+ 25  3.3696253E-02
+ 26  3.4064623E-02
+ 27  3.4448768E-02
+ 28  3.4908986E-02
+ 29  3.5378639E-02
+ 30  3.5913761E-02
+ 31  3.6512015E-02
+ 32  3.7151340E-02
+ 33  3.7851709E-02
+ 34  3.8636110E-02
+ 35  3.9506363E-02
+ 36  4.0482649E-02
+ 37  4.1560837E-02
+ 38  4.2772881E-02
+ 39  4.4144760E-02
+ 40  4.5690247E-02
+ 41  4.7475547E-02
+ 42  4.9563307E-02
+ 43  5.2006507E-02
+ 44  5.4915432E-02
+ 45  5.8455804E-02
+ 46  6.2822845E-02
+ 47  6.8339556E-02
+ 48  7.5590489E-02
+ 49  8.5532809E-02
+ 50  1.0180158E-01
+ 51  1.2712541E-01
+# shape_cos1 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -3.5689407E-03
+  3 -4.0723241E-03
+  4 -1.5410820E-03
+  5  1.2275548E-04
+  6 -3.4887136E-04
+  7 -6.8700071E-04
+  8 -4.8164014E-04
+  9 -3.4720922E-04
+ 10 -4.1490761E-04
+ 11 -5.8520578E-04
+ 12 -4.3476271E-04
+ 13 -4.4044890E-04
+ 14 -4.0061165E-04
+ 15 -3.7387974E-04
+ 16 -2.9655779E-04
+ 17 -2.2679755E-04
+ 18 -1.3243019E-04
+ 19  4.7174758E-05
+ 20  2.1621795E-04
+ 21  3.4621595E-04
+ 22  5.5524166E-04
+ 23  7.5395577E-04
+ 24  9.4509089E-04
+ 25  1.2890194E-03
+ 26  1.5830049E-03
+ 27  1.8224954E-03
+ 28  2.3035073E-03
+ 29  2.6893341E-03
+ 30  3.1275917E-03
+ 31  3.7497811E-03
+ 32  4.3057912E-03
+ 33  4.9595310E-03
+ 34  5.7839131E-03
+ 35  6.6187970E-03
+ 36  7.6667729E-03
+ 37  8.8034179E-03
+ 38  1.0063522E-02
+ 39  1.1568512E-02
+ 40  1.3315475E-02
+ 41  1.5359407E-02
+ 42  1.7799673E-02
+ 43  2.0706775E-02
+ 44  2.4225014E-02
+ 45  2.8601568E-02
+ 46  3.4141880E-02
+ 47  4.1300123E-02
+ 48  5.1145731E-02
+ 49  6.5417181E-02
+ 50  9.0640115E-02
+ 51  1.3686841E-01
+# shape_cos2 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -9.7369771E-05
+  3 -1.2250642E-04
+  4 -7.6362372E-05
+  5 -4.9942944E-05
+  6 -2.2412064E-04
+  7 -3.9758871E-04
+  8 -5.0687814E-04
+  9 -7.5975614E-04
+ 10 -9.0958336E-04
+ 11 -1.1053359E-03
+ 12 -1.3140727E-03
+ 13 -1.5643161E-03
+ 14 -1.7800941E-03
+ 15 -2.0571125E-03
+ 16 -2.3227894E-03
+ 17 -2.6138196E-03
+ 18 -2.9553796E-03
+ 19 -3.3210691E-03
+ 20 -3.6837066E-03
+ 21 -4.0899794E-03
+ 22 -4.4957794E-03
+ 23 -4.9603121E-03
+ 24 -5.4483079E-03
+ 25 -5.9936162E-03
+ 26 -6.5233068E-03
+ 27 -7.1339865E-03
+ 28 -7.7804097E-03
+ 29 -8.4314162E-03
+ 30 -9.1584548E-03
+ 31 -9.9177078E-03
+ 32 -1.0765185E-02
+ 33 -1.1679786E-02
+ 34 -1.2652505E-02
+ 35 -1.3680930E-02
+ 36 -1.4785555E-02
+ 37 -1.6000244E-02
+ 38 -1.7322660E-02
+ 39 -1.8799478E-02
+ 40 -2.0389262E-02
+ 41 -2.2203997E-02
+ 42 -2.4242751E-02
+ 43 -2.6503979E-02
+ 44 -2.9141580E-02
+ 45 -3.2202875E-02
+ 46 -3.5914537E-02
+ 47 -4.0441672E-02
+ 48 -4.6050096E-02
+ 49 -5.3388285E-02
+ 50 -6.4781978E-02
+ 51 -8.0587768E-02
+# shape_cos3 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2  1.9207165E-03
+  3  1.7452863E-03
+  4 -5.1389219E-04
+  5 -8.9396241E-04
+  6 -2.8665595E-04
+  7 -1.0125334E-04
+  8 -1.1002306E-04
+  9 -2.0703483E-04
+ 10 -1.0022760E-04
+ 11  6.4247912E-05
+ 12 -9.4790160E-05
+ 13 -4.8149113E-05
+ 14 -4.8350603E-05
+ 15  4.5655774E-05
+ 16 -8.6685299E-06
+ 17  1.9827924E-05
+ 18  6.6825240E-05
+ 19 -2.9091662E-05
+ 20 -1.8841558E-05
+ 21  7.5344057E-05
+ 22  1.6686940E-05
+ 23  2.5110917E-05
+ 24  9.0267209E-05
+ 25  5.6833814E-06
+ 26  8.1580762E-05
+ 27  9.1110451E-05
+ 28  4.2185431E-05
+ 29  7.5300113E-05
+ 30  1.2317227E-04
+ 31  1.1839211E-04
+ 32  2.1862467E-04
+ 33  2.1500844E-04
+ 34  2.4509322E-04
+ 35  3.4255939E-04
+ 36  4.0164539E-04
+ 37  4.8560265E-04
+ 38  5.7909320E-04
+ 39  6.4244522E-04
+ 40  7.8773641E-04
+ 41  9.2895875E-04
+ 42  1.0154362E-03
+ 43  1.1253219E-03
+ 44  1.1533710E-03
+ 45  1.1220870E-03
+ 46  8.9086438E-04
+ 47  3.4809691E-04
+ 48 -9.3252385E-04
+ 49 -3.5287110E-03
+ 50 -9.9906494E-03
+ 51 -2.7124211E-02
+# shape_cos4 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -1.8469588E-04
+  3 -2.2882542E-04
+  4 -1.3416144E-04
+  5 -7.4790643E-05
+  6 -7.5933970E-05
+  7 -5.2994415E-06
+  8 -4.0219718E-05
+  9 -7.5934842E-06
+ 10  1.1828454E-05
+ 11  9.0019645E-07
+ 12  1.4031810E-05
+ 13 -3.2473427E-06
+ 14 -2.0546467E-05
+ 15 -2.8481065E-05
+ 16 -3.2860376E-05
+ 17 -6.0266993E-05
+ 18 -5.1123673E-05
+ 19 -7.9270995E-05
+ 20 -7.5132347E-05
+ 21 -1.3161736E-04
+ 22 -1.4360794E-04
+ 23 -1.6561584E-04
+ 24 -2.2277352E-04
+ 25 -2.9725280E-04
+ 26 -3.4854382E-04
+ 27 -4.3933261E-04
+ 28 -4.8794230E-04
+ 29 -6.0451267E-04
+ 30 -6.9864919E-04
+ 31 -8.0414669E-04
+ 32 -9.4819975E-04
+ 33 -1.1341064E-03
+ 34 -1.3303840E-03
+ 35 -1.5367070E-03
+ 36 -1.7622812E-03
+ 37 -2.0289202E-03
+ 38 -2.3211917E-03
+ 39 -2.6485230E-03
+ 40 -3.0261979E-03
+ 41 -3.4202707E-03
+ 42 -3.8204219E-03
+ 43 -4.2347679E-03
+ 44 -4.6668493E-03
+ 45 -5.0416694E-03
+ 46 -5.3841796E-03
+ 47 -5.5799885E-03
+ 48 -5.5376336E-03
+ 49 -5.1067142E-03
+ 50 -3.8164655E-03
+ 51 -1.9206381E-03
+# shape_cos5 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -1.6686076E-03
+  3 -1.7291179E-03
+  4 -1.9432833E-04
+  5 -1.5723742E-04
+  6 -2.1293488E-04
+  7 -7.4876437E-05
+  8  2.9057202E-05
+  9  6.4880923E-05
+ 10  8.6340152E-05
+ 11 -4.2005052E-06
+ 12  7.2638545E-05
+ 13  1.7172884E-05
+ 14  4.7115133E-05
+ 15  3.0570066E-05
+ 16  2.9045823E-05
+ 17 -1.8440793E-05
+ 18  2.3033191E-05
+ 19  6.4178284E-05
+ 20  6.1991091E-05
+ 21  7.4889448E-05
+ 22  1.1644231E-04
+ 23  1.0976907E-04
+ 24  1.2894826E-04
+ 25  2.1329801E-04
+ 26  2.3173939E-04
+ 27  2.1931419E-04
+ 28  3.4684805E-04
+ 29  3.5928270E-04
+ 30  4.2427146E-04
+ 31  5.6437167E-04
+ 32  6.1752428E-04
+ 33  7.0951684E-04
+ 34  8.6114613E-04
+ 35  9.6813433E-04
+ 36  1.1767030E-03
+ 37  1.3409832E-03
+ 38  1.5058966E-03
+ 39  1.7253360E-03
+ 40  1.9822392E-03
+ 41  2.2783998E-03
+ 42  2.6235948E-03
+ 43  3.0218773E-03
+ 44  3.4673249E-03
+ 45  4.0177157E-03
+ 46  4.6866813E-03
+ 47  5.5055763E-03
+ 48  6.6880253E-03
+ 49  8.4605355E-03
+ 50  1.1802598E-02
+ 51  1.9623607E-02
+# shape_sin3 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -8.6174101E-04
+  3 -1.0121704E-03
+  4 -4.5903173E-04
+  5 -6.3115686E-05
+  6  1.8068944E-04
+  7  3.1460599E-06
+  8 -7.0396528E-06
+  9  2.2185279E-05
+ 10  5.3193396E-05
+ 11  7.4032006E-05
+ 12  1.1408441E-04
+ 13  1.7175761E-04
+ 14  2.3175854E-04
+ 15  2.9155998E-04
+ 16  3.7030448E-04
+ 17  4.1961370E-04
+ 18  4.9557390E-04
+ 19  5.5989864E-04
+ 20  6.2493275E-04
+ 21  7.0533546E-04
+ 22  7.6946780E-04
+ 23  8.5383728E-04
+ 24  9.2470654E-04
+ 25  9.6475890E-04
+ 26  1.0426836E-03
+ 27  1.0661877E-03
+ 28  1.1118927E-03
+ 29  1.1555423E-03
+ 30  1.1907524E-03
+ 31  1.1797284E-03
+ 32  1.1875101E-03
+ 33  1.1470858E-03
+ 34  1.1036803E-03
+ 35  1.0032067E-03
+ 36  8.7051876E-04
+ 37  7.4058418E-04
+ 38  4.3713863E-04
+ 39  1.4705411E-04
+ 40 -2.3997909E-04
+ 41 -7.5752281E-04
+ 42 -1.4406252E-03
+ 43 -2.3325247E-03
+ 44 -3.4425964E-03
+ 45 -4.8903361E-03
+ 46 -6.7487060E-03
+ 47 -9.1590902E-03
+ 48 -1.2264045E-02
+ 49 -1.6336579E-02
+ 50 -2.2407966E-02
+ 51 -2.9662811E-02
+# shape_sin4 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -1.2772357E-03
+  3 -1.7675920E-03
+  4 -1.4850910E-03
+  5 -1.2911004E-03
+  6 -3.1936954E-04
+  7 -1.2481510E-04
+  8  1.0973850E-05
+  9 -1.8172394E-04
+ 10 -1.1877783E-04
+ 11  9.9407715E-05
+ 12  3.2539887E-05
+ 13  2.2680471E-05
+ 14  6.4983447E-05
+ 15  8.0930971E-05
+ 16  9.4996451E-05
+ 17  8.6618189E-05
+ 18  1.4105954E-04
+ 19  1.8543707E-04
+ 20  1.4832549E-04
+ 21  1.6125162E-04
+ 22  1.9178624E-04
+ 23  1.8695766E-04
+ 24  2.7287772E-04
+ 25  3.4490734E-04
+ 26  3.4975902E-04
+ 27  4.3960223E-04
+ 28  4.9435114E-04
+ 29  5.6648854E-04
+ 30  6.3742052E-04
+ 31  7.1663703E-04
+ 32  8.1408943E-04
+ 33  8.9452887E-04
+ 34  1.0103125E-03
+ 35  1.0940340E-03
+ 36  1.2220224E-03
+ 37  1.3810620E-03
+ 38  1.4949321E-03
+ 39  1.6330969E-03
+ 40  1.8138950E-03
+ 41  1.9759347E-03
+ 42  2.1543208E-03
+ 43  2.3037424E-03
+ 44  2.4585387E-03
+ 45  2.5519276E-03
+ 46  2.5795906E-03
+ 47  2.4011944E-03
+ 48  1.8529624E-03
+ 49  5.4254208E-04
+ 50 -3.5496245E-03
+ 51 -1.5705378E-02
+# shape_sin5 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -9.5555924E-04
+  3 -1.2169631E-03
+  4 -7.9369855E-04
+  5 -2.8603214E-04
+  6 -2.2195911E-05
+  7 -1.4681529E-04
+  8 -1.1159945E-04
+  9 -5.1310794E-05
+ 10 -3.3284329E-05
+ 11 -4.4319232E-05
+ 12 -2.0160162E-05
+ 13  1.1393679E-06
+ 14  7.7251307E-06
+ 15  6.6351734E-06
+ 16  3.6664932E-05
+ 17  1.1003065E-05
+ 18  4.3235705E-05
+ 19  5.3916531E-05
+ 20  8.0163187E-05
+ 21  7.2006299E-05
+ 22  1.1566116E-04
+ 23  1.5384457E-04
+ 24  1.6129417E-04
+ 25  1.7838742E-04
+ 26  2.5404915E-04
+ 27  2.7685764E-04
+ 28  3.2798892E-04
+ 29  3.8724239E-04
+ 30  4.8251740E-04
+ 31  5.0951520E-04
+ 32  6.2652294E-04
+ 33  7.0850348E-04
+ 34  8.0627703E-04
+ 35  8.8579029E-04
+ 36  1.0113191E-03
+ 37  1.1206844E-03
+ 38  1.2438311E-03
+ 39  1.3746703E-03
+ 40  1.5390022E-03
+ 41  1.7256754E-03
+ 42  1.8979798E-03
+ 43  2.1067988E-03
+ 44  2.3917325E-03
+ 45  2.6976850E-03
+ 46  3.1371136E-03
+ 47  3.7456554E-03
+ 48  4.5363368E-03
+ 49  5.6171022E-03
+ 50  7.4212128E-03
+ 51  9.0051530E-03
+# ne | 10^19/m^3
+  1  3.4117000E+00
+  2  3.4074000E+00
+  3  3.3949000E+00
+  4  3.3746000E+00
+  5  3.3472000E+00
+  6  3.3132000E+00
+  7  3.2732000E+00
+  8  3.2277000E+00
+  9  3.1773000E+00
+ 10  3.1226000E+00
+ 11  3.0641000E+00
+ 12  3.0023000E+00
+ 13  2.9378000E+00
+ 14  2.8713000E+00
+ 15  2.8031000E+00
+ 16  2.7340000E+00
+ 17  2.6644000E+00
+ 18  2.5949000E+00
+ 19  2.5261000E+00
+ 20  2.4585000E+00
+ 21  2.3927000E+00
+ 22  2.3292000E+00
+ 23  2.2686000E+00
+ 24  2.2115000E+00
+ 25  2.1577000E+00
+ 26  2.1071000E+00
+ 27  2.0595000E+00
+ 28  2.0144000E+00
+ 29  1.9718000E+00
+ 30  1.9312000E+00
+ 31  1.8925000E+00
+ 32  1.8553000E+00
+ 33  1.8195000E+00
+ 34  1.7846000E+00
+ 35  1.7505000E+00
+ 36  1.7169000E+00
+ 37  1.6836000E+00
+ 38  1.6502000E+00
+ 39  1.6164000E+00
+ 40  1.5821000E+00
+ 41  1.5470000E+00
+ 42  1.5107000E+00
+ 43  1.4731000E+00
+ 44  1.4338000E+00
+ 45  1.3926000E+00
+ 46  1.3492000E+00
+ 47  1.3033000E+00
+ 48  1.2500000E+00
+ 49  1.1659000E+00
+ 50  1.0230000E+00
+ 51  8.1842000E-01
+# ni | 10^19/m^3
+  1  2.6675000E+00  2.5989000E-02
+  2  2.6642000E+00  2.5985000E-02
+  3  2.6517000E+00  2.5972000E-02
+  4  2.6414000E+00  2.5948000E-02
+  5  2.6291000E+00  2.5915000E-02
+  6  2.6154000E+00  2.5872000E-02
+  7  2.5992000E+00  2.5819000E-02
+  8  2.5800000E+00  2.5756000E-02
+  9  2.5574000E+00  2.5683000E-02
+ 10  2.5311000E+00  2.5599000E-02
+ 11  2.5009000E+00  2.5505000E-02
+ 12  2.4668000E+00  2.5400000E-02
+ 13  2.4288000E+00  2.5284000E-02
+ 14  2.3872000E+00  2.5157000E-02
+ 15  2.3425000E+00  2.5019000E-02
+ 16  2.2955000E+00  2.4869000E-02
+ 17  2.2467000E+00  2.4708000E-02
+ 18  2.1971000E+00  2.4535000E-02
+ 19  2.1474000E+00  2.4350000E-02
+ 20  2.0985000E+00  2.4153000E-02
+ 21  2.0508000E+00  2.3944000E-02
+ 22  2.0050000E+00  2.3723000E-02
+ 23  1.9616000E+00  2.3489000E-02
+ 24  1.9210000E+00  2.3242000E-02
+ 25  1.8830000E+00  2.2982000E-02
+ 26  1.8473000E+00  2.2710000E-02
+ 27  1.8135000E+00  2.2425000E-02
+ 28  1.7813000E+00  2.2126000E-02
+ 29  1.7504000E+00  2.1814000E-02
+ 30  1.7208000E+00  2.1488000E-02
+ 31  1.6923000E+00  2.1148000E-02
+ 32  1.6647000E+00  2.0794000E-02
+ 33  1.6380000E+00  2.0427000E-02
+ 34  1.6119000E+00  2.0045000E-02
+ 35  1.5863000E+00  1.9648000E-02
+ 36  1.5610000E+00  1.9237000E-02
+ 37  1.5357000E+00  1.8811000E-02
+ 38  1.5102000E+00  1.8365000E-02
+ 39  1.4841000E+00  1.7887000E-02
+ 40  1.4574000E+00  1.7369000E-02
+ 41  1.4296000E+00  1.6800000E-02
+ 42  1.4007000E+00  1.6168000E-02
+ 43  1.3703000E+00  1.5465000E-02
+ 44  1.3382000E+00  1.4680000E-02
+ 45  1.3036000E+00  1.4062000E-02
+ 46  1.2674000E+00  1.3206000E-02
+ 47  1.2270000E+00  1.2845000E-02
+ 48  1.1777000E+00  1.3073000E-02
+ 49  1.0952000E+00  1.4217000E-02
+ 50  9.5124000E-01  1.6607000E-02
+ 51  7.5384000E-01  1.6014000E-02
+# te | keV
+  1  2.6092000E+00
+  2  2.6032000E+00
+  3  2.5859000E+00
+  4  2.5581000E+00
+  5  2.5206000E+00
+  6  2.4743000E+00
+  7  2.4202000E+00
+  8  2.3589000E+00
+  9  2.2915000E+00
+ 10  2.2187000E+00
+ 11  2.1414000E+00
+ 12  2.0604000E+00
+ 13  1.9768000E+00
+ 14  1.8911000E+00
+ 15  1.8045000E+00
+ 16  1.7176000E+00
+ 17  1.6314000E+00
+ 18  1.5468000E+00
+ 19  1.4645000E+00
+ 20  1.3854000E+00
+ 21  1.3104000E+00
+ 22  1.2396000E+00
+ 23  1.1727000E+00
+ 24  1.1094000E+00
+ 25  1.0493000E+00
+ 26  9.9217000E-01
+ 27  9.3766000E-01
+ 28  8.8544000E-01
+ 29  8.3520000E-01
+ 30  7.8661000E-01
+ 31  7.3936000E-01
+ 32  6.9312000E-01
+ 33  6.4763000E-01
+ 34  6.0288000E-01
+ 35  5.5898000E-01
+ 36  5.1602000E-01
+ 37  4.7410000E-01
+ 38  4.3334000E-01
+ 39  3.9381000E-01
+ 40  3.5564000E-01
+ 41  3.1890000E-01
+ 42  2.8372000E-01
+ 43  2.5018000E-01
+ 44  2.1839000E-01
+ 45  1.8836000E-01
+ 46  1.5987000E-01
+ 47  1.3267000E-01
+ 48  1.0650000E-01
+ 49  8.1105000E-02
+ 50  5.6222000E-02
+ 51  3.1597000E-02
+# ti | keV
+  1  1.9414000E+00  1.9414000E+00
+  2  1.9368000E+00  1.9368000E+00
+  3  1.9234000E+00  1.9234000E+00
+  4  1.9020000E+00  1.9020000E+00
+  5  1.8732000E+00  1.8732000E+00
+  6  1.8379000E+00  1.8379000E+00
+  7  1.7967000E+00  1.7967000E+00
+  8  1.7504000E+00  1.7504000E+00
+  9  1.6997000E+00  1.6997000E+00
+ 10  1.6453000E+00  1.6453000E+00
+ 11  1.5880000E+00  1.5880000E+00
+ 12  1.5284000E+00  1.5284000E+00
+ 13  1.4674000E+00  1.4674000E+00
+ 14  1.4057000E+00  1.4057000E+00
+ 15  1.3439000E+00  1.3439000E+00
+ 16  1.2828000E+00  1.2828000E+00
+ 17  1.2232000E+00  1.2232000E+00
+ 18  1.1657000E+00  1.1657000E+00
+ 19  1.1112000E+00  1.1112000E+00
+ 20  1.0601000E+00  1.0601000E+00
+ 21  1.0128000E+00  1.0128000E+00
+ 22  9.6878000E-01  9.6878000E-01
+ 23  9.2789000E-01  9.2789000E-01
+ 24  8.8985000E-01  8.8985000E-01
+ 25  8.5439000E-01  8.5439000E-01
+ 26  8.2124000E-01  8.2124000E-01
+ 27  7.9013000E-01  7.9013000E-01
+ 28  7.6081000E-01  7.6081000E-01
+ 29  7.3300000E-01  7.3300000E-01
+ 30  7.0644000E-01  7.0644000E-01
+ 31  6.8087000E-01  6.8087000E-01
+ 32  6.5601000E-01  6.5601000E-01
+ 33  6.3160000E-01  6.3160000E-01
+ 34  6.0741000E-01  6.0741000E-01
+ 35  5.8331000E-01  5.8331000E-01
+ 36  5.5921000E-01  5.5921000E-01
+ 37  5.3503000E-01  5.3503000E-01
+ 38  5.1069000E-01  5.1069000E-01
+ 39  4.8609000E-01  4.8609000E-01
+ 40  4.6115000E-01  4.6115000E-01
+ 41  4.3579000E-01  4.3579000E-01
+ 42  4.0991000E-01  4.0991000E-01
+ 43  3.8344000E-01  3.8344000E-01
+ 44  3.5628000E-01  3.5628000E-01
+ 45  3.2845000E-01  3.2845000E-01
+ 46  3.0004000E-01  3.0004000E-01
+ 47  2.7114000E-01  2.7114000E-01
+ 48  2.4186000E-01  2.4186000E-01
+ 49  2.1228000E-01  2.1228000E-01
+ 50  1.8251000E-01  1.8251000E-01
+ 51  1.5264000E-01  1.5264000E-01
+# ptot | Pa
+  1  4.3033480E+04
+  2  4.2861074E+04
+  3  4.2359998E+04
+  4  4.1549665E+04
+  5  4.0470939E+04
+  6  3.9183409E+04
+  7  3.7737019E+04
+  8  3.6169367E+04
+  9  3.4525587E+04
+ 10  3.2821182E+04
+ 11  3.1083542E+04
+ 12  2.9322421E+04
+ 13  2.7555441E+04
+ 14  2.5793819E+04
+ 15  2.4045198E+04
+ 16  2.2326971E+04
+ 17  2.0653279E+04
+ 18  1.9045375E+04
+ 19  1.7516731E+04
+ 20  1.6082782E+04
+ 21  1.4746031E+04
+ 22  1.3499101E+04
+ 23  1.2331193E+04
+ 24  1.1241847E+04
+ 25  1.0232020E+04
+ 26  9.3020777E+03
+ 27  8.4547616E+03
+ 28  7.6898798E+03
+ 29  7.0039082E+03
+ 30  6.3858962E+03
+ 31  5.8237062E+03
+ 32  5.3099023E+03
+ 33  4.8383923E+03
+ 34  4.4029176E+03
+ 35  3.9976233E+03
+ 36  3.6203514E+03
+ 37  3.2694678E+03
+ 38  2.9431280E+03
+ 39  2.6397924E+03
+ 40  2.3578522E+03
+ 41  2.0956702E+03
+ 42  1.8522457E+03
+ 43  1.6268256E+03
+ 44  1.4168086E+03
+ 45  1.2206975E+03
+ 46  1.0353152E+03
+ 47  8.5821121E+02
+ 48  6.8600722E+02
+ 49  5.1845035E+02
+ 50  3.4947481E+02
+ 51  2.1623875E+02
+# fpol | T-m
+  1 -3.5653184E+00
+  2 -3.5653417E+00
+  3 -3.5654056E+00
+  4 -3.5654958E+00
+  5 -3.5655881E+00
+  6 -3.5656502E+00
+  7 -3.5656451E+00
+  8 -3.5655412E+00
+  9 -3.5653062E+00
+ 10 -3.5649106E+00
+ 11 -3.5643284E+00
+ 12 -3.5635349E+00
+ 13 -3.5625156E+00
+ 14 -3.5612590E+00
+ 15 -3.5597555E+00
+ 16 -3.5580072E+00
+ 17 -3.5560183E+00
+ 18 -3.5538070E+00
+ 19 -3.5513868E+00
+ 20 -3.5487843E+00
+ 21 -3.5460260E+00
+ 22 -3.5431455E+00
+ 23 -3.5401763E+00
+ 24 -3.5371645E+00
+ 25 -3.5341510E+00
+ 26 -3.5311691E+00
+ 27 -3.5282572E+00
+ 28 -3.5254447E+00
+ 29 -3.5227609E+00
+ 30 -3.5202297E+00
+ 31 -3.5178671E+00
+ 32 -3.5156853E+00
+ 33 -3.5136926E+00
+ 34 -3.5118964E+00
+ 35 -3.5102954E+00
+ 36 -3.5088900E+00
+ 37 -3.5076745E+00
+ 38 -3.5066392E+00
+ 39 -3.5057735E+00
+ 40 -3.5050644E+00
+ 41 -3.5044953E+00
+ 42 -3.5040491E+00
+ 43 -3.5037073E+00
+ 44 -3.5034481E+00
+ 45 -3.5032517E+00
+ 46 -3.5030973E+00
+ 47 -3.5029660E+00
+ 48 -3.5028400E+00
+ 49 -3.5027052E+00
+ 50 -3.5025491E+00
+ 51 -3.5024217E+00
+# johm | MA/m^2
+  1 -1.1953000E+00
+  2 -1.1570000E+00
+  3 -1.0442000E+00
+  4 -9.4245000E-01
+  5 -8.6780000E-01
+  6 -8.1456000E-01
+  7 -7.7295000E-01
+  8 -7.5090000E-01
+  9 -7.5010000E-01
+ 10 -7.6263000E-01
+ 11 -7.8536000E-01
+ 12 -8.1480000E-01
+ 13 -8.4755000E-01
+ 14 -8.7975000E-01
+ 15 -9.0920000E-01
+ 16 -9.3379000E-01
+ 17 -9.5255000E-01
+ 18 -9.6398000E-01
+ 19 -9.6869000E-01
+ 20 -9.6762000E-01
+ 21 -9.6259000E-01
+ 22 -9.5436000E-01
+ 23 -9.4037000E-01
+ 24 -9.1966000E-01
+ 25 -8.9107000E-01
+ 26 -8.5618000E-01
+ 27 -8.1493000E-01
+ 28 -7.6997000E-01
+ 29 -7.2289000E-01
+ 30 -6.7533000E-01
+ 31 -6.2767000E-01
+ 32 -5.7849000E-01
+ 33 -5.3018000E-01
+ 34 -4.8274000E-01
+ 35 -4.3626000E-01
+ 36 -3.9110000E-01
+ 37 -3.4755000E-01
+ 38 -3.0593000E-01
+ 39 -2.6672000E-01
+ 40 -2.3051000E-01
+ 41 -1.9769000E-01
+ 42 -1.6870000E-01
+ 43 -1.4435000E-01
+ 44 -1.2565000E-01
+ 45 -1.1347000E-01
+ 46 -1.0885000E-01
+ 47 -1.1275000E-01
+ 48 -1.2520000E-01
+ 49 -1.4779000E-01
+ 50 -1.7991000E-01
+ 51 -2.2482000E-01
+# jbs | MA/m^2
+  1 -0.0000000E+00
+  2 -1.0825000E-02
+  3 -4.1698000E-02
+  4 -8.0059000E-02
+  5 -1.0950000E-01
+  6 -1.3077000E-01
+  7 -1.5058000E-01
+  8 -1.6272000E-01
+  9 -1.6433000E-01
+ 10 -1.6221000E-01
+ 11 -1.5784000E-01
+ 12 -1.5170000E-01
+ 13 -1.4444000E-01
+ 14 -1.3656000E-01
+ 15 -1.2831000E-01
+ 16 -1.1985000E-01
+ 17 -1.1133000E-01
+ 18 -1.0280000E-01
+ 19 -9.4286000E-02
+ 20 -8.5843000E-02
+ 21 -7.7659000E-02
+ 22 -6.9959000E-02
+ 23 -6.2835000E-02
+ 24 -5.6400000E-02
+ 25 -5.0791000E-02
+ 26 -4.6000000E-02
+ 27 -4.1936000E-02
+ 28 -3.8510000E-02
+ 29 -3.5648000E-02
+ 30 -3.3282000E-02
+ 31 -3.1345000E-02
+ 32 -2.9777000E-02
+ 33 -2.8483000E-02
+ 34 -2.7349000E-02
+ 35 -2.6319000E-02
+ 36 -2.5362000E-02
+ 37 -2.4442000E-02
+ 38 -2.3522000E-02
+ 39 -2.2565000E-02
+ 40 -2.1526000E-02
+ 41 -2.0361000E-02
+ 42 -1.9021000E-02
+ 43 -1.7461000E-02
+ 44 -1.5656000E-02
+ 45 -1.3616000E-02
+ 46 -1.1374000E-02
+ 47 -8.9815000E-03
+ 48 -6.5934000E-03
+ 49 -4.2982000E-03
+ 50 -2.1572000E-03
+ 51 -1.3647000E-04
+# jnb | MA/m^2
+  1 -2.2175000E-01
+  2 -2.4491000E-01
+  3 -3.1440000E-01
+  4 -3.5838000E-01
+  5 -3.7967000E-01
+  6 -3.8778000E-01
+  7 -3.8989000E-01
+  8 -3.8581000E-01
+  9 -3.7658000E-01
+ 10 -3.6337000E-01
+ 11 -3.4683000E-01
+ 12 -3.2824000E-01
+ 13 -3.0827000E-01
+ 14 -2.8812000E-01
+ 15 -2.6772000E-01
+ 16 -2.4735000E-01
+ 17 -2.2670000E-01
+ 18 -2.0671000E-01
+ 19 -1.8715000E-01
+ 20 -1.6863000E-01
+ 21 -1.5147000E-01
+ 22 -1.3536000E-01
+ 23 -1.2102000E-01
+ 24 -1.0758000E-01
+ 25 -9.5907000E-02
+ 26 -8.5157000E-02
+ 27 -7.6504000E-02
+ 28 -6.8780000E-02
+ 29 -6.2344000E-02
+ 30 -5.6834000E-02
+ 31 -5.1929000E-02
+ 32 -4.8861000E-02
+ 33 -4.5633000E-02
+ 34 -4.2601000E-02
+ 35 -3.9633000E-02
+ 36 -3.6376000E-02
+ 37 -3.2813000E-02
+ 38 -2.9085000E-02
+ 39 -2.5278000E-02
+ 40 -2.1351000E-02
+ 41 -1.7504000E-02
+ 42 -1.4009000E-02
+ 43 -1.0910000E-02
+ 44 -8.1329000E-03
+ 45 -5.8331000E-03
+ 46 -4.0408000E-03
+ 47 -2.7144000E-03
+ 48 -1.8134000E-03
+ 49 -1.2186000E-03
+ 50 -8.7869000E-04
+ 51 -5.2280000E-04
+# z_eff | -
+  1  1.2285000E+00
+  2  1.2288000E+00
+  3  1.2295000E+00
+  4  1.2307000E+00
+  5  1.2323000E+00
+  6  1.2343000E+00
+  7  1.2366000E+00
+  8  1.2394000E+00
+  9  1.2425000E+00
+ 10  1.2459000E+00
+ 11  1.2497000E+00
+ 12  1.2538000E+00
+ 13  1.2582000E+00
+ 14  1.2629000E+00
+ 15  1.2678000E+00
+ 16  1.2729000E+00
+ 17  1.2782000E+00
+ 18  1.2836000E+00
+ 19  1.2892000E+00
+ 20  1.2947000E+00
+ 21  1.3002000E+00
+ 22  1.3056000E+00
+ 23  1.3106000E+00
+ 24  1.3153000E+00
+ 25  1.3195000E+00
+ 26  1.3233000E+00
+ 27  1.3267000E+00
+ 28  1.3295000E+00
+ 29  1.3319000E+00
+ 30  1.3338000E+00
+ 31  1.3352000E+00
+ 32  1.3362000E+00
+ 33  1.3368000E+00
+ 34  1.3370000E+00
+ 35  1.3367000E+00
+ 36  1.3361000E+00
+ 37  1.3352000E+00
+ 38  1.3339000E+00
+ 39  1.3320000E+00
+ 40  1.3294000E+00
+ 41  1.3258000E+00
+ 42  1.3211000E+00
+ 43  1.3150000E+00
+ 44  1.3072000E+00
+ 45  1.2974000E+00
+ 46  1.2851000E+00
+ 47  1.2700000E+00
+ 48  1.2524000E+00
+ 49  1.2368000E+00
+ 50  1.2293000E+00
+ 51  1.2348000E+00
+# vpol | m/s
+  1  0.0000000E+00 -0.0000000E+00
+  2  0.0000000E+00 -3.9335675E-03
+  3  0.0000000E+00 -2.0279879E-02
+  4  0.0000000E+00 -3.2799789E-02
+  5  0.0000000E+00  3.3232792E-03
+  6  0.0000000E+00  1.5748218E-01
+  7  0.0000000E+00  5.3778947E-01
+  8  0.0000000E+00  1.2538282E+00
+  9  0.0000000E+00  2.4418203E+00
+ 10  0.0000000E+00  4.3065198E+00
+ 11  0.0000000E+00  7.0018802E+00
+ 12  0.0000000E+00  1.0746270E+01
+ 13  0.0000000E+00  1.5795700E+01
+ 14  0.0000000E+00  2.2418803E+01
+ 15  0.0000000E+00  3.0854404E+01
+ 16  0.0000000E+00  4.1356389E+01
+ 17  0.0000000E+00  5.4221264E+01
+ 18  0.0000000E+00  6.9758190E+01
+ 19  0.0000000E+00  8.8141364E+01
+ 20  0.0000000E+00  1.0955362E+02
+ 21  0.0000000E+00  1.3423835E+02
+ 22  0.0000000E+00  1.6245482E+02
+ 23  0.0000000E+00  1.9450518E+02
+ 24  0.0000000E+00  2.3035641E+02
+ 25  0.0000000E+00  2.7010299E+02
+ 26  0.0000000E+00  3.1385945E+02
+ 27  0.0000000E+00  3.6158851E+02
+ 28  0.0000000E+00  4.1331291E+02
+ 29  0.0000000E+00  4.6873262E+02
+ 30  0.0000000E+00  5.2645502E+02
+ 31  0.0000000E+00  5.8487948E+02
+ 32  0.0000000E+00  6.4238438E+02
+ 33  0.0000000E+00  6.9733635E+02
+ 34  0.0000000E+00  7.4803684E+02
+ 35  0.0000000E+00  7.9300178E+02
+ 36  0.0000000E+00  8.3068400E+02
+ 37  0.0000000E+00  8.5968975E+02
+ 38  0.0000000E+00  8.7830079E+02
+ 39  0.0000000E+00  8.8555357E+02
+ 40  0.0000000E+00  8.8048358E+02
+ 41  0.0000000E+00  8.6232598E+02
+ 42  0.0000000E+00  8.2977267E+02
+ 43  0.0000000E+00  7.8240777E+02
+ 44  0.0000000E+00  7.2303670E+02
+ 45  0.0000000E+00  6.5264081E+02
+ 46  0.0000000E+00  5.7460605E+02
+ 47  0.0000000E+00  4.9037853E+02
+ 48  0.0000000E+00  4.0185182E+02
+ 49  0.0000000E+00  3.0990991E+02
+ 50  0.0000000E+00  2.1086693E+02
+ 51  0.0000000E+00  1.2769000E+02
+# vtor | m/s
+  1  0.0000000E+00 -1.1338900E+05
+  2  0.0000000E+00 -1.1415743E+05
+  3  0.0000000E+00 -1.1477751E+05
+  4  0.0000000E+00 -1.1515934E+05
+  5  0.0000000E+00 -1.1534305E+05
+  6  0.0000000E+00 -1.1532557E+05
+  7  0.0000000E+00 -1.1510271E+05
+  8  0.0000000E+00 -1.1468976E+05
+  9  0.0000000E+00 -1.1408863E+05
+ 10  0.0000000E+00 -1.1329229E+05
+ 11  0.0000000E+00 -1.1231498E+05
+ 12  0.0000000E+00 -1.1115708E+05
+ 13  0.0000000E+00 -1.0982108E+05
+ 14  0.0000000E+00 -1.0830911E+05
+ 15  0.0000000E+00 -1.0662877E+05
+ 16  0.0000000E+00 -1.0478643E+05
+ 17  0.0000000E+00 -1.0278089E+05
+ 18  0.0000000E+00 -1.0061830E+05
+ 19  0.0000000E+00 -9.8301927E+04
+ 20  0.0000000E+00 -9.5839156E+04
+ 21  0.0000000E+00 -9.3236876E+04
+ 22  0.0000000E+00 -9.0520507E+04
+ 23  0.0000000E+00 -8.7715253E+04
+ 24  0.0000000E+00 -8.4859632E+04
+ 25  0.0000000E+00 -8.1983558E+04
+ 26  0.0000000E+00 -7.9112536E+04
+ 27  0.0000000E+00 -7.6281155E+04
+ 28  0.0000000E+00 -7.3520121E+04
+ 29  0.0000000E+00 -7.0864049E+04
+ 30  0.0000000E+00 -6.8324267E+04
+ 31  0.0000000E+00 -6.5887008E+04
+ 32  0.0000000E+00 -6.3539492E+04
+ 33  0.0000000E+00 -6.1269163E+04
+ 34  0.0000000E+00 -5.9067074E+04
+ 35  0.0000000E+00 -5.6918113E+04
+ 36  0.0000000E+00 -5.4813355E+04
+ 37  0.0000000E+00 -5.2741457E+04
+ 38  0.0000000E+00 -5.0688294E+04
+ 39  0.0000000E+00 -4.8641386E+04
+ 40  0.0000000E+00 -4.6589718E+04
+ 41  0.0000000E+00 -4.4519943E+04
+ 42  0.0000000E+00 -4.2420481E+04
+ 43  0.0000000E+00 -4.0287812E+04
+ 44  0.0000000E+00 -3.8118302E+04
+ 45  0.0000000E+00 -3.5917240E+04
+ 46  0.0000000E+00 -3.3685249E+04
+ 47  0.0000000E+00 -3.1432216E+04
+ 48  0.0000000E+00 -2.9153974E+04
+ 49  0.0000000E+00 -2.6853532E+04
+ 50  0.0000000E+00 -2.4409287E+04
+ 51  0.0000000E+00 -2.2354400E+04
+# qohme | MW/m^3
+  1  1.1036000E-02
+  2  1.0482000E-02
+  3  9.4228000E-03
+  4  8.6589000E-03
+  5  8.1249000E-03
+  6  7.7427000E-03
+  7  7.5330000E-03
+  8  7.6961000E-03
+  9  8.3161000E-03
+ 10  9.3282000E-03
+ 11  1.0761000E-02
+ 12  1.2634000E-02
+ 13  1.4948000E-02
+ 14  1.7670000E-02
+ 15  2.0764000E-02
+ 16  2.4158000E-02
+ 17  2.7774000E-02
+ 18  3.1490000E-02
+ 19  3.5228000E-02
+ 20  3.8947000E-02
+ 21  4.2682000E-02
+ 22  4.6389000E-02
+ 23  4.9748000E-02
+ 24  5.2454000E-02
+ 25  5.4231000E-02
+ 26  5.5035000E-02
+ 27  5.4778000E-02
+ 28  5.3641000E-02
+ 29  5.1830000E-02
+ 30  4.9553000E-02
+ 31  4.6845000E-02
+ 32  4.3605000E-02
+ 33  4.0107000E-02
+ 34  3.6426000E-02
+ 35  3.2597000E-02
+ 36  2.8690000E-02
+ 37  2.4794000E-02
+ 38  2.1005000E-02
+ 39  1.7439000E-02
+ 40  1.4208000E-02
+ 41  1.1389000E-02
+ 42  9.0453000E-03
+ 43  7.2423000E-03
+ 44  6.0351000E-03
+ 45  5.4773000E-03
+ 46  5.7264000E-03
+ 47  7.2188000E-03
+ 48  1.1061000E-02
+ 49  2.1145000E-02
+ 50  5.1036000E-02
+ 51  1.0974000E-01
+# qbeame | MW/m^3
+  1  2.1897000E-01
+  2  2.1896000E-01
+  3  2.2006000E-01
+  4  2.1816000E-01
+  5  2.1491000E-01
+  6  2.1012000E-01
+  7  2.0435000E-01
+  8  1.9784000E-01
+  9  1.9092000E-01
+ 10  1.8382000E-01
+ 11  1.7674000E-01
+ 12  1.6989000E-01
+ 13  1.6346000E-01
+ 14  1.5750000E-01
+ 15  1.5201000E-01
+ 16  1.4692000E-01
+ 17  1.4208000E-01
+ 18  1.3735000E-01
+ 19  1.3254000E-01
+ 20  1.2751000E-01
+ 21  1.2215000E-01
+ 22  1.1648000E-01
+ 23  1.1060000E-01
+ 24  1.0463000E-01
+ 25  9.8722000E-02
+ 26  9.3017000E-02
+ 27  8.7614000E-02
+ 28  8.2588000E-02
+ 29  7.7951000E-02
+ 30  7.3735000E-02
+ 31  6.9880000E-02
+ 32  6.6323000E-02
+ 33  6.2984000E-02
+ 34  5.9764000E-02
+ 35  5.6562000E-02
+ 36  5.3290000E-02
+ 37  4.9882000E-02
+ 38  4.6303000E-02
+ 39  4.2549000E-02
+ 40  3.8661000E-02
+ 41  3.4688000E-02
+ 42  3.0688000E-02
+ 43  2.6719000E-02
+ 44  2.2846000E-02
+ 45  1.9167000E-02
+ 46  1.5858000E-02
+ 47  1.3099000E-02
+ 48  1.1199000E-02
+ 49  1.0088000E-02
+ 50  1.0439000E-02
+ 51  1.0832000E-02
+# qbeami | MW/m^3
+  1  4.1709000E-01
+  2  4.1566000E-01
+  3  4.1334000E-01
+  4  4.0409000E-01
+  5  3.9117000E-01
+  6  3.7457000E-01
+  7  3.5551000E-01
+  8  3.3480000E-01
+  9  3.1329000E-01
+ 10  2.9166000E-01
+ 11  2.7048000E-01
+ 12  2.5010000E-01
+ 13  2.3075000E-01
+ 14  2.1254000E-01
+ 15  1.9554000E-01
+ 16  1.7970000E-01
+ 17  1.6492000E-01
+ 18  1.5108000E-01
+ 19  1.3804000E-01
+ 20  1.2572000E-01
+ 21  1.1408000E-01
+ 22  1.0310000E-01
+ 23  9.2812000E-02
+ 24  8.3248000E-02
+ 25  7.4454000E-02
+ 26  6.6459000E-02
+ 27  5.9271000E-02
+ 28  5.2854000E-02
+ 29  4.7174000E-02
+ 30  4.2111000E-02
+ 31  3.7595000E-02
+ 32  3.3531000E-02
+ 33  2.9824000E-02
+ 34  2.6402000E-02
+ 35  2.3211000E-02
+ 36  2.0217000E-02
+ 37  1.7406000E-02
+ 38  1.4779000E-02
+ 39  1.2354000E-02
+ 40  1.0142000E-02
+ 41  8.1611000E-03
+ 42  6.4228000E-03
+ 43  4.9247000E-03
+ 44  3.6659000E-03
+ 45  2.6376000E-03
+ 46  1.8367000E-03
+ 47  1.2425000E-03
+ 48  8.3562000E-04
+ 49  5.5438000E-04
+ 50  3.7937000E-04
+ 51  2.0085000E-04
+# qbrem | MW/m^3
+  1 -1.1832000E-03
+  2 -1.1796400E-03
+  3 -1.1687600E-03
+  4 -1.1535800E-03
+  5 -1.1334900E-03
+  6 -1.1092400E-03
+  7 -1.0810100E-03
+  8 -1.0491800E-03
+  9 -1.0144200E-03
+ 10 -9.7711300E-04
+ 11 -9.3791800E-04
+ 12 -8.9738900E-04
+ 13 -8.5593300E-04
+ 14 -8.1398100E-04
+ 15 -7.7228200E-04
+ 16 -7.3131100E-04
+ 17 -6.9153400E-04
+ 18 -6.5335300E-04
+ 19 -6.1713900E-04
+ 20 -5.8319000E-04
+ 21 -5.5173900E-04
+ 22 -5.2286200E-04
+ 23 -4.9655500E-04
+ 24 -4.7281600E-04
+ 25 -4.5142900E-04
+ 26 -4.3214000E-04
+ 27 -4.1475400E-04
+ 28 -3.9907200E-04
+ 29 -3.8496800E-04
+ 30 -3.7236100E-04
+ 31 -3.6118700E-04
+ 32 -3.5149400E-04
+ 33 -3.4335500E-04
+ 34 -3.3690600E-04
+ 35 -3.3235400E-04
+ 36 -3.2997100E-04
+ 37 -3.3015900E-04
+ 38 -3.3338800E-04
+ 39 -3.4030600E-04
+ 40 -3.5177900E-04
+ 41 -3.6914600E-04
+ 42 -3.9434500E-04
+ 43 -4.3034000E-04
+ 44 -4.8165000E-04
+ 45 -5.5588000E-04
+ 46 -6.2287000E-04
+ 47 -8.8692000E-04
+ 48 -1.1927000E-03
+ 49 -1.0072400E-03
+ 50 -2.4594000E-04
+ 51  1.3598000E-04
+# qei | MW/m^3
+  1  2.9832000E-02
+  2  2.9801000E-02
+  3  2.9677000E-02
+  4  2.9567000E-02
+  5  2.9426000E-02
+  6  2.9259000E-02
+  7  2.9051000E-02
+  8  2.8799000E-02
+  9  2.8497000E-02
+ 10  2.8145000E-02
+ 11  2.7738000E-02
+ 12  2.7275000E-02
+ 13  2.6751000E-02
+ 14  2.6160000E-02
+ 15  2.5499000E-02
+ 16  2.4762000E-02
+ 17  2.3945000E-02
+ 18  2.3040000E-02
+ 19  2.2044000E-02
+ 20  2.0950000E-02
+ 21  1.9791000E-02
+ 22  1.8598000E-02
+ 23  1.7378000E-02
+ 24  1.6135000E-02
+ 25  1.4864000E-02
+ 26  1.3551000E-02
+ 27  1.2185000E-02
+ 28  1.0750000E-02
+ 29  9.2308000E-03
+ 30  7.6057000E-03
+ 31  5.8497000E-03
+ 32  3.9297000E-03
+ 33  1.8059000E-03
+ 34 -5.4601000E-04
+ 35 -3.1575000E-03
+ 36 -6.0686000E-03
+ 37 -9.3259000E-03
+ 38 -1.2982000E-02
+ 39 -1.7099000E-02
+ 40 -2.1746000E-02
+ 41 -2.7003000E-02
+ 42 -3.2963000E-02
+ 43 -3.9730000E-02
+ 44 -4.7425000E-02
+ 45 -5.6264000E-02
+ 46 -6.6921000E-02
+ 47 -8.0566000E-02
+ 48 -9.9043000E-02
+ 49 -1.2285000E-01
+ 50 -1.5279000E-01
+ 51 -2.1316000E-01
+# qione | MW/m^3
+  1 -1.1050000E-04
+  2 -1.1026000E-04
+  3 -1.0964000E-04
+  4 -1.0892000E-04
+  5 -1.0791000E-04
+  6 -1.0666000E-04
+  7 -1.0519000E-04
+  8 -1.0352000E-04
+  9 -1.0168000E-04
+ 10 -9.9687000E-05
+ 11 -9.7582000E-05
+ 12 -9.5391000E-05
+ 13 -9.3137000E-05
+ 14 -9.0839000E-05
+ 15 -8.8518000E-05
+ 16 -8.6189000E-05
+ 17 -8.3866000E-05
+ 18 -8.1567000E-05
+ 19 -7.9301000E-05
+ 20 -7.7080000E-05
+ 21 -7.4911000E-05
+ 22 -7.2828000E-05
+ 23 -7.0875000E-05
+ 24 -6.9094000E-05
+ 25 -6.7501000E-05
+ 26 -6.6100000E-05
+ 27 -6.4896000E-05
+ 28 -6.3898000E-05
+ 29 -6.3112000E-05
+ 30 -6.2549000E-05
+ 31 -6.2223000E-05
+ 32 -6.2156000E-05
+ 33 -6.2375000E-05
+ 34 -6.2914000E-05
+ 35 -6.3816000E-05
+ 36 -6.5139000E-05
+ 37 -6.6981000E-05
+ 38 -6.9472000E-05
+ 39 -7.2794000E-05
+ 40 -7.7231000E-05
+ 41 -8.3204000E-05
+ 42 -9.1315000E-05
+ 43 -1.0255000E-04
+ 44 -1.1846000E-04
+ 45 -1.4145000E-04
+ 46 -1.7536000E-04
+ 47 -2.2628000E-04
+ 48 -3.0460000E-04
+ 49 -4.1866000E-04
+ 50 -5.3520000E-04
+ 51 -6.2468000E-04
+# qioni | MW/m^3
+  1  8.8186000E-03
+  2  8.8308000E-03
+  3  8.7304000E-03
+  4  8.6071000E-03
+  5  8.4217000E-03
+  6  8.1876000E-03
+  7  7.9188000E-03
+  8  7.6216000E-03
+  9  7.3020000E-03
+ 10  6.9676000E-03
+ 11  6.6253000E-03
+ 12  6.2815000E-03
+ 13  5.9410000E-03
+ 14  5.6080000E-03
+ 15  5.2858000E-03
+ 16  4.9766000E-03
+ 17  4.6821000E-03
+ 18  4.4034000E-03
+ 19  4.1405000E-03
+ 20  3.8930000E-03
+ 21  3.6606000E-03
+ 22  3.4437000E-03
+ 23  3.2432000E-03
+ 24  3.0597000E-03
+ 25  2.8929000E-03
+ 26  2.7422000E-03
+ 27  2.6071000E-03
+ 28  2.4869000E-03
+ 29  2.3809000E-03
+ 30  2.2884000E-03
+ 31  2.2086000E-03
+ 32  2.1411000E-03
+ 33  2.0855000E-03
+ 34  2.0414000E-03
+ 35  2.0086000E-03
+ 36  1.9872000E-03
+ 37  1.9775000E-03
+ 38  1.9801000E-03
+ 39  1.9957000E-03
+ 40  2.0256000E-03
+ 41  2.0712000E-03
+ 42  2.1340000E-03
+ 43  2.2156000E-03
+ 44  2.3173000E-03
+ 45  2.4399000E-03
+ 46  2.5839000E-03
+ 47  2.7460000E-03
+ 48  2.8945000E-03
+ 49  2.9183000E-03
+ 50  2.6210000E-03
+ 51  1.6946000E-03
+# qcxi | MW/m^3
+  1 -2.2892000E-02
+  2 -2.2477000E-02
+  3 -2.2168000E-02
+  4 -2.1410000E-02
+  5 -2.0436000E-02
+  6 -1.9258000E-02
+  7 -1.7924000E-02
+  8 -1.6491000E-02
+  9 -1.5015000E-02
+ 10 -1.3540000E-02
+ 11 -1.2100000E-02
+ 12 -1.0726000E-02
+ 13 -9.4382000E-03
+ 14 -8.2532000E-03
+ 15 -7.1792000E-03
+ 16 -6.2183000E-03
+ 17 -5.3677000E-03
+ 18 -4.6238000E-03
+ 19 -3.9797000E-03
+ 20 -3.4283000E-03
+ 21 -2.9539000E-03
+ 22 -2.5399000E-03
+ 23 -2.1654000E-03
+ 24 -1.8472000E-03
+ 25 -1.5765000E-03
+ 26 -1.3512000E-03
+ 27 -1.1826000E-03
+ 28 -1.0490000E-03
+ 29 -9.4411000E-04
+ 30 -8.6403000E-04
+ 31 -8.0447000E-04
+ 32 -7.6168000E-04
+ 33 -7.3263000E-04
+ 34 -7.1519000E-04
+ 35 -7.0899000E-04
+ 36 -7.1509000E-04
+ 37 -7.3686000E-04
+ 38 -7.7865000E-04
+ 39 -8.4606000E-04
+ 40 -9.4906000E-04
+ 41 -1.1008000E-03
+ 42 -1.3176000E-03
+ 43 -1.6278000E-03
+ 44 -2.0716000E-03
+ 45 -2.7030000E-03
+ 46 -3.5986000E-03
+ 47 -4.8611000E-03
+ 48 -6.7027000E-03
+ 49 -9.2590000E-03
+ 50 -1.1662000E-02
+ 51 -1.5583000E-02
+# qpar_beam | 1/m^3/s
+  1  3.3046000E+19
+  2  3.2965000E+19
+  3  3.2892000E+19
+  4  3.2298000E+19
+  5  3.1429000E+19
+  6  3.0278000E+19
+  7  2.8946000E+19
+  8  2.7489000E+19
+  9  2.5974000E+19
+ 10  2.4446000E+19
+ 11  2.2949000E+19
+ 12  2.1511000E+19
+ 13  2.0155000E+19
+ 14  1.8889000E+19
+ 15  1.7719000E+19
+ 16  1.6634000E+19
+ 17  1.5627000E+19
+ 18  1.4679000E+19
+ 19  1.3774000E+19
+ 20  1.2903000E+19
+ 21  1.2063000E+19
+ 22  1.1265000E+19
+ 23  1.0570000E+19
+ 24  9.8877000E+18
+ 25  9.2405000E+18
+ 26  8.6253000E+18
+ 27  7.9684000E+18
+ 28  7.3589000E+18
+ 29  6.8075000E+18
+ 30  6.3109000E+18
+ 31  5.8640000E+18
+ 32  5.4584000E+18
+ 33  5.0836000E+18
+ 34  4.7303000E+18
+ 35  4.3898000E+18
+ 36  4.0553000E+18
+ 37  3.7220000E+18
+ 38  3.3885000E+18
+ 39  3.0555000E+18
+ 40  2.7250000E+18
+ 41  2.4008000E+18
+ 42  2.0880000E+18
+ 43  1.7893000E+18
+ 44  1.5077000E+18
+ 45  1.2486000E+18
+ 46  1.0219000E+18
+ 47  8.3672000E+17
+ 48  7.1069000E+17
+ 49  6.3781000E+17
+ 50  6.5576000E+17
+ 51  6.7349000E+17
+# qpar_wall | 1/m^3/s
+  1  2.3195000E+19
+  2  2.3130000E+19
+  3  2.2998000E+19
+  4  2.2829000E+19
+  5  2.2569000E+19
+  6  2.2234000E+19
+  7  2.1844000E+19
+  8  2.1407000E+19
+  9  2.0933000E+19
+ 10  2.0434000E+19
+ 11  1.9920000E+19
+ 12  1.9400000E+19
+ 13  1.8882000E+19
+ 14  1.8372000E+19
+ 15  1.7876000E+19
+ 16  1.7395000E+19
+ 17  1.6931000E+19
+ 18  1.6484000E+19
+ 19  1.6052000E+19
+ 20  1.5634000E+19
+ 21  1.5227000E+19
+ 22  1.4835000E+19
+ 23  1.4470000E+19
+ 24  1.4141000E+19
+ 25  1.3855000E+19
+ 26  1.3617000E+19
+ 27  1.3435000E+19
+ 28  1.3315000E+19
+ 29  1.3263000E+19
+ 30  1.3286000E+19
+ 31  1.3393000E+19
+ 32  1.3593000E+19
+ 33  1.3900000E+19
+ 34  1.4333000E+19
+ 35  1.4913000E+19
+ 36  1.5671000E+19
+ 37  1.6654000E+19
+ 38  1.7925000E+19
+ 39  1.9569000E+19
+ 40  2.1718000E+19
+ 41  2.4565000E+19
+ 42  2.8383000E+19
+ 43  3.3619000E+19
+ 44  4.0969000E+19
+ 45  5.1519000E+19
+ 46  6.6969000E+19
+ 47  9.0067000E+19
+ 48  1.2552000E+20
+ 49  1.7744000E+20
+ 50  2.3138000E+20
+ 51  2.7384000E+20
+# qmom | Nm
+  1 -6.0014000E-01
+  2 -5.9862000E-01
+  3 -5.9568000E-01
+  4 -5.8408000E-01
+  5 -5.6967000E-01
+  6 -5.5033000E-01
+  7 -5.2758000E-01
+  8 -5.0234000E-01
+  9 -4.7561000E-01
+ 10 -4.4860000E-01
+ 11 -4.2204000E-01
+ 12 -3.9617000E-01
+ 13 -3.7136000E-01
+ 14 -3.4851000E-01
+ 15 -3.2777000E-01
+ 16 -3.0838000E-01
+ 17 -2.9011000E-01
+ 18 -2.7274000E-01
+ 19 -2.5591000E-01
+ 20 -2.3970000E-01
+ 21 -2.2402000E-01
+ 22 -2.0866000E-01
+ 23 -1.9370000E-01
+ 24 -1.7926000E-01
+ 25 -1.6543000E-01
+ 26 -1.5251000E-01
+ 27 -1.4085000E-01
+ 28 -1.3025000E-01
+ 29 -1.2058000E-01
+ 30 -1.1179000E-01
+ 31 -1.0387000E-01
+ 32 -9.6717000E-02
+ 33 -9.0075000E-02
+ 34 -8.3745000E-02
+ 35 -7.7585000E-02
+ 36 -7.1519000E-02
+ 37 -6.5412000E-02
+ 38 -5.9285000E-02
+ 39 -5.3193000E-02
+ 40 -4.7189000E-02
+ 41 -4.1336000E-02
+ 42 -3.5704000E-02
+ 43 -3.0341000E-02
+ 44 -2.5316000E-02
+ 45 -2.0710000E-02
+ 46 -1.6691000E-02
+ 47 -1.3411000E-02
+ 48 -1.1130000E-02
+ 49 -9.7016000E-03
+ 50 -9.7191000E-03
+ 51 -9.7779000E-03
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.gacode.geo b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.gacode.geo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13c6400ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/input.gacode.geo
@@ -0,0 +1,5110 @@
+# input.gacode.geo
+# File format:
+# nfourier
+# a[4,0:nfourier,nx]
+# NOTE: nx=EXPRO_n_exp is defined in input.gacode
+          24
+ 3.4209251825000E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3387350525000E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 3.4207547947584E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3368974701745E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.4119927227507E-02
+ 1.6940602140694E-04
+ 1.6925176547355E-02
+ 1.1717931307867E-05
+ 3.7303423953376E-06
+ 2.9542073975241E-06
+ 9.4907567304290E-05
+ 4.2195666610494E-06
+ 1.4281022357965E-06
+ 5.0957437546912E-06
+ 3.7051891187218E-05
+ 1.3406178164794E-05
+ 4.0333908812262E-05
+ 6.1392482125029E-07
+ 2.6013398501339E-06
+ 1.1370780109078E-07
+ 1.3724609966451E-07
+ 1.2272695653270E-07
+ 5.1099803190563E-07
+ 4.2849059476525E-07
+ 5.2863859345202E-07
+ 3.3096561629323E-08
+ 8.2290992114282E-08
+ 1.0998822193466E-09
+ 8.0896360721386E-09
+ 1.1851400470303E-08
+ 8.2149758134544E-10
+ 1.4291361315761E-08
+ 9.1811782618637E-09
+ 2.5613102439685E-09
+ 2.7922457838724E-09
+ 8.0270720554009E-10
+ 2.3937068400631E-09
+ 8.7455142660337E-10
+ 2.6168912883963E-10
+ 3.9907152493142E-11
+ 4.2828402425777E-10
+ 2.1085556439361E-10
+ 3.4202816591159E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3341279936889E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 2.8083740636664E-02
+ 3.2141831362921E-04
+ 3.3644476956441E-02
+ 5.2869627523801E-05
+ 9.3537428007229E-06
+ 8.1667848231459E-06
+ 1.8737090368456E-04
+ 1.8270062032199E-05
+ 5.3500363958658E-06
+ 2.3774695314712E-05
+ 7.2131076564659E-05
+ 2.6403255355720E-05
+ 7.9749177289339E-05
+ 1.0956856831472E-06
+ 5.1768453337425E-06
+ 7.1756593534925E-07
+ 1.5940022592916E-07
+ 5.6094617502646E-07
+ 1.1103458345794E-06
+ 8.6374776877386E-07
+ 1.1299807832570E-06
+ 1.2064435668460E-07
+ 1.6903067213570E-07
+ 3.8617733097972E-08
+ 2.8400961861106E-08
+ 3.6197232808688E-08
+ 1.0482183987725E-09
+ 5.3582307407318E-09
+ 5.0302706779125E-09
+ 2.5968265614871E-08
+ 1.1528091586443E-09
+ 1.8836980967182E-09
+ 2.8628717652181E-09
+ 8.8626019776559E-10
+ 3.5651915980872E-09
+ 2.1490414494085E-09
+ 5.9261896934497E-10
+ 7.3141660200927E-10
+ 3.3446578150087E-09
+ 3.4195049604890E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3375374171963E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 4.2114670946759E-02
+ 4.8698684108167E-04
+ 5.0467768307670E-02
+ 1.2174717297524E-04
+ 9.3002276961425E-06
+ 1.0337892121667E-05
+ 2.8332175060965E-04
+ 4.0734607725978E-05
+ 7.4839807968127E-06
+ 5.6138347400020E-05
+ 1.0879558998880E-04
+ 4.0170692036967E-05
+ 1.2131979610865E-04
+ 2.6277404628869E-06
+ 7.9768151865649E-06
+ 1.8727885353892E-06
+ 1.0708117155596E-06
+ 1.5965461509810E-06
+ 1.5445712369094E-06
+ 1.3149104460091E-06
+ 1.6742578929584E-06
+ 1.8778558839956E-07
+ 2.5415911224784E-07
+ 2.6697406544955E-08
+ 6.2512141154088E-09
+ 1.2516629598062E-08
+ 3.5192776040152E-08
+ 1.4704400786015E-08
+ 2.2782595942845E-08
+ 1.6013235647221E-08
+ 6.8164143040199E-08
+ 1.1993367420104E-08
+ 7.7181852355938E-09
+ 1.0540458778900E-08
+ 1.5331627802308E-08
+ 1.4104178123491E-08
+ 6.5785997932781E-10
+ 7.6702366698925E-09
+ 6.9119164630357E-09
+ 2.3279093238344E-08
+ 1.7519085449417E-09
+ 3.7359028056603E-10
+ 7.8469821808954E-09
+ 3.4184275760888E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3446725216003E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 5.6141543598497E-02
+ 6.5513449230172E-04
+ 6.7332230248883E-02
+ 2.1779705604462E-04
+ 1.1510126140150E-05
+ 1.4966254562161E-05
+ 3.8197802452129E-04
+ 7.3212297502178E-05
+ 8.9293536406775E-06
+ 1.0016238954982E-04
+ 1.4882835951242E-04
+ 5.4791868259913E-05
+ 1.6491550844823E-04
+ 5.7287579067348E-06
+ 1.0942101234419E-05
+ 3.1643050920977E-06
+ 2.3849093341049E-06
+ 3.5589891877361E-06
+ 1.6383577842433E-06
+ 1.7703937580643E-06
+ 2.0942626531130E-06
+ 3.3914886724507E-07
+ 3.3776007887082E-07
+ 1.1396127748162E-07
+ 7.2688110851933E-08
+ 4.1601611924024E-08
+ 4.8643570407622E-08
+ 1.5338668665533E-08
+ 5.8909255616389E-08
+ 1.3208685429199E-07
+ 2.8153689682893E-09
+ 2.4095278969340E-08
+ 3.0313508219923E-08
+ 7.5244722432594E-09
+ 1.1718605053651E-08
+ 4.3004150874084E-08
+ 1.6520051239293E-09
+ 4.5918659697262E-10
+ 1.1172376581351E-08
+ 2.5965065830544E-09
+ 4.9630911685762E-09
+ 8.1151794740510E-09
+ 3.4170769278818E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3534545730341E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 7.0078975961214E-02
+ 8.1593893862700E-04
+ 8.4135793109434E-02
+ 3.4179828367057E-04
+ 1.7541253265908E-05
+ 2.3184957542976E-05
+ 4.8195346108395E-04
+ 1.1550665866922E-04
+ 1.1481862564655E-05
+ 1.5637994481357E-04
+ 1.9029707378121E-04
+ 7.0093187676861E-05
+ 2.0930470556424E-04
+ 9.9319786112433E-06
+ 1.3991200206398E-05
+ 4.7600045295859E-06
+ 3.4863168386487E-06
+ 5.7874248547641E-06
+ 1.8819829095412E-06
+ 2.2162269225323E-06
+ 2.4753150646518E-06
+ 7.4734576444562E-07
+ 4.1502573413008E-07
+ 1.3238787157501E-07
+ 3.6817273110732E-07
+ 4.3080302696235E-08
+ 5.7346911751342E-08
+ 1.3226288609629E-08
+ 8.2082121868930E-08
+ 5.9077511443063E-09
+ 1.1501936698467E-08
+ 4.9439177544658E-09
+ 4.7624139514145E-09
+ 3.1801682473816E-08
+ 7.1772856623947E-08
+ 3.2221518811553E-08
+ 2.0514858508602E-08
+ 9.6975774089690E-09
+ 2.2467125120754E-08
+ 5.3513519905943E-09
+ 7.0842659944614E-09
+ 3.4154612307909E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3632488391851E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 8.4031249312383E-02
+ 9.6724981784724E-04
+ 1.0099828847045E-01
+ 4.9393507897785E-04
+ 2.6920022817262E-05
+ 3.4711184570672E-05
+ 5.8370593166917E-04
+ 1.6660677022105E-04
+ 1.5787694626990E-05
+ 2.2554226533644E-04
+ 2.3329551476849E-04
+ 8.6093835442888E-05
+ 2.5375373999635E-04
+ 1.4710484976765E-05
+ 1.7146818607159E-05
+ 7.0790631369901E-06
+ 4.6667612253592E-06
+ 8.4709809530659E-06
+ 2.1585026752546E-06
+ 2.6717034534558E-06
+ 2.7462007634812E-06
+ 9.8426974494875E-07
+ 4.6946519677948E-07
+ 1.6363967559786E-07
+ 4.5321759806192E-07
+ 2.8708293999833E-07
+ 5.0278151081576E-08
+ 7.3637021396535E-08
+ 3.5463371762826E-08
+ 1.1275760364116E-08
+ 5.2888376366530E-08
+ 6.7591452769622E-09
+ 6.9814566072631E-08
+ 1.0649825133684E-08
+ 1.5868317641787E-08
+ 6.5588213112170E-09
+ 5.1388899862255E-09
+ 3.1828756500526E-08
+ 2.4117044212485E-08
+ 9.8266468265663E-09
+ 3.4136028984424E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3751173232215E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 9.7976857421106E-02
+ 1.1125041785782E-03
+ 1.1788794855719E-01
+ 6.7485931502721E-04
+ 3.6136974816469E-05
+ 4.7213700442049E-05
+ 6.8770214570384E-04
+ 2.2712643822700E-04
+ 2.1937789816502E-05
+ 3.0782915152690E-04
+ 2.7657076204067E-04
+ 1.0279330971849E-04
+ 2.9883071960712E-04
+ 1.9033044965035E-05
+ 2.0634473289499E-05
+ 1.0337022828685E-05
+ 5.5570294160225E-06
+ 1.2004392192389E-05
+ 2.4506814226383E-06
+ 3.1835799503664E-06
+ 3.2597030698890E-06
+ 1.3783128965122E-06
+ 6.0506229061011E-07
+ 1.2091394811783E-07
+ 5.4464834156945E-07
+ 3.5887081980160E-07
+ 8.7345836475906E-08
+ 2.5077911596797E-08
+ 1.4462550552753E-08
+ 9.1193526566910E-08
+ 1.8533751822569E-09
+ 4.9765817448771E-09
+ 1.0318181024537E-07
+ 9.5553805284494E-09
+ 3.4967944501257E-08
+ 3.8748022650845E-08
+ 1.4954757738582E-09
+ 8.4816753923208E-09
+ 4.0355075773068E-08
+ 1.4378574346035E-08
+ 9.5782190158461E-09
+ 3.4115356713118E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3893006166935E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.1183913200315E-01
+ 1.2518434941632E-03
+ 1.3471197359455E-01
+ 8.8288613322761E-04
+ 4.4924531253556E-05
+ 6.0490052996847E-05
+ 7.9358166720848E-04
+ 2.9633107411302E-04
+ 2.8537664450517E-05
+ 4.0254562057452E-04
+ 3.2041447963734E-04
+ 1.2025294893106E-04
+ 3.4576663936586E-04
+ 2.4412877283038E-05
+ 2.4361276687136E-05
+ 1.3899711585165E-05
+ 6.5208911015324E-06
+ 1.5693915638563E-05
+ 3.1390860050521E-06
+ 3.8370056914070E-06
+ 3.7529851253752E-06
+ 2.3606789101430E-06
+ 5.6332294030262E-07
+ 2.1018501847290E-07
+ 8.2517150450782E-07
+ 3.1366341207033E-07
+ 3.7867528847943E-08
+ 2.9912053377525E-09
+ 1.2491954613611E-07
+ 3.9351176053274E-08
+ 2.4384872320240E-08
+ 8.2461103236547E-08
+ 3.5275881552326E-08
+ 2.1330385309295E-09
+ 3.9786945401483E-08
+ 5.7000497451217E-09
+ 2.3492137920844E-08
+ 2.7878183790687E-08
+ 4.7434068033778E-09
+ 1.5326723984121E-09
+ 3.4092708180745E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.4048194294207E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.2570511266136E-01
+ 1.3822234607286E-03
+ 1.5156777850644E-01
+ 1.1181691575729E-03
+ 5.5785445872805E-05
+ 7.6281452063707E-05
+ 9.0109396658365E-04
+ 3.7485639999778E-04
+ 3.4988365532090E-05
+ 5.0908840697484E-04
+ 3.6553430828504E-04
+ 1.3862219647393E-04
+ 3.9299999804462E-04
+ 3.1804528382597E-05
+ 2.7964974148357E-05
+ 1.7854400725509E-05
+ 8.4664903372600E-06
+ 1.9603373123281E-05
+ 3.5032082158085E-06
+ 4.3525882405258E-06
+ 3.2466592995796E-06
+ 3.0710689074755E-06
+ 4.8650198932783E-07
+ 2.5444993660412E-07
+ 2.4572167616317E-07
+ 1.0053572496374E-06
+ 5.9302431483695E-07
+ 2.9191114912343E-09
+ 2.8397820974639E-08
+ 8.7286651246455E-09
+ 2.8329900077146E-08
+ 1.2372814191170E-08
+ 2.5912367625555E-09
+ 6.2450304276049E-09
+ 4.5215685211956E-09
+ 2.4908908875771E-08
+ 2.8687299754836E-08
+ 2.2490770142992E-08
+ 3.4257203155031E-08
+ 1.4168917806516E-08
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+ 1.4811326551776E-08
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+ 3.4068377066487E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 4.3927212424302E-04
+ 3.9353262382141E-05
+ 3.1702286256177E-05
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+ 1.0872934964514E-05
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+ 2.6187108656417E-06
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+ 8.5080175669673E-07
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+ 1.5297800698280E-07
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+ 1.3384064523308E-08
+ 2.7336039683936E-08
+ 1.1080480533045E-08
+ 1.3834490290543E-08
+ 2.9871438388729E-08
+ 2.3146791360812E-08
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+ 2.1483570696760E-08
+ 8.6364455613208E-09
+ 1.3091776591737E-08
+ 1.4447421221236E-08
+ 3.4042486404797E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 5.0103188074972E-05
+ 7.5623333608118E-04
+ 4.5800141334805E-04
+ 1.7748202763105E-04
+ 4.8559958997543E-04
+ 4.7070407280995E-05
+ 3.5708189436618E-05
+ 2.6581114044762E-05
+ 1.3208484812135E-05
+ 2.9658452756858E-05
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+ 5.1766503451599E-06
+ 2.1905488588493E-06
+ 4.0710518408577E-06
+ 5.1210766121790E-07
+ 5.6180291376719E-07
+ 4.8829346534154E-07
+ 8.1695458144505E-07
+ 8.3995274963861E-07
+ 8.8221420552804E-07
+ 1.7015102860171E-09
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+ 3.1577647671677E-07
+ 5.1596975495474E-08
+ 1.7844679778304E-07
+ 4.9853123554035E-08
+ 5.5746848625853E-10
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+ 3.9500907813723E-09
+ 1.1219360446958E-08
+ 1.2368127728493E-08
+ 6.0149911973573E-09
+ 9.4192619727485E-09
+ 1.2873522603201E-08
+ 4.4312413960229E-10
+ 3.4015300893574E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 1.9803053162359E-04
+ 5.3187266949220E-04
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+ 3.1689840895794E-05
+ 1.5628212991092E-05
+ 3.5252750327892E-05
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+ 5.6485386945313E-06
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+ 7.6095036408179E-07
+ 9.4798931425784E-07
+ 1.0709201971186E-06
+ 8.6216222974911E-07
+ 1.4679920743416E-07
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+ 1.4375792190546E-07
+ 1.5577325074045E-07
+ 3.8805346072058E-08
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+ 1.3120449971663E-08
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+ 2.5710515268010E-09
+ 3.8245618203281E-09
+ 4.3505517306179E-09
+ 2.5378158179580E-09
+ 3.3986972326081E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 1.0172211630499E-08
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 1.0450824180508E-07
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+ 5.1277003405135E-08
+ 4.5840208711581E-08
+ 6.1436105162601E-08
+ 1.0185116235260E-07
+ 4.7041342529367E-08
+ 7.5257251611740E-09
+ 1.6636341202291E-07
+ 8.5522196936746E-08
+ 1.3950157622384E-07
+ 3.3690877135805E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 3.6928551525315E-01
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+ 2.4637406672849E-03
+ 2.1402422350051E-03
+ 1.3769913143123E-04
+ 2.8834049095066E-03
+ 1.0550888594661E-03
+ 4.7404874206751E-04
+ 1.0252470152268E-03
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+ 1.1272897067348E-04
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+ 1.2303995008154E-04
+ 1.0041808458100E-05
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+ 1.7829692715107E-06
+ 9.7745044641191E-06
+ 1.8334009262868E-06
+ 4.4431949012795E-06
+ 1.2786778149596E-06
+ 2.1395725510257E-06
+ 3.2813957862888E-07
+ 1.0427788371719E-06
+ 7.2407511704548E-07
+ 3.9154545516151E-07
+ 7.1698680721699E-07
+ 5.3522339425181E-07
+ 1.1886059583198E-07
+ 1.7373882042713E-08
+ 3.1244811544131E-07
+ 1.6824008922177E-07
+ 1.9203072803907E-07
+ 1.0973833518359E-07
+ 1.6875550338403E-07
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+ 2.6853964985076E-08
+ 5.4235374712050E-08
+ 1.0210094696667E-08
+ 6.8746159795686E-08
+ 1.6293931290339E-08
+ 8.6673444677460E-08
+ 1.0261000685864E-07
+ 1.4235864842527E-08
+ 5.4696799749981E-08
+ 1.7144146664751E-07
+ 3.3653760909473E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 3.8600278783354E-01
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+ 4.1832069581800E-04
+ 2.6103926788342E-03
+ 2.3363043448456E-03
+ 1.4431548570013E-04
+ 3.1526185805314E-03
+ 1.1275056539791E-03
+ 5.1347216345901E-04
+ 1.0845651963913E-03
+ 1.9423763780104E-04
+ 1.0070965288366E-04
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+ 1.3713316942903E-04
+ 1.0564525257976E-05
+ 2.2479751928455E-05
+ 1.0132649804375E-05
+ 2.3306552108839E-06
+ 1.1857755284157E-05
+ 1.8139624360035E-06
+ 5.1132060492118E-06
+ 1.3759474160303E-06
+ 2.3849843161922E-06
+ 5.2550343581406E-07
+ 8.4936590563622E-07
+ 6.7982461910977E-07
+ 5.3909210528872E-07
+ 8.7074284619036E-07
+ 7.5912525333211E-07
+ 7.3897034189787E-08
+ 9.6158338165406E-08
+ 2.0147308032131E-07
+ 1.5545651368643E-07
+ 5.2466177360800E-08
+ 3.7383010783815E-08
+ 6.7412618453710E-08
+ 3.0047708482155E-08
+ 9.3208131240615E-08
+ 1.1798919331656E-07
+ 1.2893015586423E-07
+ 6.8098602281562E-09
+ 4.9820521455860E-08
+ 8.1886147418760E-08
+ 4.2127867770049E-08
+ 9.4344057814995E-08
+ 2.7490184475838E-08
+ 3.3615707591407E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 2.5420962503222E-03
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+ 3.4377355495752E-03
+ 1.2045263027069E-03
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+ 1.1465525527395E-03
+ 2.1190135596088E-04
+ 1.0893551193497E-04
+ 1.4061196342827E-04
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+ 2.5090932668067E-05
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+ 1.8641735909008E-06
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+ 1.4810807189423E-06
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+ 7.0687051355131E-07
+ 9.7988065445680E-07
+ 7.1813895561400E-07
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+ 2.8678352590878E-07
+ 1.0608729631429E-07
+ 1.0315096072060E-07
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+ 3.8964300970042E-08
+ 1.4972227752321E-08
+ 4.0207535559705E-08
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+ 1.0350776232970E-07
+ 1.7575462009411E-08
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+ 3.2262939014950E-08
+ 1.2490157777973E-08
+ 2.8366219852287E-09
+ 3.3576562247722E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 1.0496018818068E-07
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 2.0312258972211E-07
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+ 6.1228886104831E-08
+ 3.3494709921155E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 4.9946057176973E-07
+ 1.9872521081457E-07
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+ 1.1481161013424E-07
+ 1.2178878073946E-07
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+ 4.2363819006251E-08
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 1.4145294495336E-04
+ 4.5526182823800E-04
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+ 2.4009960688394E-05
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+ 9.3401586910246E-06
+ 3.2702811401298E-06
+ 6.7055825922517E-06
+ 3.3119069812123E-06
+ 1.2251767115039E-06
+ 3.4859723114533E-08
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+ 9.9713438901142E-07
+ 1.0003879936910E-06
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+ 3.1772978348028E-07
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+ 2.3719688815874E-07
+ 3.2330448289714E-07
+ 1.3506690942577E-07
+ 1.4438843658979E-07
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+ 7.3453085178945E-08
+ 8.0555960199187E-08
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 1.0159912042588E-07
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+ 9.0002677153053E-07
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 3.7540556959473E-04
+ 1.2152379470533E-04
+ 5.0322162233033E-04
+ 1.5808383160062E-04
+ 1.9648072752678E-04
+ 9.7361963099737E-05
+ 6.6541339071198E-06
+ 1.4373214493011E-04
+ 2.4571067330461E-05
+ 9.4011038967017E-05
+ 6.7279183348703E-06
+ 4.1055026086463E-05
+ 1.6975063114566E-05
+ 3.1852616577156E-05
+ 3.6133446278180E-05
+ 1.5782473338343E-05
+ 2.8141001802995E-05
+ 2.4376710864036E-05
+ 4.3963632754967E-06
+ 1.4853288823183E-06
+ 2.4021385971127E-05
+ 7.4227713445230E-07
+ 1.0862889120385E-05
+ 5.4300552328754E-06
+ 1.4642620675041E-05
+ 7.5534654824977E-06
+ 1.1010386552395E-05
+ 4.5799721026049E-06
+ 7.2251453523055E-06
+ 3.2344932543494E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.0542331147418E-01
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 5.8072225881678E-01
+ 7.1160750864809E-04
+ 7.6944587621662E-01
+ 4.1809872858619E-02
+ 3.5101073447660E-03
+ 1.2113053190448E-02
+ 9.0224109472880E-03
+ 1.8120265944552E-02
+ 5.8538462991140E-03
+ 3.4578531098306E-03
+ 3.7266831629788E-03
+ 2.1797465012724E-03
+ 1.1989600837933E-04
+ 8.0742648350309E-04
+ 1.1559235656027E-03
+ 1.9671292343546E-03
+ 7.3340645402669E-04
+ 1.7562328150541E-03
+ 7.6464702982471E-05
+ 9.1494819746489E-05
+ 7.0317472040009E-04
+ 4.6045314035383E-04
+ 1.5061937172461E-04
+ 6.3009649638506E-04
+ 2.0310877935295E-04
+ 2.7443696523786E-04
+ 1.3213354445479E-04
+ 1.8407073773903E-06
+ 1.9968879880012E-04
+ 2.9012371630035E-05
+ 1.3010272877430E-04
+ 6.6525095291493E-05
+ 2.7862869551698E-05
+ 4.5671469938656E-05
+ 5.7902312188199E-05
+ 2.3397934172774E-05
+ 4.3237099709682E-05
+ 3.3056436593118E-05
+ 6.5824821677311E-06
+ 4.0717208013577E-06
+ 3.8683354420599E-05
+ 4.8396405900870E-06
+ 1.7482297206089E-05
+ 1.0677195332355E-05
+ 2.2783822614168E-05
+ 1.2170923276138E-05
+ 1.8443666500197E-05
+ 8.5438758239639E-06
+ 1.2403238388377E-05
+ 3.2238349040068E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.1341827100789E-01
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 5.8967027416305E-01
+ 1.1258495153020E-03
+ 7.8922652887723E-01
+ 4.5979612025828E-02
+ 4.2064686349653E-03
+ 1.3724268601793E-02
+ 9.1818926435354E-03
+ 1.9753403721572E-02
+ 6.4214970537141E-03
+ 3.8172060648259E-03
+ 3.8646107992609E-03
+ 2.6884737150486E-03
+ 5.5380100132491E-05
+ 9.3908587016550E-04
+ 1.4411355523379E-03
+ 2.2557110754302E-03
+ 8.9006460194303E-04
+ 1.9824633947297E-03
+ 8.6979645971020E-05
+ 1.5338434118326E-04
+ 9.0101781455986E-04
+ 5.6517366574594E-04
+ 1.8792798998754E-04
+ 7.9216049847943E-04
+ 2.6678155760948E-04
+ 3.8875432185645E-04
+ 1.7973876127321E-04
+ 2.8492620281686E-04
+ 3.1031296922098E-05
+ 1.8142747279987E-04
+ 1.1356045232761E-04
+ 4.6188333230782E-05
+ 6.2835426550340E-05
+ 9.4367515607253E-05
+ 3.4083952000197E-05
+ 6.8194176144574E-05
+ 4.4348373015299E-05
+ 8.4096814400635E-06
+ 1.3305121173100E-05
+ 6.3875893865147E-05
+ 1.3188537899452E-05
+ 2.8342502625140E-05
+ 2.1081656106310E-05
+ 3.4743208728871E-05
+ 1.8936831122338E-05
+ 3.3476815417905E-05
+ 1.5081875850614E-05
+ 2.0508254461251E-05
+ 3.2121238725277E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.2406247032022E-01
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 5.9802624923744E-01
+ 1.8321145966192E-03
+ 8.0971789110356E-01
+ 5.0873826861873E-02
+ 5.1774118307494E-03
+ 1.5819892149330E-02
+ 9.1889512644509E-03
+ 2.1578317314855E-02
+ 7.0599702925625E-03
+ 4.2098642385864E-03
+ 3.9297468583811E-03
+ 3.4038533726654E-03
+ 1.0990541827155E-03
+ 1.8328849959393E-03
+ 2.5759787141161E-03
+ 1.0939284465927E-03
+ 2.2160249117910E-03
+ 9.8957305864921E-05
+ 2.6208277563457E-04
+ 1.1760433010173E-03
+ 1.2841147861192E-05
+ 6.9352680220551E-04
+ 2.3409846616316E-04
+ 9.9991755123707E-04
+ 3.5715997676852E-04
+ 5.6692747221994E-04
+ 2.4947980549398E-04
+ 4.1420399017368E-04
+ 2.7571451705820E-05
+ 2.5682935241141E-04
+ 1.9737493770923E-04
+ 7.9580789359307E-05
+ 8.7691766143372E-05
+ 1.5758845113431E-04
+ 4.8614890422967E-05
+ 1.1212194797935E-04
+ 5.3290240405449E-05
+ 9.4181098240072E-06
+ 3.2496348551126E-05
+ 2.9481806587528E-06
+ 1.0465199544224E-04
+ 3.5384815328994E-05
+ 4.3790953315391E-05
+ 4.2192244631393E-05
+ 5.1428240592477E-05
+ 2.8900908475862E-05
+ 6.0134736056642E-05
+ 2.5041455890548E-05
+ 9.1077934153919E-07
+ 3.7138402807266E-05
+ 3.1989078153240E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.3902422334939E-01
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.0562819855515E-01
+ 2.9133453104911E-03
+ 8.3130652087933E-01
+ 5.6848430327750E-02
+ 6.6238155099275E-03
+ 1.8673374529460E-02
+ 8.9200020031225E-03
+ 2.3632848027210E-02
+ 7.7941382089569E-03
+ 4.6107632677610E-03
+ 3.8380343067630E-03
+ 4.4583201483687E-03
+ 1.2831960778237E-03
+ 2.4020322734126E-03
+ 2.9206950805035E-03
+ 1.3513680781505E-03
+ 2.4174771463600E-03
+ 1.1733595030716E-04
+ 4.6887577633020E-04
+ 1.5668196402372E-03
+ 1.8495753132009E-04
+ 8.4805086750549E-04
+ 2.8703974860750E-04
+ 1.2622496950182E-03
+ 4.9085224861503E-04
+ 8.5700356125372E-04
+ 3.5151947190887E-04
+ 6.1670735819077E-04
+ 1.0944700909588E-05
+ 3.6953666411382E-04
+ 3.5695424686491E-04
+ 1.4020213955837E-04
+ 1.1461320812252E-04
+ 2.7585174136330E-04
+ 6.5702222129281E-05
+ 1.8806759717252E-04
+ 4.2480654027367E-05
+ 5.9465417606566E-06
+ 8.3110568940093E-05
+ 2.7751970284597E-05
+ 1.7205112864612E-04
+ 9.4925204049041E-05
+ 6.5398661315118E-05
+ 8.0118571490782E-05
+ 7.0900282478169E-05
+ 4.3747080198917E-05
+ 1.1798632311219E-04
+ 2.0246989781672E-05
+ 4.4382387345907E-05
+ 5.1875106595188E-06
+ 7.3235848305314E-05
+ 3.1826248307333E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.6318867819500E-01
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.1211940442275E-01
+ 4.9236894515971E-03
+ 8.5546743641316E-01
+ 6.5069829701108E-02
+ 9.2305414391617E-03
+ 2.3114140960689E-02
+ 7.9664304559349E-03
+ 2.6022126835359E-02
+ 8.7019418082500E-03
+ 4.9108448627156E-03
+ 3.3242471375811E-03
+ 6.2822921575066E-03
+ 1.4336264442916E-03
+ 3.3446597800921E-03
+ 3.2567314842801E-03
+ 1.6379348413783E-03
+ 2.4274568773744E-03
+ 1.7105399883359E-04
+ 9.6086513247660E-04
+ 2.1737853538421E-03
+ 6.3759016390434E-04
+ 1.0250593372040E-03
+ 3.2141178478579E-04
+ 1.5468505280689E-03
+ 6.9076171250572E-04
+ 1.3989628647916E-03
+ 4.9980056562997E-04
+ 9.4778497324860E-04
+ 5.3509271433616E-04
+ 7.0391603257012E-04
+ 2.5418910600849E-04
+ 1.1221935377769E-04
+ 5.5821269580775E-04
+ 7.1861579504433E-05
+ 3.1624504631212E-04
+ 2.4015079430725E-04
+ 1.0017490496090E-04
+ 2.7404724551763E-04
+ 2.9737254841485E-04
+ 9.0507471395055E-05
+ 1.5227891914452E-04
+ 7.8228631216966E-05
+ 6.1825262837638E-05
+ 7.5290386778561E-06
+ 1.2166880502305E-05
+ 2.4993063995471E-04
+ 1.1619728674835E-04
+ 9.7291661042914E-05
+ 3.5914413642092E-05
+ 1.5992980803729E-04
+ 3.1617786400000E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 2.0940083200000E-01
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.1390667900000E-01
+ 9.6034055800000E-03
+ 8.8079330900000E-01
+ 7.8158910700000E-02
+ 1.5504212700000E-02
+ 2.6479109600000E-04
+ 3.0802274900000E-02
+ 4.4505141900000E-03
+ 3.0660618000000E-04
+ 2.8019606600000E-02
+ 9.9443117600000E-03
+ 4.0318407900000E-03
+ 1.3399165900000E-03
+ 9.8916817300000E-03
+ 9.6198681900000E-04
+ 5.0335040300000E-03
+ 3.2579697100000E-03
+ 1.2970078500000E-03
+ 1.2990229500000E-03
+ 4.7000043800000E-05
+ 4.6209292600000E-04
+ 2.4323524600000E-03
+ 2.8267750600000E-03
+ 2.0572785100000E-03
+ 9.2227145000000E-04
+ 1.3536365400000E-03
+ 1.1747506400000E-04
+ 8.7006189500000E-04
+ 2.2987003500000E-03
+ 6.8859784900000E-04
+ 3.9218516100000E-04
+ 1.3285921900000E-03
+ 6.0046786800000E-05
+ 5.3699315200000E-04
+ 1.5350926200000E-03
+ 2.1603256200000E-04
+ 1.2158431500000E-03
+ 9.3450708100000E-05
+ 2.8696034400000E-04
+ 2.7743171800000E-05
+ 8.9266041800000E-04
+ 1.0174075900000E-04
+ 1.8410038800000E-04
+ 9.8639935300000E-04
+ 8.1335623900000E-05
+ 1.1286211900000E-04
+ 6.0487485600000E-05
+ 4.5351291800000E-04
+ 3.5238716200000E-05
+ 4.3727044500000E-04
+ 6.5746061200000E-04
+ 8.8069972200000E-05
+ 6.2527609700000E-05
+ 1.5208615600000E-04
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2808435d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.1 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20c4d349b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.2 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5d55e5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg01/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/input.xgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/input.xgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f44917920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/input.xgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+N_DIRS = 3
+MIN_MPI_1 = 1
+DIR_1 = reg04
+MIN_MPI_2 = 2
+DIR_2 = reg05
+MIN_MPI_3 = 1
+DIR_3 = reg17
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.cgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.cgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68918fe35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.cgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Numerical Resolution
+# Fields
+# Geometry
+# Collisions
+# Profiles
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.gacode b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.gacode
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d39b5adc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.gacode
@@ -0,0 +1,2219 @@
+#  *original : Sun Oct  9 16:31:25 PDT 2022                           
+# *statefile : iterdb_kinefit_128913.01500                            
+#     *gfile : g128913.01500 08/02/2006 65 65                         
+#   *cerfile : dplasma_cer_format.128913.1500                         
+#      *vgen : null                                                   
+#     *tgyro : null                                                   
+# nexp
+# nion
+# shot
+# time
+# name
+D C
+# type
+[therm] [therm]
+# masse
+ 5.4488741E-04
+# mass
+ 2.0000000E+00 1.2000000E+01
+# ze
+# z
+ 1.0000000E+00 6.0000000E+00
+# torfluxa | Wb/radian
+ 6.1675847E-01
+# rcentr | m
+ 1.6955000E+00
+# bcentr | T
+ 2.0657085E+00
+# current | MA
+# rho | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2  2.0161417E-02
+  3  4.0104877E-02
+  4  6.0167863E-02
+  5  8.0252297E-02
+  6  1.0023702E-01
+  7  1.2027119E-01
+  8  1.4032579E-01
+  9  1.6029670E-01
+ 10  1.8030973E-01
+ 11  2.0030091E-01
+ 12  2.2033687E-01
+ 13  2.4036378E-01
+ 14  2.6037541E-01
+ 15  2.8041178E-01
+ 16  3.0043335E-01
+ 17  3.2046175E-01
+ 18  3.4045292E-01
+ 19  3.6045101E-01
+ 20  3.8043739E-01
+ 21  4.0043359E-01
+ 22  4.2042663E-01
+ 23  4.4043922E-01
+ 24  4.6043064E-01
+ 25  4.8040286E-01
+ 26  5.0039297E-01
+ 27  5.2038208E-01
+ 28  5.4038514E-01
+ 29  5.6038932E-01
+ 30  5.8038039E-01
+ 31  6.0036945E-01
+ 32  6.2036496E-01
+ 33  6.4037358E-01
+ 34  6.6037108E-01
+ 35  6.8038783E-01
+ 36  7.0039538E-01
+ 37  7.2039161E-01
+ 38  7.4040169E-01
+ 39  7.6042063E-01
+ 40  7.8044060E-01
+ 41  8.0048212E-01
+ 42  8.2053495E-01
+ 43  8.4054654E-01
+ 44  8.6060313E-01
+ 45  8.8065319E-01
+ 46  9.0075459E-01
+ 47  9.2081290E-01
+ 48  9.4091860E-01
+ 49  9.6105357E-01
+ 50  9.8226658E-01
+ 51  1.0000000E+00
+# rmin | m
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2  1.3677544E-02
+  3  2.7210331E-02
+  4  4.0827339E-02
+  5  5.4454411E-02
+  6  6.7988780E-02
+  7  8.1528278E-02
+  8  9.5041023E-02
+  9  1.0848014E-01
+ 10  1.2191544E-01
+ 11  1.3532016E-01
+ 12  1.4872668E-01
+ 13  1.6209625E-01
+ 14  1.7543715E-01
+ 15  1.8877435E-01
+ 16  2.0209486E-01
+ 17  2.1539871E-01
+ 18  2.2865667E-01
+ 19  2.4189308E-01
+ 20  2.5508541E-01
+ 21  2.6824539E-01
+ 22  2.8136431E-01
+ 23  2.9444818E-01
+ 24  3.0746116E-01
+ 25  3.2040923E-01
+ 26  3.3330036E-01
+ 27  3.4612223E-01
+ 28  3.5886908E-01
+ 29  3.7153206E-01
+ 30  3.8408660E-01
+ 31  3.9653172E-01
+ 32  4.0887072E-01
+ 33  4.2108598E-01
+ 34  4.3316089E-01
+ 35  4.4509905E-01
+ 36  4.5687649E-01
+ 37  4.6847990E-01
+ 38  4.7989570E-01
+ 39  4.9111945E-01
+ 40  5.0213082E-01
+ 41  5.1291499E-01
+ 42  5.2344522E-01
+ 43  5.3366916E-01
+ 44  5.4361939E-01
+ 45  5.5322066E-01
+ 46  5.6249148E-01
+ 47  5.7133750E-01
+ 48  5.7974475E-01
+ 49  5.8763057E-01
+ 50  5.9528283E-01
+ 51  6.0030608E-01
+# polflux | Wb/radian
+  1 -0.0000000E+00
+  2 -1.7981728E-04
+  3 -7.0927929E-04
+  4 -1.5883860E-03
+  5 -2.8071476E-03
+  6 -4.3455844E-03
+  7 -6.2036963E-03
+  8 -8.3714936E-03
+  9 -1.0828996E-02
+ 10 -1.3586195E-02
+ 11 -1.6633099E-02
+ 12 -1.9979698E-02
+ 13 -2.3616003E-02
+ 14 -2.7542014E-02
+ 15 -3.1767720E-02
+ 16 -3.6283132E-02
+ 17 -4.1088249E-02
+ 18 -4.6163093E-02
+ 19 -5.1507662E-02
+ 20 -5.7101978E-02
+ 21 -6.2936049E-02
+ 22 -6.8989898E-02
+ 23 -7.5253533E-02
+ 24 -8.1696986E-02
+ 25 -8.8300276E-02
+ 26 -9.5053414E-02
+ 27 -1.0192643E-01
+ 28 -1.0889935E-01
+ 29 -1.1594219E-01
+ 30 -1.2302499E-01
+ 31 -1.3012777E-01
+ 32 -1.3723056E-01
+ 33 -1.4431336E-01
+ 34 -1.5134621E-01
+ 35 -1.5831913E-01
+ 36 -1.6520213E-01
+ 37 -1.7197525E-01
+ 38 -1.7862849E-01
+ 39 -1.8514187E-01
+ 40 -1.9149542E-01
+ 41 -1.9767913E-01
+ 42 -2.0367304E-01
+ 43 -2.0944718E-01
+ 44 -2.1501152E-01
+ 45 -2.2033611E-01
+ 46 -2.2542095E-01
+ 47 -2.3022606E-01
+ 48 -2.3475146E-01
+ 49 -2.3897717E-01
+ 50 -2.4291917E-01
+ 51 -2.4554450E-01
+# q | -
+  1 -1.3926996E+00
+  2 -1.3957446E+00
+  3 -1.4044980E+00
+  4 -1.4183315E+00
+  5 -1.4360633E+00
+  6 -1.4560464E+00
+  7 -1.4766771E+00
+  8 -1.4971245E+00
+  9 -1.5163698E+00
+ 10 -1.5332316E+00
+ 11 -1.5471666E+00
+ 12 -1.5592594E+00
+ 13 -1.5705469E+00
+ 14 -1.5778350E+00
+ 15 -1.5851084E+00
+ 16 -1.5918073E+00
+ 17 -1.6005049E+00
+ 18 -1.6109832E+00
+ 19 -1.6240552E+00
+ 20 -1.6409590E+00
+ 21 -1.6604554E+00
+ 22 -1.6835085E+00
+ 23 -1.7092844E+00
+ 24 -1.7384366E+00
+ 25 -1.7716986E+00
+ 26 -1.8095402E+00
+ 27 -1.8524848E+00
+ 28 -1.9011103E+00
+ 29 -1.9555934E+00
+ 30 -2.0160825E+00
+ 31 -2.0828142E+00
+ 32 -2.1562532E+00
+ 33 -2.2369583E+00
+ 34 -2.3253152E+00
+ 35 -2.4222939E+00
+ 36 -2.5286328E+00
+ 37 -2.6454505E+00
+ 38 -2.7739335E+00
+ 39 -2.9160257E+00
+ 40 -3.0729974E+00
+ 41 -3.2472920E+00
+ 42 -3.4422794E+00
+ 43 -3.6589184E+00
+ 44 -3.9047304E+00
+ 45 -4.1832010E+00
+ 46 -4.5035673E+00
+ 47 -4.8759590E+00
+ 48 -5.3269691E+00
+ 49 -5.8523394E+00
+ 50 -7.0473590E+00
+ 51 -9.4688035E+00
+# w0 | rad/s
+  1 -6.1503400E+04
+  2 -6.1589418E+04
+  3 -6.1562335E+04
+  4 -6.1412661E+04
+  5 -6.1148098E+04
+  6 -6.0779755E+04
+  7 -6.0313668E+04
+  8 -5.9755319E+04
+  9 -5.9112749E+04
+ 10 -5.8387783E+04
+ 11 -5.7585858E+04
+ 12 -5.6703181E+04
+ 13 -5.5742431E+04
+ 14 -5.4712064E+04
+ 15 -5.3604630E+04
+ 16 -5.2425990E+04
+ 17 -5.1173645E+04
+ 18 -4.9854463E+04
+ 19 -4.8468122E+04
+ 20 -4.7010476E+04
+ 21 -4.5469829E+04
+ 22 -4.3863258E+04
+ 23 -4.2207779E+04
+ 24 -4.0524138E+04
+ 25 -3.8829087E+04
+ 26 -3.7136264E+04
+ 27 -3.5463620E+04
+ 28 -3.3826323E+04
+ 29 -3.2241224E+04
+ 30 -3.0716836E+04
+ 31 -2.9249992E+04
+ 32 -2.7837289E+04
+ 33 -2.6475332E+04
+ 34 -2.5164741E+04
+ 35 -2.3902595E+04
+ 36 -2.2687215E+04
+ 37 -2.1514365E+04
+ 38 -2.0373696E+04
+ 39 -1.9261089E+04
+ 40 -1.8172992E+04
+ 41 -1.7104290E+04
+ 42 -1.6050450E+04
+ 43 -1.5009560E+04
+ 44 -1.3971126E+04
+ 45 -1.2935646E+04
+ 46 -1.1891885E+04
+ 47 -1.0833720E+04
+ 48 -9.7492532E+03
+ 49 -8.6374286E+03
+ 50 -7.3970696E+03
+ 51 -6.3495800E+03
+# rmaj | m
+  1  1.7104031E+00
+  2  1.7103439E+00
+  3  1.7101738E+00
+  4  1.7098907E+00
+  5  1.7094833E+00
+  6  1.7089799E+00
+  7  1.7083581E+00
+  8  1.7076625E+00
+  9  1.7068949E+00
+ 10  1.7060653E+00
+ 11  1.7051817E+00
+ 12  1.7042522E+00
+ 13  1.7032905E+00
+ 14  1.7022998E+00
+ 15  1.7012832E+00
+ 16  1.7002501E+00
+ 17  1.6991974E+00
+ 18  1.6981378E+00
+ 19  1.6970684E+00
+ 20  1.6959916E+00
+ 21  1.6949116E+00
+ 22  1.6938286E+00
+ 23  1.6927457E+00
+ 24  1.6916556E+00
+ 25  1.6905628E+00
+ 26  1.6894718E+00
+ 27  1.6883664E+00
+ 28  1.6872609E+00
+ 29  1.6861491E+00
+ 30  1.6850370E+00
+ 31  1.6839069E+00
+ 32  1.6827821E+00
+ 33  1.6816390E+00
+ 34  1.6804918E+00
+ 35  1.6793282E+00
+ 36  1.6781602E+00
+ 37  1.6769866E+00
+ 38  1.6757879E+00
+ 39  1.6745900E+00
+ 40  1.6733894E+00
+ 41  1.6721811E+00
+ 42  1.6709619E+00
+ 43  1.6697451E+00
+ 44  1.6685388E+00
+ 45  1.6673338E+00
+ 46  1.6661489E+00
+ 47  1.6649888E+00
+ 48  1.6638508E+00
+ 49  1.6627539E+00
+ 50  1.6616715E+00
+ 51  1.6609396E+00
+# zmag | m
+  1  3.1447635E-02
+  2  3.1528225E-02
+  3  3.1607500E-02
+  4  3.1686805E-02
+  5  3.1748977E-02
+  6  3.1778199E-02
+  7  3.1809009E-02
+  8  3.1875313E-02
+  9  3.1961121E-02
+ 10  3.2035678E-02
+ 11  3.2105413E-02
+ 12  3.2218355E-02
+ 13  3.2320873E-02
+ 14  3.2430967E-02
+ 15  3.2541825E-02
+ 16  3.2672055E-02
+ 17  3.2803833E-02
+ 18  3.2937677E-02
+ 19  3.3099205E-02
+ 20  3.3263580E-02
+ 21  3.3419084E-02
+ 22  3.3606700E-02
+ 23  3.3800497E-02
+ 24  3.3994094E-02
+ 25  3.4237494E-02
+ 26  3.4475636E-02
+ 27  3.4725116E-02
+ 28  3.5037534E-02
+ 29  3.5352697E-02
+ 30  3.5693856E-02
+ 31  3.6103668E-02
+ 32  3.6525349E-02
+ 33  3.7014883E-02
+ 34  3.7579852E-02
+ 35  3.8190631E-02
+ 36  3.8909404E-02
+ 37  3.9722241E-02
+ 38  4.0645642E-02
+ 39  4.1734667E-02
+ 40  4.2991526E-02
+ 41  4.4473324E-02
+ 42  4.6252507E-02
+ 43  4.8376929E-02
+ 44  5.0978810E-02
+ 45  5.4199686E-02
+ 46  5.8286251E-02
+ 47  6.3557996E-02
+ 48  7.0709855E-02
+ 49  8.0867217E-02
+ 50  9.8223285E-02
+ 51  1.2759037E-01
+# kappa | -
+  1  1.2743830E+00
+  2  1.2739714E+00
+  3  1.2735666E+00
+  4  1.2731616E+00
+  5  1.2741058E+00
+  6  1.2759273E+00
+  7  1.2776704E+00
+  8  1.2794202E+00
+  9  1.2814330E+00
+ 10  1.2831852E+00
+ 11  1.2846004E+00
+ 12  1.2860299E+00
+ 13  1.2872704E+00
+ 14  1.2883229E+00
+ 15  1.2892544E+00
+ 16  1.2901038E+00
+ 17  1.2909682E+00
+ 18  1.2918057E+00
+ 19  1.2927050E+00
+ 20  1.2938132E+00
+ 21  1.2950511E+00
+ 22  1.2964253E+00
+ 23  1.2980328E+00
+ 24  1.2997663E+00
+ 25  1.3017152E+00
+ 26  1.3039576E+00
+ 27  1.3064059E+00
+ 28  1.3091583E+00
+ 29  1.3122470E+00
+ 30  1.3156689E+00
+ 31  1.3194691E+00
+ 32  1.3236631E+00
+ 33  1.3283050E+00
+ 34  1.3333863E+00
+ 35  1.3389966E+00
+ 36  1.3451282E+00
+ 37  1.3518295E+00
+ 38  1.3592387E+00
+ 39  1.3673767E+00
+ 40  1.3762999E+00
+ 41  1.3861948E+00
+ 42  1.3971521E+00
+ 43  1.4093226E+00
+ 44  1.4229410E+00
+ 45  1.4382647E+00
+ 46  1.4556840E+00
+ 47  1.4756904E+00
+ 48  1.4992268E+00
+ 49  1.5278274E+00
+ 50  1.5689925E+00
+ 51  1.6266386E+00
+# delta | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2  3.0784812E-03
+  3  7.3091851E-03
+  4  1.2754761E-02
+  5  1.7945757E-02
+  6  2.2982162E-02
+  7  2.7447578E-02
+  8  3.2243476E-02
+  9  3.6963257E-02
+ 10  4.1657769E-02
+ 11  4.6218628E-02
+ 12  5.0753077E-02
+ 13  5.5216827E-02
+ 14  5.9579222E-02
+ 15  6.3866212E-02
+ 16  6.8124349E-02
+ 17  7.2302068E-02
+ 18  7.6503719E-02
+ 19  8.0712513E-02
+ 20  8.4949465E-02
+ 21  8.9233495E-02
+ 22  9.3618194E-02
+ 23  9.8107045E-02
+ 24  1.0264591E-01
+ 25  1.0732553E-01
+ 26  1.1221299E-01
+ 27  1.1721110E-01
+ 28  1.2245205E-01
+ 29  1.2791963E-01
+ 30  1.3368258E-01
+ 31  1.3965748E-01
+ 32  1.4603765E-01
+ 33  1.5272367E-01
+ 34  1.5980530E-01
+ 35  1.6729242E-01
+ 36  1.7528203E-01
+ 37  1.8375841E-01
+ 38  1.9282186E-01
+ 39  2.0253259E-01
+ 40  2.1298909E-01
+ 41  2.2428870E-01
+ 42  2.3648961E-01
+ 43  2.4974352E-01
+ 44  2.6428853E-01
+ 45  2.8023283E-01
+ 46  2.9797714E-01
+ 47  3.1781208E-01
+ 48  3.4036402E-01
+ 49  3.6659956E-01
+ 50  4.0159491E-01
+ 51  4.4340194E-01
+# zeta | -
+  1 -0.0000000E+00
+  2 -1.1885924E-03
+  3 -1.2651641E-03
+  4 -2.3914960E-04
+  5 -1.9777538E-04
+  6 -7.7037709E-04
+  7 -8.6483541E-04
+  8 -5.0184769E-04
+  9 -9.4586354E-04
+ 10 -1.0156158E-03
+ 11 -1.0135341E-03
+ 12 -1.1111166E-03
+ 13 -1.1935783E-03
+ 14 -1.3105814E-03
+ 15 -1.3313918E-03
+ 16 -1.4790320E-03
+ 17 -1.6542257E-03
+ 18 -1.8076600E-03
+ 19 -1.9873417E-03
+ 20 -2.2704231E-03
+ 21 -2.5654369E-03
+ 22 -2.9101748E-03
+ 23 -3.3605840E-03
+ 24 -3.6967714E-03
+ 25 -4.1524032E-03
+ 26 -4.6689186E-03
+ 27 -5.2034970E-03
+ 28 -5.7591621E-03
+ 29 -6.4381800E-03
+ 30 -7.1324318E-03
+ 31 -7.8894358E-03
+ 32 -8.7492495E-03
+ 33 -9.6516857E-03
+ 34 -1.0622292E-02
+ 35 -1.1704064E-02
+ 36 -1.2876266E-02
+ 37 -1.4155217E-02
+ 38 -1.5549908E-02
+ 39 -1.7097030E-02
+ 40 -1.8805298E-02
+ 41 -2.0730984E-02
+ 42 -2.2891321E-02
+ 43 -2.5335607E-02
+ 44 -2.8207614E-02
+ 45 -3.1536138E-02
+ 46 -3.5616958E-02
+ 47 -4.0697687E-02
+ 48 -4.7221509E-02
+ 49 -5.6259661E-02
+ 50 -7.2426549E-02
+ 51 -1.0390449E-01
+# shape_cos0 | -
+  1  2.8267051E-02
+  2  2.8320039E-02
+  3  2.8472348E-02
+  4  2.8725816E-02
+  5  2.8926064E-02
+  6  2.9103717E-02
+  7  2.9342866E-02
+  8  2.9623929E-02
+  9  2.9848290E-02
+ 10  3.0127061E-02
+ 11  3.0363751E-02
+ 12  3.0607767E-02
+ 13  3.0821961E-02
+ 14  3.1030479E-02
+ 15  3.1235765E-02
+ 16  3.1432316E-02
+ 17  3.1627225E-02
+ 18  3.1837984E-02
+ 19  3.2047457E-02
+ 20  3.2286626E-02
+ 21  3.2510229E-02
+ 22  3.2781953E-02
+ 23  3.3072208E-02
+ 24  3.3370819E-02
+ 25  3.3696253E-02
+ 26  3.4064623E-02
+ 27  3.4448768E-02
+ 28  3.4908986E-02
+ 29  3.5378639E-02
+ 30  3.5913761E-02
+ 31  3.6512015E-02
+ 32  3.7151340E-02
+ 33  3.7851709E-02
+ 34  3.8636110E-02
+ 35  3.9506363E-02
+ 36  4.0482649E-02
+ 37  4.1560837E-02
+ 38  4.2772881E-02
+ 39  4.4144760E-02
+ 40  4.5690247E-02
+ 41  4.7475547E-02
+ 42  4.9563307E-02
+ 43  5.2006507E-02
+ 44  5.4915432E-02
+ 45  5.8455804E-02
+ 46  6.2822845E-02
+ 47  6.8339556E-02
+ 48  7.5590489E-02
+ 49  8.5532809E-02
+ 50  1.0180158E-01
+ 51  1.2712541E-01
+# shape_cos1 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -3.5689407E-03
+  3 -4.0723241E-03
+  4 -1.5410820E-03
+  5  1.2275548E-04
+  6 -3.4887136E-04
+  7 -6.8700071E-04
+  8 -4.8164014E-04
+  9 -3.4720922E-04
+ 10 -4.1490761E-04
+ 11 -5.8520578E-04
+ 12 -4.3476271E-04
+ 13 -4.4044890E-04
+ 14 -4.0061165E-04
+ 15 -3.7387974E-04
+ 16 -2.9655779E-04
+ 17 -2.2679755E-04
+ 18 -1.3243019E-04
+ 19  4.7174758E-05
+ 20  2.1621795E-04
+ 21  3.4621595E-04
+ 22  5.5524166E-04
+ 23  7.5395577E-04
+ 24  9.4509089E-04
+ 25  1.2890194E-03
+ 26  1.5830049E-03
+ 27  1.8224954E-03
+ 28  2.3035073E-03
+ 29  2.6893341E-03
+ 30  3.1275917E-03
+ 31  3.7497811E-03
+ 32  4.3057912E-03
+ 33  4.9595310E-03
+ 34  5.7839131E-03
+ 35  6.6187970E-03
+ 36  7.6667729E-03
+ 37  8.8034179E-03
+ 38  1.0063522E-02
+ 39  1.1568512E-02
+ 40  1.3315475E-02
+ 41  1.5359407E-02
+ 42  1.7799673E-02
+ 43  2.0706775E-02
+ 44  2.4225014E-02
+ 45  2.8601568E-02
+ 46  3.4141880E-02
+ 47  4.1300123E-02
+ 48  5.1145731E-02
+ 49  6.5417181E-02
+ 50  9.0640115E-02
+ 51  1.3686841E-01
+# shape_cos2 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -9.7369771E-05
+  3 -1.2250642E-04
+  4 -7.6362372E-05
+  5 -4.9942944E-05
+  6 -2.2412064E-04
+  7 -3.9758871E-04
+  8 -5.0687814E-04
+  9 -7.5975614E-04
+ 10 -9.0958336E-04
+ 11 -1.1053359E-03
+ 12 -1.3140727E-03
+ 13 -1.5643161E-03
+ 14 -1.7800941E-03
+ 15 -2.0571125E-03
+ 16 -2.3227894E-03
+ 17 -2.6138196E-03
+ 18 -2.9553796E-03
+ 19 -3.3210691E-03
+ 20 -3.6837066E-03
+ 21 -4.0899794E-03
+ 22 -4.4957794E-03
+ 23 -4.9603121E-03
+ 24 -5.4483079E-03
+ 25 -5.9936162E-03
+ 26 -6.5233068E-03
+ 27 -7.1339865E-03
+ 28 -7.7804097E-03
+ 29 -8.4314162E-03
+ 30 -9.1584548E-03
+ 31 -9.9177078E-03
+ 32 -1.0765185E-02
+ 33 -1.1679786E-02
+ 34 -1.2652505E-02
+ 35 -1.3680930E-02
+ 36 -1.4785555E-02
+ 37 -1.6000244E-02
+ 38 -1.7322660E-02
+ 39 -1.8799478E-02
+ 40 -2.0389262E-02
+ 41 -2.2203997E-02
+ 42 -2.4242751E-02
+ 43 -2.6503979E-02
+ 44 -2.9141580E-02
+ 45 -3.2202875E-02
+ 46 -3.5914537E-02
+ 47 -4.0441672E-02
+ 48 -4.6050096E-02
+ 49 -5.3388285E-02
+ 50 -6.4781978E-02
+ 51 -8.0587768E-02
+# shape_cos3 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2  1.9207165E-03
+  3  1.7452863E-03
+  4 -5.1389219E-04
+  5 -8.9396241E-04
+  6 -2.8665595E-04
+  7 -1.0125334E-04
+  8 -1.1002306E-04
+  9 -2.0703483E-04
+ 10 -1.0022760E-04
+ 11  6.4247912E-05
+ 12 -9.4790160E-05
+ 13 -4.8149113E-05
+ 14 -4.8350603E-05
+ 15  4.5655774E-05
+ 16 -8.6685299E-06
+ 17  1.9827924E-05
+ 18  6.6825240E-05
+ 19 -2.9091662E-05
+ 20 -1.8841558E-05
+ 21  7.5344057E-05
+ 22  1.6686940E-05
+ 23  2.5110917E-05
+ 24  9.0267209E-05
+ 25  5.6833814E-06
+ 26  8.1580762E-05
+ 27  9.1110451E-05
+ 28  4.2185431E-05
+ 29  7.5300113E-05
+ 30  1.2317227E-04
+ 31  1.1839211E-04
+ 32  2.1862467E-04
+ 33  2.1500844E-04
+ 34  2.4509322E-04
+ 35  3.4255939E-04
+ 36  4.0164539E-04
+ 37  4.8560265E-04
+ 38  5.7909320E-04
+ 39  6.4244522E-04
+ 40  7.8773641E-04
+ 41  9.2895875E-04
+ 42  1.0154362E-03
+ 43  1.1253219E-03
+ 44  1.1533710E-03
+ 45  1.1220870E-03
+ 46  8.9086438E-04
+ 47  3.4809691E-04
+ 48 -9.3252385E-04
+ 49 -3.5287110E-03
+ 50 -9.9906494E-03
+ 51 -2.7124211E-02
+# shape_cos4 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -1.8469588E-04
+  3 -2.2882542E-04
+  4 -1.3416144E-04
+  5 -7.4790643E-05
+  6 -7.5933970E-05
+  7 -5.2994415E-06
+  8 -4.0219718E-05
+  9 -7.5934842E-06
+ 10  1.1828454E-05
+ 11  9.0019645E-07
+ 12  1.4031810E-05
+ 13 -3.2473427E-06
+ 14 -2.0546467E-05
+ 15 -2.8481065E-05
+ 16 -3.2860376E-05
+ 17 -6.0266993E-05
+ 18 -5.1123673E-05
+ 19 -7.9270995E-05
+ 20 -7.5132347E-05
+ 21 -1.3161736E-04
+ 22 -1.4360794E-04
+ 23 -1.6561584E-04
+ 24 -2.2277352E-04
+ 25 -2.9725280E-04
+ 26 -3.4854382E-04
+ 27 -4.3933261E-04
+ 28 -4.8794230E-04
+ 29 -6.0451267E-04
+ 30 -6.9864919E-04
+ 31 -8.0414669E-04
+ 32 -9.4819975E-04
+ 33 -1.1341064E-03
+ 34 -1.3303840E-03
+ 35 -1.5367070E-03
+ 36 -1.7622812E-03
+ 37 -2.0289202E-03
+ 38 -2.3211917E-03
+ 39 -2.6485230E-03
+ 40 -3.0261979E-03
+ 41 -3.4202707E-03
+ 42 -3.8204219E-03
+ 43 -4.2347679E-03
+ 44 -4.6668493E-03
+ 45 -5.0416694E-03
+ 46 -5.3841796E-03
+ 47 -5.5799885E-03
+ 48 -5.5376336E-03
+ 49 -5.1067142E-03
+ 50 -3.8164655E-03
+ 51 -1.9206381E-03
+# shape_cos5 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -1.6686076E-03
+  3 -1.7291179E-03
+  4 -1.9432833E-04
+  5 -1.5723742E-04
+  6 -2.1293488E-04
+  7 -7.4876437E-05
+  8  2.9057202E-05
+  9  6.4880923E-05
+ 10  8.6340152E-05
+ 11 -4.2005052E-06
+ 12  7.2638545E-05
+ 13  1.7172884E-05
+ 14  4.7115133E-05
+ 15  3.0570066E-05
+ 16  2.9045823E-05
+ 17 -1.8440793E-05
+ 18  2.3033191E-05
+ 19  6.4178284E-05
+ 20  6.1991091E-05
+ 21  7.4889448E-05
+ 22  1.1644231E-04
+ 23  1.0976907E-04
+ 24  1.2894826E-04
+ 25  2.1329801E-04
+ 26  2.3173939E-04
+ 27  2.1931419E-04
+ 28  3.4684805E-04
+ 29  3.5928270E-04
+ 30  4.2427146E-04
+ 31  5.6437167E-04
+ 32  6.1752428E-04
+ 33  7.0951684E-04
+ 34  8.6114613E-04
+ 35  9.6813433E-04
+ 36  1.1767030E-03
+ 37  1.3409832E-03
+ 38  1.5058966E-03
+ 39  1.7253360E-03
+ 40  1.9822392E-03
+ 41  2.2783998E-03
+ 42  2.6235948E-03
+ 43  3.0218773E-03
+ 44  3.4673249E-03
+ 45  4.0177157E-03
+ 46  4.6866813E-03
+ 47  5.5055763E-03
+ 48  6.6880253E-03
+ 49  8.4605355E-03
+ 50  1.1802598E-02
+ 51  1.9623607E-02
+# shape_sin3 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -8.6174101E-04
+  3 -1.0121704E-03
+  4 -4.5903173E-04
+  5 -6.3115686E-05
+  6  1.8068944E-04
+  7  3.1460599E-06
+  8 -7.0396528E-06
+  9  2.2185279E-05
+ 10  5.3193396E-05
+ 11  7.4032006E-05
+ 12  1.1408441E-04
+ 13  1.7175761E-04
+ 14  2.3175854E-04
+ 15  2.9155998E-04
+ 16  3.7030448E-04
+ 17  4.1961370E-04
+ 18  4.9557390E-04
+ 19  5.5989864E-04
+ 20  6.2493275E-04
+ 21  7.0533546E-04
+ 22  7.6946780E-04
+ 23  8.5383728E-04
+ 24  9.2470654E-04
+ 25  9.6475890E-04
+ 26  1.0426836E-03
+ 27  1.0661877E-03
+ 28  1.1118927E-03
+ 29  1.1555423E-03
+ 30  1.1907524E-03
+ 31  1.1797284E-03
+ 32  1.1875101E-03
+ 33  1.1470858E-03
+ 34  1.1036803E-03
+ 35  1.0032067E-03
+ 36  8.7051876E-04
+ 37  7.4058418E-04
+ 38  4.3713863E-04
+ 39  1.4705411E-04
+ 40 -2.3997909E-04
+ 41 -7.5752281E-04
+ 42 -1.4406252E-03
+ 43 -2.3325247E-03
+ 44 -3.4425964E-03
+ 45 -4.8903361E-03
+ 46 -6.7487060E-03
+ 47 -9.1590902E-03
+ 48 -1.2264045E-02
+ 49 -1.6336579E-02
+ 50 -2.2407966E-02
+ 51 -2.9662811E-02
+# shape_sin4 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -1.2772357E-03
+  3 -1.7675920E-03
+  4 -1.4850910E-03
+  5 -1.2911004E-03
+  6 -3.1936954E-04
+  7 -1.2481510E-04
+  8  1.0973850E-05
+  9 -1.8172394E-04
+ 10 -1.1877783E-04
+ 11  9.9407715E-05
+ 12  3.2539887E-05
+ 13  2.2680471E-05
+ 14  6.4983447E-05
+ 15  8.0930971E-05
+ 16  9.4996451E-05
+ 17  8.6618189E-05
+ 18  1.4105954E-04
+ 19  1.8543707E-04
+ 20  1.4832549E-04
+ 21  1.6125162E-04
+ 22  1.9178624E-04
+ 23  1.8695766E-04
+ 24  2.7287772E-04
+ 25  3.4490734E-04
+ 26  3.4975902E-04
+ 27  4.3960223E-04
+ 28  4.9435114E-04
+ 29  5.6648854E-04
+ 30  6.3742052E-04
+ 31  7.1663703E-04
+ 32  8.1408943E-04
+ 33  8.9452887E-04
+ 34  1.0103125E-03
+ 35  1.0940340E-03
+ 36  1.2220224E-03
+ 37  1.3810620E-03
+ 38  1.4949321E-03
+ 39  1.6330969E-03
+ 40  1.8138950E-03
+ 41  1.9759347E-03
+ 42  2.1543208E-03
+ 43  2.3037424E-03
+ 44  2.4585387E-03
+ 45  2.5519276E-03
+ 46  2.5795906E-03
+ 47  2.4011944E-03
+ 48  1.8529624E-03
+ 49  5.4254208E-04
+ 50 -3.5496245E-03
+ 51 -1.5705378E-02
+# shape_sin5 | -
+  1  0.0000000E+00
+  2 -9.5555924E-04
+  3 -1.2169631E-03
+  4 -7.9369855E-04
+  5 -2.8603214E-04
+  6 -2.2195911E-05
+  7 -1.4681529E-04
+  8 -1.1159945E-04
+  9 -5.1310794E-05
+ 10 -3.3284329E-05
+ 11 -4.4319232E-05
+ 12 -2.0160162E-05
+ 13  1.1393679E-06
+ 14  7.7251307E-06
+ 15  6.6351734E-06
+ 16  3.6664932E-05
+ 17  1.1003065E-05
+ 18  4.3235705E-05
+ 19  5.3916531E-05
+ 20  8.0163187E-05
+ 21  7.2006299E-05
+ 22  1.1566116E-04
+ 23  1.5384457E-04
+ 24  1.6129417E-04
+ 25  1.7838742E-04
+ 26  2.5404915E-04
+ 27  2.7685764E-04
+ 28  3.2798892E-04
+ 29  3.8724239E-04
+ 30  4.8251740E-04
+ 31  5.0951520E-04
+ 32  6.2652294E-04
+ 33  7.0850348E-04
+ 34  8.0627703E-04
+ 35  8.8579029E-04
+ 36  1.0113191E-03
+ 37  1.1206844E-03
+ 38  1.2438311E-03
+ 39  1.3746703E-03
+ 40  1.5390022E-03
+ 41  1.7256754E-03
+ 42  1.8979798E-03
+ 43  2.1067988E-03
+ 44  2.3917325E-03
+ 45  2.6976850E-03
+ 46  3.1371136E-03
+ 47  3.7456554E-03
+ 48  4.5363368E-03
+ 49  5.6171022E-03
+ 50  7.4212128E-03
+ 51  9.0051530E-03
+# ne | 10^19/m^3
+  1  3.4117000E+00
+  2  3.4074000E+00
+  3  3.3949000E+00
+  4  3.3746000E+00
+  5  3.3472000E+00
+  6  3.3132000E+00
+  7  3.2732000E+00
+  8  3.2277000E+00
+  9  3.1773000E+00
+ 10  3.1226000E+00
+ 11  3.0641000E+00
+ 12  3.0023000E+00
+ 13  2.9378000E+00
+ 14  2.8713000E+00
+ 15  2.8031000E+00
+ 16  2.7340000E+00
+ 17  2.6644000E+00
+ 18  2.5949000E+00
+ 19  2.5261000E+00
+ 20  2.4585000E+00
+ 21  2.3927000E+00
+ 22  2.3292000E+00
+ 23  2.2686000E+00
+ 24  2.2115000E+00
+ 25  2.1577000E+00
+ 26  2.1071000E+00
+ 27  2.0595000E+00
+ 28  2.0144000E+00
+ 29  1.9718000E+00
+ 30  1.9312000E+00
+ 31  1.8925000E+00
+ 32  1.8553000E+00
+ 33  1.8195000E+00
+ 34  1.7846000E+00
+ 35  1.7505000E+00
+ 36  1.7169000E+00
+ 37  1.6836000E+00
+ 38  1.6502000E+00
+ 39  1.6164000E+00
+ 40  1.5821000E+00
+ 41  1.5470000E+00
+ 42  1.5107000E+00
+ 43  1.4731000E+00
+ 44  1.4338000E+00
+ 45  1.3926000E+00
+ 46  1.3492000E+00
+ 47  1.3033000E+00
+ 48  1.2500000E+00
+ 49  1.1659000E+00
+ 50  1.0230000E+00
+ 51  8.1842000E-01
+# ni | 10^19/m^3
+  1  2.6675000E+00  2.5989000E-02
+  2  2.6642000E+00  2.5985000E-02
+  3  2.6517000E+00  2.5972000E-02
+  4  2.6414000E+00  2.5948000E-02
+  5  2.6291000E+00  2.5915000E-02
+  6  2.6154000E+00  2.5872000E-02
+  7  2.5992000E+00  2.5819000E-02
+  8  2.5800000E+00  2.5756000E-02
+  9  2.5574000E+00  2.5683000E-02
+ 10  2.5311000E+00  2.5599000E-02
+ 11  2.5009000E+00  2.5505000E-02
+ 12  2.4668000E+00  2.5400000E-02
+ 13  2.4288000E+00  2.5284000E-02
+ 14  2.3872000E+00  2.5157000E-02
+ 15  2.3425000E+00  2.5019000E-02
+ 16  2.2955000E+00  2.4869000E-02
+ 17  2.2467000E+00  2.4708000E-02
+ 18  2.1971000E+00  2.4535000E-02
+ 19  2.1474000E+00  2.4350000E-02
+ 20  2.0985000E+00  2.4153000E-02
+ 21  2.0508000E+00  2.3944000E-02
+ 22  2.0050000E+00  2.3723000E-02
+ 23  1.9616000E+00  2.3489000E-02
+ 24  1.9210000E+00  2.3242000E-02
+ 25  1.8830000E+00  2.2982000E-02
+ 26  1.8473000E+00  2.2710000E-02
+ 27  1.8135000E+00  2.2425000E-02
+ 28  1.7813000E+00  2.2126000E-02
+ 29  1.7504000E+00  2.1814000E-02
+ 30  1.7208000E+00  2.1488000E-02
+ 31  1.6923000E+00  2.1148000E-02
+ 32  1.6647000E+00  2.0794000E-02
+ 33  1.6380000E+00  2.0427000E-02
+ 34  1.6119000E+00  2.0045000E-02
+ 35  1.5863000E+00  1.9648000E-02
+ 36  1.5610000E+00  1.9237000E-02
+ 37  1.5357000E+00  1.8811000E-02
+ 38  1.5102000E+00  1.8365000E-02
+ 39  1.4841000E+00  1.7887000E-02
+ 40  1.4574000E+00  1.7369000E-02
+ 41  1.4296000E+00  1.6800000E-02
+ 42  1.4007000E+00  1.6168000E-02
+ 43  1.3703000E+00  1.5465000E-02
+ 44  1.3382000E+00  1.4680000E-02
+ 45  1.3036000E+00  1.4062000E-02
+ 46  1.2674000E+00  1.3206000E-02
+ 47  1.2270000E+00  1.2845000E-02
+ 48  1.1777000E+00  1.3073000E-02
+ 49  1.0952000E+00  1.4217000E-02
+ 50  9.5124000E-01  1.6607000E-02
+ 51  7.5384000E-01  1.6014000E-02
+# te | keV
+  1  2.6092000E+00
+  2  2.6032000E+00
+  3  2.5859000E+00
+  4  2.5581000E+00
+  5  2.5206000E+00
+  6  2.4743000E+00
+  7  2.4202000E+00
+  8  2.3589000E+00
+  9  2.2915000E+00
+ 10  2.2187000E+00
+ 11  2.1414000E+00
+ 12  2.0604000E+00
+ 13  1.9768000E+00
+ 14  1.8911000E+00
+ 15  1.8045000E+00
+ 16  1.7176000E+00
+ 17  1.6314000E+00
+ 18  1.5468000E+00
+ 19  1.4645000E+00
+ 20  1.3854000E+00
+ 21  1.3104000E+00
+ 22  1.2396000E+00
+ 23  1.1727000E+00
+ 24  1.1094000E+00
+ 25  1.0493000E+00
+ 26  9.9217000E-01
+ 27  9.3766000E-01
+ 28  8.8544000E-01
+ 29  8.3520000E-01
+ 30  7.8661000E-01
+ 31  7.3936000E-01
+ 32  6.9312000E-01
+ 33  6.4763000E-01
+ 34  6.0288000E-01
+ 35  5.5898000E-01
+ 36  5.1602000E-01
+ 37  4.7410000E-01
+ 38  4.3334000E-01
+ 39  3.9381000E-01
+ 40  3.5564000E-01
+ 41  3.1890000E-01
+ 42  2.8372000E-01
+ 43  2.5018000E-01
+ 44  2.1839000E-01
+ 45  1.8836000E-01
+ 46  1.5987000E-01
+ 47  1.3267000E-01
+ 48  1.0650000E-01
+ 49  8.1105000E-02
+ 50  5.6222000E-02
+ 51  3.1597000E-02
+# ti | keV
+  1  1.9414000E+00  1.9414000E+00
+  2  1.9368000E+00  1.9368000E+00
+  3  1.9234000E+00  1.9234000E+00
+  4  1.9020000E+00  1.9020000E+00
+  5  1.8732000E+00  1.8732000E+00
+  6  1.8379000E+00  1.8379000E+00
+  7  1.7967000E+00  1.7967000E+00
+  8  1.7504000E+00  1.7504000E+00
+  9  1.6997000E+00  1.6997000E+00
+ 10  1.6453000E+00  1.6453000E+00
+ 11  1.5880000E+00  1.5880000E+00
+ 12  1.5284000E+00  1.5284000E+00
+ 13  1.4674000E+00  1.4674000E+00
+ 14  1.4057000E+00  1.4057000E+00
+ 15  1.3439000E+00  1.3439000E+00
+ 16  1.2828000E+00  1.2828000E+00
+ 17  1.2232000E+00  1.2232000E+00
+ 18  1.1657000E+00  1.1657000E+00
+ 19  1.1112000E+00  1.1112000E+00
+ 20  1.0601000E+00  1.0601000E+00
+ 21  1.0128000E+00  1.0128000E+00
+ 22  9.6878000E-01  9.6878000E-01
+ 23  9.2789000E-01  9.2789000E-01
+ 24  8.8985000E-01  8.8985000E-01
+ 25  8.5439000E-01  8.5439000E-01
+ 26  8.2124000E-01  8.2124000E-01
+ 27  7.9013000E-01  7.9013000E-01
+ 28  7.6081000E-01  7.6081000E-01
+ 29  7.3300000E-01  7.3300000E-01
+ 30  7.0644000E-01  7.0644000E-01
+ 31  6.8087000E-01  6.8087000E-01
+ 32  6.5601000E-01  6.5601000E-01
+ 33  6.3160000E-01  6.3160000E-01
+ 34  6.0741000E-01  6.0741000E-01
+ 35  5.8331000E-01  5.8331000E-01
+ 36  5.5921000E-01  5.5921000E-01
+ 37  5.3503000E-01  5.3503000E-01
+ 38  5.1069000E-01  5.1069000E-01
+ 39  4.8609000E-01  4.8609000E-01
+ 40  4.6115000E-01  4.6115000E-01
+ 41  4.3579000E-01  4.3579000E-01
+ 42  4.0991000E-01  4.0991000E-01
+ 43  3.8344000E-01  3.8344000E-01
+ 44  3.5628000E-01  3.5628000E-01
+ 45  3.2845000E-01  3.2845000E-01
+ 46  3.0004000E-01  3.0004000E-01
+ 47  2.7114000E-01  2.7114000E-01
+ 48  2.4186000E-01  2.4186000E-01
+ 49  2.1228000E-01  2.1228000E-01
+ 50  1.8251000E-01  1.8251000E-01
+ 51  1.5264000E-01  1.5264000E-01
+# ptot | Pa
+  1  4.3033480E+04
+  2  4.2861074E+04
+  3  4.2359998E+04
+  4  4.1549665E+04
+  5  4.0470939E+04
+  6  3.9183409E+04
+  7  3.7737019E+04
+  8  3.6169367E+04
+  9  3.4525587E+04
+ 10  3.2821182E+04
+ 11  3.1083542E+04
+ 12  2.9322421E+04
+ 13  2.7555441E+04
+ 14  2.5793819E+04
+ 15  2.4045198E+04
+ 16  2.2326971E+04
+ 17  2.0653279E+04
+ 18  1.9045375E+04
+ 19  1.7516731E+04
+ 20  1.6082782E+04
+ 21  1.4746031E+04
+ 22  1.3499101E+04
+ 23  1.2331193E+04
+ 24  1.1241847E+04
+ 25  1.0232020E+04
+ 26  9.3020777E+03
+ 27  8.4547616E+03
+ 28  7.6898798E+03
+ 29  7.0039082E+03
+ 30  6.3858962E+03
+ 31  5.8237062E+03
+ 32  5.3099023E+03
+ 33  4.8383923E+03
+ 34  4.4029176E+03
+ 35  3.9976233E+03
+ 36  3.6203514E+03
+ 37  3.2694678E+03
+ 38  2.9431280E+03
+ 39  2.6397924E+03
+ 40  2.3578522E+03
+ 41  2.0956702E+03
+ 42  1.8522457E+03
+ 43  1.6268256E+03
+ 44  1.4168086E+03
+ 45  1.2206975E+03
+ 46  1.0353152E+03
+ 47  8.5821121E+02
+ 48  6.8600722E+02
+ 49  5.1845035E+02
+ 50  3.4947481E+02
+ 51  2.1623875E+02
+# fpol | T-m
+  1 -3.5653184E+00
+  2 -3.5653417E+00
+  3 -3.5654056E+00
+  4 -3.5654958E+00
+  5 -3.5655881E+00
+  6 -3.5656502E+00
+  7 -3.5656451E+00
+  8 -3.5655412E+00
+  9 -3.5653062E+00
+ 10 -3.5649106E+00
+ 11 -3.5643284E+00
+ 12 -3.5635349E+00
+ 13 -3.5625156E+00
+ 14 -3.5612590E+00
+ 15 -3.5597555E+00
+ 16 -3.5580072E+00
+ 17 -3.5560183E+00
+ 18 -3.5538070E+00
+ 19 -3.5513868E+00
+ 20 -3.5487843E+00
+ 21 -3.5460260E+00
+ 22 -3.5431455E+00
+ 23 -3.5401763E+00
+ 24 -3.5371645E+00
+ 25 -3.5341510E+00
+ 26 -3.5311691E+00
+ 27 -3.5282572E+00
+ 28 -3.5254447E+00
+ 29 -3.5227609E+00
+ 30 -3.5202297E+00
+ 31 -3.5178671E+00
+ 32 -3.5156853E+00
+ 33 -3.5136926E+00
+ 34 -3.5118964E+00
+ 35 -3.5102954E+00
+ 36 -3.5088900E+00
+ 37 -3.5076745E+00
+ 38 -3.5066392E+00
+ 39 -3.5057735E+00
+ 40 -3.5050644E+00
+ 41 -3.5044953E+00
+ 42 -3.5040491E+00
+ 43 -3.5037073E+00
+ 44 -3.5034481E+00
+ 45 -3.5032517E+00
+ 46 -3.5030973E+00
+ 47 -3.5029660E+00
+ 48 -3.5028400E+00
+ 49 -3.5027052E+00
+ 50 -3.5025491E+00
+ 51 -3.5024217E+00
+# johm | MA/m^2
+  1 -1.1953000E+00
+  2 -1.1570000E+00
+  3 -1.0442000E+00
+  4 -9.4245000E-01
+  5 -8.6780000E-01
+  6 -8.1456000E-01
+  7 -7.7295000E-01
+  8 -7.5090000E-01
+  9 -7.5010000E-01
+ 10 -7.6263000E-01
+ 11 -7.8536000E-01
+ 12 -8.1480000E-01
+ 13 -8.4755000E-01
+ 14 -8.7975000E-01
+ 15 -9.0920000E-01
+ 16 -9.3379000E-01
+ 17 -9.5255000E-01
+ 18 -9.6398000E-01
+ 19 -9.6869000E-01
+ 20 -9.6762000E-01
+ 21 -9.6259000E-01
+ 22 -9.5436000E-01
+ 23 -9.4037000E-01
+ 24 -9.1966000E-01
+ 25 -8.9107000E-01
+ 26 -8.5618000E-01
+ 27 -8.1493000E-01
+ 28 -7.6997000E-01
+ 29 -7.2289000E-01
+ 30 -6.7533000E-01
+ 31 -6.2767000E-01
+ 32 -5.7849000E-01
+ 33 -5.3018000E-01
+ 34 -4.8274000E-01
+ 35 -4.3626000E-01
+ 36 -3.9110000E-01
+ 37 -3.4755000E-01
+ 38 -3.0593000E-01
+ 39 -2.6672000E-01
+ 40 -2.3051000E-01
+ 41 -1.9769000E-01
+ 42 -1.6870000E-01
+ 43 -1.4435000E-01
+ 44 -1.2565000E-01
+ 45 -1.1347000E-01
+ 46 -1.0885000E-01
+ 47 -1.1275000E-01
+ 48 -1.2520000E-01
+ 49 -1.4779000E-01
+ 50 -1.7991000E-01
+ 51 -2.2482000E-01
+# jbs | MA/m^2
+  1 -0.0000000E+00
+  2 -1.0825000E-02
+  3 -4.1698000E-02
+  4 -8.0059000E-02
+  5 -1.0950000E-01
+  6 -1.3077000E-01
+  7 -1.5058000E-01
+  8 -1.6272000E-01
+  9 -1.6433000E-01
+ 10 -1.6221000E-01
+ 11 -1.5784000E-01
+ 12 -1.5170000E-01
+ 13 -1.4444000E-01
+ 14 -1.3656000E-01
+ 15 -1.2831000E-01
+ 16 -1.1985000E-01
+ 17 -1.1133000E-01
+ 18 -1.0280000E-01
+ 19 -9.4286000E-02
+ 20 -8.5843000E-02
+ 21 -7.7659000E-02
+ 22 -6.9959000E-02
+ 23 -6.2835000E-02
+ 24 -5.6400000E-02
+ 25 -5.0791000E-02
+ 26 -4.6000000E-02
+ 27 -4.1936000E-02
+ 28 -3.8510000E-02
+ 29 -3.5648000E-02
+ 30 -3.3282000E-02
+ 31 -3.1345000E-02
+ 32 -2.9777000E-02
+ 33 -2.8483000E-02
+ 34 -2.7349000E-02
+ 35 -2.6319000E-02
+ 36 -2.5362000E-02
+ 37 -2.4442000E-02
+ 38 -2.3522000E-02
+ 39 -2.2565000E-02
+ 40 -2.1526000E-02
+ 41 -2.0361000E-02
+ 42 -1.9021000E-02
+ 43 -1.7461000E-02
+ 44 -1.5656000E-02
+ 45 -1.3616000E-02
+ 46 -1.1374000E-02
+ 47 -8.9815000E-03
+ 48 -6.5934000E-03
+ 49 -4.2982000E-03
+ 50 -2.1572000E-03
+ 51 -1.3647000E-04
+# jnb | MA/m^2
+  1 -2.2175000E-01
+  2 -2.4491000E-01
+  3 -3.1440000E-01
+  4 -3.5838000E-01
+  5 -3.7967000E-01
+  6 -3.8778000E-01
+  7 -3.8989000E-01
+  8 -3.8581000E-01
+  9 -3.7658000E-01
+ 10 -3.6337000E-01
+ 11 -3.4683000E-01
+ 12 -3.2824000E-01
+ 13 -3.0827000E-01
+ 14 -2.8812000E-01
+ 15 -2.6772000E-01
+ 16 -2.4735000E-01
+ 17 -2.2670000E-01
+ 18 -2.0671000E-01
+ 19 -1.8715000E-01
+ 20 -1.6863000E-01
+ 21 -1.5147000E-01
+ 22 -1.3536000E-01
+ 23 -1.2102000E-01
+ 24 -1.0758000E-01
+ 25 -9.5907000E-02
+ 26 -8.5157000E-02
+ 27 -7.6504000E-02
+ 28 -6.8780000E-02
+ 29 -6.2344000E-02
+ 30 -5.6834000E-02
+ 31 -5.1929000E-02
+ 32 -4.8861000E-02
+ 33 -4.5633000E-02
+ 34 -4.2601000E-02
+ 35 -3.9633000E-02
+ 36 -3.6376000E-02
+ 37 -3.2813000E-02
+ 38 -2.9085000E-02
+ 39 -2.5278000E-02
+ 40 -2.1351000E-02
+ 41 -1.7504000E-02
+ 42 -1.4009000E-02
+ 43 -1.0910000E-02
+ 44 -8.1329000E-03
+ 45 -5.8331000E-03
+ 46 -4.0408000E-03
+ 47 -2.7144000E-03
+ 48 -1.8134000E-03
+ 49 -1.2186000E-03
+ 50 -8.7869000E-04
+ 51 -5.2280000E-04
+# z_eff | -
+  1  1.2285000E+00
+  2  1.2288000E+00
+  3  1.2295000E+00
+  4  1.2307000E+00
+  5  1.2323000E+00
+  6  1.2343000E+00
+  7  1.2366000E+00
+  8  1.2394000E+00
+  9  1.2425000E+00
+ 10  1.2459000E+00
+ 11  1.2497000E+00
+ 12  1.2538000E+00
+ 13  1.2582000E+00
+ 14  1.2629000E+00
+ 15  1.2678000E+00
+ 16  1.2729000E+00
+ 17  1.2782000E+00
+ 18  1.2836000E+00
+ 19  1.2892000E+00
+ 20  1.2947000E+00
+ 21  1.3002000E+00
+ 22  1.3056000E+00
+ 23  1.3106000E+00
+ 24  1.3153000E+00
+ 25  1.3195000E+00
+ 26  1.3233000E+00
+ 27  1.3267000E+00
+ 28  1.3295000E+00
+ 29  1.3319000E+00
+ 30  1.3338000E+00
+ 31  1.3352000E+00
+ 32  1.3362000E+00
+ 33  1.3368000E+00
+ 34  1.3370000E+00
+ 35  1.3367000E+00
+ 36  1.3361000E+00
+ 37  1.3352000E+00
+ 38  1.3339000E+00
+ 39  1.3320000E+00
+ 40  1.3294000E+00
+ 41  1.3258000E+00
+ 42  1.3211000E+00
+ 43  1.3150000E+00
+ 44  1.3072000E+00
+ 45  1.2974000E+00
+ 46  1.2851000E+00
+ 47  1.2700000E+00
+ 48  1.2524000E+00
+ 49  1.2368000E+00
+ 50  1.2293000E+00
+ 51  1.2348000E+00
+# vpol | m/s
+  1  0.0000000E+00 -0.0000000E+00
+  2  0.0000000E+00 -3.9335675E-03
+  3  0.0000000E+00 -2.0279879E-02
+  4  0.0000000E+00 -3.2799789E-02
+  5  0.0000000E+00  3.3232792E-03
+  6  0.0000000E+00  1.5748218E-01
+  7  0.0000000E+00  5.3778947E-01
+  8  0.0000000E+00  1.2538282E+00
+  9  0.0000000E+00  2.4418203E+00
+ 10  0.0000000E+00  4.3065198E+00
+ 11  0.0000000E+00  7.0018802E+00
+ 12  0.0000000E+00  1.0746270E+01
+ 13  0.0000000E+00  1.5795700E+01
+ 14  0.0000000E+00  2.2418803E+01
+ 15  0.0000000E+00  3.0854404E+01
+ 16  0.0000000E+00  4.1356389E+01
+ 17  0.0000000E+00  5.4221264E+01
+ 18  0.0000000E+00  6.9758190E+01
+ 19  0.0000000E+00  8.8141364E+01
+ 20  0.0000000E+00  1.0955362E+02
+ 21  0.0000000E+00  1.3423835E+02
+ 22  0.0000000E+00  1.6245482E+02
+ 23  0.0000000E+00  1.9450518E+02
+ 24  0.0000000E+00  2.3035641E+02
+ 25  0.0000000E+00  2.7010299E+02
+ 26  0.0000000E+00  3.1385945E+02
+ 27  0.0000000E+00  3.6158851E+02
+ 28  0.0000000E+00  4.1331291E+02
+ 29  0.0000000E+00  4.6873262E+02
+ 30  0.0000000E+00  5.2645502E+02
+ 31  0.0000000E+00  5.8487948E+02
+ 32  0.0000000E+00  6.4238438E+02
+ 33  0.0000000E+00  6.9733635E+02
+ 34  0.0000000E+00  7.4803684E+02
+ 35  0.0000000E+00  7.9300178E+02
+ 36  0.0000000E+00  8.3068400E+02
+ 37  0.0000000E+00  8.5968975E+02
+ 38  0.0000000E+00  8.7830079E+02
+ 39  0.0000000E+00  8.8555357E+02
+ 40  0.0000000E+00  8.8048358E+02
+ 41  0.0000000E+00  8.6232598E+02
+ 42  0.0000000E+00  8.2977267E+02
+ 43  0.0000000E+00  7.8240777E+02
+ 44  0.0000000E+00  7.2303670E+02
+ 45  0.0000000E+00  6.5264081E+02
+ 46  0.0000000E+00  5.7460605E+02
+ 47  0.0000000E+00  4.9037853E+02
+ 48  0.0000000E+00  4.0185182E+02
+ 49  0.0000000E+00  3.0990991E+02
+ 50  0.0000000E+00  2.1086693E+02
+ 51  0.0000000E+00  1.2769000E+02
+# vtor | m/s
+  1  0.0000000E+00 -1.1338900E+05
+  2  0.0000000E+00 -1.1415743E+05
+  3  0.0000000E+00 -1.1477751E+05
+  4  0.0000000E+00 -1.1515934E+05
+  5  0.0000000E+00 -1.1534305E+05
+  6  0.0000000E+00 -1.1532557E+05
+  7  0.0000000E+00 -1.1510271E+05
+  8  0.0000000E+00 -1.1468976E+05
+  9  0.0000000E+00 -1.1408863E+05
+ 10  0.0000000E+00 -1.1329229E+05
+ 11  0.0000000E+00 -1.1231498E+05
+ 12  0.0000000E+00 -1.1115708E+05
+ 13  0.0000000E+00 -1.0982108E+05
+ 14  0.0000000E+00 -1.0830911E+05
+ 15  0.0000000E+00 -1.0662877E+05
+ 16  0.0000000E+00 -1.0478643E+05
+ 17  0.0000000E+00 -1.0278089E+05
+ 18  0.0000000E+00 -1.0061830E+05
+ 19  0.0000000E+00 -9.8301927E+04
+ 20  0.0000000E+00 -9.5839156E+04
+ 21  0.0000000E+00 -9.3236876E+04
+ 22  0.0000000E+00 -9.0520507E+04
+ 23  0.0000000E+00 -8.7715253E+04
+ 24  0.0000000E+00 -8.4859632E+04
+ 25  0.0000000E+00 -8.1983558E+04
+ 26  0.0000000E+00 -7.9112536E+04
+ 27  0.0000000E+00 -7.6281155E+04
+ 28  0.0000000E+00 -7.3520121E+04
+ 29  0.0000000E+00 -7.0864049E+04
+ 30  0.0000000E+00 -6.8324267E+04
+ 31  0.0000000E+00 -6.5887008E+04
+ 32  0.0000000E+00 -6.3539492E+04
+ 33  0.0000000E+00 -6.1269163E+04
+ 34  0.0000000E+00 -5.9067074E+04
+ 35  0.0000000E+00 -5.6918113E+04
+ 36  0.0000000E+00 -5.4813355E+04
+ 37  0.0000000E+00 -5.2741457E+04
+ 38  0.0000000E+00 -5.0688294E+04
+ 39  0.0000000E+00 -4.8641386E+04
+ 40  0.0000000E+00 -4.6589718E+04
+ 41  0.0000000E+00 -4.4519943E+04
+ 42  0.0000000E+00 -4.2420481E+04
+ 43  0.0000000E+00 -4.0287812E+04
+ 44  0.0000000E+00 -3.8118302E+04
+ 45  0.0000000E+00 -3.5917240E+04
+ 46  0.0000000E+00 -3.3685249E+04
+ 47  0.0000000E+00 -3.1432216E+04
+ 48  0.0000000E+00 -2.9153974E+04
+ 49  0.0000000E+00 -2.6853532E+04
+ 50  0.0000000E+00 -2.4409287E+04
+ 51  0.0000000E+00 -2.2354400E+04
+# qohme | MW/m^3
+  1  1.1036000E-02
+  2  1.0482000E-02
+  3  9.4228000E-03
+  4  8.6589000E-03
+  5  8.1249000E-03
+  6  7.7427000E-03
+  7  7.5330000E-03
+  8  7.6961000E-03
+  9  8.3161000E-03
+ 10  9.3282000E-03
+ 11  1.0761000E-02
+ 12  1.2634000E-02
+ 13  1.4948000E-02
+ 14  1.7670000E-02
+ 15  2.0764000E-02
+ 16  2.4158000E-02
+ 17  2.7774000E-02
+ 18  3.1490000E-02
+ 19  3.5228000E-02
+ 20  3.8947000E-02
+ 21  4.2682000E-02
+ 22  4.6389000E-02
+ 23  4.9748000E-02
+ 24  5.2454000E-02
+ 25  5.4231000E-02
+ 26  5.5035000E-02
+ 27  5.4778000E-02
+ 28  5.3641000E-02
+ 29  5.1830000E-02
+ 30  4.9553000E-02
+ 31  4.6845000E-02
+ 32  4.3605000E-02
+ 33  4.0107000E-02
+ 34  3.6426000E-02
+ 35  3.2597000E-02
+ 36  2.8690000E-02
+ 37  2.4794000E-02
+ 38  2.1005000E-02
+ 39  1.7439000E-02
+ 40  1.4208000E-02
+ 41  1.1389000E-02
+ 42  9.0453000E-03
+ 43  7.2423000E-03
+ 44  6.0351000E-03
+ 45  5.4773000E-03
+ 46  5.7264000E-03
+ 47  7.2188000E-03
+ 48  1.1061000E-02
+ 49  2.1145000E-02
+ 50  5.1036000E-02
+ 51  1.0974000E-01
+# qbeame | MW/m^3
+  1  2.1897000E-01
+  2  2.1896000E-01
+  3  2.2006000E-01
+  4  2.1816000E-01
+  5  2.1491000E-01
+  6  2.1012000E-01
+  7  2.0435000E-01
+  8  1.9784000E-01
+  9  1.9092000E-01
+ 10  1.8382000E-01
+ 11  1.7674000E-01
+ 12  1.6989000E-01
+ 13  1.6346000E-01
+ 14  1.5750000E-01
+ 15  1.5201000E-01
+ 16  1.4692000E-01
+ 17  1.4208000E-01
+ 18  1.3735000E-01
+ 19  1.3254000E-01
+ 20  1.2751000E-01
+ 21  1.2215000E-01
+ 22  1.1648000E-01
+ 23  1.1060000E-01
+ 24  1.0463000E-01
+ 25  9.8722000E-02
+ 26  9.3017000E-02
+ 27  8.7614000E-02
+ 28  8.2588000E-02
+ 29  7.7951000E-02
+ 30  7.3735000E-02
+ 31  6.9880000E-02
+ 32  6.6323000E-02
+ 33  6.2984000E-02
+ 34  5.9764000E-02
+ 35  5.6562000E-02
+ 36  5.3290000E-02
+ 37  4.9882000E-02
+ 38  4.6303000E-02
+ 39  4.2549000E-02
+ 40  3.8661000E-02
+ 41  3.4688000E-02
+ 42  3.0688000E-02
+ 43  2.6719000E-02
+ 44  2.2846000E-02
+ 45  1.9167000E-02
+ 46  1.5858000E-02
+ 47  1.3099000E-02
+ 48  1.1199000E-02
+ 49  1.0088000E-02
+ 50  1.0439000E-02
+ 51  1.0832000E-02
+# qbeami | MW/m^3
+  1  4.1709000E-01
+  2  4.1566000E-01
+  3  4.1334000E-01
+  4  4.0409000E-01
+  5  3.9117000E-01
+  6  3.7457000E-01
+  7  3.5551000E-01
+  8  3.3480000E-01
+  9  3.1329000E-01
+ 10  2.9166000E-01
+ 11  2.7048000E-01
+ 12  2.5010000E-01
+ 13  2.3075000E-01
+ 14  2.1254000E-01
+ 15  1.9554000E-01
+ 16  1.7970000E-01
+ 17  1.6492000E-01
+ 18  1.5108000E-01
+ 19  1.3804000E-01
+ 20  1.2572000E-01
+ 21  1.1408000E-01
+ 22  1.0310000E-01
+ 23  9.2812000E-02
+ 24  8.3248000E-02
+ 25  7.4454000E-02
+ 26  6.6459000E-02
+ 27  5.9271000E-02
+ 28  5.2854000E-02
+ 29  4.7174000E-02
+ 30  4.2111000E-02
+ 31  3.7595000E-02
+ 32  3.3531000E-02
+ 33  2.9824000E-02
+ 34  2.6402000E-02
+ 35  2.3211000E-02
+ 36  2.0217000E-02
+ 37  1.7406000E-02
+ 38  1.4779000E-02
+ 39  1.2354000E-02
+ 40  1.0142000E-02
+ 41  8.1611000E-03
+ 42  6.4228000E-03
+ 43  4.9247000E-03
+ 44  3.6659000E-03
+ 45  2.6376000E-03
+ 46  1.8367000E-03
+ 47  1.2425000E-03
+ 48  8.3562000E-04
+ 49  5.5438000E-04
+ 50  3.7937000E-04
+ 51  2.0085000E-04
+# qbrem | MW/m^3
+  1 -1.1832000E-03
+  2 -1.1796400E-03
+  3 -1.1687600E-03
+  4 -1.1535800E-03
+  5 -1.1334900E-03
+  6 -1.1092400E-03
+  7 -1.0810100E-03
+  8 -1.0491800E-03
+  9 -1.0144200E-03
+ 10 -9.7711300E-04
+ 11 -9.3791800E-04
+ 12 -8.9738900E-04
+ 13 -8.5593300E-04
+ 14 -8.1398100E-04
+ 15 -7.7228200E-04
+ 16 -7.3131100E-04
+ 17 -6.9153400E-04
+ 18 -6.5335300E-04
+ 19 -6.1713900E-04
+ 20 -5.8319000E-04
+ 21 -5.5173900E-04
+ 22 -5.2286200E-04
+ 23 -4.9655500E-04
+ 24 -4.7281600E-04
+ 25 -4.5142900E-04
+ 26 -4.3214000E-04
+ 27 -4.1475400E-04
+ 28 -3.9907200E-04
+ 29 -3.8496800E-04
+ 30 -3.7236100E-04
+ 31 -3.6118700E-04
+ 32 -3.5149400E-04
+ 33 -3.4335500E-04
+ 34 -3.3690600E-04
+ 35 -3.3235400E-04
+ 36 -3.2997100E-04
+ 37 -3.3015900E-04
+ 38 -3.3338800E-04
+ 39 -3.4030600E-04
+ 40 -3.5177900E-04
+ 41 -3.6914600E-04
+ 42 -3.9434500E-04
+ 43 -4.3034000E-04
+ 44 -4.8165000E-04
+ 45 -5.5588000E-04
+ 46 -6.2287000E-04
+ 47 -8.8692000E-04
+ 48 -1.1927000E-03
+ 49 -1.0072400E-03
+ 50 -2.4594000E-04
+ 51  1.3598000E-04
+# qei | MW/m^3
+  1  2.9832000E-02
+  2  2.9801000E-02
+  3  2.9677000E-02
+  4  2.9567000E-02
+  5  2.9426000E-02
+  6  2.9259000E-02
+  7  2.9051000E-02
+  8  2.8799000E-02
+  9  2.8497000E-02
+ 10  2.8145000E-02
+ 11  2.7738000E-02
+ 12  2.7275000E-02
+ 13  2.6751000E-02
+ 14  2.6160000E-02
+ 15  2.5499000E-02
+ 16  2.4762000E-02
+ 17  2.3945000E-02
+ 18  2.3040000E-02
+ 19  2.2044000E-02
+ 20  2.0950000E-02
+ 21  1.9791000E-02
+ 22  1.8598000E-02
+ 23  1.7378000E-02
+ 24  1.6135000E-02
+ 25  1.4864000E-02
+ 26  1.3551000E-02
+ 27  1.2185000E-02
+ 28  1.0750000E-02
+ 29  9.2308000E-03
+ 30  7.6057000E-03
+ 31  5.8497000E-03
+ 32  3.9297000E-03
+ 33  1.8059000E-03
+ 34 -5.4601000E-04
+ 35 -3.1575000E-03
+ 36 -6.0686000E-03
+ 37 -9.3259000E-03
+ 38 -1.2982000E-02
+ 39 -1.7099000E-02
+ 40 -2.1746000E-02
+ 41 -2.7003000E-02
+ 42 -3.2963000E-02
+ 43 -3.9730000E-02
+ 44 -4.7425000E-02
+ 45 -5.6264000E-02
+ 46 -6.6921000E-02
+ 47 -8.0566000E-02
+ 48 -9.9043000E-02
+ 49 -1.2285000E-01
+ 50 -1.5279000E-01
+ 51 -2.1316000E-01
+# qione | MW/m^3
+  1 -1.1050000E-04
+  2 -1.1026000E-04
+  3 -1.0964000E-04
+  4 -1.0892000E-04
+  5 -1.0791000E-04
+  6 -1.0666000E-04
+  7 -1.0519000E-04
+  8 -1.0352000E-04
+  9 -1.0168000E-04
+ 10 -9.9687000E-05
+ 11 -9.7582000E-05
+ 12 -9.5391000E-05
+ 13 -9.3137000E-05
+ 14 -9.0839000E-05
+ 15 -8.8518000E-05
+ 16 -8.6189000E-05
+ 17 -8.3866000E-05
+ 18 -8.1567000E-05
+ 19 -7.9301000E-05
+ 20 -7.7080000E-05
+ 21 -7.4911000E-05
+ 22 -7.2828000E-05
+ 23 -7.0875000E-05
+ 24 -6.9094000E-05
+ 25 -6.7501000E-05
+ 26 -6.6100000E-05
+ 27 -6.4896000E-05
+ 28 -6.3898000E-05
+ 29 -6.3112000E-05
+ 30 -6.2549000E-05
+ 31 -6.2223000E-05
+ 32 -6.2156000E-05
+ 33 -6.2375000E-05
+ 34 -6.2914000E-05
+ 35 -6.3816000E-05
+ 36 -6.5139000E-05
+ 37 -6.6981000E-05
+ 38 -6.9472000E-05
+ 39 -7.2794000E-05
+ 40 -7.7231000E-05
+ 41 -8.3204000E-05
+ 42 -9.1315000E-05
+ 43 -1.0255000E-04
+ 44 -1.1846000E-04
+ 45 -1.4145000E-04
+ 46 -1.7536000E-04
+ 47 -2.2628000E-04
+ 48 -3.0460000E-04
+ 49 -4.1866000E-04
+ 50 -5.3520000E-04
+ 51 -6.2468000E-04
+# qioni | MW/m^3
+  1  8.8186000E-03
+  2  8.8308000E-03
+  3  8.7304000E-03
+  4  8.6071000E-03
+  5  8.4217000E-03
+  6  8.1876000E-03
+  7  7.9188000E-03
+  8  7.6216000E-03
+  9  7.3020000E-03
+ 10  6.9676000E-03
+ 11  6.6253000E-03
+ 12  6.2815000E-03
+ 13  5.9410000E-03
+ 14  5.6080000E-03
+ 15  5.2858000E-03
+ 16  4.9766000E-03
+ 17  4.6821000E-03
+ 18  4.4034000E-03
+ 19  4.1405000E-03
+ 20  3.8930000E-03
+ 21  3.6606000E-03
+ 22  3.4437000E-03
+ 23  3.2432000E-03
+ 24  3.0597000E-03
+ 25  2.8929000E-03
+ 26  2.7422000E-03
+ 27  2.6071000E-03
+ 28  2.4869000E-03
+ 29  2.3809000E-03
+ 30  2.2884000E-03
+ 31  2.2086000E-03
+ 32  2.1411000E-03
+ 33  2.0855000E-03
+ 34  2.0414000E-03
+ 35  2.0086000E-03
+ 36  1.9872000E-03
+ 37  1.9775000E-03
+ 38  1.9801000E-03
+ 39  1.9957000E-03
+ 40  2.0256000E-03
+ 41  2.0712000E-03
+ 42  2.1340000E-03
+ 43  2.2156000E-03
+ 44  2.3173000E-03
+ 45  2.4399000E-03
+ 46  2.5839000E-03
+ 47  2.7460000E-03
+ 48  2.8945000E-03
+ 49  2.9183000E-03
+ 50  2.6210000E-03
+ 51  1.6946000E-03
+# qcxi | MW/m^3
+  1 -2.2892000E-02
+  2 -2.2477000E-02
+  3 -2.2168000E-02
+  4 -2.1410000E-02
+  5 -2.0436000E-02
+  6 -1.9258000E-02
+  7 -1.7924000E-02
+  8 -1.6491000E-02
+  9 -1.5015000E-02
+ 10 -1.3540000E-02
+ 11 -1.2100000E-02
+ 12 -1.0726000E-02
+ 13 -9.4382000E-03
+ 14 -8.2532000E-03
+ 15 -7.1792000E-03
+ 16 -6.2183000E-03
+ 17 -5.3677000E-03
+ 18 -4.6238000E-03
+ 19 -3.9797000E-03
+ 20 -3.4283000E-03
+ 21 -2.9539000E-03
+ 22 -2.5399000E-03
+ 23 -2.1654000E-03
+ 24 -1.8472000E-03
+ 25 -1.5765000E-03
+ 26 -1.3512000E-03
+ 27 -1.1826000E-03
+ 28 -1.0490000E-03
+ 29 -9.4411000E-04
+ 30 -8.6403000E-04
+ 31 -8.0447000E-04
+ 32 -7.6168000E-04
+ 33 -7.3263000E-04
+ 34 -7.1519000E-04
+ 35 -7.0899000E-04
+ 36 -7.1509000E-04
+ 37 -7.3686000E-04
+ 38 -7.7865000E-04
+ 39 -8.4606000E-04
+ 40 -9.4906000E-04
+ 41 -1.1008000E-03
+ 42 -1.3176000E-03
+ 43 -1.6278000E-03
+ 44 -2.0716000E-03
+ 45 -2.7030000E-03
+ 46 -3.5986000E-03
+ 47 -4.8611000E-03
+ 48 -6.7027000E-03
+ 49 -9.2590000E-03
+ 50 -1.1662000E-02
+ 51 -1.5583000E-02
+# qpar_beam | 1/m^3/s
+  1  3.3046000E+19
+  2  3.2965000E+19
+  3  3.2892000E+19
+  4  3.2298000E+19
+  5  3.1429000E+19
+  6  3.0278000E+19
+  7  2.8946000E+19
+  8  2.7489000E+19
+  9  2.5974000E+19
+ 10  2.4446000E+19
+ 11  2.2949000E+19
+ 12  2.1511000E+19
+ 13  2.0155000E+19
+ 14  1.8889000E+19
+ 15  1.7719000E+19
+ 16  1.6634000E+19
+ 17  1.5627000E+19
+ 18  1.4679000E+19
+ 19  1.3774000E+19
+ 20  1.2903000E+19
+ 21  1.2063000E+19
+ 22  1.1265000E+19
+ 23  1.0570000E+19
+ 24  9.8877000E+18
+ 25  9.2405000E+18
+ 26  8.6253000E+18
+ 27  7.9684000E+18
+ 28  7.3589000E+18
+ 29  6.8075000E+18
+ 30  6.3109000E+18
+ 31  5.8640000E+18
+ 32  5.4584000E+18
+ 33  5.0836000E+18
+ 34  4.7303000E+18
+ 35  4.3898000E+18
+ 36  4.0553000E+18
+ 37  3.7220000E+18
+ 38  3.3885000E+18
+ 39  3.0555000E+18
+ 40  2.7250000E+18
+ 41  2.4008000E+18
+ 42  2.0880000E+18
+ 43  1.7893000E+18
+ 44  1.5077000E+18
+ 45  1.2486000E+18
+ 46  1.0219000E+18
+ 47  8.3672000E+17
+ 48  7.1069000E+17
+ 49  6.3781000E+17
+ 50  6.5576000E+17
+ 51  6.7349000E+17
+# qpar_wall | 1/m^3/s
+  1  2.3195000E+19
+  2  2.3130000E+19
+  3  2.2998000E+19
+  4  2.2829000E+19
+  5  2.2569000E+19
+  6  2.2234000E+19
+  7  2.1844000E+19
+  8  2.1407000E+19
+  9  2.0933000E+19
+ 10  2.0434000E+19
+ 11  1.9920000E+19
+ 12  1.9400000E+19
+ 13  1.8882000E+19
+ 14  1.8372000E+19
+ 15  1.7876000E+19
+ 16  1.7395000E+19
+ 17  1.6931000E+19
+ 18  1.6484000E+19
+ 19  1.6052000E+19
+ 20  1.5634000E+19
+ 21  1.5227000E+19
+ 22  1.4835000E+19
+ 23  1.4470000E+19
+ 24  1.4141000E+19
+ 25  1.3855000E+19
+ 26  1.3617000E+19
+ 27  1.3435000E+19
+ 28  1.3315000E+19
+ 29  1.3263000E+19
+ 30  1.3286000E+19
+ 31  1.3393000E+19
+ 32  1.3593000E+19
+ 33  1.3900000E+19
+ 34  1.4333000E+19
+ 35  1.4913000E+19
+ 36  1.5671000E+19
+ 37  1.6654000E+19
+ 38  1.7925000E+19
+ 39  1.9569000E+19
+ 40  2.1718000E+19
+ 41  2.4565000E+19
+ 42  2.8383000E+19
+ 43  3.3619000E+19
+ 44  4.0969000E+19
+ 45  5.1519000E+19
+ 46  6.6969000E+19
+ 47  9.0067000E+19
+ 48  1.2552000E+20
+ 49  1.7744000E+20
+ 50  2.3138000E+20
+ 51  2.7384000E+20
+# qmom | Nm
+  1 -6.0014000E-01
+  2 -5.9862000E-01
+  3 -5.9568000E-01
+  4 -5.8408000E-01
+  5 -5.6967000E-01
+  6 -5.5033000E-01
+  7 -5.2758000E-01
+  8 -5.0234000E-01
+  9 -4.7561000E-01
+ 10 -4.4860000E-01
+ 11 -4.2204000E-01
+ 12 -3.9617000E-01
+ 13 -3.7136000E-01
+ 14 -3.4851000E-01
+ 15 -3.2777000E-01
+ 16 -3.0838000E-01
+ 17 -2.9011000E-01
+ 18 -2.7274000E-01
+ 19 -2.5591000E-01
+ 20 -2.3970000E-01
+ 21 -2.2402000E-01
+ 22 -2.0866000E-01
+ 23 -1.9370000E-01
+ 24 -1.7926000E-01
+ 25 -1.6543000E-01
+ 26 -1.5251000E-01
+ 27 -1.4085000E-01
+ 28 -1.3025000E-01
+ 29 -1.2058000E-01
+ 30 -1.1179000E-01
+ 31 -1.0387000E-01
+ 32 -9.6717000E-02
+ 33 -9.0075000E-02
+ 34 -8.3745000E-02
+ 35 -7.7585000E-02
+ 36 -7.1519000E-02
+ 37 -6.5412000E-02
+ 38 -5.9285000E-02
+ 39 -5.3193000E-02
+ 40 -4.7189000E-02
+ 41 -4.1336000E-02
+ 42 -3.5704000E-02
+ 43 -3.0341000E-02
+ 44 -2.5316000E-02
+ 45 -2.0710000E-02
+ 46 -1.6691000E-02
+ 47 -1.3411000E-02
+ 48 -1.1130000E-02
+ 49 -9.7016000E-03
+ 50 -9.7191000E-03
+ 51 -9.7779000E-03
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.gacode.geo b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.gacode.geo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13c6400ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/input.gacode.geo
@@ -0,0 +1,5110 @@
+# input.gacode.geo
+# File format:
+# nfourier
+# a[4,0:nfourier,nx]
+# NOTE: nx=EXPRO_n_exp is defined in input.gacode
+          24
+ 3.4209251825000E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3387350525000E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 3.4207547947584E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3368974701745E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.4119927227507E-02
+ 1.6940602140694E-04
+ 1.6925176547355E-02
+ 1.1717931307867E-05
+ 3.7303423953376E-06
+ 2.9542073975241E-06
+ 9.4907567304290E-05
+ 4.2195666610494E-06
+ 1.4281022357965E-06
+ 5.0957437546912E-06
+ 3.7051891187218E-05
+ 1.3406178164794E-05
+ 4.0333908812262E-05
+ 6.1392482125029E-07
+ 2.6013398501339E-06
+ 1.1370780109078E-07
+ 1.3724609966451E-07
+ 1.2272695653270E-07
+ 5.1099803190563E-07
+ 4.2849059476525E-07
+ 5.2863859345202E-07
+ 3.3096561629323E-08
+ 8.2290992114282E-08
+ 1.0998822193466E-09
+ 8.0896360721386E-09
+ 1.1851400470303E-08
+ 8.2149758134544E-10
+ 1.4291361315761E-08
+ 9.1811782618637E-09
+ 2.5613102439685E-09
+ 2.7922457838724E-09
+ 8.0270720554009E-10
+ 2.3937068400631E-09
+ 8.7455142660337E-10
+ 2.6168912883963E-10
+ 3.9907152493142E-11
+ 4.2828402425777E-10
+ 2.1085556439361E-10
+ 3.4202816591159E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3341279936889E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 2.8083740636664E-02
+ 3.2141831362921E-04
+ 3.3644476956441E-02
+ 5.2869627523801E-05
+ 9.3537428007229E-06
+ 8.1667848231459E-06
+ 1.8737090368456E-04
+ 1.8270062032199E-05
+ 5.3500363958658E-06
+ 2.3774695314712E-05
+ 7.2131076564659E-05
+ 2.6403255355720E-05
+ 7.9749177289339E-05
+ 1.0956856831472E-06
+ 5.1768453337425E-06
+ 7.1756593534925E-07
+ 1.5940022592916E-07
+ 5.6094617502646E-07
+ 1.1103458345794E-06
+ 8.6374776877386E-07
+ 1.1299807832570E-06
+ 1.2064435668460E-07
+ 1.6903067213570E-07
+ 3.8617733097972E-08
+ 2.8400961861106E-08
+ 3.6197232808688E-08
+ 1.0482183987725E-09
+ 5.3582307407318E-09
+ 5.0302706779125E-09
+ 2.5968265614871E-08
+ 1.1528091586443E-09
+ 1.8836980967182E-09
+ 2.8628717652181E-09
+ 8.8626019776559E-10
+ 3.5651915980872E-09
+ 2.1490414494085E-09
+ 5.9261896934497E-10
+ 7.3141660200927E-10
+ 3.3446578150087E-09
+ 3.4195049604890E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3375374171963E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 4.2114670946759E-02
+ 4.8698684108167E-04
+ 5.0467768307670E-02
+ 1.2174717297524E-04
+ 9.3002276961425E-06
+ 1.0337892121667E-05
+ 2.8332175060965E-04
+ 4.0734607725978E-05
+ 7.4839807968127E-06
+ 5.6138347400020E-05
+ 1.0879558998880E-04
+ 4.0170692036967E-05
+ 1.2131979610865E-04
+ 2.6277404628869E-06
+ 7.9768151865649E-06
+ 1.8727885353892E-06
+ 1.0708117155596E-06
+ 1.5965461509810E-06
+ 1.5445712369094E-06
+ 1.3149104460091E-06
+ 1.6742578929584E-06
+ 1.8778558839956E-07
+ 2.5415911224784E-07
+ 2.6697406544955E-08
+ 6.2512141154088E-09
+ 1.2516629598062E-08
+ 3.5192776040152E-08
+ 1.4704400786015E-08
+ 2.2782595942845E-08
+ 1.6013235647221E-08
+ 6.8164143040199E-08
+ 1.1993367420104E-08
+ 7.7181852355938E-09
+ 1.0540458778900E-08
+ 1.5331627802308E-08
+ 1.4104178123491E-08
+ 6.5785997932781E-10
+ 7.6702366698925E-09
+ 6.9119164630357E-09
+ 2.3279093238344E-08
+ 1.7519085449417E-09
+ 3.7359028056603E-10
+ 7.8469821808954E-09
+ 3.4184275760888E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3446725216003E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 5.6141543598497E-02
+ 6.5513449230172E-04
+ 6.7332230248883E-02
+ 2.1779705604462E-04
+ 1.1510126140150E-05
+ 1.4966254562161E-05
+ 3.8197802452129E-04
+ 7.3212297502178E-05
+ 8.9293536406775E-06
+ 1.0016238954982E-04
+ 1.4882835951242E-04
+ 5.4791868259913E-05
+ 1.6491550844823E-04
+ 5.7287579067348E-06
+ 1.0942101234419E-05
+ 3.1643050920977E-06
+ 2.3849093341049E-06
+ 3.5589891877361E-06
+ 1.6383577842433E-06
+ 1.7703937580643E-06
+ 2.0942626531130E-06
+ 3.3914886724507E-07
+ 3.3776007887082E-07
+ 1.1396127748162E-07
+ 7.2688110851933E-08
+ 4.1601611924024E-08
+ 4.8643570407622E-08
+ 1.5338668665533E-08
+ 5.8909255616389E-08
+ 1.3208685429199E-07
+ 2.8153689682893E-09
+ 2.4095278969340E-08
+ 3.0313508219923E-08
+ 7.5244722432594E-09
+ 1.1718605053651E-08
+ 4.3004150874084E-08
+ 1.6520051239293E-09
+ 4.5918659697262E-10
+ 1.1172376581351E-08
+ 2.5965065830544E-09
+ 4.9630911685762E-09
+ 8.1151794740510E-09
+ 3.4170769278818E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3534545730341E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 7.0078975961214E-02
+ 8.1593893862700E-04
+ 8.4135793109434E-02
+ 3.4179828367057E-04
+ 1.7541253265908E-05
+ 2.3184957542976E-05
+ 4.8195346108395E-04
+ 1.1550665866922E-04
+ 1.1481862564655E-05
+ 1.5637994481357E-04
+ 1.9029707378121E-04
+ 7.0093187676861E-05
+ 2.0930470556424E-04
+ 9.9319786112433E-06
+ 1.3991200206398E-05
+ 4.7600045295859E-06
+ 3.4863168386487E-06
+ 5.7874248547641E-06
+ 1.8819829095412E-06
+ 2.2162269225323E-06
+ 2.4753150646518E-06
+ 7.4734576444562E-07
+ 4.1502573413008E-07
+ 1.3238787157501E-07
+ 3.6817273110732E-07
+ 4.3080302696235E-08
+ 5.7346911751342E-08
+ 1.3226288609629E-08
+ 8.2082121868930E-08
+ 5.9077511443063E-09
+ 1.1501936698467E-08
+ 4.9439177544658E-09
+ 4.7624139514145E-09
+ 3.1801682473816E-08
+ 7.1772856623947E-08
+ 3.2221518811553E-08
+ 2.0514858508602E-08
+ 9.6975774089690E-09
+ 2.2467125120754E-08
+ 5.3513519905943E-09
+ 7.0842659944614E-09
+ 3.4154612307909E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3632488391851E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 8.4031249312383E-02
+ 9.6724981784724E-04
+ 1.0099828847045E-01
+ 4.9393507897785E-04
+ 2.6920022817262E-05
+ 3.4711184570672E-05
+ 5.8370593166917E-04
+ 1.6660677022105E-04
+ 1.5787694626990E-05
+ 2.2554226533644E-04
+ 2.3329551476849E-04
+ 8.6093835442888E-05
+ 2.5375373999635E-04
+ 1.4710484976765E-05
+ 1.7146818607159E-05
+ 7.0790631369901E-06
+ 4.6667612253592E-06
+ 8.4709809530659E-06
+ 2.1585026752546E-06
+ 2.6717034534558E-06
+ 2.7462007634812E-06
+ 9.8426974494875E-07
+ 4.6946519677948E-07
+ 1.6363967559786E-07
+ 4.5321759806192E-07
+ 2.8708293999833E-07
+ 5.0278151081576E-08
+ 7.3637021396535E-08
+ 3.5463371762826E-08
+ 1.1275760364116E-08
+ 5.2888376366530E-08
+ 6.7591452769622E-09
+ 6.9814566072631E-08
+ 1.0649825133684E-08
+ 1.5868317641787E-08
+ 6.5588213112170E-09
+ 5.1388899862255E-09
+ 3.1828756500526E-08
+ 2.4117044212485E-08
+ 9.8266468265663E-09
+ 3.4136028984424E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.3751173232215E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 9.7976857421106E-02
+ 1.1125041785782E-03
+ 1.1788794855719E-01
+ 6.7485931502721E-04
+ 3.6136974816469E-05
+ 4.7213700442049E-05
+ 6.8770214570384E-04
+ 2.2712643822700E-04
+ 2.1937789816502E-05
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+ 1.0279330971849E-04
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+ 3.1835799503664E-06
+ 3.2597030698890E-06
+ 1.3783128965122E-06
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+ 5.4464834156945E-07
+ 3.5887081980160E-07
+ 8.7345836475906E-08
+ 2.5077911596797E-08
+ 1.4462550552753E-08
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+ 1.0318181024537E-07
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+ 1.4954757738582E-09
+ 8.4816753923208E-09
+ 4.0355075773068E-08
+ 1.4378574346035E-08
+ 9.5782190158461E-09
+ 3.4115356713118E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 4.0254562057452E-04
+ 3.2041447963734E-04
+ 1.2025294893106E-04
+ 3.4576663936586E-04
+ 2.4412877283038E-05
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+ 1.3899711585165E-05
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+ 1.5693915638563E-05
+ 3.1390860050521E-06
+ 3.8370056914070E-06
+ 3.7529851253752E-06
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+ 2.1018501847290E-07
+ 8.2517150450782E-07
+ 3.1366341207033E-07
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+ 8.2461103236547E-08
+ 3.5275881552326E-08
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+ 5.7000497451217E-09
+ 2.3492137920844E-08
+ 2.7878183790687E-08
+ 4.7434068033778E-09
+ 1.5326723984121E-09
+ 3.4092708180745E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 3.7485639999778E-04
+ 3.4988365532090E-05
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+ 3.9299999804462E-04
+ 3.1804528382597E-05
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+ 1.7854400725509E-05
+ 8.4664903372600E-06
+ 1.9603373123281E-05
+ 3.5032082158085E-06
+ 4.3525882405258E-06
+ 3.2466592995796E-06
+ 3.0710689074755E-06
+ 4.8650198932783E-07
+ 2.5444993660412E-07
+ 2.4572167616317E-07
+ 1.0053572496374E-06
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+ 8.7286651246455E-09
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+ 1.2372814191170E-08
+ 2.5912367625555E-09
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+ 2.4908908875771E-08
+ 2.8687299754836E-08
+ 2.2490770142992E-08
+ 3.4257203155031E-08
+ 1.4168917806516E-08
+ 3.3304067127193E-08
+ 4.2394383646340E-09
+ 1.4811326551776E-08
+ 6.0444993405223E-09
+ 3.4068377066487E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 9.3559545334880E-05
+ 1.0097967848758E-03
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+ 3.9353262382141E-05
+ 3.1702286256177E-05
+ 2.1937938935271E-05
+ 1.0872934964514E-05
+ 2.4332486238946E-05
+ 3.2309084078728E-06
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+ 1.3384064523308E-08
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+ 2.9871438388729E-08
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+ 1.3091776591737E-08
+ 1.4447421221236E-08
+ 3.4042486404797E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 3.2472756282621E-08
+ 1.4536923708842E-07
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+ 2.0807501192320E-07
+ 1.0959516388795E-07
+ 5.8305719382917E-08
+ 1.0232298066709E-07
+ 1.7038283568238E-07
+ 6.8295820310167E-08
+ 1.2985469634106E-07
+ 5.1716480689135E-08
+ 2.2527274099967E-08
+ 3.3762497689214E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 1.5299074481442E-05
+ 6.1828594030879E-06
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+ 6.7132794601081E-06
+ 1.7877094604842E-06
+ 3.3164084262468E-06
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+ 8.0511136766393E-07
+ 1.9729586932041E-07
+ 3.8991566729217E-07
+ 3.8858976833107E-07
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+ 3.1483721333975E-08
+ 1.1700866675970E-08
+ 9.4796547809452E-08
+ 2.8875470461873E-07
+ 2.1128620625663E-07
+ 2.8811039396718E-08
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+ 1.5414740154289E-07
+ 3.1481656434557E-07
+ 4.9435622091022E-08
+ 4.6176289637660E-08
+ 1.4675895232776E-07
+ 7.6480612679243E-08
+ 9.6767666320334E-08
+ 1.0659563363215E-07
+ 4.3780394066086E-08
+ 1.5837156258482E-07
+ 4.3545775019317E-08
+ 5.9112196640684E-08
+ 3.3727129112422E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 2.3230736622679E-03
+ 1.9535080305474E-03
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+ 9.6803990395400E-04
+ 1.6121756995816E-04
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+ 1.0081316344802E-04
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+ 7.3195906163119E-06
+ 1.3304944690926E-06
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+ 1.4482807173487E-06
+ 1.7393463183466E-06
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+ 5.2486653350747E-07
+ 4.0545133903384E-07
+ 5.3903201839877E-07
+ 2.1287329746040E-07
+ 6.5365665933295E-08
+ 1.2288134057508E-07
+ 3.3897189385684E-07
+ 6.8142461408446E-08
+ 8.6949438160812E-08
+ 1.0450824180508E-07
+ 3.5008944161381E-07
+ 7.5386498256872E-08
+ 5.1037505770317E-08
+ 5.1277003405135E-08
+ 4.5840208711581E-08
+ 6.1436105162601E-08
+ 1.0185116235260E-07
+ 4.7041342529367E-08
+ 7.5257251611740E-09
+ 1.6636341202291E-07
+ 8.5522196936746E-08
+ 1.3950157622384E-07
+ 3.3690877135805E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 2.1402422350051E-03
+ 1.3769913143123E-04
+ 2.8834049095066E-03
+ 1.0550888594661E-03
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+ 1.0252470152268E-03
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+ 1.1272897067348E-04
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+ 1.2786778149596E-06
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+ 1.0427788371719E-06
+ 7.2407511704548E-07
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+ 7.1698680721699E-07
+ 5.3522339425181E-07
+ 1.1886059583198E-07
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+ 3.1244811544131E-07
+ 1.6824008922177E-07
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+ 1.7144146664751E-07
+ 3.3653760909473E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 8.1886147418760E-08
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 2.0312258972211E-07
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 7.9773825105184E-09
+ 3.3313850462320E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 6.0316698589915E-03
+ 1.9353456632054E-03
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+ 1.6929504092339E-03
+ 3.8832467474555E-04
+ 5.3874199140971E-06
+ 1.8925266324874E-04
+ 6.9803394145690E-05
+ 3.1470394969881E-04
+ 1.3096106534525E-04
+ 3.3017318175223E-04
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+ 6.0922256623653E-05
+ 3.6772851645260E-05
+ 1.0628202737548E-05
+ 4.2874978318841E-05
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+ 2.0207363963609E-06
+ 4.5288720148043E-06
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+ 3.5582349243987E-06
+ 1.9364135030894E-06
+ 5.0652487441461E-07
+ 1.2672778042524E-06
+ 2.2615566807720E-07
+ 5.3186022483615E-07
+ 4.6970156493430E-07
+ 6.3309655967839E-07
+ 1.8961554670963E-07
+ 2.7210226286088E-07
+ 1.4561338903052E-07
+ 2.9057034926844E-08
+ 2.1084124156103E-07
+ 7.8754265935292E-08
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+ 2.1682150314394E-08
+ 2.6666086484823E-08
+ 1.8639345118322E-08
+ 3.3264281055663E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 4.5931224302386E-03
+ 1.7116536710675E-04
+ 6.5137038930932E-03
+ 2.0774954459668E-03
+ 1.0664226230118E-03
+ 1.7922620144350E-03
+ 4.2476724178337E-04
+ 1.6824359934616E-05
+ 2.0539931084497E-04
+ 9.0374633554387E-05
+ 3.5539539896760E-04
+ 1.4406117470461E-04
+ 3.6972137904189E-04
+ 1.9015795872490E-05
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+ 4.3267325674053E-05
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+ 5.0639836279832E-05
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+ 1.7542914696855E-05
+ 1.1485021194523E-05
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+ 2.3284167744853E-06
+ 4.3781919283714E-06
+ 2.2827384583165E-06
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+ 1.5553130240960E-06
+ 3.1651630072005E-07
+ 6.5842931456944E-07
+ 5.9198663948727E-07
+ 8.1093673309370E-07
+ 2.4094658748808E-07
+ 3.6985340773582E-07
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+ 2.3240944258444E-08
+ 3.0182678832897E-08
+ 5.9759624412667E-09
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 7.0314800000646E-03
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+ 1.8979227744078E-03
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+ 4.1433149824575E-04
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+ 6.0011954506702E-05
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+ 2.5470982090561E-06
+ 7.3392678247796E-06
+ 2.7346926050789E-06
+ 5.4113765188085E-06
+ 2.7830256442283E-06
+ 9.1350101610980E-07
+ 1.4780481134371E-08
+ 1.8457370190613E-06
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+ 8.1254335781096E-07
+ 7.6241768507709E-07
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+ 4.9946057176973E-07
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+ 1.2178878073946E-07
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+ 4.2363819006251E-08
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 0.0000000000000E+00
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+ 6.3310302207602E-04
+ 1.3012747288945E-03
+ 4.4572039856072E-04
+ 1.2062772032809E-03
+ 5.2444159084790E-05
+ 1.8061571159072E-05
+ 3.6232372820595E-04
+ 2.5233070209998E-04
+ 7.9825387566752E-05
+ 3.2557690850830E-04
+ 1.0087246005643E-04
+ 1.0819364235778E-04
+ 5.3723433728929E-05
+ 8.1304381762554E-06
+ 7.7414691088583E-05
+ 1.6293113975144E-05
+ 5.1507778652202E-05
+ 9.8503022661737E-06
+ 1.7111828508575E-05
+ 6.3432269605419E-06
+ 1.6635756757827E-05
+ 1.5248797393269E-05
+ 7.5737203522035E-06
+ 1.2918306232115E-05
+ 1.2884850612698E-05
+ 1.8324897246410E-06
+ 1.0233036860375E-05
+ 3.8696195793291E-06
+ 1.5245567689494E-06
+ 6.7065556595327E-06
+ 2.5429500941946E-06
+ 4.0151623461900E-06
+ 1.0394324602924E-06
+ 2.0938925616617E-06
+ 3.2535023075909E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 9.4247246677380E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 5.6136526390734E-01
+ 4.0416512833188E-04
+ 7.3128511806848E-01
+ 3.4969701360386E-02
+ 2.5807859236829E-03
+ 9.7798854331785E-03
+ 8.4622832642311E-03
+ 3.1093094570335E-05
+ 1.5324517501120E-02
+ 4.8950478394559E-03
+ 2.8461214268107E-03
+ 3.3790513792785E-03
+ 1.5185369716380E-03
+ 1.6625680975052E-04
+ 6.1159421543393E-04
+ 7.6855283513805E-04
+ 1.4930273388101E-03
+ 5.2001714749673E-04
+ 1.3670737731789E-03
+ 5.9190595101168E-05
+ 3.1951405268640E-05
+ 4.4542488409994E-04
+ 3.0714397529372E-04
+ 9.8360909612798E-05
+ 4.0363566751429E-04
+ 1.2536930451129E-04
+ 1.4418385788779E-04
+ 7.1980100713862E-05
+ 8.0788059048386E-06
+ 1.0490804509460E-04
+ 2.0096791204079E-05
+ 6.9070880893251E-05
+ 9.5388907383376E-06
+ 2.6127247256035E-05
+ 1.0366703603133E-05
+ 2.2717105258071E-05
+ 2.3173393368698E-05
+ 1.0751931711145E-05
+ 1.8900813002761E-05
+ 1.7873596785208E-05
+ 2.8112028947799E-06
+ 2.0466885742489E-07
+ 1.5373846580191E-05
+ 6.5947477553291E-06
+ 2.8853709581509E-06
+ 9.7885424515330E-06
+ 4.5364122691686E-06
+ 6.5688125029732E-06
+ 2.2427162500107E-06
+ 3.8563486506121E-06
+ 3.2443489257133E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 9.9196232090126E-02
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 5.7124850458675E-01
+ 5.0183104235685E-04
+ 7.5013509056036E-01
+ 3.8171686059035E-02
+ 2.9862327416794E-03
+ 1.0828738350811E-02
+ 8.7706141002539E-03
+ 3.9956064176156E-06
+ 1.6648486197055E-02
+ 5.3465419504976E-03
+ 3.1348404558356E-03
+ 3.5569899396037E-03
+ 1.8027764127969E-03
+ 1.5306564776022E-04
+ 6.9967945428635E-04
+ 9.3890273005989E-04
+ 1.7136175800318E-03
+ 6.1366828454992E-04
+ 1.5495078798054E-03
+ 6.7094109485133E-05
+ 5.4348944464199E-05
+ 5.5504382687315E-04
+ 3.7540556959473E-04
+ 1.2152379470533E-04
+ 5.0322162233033E-04
+ 1.5808383160062E-04
+ 1.9648072752678E-04
+ 9.7361963099737E-05
+ 6.6541339071198E-06
+ 1.4373214493011E-04
+ 2.4571067330461E-05
+ 9.4011038967017E-05
+ 6.7279183348703E-06
+ 4.1055026086463E-05
+ 1.6975063114566E-05
+ 3.1852616577156E-05
+ 3.6133446278180E-05
+ 1.5782473338343E-05
+ 2.8141001802995E-05
+ 2.4376710864036E-05
+ 4.3963632754967E-06
+ 1.4853288823183E-06
+ 2.4021385971127E-05
+ 7.4227713445230E-07
+ 1.0862889120385E-05
+ 5.4300552328754E-06
+ 1.4642620675041E-05
+ 7.5534654824977E-06
+ 1.1010386552395E-05
+ 4.5799721026049E-06
+ 7.2251453523055E-06
+ 3.2344932543494E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.0542331147418E-01
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 5.8072225881678E-01
+ 7.1160750864809E-04
+ 7.6944587621662E-01
+ 4.1809872858619E-02
+ 3.5101073447660E-03
+ 1.2113053190448E-02
+ 9.0224109472880E-03
+ 1.8120265944552E-02
+ 5.8538462991140E-03
+ 3.4578531098306E-03
+ 3.7266831629788E-03
+ 2.1797465012724E-03
+ 1.1989600837933E-04
+ 8.0742648350309E-04
+ 1.1559235656027E-03
+ 1.9671292343546E-03
+ 7.3340645402669E-04
+ 1.7562328150541E-03
+ 7.6464702982471E-05
+ 9.1494819746489E-05
+ 7.0317472040009E-04
+ 4.6045314035383E-04
+ 1.5061937172461E-04
+ 6.3009649638506E-04
+ 2.0310877935295E-04
+ 2.7443696523786E-04
+ 1.3213354445479E-04
+ 1.8407073773903E-06
+ 1.9968879880012E-04
+ 2.9012371630035E-05
+ 1.3010272877430E-04
+ 6.6525095291493E-05
+ 2.7862869551698E-05
+ 4.5671469938656E-05
+ 5.7902312188199E-05
+ 2.3397934172774E-05
+ 4.3237099709682E-05
+ 3.3056436593118E-05
+ 6.5824821677311E-06
+ 4.0717208013577E-06
+ 3.8683354420599E-05
+ 4.8396405900870E-06
+ 1.7482297206089E-05
+ 1.0677195332355E-05
+ 2.2783822614168E-05
+ 1.2170923276138E-05
+ 1.8443666500197E-05
+ 8.5438758239639E-06
+ 1.2403238388377E-05
+ 3.2238349040068E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.1341827100789E-01
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 5.8967027416305E-01
+ 1.1258495153020E-03
+ 7.8922652887723E-01
+ 4.5979612025828E-02
+ 4.2064686349653E-03
+ 1.3724268601793E-02
+ 9.1818926435354E-03
+ 1.9753403721572E-02
+ 6.4214970537141E-03
+ 3.8172060648259E-03
+ 3.8646107992609E-03
+ 2.6884737150486E-03
+ 5.5380100132491E-05
+ 9.3908587016550E-04
+ 1.4411355523379E-03
+ 2.2557110754302E-03
+ 8.9006460194303E-04
+ 1.9824633947297E-03
+ 8.6979645971020E-05
+ 1.5338434118326E-04
+ 9.0101781455986E-04
+ 5.6517366574594E-04
+ 1.8792798998754E-04
+ 7.9216049847943E-04
+ 2.6678155760948E-04
+ 3.8875432185645E-04
+ 1.7973876127321E-04
+ 2.8492620281686E-04
+ 3.1031296922098E-05
+ 1.8142747279987E-04
+ 1.1356045232761E-04
+ 4.6188333230782E-05
+ 6.2835426550340E-05
+ 9.4367515607253E-05
+ 3.4083952000197E-05
+ 6.8194176144574E-05
+ 4.4348373015299E-05
+ 8.4096814400635E-06
+ 1.3305121173100E-05
+ 6.3875893865147E-05
+ 1.3188537899452E-05
+ 2.8342502625140E-05
+ 2.1081656106310E-05
+ 3.4743208728871E-05
+ 1.8936831122338E-05
+ 3.3476815417905E-05
+ 1.5081875850614E-05
+ 2.0508254461251E-05
+ 3.2121238725277E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.2406247032022E-01
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 5.9802624923744E-01
+ 1.8321145966192E-03
+ 8.0971789110356E-01
+ 5.0873826861873E-02
+ 5.1774118307494E-03
+ 1.5819892149330E-02
+ 9.1889512644509E-03
+ 2.1578317314855E-02
+ 7.0599702925625E-03
+ 4.2098642385864E-03
+ 3.9297468583811E-03
+ 3.4038533726654E-03
+ 1.0990541827155E-03
+ 1.8328849959393E-03
+ 2.5759787141161E-03
+ 1.0939284465927E-03
+ 2.2160249117910E-03
+ 9.8957305864921E-05
+ 2.6208277563457E-04
+ 1.1760433010173E-03
+ 1.2841147861192E-05
+ 6.9352680220551E-04
+ 2.3409846616316E-04
+ 9.9991755123707E-04
+ 3.5715997676852E-04
+ 5.6692747221994E-04
+ 2.4947980549398E-04
+ 4.1420399017368E-04
+ 2.7571451705820E-05
+ 2.5682935241141E-04
+ 1.9737493770923E-04
+ 7.9580789359307E-05
+ 8.7691766143372E-05
+ 1.5758845113431E-04
+ 4.8614890422967E-05
+ 1.1212194797935E-04
+ 5.3290240405449E-05
+ 9.4181098240072E-06
+ 3.2496348551126E-05
+ 2.9481806587528E-06
+ 1.0465199544224E-04
+ 3.5384815328994E-05
+ 4.3790953315391E-05
+ 4.2192244631393E-05
+ 5.1428240592477E-05
+ 2.8900908475862E-05
+ 6.0134736056642E-05
+ 2.5041455890548E-05
+ 9.1077934153919E-07
+ 3.7138402807266E-05
+ 3.1989078153240E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.3902422334939E-01
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.0562819855515E-01
+ 2.9133453104911E-03
+ 8.3130652087933E-01
+ 5.6848430327750E-02
+ 6.6238155099275E-03
+ 1.8673374529460E-02
+ 8.9200020031225E-03
+ 2.3632848027210E-02
+ 7.7941382089569E-03
+ 4.6107632677610E-03
+ 3.8380343067630E-03
+ 4.4583201483687E-03
+ 1.2831960778237E-03
+ 2.4020322734126E-03
+ 2.9206950805035E-03
+ 1.3513680781505E-03
+ 2.4174771463600E-03
+ 1.1733595030716E-04
+ 4.6887577633020E-04
+ 1.5668196402372E-03
+ 1.8495753132009E-04
+ 8.4805086750549E-04
+ 2.8703974860750E-04
+ 1.2622496950182E-03
+ 4.9085224861503E-04
+ 8.5700356125372E-04
+ 3.5151947190887E-04
+ 6.1670735819077E-04
+ 1.0944700909588E-05
+ 3.6953666411382E-04
+ 3.5695424686491E-04
+ 1.4020213955837E-04
+ 1.1461320812252E-04
+ 2.7585174136330E-04
+ 6.5702222129281E-05
+ 1.8806759717252E-04
+ 4.2480654027367E-05
+ 5.9465417606566E-06
+ 8.3110568940093E-05
+ 2.7751970284597E-05
+ 1.7205112864612E-04
+ 9.4925204049041E-05
+ 6.5398661315118E-05
+ 8.0118571490782E-05
+ 7.0900282478169E-05
+ 4.3747080198917E-05
+ 1.1798632311219E-04
+ 2.0246989781672E-05
+ 4.4382387345907E-05
+ 5.1875106595188E-06
+ 7.3235848305314E-05
+ 3.1826248307333E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 1.6318867819500E-01
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.1211940442275E-01
+ 4.9236894515971E-03
+ 8.5546743641316E-01
+ 6.5069829701108E-02
+ 9.2305414391617E-03
+ 2.3114140960689E-02
+ 7.9664304559349E-03
+ 2.6022126835359E-02
+ 8.7019418082500E-03
+ 4.9108448627156E-03
+ 3.3242471375811E-03
+ 6.2822921575066E-03
+ 1.4336264442916E-03
+ 3.3446597800921E-03
+ 3.2567314842801E-03
+ 1.6379348413783E-03
+ 2.4274568773744E-03
+ 1.7105399883359E-04
+ 9.6086513247660E-04
+ 2.1737853538421E-03
+ 6.3759016390434E-04
+ 1.0250593372040E-03
+ 3.2141178478579E-04
+ 1.5468505280689E-03
+ 6.9076171250572E-04
+ 1.3989628647916E-03
+ 4.9980056562997E-04
+ 9.4778497324860E-04
+ 5.3509271433616E-04
+ 7.0391603257012E-04
+ 2.5418910600849E-04
+ 1.1221935377769E-04
+ 5.5821269580775E-04
+ 7.1861579504433E-05
+ 3.1624504631212E-04
+ 2.4015079430725E-04
+ 1.0017490496090E-04
+ 2.7404724551763E-04
+ 2.9737254841485E-04
+ 9.0507471395055E-05
+ 1.5227891914452E-04
+ 7.8228631216966E-05
+ 6.1825262837638E-05
+ 7.5290386778561E-06
+ 1.2166880502305E-05
+ 2.4993063995471E-04
+ 1.1619728674835E-04
+ 9.7291661042914E-05
+ 3.5914413642092E-05
+ 1.5992980803729E-04
+ 3.1617786400000E+00
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 2.0940083200000E-01
+ 0.0000000000000E+00
+ 6.1390667900000E-01
+ 9.6034055800000E-03
+ 8.8079330900000E-01
+ 7.8158910700000E-02
+ 1.5504212700000E-02
+ 2.6479109600000E-04
+ 3.0802274900000E-02
+ 4.4505141900000E-03
+ 3.0660618000000E-04
+ 2.8019606600000E-02
+ 9.9443117600000E-03
+ 4.0318407900000E-03
+ 1.3399165900000E-03
+ 9.8916817300000E-03
+ 9.6198681900000E-04
+ 5.0335040300000E-03
+ 3.2579697100000E-03
+ 1.2970078500000E-03
+ 1.2990229500000E-03
+ 4.7000043800000E-05
+ 4.6209292600000E-04
+ 2.4323524600000E-03
+ 2.8267750600000E-03
+ 2.0572785100000E-03
+ 9.2227145000000E-04
+ 1.3536365400000E-03
+ 1.1747506400000E-04
+ 8.7006189500000E-04
+ 2.2987003500000E-03
+ 6.8859784900000E-04
+ 3.9218516100000E-04
+ 1.3285921900000E-03
+ 6.0046786800000E-05
+ 5.3699315200000E-04
+ 1.5350926200000E-03
+ 2.1603256200000E-04
+ 1.2158431500000E-03
+ 9.3450708100000E-05
+ 2.8696034400000E-04
+ 2.7743171800000E-05
+ 8.9266041800000E-04
+ 1.0174075900000E-04
+ 1.8410038800000E-04
+ 9.8639935300000E-04
+ 8.1335623900000E-05
+ 1.1286211900000E-04
+ 6.0487485600000E-05
+ 4.5351291800000E-04
+ 3.5238716200000E-05
+ 4.3727044500000E-04
+ 6.5746061200000E-04
+ 8.8069972200000E-05
+ 6.2527609700000E-05
+ 1.5208615600000E-04
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2808435d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.1 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20c4d349b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.2 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5d55e5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg04/out.cgyro.prec.2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/input.cgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/input.cgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bad48ace4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/input.cgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Numerical Resolution
+# Fields
+# Geometry
+# Collisions
+# Profiles
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..346fceaaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec.1 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f38b10f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec.1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec.2 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9869dc227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg05/out.cgyro.prec.2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/input.cgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/input.cgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4a8272cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/input.cgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Numerical Resolution
+# Fields
+# Geometry
+# Collisions
+# Profiles
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..575240f38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec.1 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a5d58d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec.1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec.2 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99ba3c0b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg02/reg17/out.cgyro.prec.2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/input.xgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/input.xgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ada8278f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/input.xgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+N_DIRS = 2
+MIN_MPI_1 = 2
+DIR_1 = reg06
+MIN_MPI_2 = 2
+DIR_2 = reg07
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/input.cgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/input.cgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..589447966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/input.cgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Numerical Resolution
+# Fields
+# Geometry
+# Collisions
+# Profiles
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af2870571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec.1 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a35a0deee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec.1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec.2 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..565e83668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg06/out.cgyro.prec.2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/input.cgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/input.cgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed32d24bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/input.cgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Numerical Resolution
+# Fields
+# Geometry
+# Collisions
+# Profiles
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..575240f38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec.1 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a5d58d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec.1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec.2 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99ba3c0b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg03/reg07/out.cgyro.prec.2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/input.xgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/input.xgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50795fcc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/input.xgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+N_DIRS = 3
+MIN_MPI_1 = 1
+DIR_1 = reg10
+MIN_MPI_2 = 2
+DIR_2 = reg19
+MIN_MPI_3 = 1
+DIR_3 = reg11
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/input.cgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/input.cgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51a357a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/input.cgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Numerical Resolution
+# Geometry
+# Collisions
+# Profiles
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14c741e0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec.1 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51f0f60b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec.1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec.2 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e724cfd6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg10/out.cgyro.prec.2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/input.cgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/input.cgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e278b0385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/input.cgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Numerical Resolution
+# Geometry
+# Collisions
+# Profiles
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d755d478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec.1 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c18db7f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec.1
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec.2 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22b4d44b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg11/out.cgyro.prec.2
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/input.cgyro b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/input.cgyro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e85514482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/input.cgyro
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Numerical Resolution
+# Fields
+# Geometry
+# Collisions
+# Profiles
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b486bb8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec.1 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..226b28e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec.1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec.2 b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea8fef9a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg04/reg19/out.cgyro.prec.2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/reg_list b/xgyro/tools/input/reg_list
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7127f6238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/reg_list
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/xgyro/tools/input/simdir_list b/xgyro/tools/input/simdir_list
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..703e83440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgyro/tools/input/simdir_list
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Local XGYRO templates:
+reg01: CGYRO reg01, reg02, reg03, reg04 - equal MPI
+reg02: CGYRO reg04, reg05, reg17 - 1+2+1 MPI
+reg03: CGYRO reg06, reg07 - equal MPI, explicit min=2, MPI_RANK_ORDER=2
+reg04: CGYRO reg10, reg19, reg11 - 1+2+1 MPI, MPI_RANK_ORDER=2

From 4bf8353ab8373b8659ee175ca9452a259a201447 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Klaus Hallatschek <>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2024 14:14:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 16/33] use kind parameter instead of macros in landau.F90

to accomodate nvidia compiler preprocessor problems
 shared/landau/landau.F90 | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/shared/landau/landau.F90 b/shared/landau/landau.F90
index c4a6fbf42..e265f851f 100644
--- a/shared/landau/landau.F90
+++ b/shared/landau/landau.F90
@@ -3,21 +3,20 @@
 !ifort -stand f15 -warn all -march=native -O3 -heap-arrays 10 -implicitnone -real-size 64 landau.F90 -c
 #ifdef LANDAU_PREC16
-!at least in the past couldn't use quad precision with frumpy pgi compiler
-!for comparison purposes
-#define HIREAL real(16)
-#define HRS _16
+!still cannot use quad precision with nvhpc/24.3 compiler version
+#define LP 16
-#define HIREAL real
-#define HRS
+#define LP 8
 module landau
-  HIREAL, parameter,private :: pi1=atan(1.HRS)*4
+  integer, parameter,private :: PREC=LP
+  real(PREC), parameter,private :: pi1=atan(1._PREC)*4
   ! real, parameter :: intnorm=pi1**(-1.5)*4*pi1
   ! int gphys(v) d^3v=1=int g(x) x^2 dx *intnor
   ! Maybe one should normalise this once for a given xmax and density 1?
-  real, parameter :: vunit=real(sqrt(2.HRS))
+  real, parameter :: vunit=real(sqrt(2._PREC))
   ! v*vunit is v in units of sqrt(T/m)
   ! v itself is v in units of sqrt(2T/m) ("collision operator units")
   real, parameter :: intnorm=real(4/sqrt(pi1))
@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ subroutine gentestkernel(n,a1,b1,c1,xmax,beta,gp,gw,ngauss,lor_int,dif_int,addcu
     real p0,p1,pi,q0,q1,qi,r0,r1,ri,s0,s1,si,x,xmax1
     real f1,f2
     integer i,j,k
-    HIREAL xmaxx,x1
+    real(PREC) xmaxx,x1
     logical t1t2,addcutoff1
     real t1,t2 ! for timing
@@ -289,24 +288,24 @@ subroutine gentestkernel(n,a1,b1,c1,xmax,beta,gp,gw,ngauss,lor_int,dif_int,addcu
     if (verbose>0) print '(A,G13.3)','gentestkernel took ',t2-t1
-    elemental HIREAL function fct1(w)
+    elemental real(PREC) function fct1(w)
       implicit none
-      HIREAL,intent(in) :: w
-      fct1=.125HRS*w**(-3)*(exp(-w*w)*w+(2*w*w-1)*.5HRS*sqrt(pi1)*erf(w))
+      real(PREC),intent(in) :: w
+      fct1=.125_PREC*w**(-3)*(exp(-w*w)*w+(2*w*w-1)*.5_PREC*sqrt(pi1)*erf(w))
     end function fct1
-    elemental HIREAL function fct2(w)
+    elemental real(PREC) function fct2(w)
       implicit none
-      HIREAL,intent(in) :: w
-      fct2=.25HRS*w**(-1)*(.5HRS*sqrt(pi1)*erf(w)-w*exp(-w**2))
+      real(PREC),intent(in) :: w
+      fct2=.25_PREC*w**(-1)*(.5_PREC*sqrt(pi1)*erf(w)-w*exp(-w**2))
     end function fct2
-    elemental HIREAL function fct1lo(w)
+    elemental real(PREC) function fct1lo(w)
       implicit none
-      HIREAL,intent(in) :: w
+      real(PREC),intent(in) :: w
       fct1lo=fct1(w)-exp(-xmaxx**2)/6  ! for w<xmax
     end function fct1lo
-    elemental HIREAL function fct1hi(w)
+    elemental real(PREC) function fct1hi(w)
       implicit none
-      HIREAL,intent(in) :: w
+      real(PREC),intent(in) :: w
       !  fct1hi(w)=w**(-3)*((1./24)*exp(-xmaxx**2)*xmaxx*(3-6*w**2+2*xmaxx**2)+(sqrt(pi1)/16)*(2*w**2-1)*erf(xmaxx))
@@ -314,15 +313,15 @@ elemental HIREAL function fct1hi(w)
       !./hhv 5 .5 0 50 1 1
       !was due to inaccuracies in this routine, likely due to cancellations in the fcts.
     end function fct1hi
-    elemental HIREAL function fct2lo(w)
+    elemental real(PREC) function fct2lo(w)
       implicit none
-      HIREAL,intent(in) :: w
+      real(PREC),intent(in) :: w
       fct2lo=fct2(w)-w*w*exp(-xmaxx**2)/6 !for w<xmax
     end function fct2lo
-    elemental HIREAL function fct2hi(w)
+    elemental real(PREC) function fct2hi(w)
       implicit none
-      HIREAL,intent(in) :: w
-      fct2hi=-w**(-1)*((1.HRS/12)*xmaxx*exp(-xmaxx**2)*(3+2*xmaxx**2)-(sqrt(pi1)/8)*erf(xmaxx))
+      real(PREC),intent(in) :: w
+      fct2hi=-w**(-1)*((1._PREC/12)*xmaxx*exp(-xmaxx**2)*(3+2*xmaxx**2)-(sqrt(pi1)/8)*erf(xmaxx))
     end function fct2hi
   end subroutine gentestkernel

From 24630e4a845443bd1f2f8e3e4ce4e4d3648403c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Igor Sfiligoi <>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2024 11:04:32 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 17/33] Merge CPU and GPU versions of cgyro_nl_fftw

 cgyro/install/make.ext.AZURE_GPU              |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.CI_GPU                 |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.CLOUD_GPU              |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.CRUSHER                |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.CSD3_AMPERE_GPU        |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.DAINT_PGI              |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.FRONTIER               |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.GASUMMIT_GPU           |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.LUMI                   |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.MARCONI_LEONARDO       |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.NEURON                 |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.PERLMUTTER_GPU         |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.PERLMUTTER_GPU_80G     |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.STAMPEDE3_GPU_IFX      |   2 -
 cgyro/install/make.ext.SUMMIT                 |   2 -
 ...gyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90 => cgyro_nl_fftw.F90} | 343 +++++++++++++++++-
 cgyro/src/cgyro_nl_fftw.f90                   | 328 -----------------
 17 files changed, 342 insertions(+), 359 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.AZURE_GPU
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.CI_GPU
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.CLOUD_GPU
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.CRUSHER
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.CSD3_AMPERE_GPU
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.DAINT_PGI
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.FRONTIER
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.GASUMMIT_GPU
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.LUMI
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.MARCONI_LEONARDO
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.NEURON
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.PERLMUTTER_GPU
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.PERLMUTTER_GPU_80G
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.STAMPEDE3_GPU_IFX
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/install/make.ext.SUMMIT
 rename cgyro/src/{cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90 => cgyro_nl_fftw.F90} (74%)
 delete mode 100644 cgyro/src/cgyro_nl_fftw.f90

diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.AZURE_GPU b/cgyro/install/make.ext.AZURE_GPU
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.AZURE_GPU
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.CI_GPU b/cgyro/install/make.ext.CI_GPU
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.CI_GPU
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.CLOUD_GPU b/cgyro/install/make.ext.CLOUD_GPU
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.CLOUD_GPU
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.CRUSHER b/cgyro/install/make.ext.CRUSHER
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.CRUSHER
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.CSD3_AMPERE_GPU b/cgyro/install/make.ext.CSD3_AMPERE_GPU
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.CSD3_AMPERE_GPU
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.DAINT_PGI b/cgyro/install/make.ext.DAINT_PGI
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.DAINT_PGI
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.FRONTIER b/cgyro/install/make.ext.FRONTIER
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.FRONTIER
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.GASUMMIT_GPU b/cgyro/install/make.ext.GASUMMIT_GPU
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.GASUMMIT_GPU
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.LUMI b/cgyro/install/make.ext.LUMI
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.LUMI
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.MARCONI_LEONARDO b/cgyro/install/make.ext.MARCONI_LEONARDO
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.MARCONI_LEONARDO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.NEURON b/cgyro/install/make.ext.NEURON
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.NEURON
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.PERLMUTTER_GPU b/cgyro/install/make.ext.PERLMUTTER_GPU
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.PERLMUTTER_GPU
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.PERLMUTTER_GPU_80G b/cgyro/install/make.ext.PERLMUTTER_GPU_80G
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.PERLMUTTER_GPU_80G
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.STAMPEDE3_GPU_IFX b/cgyro/install/make.ext.STAMPEDE3_GPU_IFX
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.STAMPEDE3_GPU_IFX
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/install/make.ext.SUMMIT b/cgyro/install/make.ext.SUMMIT
deleted file mode 100644
index f0747935a..000000000
--- a/cgyro/install/make.ext.SUMMIT
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cgyro_nl_fftw.o : cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
-	$(FC) $(FMATH) $(FFLAGS) -o cgyro_nl_fftw.o -c cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_nl_fftw.F90
similarity index 74%
rename from cgyro/src/cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
rename to cgyro/src/cgyro_nl_fftw.F90
index 2a3471ea1..4c5407d85 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_nl_fftw.F90
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-! cgyro_nl_fftw.gpu.f90 [GPU (acc-cuFFT/hipFFT) version]
+! cgyro_nl_fftw.F90
 !  Evaluate nonlinear bracket with dealiased FFT.  It is natural 
@@ -10,6 +10,16 @@
 ! NOTE: Need to be careful with (p=-nr/2,n=0) component.
+#if defined(_OPENACC) || defined(OMPGPU)
+#define CGYRO_GPU_FFT
+! cgyro_nl_fftw_init
 #if defined(MKLGPU)
 include 'fftw/offload/fftw3_omp_offload.f90'
@@ -322,6 +332,28 @@ subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw_init
 end subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw_init
+#else  /* if not defined CGYRO_GPU_FFT */
+subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw_init
+  use cgyro_globals
+  implicit none
+  include 'fftw3.f03'
+  ! Create plans once and for all, with global arrays fx,ux
+  plan_c2r = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d(nx,ny,fx(:,:,1),uxmany(:,:,1),FFTW_PATIENT)
+  plan_r2c = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d(nx,ny,uv(:,:,1),fx(:,:,1),FFTW_PATIENT)
+end subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw_init
+#endif /* CGYRO_GPU_FFT */
+! cgyro_nl_fftw_init
+! (and all the helper sub-functions)
 subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw_mul(sz,uvm,uxm,vym,uym,vxm,inv_nxny)
   implicit none
@@ -1227,3 +1259,312 @@ subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw
   endif ! nsplitB>0
 end subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw
+#else  /* if not definedCGYRO_GPU_FFT */
+subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw_stepr(g_j, f_j, nl_idx, i_omp)
+  use timer_lib
+  use parallel_lib
+  use cgyro_globals
+  implicit none
+  integer, intent(in) :: g_j, f_j
+  integer,intent(in) :: nl_idx ! 1=>A, 2=>B
+  integer,intent(in) :: i_omp
+  integer :: ix,iy
+  integer :: ir,itm,itl,itor
+  include 'fftw3.f03'
+  ! Poisson bracket in real space
+  uv(:,:,i_omp) = (uxmany(:,:,f_j)*vymany(:,:,g_j)-uymany(:,:,f_j)*vxmany(:,:,g_j))/(nx*ny)
+  call fftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan_r2c,uv(:,:,i_omp),fx(:,:,i_omp))
+  ! NOTE: The FFT will generate an unwanted n=0,p=-nr/2 component
+  ! that will be filtered in the main time-stepping loop
+  ! this should really be accounted against nl_mem, but hard to do with OMP
+  do itm=1,n_toroidal_procs
+   do itl=1,nt_loc
+    itor=itl + (itm-1)*nt_loc
+    do ir=1,n_radial
+     ix = ir-1-nx0/2
+     if (ix < 0) ix = ix+nx
+     iy = itor-1
+     if (nl_idx==1) then
+       fA_nl(ir,itl,f_j,itm) = fx(iy,ix,i_omp)
+     else
+       fB_nl(ir,itl,f_j,itm) = fx(iy,ix,i_omp)
+     endif
+    enddo
+   enddo
+  enddo
+end subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw_stepr
+! NOTE: call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm1 before cgyro_nl_fftw
+subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw
+  use timer_lib
+  use parallel_lib
+  use cgyro_nl_comm
+  use cgyro_globals
+  implicit none
+  !-----------------------------------
+  integer :: ix,iy
+  integer :: ir,it,itm,itl,it_loc
+  integer :: itor,mytm
+  integer :: j,p
+  integer :: i_omp
+  integer :: jtheta_min
+  complex :: f0,g0
+  integer, external :: omp_get_thread_num
+  include 'fftw3.f03'
+  call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
+  ! time to wait for the FA_nl to become avaialble
+  call timer_lib_in('nl_comm')
+  call parallel_slib_f_nc_wait(nsplitA,fpackA,fA_nl,fA_req)
+  fA_req_valid = .FALSE.
+  ! make sure reqs progress
+  call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
+  call timer_lib_out('nl_comm')
+  call timer_lib_in('nl')
+! f_nl is (radial, nt_loc, theta, nv_loc1, toroidal_procs)
+! where nv_loc1 * toroidal_procs >= nv_loc
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) private(itm,itl,itor,iy,ir,p,ix,f0,i_omp,j)
+  do j=1,nsplitA
+        i_omp = omp_get_thread_num()+1
+        ! zero elements not otherwise set below
+        fx(0:ny2,nx2:nx0-1,i_omp) = 0.0
+        fy(0:ny2,nx2:nx0-1,i_omp) = 0.0
+        ! Array mapping
+        do ir=1,n_radial
+           p  = ir-1-nx0/2
+           ix = p
+           if (ix < 0) ix = ix+nx
+           do itm=1,n_toroidal_procs
+            do itl=1,nt_loc
+              itor=itl + (itm-1)*nt_loc
+              iy = itor-1
+              f0 = i_c*fA_nl(ir,itl,j,itm)
+              fx(iy,ix,i_omp) = p*f0
+              fy(iy,ix,i_omp) = iy*f0
+            enddo
+           enddo
+           if ((ix/=0) .and. (ix<(nx/2))) then ! happens after ix>nx/2
+             ! Average elements so as to ensure
+             !   f(kx,ky=0) = f(-kx,ky=0)^*
+             ! This symmetry is required for complex input to c2r
+             f0 = 0.5*( fx(0,ix,i_omp)+conjg(fx(0,nx-ix,i_omp)) )
+             fx(0,ix   ,i_omp) = f0
+             fx(0,nx-ix,i_omp) = conjg(f0)
+           endif
+           fx(n_toroidal:ny2,ix,i_omp) = 0.0
+           fy(n_toroidal:ny2,ix,i_omp) = 0.0
+        enddo
+        if (i_omp==1) then
+         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
+          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
+        endif
+        call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_c2r,fx(:,:,i_omp),uxmany(:,:,j))
+        if (i_omp==1) then
+         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
+          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
+        endif
+        call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_c2r,fy(:,:,i_omp),uymany(:,:,j))
+  enddo ! j
+  call timer_lib_out('nl')
+  call timer_lib_in('nl_comm')
+  ! time to wait for the g_nl to become avaialble
+  call parallel_slib_f_fd_wait(n_field,n_radial,n_jtheta,gpack,g_nl,g_req)
+  g_req_valid = .FALSE.
+  ! make sure reqs progress
+  call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
+  call timer_lib_out('nl_comm')
+  call timer_lib_in('nl')
+! g_nl      is (n_field,n_radial,n_jtheta,nt_loc,n_toroidal_procs)
+! jcev_c_nl is (n_field,n_radial,n_jtheta,nv_loc,nt_loc,n_toroidal_procs)
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) &
+!$omp& private(itor,mytm,itm,itl,iy,ir,p,ix,g0,i_omp,j,it,iv_loc,it_loc,jtheta_min)
+  do j=1,nsplit
+        i_omp = omp_get_thread_num()+1
+        ! zero elements not otherwise set below
+        gx(0:ny2,nx2:nx0-1,i_omp) = 0.0
+        gy(0:ny2,nx2:nx0-1,i_omp) = 0.0
+        ! Array mapping
+        do ir=1,n_radial
+           p  = ir-1-nx0/2
+           ix = p
+           if (ix < 0) ix = ix+nx
+           do itm=1,n_toroidal_procs
+            do itl=1,nt_loc
+              itor = itl + (itm-1)*nt_loc
+              mytm = 1 + nt1/nt_loc !my toroidal proc number
+              it = 1+((mytm-1)*nsplit+j-1)/nv_loc
+              iv_loc = 1+modulo((mytm-1)*nsplit+j-1,nv_loc)
+              jtheta_min = 1+((mytm-1)*nsplit)/nv_loc
+              it_loc = it-jtheta_min+1
+              iy = itor-1
+              if (it > n_theta) then
+                 g0 = (0.0,0.0)
+              else
+                 g0 = i_c*sum( jvec_c_nl(:,ir,it_loc,iv_loc,itor)*g_nl(:,ir,it_loc,itor))
+              endif
+              gx(iy,ix,i_omp) = p*g0
+              gy(iy,ix,i_omp) = iy*g0
+            enddo
+           enddo
+           if ((ix/=0) .and. (ix<(nx/2))) then ! happens after ix>nx/2
+              ! Average elements so as to ensure
+              !   g(kx,ky=0) = g(-kx,ky=0)^*
+              ! This symmetry is required for complex input to c2r
+              g0 = 0.5*( gx(0,ix,i_omp)+conjg(gx(0,nx-ix,i_omp)) )
+              gx(0,ix   ,i_omp) = g0
+              gx(0,nx-ix,i_omp) = conjg(g0)
+           endif
+           gx(n_toroidal:ny2,ix,i_omp) = 0.0
+           gy(n_toroidal:ny2,ix,i_omp) = 0.0
+        enddo
+        if (i_omp==1) then
+         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
+          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
+        endif
+        call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_c2r,gx(:,:,i_omp),vxmany(:,:,j))
+        if (i_omp==1) then
+         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
+          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
+        endif
+        call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_c2r,gy(:,:,i_omp),vymany(:,:,j))
+        if (i_omp==1) then
+         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
+          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
+        endif
+        if (j<=nsplitA) then
+           call cgyro_nl_fftw_stepr(j, j, 1, i_omp)
+        endif
+        ! else we will do it in the next loop
+  enddo ! j
+  call timer_lib_out('nl')
+  call timer_lib_in('nl_comm')
+  ! start the async reverse comm
+  ! can reuse the same req, no overlap with forward fA_req
+  call parallel_slib_r_nc_async(nsplitA,fA_nl,fpackA,fA_req)
+  fA_req_valid = .TRUE.
+  if (nsplitB > 0) then
+    ! time to wait for the 2nd half of F_nl to become avaialble
+    call parallel_slib_f_nc_wait(nsplitB,fpackB,fB_nl,fB_req)
+    fB_req_valid = .FALSE.
+  endif
+  ! make sure reqs progress
+  call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
+  call timer_lib_out('nl_comm')
+  if (nsplitB > 0) then
+   call timer_lib_in('nl')
+! f_nl is (radial, nt_loc, theta, nv_loc1, toroidal_procs)
+! where nv_loc1 * toroidal_procs >= nv_loc
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) private(itm,itl,itor,iy,ir,p,ix,f0,i_omp,j)
+   do j=1,nsplitB
+        i_omp = omp_get_thread_num()+1
+        ! zero elements not otherwise set below
+        fx(0:ny2,nx2:nx0-1,i_omp) = 0.0
+        fy(0:ny2,nx2:nx0-1,i_omp) = 0.0
+        ! Array mapping
+        do ir=1,n_radial
+           p  = ir-1-nx0/2
+           ix = p
+           if (ix < 0) ix = ix+nx
+           do itm=1,n_toroidal_procs
+            do itl=1,nt_loc
+              itor=itl + (itm-1)*nt_loc
+              iy = itor-1
+              f0 = i_c*fB_nl(ir,itl,j,itm)
+              fx(iy,ix,i_omp) = p*f0
+              fy(iy,ix,i_omp) = iy*f0
+            enddo
+           enddo
+           if ((ix/=0) .and. (ix<(nx/2))) then ! happens after ix>nx/2
+             ! Average elements so as to ensure
+             !   f(kx,ky=0) = f(-kx,ky=0)^*
+             ! This symmetry is required for complex input to c2r
+             f0 = 0.5*( fx(0,ix,i_omp)+conjg(fx(0,nx-ix,i_omp)) )
+             fx(0,ix   ,i_omp) = f0
+             fx(0,nx-ix,i_omp) = conjg(f0)
+           endif
+           fx(n_toroidal:ny2,ix,i_omp) = 0.0
+           fy(n_toroidal:ny2,ix,i_omp) = 0.0
+        enddo
+        if (i_omp==1) then
+         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
+          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
+        endif
+        call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_c2r,fx(:,:,i_omp),uxmany(:,:,j))
+        if (i_omp==1) then
+         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
+          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
+        endif
+        call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_c2r,fy(:,:,i_omp),uymany(:,:,j))
+        if (i_omp==1) then
+         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
+          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
+        endif
+        call cgyro_nl_fftw_stepr(nsplitA+j, j, 2, i_omp)
+   enddo ! j
+   call timer_lib_out('nl')
+   call timer_lib_in('nl_comm')
+   ! start the async reverse comm
+   ! can reuse the same req, no overlap with forward fB_req
+   call parallel_slib_r_nc_async(nsplitB,fB_nl,fpackB,fB_req)
+   fB_req_valid = .TRUE.
+   ! make sure reqs progress
+   call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
+   call timer_lib_out('nl_comm')
+  endif ! if nsplitB>0
+end subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw
+#endif /* CGYRO_GPU_FFT */
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_nl_fftw.f90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_nl_fftw.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fbe6a200..000000000
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_nl_fftw.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-! cgyro_nl_fftw.f90
-!  Evaluate nonlinear bracket with dealiased FFT.  It is natural 
-!  to use the FFTW complex-to-real (c2r) transform to move to real 
-!  space, compute the convolution (uv), and transform back to the 
-!  spectral form using a real-to-complex transform (r2c).
-! NOTE: Need to be careful with (p=-nr/2,n=0) component.
-subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw_init
-  use cgyro_globals
-  implicit none
-  include 'fftw3.f03'
-  ! Create plans once and for all, with global arrays fx,ux
-  plan_c2r = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d(nx,ny,fx(:,:,1),uxmany(:,:,1),FFTW_PATIENT)
-  plan_r2c = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d(nx,ny,uv(:,:,1),fx(:,:,1),FFTW_PATIENT)
-end subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw_init
-subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw_stepr(g_j, f_j, nl_idx, i_omp)
-  use timer_lib
-  use parallel_lib
-  use cgyro_globals
-  implicit none
-  integer, intent(in) :: g_j, f_j
-  integer,intent(in) :: nl_idx ! 1=>A, 2=>B
-  integer,intent(in) :: i_omp
-  integer :: ix,iy
-  integer :: ir,itm,itl,itor
-  include 'fftw3.f03'
-  ! Poisson bracket in real space
-  uv(:,:,i_omp) = (uxmany(:,:,f_j)*vymany(:,:,g_j)-uymany(:,:,f_j)*vxmany(:,:,g_j))/(nx*ny)
-  call fftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan_r2c,uv(:,:,i_omp),fx(:,:,i_omp))
-  ! NOTE: The FFT will generate an unwanted n=0,p=-nr/2 component
-  ! that will be filtered in the main time-stepping loop
-  ! this should really be accounted against nl_mem, but hard to do with OMP
-  do itm=1,n_toroidal_procs
-   do itl=1,nt_loc
-    itor=itl + (itm-1)*nt_loc
-    do ir=1,n_radial
-     ix = ir-1-nx0/2
-     if (ix < 0) ix = ix+nx
-     iy = itor-1
-     if (nl_idx==1) then
-       fA_nl(ir,itl,f_j,itm) = fx(iy,ix,i_omp)
-     else
-       fB_nl(ir,itl,f_j,itm) = fx(iy,ix,i_omp)
-     endif
-    enddo
-   enddo
-  enddo
-end subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw_stepr
-! NOTE: call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm1 before cgyro_nl_fftw
-subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw(ij)
-  use timer_lib
-  use parallel_lib
-  use cgyro_nl_comm
-  use cgyro_globals
-  implicit none
-  !-----------------------------------
-  integer, intent(in) :: ij
-  !-----------------------------------
-  integer :: ix,iy
-  integer :: ir,it,itm,itl,it_loc
-  integer :: itor,mytm
-  integer :: j,p
-  integer :: i_omp
-  integer :: jtheta_min
-  complex :: f0,g0
-  integer, external :: omp_get_thread_num
-  include 'fftw3.f03'
-  call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
-  ! time to wait for the FA_nl to become avaialble
-  call timer_lib_in('nl_comm')
-  call parallel_slib_f_nc_wait(nsplitA,fpackA,fA_nl,fA_req)
-  fA_req_valid = .FALSE.
-  ! make sure reqs progress
-  call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
-  call timer_lib_out('nl_comm')
-  call timer_lib_in('nl')
-! f_nl is (radial, nt_loc, theta, nv_loc1, toroidal_procs)
-! where nv_loc1 * toroidal_procs >= nv_loc
-!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) private(itm,itl,itor,iy,ir,p,ix,f0,i_omp,j)
-  do j=1,nsplitA
-        i_omp = omp_get_thread_num()+1
-        ! zero elements not otherwise set below
-        fx(0:ny2,nx2:nx0-1,i_omp) = 0.0
-        fy(0:ny2,nx2:nx0-1,i_omp) = 0.0
-        ! Array mapping
-        do ir=1,n_radial
-           p  = ir-1-nx0/2
-           ix = p
-           if (ix < 0) ix = ix+nx
-           do itm=1,n_toroidal_procs
-            do itl=1,nt_loc
-              itor=itl + (itm-1)*nt_loc
-              iy = itor-1
-              f0 = i_c*fA_nl(ir,itl,j,itm)
-              fx(iy,ix,i_omp) = p*f0
-              fy(iy,ix,i_omp) = iy*f0
-            enddo
-           enddo
-           if ((ix/=0) .and. (ix<(nx/2))) then ! happens after ix>nx/2
-             ! Average elements so as to ensure
-             !   f(kx,ky=0) = f(-kx,ky=0)^*
-             ! This symmetry is required for complex input to c2r
-             f0 = 0.5*( fx(0,ix,i_omp)+conjg(fx(0,nx-ix,i_omp)) )
-             fx(0,ix   ,i_omp) = f0
-             fx(0,nx-ix,i_omp) = conjg(f0)
-           endif
-           fx(n_toroidal:ny2,ix,i_omp) = 0.0
-           fy(n_toroidal:ny2,ix,i_omp) = 0.0
-        enddo
-        if (i_omp==1) then
-         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
-          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
-        endif
-        call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_c2r,fx(:,:,i_omp),uxmany(:,:,j))
-        if (i_omp==1) then
-         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
-          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
-        endif
-        call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_c2r,fy(:,:,i_omp),uymany(:,:,j))
-  enddo ! j
-  call timer_lib_out('nl')
-  call timer_lib_in('nl_comm')
-  ! time to wait for the g_nl to become avaialble
-  call parallel_slib_f_fd_wait(n_field,n_radial,n_jtheta,gpack,g_nl,g_req)
-  g_req_valid = .FALSE.
-  ! make sure reqs progress
-  call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
-  call timer_lib_out('nl_comm')
-  call timer_lib_in('nl')
-! g_nl      is (n_field,n_radial,n_jtheta,nt_loc,n_toroidal_procs)
-! jcev_c_nl is (n_field,n_radial,n_jtheta,nv_loc,nt_loc,n_toroidal_procs)
-!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) &
-!$omp& private(itor,mytm,itm,itl,iy,ir,p,ix,g0,i_omp,j,it,iv_loc,it_loc,jtheta_min)
-  do j=1,nsplit
-        i_omp = omp_get_thread_num()+1
-        ! zero elements not otherwise set below
-        gx(0:ny2,nx2:nx0-1,i_omp) = 0.0
-        gy(0:ny2,nx2:nx0-1,i_omp) = 0.0
-        ! Array mapping
-        do ir=1,n_radial
-           p  = ir-1-nx0/2
-           ix = p
-           if (ix < 0) ix = ix+nx
-           do itm=1,n_toroidal_procs
-            do itl=1,nt_loc
-              itor = itl + (itm-1)*nt_loc
-              mytm = 1 + nt1/nt_loc !my toroidal proc number
-              it = 1+((mytm-1)*nsplit+j-1)/nv_loc
-              iv_loc = 1+modulo((mytm-1)*nsplit+j-1,nv_loc)
-              jtheta_min = 1+((mytm-1)*nsplit)/nv_loc
-              it_loc = it-jtheta_min+1
-              iy = itor-1
-              if (it > n_theta) then
-                 g0 = (0.0,0.0)
-              else
-                 g0 = i_c*sum( jvec_c_nl(:,ir,it_loc,iv_loc,itor)*g_nl(:,ir,it_loc,itor))
-              endif
-              gx(iy,ix,i_omp) = p*g0
-              gy(iy,ix,i_omp) = iy*g0
-            enddo
-           enddo
-           if ((ix/=0) .and. (ix<(nx/2))) then ! happens after ix>nx/2
-              ! Average elements so as to ensure
-              !   g(kx,ky=0) = g(-kx,ky=0)^*
-              ! This symmetry is required for complex input to c2r
-              g0 = 0.5*( gx(0,ix,i_omp)+conjg(gx(0,nx-ix,i_omp)) )
-              gx(0,ix   ,i_omp) = g0
-              gx(0,nx-ix,i_omp) = conjg(g0)
-           endif
-           gx(n_toroidal:ny2,ix,i_omp) = 0.0
-           gy(n_toroidal:ny2,ix,i_omp) = 0.0
-        enddo
-        if (i_omp==1) then
-         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
-          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
-        endif
-        call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_c2r,gx(:,:,i_omp),vxmany(:,:,j))
-        if (i_omp==1) then
-         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
-          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
-        endif
-        call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_c2r,gy(:,:,i_omp),vymany(:,:,j))
-        if (i_omp==1) then
-         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
-          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
-        endif
-        if (j<=nsplitA) then
-           call cgyro_nl_fftw_stepr(j, j, 1, i_omp)
-        endif
-        ! else we will do it in the next loop
-  enddo ! j
-  call timer_lib_out('nl')
-  call timer_lib_in('nl_comm')
-  ! start the async reverse comm
-  ! can reuse the same req, no overlap with forward fA_req
-  call parallel_slib_r_nc_async(nsplitA,fA_nl,fpackA,fA_req)
-  fA_req_valid = .TRUE.
-  if (nsplitB > 0) then
-    ! time to wait for the 2nd half of F_nl to become avaialble
-    call parallel_slib_f_nc_wait(nsplitB,fpackB,fB_nl,fB_req)
-    fB_req_valid = .FALSE.
-  endif
-  ! make sure reqs progress
-  call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
-  call timer_lib_out('nl_comm')
-  if (nsplitB > 0) then
-   call timer_lib_in('nl')
-! f_nl is (radial, nt_loc, theta, nv_loc1, toroidal_procs)
-! where nv_loc1 * toroidal_procs >= nv_loc
-!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) private(itm,itl,itor,iy,ir,p,ix,f0,i_omp,j)
-   do j=1,nsplitB
-        i_omp = omp_get_thread_num()+1
-        ! zero elements not otherwise set below
-        fx(0:ny2,nx2:nx0-1,i_omp) = 0.0
-        fy(0:ny2,nx2:nx0-1,i_omp) = 0.0
-        ! Array mapping
-        do ir=1,n_radial
-           p  = ir-1-nx0/2
-           ix = p
-           if (ix < 0) ix = ix+nx
-           do itm=1,n_toroidal_procs
-            do itl=1,nt_loc
-              itor=itl + (itm-1)*nt_loc
-              iy = itor-1
-              f0 = i_c*fB_nl(ir,itl,j,itm)
-              fx(iy,ix,i_omp) = p*f0
-              fy(iy,ix,i_omp) = iy*f0
-            enddo
-           enddo
-           if ((ix/=0) .and. (ix<(nx/2))) then ! happens after ix>nx/2
-             ! Average elements so as to ensure
-             !   f(kx,ky=0) = f(-kx,ky=0)^*
-             ! This symmetry is required for complex input to c2r
-             f0 = 0.5*( fx(0,ix,i_omp)+conjg(fx(0,nx-ix,i_omp)) )
-             fx(0,ix   ,i_omp) = f0
-             fx(0,nx-ix,i_omp) = conjg(f0)
-           endif
-           fx(n_toroidal:ny2,ix,i_omp) = 0.0
-           fy(n_toroidal:ny2,ix,i_omp) = 0.0
-        enddo
-        if (i_omp==1) then
-         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
-          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
-        endif
-        call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_c2r,fx(:,:,i_omp),uxmany(:,:,j))
-        if (i_omp==1) then
-         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
-          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
-        endif
-        call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_c2r,fy(:,:,i_omp),uymany(:,:,j))
-        if (i_omp==1) then
-         ! use the main thread to progress the async MPI
-          call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
-        endif
-        call cgyro_nl_fftw_stepr(nsplitA+j, j, 2, i_omp)
-   enddo ! j
-   call timer_lib_out('nl')
-   call timer_lib_in('nl_comm')
-   ! start the async reverse comm
-   ! can reuse the same req, no overlap with forward fB_req
-   call parallel_slib_r_nc_async(nsplitB,fB_nl,fpackB,fB_req)
-   fB_req_valid = .TRUE.
-   ! make sure reqs progress
-   call cgyro_nl_fftw_comm_test()
-   call timer_lib_out('nl_comm')
-  endif ! if nsplitB>0
-end subroutine cgyro_nl_fftw

From 37a5626a4486b937701a3ba9186f317745aa0d40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Igor Sfiligoi <>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2024 13:11:45 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 18/33] Fix exec.STAMPEDE3_GPU_IFX

 platform/exec/exec.STAMPEDE3_GPU_IFX | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/platform/exec/exec.STAMPEDE3_GPU_IFX b/platform/exec/exec.STAMPEDE3_GPU_IFX
index dd2ca28d1..67b5134c0 100755
--- a/platform/exec/exec.STAMPEDE3_GPU_IFX
+++ b/platform/exec/exec.STAMPEDE3_GPU_IFX
@@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ export OMP_STACKSIZE=32M
 export I_MPI_OFFLOAD=1
-echo ibrun $exec
-ibrun $exec
+echo ibrun -n ${nmpi} $exec
+ibrun -n ${nmpi} $exec

From f3a247e2fb693470f973939cb0df5239bc98ef0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Candy <>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2024 21:05:18 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 19/33] Updates to cgyro scripts

 cgyro/bin/cgyro_json  |  4 ++--
 cgyro/bin/cgyrodb     | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 f2py/requirements.txt |  1 +
 3 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json b/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json
index 68bd7a536..dd6298a47 100755
--- a/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json
+++ b/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ def opts():
         description="CGYRO localdump utility",
-    parser.add_argument('-dir',
+    parser.add_argument('-e',
                         help="working directory (default: cwd)",
-    return args.dir
+    return args.e
 mydir = opts()
diff --git a/cgyro/bin/cgyrodb b/cgyro/bin/cgyrodb
index 38751beb1..dacd501c3 100755
--- a/cgyro/bin/cgyrodb
+++ b/cgyro/bin/cgyrodb
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ from import cgyrodata
 pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
+ignore = 'eslshared'
 # Command line option parser
 def opts():
@@ -27,20 +29,32 @@ def opts():
         description="CGYRO database utility",
-    parser.add_argument('-mode',
-                        help='Mode switch (data,update)',
-                        type=str,
-                        default='data')
+    parser.add_argument('-ref',
+                        help='Refresh directories',
+                        action='store_true')
+    parser.add_argument('-json',
+                        help='Generate IMAS and localdump files',
+                        action='store_true')
+    parser.add_argument('-db',
+                        help='Load the DB and print',
+                        action='store_true')
+    parser.add_argument('-flux',
+                        help='Add flux to DB',
+                        action='store_true')
-    return args.mode
+    return args.ref,args.json,args.db,args.flux
-mode = opts()
+ref,json,db,doflux = opts()
 meta = {}
-def gendict(sim,mode):
+if (not ref) and (not json) and (not db):
+    print('Type "cgyrodb -h" for help')
+    sys.exit()
+def gendict(sim,doflux):
    mydict = {}
@@ -60,7 +74,7 @@ def gendict(sim,mode):
       mydict['a/Ln1'] = 0.0
       mydict['a/Lt1'] = 0.0
-   if mode == 'flux':
+   if doflux:
       y = np.sum(sim.ky_flux,axis=(2,3))   
       for ispec in range(sim.n_species):
@@ -73,8 +87,6 @@ def gendict(sim,mode):
    return mydict
-ignore = 'eslshared'
 # First locate all directories
 y = []
 for root,xd,xf in os.walk('./'):
@@ -82,16 +94,23 @@ for root,xd,xf in os.walk('./'):
       if ignore not in root:
-if mode == 'update':
+if ref:
    # Run through directories and update
    for mdir in y:
-      print('Updating '+mdir)
+      print('Refreshing '+mdir)
       os.system('cgyro -t '+mdir)
+if json:
+   # Run through directories and update
+   for mdir in y:
+      print('Dumping '+mdir)
+      os.system('cgyro_json -e '+mdir)
+if db:
    # Create master dictionary "meta"
    for mdir in tqdm(y):
       sim = cgyrodata(mdir+'/',silent=True)
-      meta[mdir]=gendict(sim,mode)
+      meta[mdir]=gendict(sim,doflux)
    df = pd.DataFrame(meta)
    dfpart = df.T[['n_n','n_radial','n_theta','q','s','kappa','a/Ln0','a/Lt0','a/Ln1','a/Lt1','nuee']]
diff --git a/f2py/requirements.txt b/f2py/requirements.txt
index 7e99da002..dc04f0530 100644
--- a/f2py/requirements.txt
+++ b/f2py/requirements.txt
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ matplotlib

From dbb0144a6731d1bd0eea3790fe1eb3ddfa818da9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Candy <>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2024 21:09:26 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 20/33] Fixed cgyro_json

 cgyro/bin/cgyro_json | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json b/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json
index dd6298a47..6d413dbc1 100755
--- a/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json
+++ b/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ d['DLNNDR'] = sim.dlnndr[:].tolist()
 d['DLNTDR'] = sim.dlntdr[:].tolist()
 # JSON output
-with open('json.cgyro.localdump','w') as f:
+with open(mydir+'json.cgyro.localdump','w') as f:
    print('cgyro_json: wrote json.cgyro.localdump')
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ with open('json.cgyro.localdump','w') as f:
 # standard localdump output
 nmax = 0
-with open('out.cgyro.localdump','w') as f:
+with open(mydir+'out.cgyro.localdump','w') as f:
    for key in d:
       x = d[key]
       if 'SHAPE' in key:
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ d['ds_dr_minor_norm'][1] = sim.s_delta*lref/sim.rmin/np.cos(np.arcsin(
 d['ds_dr_minor_norm'][2] = -sim.s_zeta*lref/sim.rmin 
-with open('json.cgyro.imas','w') as f:
+with open(mydir+'json.cgyro.imas','w') as f:
    print('cgyro_json: wrote json.cgyro.imas')

From c2b9f0112469cf5b22ae83ff7e0c3f05db5e6a0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Candy <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2024 00:19:50 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 21/33] Improvements to crgyrodb -- refresh now works without
 cgyro -t

 cgyro/bin/cgyrodb | 7 ++++---
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/bin/cgyrodb b/cgyro/bin/cgyrodb
index dacd501c3..a3ea46ff4 100755
--- a/cgyro/bin/cgyrodb
+++ b/cgyro/bin/cgyrodb
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ meta = {}
 if (not ref) and (not json) and (not db):
     print('Type "cgyrodb -h" for help')
 def gendict(sim,doflux):
    mydict = {}
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def gendict(sim,doflux):
    if doflux:
-      y = np.sum(sim.ky_flux,axis=(2,3))   
+      y = np.sum(sim.ky_flux,axis=(2,3))
       for ispec in range(sim.n_species):
          g = average(y[ispec,0,:],sim.t,0.5,0.0)
          q = average(y[ispec,1,:],sim.t,0.5,0.0)
@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ if ref:
    # Run through directories and update
    for mdir in y:
       print('Refreshing '+mdir)
-      os.system('cgyro -t '+mdir)
+      os.system('cd '+mdir+' ; python $GACODE_ROOT/cgyro/bin/')
+      os.system('cd '+mdir+' ; $GACODE_ROOT/cgyro/src/cgyro ')
 if json:
    # Run through directories and update

From 5088beb8151df1c9430bc5fb1f5faa227e4433cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Candy <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2024 12:50:35 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 22/33] Added constant source option

 cgyro/src/cgyro_init_arrays.F90 |  3 +--
 cgyro/src/cgyro_restart.F90     | 15 ++++++---------
 cgyro/src/cgyro_source.F90      | 10 ++++++----
 f2py/pygacode/cgyro/     |  8 ++++++--
 4 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_arrays.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_arrays.F90
index b5318f4f2..1377dd3fb 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_arrays.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_arrays.F90
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_arrays
   integer :: ir,it,is,ie,ix
   integer :: itm,itl,itor,mytor,itf
   integer :: it_loc
-  integer :: jr,jt,id
-  integer :: i_field
+  integer :: jt
   integer :: l,ll
   integer :: iltheta_min
   complex :: carg
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_restart.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_restart.F90
index 44409c232..2f5616551 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_restart.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_restart.F90
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ subroutine cgyro_write_restart_one
   integer(KIND=8) :: start_time,cp_time
   integer(KIND=8) :: count_rate, count_max
   real :: cp_dt
-  integer :: j,ic0,statusfd
-  integer :: ierr
+  integer :: statusfd
+  integer :: ierr,ic0,j
   ! use system_clock to be consistent with cgyro_kernel
   call system_clock(start_time,count_rate,count_max)
@@ -341,10 +341,8 @@ subroutine cgyro_read_restart
   implicit none
-  integer :: igk
-  integer :: j,ic0
+  integer :: igk,ic0,j
   ! Read restart parameters from ASCII tag file.
@@ -389,7 +387,6 @@ subroutine cgyro_read_restart
 end subroutine cgyro_read_restart
@@ -517,7 +514,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_read_restart_one
   integer(KIND=8) :: count_rate, count_max
   real :: cp_dt
   integer, dimension(3) :: mpibuf
-  integer :: ic0,j,statusfd
+  integer :: statusfd
   ! use system_clock to be consistent with cgyro_kernel
   call system_clock(start_time,count_rate,count_max)
@@ -645,7 +642,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_read_restart_slow
   integer(KIND=8) :: start_time,cp_time
   integer(KIND=8) :: count_rate, count_max
   real :: cp_dt
-  integer :: ic0,j,statusfd
+  integer :: statusfd
   integer :: ie,ix,is,itor
   integer :: t_iv
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_source.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_source.F90
index 069b48c0b..f44273965 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_source.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_source.F90
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ subroutine cgyro_source
   call timer_lib_in('shear')
-  nu_eff = nu_global*(abs(gamma_e)+ &
-	              maxval(abs(sdlnndr(:)))+ &
-                      maxval(abs(sdlntdr(:)))+ &
-                      maxval(abs(  sbeta(:))))
+  if (nu_global > 0.0) then
+     nu_eff = nu_global*(abs(gamma_e)+maxval(abs(sdlnndr(:)))+maxval(abs(sdlntdr(:)))+maxval(abs(sbeta(:))))
+  else
+     nu_eff = abs(nu_global)
+  endif
   sa = 1.0+exp(-delta_t/tau_ave)*sa
   ! Time-delay source
diff --git a/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/ b/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/
index 42d12be11..84588cb6d 100644
--- a/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/
+++ b/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/
@@ -519,9 +519,13 @@ def getnorm(self,norm):
          self.tnorm  = self.t
          self.tstr   = TIME
-         self.fnorm  = self.freq 
-         self.fstr   = [r'$(a/c_s)\, \omega$',r'$(a/c_s)\, \gamma$']
+         try:
+            self.fnorm  = self.freq 
+            self.fstr   = [r'$(a/c_s)\, \omega$',r'$(a/c_s)\, \gamma$']
+         except:
+            pass
          self.rhonorm = self.rho
          self.rhoi    = r'\rho_s'

From 5b06557ba8dad25985d541d3189ba528151ed277 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Igor Sfiligoi <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2024 14:29:52 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 23/33] Fix str ared proc report in out.cgyro.mpi for

 cgyro/src/cgyro_mpi_grid.F90 | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_mpi_grid.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_mpi_grid.F90
index 95965b1ae..175606996 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_mpi_grid.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_mpi_grid.F90
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_mpi_grid
                 nv_loc = nv/n_proc_1           
                 nsplit = 1+(nv_loc*n_theta-1)/n_toroidal_procs
                 nproc_3 = n_proc_1
-                if ((n_proc_1 /= 1) .and. (velocity_order==2)) nproc_3 = n_proc_1/3
+                if ((n_proc_1 /= 1) .and. (velocity_order==2)) nproc_3 = n_proc_1/n_species
                 write(io,'(t2,4(i6,4x),f6.2,4x,i6,4x,i6,4x,i6)') &

From 74183c3dc67d637a016bd11fabda4960b90bd1f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Igor Sfiligoi <>
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2024 06:25:08 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 24/33] Use cgyro_field_v for cgyro_field_v

 cgyro/src/cgyro_cleanup.F90      |  8 ++++++++
 cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90        | 15 ++++++++-------
 cgyro/src/cgyro_globals.F90      |  4 ++--
 cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90 | 13 ++++++++++++-
 cgyro/src/cgyro_parallel_lib.F90 | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_cleanup.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_cleanup.F90
index 0f3d0dd68..7828e8bf5 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_cleanup.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_cleanup.F90
@@ -104,6 +104,14 @@ subroutine cgyro_cleanup
+  if(allocated(field_v))  then
+     ccl_del_device(field_v)     
+     deallocate(field_v)
+  endif
+  if(allocated(field_loc_v))  then
+     ccl_del_device(field_loc_v)     
+     deallocate(field_loc_v)
+  endif
   if(allocated(field))  then
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90
index ce88c5740..00cc0282f 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_v_notae_s(start_t)
   call timer_lib_in('field')
-  field_loc(:,:,start_t:nt2) = (0.0,0.0)
+  field_loc_v(:,:,:) = (0.0,0.0)
   ! Poisson and Ampere RHS integrals of H
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_v_notae_s(start_t)
   call parallel_lib_nj_loc(nj_loc)
 !$omp parallel do collapse(2) private(ic_loc,iv,ic,k,j)
-  do itor=start_t,nt2
-   do ic=nc1,nc2
+  do ic=nc1,nc2
+   do itor=start_t,nt2
      ic_loc = ic-nc1+1
      do k=1,nproc
       do j=1,nj_loc
         iv = j+(k-1)*nj_loc
-        field_loc(:,ic,itor) = field_loc(:,ic,itor)+dvjvec_v(:,ic_loc,itor,iv)*fsendf(j,itor,ic_loc,k)
+        field_loc_v(:,itor,ic) = field_loc_v(:,itor,ic)+dvjvec_v(:,ic_loc,itor,iv)*fsendf(j,itor,ic_loc,k)
@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_v_notae_s(start_t)
   call timer_lib_in('field_com')
-  call parallel_lib_sum_field(field_loc(:,:,start_t:nt2), &
-                              field(:,:,start_t:nt2))
+  call parallel_lib_collect_field(field_loc_v, field_v)
   call timer_lib_out('field_com')
@@ -63,8 +62,10 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_v_notae_s(start_t)
   ! Poisson LHS factors
 !$omp parallel do
   do itor=start_t,nt2
+    do ic=1,nc
      ! assuming  (.not.(itor == 0 .and. ae_flag == 1))
-     field(:,:,itor) = fcoef(:,:,itor)*field(:,:,itor)
+     field(:,ic,itor) = fcoef(:,ic,itor)*field_v(:,itor,ic)
+    enddo
   call timer_lib_out('field')
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_globals.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_globals.F90
index a990e88f1..61ec763d2 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_globals.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_globals.F90
@@ -368,9 +368,9 @@ module cgyro_globals
   ! Fields
   real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: fcoef
   real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: gcoef
-  complex, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: field
+  complex, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: field, field_v
   complex, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: field_dot
-  complex, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: field_loc
+  complex, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: field_loc, field_loc_v
   complex, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: field_old
   complex, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: field_old2
   complex, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: field_old3
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90
index 2c8b1ba3b..3e4ca231c 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_manager
@@ -191,6 +191,17 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_manager
 !$acc enter data create(fcoef,gcoef,field,field_loc,source)
+     if (collision_field_model == 1) then
+       ! nc and nc_loc must be last, since it will be collated     
+       allocate(field_v(n_field,nt1:nt2,nc))
+       allocate(field_loc_v(n_field,nt1:nt2,nc1:nc2))
+#if defined(OMPGPU)
+!$omp target enter data map(alloc:field_v,field_loc_v)
+#elif defined(_OPENACC)
+!$acc enter data create(field_v,field_loc_v)
+     endif
      ! Velocity-distributed arrays
      select case(delta_t_method)
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_parallel_lib.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_parallel_lib.F90
index e649f2244..3b1d05f42 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_parallel_lib.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_parallel_lib.F90
@@ -511,6 +511,30 @@ subroutine parallel_lib_sum_field_gpu(field_loc,field)
   end subroutine parallel_lib_sum_field_gpu
+  !=========================================================
+  subroutine parallel_lib_collect_field(field_loc_v,field_v)
+    use mpi
+    implicit none
+    complex, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: field_loc_v
+    complex, intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:) :: field_v
+    integer :: ierr
+    call MPI_ALLGATHER(field_loc_v(:,:,:),&
+         size(field_loc_v(:,:,:)),&
+         field_v(:,:,:),&
+         size(field_loc_v(:,:,:)),&
+         lib_comm,&
+         ierr)
+  end subroutine parallel_lib_collect_field
   !  Species communicator

From 84dedd4d6d2abdab01d322538c838a365704b969 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Igor Sfiligoi <>
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2024 09:52:26 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 25/33] Use MPI_AllGather for cgyro_field_v_gpu, too

 cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90        | 27 +++++----------------------
 cgyro/src/cgyro_parallel_lib.F90 | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90
index 00cc0282f..451627c0f 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90
@@ -123,22 +123,6 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_v_notae_s_gpu(start_t)
   ! Poisson and Ampere RHS integrals of H
-#if defined(OMPGPU)
-!$omp target teams distribute parallel do simd collapse(3) &
-!$omp&   map(to:start_t)
-#elif defined(_OPENACC)
-!$acc parallel loop collapse(3) gang vector &
-!$acc&         independent copyin(start_t) &
-!$acc&         present(nt2,nc,n_field) default(none)
-  do itor=start_t,nt2
-   do ic=1,nc
-       do i_f=1,n_field
-        field_loc(i_f,ic,itor) = (0.0,0.0)
-       enddo
-   enddo
-  enddo
 #if defined(OMPGPU)
 !$omp target teams distribute collapse(3) &
 !$omp&       private(ic_loc,field_loc_l) map(to:start_t,nproc,nj_loc)
@@ -147,8 +131,8 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_v_notae_s_gpu(start_t)
 !$acc&         present(dvjvec_v,fsendf,field_loc) copyin(start_t,nproc,nj_loc) &
 !$acc&         present(nt2,nc1,nc2,n_field,nv) default(none)
-  do itor=start_t,nt2
-   do ic=nc1,nc2
+  do ic=nc1,nc2
+   do itor=start_t,nt2
     do i_f=1,n_field
       ic_loc = ic-nc1+1
       field_loc_l = (0.0,0.0)
@@ -164,7 +148,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_v_notae_s_gpu(start_t)
         field_loc_l = field_loc_l+dvjvec_v(i_f,ic_loc,itor,iv)*fsendf(j,itor,ic_loc,k)
-     field_loc(i_f,ic,itor) = field_loc_l
+     field_loc_v(i_f,itor,ic) = field_loc_l
@@ -173,8 +157,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_v_notae_s_gpu(start_t)
   call timer_lib_in('field_com')
-  call parallel_lib_sum_field_gpu(field_loc(:,:,start_t:nt2), &
-                                  field(:,:,start_t:nt2))
+  call parallel_lib_collect_field_gpu(field_loc_v, field_v)
   call timer_lib_out('field_com')
@@ -192,7 +175,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_v_notae_s_gpu(start_t)
      ! assuming  (.not.(itor == 0 .and. ae_flag == 1))
      do ic=1,nc
        do i_f=1,n_field
-        field(i_f,ic,itor) = fcoef(i_f,ic,itor)*field(i_f,ic,itor)
+        field(i_f,ic,itor) = fcoef(i_f,ic,itor)*field_v(i_f,itor,ic)
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_parallel_lib.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_parallel_lib.F90
index 3b1d05f42..5426cd5f5 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_parallel_lib.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_parallel_lib.F90
@@ -535,6 +535,33 @@ subroutine parallel_lib_collect_field(field_loc_v,field_v)
   end subroutine parallel_lib_collect_field
+  !=========================================================
+  subroutine parallel_lib_collect_field_gpu(field_loc_v,field_v)
+    use mpi
+    implicit none
+    complex, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: field_loc_v
+    complex, intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:) :: field_v
+    integer :: ierr
+    cpl_use_device(field_loc_v,field_v)
+    call MPI_ALLGATHER(field_loc_v(:,:,:),&
+         size(field_loc_v(:,:,:)),&
+         field_v(:,:,:),&
+         size(field_loc_v(:,:,:)),&
+         lib_comm,&
+         ierr)
+    cpl_release_device(field_loc_v,field_v)
+  end subroutine parallel_lib_collect_field_gpu
   !  Species communicator

From edd56875e767e373d77ddb71a8ea8fe01cb10dd8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Igor Sfiligoi <>
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2024 08:07:54 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 26/33] Improve handling of dvjvec_v

 cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90              |  4 ++--
 cgyro/src/cgyro_field_coefficients.F90 | 19 ++++++++++++++-----
 cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90       | 10 +++++-----
 3 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90
index 451627c0f..28b3f43af 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_v_notae_s(start_t)
      do k=1,nproc
       do j=1,nj_loc
         iv = j+(k-1)*nj_loc
-        field_loc_v(:,itor,ic) = field_loc_v(:,itor,ic)+dvjvec_v(:,ic_loc,itor,iv)*fsendf(j,itor,ic_loc,k)
+        field_loc_v(:,itor,ic) = field_loc_v(:,itor,ic)+dvjvec_v(:,iv,itor,ic_loc)*fsendf(j,itor,ic_loc,k)
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_v_notae_s_gpu(start_t)
       do k=1,nproc
        do j=1,nj_loc
         iv = j+(k-1)*nj_loc
-        field_loc_l = field_loc_l+dvjvec_v(i_f,ic_loc,itor,iv)*fsendf(j,itor,ic_loc,k)
+        field_loc_l = field_loc_l+dvjvec_v(i_f,iv,itor,ic_loc)*fsendf(j,itor,ic_loc,k)
      field_loc_v(i_f,itor,ic) = field_loc_l
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_field_coefficients.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_field_coefficients.F90
index edc4cdb07..5acc04d6a 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_field_coefficients.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_field_coefficients.F90
@@ -234,24 +234,33 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_coefficients
-   do ic=nc1,nc2
+   if (collision_field_model == 1) then
+    do ic=nc1,nc2
      ic_loc = ic-nc1+1
      it = it_c(ic)
      do iv=1,nv
         is = is_v(iv)
         ix = ix_v(iv)
         ie = ie_v(iv)
-        dvjvec_v(:,ic_loc,itor,iv) = dens2_rot(it,is)*w_exi(ie,ix)*z(is)* &
+        dvjvec_v(:,iv,itor,ic_loc) = dens2_rot(it,is)*w_exi(ie,ix)*z(is)* &
-   enddo
+    enddo
+   endif
 #if defined(OMPGPU)
-!$omp target update to(fcoef,gcoef,dvjvec_c,dvjvec_v)
+!$omp target update to(fcoef,gcoef,dvjvec_c)
+#elif defined(_OPENACC)
+!$acc update device(fcoef,gcoef,dvjvec_c)
+  if (collision_field_model == 1) then
+#if defined(OMPGPU)
+!$omp target update to(dvjvec_v)
 #elif defined(_OPENACC)
-!$acc update device(fcoef,gcoef,dvjvec_c,dvjvec_v)
+!$acc update device(dvjvec_v)
+  endif
 end subroutine cgyro_field_coefficients
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90
index 3e4ca231c..eecf99995 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90
@@ -195,10 +195,11 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_manager
        ! nc and nc_loc must be last, since it will be collated     
+       allocate(dvjvec_v(n_field,nv,nt1:nt2,nc_loc))
 #if defined(OMPGPU)
-!$omp target enter data map(alloc:field_v,field_loc_v)
+!$omp target enter data map(alloc:field_v,field_loc_v,dvjvec_v)
 #elif defined(_OPENACC)
-!$acc enter data create(field_v,field_loc_v)
+!$acc enter data create(field_v,field_loc_v,dvjvec_v)
@@ -262,17 +263,16 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_manager
-     allocate(dvjvec_v(n_field,nc_loc,nt1:nt2,nv))
 #if defined(OMPGPU)
 !$omp target enter data map(alloc:cap_h_c,cap_h_ct,cap_h_c_dot,cap_h_c_old,cap_h_c_old2)
-!$omp target enter data map(alloc:cap_h_v,dvjvec_c,dvjvec_v)
+!$omp target enter data map(alloc:cap_h_v,dvjvec_c)
 #elif defined(_OPENACC)
 !$acc enter data create(cap_h_c,cap_h_ct,cap_h_c_dot,cap_h_c_old,cap_h_c_old2)
-!$acc enter data create(cap_h_v,dvjvec_c,dvjvec_v)
+!$acc enter data create(cap_h_v,dvjvec_c)
      if (upwind_single_flag == 0) then

From 9d949137cfb728165152a13be895ce2e2e1f85c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Igor Sfiligoi <>
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2024 19:20:04 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 27/33] Properly account for field_loc_v and related buffers

 cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90       | 9 ++++++++-
 cgyro/src/cgyro_field_coefficients.F90 | 4 ++--
 cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90       | 2 +-
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90
index 0d52afbe4..bf18a8287 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90
@@ -34,12 +34,19 @@ subroutine cgyro_check_memory(datafile)
      call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nc,nt_loc,16,'field_old')
      call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nc,nt_loc,16,'field_old2')
      call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nc,nt_loc,16,'field_old3')
-     call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nc,nt_loc,8,'fcoef')
+     call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nc,nt_loc,16,'field_v')
      if (n_field < 3) then
         call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nc,nt_loc,8,'gcoef')
         call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,5,nc,nt_loc,8,'gcoef')
+     if ((collision_model /= 5) .AND. (collision_field_model == 1)) then
+       call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nt_loc,nc,16,'field_v')
+       call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nt_loc,nc_loc,16,'field_loc_v')
+       call cgyro_alloc_add_4d(io,n_field,nv,nt_loc,nc_loc,16,'dvjvec_v')
+     endif
+     call cgyro_alloc_add_4d(io,n_field,nc,nv_loc,nt_loc,16,'dvjvec_c')
+     call cgyro_alloc_add_4d(io,n_field,nc,nv_loc,nt_loc,16,'jxvec_c')
      if (nonlinear_flag == 1) then
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_field_coefficients.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_field_coefficients.F90
index 5acc04d6a..58e1780b9 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_field_coefficients.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_field_coefficients.F90
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_coefficients
-   if (collision_field_model == 1) then
+   if ((collision_model /= 5) .AND. (collision_field_model == 1)) then
     do ic=nc1,nc2
      ic_loc = ic-nc1+1
      it = it_c(ic)
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_coefficients
 #elif defined(_OPENACC)
 !$acc update device(fcoef,gcoef,dvjvec_c)
-  if (collision_field_model == 1) then
+  if ((collision_model /= 5) .AND. (collision_field_model == 1)) then
 #if defined(OMPGPU)
 !$omp target update to(dvjvec_v)
 #elif defined(_OPENACC)
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90
index eecf99995..956fb3372 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_init_manager.F90
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_init_manager
 !$acc enter data create(fcoef,gcoef,field,field_loc,source)
-     if (collision_field_model == 1) then
+     if ((collision_model /= 5) .AND. (collision_field_model == 1)) then
        ! nc and nc_loc must be last, since it will be collated     

From e443710f8bdcfca3bacdccd07b03f97422ea0860 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Igor Sfiligoi <>
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2024 23:15:25 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 28/33] Fix unit in check_memory

 cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90 | 5 ++---
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90
index bf18a8287..8d0da3efc 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90
@@ -43,10 +43,9 @@ subroutine cgyro_check_memory(datafile)
      if ((collision_model /= 5) .AND. (collision_field_model == 1)) then
        call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nt_loc,nc,16,'field_v')
        call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nt_loc,nc_loc,16,'field_loc_v')
-       call cgyro_alloc_add_4d(io,n_field,nv,nt_loc,nc_loc,16,'dvjvec_v')
+       call cgyro_alloc_add_4d(io,n_field,nv,nt_loc,nc_loc,8,'dvjvec_v')
-     call cgyro_alloc_add_4d(io,n_field,nc,nv_loc,nt_loc,16,'dvjvec_c')
-     call cgyro_alloc_add_4d(io,n_field,nc,nv_loc,nt_loc,16,'jxvec_c')
+     call cgyro_alloc_add_4d(io,n_field,nc,nv_loc,nt_loc,8,'dvjvec_c')
      if (nonlinear_flag == 1) then

From b2023c1b6ea02f7ed9bb0b79f9dd5ee328b66a8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Igor Sfiligoi <>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 07:28:50 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 29/33] Fix typo

 cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90 | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90
index 8d0da3efc..84a821f28 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_check_memory.F90
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_check_memory(datafile)
      call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nc,nt_loc,16,'field_old')
      call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nc,nt_loc,16,'field_old2')
      call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nc,nt_loc,16,'field_old3')
-     call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nc,nt_loc,16,'field_v')
+     call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nc,nt_loc,8,'fcoef')
      if (n_field < 3) then
         call cgyro_alloc_add_3d(io,n_field,nc,nt_loc,8,'gcoef')

From 9b62ef4edb3207056a3ab12f5c1526ade0c789c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Igor Sfiligoi <>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 09:47:19 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 30/33] Fix OpenACC related to #429

 cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90 | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90
index 28b3f43af..64b365dca 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_field.F90
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_v_notae_s_gpu(start_t)
 #if (!defined(OMPGPU)) && defined(_OPENACC)
 !$acc data present(fsendf)
-!$acc data present(field,field_loc)
+!$acc data present(field,field_v,field_loc_v)
   ! Poisson and Ampere RHS integrals of H
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_field_v_notae_s_gpu(start_t)
 !$omp&       private(ic_loc,field_loc_l) map(to:start_t,nproc,nj_loc)
 #elif defined(_OPENACC)
 !$acc parallel loop collapse(3) gang private(ic_loc,field_loc_l) &
-!$acc&         present(dvjvec_v,fsendf,field_loc) copyin(start_t,nproc,nj_loc) &
+!$acc&         present(dvjvec_v,fsendf) copyin(start_t,nproc,nj_loc) &
 !$acc&         present(nt2,nc1,nc2,n_field,nv) default(none)
   do ic=nc1,nc2

From 0033dd75c047e79ae42af94fa5e4f50205332cd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gary Staebler <>
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2024 23:51:23 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 31/33] Garysbranch (#430)

* added tglf_p_prime_elite_in and call to put_elite, made zgeev default

* added XHM shapes to globaldump file and beta_loc to read_input
 tglf/src/tglf_eigensolver.f90 |  2 +-
 tglf/src/tglf_interface.f90   | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tglf/src/tglf_read_input.f90  |  1 +
 tglf/src/tglf_run.F90         | 11 ++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tglf/src/tglf_eigensolver.f90 b/tglf/src/tglf_eigensolver.f90
index e567c33f6..e3584976b 100644
--- a/tglf/src/tglf_eigensolver.f90
+++ b/tglf/src/tglf_eigensolver.f90
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ SUBROUTINE tglf_eigensolver
       CHARACTER(1) :: rightvectors
-      LOGICAL :: use_zgeev = .false.
+      LOGICAL :: use_zgeev = .true.
       INTEGER :: is,js
       INTEGER ::  j1, j2, j, i
       INTEGER :: ifail,ib, jb, ia, ja, ia0, ja0
diff --git a/tglf/src/tglf_interface.f90 b/tglf/src/tglf_interface.f90
index f75cb3c8a..94d4a9937 100644
--- a/tglf/src/tglf_interface.f90
+++ b/tglf/src/tglf_interface.f90
@@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ module tglf_interface
   integer  :: tglf_n_elite_in   = 700
   real     :: tglf_q_elite_in   = 2.0
   real     :: tglf_q_prime_elite_in = 16.0
+  real     :: tglf_p_prime_elite_in = 0.0
   real     :: tglf_R_elite_in(max_ELITE) 
   real     :: tglf_Z_elite_in(max_ELITE) 
   real     :: tglf_Bp_elite_in(max_ELITE) 
@@ -268,6 +269,11 @@ subroutine tglf_dump_local()
+    if (tglf_geometry_flag_in == 3 ) then
+      close(1)
+      return
+    endif
     write(1,*) '# input.tglf generated by tglf_dump_local()'
     write(1,*) '#'
@@ -459,6 +465,11 @@ subroutine tglf_dump_global()
+    if (tglf_geometry_flag_in == 3 ) then
+      close(1)
+      return
+    endif
     write(1,*) '# input.tglf generated by tglf_dump_global()'
     write(1,*) '#'
@@ -568,6 +579,28 @@ subroutine tglf_dump_global()
     write(1,30) 'S_DELTA_LOC',s_delta_loc
     write(1,30) 'ZETA_LOC',zeta_loc
     write(1,30) 'S_ZETA_LOC',s_zeta_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_SIN3',shape_sin3_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_S_SIN3',shape_s_sin3_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_SIN4',shape_sin4_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_S_SIN4',shape_s_sin4_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_SIN5',shape_sin5_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_S_SIN5',shape_s_sin5_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_SIN6',shape_sin6_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_S_SIN6',shape_s_sin6_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_COS0',shape_cos0_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_S_COS0',shape_s_cos0_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_COS1',shape_cos1_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_S_COS1',shape_cos1_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_COS2',shape_cos2_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_S_COS2',shape_cos2_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_COS3',shape_cos3_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_S_COS3',shape_cos3_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_COS4',shape_cos4_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_S_COS4',shape_s_cos4_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_COS5',shape_cos5_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_S_COS5',shape_cos5_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_COS6',shape_cos6_loc
+    write(1,30) 'SHAPE_S_COS6',shape_cos6_loc
     write(1,30) 'P_PRIME_LOC',p_prime_loc
     write(1,30) 'Q_PRIME_LOC',q_prime_loc
     write(1,30) 'BETA_LOC',tglf_beta_loc_in
diff --git a/tglf/src/tglf_read_input.f90 b/tglf/src/tglf_read_input.f90
index c3a5d3515..e7325fbff 100644
--- a/tglf/src/tglf_read_input.f90
+++ b/tglf/src/tglf_read_input.f90
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ subroutine tglf_read_input
   read(1,*) tglf_q_loc_in
   read(1,*) tglf_q_prime_loc_in
   read(1,*) tglf_p_prime_loc_in
+  read(1,*) tglf_beta_loc_in
   read(1,*) tglf_kx0_loc_in
   ! Set threshold for TGLF-NN execution versus full TGLF calculation
diff --git a/tglf/src/tglf_run.F90 b/tglf/src/tglf_run.F90
index a1fd06df5..8b1dcb5b5 100644
--- a/tglf/src/tglf_run.F90
+++ b/tglf/src/tglf_run.F90
@@ -147,7 +147,16 @@ subroutine tglf_run()
           tglf_nfourier_in, &
-  else
+  elseif (tglf_geometry_flag_in == 3) then
+      call put_ELITE_geometry(tglf_n_elite_in,  &
+           tglf_q_elite_in,  &
+           tglf_q_prime_elite_in,  &
+           tglf_p_prime_elite_in,  &
+           tglf_R_elite_in,  &
+           tglf_Z_elite_in, &
+           tglf_Bp_elite_in  )
+  else   ! default to s-alpha
      call put_s_alpha_geometry(tglf_rmin_sa_in, &
           tglf_rmaj_sa_in, &

From b67348bf04a9575d0c2baa7283061861c8d5d925 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Candy <>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 16:22:00 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 32/33] Added Z_EFF to localdump

 cgyro/bin/cgyro_json               | 1 +
 cgyro/src/cgyro_make_profiles.F90  | 2 +-
 cgyro/src/cgyro_write_initdata.f90 | 2 ++
 f2py/pygacode/cgyro/        | 2 ++
 4 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json b/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json
index 6d413dbc1..0b7ba076c 100755
--- a/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json
+++ b/cgyro/bin/cgyro_json
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ d['GAMMA_E'] = sim.gamma_e
 d['GAMMA_P'] = sim.gamma_p
 d['BETAE_UNIT'] = sim.betae_unit
 d['NU_EE'] =[ielec]
+d['Z_EFF'] = sim.z_eff
 d['ZMAG'] = sim.zmag
 d['DZMAG'] = sim.dzmag
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_make_profiles.F90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_make_profiles.F90
index 3b2a806f0..6ada243b1 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_make_profiles.F90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_make_profiles.F90
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ subroutine cgyro_make_profiles
-  ! z_eff -- only use value from input.cgyro or input.profiles
+  ! z_eff -- only use value from input.cgyro or input.gacode
   ! if simple electron Lorentz collisions (1,5) and z_eff_method=1
   ! else compute z_eff from the input ions' densities and charges
   if (.not. (z_eff_method == 1 .and. &
diff --git a/cgyro/src/cgyro_write_initdata.f90 b/cgyro/src/cgyro_write_initdata.f90
index 44f32b358..14ab40b6b 100644
--- a/cgyro/src/cgyro_write_initdata.f90
+++ b/cgyro/src/cgyro_write_initdata.f90
@@ -229,6 +229,8 @@ subroutine cgyro_write_initdata
         write (io,fmtstr) sdlntdr(is)
         write (io,fmtstr) sbeta(is)
+     ! Added 17 Dec 2024
+     write (io,fmtstr) z_eff
diff --git a/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/ b/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/
index 84588cb6d..0e67a3395 100644
--- a/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/
+++ b/f2py/pygacode/cgyro/
@@ -501,6 +501,8 @@ def getgrid(self):
          self.sdlnndr[i],p = self.eget(data,p) 
          self.sdlntdr[i],p = self.eget(data,p)
          self.sbeta[i],p = self.eget(data,p)
+      # Added 17 Dec 2024
+      self.z_eff,p = self.eget(data,p) 
       if p == -1:
          print('WARNING: (getgrid) Data format outdated. Please run cgyro -t')

From 452fc95b0942f31b80e0c3160943e35c3c055a77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Candy <>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 07:52:55 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 33/33] Updated platform

 platform/exec/exec.MINT_OPENMPI | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/platform/exec/exec.MINT_OPENMPI b/platform/exec/exec.MINT_OPENMPI
index 9f92d0033..bcb1db045 100755
--- a/platform/exec/exec.MINT_OPENMPI
+++ b/platform/exec/exec.MINT_OPENMPI
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ numa=${5}
 cd $simdir
-mpiexec -x OMP_NUM_THREADS=$nomp -np $nmpi $exec
+mpiexec --use-hwthread-cpus -x OMP_NUM_THREADS=$nomp -np $nmpi $exec