diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index ec4b04e0860c..fbfd14558e1d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ else
$(IN_VENV) cd client && yarn install $(YARN_INSTALL_OPTS)
+ xmllint --format --output galaxy-tmp.xsd lib/galaxy/tool_util/xsd/galaxy.xsd
+ mv galaxy-tmp.xsd lib/galaxy/tool_util/xsd/galaxy.xsd
$(IN_VENV) python scripts/dump_openapi_schema.py _schema.yaml
diff --git a/doc/parse_gx_xsd.py b/doc/parse_gx_xsd.py
index e34a9ba89afd..11092bb84515 100644
--- a/doc/parse_gx_xsd.py
+++ b/doc/parse_gx_xsd.py
@@ -83,28 +83,20 @@ def _build_tag(tag, hide_attributes):
- assertion_groups = assertions_tag.xpath(
- "xs:choice/xs:group", namespaces={"xs": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"}
+ assertion_tag = xmlschema_doc.find("//{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}group[@name='TestAssertion']")
+ elements = assertion_tag.findall(
+ "{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}choice/{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}element"
- for group in assertion_groups:
- ref = group.attrib["ref"]
- assertion_tag = xmlschema_doc.find("//{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}group[@name='" + ref + "']")
- doc = _doc_or_none(assertion_tag)
- assertions_buffer.write(f"### {doc}\n\n")
- elements = assertion_tag.findall(
- "{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}choice/{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}element"
- )
- for element in elements:
+ for element in elements:
+ doc = _doc_or_none(element)
+ if doc is None:
doc = _doc_or_none(element)
- if doc is None:
- doc = _doc_or_none(_type_el(element))
- assert doc is not None, f"Documentation for {element.attrib['name']} is empty"
- doc = doc.strip()
- element_el = _find_tag_el(element)
- element_attributes = _find_attributes(element_el)
- doc = _replace_attribute_list(element_el, doc, element_attributes)
- assertions_buffer.write(f"#### ``{element.attrib['name']}``:\n\n{doc}\n\n")
+ assert doc is not None, f"Documentation for {element.attrib['name']} is empty"
+ doc = doc.strip()
+ element_attributes = _find_attributes(element)
+ doc = _replace_attribute_list(element, doc, element_attributes)
+ assertions_buffer.write(f"#### ``{element.attrib['name']}``:\n\n{doc}\n\n")
text = text.replace(line, assertions_buffer.getvalue())
if best_practices := _get_bp_link(annotation_el):
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/assertion_models.py b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/assertion_models.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5f21e488e52b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/assertion_models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1599 @@
+"""This module is auto-generated, please do not modify."""
+import re
+import typing
+from pydantic import (
+ BaseModel,
+ BeforeValidator,
+ ConfigDict,
+ Field,
+ RootModel,
+ StrictFloat,
+ StrictInt,
+from typing_extensions import (
+ Annotated,
+ Literal,
+BYTES_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)([kKMGTPE]i?)?$")
+class AssertionModel(BaseModel):
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ extra="forbid",
+ )
+def check_bytes(v: typing.Any) -> typing.Any:
+ if isinstance(v, str):
+ assert BYTES_PATTERN.match(v), "Not valid bytes string"
+ return v
+def check_center_of_mass(v: typing.Any):
+ assert isinstance(v, str)
+ split_parts = v.split(",")
+ assert len(split_parts) == 2
+ for part in split_parts:
+ assert float(part.strip())
+ return v
+def check_regex(v: typing.Any):
+ assert isinstance(v, str)
+ try:
+ re.compile(typing.cast(str, v))
+ except re.error:
+ raise AssertionError(f"Invalid regular expression {v}")
+ return v
+def check_non_negative_if_set(v: typing.Any):
+ if v is not None:
+ try:
+ assert v >= 0
+ except TypeError:
+ raise AssertionError(f"Invalid type found {v}")
+ return v
+def check_non_negative_if_int(v: typing.Any):
+ if v is not None and isinstance(v, int):
+ assert typing.cast(int, v) >= 0
+ return v
+has_line_line_description = """The full line of text to search for in the output."""
+has_line_n_description = """Desired number, can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_line_delta_description = (
+ """Allowed difference with respect to n (default: 0), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_line_min_description = """Minimum number (default: -infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_line_max_description = """Maximum number (default: infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_line_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_line_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the specified output contains the line specified by the
+ argument line. The exact number of occurrences can be optionally
+ specified by the argument n"""
+ that: Literal["has_line"] = "has_line"
+ line: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_line_line_description,
+ )
+ n: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_line_n_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[
+ typing.Union[int, str], BeforeValidator(check_bytes), BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int)
+ ] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=has_line_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_line_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_line_max_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_line_negate_description,
+ )
+has_line_matching_expression_description = """The regular expressions to attempt match in the output."""
+has_line_matching_n_description = """Desired number, can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_line_matching_delta_description = (
+ """Allowed difference with respect to n (default: 0), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_line_matching_min_description = """Minimum number (default: -infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_line_matching_max_description = """Maximum number (default: infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_line_matching_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_line_matching_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the specified output contains a line matching the
+ regular expression specified by the argument expression. If n is given
+ the assertion checks for exactly n occurences."""
+ that: Literal["has_line_matching"] = "has_line_matching"
+ expression: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_line_matching_expression_description,
+ )
+ n: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_line_matching_n_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[
+ typing.Union[int, str], BeforeValidator(check_bytes), BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int)
+ ] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=has_line_matching_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_line_matching_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_line_matching_max_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_line_matching_negate_description,
+ )
+has_n_lines_n_description = """Desired number, can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_n_lines_delta_description = (
+ """Allowed difference with respect to n (default: 0), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_n_lines_min_description = """Minimum number (default: -infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_n_lines_max_description = """Maximum number (default: infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_n_lines_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_n_lines_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the specified output contains ``n`` lines allowing
+ for a difference in the number of lines (delta)
+ or relative differebce in the number of lines"""
+ that: Literal["has_n_lines"] = "has_n_lines"
+ n: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_n_lines_n_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[
+ typing.Union[int, str], BeforeValidator(check_bytes), BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int)
+ ] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=has_n_lines_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_n_lines_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_n_lines_max_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_n_lines_negate_description,
+ )
+has_text_text_description = """The text to search for in the output."""
+has_text_n_description = """Desired number, can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_text_delta_description = (
+ """Allowed difference with respect to n (default: 0), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_text_min_description = """Minimum number (default: -infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_text_max_description = """Maximum number (default: infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_text_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_text_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts specified output contains the substring specified by
+ the argument text. The exact number of occurrences can be
+ optionally specified by the argument n"""
+ that: Literal["has_text"] = "has_text"
+ text: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_text_text_description,
+ )
+ n: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_text_n_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[
+ typing.Union[int, str], BeforeValidator(check_bytes), BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int)
+ ] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=has_text_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_text_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_text_max_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_text_negate_description,
+ )
+has_text_matching_expression_description = """The regular expressions to attempt match in the output."""
+has_text_matching_n_description = """Desired number, can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_text_matching_delta_description = (
+ """Allowed difference with respect to n (default: 0), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_text_matching_min_description = """Minimum number (default: -infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_text_matching_max_description = """Maximum number (default: infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_text_matching_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_text_matching_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the specified output contains text matching the
+ regular expression specified by the argument expression.
+ If n is given the assertion checks for exacly n (nonoverlapping)
+ occurences."""
+ that: Literal["has_text_matching"] = "has_text_matching"
+ expression: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_text_matching_expression_description,
+ )
+ n: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_text_matching_n_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[
+ typing.Union[int, str], BeforeValidator(check_bytes), BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int)
+ ] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=has_text_matching_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_text_matching_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_text_matching_max_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_text_matching_negate_description,
+ )
+not_has_text_text_description = """The text to search for in the output."""
+class not_has_text_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts specified output does not contain the substring
+ specified by the argument text"""
+ that: Literal["not_has_text"] = "not_has_text"
+ text: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=not_has_text_text_description,
+ )
+has_n_columns_n_description = """Desired number, can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_n_columns_delta_description = (
+ """Allowed difference with respect to n (default: 0), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_n_columns_min_description = """Minimum number (default: -infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_n_columns_max_description = """Maximum number (default: infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_n_columns_sep_description = """Separator defining columns, default: tab"""
+has_n_columns_comment_description = (
+ """Comment character(s) used to skip comment lines (which should not be used for counting columns)"""
+has_n_columns_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_n_columns_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts tabular output contains the specified
+ number (``n``) of columns.
+ For instance, ````. The assertion tests only the first line.
+ Number of columns can optionally also be specified with ``delta``. Alternatively the
+ range of expected occurences can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
+ Optionally a column separator (``sep``, default is `` ``) `and comment character(s)
+ can be specified (``comment``, default is empty string). The first non-comment
+ line is used for determining the number of columns."""
+ that: Literal["has_n_columns"] = "has_n_columns"
+ n: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_n_columns_n_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[
+ typing.Union[int, str], BeforeValidator(check_bytes), BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int)
+ ] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=has_n_columns_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_n_columns_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_n_columns_max_description,
+ )
+ sep: str = Field(
+ " ",
+ description=has_n_columns_sep_description,
+ )
+ comment: str = Field(
+ "",
+ description=has_n_columns_comment_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_n_columns_negate_description,
+ )
+attribute_is_path_description = """The Python xpath-like expression to find the target element."""
+attribute_is_attribute_description = """The XML attribute name to test against from the target XML element."""
+attribute_is_text_description = """The expected attribute value to test against on the target XML element"""
+attribute_is_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class attribute_is_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the XML ``attribute`` for the element (or tag) with the specified
+ XPath-like ``path`` is the specified ``text``.
+ For example:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+ With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the equality) can be inverted (the
+ implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected)."""
+ that: Literal["attribute_is"] = "attribute_is"
+ path: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=attribute_is_path_description,
+ )
+ attribute: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=attribute_is_attribute_description,
+ )
+ text: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=attribute_is_text_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=attribute_is_negate_description,
+ )
+attribute_matches_path_description = """The Python xpath-like expression to find the target element."""
+attribute_matches_attribute_description = """The XML attribute name to test against from the target XML element."""
+attribute_matches_expression_description = (
+ """The regular expressions to apply against the named attribute on the target XML element."""
+attribute_matches_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class attribute_matches_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the XML ``attribute`` for the element (or tag) with the specified
+ XPath-like ``path`` matches the regular expression specified by ``expression``.
+ For example:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+ With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the matching) can be inverted (the
+ implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected)."""
+ that: Literal["attribute_matches"] = "attribute_matches"
+ path: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=attribute_matches_path_description,
+ )
+ attribute: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=attribute_matches_attribute_description,
+ )
+ expression: Annotated[str, BeforeValidator(check_regex)] = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=attribute_matches_expression_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=attribute_matches_negate_description,
+ )
+element_text_path_description = """The Python xpath-like expression to find the target element."""
+element_text_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class element_text_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""This tag allows the developer to recurisively specify additional assertions as
+ child elements about just the text contained in the element specified by the
+ XPath-like ``path``, e.g.
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+ With ``negate`` the result of the implicit assertions can be inverted.
+ The sub-assertions, which have their own ``negate`` attribute, are not affected
+ by ``negate``."""
+ that: Literal["element_text"] = "element_text"
+ path: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=element_text_path_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=element_text_negate_description,
+ )
+ children: "assertion_list"
+element_text_is_path_description = """The Python xpath-like expression to find the target element."""
+element_text_is_text_description = (
+ """The expected element text (body of the XML tag) to test against on the target XML element"""
+element_text_is_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class element_text_is_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the text of the XML element with the specified XPath-like ``path`` is
+ the specified ``text``.
+ For example:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+ With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the equality) can be inverted (the
+ implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected)."""
+ that: Literal["element_text_is"] = "element_text_is"
+ path: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=element_text_is_path_description,
+ )
+ text: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=element_text_is_text_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=element_text_is_negate_description,
+ )
+element_text_matches_path_description = """The Python xpath-like expression to find the target element."""
+element_text_matches_expression_description = """The regular expressions to apply against the target element."""
+element_text_matches_negate_description = (
+ """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class element_text_matches_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the text of the XML element with the specified XPath-like ``path``
+ matches the regular expression defined by ``expression``.
+ For example:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+ With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the matching) can be inverted (the
+ implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected)."""
+ that: Literal["element_text_matches"] = "element_text_matches"
+ path: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=element_text_matches_path_description,
+ )
+ expression: Annotated[str, BeforeValidator(check_regex)] = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=element_text_matches_expression_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=element_text_matches_negate_description,
+ )
+has_element_with_path_path_description = """The Python xpath-like expression to find the target element."""
+has_element_with_path_negate_description = (
+ """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_element_with_path_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the XML output contains at least one element (or tag) with the specified
+ XPath-like ``path``, e.g.
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ With ``negate`` the result of the assertion can be inverted."""
+ that: Literal["has_element_with_path"] = "has_element_with_path"
+ path: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_element_with_path_path_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_element_with_path_negate_description,
+ )
+has_n_elements_with_path_path_description = """The Python xpath-like expression to find the target element."""
+has_n_elements_with_path_n_description = """Desired number, can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_n_elements_with_path_delta_description = (
+ """Allowed difference with respect to n (default: 0), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_n_elements_with_path_min_description = (
+ """Minimum number (default: -infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_n_elements_with_path_max_description = (
+ """Maximum number (default: infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_n_elements_with_path_negate_description = (
+ """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_n_elements_with_path_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the XML output contains the specified number (``n``, optionally with ``delta``) of elements (or
+ tags) with the specified XPath-like ``path``.
+ For example:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ Alternatively to ``n`` and ``delta`` also the ``min`` and ``max`` attributes
+ can be used to specify the range of the expected number of occurences.
+ With ``negate`` the result of the assertion can be inverted."""
+ that: Literal["has_n_elements_with_path"] = "has_n_elements_with_path"
+ path: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_n_elements_with_path_path_description,
+ )
+ n: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_n_elements_with_path_n_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[
+ typing.Union[int, str], BeforeValidator(check_bytes), BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int)
+ ] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=has_n_elements_with_path_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_n_elements_with_path_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_n_elements_with_path_max_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_n_elements_with_path_negate_description,
+ )
+class is_valid_xml_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the output is a valid XML file (e.g. ````)."""
+ that: Literal["is_valid_xml"] = "is_valid_xml"
+xml_element_path_description = """The Python xpath-like expression to find the target element."""
+xml_element_attribute_description = """The XML attribute name to test against from the target XML element."""
+xml_element_all_description = (
+ """Check the sub-assertions for all paths matching the path. Default: false, i.e. only the first """
+xml_element_n_description = """Desired number, can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+xml_element_delta_description = (
+ """Allowed difference with respect to n (default: 0), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+xml_element_min_description = """Minimum number (default: -infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+xml_element_max_description = """Maximum number (default: infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+xml_element_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class xml_element_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Assert if the XML file contains element(s) or tag(s) with the specified
+ [XPath-like ``path``](https://lxml.de/xpathxslt.html). If ``n`` and ``delta``
+ or ``min`` and ``max`` are given also the number of occurences is checked.
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ With ``negate="true"`` the outcome of the assertions wrt the precence and number
+ of ``path`` can be negated. If there are any sub assertions then check them against
+ - the content of the attribute ``attribute``
+ - the element's text if no attribute is given
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ Sub-assertions are not subject to the ``negate`` attribute of ``xml_element``.
+ If ``all`` is ``true`` then the sub assertions are checked for all occurences.
+ Note that all other XML assertions can be expressed by this assertion (Galaxy
+ also implements the other assertions by calling this one)."""
+ that: Literal["xml_element"] = "xml_element"
+ path: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=xml_element_path_description,
+ )
+ attribute: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str]] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=xml_element_attribute_description,
+ )
+ all: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=xml_element_all_description,
+ )
+ n: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=xml_element_n_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[
+ typing.Union[int, str], BeforeValidator(check_bytes), BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int)
+ ] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=xml_element_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=xml_element_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=xml_element_max_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=xml_element_negate_description,
+ )
+ children: typing.Optional["assertion_list"] = None
+has_json_property_with_text_property_description = """The property name to search the JSON document for."""
+has_json_property_with_text_text_description = """The expected text value of the target JSON attribute."""
+class has_json_property_with_text_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the JSON document contains a property or key with the specified text (i.e. string) value.
+ ```xml
+ ```"""
+ that: Literal["has_json_property_with_text"] = "has_json_property_with_text"
+ property: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_json_property_with_text_property_description,
+ )
+ text: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_json_property_with_text_text_description,
+ )
+has_json_property_with_value_property_description = """The property name to search the JSON document for."""
+has_json_property_with_value_value_description = (
+ """The expected JSON value of the target JSON attribute (as a JSON encoded string)."""
+class has_json_property_with_value_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the JSON document contains a property or key with the specified JSON value.
+ ```xml
+ ```"""
+ that: Literal["has_json_property_with_value"] = "has_json_property_with_value"
+ property: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_json_property_with_value_property_description,
+ )
+ value: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_json_property_with_value_value_description,
+ )
+has_h5_attribute_key_description = """HDF5 attribute to check value of."""
+has_h5_attribute_value_description = """Expected value of HDF5 attribute to check."""
+class has_h5_attribute_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts HDF5 output contains the specified ``value`` for an attribute (``key``), e.g.
+ ```xml
+ ```"""
+ that: Literal["has_h5_attribute"] = "has_h5_attribute"
+ key: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_h5_attribute_key_description,
+ )
+ value: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_h5_attribute_value_description,
+ )
+has_h5_keys_keys_description = """HDF5 attributes to check value of as a comma-separated string."""
+class has_h5_keys_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the specified HDF5 output has the given keys."""
+ that: Literal["has_h5_keys"] = "has_h5_keys"
+ keys: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_h5_keys_keys_description,
+ )
+has_archive_member_path_description = """The regular expression specifying the archive member."""
+has_archive_member_all_description = (
+ """Check the sub-assertions for all paths matching the path. Default: false, i.e. only the first"""
+has_archive_member_n_description = """Desired number, can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_archive_member_delta_description = (
+ """Allowed difference with respect to n (default: 0), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_archive_member_min_description = """Minimum number (default: -infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_archive_member_max_description = """Maximum number (default: infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_archive_member_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_archive_member_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""This tag allows to check if ``path`` is contained in a compressed file.
+ The path is a regular expression that is matched against the full paths of the objects in
+ the compressed file (remember that "matching" means it is checked if a prefix of
+ the full path of an archive member is described by the regular expression).
+ Valid archive formats include ``.zip``, ``.tar``, and ``.tar.gz``. Note that
+ depending on the archive creation method:
+ - full paths of the members may be prefixed with ``./``
+ - directories may be treated as empty files
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ With ``n`` and ``delta`` (or ``min`` and ``max``) assertions on the number of
+ archive members matching ``path`` can be expressed. The following could be used,
+ e.g., to assert an archive containing n±1 elements out of which at least
+ 4 need to have a ``txt`` extension.
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ In addition the tag can contain additional assertions as child elements about
+ the first member in the archive matching the regular expression ``path``. For
+ instance
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ If the ``all`` attribute is set to ``true`` then all archive members are subject
+ to the assertions. Note that, archive members matching the ``path`` are sorted
+ alphabetically.
+ The ``negate`` attribute of the ``has_archive_member`` assertion only affects
+ the asserts on the presence and number of matching archive members, but not any
+ sub-assertions (which can offer the ``negate`` attribute on their own). The
+ check if the file is an archive at all, which is also done by the function, is
+ not affected."""
+ that: Literal["has_archive_member"] = "has_archive_member"
+ path: str = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_archive_member_path_description,
+ )
+ all: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_archive_member_all_description,
+ )
+ n: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_archive_member_n_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[
+ typing.Union[int, str], BeforeValidator(check_bytes), BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int)
+ ] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=has_archive_member_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_archive_member_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_archive_member_max_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_archive_member_negate_description,
+ )
+ children: typing.Optional["assertion_list"] = None
+has_size_value_description = """Deprecated alias for `size`"""
+has_size_size_description = """Desired size of the output (in bytes), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_size_delta_description = (
+ """Allowed difference with respect to n (default: 0), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_size_min_description = """Minimum number (default: -infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_size_max_description = """Maximum number (default: infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``"""
+has_size_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_size_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the specified output has a size of the specified value
+ Attributes size and value or synonyms though value is considered deprecated.
+ The size optionally allows for absolute (``delta``) difference."""
+ that: Literal["has_size"] = "has_size"
+ size: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_size_size_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[
+ typing.Union[int, str], BeforeValidator(check_bytes), BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int)
+ ] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=has_size_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_size_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]],
+ BeforeValidator(check_bytes),
+ BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_int),
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_size_max_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_size_negate_description,
+ )
+has_image_center_of_mass_center_of_mass_description = """The required center of mass of the image intensities (horizontal and vertical coordinate, separated by a comma)."""
+has_image_center_of_mass_channel_description = """Restricts the assertion to a specific channel of the image (where ``0`` corresponds to the first image channel)."""
+has_image_center_of_mass_eps_description = (
+ """The maximum allowed Euclidean distance to the required center of mass (defaults to ``0.01``)."""
+class has_image_center_of_mass_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the specified output is an image and has the specified center of mass.
+ Asserts the output is an image and has a specific center of mass,
+ or has an Euclidean distance of ``eps`` or less to that point (e.g.,
+ ````)."""
+ that: Literal["has_image_center_of_mass"] = "has_image_center_of_mass"
+ center_of_mass: Annotated[str, BeforeValidator(check_center_of_mass)] = Field(
+ ...,
+ description=has_image_center_of_mass_center_of_mass_description,
+ )
+ channel: typing.Optional[StrictInt] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_center_of_mass_channel_description,
+ )
+ eps: Annotated[typing.Union[StrictInt, StrictFloat], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ 0.01,
+ description=has_image_center_of_mass_eps_description,
+ )
+has_image_channels_channels_description = """Expected number of channels of the image."""
+has_image_channels_delta_description = """Maximum allowed difference of the number of channels (default is 0). The observed number of channels has to be in the range ``value +- delta``."""
+has_image_channels_min_description = """Minimum allowed number of channels."""
+has_image_channels_max_description = """Maximum allowed number of channels."""
+has_image_channels_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_image_channels_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the output is an image and has a specific number of channels.
+ The number of channels is plus/minus ``delta`` (e.g., ````).
+ Alternatively the range of the expected number of channels can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``."""
+ that: Literal["has_image_channels"] = "has_image_channels"
+ channels: Annotated[typing.Optional[StrictInt], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_channels_channels_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[StrictInt, BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=has_image_channels_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[typing.Optional[StrictInt], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_channels_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[typing.Optional[StrictInt], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_channels_max_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_image_channels_negate_description,
+ )
+has_image_height_height_description = """Expected height of the image (in pixels)."""
+has_image_height_delta_description = """Maximum allowed difference of the image height (in pixels, default is 0). The observed height has to be in the range ``value +- delta``."""
+has_image_height_min_description = """Minimum allowed height of the image (in pixels)."""
+has_image_height_max_description = """Maximum allowed height of the image (in pixels)."""
+has_image_height_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_image_height_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the output is an image and has a specific height (in pixels).
+ The height is plus/minus ``delta`` (e.g., ````).
+ Alternatively the range of the expected height can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``."""
+ that: Literal["has_image_height"] = "has_image_height"
+ height: Annotated[typing.Optional[StrictInt], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_height_height_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[StrictInt, BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=has_image_height_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[typing.Optional[StrictInt], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_height_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[typing.Optional[StrictInt], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_height_max_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_image_height_negate_description,
+ )
+has_image_mean_intensity_channel_description = """Restricts the assertion to a specific channel of the image (where ``0`` corresponds to the first image channel)."""
+has_image_mean_intensity_mean_intensity_description = """The required mean value of the image intensities."""
+has_image_mean_intensity_eps_description = """The absolute tolerance to be used for ``value`` (defaults to ``0.01``). The observed mean value of the image intensities has to be in the range ``value +- eps``."""
+has_image_mean_intensity_min_description = """A lower bound of the required mean value of the image intensities."""
+has_image_mean_intensity_max_description = """An upper bound of the required mean value of the image intensities."""
+class has_image_mean_intensity_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the output is an image and has a specific mean intensity value.
+ The mean intensity value is plus/minus ``eps`` (e.g., ````).
+ Alternatively the range of the expected mean intensity value can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``."""
+ that: Literal["has_image_mean_intensity"] = "has_image_mean_intensity"
+ channel: typing.Optional[StrictInt] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_mean_intensity_channel_description,
+ )
+ mean_intensity: typing.Optional[typing.Union[StrictInt, StrictFloat]] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_mean_intensity_mean_intensity_description,
+ )
+ eps: Annotated[typing.Union[StrictInt, StrictFloat], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ 0.01,
+ description=has_image_mean_intensity_eps_description,
+ )
+ min: typing.Optional[typing.Union[StrictInt, StrictFloat]] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_mean_intensity_min_description,
+ )
+ max: typing.Optional[typing.Union[StrictInt, StrictFloat]] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_mean_intensity_max_description,
+ )
+has_image_mean_object_size_channel_description = """Restricts the assertion to a specific channel of the image (where ``0`` corresponds to the first image channel)."""
+has_image_mean_object_size_labels_description = """List of labels, separated by a comma. Labels *not* on this list will be excluded from consideration. Cannot be used in combination with ``exclude_labels``."""
+has_image_mean_object_size_exclude_labels_description = """List of labels to be excluded from consideration, separated by a comma. The primary usage of this attribute is to exclude the background of a label image. Cannot be used in combination with ``labels``."""
+has_image_mean_object_size_mean_object_size_description = """The required mean size of the uniquely labeled objects."""
+has_image_mean_object_size_eps_description = """The absolute tolerance to be used for ``value`` (defaults to ``0.01``). The observed mean size of the uniquely labeled objects has to be in the range ``value +- eps``."""
+has_image_mean_object_size_min_description = (
+ """A lower bound of the required mean size of the uniquely labeled objects."""
+has_image_mean_object_size_max_description = (
+ """An upper bound of the required mean size of the uniquely labeled objects."""
+class has_image_mean_object_size_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the output is an image with labeled objects which have the specified mean size (number of pixels),
+ The mean size is plus/minus ``eps`` (e.g., ````).
+ The labels must be unique."""
+ that: Literal["has_image_mean_object_size"] = "has_image_mean_object_size"
+ channel: typing.Optional[StrictInt] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_mean_object_size_channel_description,
+ )
+ labels: typing.Optional[typing.List[int]] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_mean_object_size_labels_description,
+ )
+ exclude_labels: typing.Optional[typing.List[int]] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_mean_object_size_exclude_labels_description,
+ )
+ mean_object_size: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[StrictInt, StrictFloat]], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_mean_object_size_mean_object_size_description,
+ )
+ eps: Annotated[typing.Union[StrictInt, StrictFloat], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ 0.01,
+ description=has_image_mean_object_size_eps_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[StrictInt, StrictFloat]], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_mean_object_size_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[
+ typing.Optional[typing.Union[StrictInt, StrictFloat]], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)
+ ] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_mean_object_size_max_description,
+ )
+has_image_n_labels_channel_description = """Restricts the assertion to a specific channel of the image (where ``0`` corresponds to the first image channel)."""
+has_image_n_labels_labels_description = """List of labels, separated by a comma. Labels *not* on this list will be excluded from consideration. Cannot be used in combination with ``exclude_labels``."""
+has_image_n_labels_exclude_labels_description = """List of labels to be excluded from consideration, separated by a comma. The primary usage of this attribute is to exclude the background of a label image. Cannot be used in combination with ``labels``."""
+has_image_n_labels_n_description = """Expected number of labels."""
+has_image_n_labels_delta_description = """Maximum allowed difference of the number of labels (default is 0). The observed number of labels has to be in the range ``value +- delta``."""
+has_image_n_labels_min_description = """Minimum allowed number of labels."""
+has_image_n_labels_max_description = """Maximum allowed number of labels."""
+has_image_n_labels_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_image_n_labels_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the output is an image and has the specified labels.
+ Labels can be a number of labels or unique values (e.g.,
+ ````).
+ The primary usage of this assertion is to verify the number of objects in images with uniquely labeled objects."""
+ that: Literal["has_image_n_labels"] = "has_image_n_labels"
+ channel: typing.Optional[StrictInt] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_n_labels_channel_description,
+ )
+ labels: typing.Optional[typing.List[int]] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_n_labels_labels_description,
+ )
+ exclude_labels: typing.Optional[typing.List[int]] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_n_labels_exclude_labels_description,
+ )
+ n: Annotated[typing.Optional[StrictInt], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_n_labels_n_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[StrictInt, BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=has_image_n_labels_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[typing.Optional[StrictInt], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_n_labels_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[typing.Optional[StrictInt], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_n_labels_max_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_image_n_labels_negate_description,
+ )
+has_image_width_width_description = """Expected width of the image (in pixels)."""
+has_image_width_delta_description = """Maximum allowed difference of the image width (in pixels, default is 0). The observed width has to be in the range ``value +- delta``."""
+has_image_width_min_description = """Minimum allowed width of the image (in pixels)."""
+has_image_width_max_description = """Maximum allowed width of the image (in pixels)."""
+has_image_width_negate_description = """A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion."""
+class has_image_width_model(AssertionModel):
+ r"""Asserts the output is an image and has a specific width (in pixels).
+ The width is plus/minus ``delta`` (e.g., ````).
+ Alternatively the range of the expected width can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``."""
+ that: Literal["has_image_width"] = "has_image_width"
+ width: Annotated[typing.Optional[StrictInt], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_width_width_description,
+ )
+ delta: Annotated[StrictInt, BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ 0,
+ description=has_image_width_delta_description,
+ )
+ min: Annotated[typing.Optional[StrictInt], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_width_min_description,
+ )
+ max: Annotated[typing.Optional[StrictInt], BeforeValidator(check_non_negative_if_set)] = Field(
+ None,
+ description=has_image_width_max_description,
+ )
+ negate: typing.Union[bool, str] = Field(
+ False,
+ description=has_image_width_negate_description,
+ )
+any_assertion_model = Annotated[
+ typing.Union[
+ has_line_model,
+ has_line_matching_model,
+ has_n_lines_model,
+ has_text_model,
+ has_text_matching_model,
+ not_has_text_model,
+ has_n_columns_model,
+ attribute_is_model,
+ attribute_matches_model,
+ element_text_model,
+ element_text_is_model,
+ element_text_matches_model,
+ has_element_with_path_model,
+ has_n_elements_with_path_model,
+ is_valid_xml_model,
+ xml_element_model,
+ has_json_property_with_text_model,
+ has_json_property_with_value_model,
+ has_h5_attribute_model,
+ has_h5_keys_model,
+ has_archive_member_model,
+ has_size_model,
+ has_image_center_of_mass_model,
+ has_image_channels_model,
+ has_image_height_model,
+ has_image_mean_intensity_model,
+ has_image_mean_object_size_model,
+ has_image_n_labels_model,
+ has_image_width_model,
+ ],
+ Field(discriminator="that"),
+assertion_list = RootModel[typing.List[any_assertion_model]]
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/__init__.py b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/__init__.py
index 10e0ce8909e4..532692c6198a 100644
--- a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/__init__.py
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/__init__.py
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+from typing import (
+ Callable,
+ Dict,
+ Tuple,
from galaxy.util import unicodify
from galaxy.util.compression_utils import get_fileobj
@@ -13,11 +18,8 @@
assertion_module_names = ["text", "tabular", "xml", "json", "hdf5", "archive", "size", "image"]
-# Code for loading modules containing assertion checking functions, to
-# create a new module of assertion functions, create the needed python
-# source file "test/base/asserts/.py" and add
-# to the list of assertion module names defined above.
-assertion_functions = {}
+assertion_module_and_functions: Dict[str, Tuple[str, Callable]] = {}
for assertion_module_name in assertion_module_names:
full_assertion_module_name = f"galaxy.tool_util.verify.asserts.{assertion_module_name}"
@@ -29,10 +31,17 @@
for member, value in getmembers(assertion_module):
if member.startswith("assert_"):
- assertion_functions[member] = value
+ assertion_module_and_functions[member] = (f"{full_assertion_module_name}.{member}", value)
+# Code for loading modules containing assertion checking functions, to
+# create a new module of assertion functions, create the needed python
+# source file "test/base/asserts/.py" and add
+# to the list of assertion module names defined above.
+assertion_functions: Dict[str, Callable] = {k: v[1] for (k, v) in assertion_module_and_functions.items()}
-def verify_assertions(data: bytes, assertion_description_list, decompress: bool = False):
+def verify_assertions(data: bytes, assertion_description_list: list, decompress: bool = False):
"""This function takes a list of assertions and a string to check
these assertions against."""
if decompress:
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/_types.py b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/_types.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4b2f601f9d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/_types.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+from typing import (
+ Any,
+ List,
+ Optional,
+ Union,
+from typing_extensions import (
+ Annotated,
+ Protocol,
+class AssertionParameter:
+ doc: str
+ xml_type: Optional[str]
+ json_type: Optional[str]
+ deprecated: bool
+ validators: List[str]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ doc: Optional[str],
+ xml_type: Optional[str] = None,
+ json_type: Optional[str] = None,
+ deprecated: bool = False,
+ validators: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+ ):
+ self.doc = doc or ""
+ self.xml_type = xml_type
+ self.json_type = json_type
+ self.deprecated = deprecated
+ self.validators = validators or []
+XmlInt = Union[int, str]
+XmlFloat = Union[float, str]
+XmlBool = Union[bool, str]
+XmlRegex = str
+OptionalXmlInt = Optional[XmlInt]
+OptionalXmlFloat = Optional[XmlFloat]
+OptionalXmlBool = Optional[XmlBool]
+Output = Annotated[str, "The target output of a tool or workflow read as a UTF-8 string"]
+OutputBytes = Annotated[bytes, "The target output of a tool or workflow read as raw Python 'bytes'"]
+class VerifyAssertionsFunction(Protocol):
+ def __call__(self, data: bytes, assertion_description_list: list, decompress: bool = False):
+ """Callback for recursirve functions."""
+ChildAssertions = Annotated[Any, "Parsed child assertions"]
+Negate = Annotated[
+ XmlBool,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "A boolean that can be set to true to negate the outcome of the assertion.", xml_type="PermissiveBoolean"
+ ),
+N = Annotated[
+ Optional[XmlInt], AssertionParameter("Desired number, can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``", xml_type="Bytes")
+Delta = Annotated[
+ XmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Allowed difference with respect to n (default: 0), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``", xml_type="Bytes"
+ ),
+Min = Annotated[
+ Optional[XmlInt],
+ AssertionParameter("Minimum number (default: -infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``", xml_type="Bytes"),
+Max = Annotated[
+ Optional[XmlInt],
+ AssertionParameter("Maximum number (default: infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``", xml_type="Bytes"),
+__all__ = (
+ "Annotated",
+ "AssertionParameter",
+ "ChildAssertions",
+ "Delta",
+ "Max",
+ "Min",
+ "Negate",
+ "N",
+ "OptionalXmlBool",
+ "OptionalXmlFloat",
+ "OptionalXmlInt",
+ "Output",
+ "OutputBytes",
+ "VerifyAssertionsFunction",
+ "XmlBool",
+ "XmlFloat",
+ "XmlInt",
+ "XmlRegex",
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/archive.py b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/archive.py
index 336b3ccfaee6..6bf554c10fd0 100644
--- a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/archive.py
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/archive.py
@@ -3,12 +3,22 @@
import tarfile
import tempfile
import zipfile
-from typing import (
- Optional,
- Union,
from galaxy.util import asbool
+from ._types import (
+ Annotated,
+ AssertionParameter,
+ ChildAssertions,
+ Delta,
+ Max,
+ Min,
+ N,
+ Negate,
+ OutputBytes,
+ VerifyAssertionsFunction,
+ XmlBool,
from ._util import _assert_presence_number
@@ -55,21 +65,72 @@ def _list_from_zip(output_bytes, path):
return sorted(lst)
+Path = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("The regular expression specifying the archive member.")]
+All = Annotated[
+ XmlBool,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Check the sub-assertions for all paths matching the path. Default: false, i.e. only the first",
+ xml_type="PermissiveBoolean",
+ ),
def assert_has_archive_member(
- output_bytes: bytes,
- path: str,
- verify_assertions_function,
- children,
- all: Union[bool, str] = False,
- n: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ output_bytes: OutputBytes,
+ path: Path,
+ verify_assertions_function: VerifyAssertionsFunction,
+ children: ChildAssertions = None,
+ all: All = False,
+ n: N = None,
+ delta: Delta = 0,
+ min: Min = None,
+ max: Max = None,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
- """Recursively checks the specified children assertions against the text of
- the first element matching the specified path found within the archive.
- Currently supported formats: .zip, .tar, .tar.gz."""
+ """This tag allows to check if ``path`` is contained in a compressed file.
+ The path is a regular expression that is matched against the full paths of the objects in
+ the compressed file (remember that "matching" means it is checked if a prefix of
+ the full path of an archive member is described by the regular expression).
+ Valid archive formats include ``.zip``, ``.tar``, and ``.tar.gz``. Note that
+ depending on the archive creation method:
+ - full paths of the members may be prefixed with ``./``
+ - directories may be treated as empty files
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ With ``n`` and ``delta`` (or ``min`` and ``max``) assertions on the number of
+ archive members matching ``path`` can be expressed. The following could be used,
+ e.g., to assert an archive containing n±1 elements out of which at least
+ 4 need to have a ``txt`` extension.
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ In addition the tag can contain additional assertions as child elements about
+ the first member in the archive matching the regular expression ``path``. For
+ instance
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ If the ``all`` attribute is set to ``true`` then all archive members are subject
+ to the assertions. Note that, archive members matching the ``path`` are sorted
+ alphabetically.
+ The ``negate`` attribute of the ``has_archive_member`` assertion only affects
+ the asserts on the presence and number of matching archive members, but not any
+ sub-assertions (which can offer the ``negate`` attribute on their own). The
+ check if the file is an archive at all, which is also done by the function, is
+ not affected."""
all = asbool(all)
extract_foo = None
# from python 3.9 is_tarfile supports file like objects then we do not need
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/hdf5.py b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/hdf5.py
index ddbbcdd35cda..2e44e0f17f43 100644
--- a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/hdf5.py
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/hdf5.py
@@ -5,17 +5,31 @@
except ImportError:
h5py = None
+from ._types import (
+ Annotated,
+ AssertionParameter,
+ OutputBytes,
IMPORT_MISSING_MESSAGE = "h5 assertion requires unavailable optional dependency h5py"
+Key = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("HDF5 attribute to check value of.")]
+Value = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("Expected value of HDF5 attribute to check.")]
+Keys = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("HDF5 attributes to check value of as a comma-separated string.")]
def _assert_h5py():
if h5py is None:
-def assert_has_h5_attribute(output_bytes: bytes, key: str, value: str) -> None:
- """Asserts the specified HDF5 output has a given key-value pair as HDF5
- attribute"""
+def assert_has_h5_attribute(output_bytes: OutputBytes, key: Key, value: Value) -> None:
+ """Asserts HDF5 output contains the specified ``value`` for an attribute (``key``), e.g.
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ """
output_temp = io.BytesIO(output_bytes)
local_attrs = h5py.File(output_temp, "r").attrs
@@ -25,7 +39,7 @@ def assert_has_h5_attribute(output_bytes: bytes, key: str, value: str) -> None:
# TODO the function actually queries groups. so the function and argument name are misleading
-def assert_has_h5_keys(output_bytes: bytes, keys: str) -> None:
+def assert_has_h5_keys(output_bytes: OutputBytes, keys: Keys) -> None:
"""Asserts the specified HDF5 output has the given keys."""
h5_keys = sorted([k.strip() for k in keys.strip().split(",")])
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/image.py b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/image.py
index 7513be700f5e..c56bd144bc61 100644
--- a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/image.py
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/image.py
@@ -8,6 +8,17 @@
+from ._types import (
+ Annotated,
+ AssertionParameter,
+ Negate,
+ OptionalXmlFloat,
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ OutputBytes,
+ XmlFloat,
+ XmlInt,
from ._util import _assert_number
@@ -27,6 +38,255 @@
import numpy.typing
+JSON_STRICT_NUMBER = "typing.Union[StrictInt, StrictFloat]"
+Width = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Expected width of the image (in pixels).",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[StrictInt]",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+Height = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Expected height of the image (in pixels).",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[StrictInt]",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+Channels = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Expected number of channels of the image.",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[StrictInt]",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+WidthDelta = Annotated[
+ XmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Maximum allowed difference of the image width (in pixels, default is 0). The observed width has to be in the range ``value +- delta``.",
+ json_type="StrictInt",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+WidthMin = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Minimum allowed width of the image (in pixels).",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[StrictInt]",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+WidthMax = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Maximum allowed width of the image (in pixels).",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[StrictInt]",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+HeightDelta = Annotated[
+ XmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Maximum allowed difference of the image height (in pixels, default is 0). The observed height has to be in the range ``value +- delta``.",
+ json_type="StrictInt",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+HeightMin = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Minimum allowed height of the image (in pixels).",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[StrictInt]",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+HeightMax = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Maximum allowed height of the image (in pixels).",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[StrictInt]",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+ChannelsDelta = Annotated[
+ XmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Maximum allowed difference of the number of channels (default is 0). The observed number of channels has to be in the range ``value +- delta``.",
+ json_type="StrictInt",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+ChannelsMin = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Minimum allowed number of channels.",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[StrictInt]",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+ChannelsMax = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Maximum allowed number of channels.",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[StrictInt]",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+MeanIntensity = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlFloat,
+ AssertionParameter("The required mean value of the image intensities.", json_type=JSON_OPTIONAL_STRICT_NUMBER),
+MeanIntensityEps = Annotated[
+ XmlFloat,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "The absolute tolerance to be used for ``value`` (defaults to ``0.01``). The observed mean value of the image intensities has to be in the range ``value +- eps``.",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+MeanIntensityMin = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlFloat,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "A lower bound of the required mean value of the image intensities.", json_type=JSON_OPTIONAL_STRICT_NUMBER
+ ),
+MeanIntensityMax = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlFloat,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "An upper bound of the required mean value of the image intensities.", json_type=JSON_OPTIONAL_STRICT_NUMBER
+ ),
+NumLabels = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Expected number of labels.",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[StrictInt]",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+NumLabelsDelta = Annotated[
+ XmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Maximum allowed difference of the number of labels (default is 0). The observed number of labels has to be in the range ``value +- delta``.",
+ json_type="StrictInt",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+NumLabelsMin = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Minimum allowed number of labels.",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[StrictInt]",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+NumLabelsMax = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Maximum allowed number of labels.",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[StrictInt]",
+ xml_type="xs:nonNegativeInteger",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+Channel = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Restricts the assertion to a specific channel of the image (where ``0`` corresponds to the first image channel).",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[StrictInt]",
+ ),
+CenterOfMass = Annotated[
+ str,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "The required center of mass of the image intensities (horizontal and vertical coordinate, separated by a comma).",
+ validators=["check_center_of_mass"],
+ ),
+CenterOfMassEps = Annotated[
+ XmlFloat,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "The maximum allowed Euclidean distance to the required center of mass (defaults to ``0.01``).",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+Labels = Annotated[
+ Optional[Union[str, List[int]]],
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "List of labels, separated by a comma. Labels *not* on this list will be excluded from consideration. Cannot be used in combination with ``exclude_labels``.",
+ xml_type="xs:string",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[typing.List[int]]",
+ ),
+ExcludeLabels = Annotated[
+ Optional[Union[str, List[int]]],
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "List of labels to be excluded from consideration, separated by a comma. The primary usage of this attribute is to exclude the background of a label image. Cannot be used in combination with ``labels``.",
+ xml_type="xs:string",
+ json_type="typing.Optional[typing.List[int]]",
+ ),
+MeanObjectSize = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlFloat,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "The required mean size of the uniquely labeled objects.",
+ xml_type="xs:float",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+MeanObjectSizeEps = Annotated[
+ XmlFloat,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "The absolute tolerance to be used for ``value`` (defaults to ``0.01``). The observed mean size of the uniquely labeled objects has to be in the range ``value +- eps``.",
+ xml_type="xs:float",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+MeanObjectSizeMin = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlFloat,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "A lower bound of the required mean size of the uniquely labeled objects.",
+ xml_type="xs:float",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
+MeanObjectSizeMax = Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlFloat,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "An upper bound of the required mean size of the uniquely labeled objects.",
+ xml_type="xs:float",
+ validators=["check_non_negative_if_set"],
+ ),
def _assert_float(
actual: float,
label: str,
@@ -52,15 +312,17 @@ def _assert_float(
def assert_has_image_width(
- output_bytes: bytes,
- width: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ output_bytes: OutputBytes,
+ width: Width = None,
+ delta: WidthDelta = 0,
+ min: WidthMin = None,
+ max: WidthMax = None,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
- """
- Asserts the specified output is an image and has a width of the specified value.
+ """Asserts the output is an image and has a specific width (in pixels).
+ The width is plus/minus ``delta`` (e.g., ````).
+ Alternatively the range of the expected width can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
im_arr = _get_image(output_bytes)
@@ -77,14 +339,16 @@ def assert_has_image_width(
def assert_has_image_height(
output_bytes: bytes,
- height: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ height: Height = None,
+ delta: HeightDelta = 0,
+ min: HeightMin = None,
+ max: HeightMax = None,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
- """
- Asserts the specified output is an image and has a height of the specified value.
+ """Asserts the output is an image and has a specific height (in pixels).
+ The height is plus/minus ``delta`` (e.g., ````).
+ Alternatively the range of the expected height can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
im_arr = _get_image(output_bytes)
@@ -101,14 +365,17 @@ def assert_has_image_height(
def assert_has_image_channels(
output_bytes: bytes,
- channels: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ channels: Channels = None,
+ delta: ChannelsDelta = 0,
+ min: ChannelsMin = None,
+ max: ChannelsMax = None,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
- """
- Asserts the specified output is an image and has the specified number of channels.
+ """Asserts the output is an image and has a specific number of channels.
+ The number of channels is plus/minus ``delta`` (e.g., ````).
+ Alternatively the range of the expected number of channels can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
im_arr = _get_image(output_bytes)
n_channels = 1 if im_arr.ndim < 3 else im_arr.shape[2] # we assume here that the image is a 2-D image
@@ -165,15 +432,17 @@ def _get_image(
def assert_has_image_mean_intensity(
- output_bytes: bytes,
- channel: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- mean_intensity: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None,
- eps: Union[float, str] = 0.01,
- min: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None,
+ output_bytes: OutputBytes,
+ channel: Channel = None,
+ mean_intensity: MeanIntensity = None,
+ eps: MeanIntensityEps = 0.01,
+ min: MeanIntensityMin = None,
+ max: MeanIntensityMax = None,
) -> None:
- """
- Asserts the specified output is an image and has the specified mean intensity value.
+ """Asserts the output is an image and has a specific mean intensity value.
+ The mean intensity value is plus/minus ``eps`` (e.g., ````).
+ Alternatively the range of the expected mean intensity value can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
im_arr = _get_image(output_bytes, channel)
@@ -187,22 +456,24 @@ def assert_has_image_mean_intensity(
def assert_has_image_center_of_mass(
- output_bytes: bytes,
- center_of_mass: Union[Tuple[float, float], str],
- channel: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- eps: Union[float, str] = 0.01,
+ output_bytes: OutputBytes,
+ center_of_mass: CenterOfMass,
+ channel: Channel = None,
+ eps: CenterOfMassEps = 0.01,
) -> None:
- """
- Asserts the specified output is an image and has the specified center of mass.
+ """Asserts the specified output is an image and has the specified center of mass.
+ Asserts the output is an image and has a specific center of mass,
+ or has an Euclidean distance of ``eps`` or less to that point (e.g.,
+ ````).
im_arr = _get_image(output_bytes, channel)
- if isinstance(center_of_mass, str):
- center_of_mass_parts = [c.strip() for c in center_of_mass.split(",")]
- assert len(center_of_mass_parts) == 2
- center_of_mass = (float(center_of_mass_parts[0]), float(center_of_mass_parts[1]))
- assert len(center_of_mass) == 2, "center_of_mass must have two components"
+ center_of_mass_parts = [c.strip() for c in center_of_mass.split(",")]
+ assert len(center_of_mass_parts) == 2
+ center_of_mass_tuple = (float(center_of_mass_parts[0]), float(center_of_mass_parts[1]))
+ assert len(center_of_mass_tuple) == 2, "center_of_mass must have two components"
actual_center_of_mass = _compute_center_of_mass(im_arr)
- distance = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.subtract(center_of_mass, actual_center_of_mass))
+ distance = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.subtract(center_of_mass_tuple, actual_center_of_mass))
assert distance <= float(
), f"Wrong center of mass: {actual_center_of_mass} (expected {center_of_mass}, distance: {distance}, eps: {eps})"
@@ -251,18 +522,22 @@ def cast_label(label):
def assert_has_image_n_labels(
- output_bytes: bytes,
- channel: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- labels: Optional[Union[str, List[int]]] = None,
- exclude_labels: Optional[Union[str, List[int]]] = None,
- n: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ output_bytes: OutputBytes,
+ channel: Channel = None,
+ labels: Labels = None,
+ exclude_labels: ExcludeLabels = None,
+ n: NumLabels = None,
+ delta: NumLabelsDelta = 0,
+ min: NumLabelsMin = None,
+ max: NumLabelsMax = None,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
- """
- Asserts the specified output is an image and has the specified number of unique values (e.g., uniquely labeled objects).
+ """Asserts the output is an image and has the specified labels.
+ Labels can be a number of labels or unique values (e.g.,
+ ````).
+ The primary usage of this assertion is to verify the number of objects in images with uniquely labeled objects.
present_labels = _get_image_labels(output_bytes, channel, labels, exclude_labels)[1]
@@ -278,17 +553,20 @@ def assert_has_image_n_labels(
def assert_has_image_mean_object_size(
- output_bytes: bytes,
- channel: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- labels: Optional[Union[str, List[int]]] = None,
- exclude_labels: Optional[Union[str, List[int]]] = None,
- mean_object_size: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None,
- eps: Union[float, str] = 0.01,
- min: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None,
+ output_bytes: OutputBytes,
+ channel: Channel = None,
+ labels: Labels = None,
+ exclude_labels: ExcludeLabels = None,
+ mean_object_size: MeanObjectSize = None,
+ eps: MeanObjectSizeEps = 0.01,
+ min: MeanObjectSizeMin = None,
+ max: MeanObjectSizeMax = None,
) -> None:
- """
- Asserts the specified output is an image with labeled objects which have the specified mean size (number of pixels).
+ """Asserts the output is an image with labeled objects which have the specified mean size (number of pixels),
+ The mean size is plus/minus ``eps`` (e.g., ````).
+ The labels must be unique.
im_arr, present_labels = _get_image_labels(output_bytes, channel, labels, exclude_labels)
actual_mean_object_size = sum((im_arr == label).sum() for label in present_labels) / len(present_labels)
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/json.py b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/json.py
index 9b475f35d980..1f67e6b46087 100644
--- a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/json.py
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/json.py
@@ -5,8 +5,20 @@
+from ._types import (
+ Annotated,
+ AssertionParameter,
+ Output,
PropertyVisitor = Callable[[str, Any], Any]
+Property = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("The property name to search the JSON document for.")]
+Text = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("The expected text value of the target JSON attribute.")]
+Value = Annotated[
+ str, AssertionParameter("The expected JSON value of the target JSON attribute (as a JSON encoded string).")
def any_in_tree(f: PropertyVisitor, json_tree: Any):
if isinstance(json_tree, list):
@@ -25,13 +37,18 @@ def any_in_tree(f: PropertyVisitor, json_tree: Any):
def assert_has_json_property_with_value(
- output,
- property: str,
- value: str,
+ output: Output,
+ property: Property,
+ value: Value,
- """Assert JSON tree contains the specified property with specified JSON-ified value."""
- output_json = assert_json_and_load(output)
- expected_value = assert_json_and_load(value)
+ """Asserts the JSON document contains a property or key with the specified JSON value.
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ """
+ output_json = _assert_json_and_load(output)
+ expected_value = _assert_json_and_load(value)
def is_property(key, value):
return key == property and value == expected_value
@@ -40,12 +57,17 @@ def is_property(key, value):
def assert_has_json_property_with_text(
- output,
- property: str,
- text: str,
+ output: Output,
+ property: Property,
+ text: Text,
- """Assert JSON tree contains the specified property with specified JSON-ified value."""
- output_json = assert_json_and_load(output)
+ """Asserts the JSON document contains a property or key with the specified text (i.e. string) value.
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ """
+ output_json = _assert_json_and_load(output)
def is_property(key, value):
return key == property and value == text
@@ -53,7 +75,7 @@ def is_property(key, value):
assert any_in_tree(is_property, output_json), f"Failed to find property [{property}] with text [{text}]"
-def assert_json_and_load(json_str: str):
+def _assert_json_and_load(json_str: str):
return json.loads(json_str)
except Exception:
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/size.py b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/size.py
index 6eb6cb43094d..e4b3e8a6ef1f 100644
--- a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/size.py
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/size.py
@@ -1,24 +1,37 @@
-from typing import (
- Optional,
- Union,
+from ._types import (
+ Annotated,
+ AssertionParameter,
+ Delta,
+ Max,
+ Min,
+ Negate,
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ OutputBytes,
from ._util import _assert_number
def assert_has_size(
- output_bytes: bytes,
- value: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- size: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ output_bytes: OutputBytes,
+ value: Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt, AssertionParameter("Deprecated alias for `size`", xml_type="Bytes", deprecated=True)
+ ] = None,
+ size: Annotated[
+ OptionalXmlInt,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Desired size of the output (in bytes), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``", xml_type="Bytes"
+ ),
+ ] = None,
+ delta: Delta = 0,
+ min: Min = None,
+ max: Max = None,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
- """
- Asserts the specified output has a size of the specified value
- (size and value or synonyms),
- allowing for absolute (delta) and relative (delta_frac) difference.
+ """Asserts the specified output has a size of the specified value
+ Attributes size and value or synonyms though value is considered deprecated.
+ The size optionally allows for absolute (``delta``) difference.
output_size = len(output_bytes)
if size is None:
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/tabular.py b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/tabular.py
index b7278ec1d979..9fc8e9f71c05 100644
--- a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/tabular.py
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/tabular.py
@@ -1,11 +1,26 @@
import re
-from typing import (
- Optional,
- Union,
+from ._types import (
+ Annotated,
+ AssertionParameter,
+ Delta,
+ Max,
+ Min,
+ N,
+ Negate,
+ Output,
from ._util import _assert_number
+Sep = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("Separator defining columns, default: tab")]
+Comment = Annotated[
+ str,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Comment character(s) used to skip comment lines (which should not be used for counting columns)"
+ ),
def get_first_line(output: str, comment: str) -> str:
@@ -22,19 +37,26 @@ def get_first_line(output: str, comment: str) -> str:
def assert_has_n_columns(
- output: str,
- n: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- sep: str = "\t",
- comment: str = "",
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ output: Output,
+ n: N = None,
+ delta: Delta = 0,
+ min: Min = None,
+ max: Max = None,
+ sep: Sep = "\t",
+ comment: Comment = "",
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
- """Asserts the tabular output contains n columns. The optional
- sep argument specifies the column seperator used to determine the
- number of columns. The optional comment argument specifies
- comment characters"""
+ """Asserts tabular output contains the specified
+ number (``n``) of columns.
+ For instance, ````. The assertion tests only the first line.
+ Number of columns can optionally also be specified with ``delta``. Alternatively the
+ range of expected occurences can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
+ Optionally a column separator (``sep``, default is ``\t``) `and comment character(s)
+ can be specified (``comment``, default is empty string). The first non-comment
+ line is used for determining the number of columns.
+ """
first_line = get_first_line(output, comment)
n_columns = len(first_line.split(sep))
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/text.py b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/text.py
index e7aa1bc37e4d..8726535ce999 100644
--- a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/text.py
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/text.py
@@ -1,23 +1,35 @@
import re
-from typing import (
- Optional,
- Union,
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from ._types import (
+ AssertionParameter,
+ Delta,
+ Max,
+ Min,
+ N,
+ Negate,
+ Output,
from ._util import (
+Text = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("The text to search for in the output.")]
+Line = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("The full line of text to search for in the output.")]
+Expression = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("The regular expressions to attempt match in the output.")]
def assert_has_text(
- output: str,
- text: str,
- n: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ output: Output,
+ text: Text,
+ n: N = None,
+ delta: Delta = 0,
+ min: Min = None,
+ max: Max = None,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
"""Asserts specified output contains the substring specified by
the argument text. The exact number of occurrences can be
@@ -39,7 +51,7 @@ def assert_has_text(
-def assert_not_has_text(output: str, text: str) -> None:
+def assert_not_has_text(output: Output, text: Text) -> None:
"""Asserts specified output does not contain the substring
specified by the argument text"""
assert output is not None, "Checking not_has_text assertion on empty output (None)"
@@ -47,13 +59,13 @@ def assert_not_has_text(output: str, text: str) -> None:
def assert_has_line(
- output: str,
- line: str,
- n: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ output: Output,
+ line: Line,
+ n: N = None,
+ delta: Delta = 0,
+ min: Min = None,
+ max: Max = None,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
"""Asserts the specified output contains the line specified by the
argument line. The exact number of occurrences can be optionally
@@ -76,12 +88,12 @@ def assert_has_line(
def assert_has_n_lines(
- output: str,
- n: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ output: Output,
+ n: N = None,
+ delta: Delta = 0,
+ min: Min = None,
+ max: Max = None,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
"""Asserts the specified output contains ``n`` lines allowing
for a difference in the number of lines (delta)
@@ -101,13 +113,13 @@ def assert_has_n_lines(
def assert_has_text_matching(
- output: str,
- expression: str,
- n: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ output: Output,
+ expression: Expression,
+ n: N = None,
+ delta: Delta = 0,
+ min: Min = None,
+ max: Max = None,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
"""Asserts the specified output contains text matching the
regular expression specified by the argument expression.
@@ -131,13 +143,13 @@ def assert_has_text_matching(
def assert_has_line_matching(
- output: str,
- expression: str,
- n: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ output: Output,
+ expression: Expression,
+ n: N = None,
+ delta: Delta = 0,
+ min: Min = None,
+ max: Max = None,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
"""Asserts the specified output contains a line matching the
regular expression specified by the argument expression. If n is given
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/xml.py b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/xml.py
index b80798436e2e..848602f821ce 100644
--- a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/xml.py
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts/xml.py
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
import re
-from typing import (
- Optional,
- Union,
+from typing import Optional
from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError
@@ -12,95 +9,247 @@
+from ._types import (
+ Annotated,
+ AssertionParameter,
+ ChildAssertions,
+ Delta,
+ Max,
+ Min,
+ N,
+ Negate,
+ Output,
+ VerifyAssertionsFunction,
+ XmlBool,
+ XmlRegex,
+Path = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("The Python xpath-like expression to find the target element.")]
+ElementExpression = Annotated[
+ XmlRegex,
+ AssertionParameter("The regular expressions to apply against the target element.", validators=["check_regex"]),
+AttributeExpression = Annotated[
+ XmlRegex,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "The regular expressions to apply against the named attribute on the target XML element.",
+ validators=["check_regex"],
+ ),
+Attribute = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("The XML attribute name to test against from the target XML element.")]
+OptionalAttribute = Annotated[
+ Optional[str], AssertionParameter("The XML attribute name to test against from the target XML element.")
+ElementText = Annotated[
+ str, AssertionParameter("The expected element text (body of the XML tag) to test against on the target XML element")
+AttributeText = Annotated[
+ str, AssertionParameter("The expected attribute value to test against on the target XML element")
+All = Annotated[
+ XmlBool,
+ AssertionParameter(
+ "Check the sub-assertions for all paths matching the path. Default: false, i.e. only the first ",
+ xml_type="PermissiveBoolean",
+ ),
-def assert_is_valid_xml(output: str) -> None:
- """Simple assertion that just verifies the specified output
- is valid XML."""
+def assert_is_valid_xml(output: Output) -> None:
+ """Asserts the output is a valid XML file (e.g. ````)."""
except XMLSyntaxError as e:
raise AssertionError(f"Expected valid XML, but could not parse output. {unicodify(e)}")
-def assert_has_element_with_path(output: str, path: str, negate: Union[bool, str] = False) -> None:
- """Asserts the specified output has at least one XML element with a
- path matching the specified path argument. Valid paths are the
- simplified subsets of XPath implemented by lxml.etree;
- https://lxml.de/xpathxslt.html for more information."""
+def assert_has_element_with_path(output: Output, path: Path, negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT) -> None:
+ """Asserts the XML output contains at least one element (or tag) with the specified
+ XPath-like ``path``, e.g.
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ With ``negate`` the result of the assertion can be inverted."""
assert_xml_element(output, path, negate=negate)
def assert_has_n_elements_with_path(
- output: str,
- path: str,
- n: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ output: Output,
+ path: Path,
+ n: N = None,
+ delta: Delta = 0,
+ min: Min = None,
+ max: Max = None,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
- """Asserts the specified output has exactly n elements matching the
- path specified."""
+ """Asserts the XML output contains the specified number (``n``, optionally with ``delta``) of elements (or
+ tags) with the specified XPath-like ``path``.
+ For example:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ Alternatively to ``n`` and ``delta`` also the ``min`` and ``max`` attributes
+ can be used to specify the range of the expected number of occurences.
+ With ``negate`` the result of the assertion can be inverted.
+ """
assert_xml_element(output, path, n=n, delta=delta, min=min, max=max, negate=negate)
-def assert_element_text_matches(output: str, path: str, expression: str, negate: Union[bool, str] = False) -> None:
- """Asserts the text of the first element matching the specified
- path matches the specified regular expression."""
+def assert_element_text_matches(
+ output: Output, path: Path, expression: ElementExpression, negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT
+) -> None:
+ """Asserts the text of the XML element with the specified XPath-like ``path``
+ matches the regular expression defined by ``expression``.
+ For example:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+ With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the matching) can be inverted (the
+ implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected).
+ """
sub = {"tag": "has_text_matching", "attributes": {"expression": expression, "negate": negate}}
assert_xml_element(output, path, asserts.verify_assertions, [sub])
-def assert_element_text_is(output: str, path: str, text: str, negate: Union[bool, str] = False) -> None:
- """Asserts the text of the first element matching the specified
- path matches exactly the specified text."""
+def assert_element_text_is(output: Output, path: Path, text: ElementText, negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT) -> None:
+ """Asserts the text of the XML element with the specified XPath-like ``path`` is
+ the specified ``text``.
+ For example:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+ With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the equality) can be inverted (the
+ implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected).
+ """
assert_element_text_matches(output, path, re.escape(text) + "$", negate=negate)
def assert_attribute_matches(
- output: str, path: str, attribute, expression: str, negate: Union[bool, str] = False
+ output: Output,
+ path: Path,
+ attribute: Attribute,
+ expression: AttributeExpression,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
- """Asserts the specified attribute of the first element matching
- the specified path matches the specified regular expression."""
+ """Asserts the XML ``attribute`` for the element (or tag) with the specified
+ XPath-like ``path`` matches the regular expression specified by ``expression``.
+ For example:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+ With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the matching) can be inverted (the
+ implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected).
+ """
sub = {"tag": "has_text_matching", "attributes": {"expression": expression, "negate": negate}}
assert_xml_element(output, path, asserts.verify_assertions, [sub], attribute=attribute)
-def assert_attribute_is(output: str, path: str, attribute: str, text, negate: Union[bool, str] = False) -> None:
- """Asserts the specified attribute of the first element matching
- the specified path matches exactly the specified text."""
+def assert_attribute_is(
+ output: Output, path: Path, attribute: Attribute, text: AttributeText, negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT
+) -> None:
+ """Asserts the XML ``attribute`` for the element (or tag) with the specified
+ XPath-like ``path`` is the specified ``text``.
+ For example:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+ With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the equality) can be inverted (the
+ implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected).
+ """
assert_attribute_matches(output, path, attribute, re.escape(text) + "$", negate=negate)
def assert_element_text(
- output: str, path: str, verify_assertions_function, children, negate: Union[bool, str] = False
+ output: Output,
+ path: Path,
+ verify_assertions_function: VerifyAssertionsFunction,
+ children: ChildAssertions,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
- """Recursively checks the specified assertions against the text of
- the first element matching the specified path."""
+ """This tag allows the developer to recurisively specify additional assertions as
+ child elements about just the text contained in the element specified by the
+ XPath-like ``path``, e.g.
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+ With ``negate`` the result of the implicit assertions can be inverted.
+ The sub-assertions, which have their own ``negate`` attribute, are not affected
+ by ``negate``.
+ """
assert_xml_element(output, path, verify_assertions_function, children, negate=negate)
def assert_xml_element(
- output: str,
- path: str,
- verify_assertions_function=None,
- children=None,
- attribute: Optional[str] = None,
- all: Union[bool, str] = False,
- n: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- delta: Union[int, str] = 0,
- min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
- negate: Union[bool, str] = False,
+ output: Output,
+ path: Path,
+ verify_assertions_function: Optional[VerifyAssertionsFunction] = None,
+ children: ChildAssertions = None,
+ attribute: OptionalAttribute = None,
+ all: All = False,
+ n: N = None,
+ delta: Delta = 0,
+ min: Min = None,
+ max: Max = None,
+ negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT,
) -> None:
- """
- Check if path occurs in the xml. If n and delta or min and max are given
- also the number of occurences is checked.
- If there are any sub assertions then check them against
- - the element's text if attribute is None
- - the content of the attribute
- If all is True then the sub assertions are checked for all occurences.
+ """Assert if the XML file contains element(s) or tag(s) with the specified
+ [XPath-like ``path``](https://lxml.de/xpathxslt.html). If ``n`` and ``delta``
+ or ``min`` and ``max`` are given also the number of occurences is checked.
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ With ``negate="true"`` the outcome of the assertions wrt the precence and number
+ of ``path`` can be negated. If there are any sub assertions then check them against
+ - the content of the attribute ``attribute``
+ - the element's text if no attribute is given
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ Sub-assertions are not subject to the ``negate`` attribute of ``xml_element``.
+ If ``all`` is ``true`` then the sub assertions are checked for all occurences.
+ Note that all other XML assertions can be expressed by this assertion (Galaxy
+ also implements the other assertions by calling this one).
children = children or []
all = asbool(all)
@@ -131,7 +280,9 @@ def assert_xml_element(
content = occ.attrib[attribute] # type: ignore[assignment] # https://github.com/lxml/lxml-stubs/pull/99
- verify_assertions_function(content, children)
+ if content is None:
+ raise AssertionError("Failed to find expected XML content")
+ verify_assertions_function(content.encode("utf-8"), children)
except AssertionError as e:
if attribute is not None and attribute != "":
raise AssertionError(f"Attribute '{attribute}' on element with path '{path}': {str(e)}")
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/codegen.py b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/codegen.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7219d40b6dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/codegen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# how to use this function...
+# PYTHONPATH=lib python lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/codegen.py
+from __future__ import annotations
+import argparse
+import inspect
+import os
+from shutil import move
+from typing import (
+ cast,
+ List,
+ Optional,
+ Union,
+import lxml.etree as ET
+from jinja2 import Environment
+from typing_extensions import (
+ Annotated,
+ get_args,
+ get_origin,
+ Literal,
+from galaxy.tool_util.verify.asserts import assertion_module_and_functions
+from galaxy.tool_util.verify.asserts._types import AssertionParameter as AssertionParameterAnnotation
+from galaxy.util.commands import shell
+models_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "assertion_models.py")
+galaxy_xsd_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "xsd", "galaxy.xsd")
+Children = Literal["allowed", "required", "forbidden"]
+DESCRIPTION = """This script synchronizes dynamic code aritfacts against models in Galaxy.
+Right now this just synchronizes Galaxy's XSD file against documentation in Galaxy's assertion modules but
+in the future it will also build Pydantic models for these functions.
+assert_models_template = """
+'''This module is auto-generated, please do not modify.'''
+import typing
+import re
+from typing_extensions import (
+ Annotated,
+ Literal,
+from pydantic import (
+ BaseModel,
+ BeforeValidator,
+ ConfigDict,
+ Field,
+ RootModel,
+ StrictFloat,
+ StrictInt,
+BYTES_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)([kKMGTPE]i?)?$")
+class AssertionModel(BaseModel):
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ extra="forbid",
+ )
+def check_bytes(v: typing.Any) -> typing.Any:
+ if isinstance(v, str):
+ assert BYTES_PATTERN.match(v), "Not valid bytes string"
+ return v
+def check_center_of_mass(v: typing.Any):
+ assert isinstance(v, str)
+ split_parts = v.split(",")
+ assert len(split_parts) == 2
+ for part in split_parts:
+ assert float(part.strip())
+ return v
+def check_regex(v: typing.Any):
+ assert isinstance(v, str)
+ try:
+ re.compile(typing.cast(str, v))
+ except re.error:
+ raise AssertionError(f"Invalid regular expression {v}")
+ return v
+def check_non_negative_if_set(v: typing.Any):
+ if v is not None:
+ try:
+ assert v >= 0
+ except TypeError:
+ raise AssertionError(f"Invalid type found {v}")
+ return v
+def check_non_negative_if_int(v: typing.Any):
+ if v is not None and isinstance(v, int):
+ assert typing.cast(int, v) >= 0
+ return v
+{% for assertion in assertions %}
+{% for parameter in assertion.parameters %}
+{{assertion.name}}_{{ parameter.name }}_description = '''{{ parameter.description }}'''
+{% endfor %}
+class {{assertion.name}}_model(AssertionModel):
+ r\"\"\"{{ assertion.docstring }}\"\"\"
+ that: Literal["{{assertion.name}}"] = "{{assertion.name}}"
+{% for parameter in assertion.parameters %}
+{% if not parameter.is_deprecated %}
+ {{ parameter.name }}: {{ parameter.type_str }} = Field(
+ {{ parameter.field_default_str }},
+ description={{ assertion.name }}_{{ parameter.name }}_description,
+ )
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% if assertion.children == "required" %}
+ children: "assertion_list"
+{% endif %}
+{% if assertion.children == "allowed" %}
+ children: typing.Optional["assertion_list"] = None
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+any_assertion_model = Annotated[typing.Union[
+{% for assertion in assertions %}
+ {{assertion.name}}_model,
+{% endfor %}
+], Field(discriminator="that")]
+assertion_list = RootModel[typing.List[any_assertion_model]]
+def get_default_args(func):
+ signature = inspect.signature(func)
+ return {k: v.default for k, v in signature.parameters.items()}
+def main():
+ assertions = []
+ for function_name, (module_and_function, assertion_function) in assertion_module_and_functions.items():
+ if not function_name.startswith("assert_"):
+ continue
+ name = function_name[len("assert_") :]
+ docstring = inspect.cleandoc(assertion_function.__doc__ or "")
+ annotations = assertion_function.__annotations__
+ default_args = get_default_args(assertion_function)
+ parameters = []
+ children: Children = "forbidden"
+ for parameter_name, parameter_type in annotations.items():
+ if parameter_name == "return":
+ continue
+ elif parameter_name == "children":
+ if default_args.get("children", inspect._empty) is not inspect._empty:
+ children = "allowed"
+ else:
+ children = "required"
+ continue
+ elif parameter_name in ["output", "output_bytes", "verify_assertions_function"]:
+ continue
+ default_value = default_args.get(parameter_name)
+ parameters.append(AssertionParameter(parameter_name, parameter_type, default_value))
+ assertion = Assertion(name, docstring, parameters, children, module_and_function)
+ assertions.append(assertion)
+ rewrite_galaxy_xsd(assertions)
+ write_assertion_models(assertions)
+def _expand_template(template_str: str, assertions) -> str:
+ template = Environment().from_string(template_str)
+ return template.render(assertions=assertions)
+def write_assertion_models(assertions):
+ models_file_contents = _expand_template(assert_models_template, assertions)
+ with open(models_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write(models_file_contents)
+ shell(["isort", models_path])
+ shell(["black", models_path])
+def get_annotation(text: str, nsmap):
+ annotation = ET.Element("{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}annotation")
+ documentation = ET.Element("{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}documentation")
+ documentation.text = ET.CDATA(text)
+ documentation.attrib["{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang"] = "en"
+ annotation.append(documentation)
+ return annotation
+def parameter_xsd_element(assertion_parameter, nsmap):
+ el = ET.Element("{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}attribute", nsmap=nsmap)
+ el.attrib["name"] = assertion_parameter.name
+ el.attrib["type"] = assertion_parameter.xml_type_str
+ el.attrib["use"] = "required" if not assertion_parameter.has_default_value else "optional"
+ annotation = get_annotation(assertion_parameter.description, nsmap)
+ el.append(annotation)
+ return el
+def xsd_element(assertion, nsmap):
+ el = ET.Element("{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}element", nsmap=nsmap)
+ el.attrib["name"] = assertion.name
+ annotation = get_annotation(assertion.docstring + "\n\n$attribute_list::5", nsmap)
+ complexType = ET.Element("{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}complexType", nsmap=nsmap)
+ if assertion.children != "forbidden":
+ sequence = ET.Element("{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}sequence", nsmap=nsmap)
+ group = ET.Element("{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}group", nsmap=nsmap)
+ group.attrib["ref"] = "TestAssertion"
+ group.attrib["minOccurs"] = "0" if assertion.children == "allowed" else "1"
+ group.attrib["maxOccurs"] = "unbounded"
+ sequence.append(group)
+ complexType.append(sequence)
+ for parameter in assertion.parameters:
+ complexType.append(parameter_xsd_element(parameter, nsmap))
+ el.append(annotation)
+ el.append(complexType)
+ return el
+def xsd_elements(assertions, nsmap):
+ elements = []
+ for assertion in assertions:
+ elements.append(ET.Comment(f" XSD doc for element auto-generated from {assertion.module_and_function}"))
+ elements.append(xsd_element(assertion, nsmap))
+ return elements
+def rewrite_galaxy_xsd(assertions):
+ with open(galaxy_xsd_path, "rb") as f:
+ contents = f.read()
+ parser = ET.XMLParser(strip_cdata=False)
+ root = ET.fromstring(contents, parser=parser)
+ raw_element = root.find(
+ ".//{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}group[@name='TestAssertion']/{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}choice"
+ )
+ assert raw_element
+ element = cast(ET._Element, raw_element)
+ for el in element.iterchildren():
+ element.remove(el)
+ element.append(ET.Comment("The following block and all children are auto-generated - please do not modify."))
+ for xsd_element in xsd_elements(assertions, root.nsmap):
+ xsd_element.tail = "\n "
+ element.append(xsd_element)
+ xml_new = ET.tostring(root).decode("utf-8")
+ with open(galaxy_xsd_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write('\n')
+ f.write(xml_new)
+ f.write("\n")
+ ret_code = shell(["xmllint", "--format", "--output", "galaxy-tmp.xsd", galaxy_xsd_path])
+ assert ret_code == 0
+ move("galaxy-tmp.xsd", galaxy_xsd_path)
+class AssertionParameter:
+ def __init__(self, name: str, type: str, default_value):
+ self.name = name
+ self.type = type
+ self.default_value = default_value
+ @property
+ def description(self) -> str:
+ type = self.type
+ if hasattr(type, "__metadata__"):
+ return type.__metadata__[0].doc
+ else:
+ return ""
+ @property
+ def type_str(self) -> str:
+ raw_type_str = as_type_str(self.type)
+ validators = self.validators[:]
+ if self.xml_type_str == "Bytes":
+ validators.append("check_bytes")
+ validators.append("check_non_negative_if_int")
+ if len(validators) > 0:
+ validation_str = ",".join([f"BeforeValidator({v})" for v in validators])
+ return f"Annotated[{raw_type_str}, {validation_str}]"
+ return raw_type_str
+ @property
+ def xml_type_str(self) -> str:
+ return as_xml_type(self.type)
+ @property
+ def field_default_str(self) -> str:
+ if not self.has_default_value:
+ return "..."
+ elif isinstance(self.default_value, str):
+ return f'''"{self.default_value}"'''
+ else:
+ return str(self.default_value)
+ @property
+ def has_default_value(self) -> bool:
+ return self.default_value is not inspect._empty
+ @property
+ def is_deprecated(self) -> bool:
+ assertion_parameter = self._get_type_annotation()
+ if assertion_parameter is not None:
+ return assertion_parameter.deprecated
+ return False
+ @property
+ def validators(self) -> List[str]:
+ assertion_parameter = self._get_type_annotation()
+ if assertion_parameter is not None:
+ return assertion_parameter.validators
+ return []
+ def _get_type_annotation(self) -> Optional[AssertionParameterAnnotation]:
+ target_type = self.type
+ if get_origin(target_type) is Annotated:
+ args = get_args(target_type)
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ return cast(AssertionParameterAnnotation, args[1])
+ return None
+def _is_none_type(target_type):
+ return target_type is type(None)
+def _non_optional_types(union_type):
+ return [t for t in get_args(union_type) if not _is_none_type(t)]
+def as_xml_type(target_type) -> str:
+ if get_origin(target_type) is Annotated:
+ args = get_args(target_type)
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ assertion_parameter = args[1]
+ if assertion_parameter.xml_type:
+ return assertion_parameter.xml_type
+ return as_xml_type(args[0])
+ elif get_origin(target_type) is Union:
+ types = _non_optional_types(target_type)
+ if len(types) == 2:
+ non_str_types = [t for t in types if t is not str]
+ if len(non_str_types) == 1 and non_str_types[0] is bool:
+ return "xs:boolean"
+ elif len(non_str_types) == 1 and non_str_types[0] is int:
+ return "xs:integer"
+ elif len(non_str_types) == 1 and non_str_types[0] is float:
+ return "xs:float"
+ return "xs:string"
+def as_type_str(target_type):
+ if get_origin(target_type) is Annotated:
+ args = get_args(target_type)
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ if args[1].json_type:
+ return args[1].json_type
+ return as_type_str(args[0])
+ elif get_origin(target_type) is Union:
+ is_optional = any(_is_none_type(t) for t in get_args(target_type))
+ types_as_str = ", ".join(map(as_type_str, _non_optional_types(target_type)))
+ union_type = f"typing.Union[{types_as_str}]"
+ if is_optional:
+ return f"typing.Optional[{union_type}]"
+ else:
+ return union_type
+ elif target_type is str:
+ return "str"
+ elif target_type is int:
+ return "int"
+ elif target_type is float:
+ return "float"
+ elif target_type is bool:
+ return "bool"
+ else:
+ return str(target_type)
+class Assertion:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ docstring: str,
+ parameters: List[AssertionParameter],
+ children: Children,
+ module_and_function: str,
+ ):
+ self.name = name
+ self.parameters = parameters
+ self.docstring = docstring
+ self.children = children
+ self.module_and_function = module_and_function
+def arg_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION)
+ return parser
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/xsd/galaxy.xsd b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/xsd/galaxy.xsd
index ec549456dbc5..b8d61030bb05 100644
--- a/lib/galaxy/tool_util/xsd/galaxy.xsd
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tool_util/xsd/galaxy.xsd
@@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
Galaxy Schema
A Galaxy XML tool wrapper
@@ -136,7 +130,7 @@ the tool menu immediately following the hyperlink for the tool (based on the
@@ -244,7 +238,6 @@ this attribute defined the HTTP request method to use when communicating with an
Frequently, tools may require the same XML
@@ -266,8 +259,7 @@ Example:
@@ -287,14 +279,12 @@ Usage example:
- ` is identical to ``,
`` is identical to ``, and
@@ -330,7 +319,6 @@ Note that
- The name of the entry point.
- A unique label to identify the entry point. Used by interactive client tools to connect.
- Whether domain-based proxying is required for the entry point. Default is True.
+ The name of the entry point.
+ A unique label to identify the entry point. Used by interactive client tools to connect.
+ Whether domain-based proxying is required for the entry point. Default is True.
@@ -429,7 +414,6 @@ This tag set is contained within the ```` tag set. It contains the
Describe the backend Python action to execute for this Galaxy tool.
@@ -441,7 +425,6 @@ This tag set is contained within the ```` tag set. It contains the
@@ -450,7 +433,7 @@ This tag set is contained within the ```` tag set. It contains the
- [schema.org/url](https://schema.org/url)
+ [schema.org/url](https://schema.org/url)
@@ -489,7 +472,6 @@ This tag set is contained within the ```` tag set. It contains the
The creator(s) of this work. See [schema.org/creator](https://schema.org/creator).
@@ -548,7 +527,6 @@ Describes an organization. Tries to stay close to [schema.org/Organization](http
How are files referenced in RequiredFileIncludes and RequiredFileExcludes. Paths are matched relative to the tool directory. `literal` must match the filename exactly. `prefix` will match paths based on their start. `glob` and `regex` use patterns to match files.
@@ -587,7 +564,6 @@ practice.
Describe files to include when relocating tool directory for remote execution.
@@ -603,7 +579,6 @@ practice.
Describe files to exclude when relocating tool directory for remote execution.
@@ -619,7 +594,6 @@ practice.
Documentation for Parallelism
@@ -1010,7 +983,6 @@ def exec_after_process(app, inp_data, out_data, param_dict, tool, stdout, stderr
The content of ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` are strings containing the output of the process.
@@ -1041,7 +1013,6 @@ The content of ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` are strings containing the output of th
This directive is used to specify some rarely modified options.
@@ -1057,32 +1028,29 @@ The content of ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` are strings containing the output of th
This directive is used to specify some rarely modified trackster options.
@@ -1301,11 +1268,10 @@ contains a test case demonstrating this block. This test case appears below:
@@ -1447,7 +1413,7 @@ shown below.
@@ -1523,7 +1489,7 @@ allowing multiple instances of a single repeat to be specified.
@@ -1575,9 +1541,9 @@ select an option for a test.
@@ -1709,7 +1675,7 @@ by ``file`` using the ``compare`` attribute:
@@ -1917,7 +1883,7 @@ The following demonstrates verifying XML content with XPath-like expressions.
@@ -2181,7 +2147,6 @@ This value is the same as the value of the ``name`` attribute of the
+ An individual test assertion definition.
- ``.
-Alternatively the range of the expected size can be specified by ``min`` and/or
- Desired size of the output (in bytes), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``
- An outdated alias for `size`
- Maximum allowed size difference (default is 0). The observed size has to be in the range ``value +- delta``. Can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``
- Minimum expected size, can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``
- Maximum expected size, can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``
- ``). If the ``text`` is expected to occur a particular number of
-times, this value can be specified using ``n``. Optionally also with a certain
-``delta``. Alternatively the range of expected occurences can be specified by
-``min`` and/or ``max``.
- Text to check for
- ``).
- Text to check for
- `` ). If the
-regular expression is expected to match a particular number of times, this value
-can be specified using ``n``. Note only non-overlapping occurences are counted.
-Optionally also with a certain ``delta``. Alternatively the range of expected
-occurences can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
- Regular expression to check for
- ``). If the ``line`` is expected
-to occur a particular number of times, this value can be specified using ``n``.
-Optionally also with a certain ``delta``. Alternatively the range of expected
-occurences can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
- The line to check for
- ``.
-Alternatively the range of expected occurences can be specified by ``min``
-and/or ``max``.
- ``).
-If a particular number of matching lines is expected, this value can be
-specified using ``n``. Optionally also with ``delta``. Alternatively the range
-of expected occurences can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
- Regular expression to check for
- ``) optionally also with
-``delta``. Alternatively the range of expected occurences can be specified by
-``min`` and/or ``max``. Optionally a column separator (``sep``, default is
-``\t``) `and comment character(s) can be specified (``comment``, default is
-empty string), then the first non-comment line is used for determining the
-number of columns.
- Separator defining columns, default: tab
- Comment character(s) used to skip comment lines (which should not be used for counting columns)
+For instance, ````. The assertion tests only the first line.
+Number of columns can optionally also be specified with ``delta``. Alternatively the
+range of expected occurences can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
-In addition the tag can contain additional assertions as child elements about
-the first member in the archive matching the regular expression ``path``. For
+Optionally a column separator (``sep``, default is `` ``) `and comment character(s)
+can be specified (``comment``, default is empty string). The first non-comment
+line is used for determining the number of columns.
-If the ``all`` attribute is set to ``true`` then all archive members are subject
-to the assertions. Note that, archive members matching the ``path`` are sorted
+The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the equality) can be inverted (the
+implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected).
-The ``negate`` attribute of the ``has_archive_member`` assertion only affects
-the asserts on the presence and number of matching archive members, but not any
-sub-assertions (which can offer the ``negate`` attribute on their own). The
-check if the file is an archive at all, which is also done by the function, is
-not affected.
- The regular expression specifying the archive member.
- Check the sub-assertions for all paths matching the path. Default: false, i.e. only the first
- ``).
+For example:
+The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the matching) can be inverted (the
+implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected).
+The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+With ``negate`` the result of the implicit assertions can be inverted.
+The sub-assertions, which have their own ``negate`` attribute, are not affected
+by ``negate``.
+The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the equality) can be inverted (the
+implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected).
+The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
+With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the matching) can be inverted (the
+implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected).
+With ``negate`` the result of the assertion can be inverted.
+Alternatively to ``n`` and ``delta`` also the ``min`` and ``max`` attributes
+can be used to specify the range of the expected number of occurences.
+With ``negate`` the result of the assertion can be inverted.
+ ``).
- Check the sub-assertions for all paths matching the path. Default: false, i.e. only the first
- The name of the attribute to apply sub-assertion on. If not given then the element text is used
-With ``negate`` the result of the assertion can be inverted.
-Alternatively to ``n`` and ``delta`` also the ``min`` and ``max`` attributes
-can be used to specify the range of the expected number of occurences.
-With ``negate`` the result of the assertion can be inverted.
-The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
-With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the matching) can be inverted (the
-implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected).
- The regular expression to use.
- Text to check for.
-The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
-With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the matching) can be inverted (the
-implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected).
- The regular expression to use.
-The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
-With ``negate`` the result of the assertion (on the equality) can be inverted (the
-implicit assertion on the existence of the path is not affected).
- Text to check for.
-The assertion implicitly also asserts that an element matching ``path`` exists.
-With ``negate`` the result of the implicit assertions can be inverted.
-The sub-assertions, which have their own ``negate`` attribute, are not affected
-by ``negate``.
- ``).
-Alternatively the range of the expected width can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
- Expected width of the image (in pixels).`
- Maximum allowed difference of the image width (in pixels, default is 0). The observed width has to be in the range ``value +- delta``.
- Minimum allowed width of the image (in pixels).
- Maximum allowed width of the image (in pixels).
- ``).
-Alternatively the range of the expected height can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
- Expected height of the image (in pixels).`
- Maximum allowed difference of the image height (in pixels, default is 0). The observed height has to be in the range ``value +- delta``.
- Minimum allowed height of the image (in pixels).
- Maximum allowed height of the image (in pixels).
- ``).
-Alternatively the range of the expected number of channels can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
- Expected number of channels of the image.`
- Maximum allowed difference of the number of channels (default is 0). The observed number of channels has to be in the range ``value +- delta``.
- Minimum allowed number of channels.
- Maximum allowed number of channels.
- ``).
-Alternatively the range of the expected mean intensity value can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
+If the ``all`` attribute is set to ``true`` then all archive members are subject
+to the assertions. Note that, archive members matching the ``path`` are sorted
- The required mean value of the image intensities.
- The absolute tolerance to be used for ``value`` (defaults to ``0.01``). The observed mean value of the image intensities has to be in the range ``value +- eps``.
- A lower bound of the required mean value of the image intensities.
- An upper bound of the required mean value of the image intensities.
- Restricts the assertion to a specific channel of the image (where ``0`` corresponds to the first image channel).
- ``).
+The ``negate`` attribute of the ``has_archive_member`` assertion only affects
+the asserts on the presence and number of matching archive members, but not any
+sub-assertions (which can offer the ``negate`` attribute on their own). The
+check if the file is an archive at all, which is also done by the function, is
+not affected.
- The required center of mass of the image intensities (horizontal and vertical coordinate, separated by a comma).
- The maximum allowed Euclidean distance to the required center of mass (defaults to ``0.01``).
- Restricts the assertion to a specific channel of the image (where ``0`` corresponds to the first image channel).
- ``).
-The primary usage of this assertion is to verify the number of objects in images with uniquely labeled objects.
- Expected number of labels.`
- Maximum allowed difference of the number of labels (default is 0). The observed number of labels has to be in the range ``value +- delta``.
- Minimum allowed number of labels.
- Maximum allowed number of labels.
- Restricts the assertion to a specific channel of the image (where ``0`` corresponds to the first image channel). Must be used with multi-channel imags.
- List of labels, separated by a comma. Labels *not* on this list will be excluded from consideration. Cannot be used in combination with ``exclude_labels``.
- List of labels to be excluded from consideration, separated by a comma. The primary usage of this attribute is to exclude the background of a label image. Cannot be used in combination with ``labels``.
- ``).
-The labels must be unique.
+Attributes size and value or synonyms though value is considered deprecated.
+The size optionally allows for absolute (``delta``) difference.
- The required mean size of the uniquely labeled objects.
- The absolute tolerance to be used for ``value`` (defaults to ``0.01``). The observed mean size of the uniquely labeled objects has to be in the range ``value +- eps``.
- A lower bound of the required mean size of the uniquely labeled objects.
- An upper bound of the required mean size of the uniquely labeled objects.
- Restricts the assertion to a specific channel of the image (where ``0`` corresponds to the first image channel). Must be used with multi-channel imags.
- List of labels, separated by a comma. Labels *not* on this list will be excluded from consideration. Cannot be used in combination with ``exclude_labels``.
- List of labels to be excluded from consideration, separated by a comma. The primary usage of this attribute is to exclude the background of a label image. Cannot be used in combination with ``labels``.
+Asserts the output is an image and has a specific center of mass,
+or has an Euclidean distance of ``eps`` or less to that point (e.g.,
- JSON-ified value to search for. This will be converted from an XML string to JSON with Python's json.loads function.
+The number of channels is plus/minus ``delta`` (e.g., ````).
- Text value to search for.
- Comma-separated list of HDF5 attributes to check for.
+The height is plus/minus ``delta`` (e.g., ````).
+Alternatively the range of the expected height can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
- HDF5 attribute to check value of.
- Expected value of HDF5 attribute to check.
- Path to check for. Valid paths are the simplified subsets of XPath implemented by lxml.etree; https://lxml.de/xpathxslt.html for more information.
+The mean intensity value is plus/minus ``eps`` (e.g., ````).
+Alternatively the range of the expected mean intensity value can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
- JSON property to search the target for.
- Negate the outcome of the assertion.
+The mean size is plus/minus ``eps`` (e.g., ````).
- Desired number, can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``
- Allowed difference with respect to n (default: 0), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``
- Minimum number (default: -infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``
- Maximum number (default: infinity), can be suffixed by ``(k|M|G|T|P|E)i?``
+The labels must be unique.
+ ``).
+The primary usage of this assertion is to verify the number of objects in images with uniquely labeled objects.
+ ``).
+Alternatively the range of the expected width can be specified by ``min`` and/or ``max``.
+tools will not need to specify any attributes on this tag itself.]]>
@@ -3211,8 +3355,6 @@ Data source HTTP action (e.g. ``get`` or ``put``) to use.
@@ -3237,8 +3379,6 @@ Data source HTTP action (e.g. ``get`` or ``put``) to use.
@@ -3355,19 +3495,14 @@ Referenced parameter to pass method.]]>
Is referenced parameter is the same group.]]>
Human readable description for the conditional, unused in the Galaxy UI currently.
This directive describes one potential
@@ -3385,9 +3520,6 @@ corresponding to this ``when`` block.
@@ -3862,7 +3992,7 @@ the tool form widget is different. Currently valid parameter types are:
@@ -4105,12 +4234,12 @@ allow access to Python code to generate options for a select list. See
Documentation for label
Documentation for help
@@ -4118,7 +4247,6 @@ allow access to Python code to generate options for a select list. See
Documentation for ParamType
@@ -4140,11 +4268,9 @@ allow access to Python code to generate options for a select list. See
= 16.04.
* ``aggressive``: adds checks for non zero exit codes, and checks for ``Exception:``, ``Error:`` in the standard error. Additionally checks for messages in the standard error that indicate an out of memory error (``MemoryError``, ``std::bad_alloc``, ``java.lang.OutOfMemoryError``, ``Out of memory``).
@@ -4351,13 +4476,12 @@ The ``detect_errors`` attribute of ``command``, if present, loads a preset of er
- This boolean forces the ``#set -e`` directive on in shell scripts - so that in a multi-part command if any part fails the job exits with a non-zero exit code. This is enabled by default for tools with ``profile>=20.09`` and disabled on legacy tools.
+ This boolean forces the ``#set -e`` directive on in shell scripts - so that in a multi-part command if any part fails the job exits with a non-zero exit code. This is enabled by default for tools with ``profile>=20.09`` and disabled on legacy tools.
Select a request method, defaults to GET if unspecified
@@ -4457,7 +4577,6 @@ if the corresponding option is selected by default (the default is ``false``).
`` tag when the
``type`` attribute value is ``data`` and is used to dynamically generated a converted
dataset for the contained input of the type specified using the ``type`` tag.
@@ -4504,16 +4621,14 @@ dataset for the contained input of the type specified using the ``type`` tag.
@@ -4525,7 +4640,6 @@ collection types (the most common types are ``list``, ``paired``,
@@ -4571,7 +4680,6 @@ Galaxy-aware URI for the default file for collection element.
@@ -4866,12 +4973,12 @@ used to generate dynamic options.
Documentation for file
@@ -4943,7 +5050,6 @@ target file.
`` tag set - it applies a
@@ -5647,20 +5753,19 @@ The default is ``galaxy.json``.
@@ -5691,15 +5796,14 @@ above. The default label is ``${tool.name} on ${on_string}``.
@@ -5737,7 +5841,6 @@ dataset in the history view. (Default is ``false``.)
@@ -5756,7 +5859,6 @@ format of outputs from format of corresponding input.
@@ -5919,7 +6017,6 @@ derive collection's type (e.g. ``collection_type``) from.
@@ -5958,7 +6055,6 @@ collection types (the most common types are ``list``, ``paired``,
derive collection's type (e.g. ``collection_type``) from.
@@ -6033,7 +6129,6 @@ Therefore a filter for such a variable looks like the following example.
@@ -6086,9 +6181,8 @@ Therefore a filter for such a variable looks like the following example.
+ `` tag does), then it should be changed to ``equCab2`` (which is th
@@ -6417,7 +6510,7 @@ of this directive.
@@ -6454,7 +6547,7 @@ e.g. ``True`` or ``False`` if the referred parameter is a boolean.
@@ -6623,10 +6716,9 @@ This directive should contain one or more ``environment_variable`` definition.
Whether to strip leading and trailing whitespace from the calculated value before exporting the environment variable.
@@ -6719,10 +6811,9 @@ container for ```` and ```` tag sets - which can be used
to setup configuration files for use by tools.]]>
@@ -6730,7 +6821,6 @@ to setup configuration files for use by tools.]]>
@@ -6944,7 +7030,6 @@ Examples are included in the test tools directory including:
@@ -6974,32 +7059,29 @@ Examples are included in the test tools directory including:
@@ -7029,7 +7111,6 @@ The text to use to join the param name to its value (example ``join="="``).
@@ -7069,7 +7149,6 @@ Any valid HTTP request parameter name. The name / value pair must be received fr
`` characters in XML.
Each citations element can contain one or
@@ -7500,7 +7570,6 @@ and ``bibtex`` are the only supported options.
Type of citation represented.
@@ -7510,7 +7579,6 @@ and ``bibtex`` are the only supported options.
Documentation for RequirementType
@@ -7557,7 +7625,7 @@ and ``bibtex`` are the only supported options.
Maximum reserved filesystem based storage for the designated temporary directory, in mebibytes (2**20 bytes), if runtime allows it (not yet implemented in Galaxy).
Minimum CUDA (runtime link library) runtime version, if runtime allows it (not yet implemented in Galaxy).
@@ -7682,7 +7750,7 @@ and ``bibtex`` are the only supported options.
@@ -7699,7 +7767,7 @@ and ``bibtex`` are the only supported options.
@@ -7827,15 +7895,15 @@ favour of a ``has_size`` assertion.
Number of bytes allowing for suffix (k|K|M|G|P|E)i?
@@ -7856,7 +7924,7 @@ A tool can have any number of EDAM topic references.
@@ -7881,7 +7949,7 @@ A tool can have any number of EDAM operation references.
@@ -7904,8 +7972,8 @@ A tool can refer multiple reference IDs.
@@ -7936,13 +8004,11 @@ the only supported options.
A string without newline characters.
@@ -7951,7 +8017,6 @@ the only supported options.
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index e0c7dff067e6..d2305df13556 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -217,6 +217,10 @@ allow-dict-calls-with-keyword-arguments = true
combine-as-imports = true
relative-imports-order = "closest-to-furthest"
+# Preserve types, even if a file imports `from __future__ import annotations`.
+keep-runtime-typing = true
# Don't check pyupgrade rules on tool scripts, which may use different Python versions
"test/functional/tools/*" = ["UP"]
diff --git a/test/unit/tool_util/test_assertion_models.py b/test/unit/tool_util/test_assertion_models.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c75fac77ca6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/tool_util/test_assertion_models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+import sys
+from string import Template
+import pytest
+from pydantic import ValidationError
+from galaxy.tool_util.verify.assertion_models import assertion_list
+from galaxy.tool_util.verify.codegen import galaxy_xsd_path
+from galaxy.util.commands import shell
+from galaxy.util.unittest_utils import skip_unless_executable
+valid_assertions = [
+ {"that": "has_size", "size": "5G"},
+ {"that": "has_size", "size": 1},
+ {"that": "has_size", "size": "5Mi"},
+ {"that": "has_text", "text": "JBrowseDefaultMainPage"},
+ {"that": "has_line", "line": "'>Wildtype Staphylococcus aureus strain WT.'"},
+ {"that": "has_n_columns", "n": 2},
+ {"that": "is_valid_xml"},
+ {"that": "has_element_with_path", "path": "//el"},
+ {"that": "has_n_elements_with_path", "path": "//el", "n": 4},
+ {"that": "element_text_matches", "expression": "foob[a]r", "path": "//el"},
+ {"that": "element_text_is", "text": "foobar", "path": "//el"},
+ {
+ "that": "xml_element",
+ "path": "./elem/more[2]",
+ "children": [{"that": "has_text_matching", "expression": "foo$"}],
+ },
+ {"that": "xml_element", "path": "./elem/more[2]"},
+ {"that": "element_text", "path": "./elem/more[2]", "children": [{"that": "has_text", "text": "foo"}]},
+ {"that": "has_json_property_with_value", "property": "foobar", "value": "'6'"},
+ {"that": "has_json_property_with_text", "property": "foobar", "text": "cowdog"},
+ {"that": "has_archive_member", "path": ".*/my-file.txt"},
+ {"that": "has_archive_member", "path": ".*/my-file.txt", "children": [{"that": "has_text", "text": "1235abc"}]},
+ {"that": "has_image_width", "width": 560},
+ {"that": "has_image_width", "width": 560, "delta": 490},
+ {"that": "has_image_height", "height": 560, "delta": 490},
+ {"that": "has_image_height", "min": 45, "max": 90},
+ {"that": "has_image_channels", "channels": 3},
+ {"that": "has_image_channels", "channels": 3, "delta": 1},
+ {"that": "has_image_channels", "min": 1, "max": 4},
+ {"that": "has_image_channels", "min": 1, "max": 4, "negate": True},
+ {"that": "has_image_mean_intensity", "mean_intensity": 3.4},
+ {"that": "has_image_mean_intensity", "mean_intensity": 3.4, "eps": 0.2},
+ {"that": "has_image_mean_intensity", "mean_intensity": 3.4, "eps": 0.2, "channel": 1},
+ {"that": "has_image_mean_intensity", "min": 0.4, "max": 0.6, "channel": 1},
+ {"that": "has_image_center_of_mass", "center_of_mass": "511.07, 223.34"},
+ {"that": "has_image_center_of_mass", "center_of_mass": "511.07, 223.34", "channel": 1},
+ {"that": "has_image_center_of_mass", "center_of_mass": "511.07, 223.34", "channel": 1, "eps": 0.2},
+ {"that": "has_image_n_labels", "n": 85},
+ {"that": "has_image_n_labels", "labels": [1, 3, 4]},
+ {"that": "has_image_n_labels", "n": 9, "exclude_labels": [1, 3, 4]},
+ {"that": "has_image_n_labels", "n": 9, "exclude_labels": [1, 3, 4], "negate": True},
+ {"that": "has_image_mean_object_size", "mean_object_size": 9, "exclude_labels": [1, 3, 4]},
+ {"that": "has_image_mean_object_size", "mean_object_size": 9, "labels": [1, 3, 4]},
+ {"that": "has_image_mean_object_size", "mean_object_size": 9, "channel": 1, "eps": 0.2},
+ {"that": "has_json_property_with_value", "property": "skipped_columns", "value": "[1, 3, 5]"},
+ {"that": "has_json_property_with_text", "property": "color", "text": "red"},
+ {"that": "has_n_columns", "n": 30},
+ {"that": "has_n_columns", "n": 30, "delta": 4},
+ {"that": "has_n_columns", "n": 30, "delta": 4, "sep": " ", "comment": "####"},
+valid_xml_assertions = [
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ r"""""",
+ """""",
+ r"""""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+invalid_assertions = [
+ {"that": "has_size", "size": "5Gigabytes"},
+ # negative sizes not allowed
+ {"that": "has_size", "size": -1},
+ {"that": "has_n_columns", "n": [2]},
+ {"that": "has_n_columns", "n": -2},
+ {"that": "is_valid_xml_foo"},
+ {"that": "has_element_with_path", "path": 45},
+ {"that": "has_n_elements_with_path", "n": 4},
+ {"that": "has_n_elements_with_path", "n": -4},
+ {"that": "element_text_matches", "expression": 12, "path": "//el"},
+ # unclosed regex group
+ {"that": "element_text_matches", "expression": "[12", "path": "//el"},
+ {"that": "xml_element", "path": "./elem/more[2]", "children": [{"that": "foobar"}]},
+ {
+ "that": "xml_element",
+ "path": "./elem/more[2]",
+ "children": [{"that": "has_text_matching", "line": "invalidprop"}],
+ },
+ # must specify children for element_text
+ {"that": "element_text", "path": "./elem/more[2]"},
+ {"that": "has_json_property_with_value", "property": 42, "value": "cowdog"},
+ {"that": "has_json_property_with_text", "property": "foobar", "text": 6},
+ {"that": "has_archive_member", "path": ".*/my-file.txt", "extra": "param"},
+ {"that": "has_archive_member", "path": ".*/my-file.txt", "children": [{"that": "invalid"}]},
+ {"that": "has_image_width", "width": "560"},
+ {"that": "has_image_width", "width": -560},
+ {"that": "has_image_width", "width": 560, "delta": "wrong"},
+ {"that": "has_image_height", "height": -560},
+ {"that": "has_image_center_of_mass", "center_of_mass": "511.07, 223.34, foobar"},
+ {"that": "has_image_center_of_mass", "center_of_mass": "511.07"},
+ {"that": "has_image_center_of_mass", "center_of_mass": "511.07, cow"},
+ # negative mean object sizes are not allowed
+ {"that": "has_image_n_labels", "n": -85},
+ {"that": "has_image_n_labels", "n": 85, "delta": -3},
+ # negative mean object sizes are not allowed
+ {"that": "has_image_mean_object_size", "mean_object_size": -9, "exclude_labels": [1, 3, 4]},
+ {"that": "has_image_mean_object_size", "mean_object_size": -9.0, "exclude_labels": [1, 3, 4]},
+ {"that": "has_image_mean_object_size", "mean_object_size": 9, "exclude_labels": [1, 3, 4], "eps": -0.2},
+ # looks a little odd in JSON but value is JSON loaded so must be a string
+ {"that": "has_json_property_with_value", "property": "skipped_columns", "value": [1, 3, 5]},
+ # missing property
+ {"that": "has_json_property_with_value", "property": "skipped_columns"},
+ {"that": "has_json_property_with_text", "property": "color"},
+ {"that": "has_n_columns", "n": 30, "delta": "wrongtype"},
+ {"that": "has_n_columns", "n": 30, "delta": -2},
+ {"that": "has_n_columns", "n": 30, "delta": 4, "sep": " ", "comment": "####", "extra": "param"},
+invalid_xml_assertions = [
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ # at least one child assertion is required here...
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ # negative numbers not allowed
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ # missing required arguments...
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+ """""",
+TOOL_TEMPLATE = Template(
+ """
+ > '$output'
+ ]]>
+if sys.version_info < (3, 8): # noqa: UP036
+ pytest.skip(reason="Pydantic assertion models require python3.8 or higher", allow_module_level=True)
+def test_valid_models_validate():
+ assertion_list.model_validate(valid_assertions)
+def test_invalid_models_do_not_validate():
+ for invalid_assertion in invalid_assertions:
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
+ assertion_list.model_validate([invalid_assertion])
+def test_valid_xsd(tmp_path):
+ for assertion_xml in valid_xml_assertions:
+ tool_xml = TOOL_TEMPLATE.safe_substitute(assertion_xml=assertion_xml)
+ tool_path = tmp_path / "tool.xml"
+ tool_path.write_text(tool_xml)
+ ret = shell(["xmllint", "--nowarning", "--noout", "--schema", galaxy_xsd_path, str(tool_path)])
+ assert ret == 0, f"{assertion_xml} failed to validate"
+def test_invalid_xsd(tmp_path):
+ for assertion_xml in invalid_xml_assertions:
+ tool_xml = TOOL_TEMPLATE.safe_substitute(assertion_xml=assertion_xml)
+ tool_path = tmp_path / "tool.xml"
+ tool_path.write_text(tool_xml)
+ ret = shell(["xmllint", "--nowarning", "--noout", "--schema", galaxy_xsd_path, str(tool_path)])
+ assert ret != 0, f"{assertion_xml} validated when error expected"
diff --git a/test/unit/tool_util/verify/test_asserts.py b/test/unit/tool_util/verify/test_asserts.py
index af357871ccad..b38b45f95840 100644
--- a/test/unit/tool_util/verify/test_asserts.py
+++ b/test/unit/tool_util/verify/test_asserts.py
@@ -1324,6 +1324,7 @@ def test_has_h5_attribute_failure():
def run_assertions(assertion_xml: str, data, decompress=False) -> Tuple:
assertion = parse_xml_string(assertion_xml)
assertion_description = __parse_assert_list_from_elem(assertion)
+ assert assertion_description
asserts.verify_assertions(data, assertion_description, decompress=decompress)
except AssertionError as e: