- Hello World
- First App
- Primitive Data Types
- Variables
- Constants
- Immutable
- Reading and Writing to a State Variable
- Ether and Wei
- Gas and Gas Price
- If/Else
- For and While Loop
- Mapping
- Array
- Enum
- User Defined Value Types
- Structs
- Data Locations - Storage, Memory and Calldata
- Transient Storage
- Function
- View and Pure Functions
- Error
- Function Modifier
- Events
- Events Advanced
- Constructor
- Inheritance
- Shadowing Inherited State Variables
- Calling Parent Contracts
- Visibility
- Interface
- Payable
- Sending Ether - Transfer, Send and Call
- Fallback
- Call
- Delegatecall
- Function Selector
- Calling Other Contract
- Creating Contracts from a Contract
- Try / Catch
- Import
- Library
- ABI Encode
- ABI Decode
- Hashing with Keccak256
- Verifying Signature
- Gas Optimizations
- Bitwise Operators
- Unchecked Math
- Assembly Variable
- Assembly Conditional Statements
- Assembly Loop
- Assembly Error
- Assembly Math