The purpose of the changes explained here are to prepare the ground for this SES proposal so that it can state its semantic changes more understandably.
All references to Ecma262 or The EcmaScript Specification, unless stated otherwise, are to EcmaScript 2020. This document outlines changes to its organization that should make no observable difference. As such, these would not be semantic changes, and so not need to go through the proposal approval process. However, they are substantial, and would result in a serious needs-consensus PR (pull request).
The original ModuleRecord abstractions mix three concerns
- The static information that corresponds to the separately linkable units of compilation. In the SourceTextModuleRecord example, this would be the information that could be derived from the source text of one module by itself, with no inter-module analysis. We separate these into StaticModuleRecord abstractions.
- A ModuleInstance has a StaticModuleRecord and the additional state needed to have a fully linked and initialized stateful module instance. This corresponds most directly to the original ModuleRecord but is renamed to avoid confusion.
- The ModuleInitialization bookkeeping needed during the instantiation and initialization of module instances, to take care of cycles, errors, phasing of initialization, etc.
We focus on refactoring the state of these abstractions. From the refactoring of the state, the relocation of the methods should often be obvious and may not be explicitly stated.
The original abstract ModuleRecord has no static slots or methods relevant to the static records. For parallelism, we still define the abstract StaticModuleRecord as an empty supertype of the other StaticModuleRecord types.
The CyclicStaticModuleRecord is a StaticModuleRecord with the slot
- [[RequestedModules]] :
List of String
and no methods.
The SourceTextStaticModuleRecord is a CyclicStaticModuleRecord. It additionally holds the static information from the original SourceTextModuleRecord. It has the slots
- [[ECMAScriptCode]] :
- [[ImportEntries]] :
List of ImportEntry
records - [[LocalExportEntries]] :
List of ExportEntry
records - [[IndirectExportEntries]] :
List of ExportEntry
records - [[StarExportEntries]] :
List of ExportEntry
A ModuleInstance has the slot
- [[StaticModuleRecord]] :
as specified above
and the following original ModuleRecord slots
- [[EvalRecord]] :
. This is just a renaming of the [[Realm]] slot from the original ModuleRecord. Below, the original RealmRecord is refactored into the EvalRecord. - [[Environment]] :
, which is unchanged - [[Namespace]] :
exotic object, which is unchanged - [[HostDefined]] :
, which is unchanged
It has no slots from the original CyclicModuleRecord or SourceTextModuleRecord.
For parallelism, we rename the original ScriptRecord to ScriptInstance and reorder the slots to
- [[ECMAScriptCode]] :
, unchanged. - [[EvalRecord]] :
, renamed from the original [[Realm]] - [[Environment]] :
, unchanged - [[HostDefined]] :
, unchanged
A referrer can be a ModuleInstance, ScriptInstance, or null.
We separate into a distinct ModuleInitialization object the bookkeeping needed to guide module instantiation, linking, initialization, etc. Thus, once the initialization process completes, this bookkeeping state is no longer present. This helps us reason about post-initialization state separately.
A ModuleInitialization has the slots
- [[ModuleInstance]] :
being initialized
It has the following original CyclicModuleRecord slots.
- [[Status]] unchanged
- [[EvaluationError]] unchanged
- [[DFSIndex]] unchanged
- [[DFSAncestorIndex]] unchanged
It has the original SourceTextModuleRecord slot
- [[Context]] :
, an ECMAScript execution context, which is only used during module initialization. Unchanged.
Currently, this is mostly a renaming. EvalRecords will be 1-to-1 with Compartments, and so there will be multiple EvalRecords per realm. EvalRecord isn't a great name, but it'll do.
An EvalRecord has the following original RealmRecord slots
- [[Intrinsics]] :
of all the intrinsics shared by all compartments in this Realm. Unchanged. - [[GlobalObject]] :
, the global object for this compartment. Unchanged - [[GlobalEnv]] :
, for code executing in this compartment. Unchanged. - [[TemplateMap]] :
List of {[[Site]], [[Array]]}
records. Unchanged. - [[HostDefined]] :
, unchanged.
It has the following hook functions, which were originally provided only by the host. By making these per-EvalRecord, their behavior can come from user-provided functions specific to that EvalRecord. This enables ECMAScript code to act as host to other ECMAScript code. When their behavior comes from user-provided functions, the hook functions below wrap this to coerce, validate, and memoize so the hook function is always correctly typed on success, and always gives consistent answers. Thus the hook functions, on success, satisfy the invariants of the original host hook functions.
- [[ResolveImportedModule]] :
(referrer, specifier) -> ModuleInstance
, from the original HostResolveImportedModule. This is like theimporter
function from make-importer, but synchronous? - [[ImportModuleDynamically]] :
(referrer, specified) -> Promise<ModuleInstance>
, from the original HostImportModuleDynamically. But rather than take a spec-internal "PromiseCapability" as argument, it returns a promise. This is like theimporter
function from make-importer. - [[ResolveImportMeta]] :
(referrer) -> Object | undefined
. This replaces the ModuleInstance.Meta property from the original import.meta proposal
Other host hooks to be aware of
- The original InitializeHostDefinedRealm has to be broken up to separate creating a per-Realm set of intrinsics vs per-EvalRecord state.
- The original HostReportErrors, probably needs to be hookable at the Agent level, rather than EvalRecord or Realm levels.
- The original HostEnsureCanCompileStrings, should turn into an EvalRecord hook.
- The original HostHasSourceTextAvailable. Unclear how to handle.
- RunJobs and Job scheduling decisions, should turn into Agent-level hooks.
- HostPromiseRejectionTracker agent-level hook.
- debugger has an implementation-defined completion value. Cool!
- Directive Prologues should probably only have a static meaning, but it is intriguing. The recommended warning behavior could become a parse-time hook.
- DetachArrayBuffer can be called only by hosts.
From Proxy internals: An ECMAScript implementation must be robust in the presence of all possible invariant violations.
The Global Object has an implementation dependent [[Prototype]]. WTF?
URI handling says "Many implementations of ECMAScript provide additional functions and methods that manipulate web pages". What?
toLocale is, of course, implementation dependent. Must be hooked at the realm-level. Also the other toLocaleString methods.
BigInt.prototype.toString is implementation-dependent? WTF?
Math is implementation-dependent, but recommends fdlibm.
Date LocalTZA is implementation dependent, of course.
timeZoneString says "an implementation-dependent timezone name". Oh, come on!
Date.parse for non-conforming strings.
Array.prototype.sort and TypedArray.prototype.sort algorithms.
Pattern says "except for any host-defined exceptions that can occur anywhere such as out-of-memory".
document.all bleh