1. it makes build for golang 2. it gets process version after 'make'
- It is important to set env varialble
$MAKE_DIR : make file directory path
$YOUR_BIN : your target process path
$YOUR_SRC : your main source path
- empty or 0: no version up
- param 1 : only build date up
- param 2 : only patch version up
- param 3 : only minor version up
- param 4: only major version up
Ex) make
- ubuntu@ubuntu:~/work/go/src/gomake$ make_all
Compile and Get your process version
1st param =
Compile source (No version up)
buildate:20240719 MAJOR:2 MINOR:1 PATCH:1
buildate2:20240719 20240719 MAJOR:2 MINOR:1 PATCH:1
go build -o /home/ubuntu/work/go/src/gomake/process main.go
Ex) version check
- ubuntu@ubuntu:~/work/go/src/gomake$ ./process
Makefile and version test...
process version: 20240719.2.1.1