issue 522: [ERROR][mindspore/train/summary/] The dimension of Summary tensor should be 4 or second dimension should be 1 or 3, but got tag = input_data/auto, ndim = 4, shape=(2, 512, 512, 3), which means Summary tensor is not Image.
(1) Due to the requirement of collect_input_data
, the input data format for the second dimension is channels, while the input data format for sdv2 is (batch_size, H, W, channels), and the fourth dimension is channels, the above error will be reported.
(2) Currently not supported for collect_input_data
to collect data. Please set collect_input_data
is False for ms.SummaryCollector
. For example:
interval_1 = [x for x in range(1, 4)]
specified = {"collect_metric": True, "histogram_regular": "^conv1.|^conv2.", "collect_graph": True,
"collect_dataset_graph": True,"collect_train_lineage":True,"collect_input_data":False,
'collect_landscape': {'landscape_size': 40,'unit': "epoch",'create_landscape': {'train': True,'result': False},
'num_samples': 32,'intervals': [interval_1]}
summary_collector = ms.SummaryCollector(summary_dir="./summary_dir/summary_01", collect_specified_data=specified,
collect_freq=12, keep_default_action=False)