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Gergely Takács edited this page May 31, 2021 · 79 revisions

Publications on the AutomationShield devices and software


The publication status of the shields is as follows:

Journal Conference Thesis Video

Under review

There are no articles under review at the moment.

Accepted for publication

  1. Gergely Takács, Martin Vríčan, Erik Mikuláš and Martin Gulan: An early hardware prototype of a miniature low-cost flexible link experiment. In Proceedings of the 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, July 12-16, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic. pp. 1-8, ISBN: TBD.

  2. Gergely Takács, Erik Mikuláš, Anna Vargová, Tibor Konkoly, Patrik Šíma, Lukáš Vadovič, Matúš Bíro, Marko Michal, Matej Šimovec and Martin Gulan: BOBShield: An Open-Source Miniature “Ball and Beam” Device for Control Engineering Education. In Proceedings of the 2021 EDUCON IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, April 21-23, 2021, Vienna, Austria. pp. TBD, ISBN: TBD.

Conference papers

  1. Gergely Takács, Peter Chmurčiak, Martin Gulan, Erik Mikuláš, Jakub Kulhánek, Gábor Penzinger, Miloš Podbielančík, Martin Lučan, Peter Šálka and Dávid Šroba: FloatShield: An Open Source Air Levitation Device for Control Engineering Education. In Proceedings of the 21st IFAC World Congress, July 12-17, 2020, Berlin, Germany. pp. 1-8, ISBN: TBD. (Supplementary files: Presentation file., Annotated audio/video presentation.)

  2. Gergely Takács, Jakub Mihalík, Erik Mikuláš and Martin Gulan: MagnetoShield: Prototype of a Low-Cost Magnetic Levitation Device for Control Education. In Proceedings of the 2020 EDUCON IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, April 27-30, 2020, Porto, Portugal. pp. 1516-1525, ISBN: 978-1-7281-0930-5. (Supplementary files: Presentation file., Annotated audio/video presentation.)

  3. Gergely Takács, Martin Gulan, Juraj Bavlna, Richard Köplinger, Michal Kováč, Erik Mikuláš, Sohaibullah Zarghoon and Richard Salíni: HeatShield: a low-cost didactic device for control education simulating 3D printer heater blocks. In Proceedings of the 2019 EDUCON IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, April 9-11, 2019, Dubai, UAE. pp. 374-383, ISBN: 978-1-5386-9506-7. (Presentation file.)

  4. Gergely Takács, Tibor Konkoly and Martin Gulan: OptoShield: A Low-Cost Tool for Control and Mechatronics Education. In Proceedings of the 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC2019), June 9-12, 2019, Kitakyusu, Japan. pp. 1001-1006, ISBN: 978-4-88898-301-3 (Presentation file.)

Thesis works

Master's theses

  1. Peter Chmurčiak: FloatShield: An Educational Device for Air Levitation Experiments. Master's thesis. Institute of Automation, Measurement and Applied Informatics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia. June 2020. Supervisor: Gergely Takács. Thesis ID: SjF-104462-81339

  2. Jakub Mihalík: MagnetoShield: Experimentálny prístroj na magnetickú levitáciu objektov (MagnetoShield: An Experimental Device for Magnetic Levitation, in Slovak language). Master's thesis. Institute of Automation, Measurement and Applied Informatics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia. June 2021. Supervisor: Gergely Takács. Thesis ID: SjF-5226-81742

  3. Eva Vargová: TugShield: miniatúrny prístroj na riadenie statickej deformácie nosníka (TugShield: A Miniature Device to Control the Static Deformation of a Cantilever, in Slovak language). Master's thesis. Institute of Automation, Measurement and Applied Informatics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia. May 2021. Supervisor: Gergely Takács. Thesis ID: SjF-5226-87733

Bachelor's theses

  1. Tibor Konkoly: Experimentálne moduly pre výučbu automatizácie (Experimental Modules for Automation Education, in Slovak language). Bachelor's thesis. Institute of Automation, Measurement and Applied Informatics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia. May 2018. Supervisor: Gergely Takács. Thesis ID: SjF-13432-81384

  2. Jakub Mihalík: Miniaturizácia experimentu "magnetická levitácia" (Miniaturizing the "Magnetic Levitation" Experiment, in Slovak language). Bachelor's thesis. Institute of Automation, Measurement and Applied Informatics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia. May 2018. Supervisor: Gergely Takács. Thesis ID: SjF-13432-81742

  3. Anna Vargová: Maticové operácie na programovateľných mikroovládačoch architektúry AVR (Maticové operácie na programovateľných mikroovládačoch architektúry AVR, in Slovak language). Bachelor's thesis. Institute of Automation, Measurement and Applied Informatics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia. May 2019. Supervisor: Gergely Takács. Thesis ID: SjF-13432-87787

  4. Eva Vargová: Experimentálne zariadenie na riadenie statickej deformácie votknutého nosníka (Experimental system to control the static deformation of a cantilever beam, in Slovak language). Bachelor's thesis. Institute of Automation, Measurement and Applied Informatics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia. May 2019. Supervisor: Gergely Takács. Thesis ID: SjF-13432-87733

  5. Martin Vríčan: LinkShield: Miniaturizovaný experimentálny modul na simuláciu tlmenia vibrácií na robotických manipulátoroch (LinkShield: A Miniaturized Experimental Module to Simulate Vibration Damping in Robotic Manipulators, in Slovak Language). Bachelor's thesis. Institute of Automation, Measurement and Applied Informatics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia. June 2020. Supervisor: Gergely Takács. Thesis ID: SjF-13432-87701

  6. Ján Boldocký: MotoShield: Vývoj programátorského rozhrania, identifikácia, riadenie a úprava didaktického prístroja na riadenie rýchlosti motorov (MotoShield: Developing an Application Programming Interface, Identification, Control and Redesign of a Didactic Device for Motor Speed Control, in Slovak Language). Bachelor's thesis. Institute of Automation, Measurement and Applied Informatics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia. June 2020. Supervisor: Gergely Takács. Thesis ID: SjF-13432-92875


  1. Gergely Takács: Nízkonákladové miniatúrne didaktické prostriedky pre pedagogický proces a výskum automatického riadenia na štandardizovaných mikroradičových platformách (Low-cost miniature didactic devices for teaching and researching automatic control on standardized microcontroller platforms, in Slovak language). Spektrum STU, Bratislava, 2019, ISBN: 978-80-227-4943-5. Edition of qualification works: theses for the professorial inauguration lecture. (Presentation file.)

  2. Micha Obergfell: Linking Research Fields with Benchmark Systems – opportunities through the Aerodynamic Floating experiment A joint discussion with members of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (UDE), and others. Presentation slides. October 2020. Automatic Control and Complex Systems, University of Duisburg-Essen.

Publications using AutomationShield devices for research

Conference papers

  1. Gergely Takács, Erik Mikuláš, Martin Vríčan and Martin Gulan: Current-saving sampling for the embedded implementation of positive position feedback. In Proceedings of the 49th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise): Advances in Noise and Vibration Control Technology, August 23-26, 2020, Seoul, South Korea. pp. 537-547, ISSN: 0736-2935.

Thesis works

  1. Zuzana Képešiová: Inteligentné metódy diagnostiky a riadenia mechatronických systémov (Intelligent Diagnostic Methods and Control for Mechatronic Systems). Doctoral dissertation thesis. Institute of Automotive Mechatronics of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia. August 2020. Supervisor: Danica Rosinová. Thesis ID: FEI-100861-8785
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