In this repository there are the exercises made during the Numerical Simulation Laboratory. Every folder has a READ_ME file with informations about compilation and execution of the resepective program.
EXN = Lecture N
-Lecture 1: Pseudo random numbers, generalized central limit theorem, Buffon experiment simulation
-Lecture 2: Monte Carlo integration and importance sampling, random walks
-Lecture 3: Stochastic calculus applied to European call and put option prize estimates
-Lecture 4: Molecular Dynamics by numerical integration
-Lecture 5: Metropolis algorithm and Hydrogen atom's first two orbitals wavefunctions
-Lecture 6: Metropolis and Gibbs sampling applied to Ising model in 1 dimension
-Lecture 7: Molecular Dyanamics with Monte Carlo methods
-Lecture 8: Stochastic optimization by simulated annealing applied to estimate the parameters of a ground state wavefunction
-Lecture 9: Stochastic optimization by genetic algorithms applied to the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)
-Lecture 10: Parallel computing with MPI standard applied to the TSP code
-Lecture 11: Deep Neural Networks with Keras
-Lecture 12: Convolutional Neural Networks with Keras