The cellatlas repo is a universal preprocessing workflow for single-cell data. It leverages the seqspec assay specification. The initial seqspec release contains specifications for 49 assays, inclusing [SPLIT-seq](Single-cell profiling of the developing mouse brain and spinal cord with split-pool barcoding).
# Create conda environment
module load mamba
mamba create --name cellatlas python=3.7
mamba activate cellatlas
cd ~/software
# Install `tree` to view files
git clone
cd tree
make -j16 && make install
# Install `jq, a command-line tool for extracting key value pairs from JSON files
wget --quiet --show-progress
chmod +x jq-linux64
# Install gget ( for efficientey querying of genomic dbs
#wget --quiet --show-progress
mamba install gget
# Install kb-python ( wrapper for kallisto and bustools
mamba install kb-python
# Install git pip
mamba install git pip
# Revert seqspec to an earlier version
pip install --quiet git+ > /dev/null
#yes | pip uninstall --quiet seqspec
# cellatlas developed with an in-between release of seqspec
pip install --quiet git+
mamba env export > cellatlas.yml
# In theory, env can be recreated with
# mamba env create -f cellatlas.yml
mkdir ~/cellatlas-example && cd ~/cellatlas-example
mv ~/software/cellatlas/examples/rna-splitseq/* .
gunzip barcode*
seqspec print spec.yaml
The next lines in the example do not appear to function as intended:
FA=echo $(~/software/jq-linux64 -r '.mus_musculus.genome_dna.ftp' ref.json)
GTF=echo $(~/software/jq-linux64 -r '.mus_musculus.annotation_gtf.ftp' ref.json)
But it is clear that FA
and GTF
simply point to the reference fasta and GTF annotation file, respectively.
These can simply be downloaded from the paths mentioned. It is worthwhile checking that AnnotationHub supports the release
listed, as it may be preferable to use an earlier release if it doesn't.
Run cell atlas, specifying the output directory -o out
, modality -m rna
seqspec file -s spec.yaml
, fasta
, gtf
, and fastq
input files.
cellatlas build -o out -m rna -s spec.yaml \
-fa Mus_musculus.GRCm39.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz \
-g Mus_musculus.GRCm39.109.gtf.gz \
fastqs/R1.fastq.gz fastqs/R2.fastq.gz
To view the commands generated by cellatlas written to out/cellatlas_info.json
echo $(~/software/jq-linux64 -r '.commands[] | values[] | join("\n")' out/cellatlas_info.json)
To append the commands to a slurm template script for running via sbatch
cp ~/templates/ out
~/software/jq-linux64 -r '.commands[] | values[] | join("\n")' out/cellatlas_info.json >> out/
chmod +x out/
sbatch out/
# -j is slurm job id
sstat -j 2145401 --format="MaxRSS"
# number is slurm job id
seff 2141046
We're interested in the h5ad
file, with a view to importing it into R on laptop as a SingleCellExperiment
#sreport cluster UserUtilizationByAccount users=s14dw4 start=2000-01-01 format=Accounts%20,Cluster%16,Login,Used
# On own laptop, copy unfiltered counts matrix from Maxwell
scp s14dw4@maxlogin1:/uoa/home/s14dw4/cellatlas-example/out/counts_unfiltered/adata.h5ad ~/Documents/cellatlas