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Literate Visualization Documentation

This document provides a detailed reference for LitVis functionality. If you are just beginning with LitVis, you may wish to start with these tutorials instead.

Table of contents

  1. Litvis concepts
  2. Literate code blocks
  3. Triple hat references
  4. Branching narratives
  5. Elm configuration
  6. Narrative schemas
  7. Getting started

1. Litvis concepts

A litvis document is a markdown file that uses a number of additional non-standard features. The syntax is compatible with CommonMark specification, which makes litvis documents partially renderable in non-litvis environments such as on GitHub. In addition, any existing markdown document can be ‘upgraded’ to a litvis document with ease just by using one of the added concepts.

A description of litvis concepts provided below should help you to get started with litvis.

2. Literate code blocks

Delimits a block of literate code, which is evaluated in real time.

2.1 Syntax

```elm {...attributes}


2.2 Description

Just as any other fenced code block in markdown a litvis code block is surrounded with three backticks (```). Language reference elm should immediately follow backticks (spaces after the opening ``` are not allowed). The arguments that determine the behaviour of the block should be placed inside {} and should not contain line breaks.

...attributes are whitespace-separated tags or key-value pairs, e.g. tag1 key1=value1 key2=[value21, value22] tag2. The following syntactic rules apply:

  • A tag is a synonym of key=true (e.g. adding v=true is the same as v).

  • No spaces are allowed around =.

  • Square brackets indicate an array of values. The values are separated by commas. If commas, whitespace or semicolons are a part of a value, they should be escaped by backslash (e.g.\,).

  • Values may be surrounded by quotation marks (", ' and `) in order for them to contain spaces and other control characters, e.g. =, [ ] or ( ). A quotation mark may also be placed within a quoted value if it is a different symbol or if it is escaped with \, e.g. key1="It's a different symbol" key2='It\'s escaped'. Quotes are useful in schema label attributes, (see below).

  • Values can be surrounded by round brackets. This works similarly to quotation marks and may be nested, e.g. z=(function (x, y)). However, unlike quotation marks, outer round brackets are not cropped during parsing and remain part of the value. Surrounding attribute values with brackets can be useful when using triple hat references (see below).

Literate code blocks support the following attributes:

  • l (or literate) is an indicator of a literate code block, which differentiates it from a standard markdown fenced code block. By default, any Elm declaration is accessible in other literate code blocks within the document. If l=hidden, the code is still evaluated but its source is not displayed in the rendered output. This is useful for setup code such as import statements and cases when the implementation is not central to the narrative.

  • v (or visualize) indicates that the code block is expected to render some output at this point in the document. The format of this output is determined by the contents of a symbol or an expression to render. Currently, Vega-Lite and Vega specs generated by elm-vegalite and elm-vega are supported. If no value is assigned to v, the last symbol defined in the code block is used.

  • r (or raw) works similarly to v and indicates that the code block is expected to print the raw value of a function or functions. This can be useful for 'literate Elm' where the value generated by a function is to be displayed. If no value is assigned to r, the last symbol defined in the code block is used.

  • m (or markdown) works similarly to r but the raw output is interpreted as markdown. This allows formatted output to be generated by an elm function and can be useful for creating data-driven tabular output.

  • j (or json) works just like r/raw except that the value gets parsed as JSON and formatted. This can be useful when debugging or exporting a Vega/Vega-Lite specification.

  • context is an attribute that enables code isolation within one document. Code blocks in different contexts work in parallel and do not share any imports or symbol declarations. All blocks belong to an implicit default context if the attribute is not defined. Contexts are evaluated independently, which reduces the spread of Elm compile errors and namespace clashes. When a problem does not allow the code to run or a v/r/j expression to be evaluated, other independent contexts (if any) are not affected.

  • id assigns an identifier to a code block so that it can be referenced in other code blocks (see follows).

  • follows can be used in the first code block of a new context to branch off from an existing context. This makes the definitions and imports above the block shared between the two contexts. The attribute may also refer to an id of a specific block when it is necessary to hand-pick a specific forking point.

  • i (or isolated) is a shorthand tag for assigning a random context name to a single block. This attribute does not expect a value.

  • s (or siding) is a shorthand for isolated follows=default. This attribute does not expect a value.

  • interactive (or interactive=true) makes specs interactive if they include interactive elements such as elm-vegalite selections and elm-vega event handling.

The order of l, v, r, m or j in attributes determines the order of rendering.

Defining l to make the code block literate is not necessary if v, r, m or j are already given (this implies l=hidden).

2.3 Examples

Common ‘header’ to set up code blocks:

```elm {l=hidden}
import VegaLite exposing (..)

Simple renderable spec:

```elm {l v}
mySpec : Spec
mySpec =
        data =
            dataFromColumns []
                << dataColumn "a" (strs [ "C", "C", "D", "D", "E", "E" ])
                << dataColumn "b" (nums [ 2, 7, 1, 2, 6, 8 ])

        enc =
                << position X [ pName "a" ]
                << position Y [ pName "b", pAggregate opMean ]
    toVegaLite [ data [], enc [], bar [] ]

Raw output:

```elm {r}
evenTotal : Bool
evenTotal =
        sumIsOdd =
            List.sum >> modBy 2 >> (==) 0
    sumIsOdd [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]

Generates the formatted output False

Markdown output:

```elm {m}
table : String
table =
    "| Cats | Dogs | Parrots |\n| ---: | ---: | ------: |\n| 9    | 12   | 3       |"

Generates the formatted output:

Cats Dogs Parrots
9 12 3


```elm {l=hidden id=imports}
import VegaLite exposing (..)

...text and code blocks...

```elm {l v siding follows=imports}
mySpec : Spec
mySpec = ...

3. Triple hat references

Renders symbols from literate code blocks in any part of the markdown narrative.

3.1 Syntax

^^^elm {...attributes}^^^

3.2 Description

Triple hat references allow for inline rendering or repeated calls to the same rendering within a document. They use the same attribute syntax as literate code blocks and recognise the following keys:

  • v (or visualize) indicates what symbols and expressions to render. In the most common scenario the value is a single Elm constant of type Spec, e.g. v=myChart.

  • r (or raw) indicates what symbols and expressions to output without formatting.

  • m (or markdown) indicates symbols to output as markdown to be formatted.

  • j (or json) indicates what symbols and expressions to output as formatted JSON.

  • context is an optional attribute to specify which code block context to refer to. The default context is assumed if the attribute is not defined.

  • interactive (or interactive=true) makes visualized specs interactive if applicable.

The order of v, r, m and j determines the order of the output. It is considered a good practice to avoid multiple output formats and specs in a single triple hat reference as this helps control layout of output.

3.3 Examples

Rendering of a single spec:

^^^elm v=mySpec^^^

Rendering of a parameterised spec:

^^^elm v=(myParamSpec ("hello", "world"))^^^

Rendering of a sequence of specs:

^^^elm v=[mySpec, anotherSpec, (myParamSpec ("hello", "world"))]^^^

Rendering of a spec from context experiment:

^^^elm v=mySpec context=experiment^^^

Raw output:

^^^elm r=myFunction^^^

Markdown output:

^^^elm m=myFunction^^^

4. Branching narratives

Splits a litvis narrative between multiple documents (markdown files), which enables branching (parallel or alternative narrative documents).

4.1 Syntax

follows: path/to/another/document[.md]

4.2 Description

Narrative branching is achieved by starting a document with a reference to an upstream document in markdown frontmatter (property follows). Frontmatter is expected to start and end with --- and use yaml syntax. Using relative paths and excluding file extensions (.md or .markdown) is considered a good practice.

A document that does not mention any other litvis document in its frontmatter is a root document in a narrative. Narrative branching is achieved by mentioning an upstream document in more than one document (so that it has several followers). Circular links between documents are not allowed and cancel the evaluation of literate code blocks in all affected documents.

When a given document is evaluated, a joint litvis environment is composed by evaluating a chain of upstream documents. Thus, upstream code block contexts and ids as well as Elm imports and symbols become available in the current document’s code blocks and triple hat references. However, referencing a symbol from a downstream document is not permitted in order to avoid ambiguity when branching.

Elm errors in code blocks propagate to all documents downstream but not vice versa.

The documents forming a single narrative are allowed to be stored in different directories. In this case, the urls inside elm-vega/vegalite specs (such as links to data files) are assumed to be relative to the root document.

4.3 Examples

```elm {l}
displayBranch : String -> String
displayBranch name =
    "Branch " ++ name


follows: ../root

We are in ^^^elm r=(displayBranch "a")^^^!


follows: ../Root

We are in ^^^elm r=(displayBranch "b")^^^!

5. Elm configuration

Plays the role of elm.json to configure Elm compiler

5.1 Syntax

    vendor/package-with-specific-version: "4.0.2"
    vendor/package-with-feature-version: "4.0"
    vendor/package-with-major-version: "4"
    vendor/latest-package: latest
    vendor/package-to-exclude: false
    - path/to/directory
    - path/to/another/directory

5.2 Description

Parameter dependencies determines what third-party Elm packages to install. Package versions should be put in quotation marks to avoid their misinterpretation by the yaml parser, which does not distinguish between numeric values such as 4 and 4.0. To refer to the latest available version of an Elm package, keyword latest should be used. In this case the latest version will be automatically picked every time litvis cache is cleared. Specifying system packages such as elm-lang/core or elm-lang/html is not necessary.

When a narrative is spread between multiple litvis documents, Elm dependencies may be specified in multiple documents. When a downstream document declares a set of Elm dependencies, they are merged with any mentioned upstream, but will not affect the behaviour of the upstream documents.

In rare cases, a package used in an upstream document needs to be excluded in a branch in favour of a local Elm module (for example, to test a new development version of a library). In this case, false as package version should be used.

Parameter source-directories configures Elm to ‘see’ modules in the local filesystem. This may be useful when debugging a copy of a package before publishing it. When source-directories are not specified, no local Elm modules are imported from the filesystem, even if they are in the same directory as the litvis document. The paths are expected to be relevant to the current litvis document and are joined together in multi-document narratives. However, unlike for dependencies it is not possible to exclude a directory that has been listed under source-directories in an upstream document.

All parameters are optional and are expected to be found in markdown frontmatter under property elm. Other fields from elm.json may be added in future to support more use cases.

5.3 Example

    kuon/elm-hsluv: "1.0.1"
    gicentre/elm-vegalite: latest

follows: root
    gicentre/elm-vegalite: false
      - ~/dev/local-copy-of-elm-vegalite

follows: root
    noahzgordon/elm-color-extra: latest

6. Narrative schemas

Structure or semantically tag elements of a narrative.

6.1 Syntax

  - some-schema[.yml|yaml]
  - another-schema[.yml|yaml]
  - ...

{( singleLabel ...attributes )}

{( pairedLabel ...attributes |}content{| pairedLabel )}

# some-schema.yml
  - schema-to-compose[.yml|yaml]
  - ...

  - name: labelName
      htmlTemplate: ...handlebar template
      htmlTemplate: ...handlebar template
  - name: otherLabel
    aliasFor: labelNameThatDemandsAShortcut
  - ...

  - description: ...
      label: labelName
    ...rule definition

  css: ...multi-line string with CSS rules

6.2 Description

A litvis narrative can be linked to a set of YAML files, which define labels, rules and styling. These narrative schemas can be thought of as an analogue of schemas more usually found in declarative programming contexts such as JSON and XML. The purpose of the schema is to provide a set of structured guidelines to assist in writing the narrative content around a visualization design. This can be thought of as form of scaffolding to assist in the process of design exposition. Schemas can be also used to validate litvis documents.

Unlike the HTML tags that could also be utilised, narrative schema labels starting with {( and {| remain visible in non-litvis markdown previews such as GitHub. This also helps distinguish them from non-semantic HTML tags that are sometimes added to markdown files.

Schema definitions determine how the labels are rendered. Unknown (or misspelled) labels are printed ‘as is’ and the known labels can be converted into HTML elements or hidden. Hidden labels are useful when their only purpose is to validate the structure of the narrative. In order to convert labels into a rendered HTML, Handlebars templating language is used. The templates defined in labels[i]single|pairedhtmlTemplate can mention label attributes or children.

To specify what schemas a document is expected to follow, the frontmatter parameter narrative-schemas is used. Multiple schemas can be referenced and thus composed together. In turn, each narrative schema can depend on other schemas, which makes it easy to re-use and build upon narrative representation and validation.

Downstream litvis documents are not allowed to override previously defined narrative schemas – only the schemas defined in the root document are taken into account.

Unlike with follows for narrative branching, cyclic references in narrative schemas are not considered as fatal errors and are simply ignored.

6.3 Examples

Narrative containing incomplete elements (single custom label called todo):

We conclude that {( todo )}

Semantically linked paired labels:

{( question |}

Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything

{| question )}

{( answer |}42{| answer )}

A label with attributes:

{( comment author="alex" |}It'd be interesting to replace hue with brightness{| comment )}

Examples of schema yamls can be found in the narrative-schemas directory.

7. Getting started with litvis

  1. Make sure you have installed litvis in your editor

  2. Create a new markdown file and open its preview

  3. Copy any of the examples or type your own litvis-flavoured markdown