Not all of your customers are on your support channels.
Extract your customer's conversation into an FAQ to make it available to everyone.
Extract your customer's conversation into an FAQ to make it available to everyone.
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crosspublic connects to your support channels (At the moment Discord).
It lets you take conversations and convert them into an FAQ with ChatGPT, later to be accessible via a public URL.
You can also create an FAQ on your website directly with the system.
This is a monorepo built with NX
- NestJS project manging all the API.discord
- NestJS project of the Discord bot.panel
- NextJS project of the crosspublic panel.tanants
- NextJS website that is being used by the
- NextJS project of the marketing
- Mintlify documentation.
To install the project, check our Quickstart guide.
Nevo - [email protected]
We are 100% self-funded. Our only growth is you (the community.)
It would be a crazy amount of help if you could invest 5 seconds a press the star button ⭐️
Thank you so much!
(We don't have 29.9k stars 🤣)