and what is he doing here?
I ❤️ to teach programming
@snap[east span-50]
a summer program for software engineers @snapend
a sustainable startup in Ghana
@css[fragment](🤙 call me!)
---?gist=sammoorhouse/23eff05c64b53a6150e69161033aac0e&title=Python&lang=python @[1] (hello)
@[3] (a = [1, 15, 94, 13, 12, 11, 5, 22, 65]) @[4] (b = 6) @[5] (5)
@[7] (goodbye) @[]
@snap[east span-70] Rule 1: Code is executed Top Down @snapend
@snap[south] Just like reading a poem @snapend
---?gist=sammoorhouse/fcec9fbd0e688d7fde2c347da26f573e&title=Python&lang=python @[1] (hello)
@[3] (a = [1, 15, 94, 13, 12, 11, 5, 22, 65]) @[4] (b = 6) @[5] (is 6 > 3 ?) @[6] (sure it is!)
@[10] (goodbye) @[]
@snap[east span-70] Rule 2: A branch means you take one path or the other @snapend
@snap[south] Like points on a railway @snapend
@[1] (hello)
@[3] (a = [1, 15, 94, 13, 12, 11, 5, 22, 65]) @[4] (b = 6)
@[6] (n=0) @[7] (7)
@[6] (n=1) @[7] (7, 21)
@[6] (n=2) @[7] (7, 21, 100)
@[6] (n=3) @[7] (7, 21, 100, 19)
@[6] (n=4) @[7] (7, 21, 100, 19, 18)
@[6] (n=5) @[7] (7, 21, 100, 19, 18, 17)
@[6] (n=6) @[7] (7, 21, 100, 19, 18, 17, 11)
@[6] (n=7) @[7] (7, 21, 100, 19, 18, 17, 11, 28)
@[6] (n=8) @[7] (7, 21, 100, 19, 18, 17, 11, 28, 71)
@[9] (goodbye) @[]
@snap[east span-70] Rule 3: A loop means you go back @snapend
@snap[south] Based on a condition @snapend
@snap[west span-20 lines] @snapend
@snap[midpoint span-20 lines] @snapend
@snap[east span-20 lines] @snapend
@snap[west span-40] But your code gets complex... @snapend
@snap[west span-40] But your code gets complex... @snapend
@snap[south] @cssfragment @snapend
What happens as we work?
- Lots of loops & branches
- Repeated code
- I've run out of variable names :)
@quote[If a function grows really big and complex just create a new one](me, just now)
Functions are free!
Use functions for repeated tasks
---?gist=sammoorhouse/54ec0e75e2e976e5c4c934b7f8bab52d&title=Managing Complexity&lang=python @[6-13](Lots of repeated code) @[]
---?gist=sammoorhouse/dbb29fa1bb54c63328f1ba47229724fe&title=Managing Complexity&lang=python @[6-8](I can just define a function) @[10-12](...and call it when I need to) @[]
---?gist=sammoorhouse/ac2eb546db335ffb1121f605d024e44d&title=Managing Complexity&lang=python @[8](easier to make changes) @[]
---?gist=sammoorhouse/a5ac4b5cfafa150c3f3e935a11cdf10e&title=exercise&lang=python @[1-7](Just a Python Dictionary) @[]
Use alternative syntax - more "pythonic"
---?gist=sammoorhouse/d151cafd9289d8223205cd064fa76008&title=List Comprehension&lang=python
@[10](get the data out) @[11](filter the data) @[9](what do we want to end up with?)
@fa[twitter twitter-blue] @sammoorhouse
@fa[twitter twitter-blue] @glblcd