This application is the capstone project for the Coursera Data Science specialization held by Johns Hopkins University in cooperation with SwiftKey.
The main goal of this capstone project is to build a shiny application that is able to predict the next word from a corpus called HC Corpora.
All text mining and natural language processing was done with the usage of a variety of well-known R packages.
After creating a data samples from the HC Corpora data, this samples are cleaned by removing punctuation, links, white space, numbers and all kinds of special characters etc. The sampled data are then tokenized into n-grams.
In the fields of computational linguistics and probability, an n-gram is a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sequence of text or speech. (Source)
Those aggregated bi-,tri-gram term frequency matrices are transferred into frequency dictionaries.
The resulting data frames are used to predict the next word in connection with the text input by a user of the described application and the frequencies of the underlying n-grams table.
The user interface of this application works as follows:
When the text (1) is entered, the field with the predicted next word (2) refreshes instantaneously and also the whole text input (3) gets displayed with suggested completion work as shown below in the diagram.
The next word prediction app is hosted on
The whole code of this application, as well as all the milestone report, related scripts, this presentation etc. can be found in this GitHub repo:
This pitch deck is located here:
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