@@ -41,7 +59,7 @@ const categories: ValidatorSubsetCategory[] = ['all', 'online', 'offline', 'pend
diff --git a/frontend/plugins/bcLogger.ts b/frontend/plugins/bcLogger.ts
index 911f0dd1b..6c2a063cc 100644
--- a/frontend/plugins/bcLogger.ts
+++ b/frontend/plugins/bcLogger.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ import * as path from 'path'
import { warn } from 'vue'
export default defineNuxtPlugin((_nuxtApp) => {
- const { public: { logFile } } = useRuntimeConfig()
+ const {
+ public: { logFile },
+ } = useRuntimeConfig()
return {
provide: {
bcLogger: {
@@ -11,7 +13,10 @@ export default defineNuxtPlugin((_nuxtApp) => {
const ts = new Date().toISOString()
if (isServer && logFile) {
const filePath = path.resolve(logFile)
- fs.appendFileSync(filePath, `${ts}: ${msg} | ${JSON.stringify(rest)}\n`)
+ fs.appendFileSync(
+ filePath,
+ `${ts}: ${msg} | ${JSON.stringify(rest)}\n`,
+ )
warn(`${ts}: ${msg}`, ...rest)
diff --git a/frontend/plugins/fontawesome.js b/frontend/plugins/fontawesome.js
index 10a4b1036..fa111b99e 100644
--- a/frontend/plugins/fontawesome.js
+++ b/frontend/plugins/fontawesome.js
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ config.autoAddCss = false
// You can add your icons directly in this plugin. See other examples for how you
// can add other styles or just individual icons.
-If we want to include all icons we could add them like this, but it would be better for tree shaking to import them one by one
+If we want to include all icons we could add them like this, but it would be
+better for tree shaking to import them one by one
@@ -19,8 +20,6 @@ library.add(fab)
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nuxtApp.vueApp.component('font-awesome-icon', FontAwesomeIcon, {
- css: [
- '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core/styles.css',
- ],
+ css: ['@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core/styles.css'],
diff --git a/frontend/public/js/revive.min.js b/frontend/public/js/revive.min.js
index b51b5fd23..52180e6f2 100644
--- a/frontend/public/js/revive.min.js
+++ b/frontend/public/js/revive.min.js
@@ -1,2 +1,520 @@
-(function(d,c){var a="5b200397ccf8a9353bf44ef99b45268c";c.reviveAsync=c.reviveAsync||{};(function(e){if(typeof e.CustomEvent==="function"){return false}function g(i,j){j=j||{bubbles:false,cancelable:false,detail:undefined};var h=document.createEvent("CustomEvent");h.initCustomEvent(i,j.bubbles,j.cancelable,j.detail);return h}g.prototype=e.Event.prototype;e.CustomEvent=g})(c);try{if(!c.reviveAsync.hasOwnProperty(a)){var f=c.reviveAsync[a]={id:Object.keys(c.reviveAsync).length,name:"revive",seq:0,main:function(){var e=function(){var g=false;try{if(!g){g=true;d.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",e,false);c.removeEventListener("load",e,false);f.addEventListener("start",f.start);f.addEventListener("refresh",f.refresh);f.dispatchEvent("start",{start:true})}}catch(h){console.log(h)}};f.dispatchEvent("init");if(d.readyState==="complete"){setTimeout(e)}else{d.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",e,false);c.addEventListener("load",e,false)}},start:function(g){if(g.detail&&g.detail.hasOwnProperty("start")&&!g.detail.start){return}f.removeEventListener("start",f.start);f.dispatchEvent("refresh")},refresh:function(g){f.apply(f.detect())},ajax:function(e,g){var h=new XMLHttpRequest();h.onreadystatechange=function(){if(4===this.readyState){if(200===this.status){f.spc(JSON.parse(this.responseText))}}};this.dispatchEvent("send",g);h.open("GET",e+"?"+f.encode(g).join("&"),true);h.withCredentials=true;h.send()},encode:function(m,n){var e=[],h,i;for(h in m){if(m.hasOwnProperty(h)){var l=n?n+"["+h+"]":h;if((/^(string|number|boolean)$/).test(typeof m[h])){e.push(encodeURIComponent(l)+"="+encodeURIComponent(m[h]))}else{var g=f.encode(m[h],l);for(i in g){e.push(g[i])}}}}return e},apply:function(g){if(g.zones.length){var e="https:"===d.location.protocol?"https://ads.bitfly.at/www/delivery/asyncspc.php":"https://ads.bitfly.at/www/delivery/asyncspc.php";g.zones=g.zones.join("|");g.loc=d.location.href;if(d.referrer){g.referer=d.referrer}f.ajax(e,g)}},detect:function(){var e=d.querySelectorAll("ins["+f.getDataAttr("id")+"='"+a+"']");var l={zones:[],prefix:f.name+"-"+f.id+"-"};for(var r=0;r
0?h.width:0;e.height=h.height>0?h.height:0;g.border=0;g.overflow="hidden";return e},loadFrame:function(g,e){var h=g.contentDocument||g.contentWindow.document;h.open();h.writeln("");h.writeln("");h.writeln(' ');h.writeln('');h.writeln(e);h.writeln("");h.writeln("");h.close()},spc:function(l){this.dispatchEvent("receive",l);for(var e in l){if(l.hasOwnProperty(e)){var p=l[e];var o=d.getElementById(e);if(o){var n=o.cloneNode(false);if(p.iframeFriendly){var k=f.createFrame(p);n.appendChild(k);o.parentNode.replaceChild(n,o);f.loadFrame(k,p.html)}else{n.style.textDecoration="none";n.innerHTML=p.html;var g=n.getElementsByTagName("SCRIPT");for(var m=0;m7){org.openx.SWFObject.doPrepUnload=true}if(l){this.addParam("bgcolor",l)}var b=n?n:"high";this.addParam("quality",b);var k=(i)?i:window.location;this.setAttribute("xiRedirectUrl",k);this.setAttribute("redirectUrl","");if(a){this.setAttribute("redirectUrl",a)}};org.openx.SWFObject.prototype={setAttribute:function(a,b){this.attributes[a]=b},getAttribute:function(a){return this.attributes[a]},addParam:function(a,b){this.params[a]=b},getParams:function(){return this.params},addVariable:function(a,b){this.variables[a]=b},getVariable:function(a){return this.variables[a]},getVariables:function(){return this.variables},getVariablePairs:function(){var a=new Array();var b;var c=this.getVariables();for(b in c){a[a.length]=b+"="+c[b]}return a},getSWFHTML:function(){var d="";if(navigator.plugins&&navigator.mimeTypes&&navigator.mimeTypes.length){d='0){d+='flashvars="'+b+'"'}d+="/>"}else{d='';d+=' ';var c=this.getParams();for(var a in c){d+=' '}var b=this.getVariablePairs().join("&");if(b.length>0){d+=' '}d+=" "}return d},write:function(a,b,d){if(this.skipDetect||this.installedVer.versionIsValid(this.getAttribute("version"))){var c=(typeof a=="string")?document.getElementById(a):a;c.innerHTML=this.getSWFHTML();this.logImpression(c,b);return true}else{if(this.getAttribute("redirectUrl")!=""){document.location.replace(this.getAttribute("redirectUrl"))}}this.logImpression(c,d);return false},logImpression:function(c,a){if(a){var b=document.createElement("IMG");b.style.position="absolute";b.style.width=0;b.src=a;c.appendChild(b)}}};org.openx.SWFObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion=function(){var c=new org.openx.PlayerVersion([0,0,0]);if(navigator.plugins&&navigator.mimeTypes.length){var a=navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];if(a&&a.description){c=new org.openx.PlayerVersion(a.description.replace(/([a-zA-Z]|\s)+/,"").replace(/(\s+r|\s+b[0-9]+)/,".").split("."))}}else{if(navigator.userAgent&&navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows CE")>=0){var d=1;var b=3;while(d){try{b++;d=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash."+b);c=new org.openx.PlayerVersion([b,0,0])}catch(f){d=null}}}else{try{var d=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7")}catch(f){try{var d=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");c=new org.openx.PlayerVersion([6,0,21]);d.AllowScriptAccess="always"}catch(f){if(c.major==6){return c}}try{d=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")}catch(f){}}if(d!=null){c=new org.openx.PlayerVersion(d.GetVariable("$version").split(" ")[1].split(","))}}}return c};org.openx.PlayerVersion=function(a){this.major=a[0]!=null?parseInt(a[0]):0;this.minor=a[1]!=null?parseInt(a[1]):0;this.rev=a[2]!=null?parseInt(a[2]):0};org.openx.PlayerVersion.prototype.versionIsValid=function(a){if(this.majora.major){return true}if(this.minora.minor){return true}if(this.rev=0;b--){c[b].style.display="none";for(var a in c[b]){if(typeof c[b][a]=="function"){c[b][a]=function(){}}}}};if(org.openx.SWFObject.doPrepUnload){if(!org.openx.unloadSet){org.openx.SWFObjectUtil.prepUnload=function(){__flash_unloadHandler=function(){};__flash_savedUnloadHandler=function(){};window.attachEvent("onunload",org.openx.SWFObjectUtil.cleanupSWFs)};window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload",org.openx.SWFObjectUtil.prepUnload);org.openx.unloadSet=true}}if(!document.getElementById&&document.all){document.getElementById=function(a){return document.all[a]}}var getQueryParamValue=org.openx.util.getRequestParameter;var FlashObject=org.openx.SWFObject;var SWFObject=org.openx.SWFObject;document.mmm_fo=1;
\ No newline at end of file
+(function (d, c) {
+ var a = "5b200397ccf8a9353bf44ef99b45268c";
+ c.reviveAsync = c.reviveAsync || {};
+ (function (e) {
+ if (typeof e.CustomEvent === "function") {
+ return false;
+ }
+ function g(i, j) {
+ j = j || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined };
+ var h = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
+ h.initCustomEvent(i, j.bubbles, j.cancelable, j.detail);
+ return h;
+ }
+ g.prototype = e.Event.prototype;
+ e.CustomEvent = g;
+ })(c);
+ try {
+ if (!c.reviveAsync.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
+ var f = (c.reviveAsync[a] = {
+ id: Object.keys(c.reviveAsync).length,
+ name: "revive",
+ seq: 0,
+ main: function () {
+ var e = function () {
+ var g = false;
+ try {
+ if (!g) {
+ g = true;
+ d.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", e, false);
+ c.removeEventListener("load", e, false);
+ f.addEventListener("start", f.start);
+ f.addEventListener("refresh", f.refresh);
+ f.dispatchEvent("start", { start: true });
+ }
+ } catch (h) {
+ console.log(h);
+ }
+ };
+ f.dispatchEvent("init");
+ if (d.readyState === "complete") {
+ setTimeout(e);
+ } else {
+ d.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", e, false);
+ c.addEventListener("load", e, false);
+ }
+ },
+ start: function (g) {
+ if (g.detail && g.detail.hasOwnProperty("start") && !g.detail.start) {
+ return;
+ }
+ f.removeEventListener("start", f.start);
+ f.dispatchEvent("refresh");
+ },
+ refresh: function (g) {
+ f.apply(f.detect());
+ },
+ ajax: function (e, g) {
+ var h = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ h.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if (4 === this.readyState) {
+ if (200 === this.status) {
+ f.spc(JSON.parse(this.responseText));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this.dispatchEvent("send", g);
+ h.open("GET", e + "?" + f.encode(g).join("&"), true);
+ h.withCredentials = true;
+ h.send();
+ },
+ encode: function (m, n) {
+ var e = [],
+ h,
+ i;
+ for (h in m) {
+ if (m.hasOwnProperty(h)) {
+ var l = n ? n + "[" + h + "]" : h;
+ if (/^(string|number|boolean)$/.test(typeof m[h])) {
+ e.push(encodeURIComponent(l) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(m[h]));
+ } else {
+ var g = f.encode(m[h], l);
+ for (i in g) {
+ e.push(g[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return e;
+ },
+ apply: function (g) {
+ if (g.zones.length) {
+ var e =
+ "https:" === d.location.protocol
+ ? "https://ads.bitfly.at/www/delivery/asyncspc.php"
+ : "https://ads.bitfly.at/www/delivery/asyncspc.php";
+ g.zones = g.zones.join("|");
+ g.loc = d.location.href;
+ if (d.referrer) {
+ g.referer = d.referrer;
+ }
+ f.ajax(e, g);
+ }
+ },
+ detect: function () {
+ var e = d.querySelectorAll(
+ "ins[" + f.getDataAttr("id") + "='" + a + "']",
+ );
+ var l = { zones: [], prefix: f.name + "-" + f.id + "-" };
+ for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
+ var p = f.getDataAttr("zoneid"),
+ k = f.getDataAttr("seq"),
+ n = e[r],
+ s;
+ if (n.hasAttribute(k)) {
+ s = n.getAttribute(k);
+ } else {
+ s = f.seq++;
+ n.setAttribute(k, s);
+ n.id = l.prefix + s;
+ }
+ if (n.hasAttribute(p)) {
+ var o = f.getDataAttr("loaded"),
+ q = new RegExp("^" + f.getDataAttr("(.*)") + "$"),
+ g;
+ if (n.hasAttribute(o) && n.getAttribute(o)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ n.setAttribute(f.getDataAttr("loaded"), "1");
+ for (var h = 0; h < n.attributes.length; h++) {
+ if ((g = n.attributes[h].name.match(q))) {
+ if ("zoneid" === g[1]) {
+ l.zones[s] = n.attributes[h].value;
+ } else {
+ if (!/^(id|seq|loaded)$/.test(g[1])) {
+ l[g[1]] = n.attributes[h].value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return l;
+ },
+ createFrame: function (h) {
+ var e = d.createElement("IFRAME"),
+ g = e.style;
+ e.scrolling = "no";
+ e.frameBorder = 0;
+ e.allow = "autoplay";
+ e.width = h.width > 0 ? h.width : 0;
+ e.height = h.height > 0 ? h.height : 0;
+ g.border = 0;
+ g.overflow = "hidden";
+ return e;
+ },
+ loadFrame: function (g, e) {
+ var h = g.contentDocument || g.contentWindow.document;
+ h.open();
+ h.writeln("");
+ h.writeln("");
+ h.writeln(' ');
+ h.writeln(
+ '',
+ );
+ h.writeln(e);
+ h.writeln("");
+ h.writeln("");
+ h.close();
+ },
+ spc: function (l) {
+ this.dispatchEvent("receive", l);
+ for (var e in l) {
+ if (l.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
+ var p = l[e];
+ var o = d.getElementById(e);
+ if (o) {
+ var n = o.cloneNode(false);
+ if (p.iframeFriendly) {
+ var k = f.createFrame(p);
+ n.appendChild(k);
+ o.parentNode.replaceChild(n, o);
+ f.loadFrame(k, p.html);
+ } else {
+ n.style.textDecoration = "none";
+ n.innerHTML = p.html;
+ var g = n.getElementsByTagName("SCRIPT");
+ for (var m = 0; m < g.length; m++) {
+ var r = document.createElement("SCRIPT");
+ var q = g[m].attributes;
+ for (var h = 0; h < q.length; h++) {
+ r[q[h].nodeName] = q[h].value;
+ }
+ if (g[m].innerHTML) {
+ r.text = g[m].innerHTML;
+ }
+ g[m].parentNode.replaceChild(r, g[m]);
+ }
+ o.parentNode.replaceChild(n, o);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getDataAttr: function (e) {
+ return "data-" + f.name + "-" + e;
+ },
+ getEventName: function (e) {
+ return this.name + "-" + a + "-" + e;
+ },
+ addEventListener: function (e, g) {
+ d.addEventListener(this.getEventName(e), g);
+ },
+ removeEventListener: function (e, g) {
+ d.removeEventListener(this.getEventName(e), g, true);
+ },
+ dispatchEvent: function (e, g) {
+ d.dispatchEvent(
+ new CustomEvent(this.getEventName(e), { detail: g || {} }),
+ );
+ },
+ });
+ f.main();
+ }
+ } catch (b) {
+ if (console.log) {
+ console.log(b);
+ }
+ }
+})(document, window);
+if (typeof org == "undefined") {
+ var org = {};
+if (typeof org.openx == "undefined") {
+ org.openx = {};
+if (typeof org.openx.util == "undefined") {
+ org.openx.util = {};
+if (typeof org.openx.SWFObjectUtil == "undefined") {
+ org.openx.SWFObjectUtil = {};
+org.openx.SWFObject = function (f, d, m, g, j, l, n, i, a, e) {
+ if (!document.getElementById) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.DETECT_KEY = e ? e : "detectflash";
+ this.skipDetect = org.openx.util.getRequestParameter(this.DETECT_KEY);
+ this.params = new Object();
+ this.variables = new Object();
+ this.attributes = new Array();
+ if (f) {
+ this.setAttribute("swf", f);
+ }
+ if (d) {
+ this.setAttribute("id", d);
+ }
+ if (m) {
+ this.setAttribute("width", m);
+ }
+ if (g) {
+ this.setAttribute("height", g);
+ }
+ if (j) {
+ this.setAttribute(
+ "version",
+ new org.openx.PlayerVersion(j.toString().split(".")),
+ );
+ }
+ this.installedVer = org.openx.SWFObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion();
+ if (!window.opera && document.all && this.installedVer.major > 7) {
+ org.openx.SWFObject.doPrepUnload = true;
+ }
+ if (l) {
+ this.addParam("bgcolor", l);
+ }
+ var b = n ? n : "high";
+ this.addParam("quality", b);
+ var k = i ? i : window.location;
+ this.setAttribute("xiRedirectUrl", k);
+ this.setAttribute("redirectUrl", "");
+ if (a) {
+ this.setAttribute("redirectUrl", a);
+ }
+org.openx.SWFObject.prototype = {
+ setAttribute: function (a, b) {
+ this.attributes[a] = b;
+ },
+ getAttribute: function (a) {
+ return this.attributes[a];
+ },
+ addParam: function (a, b) {
+ this.params[a] = b;
+ },
+ getParams: function () {
+ return this.params;
+ },
+ addVariable: function (a, b) {
+ this.variables[a] = b;
+ },
+ getVariable: function (a) {
+ return this.variables[a];
+ },
+ getVariables: function () {
+ return this.variables;
+ },
+ getVariablePairs: function () {
+ var a = new Array();
+ var b;
+ var c = this.getVariables();
+ for (b in c) {
+ a[a.length] = b + "=" + c[b];
+ }
+ return a;
+ },
+ getSWFHTML: function () {
+ var d = "";
+ if (
+ navigator.plugins &&
+ navigator.mimeTypes &&
+ navigator.mimeTypes.length
+ ) {
+ d =
+ ' 0) {
+ d += 'flashvars="' + b + '"';
+ }
+ d += "/>";
+ } else {
+ d =
+ '';
+ d += ' ';
+ var c = this.getParams();
+ for (var a in c) {
+ d += ' ';
+ }
+ var b = this.getVariablePairs().join("&");
+ if (b.length > 0) {
+ d += ' ';
+ }
+ d += " ";
+ }
+ return d;
+ },
+ write: function (a, b, d) {
+ if (
+ this.skipDetect ||
+ this.installedVer.versionIsValid(this.getAttribute("version"))
+ ) {
+ var c = typeof a == "string" ? document.getElementById(a) : a;
+ c.innerHTML = this.getSWFHTML();
+ this.logImpression(c, b);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ if (this.getAttribute("redirectUrl") != "") {
+ document.location.replace(this.getAttribute("redirectUrl"));
+ }
+ }
+ this.logImpression(c, d);
+ return false;
+ },
+ logImpression: function (c, a) {
+ if (a) {
+ var b = document.createElement("IMG");
+ b.style.position = "absolute";
+ b.style.width = 0;
+ b.src = a;
+ c.appendChild(b);
+ }
+ },
+org.openx.SWFObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion = function () {
+ var c = new org.openx.PlayerVersion([0, 0, 0]);
+ if (navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes.length) {
+ var a = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
+ if (a && a.description) {
+ c = new org.openx.PlayerVersion(
+ a.description
+ .replace(/([a-zA-Z]|\s)+/, "")
+ .replace(/(\s+r|\s+b[0-9]+)/, ".")
+ .split("."),
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows CE") >= 0) {
+ var d = 1;
+ var b = 3;
+ while (d) {
+ try {
+ b++;
+ d = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + b);
+ c = new org.openx.PlayerVersion([b, 0, 0]);
+ } catch (f) {
+ d = null;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ try {
+ var d = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7");
+ } catch (f) {
+ try {
+ var d = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");
+ c = new org.openx.PlayerVersion([6, 0, 21]);
+ d.AllowScriptAccess = "always";
+ } catch (f) {
+ if (c.major == 6) {
+ return c;
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ d = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");
+ } catch (f) {}
+ }
+ if (d != null) {
+ c = new org.openx.PlayerVersion(
+ d.GetVariable("$version").split(" ")[1].split(","),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return c;
+org.openx.PlayerVersion = function (a) {
+ this.major = a[0] != null ? parseInt(a[0]) : 0;
+ this.minor = a[1] != null ? parseInt(a[1]) : 0;
+ this.rev = a[2] != null ? parseInt(a[2]) : 0;
+org.openx.PlayerVersion.prototype.versionIsValid = function (a) {
+ if (this.major < a.major) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.major > a.major) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (this.minor < a.minor) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.minor > a.minor) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (this.rev < a.rev) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+org.openx.util = {
+ getRequestParameter: function (d) {
+ var c = document.location.search || document.location.hash;
+ if (d == null) {
+ return c;
+ }
+ if (c) {
+ var b = c.substring(1).split("&");
+ for (var a = 0; a < b.length; a++) {
+ if (b[a].substring(0, b[a].indexOf("=")) == d) {
+ return b[a].substring(b[a].indexOf("=") + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
+ },
+org.openx.SWFObjectUtil.cleanupSWFs = function () {
+ var c = document.getElementsByTagName("OBJECT");
+ for (var b = c.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
+ c[b].style.display = "none";
+ for (var a in c[b]) {
+ if (typeof c[b][a] == "function") {
+ c[b][a] = function () {};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+if (org.openx.SWFObject.doPrepUnload) {
+ if (!org.openx.unloadSet) {
+ org.openx.SWFObjectUtil.prepUnload = function () {
+ __flash_unloadHandler = function () {};
+ __flash_savedUnloadHandler = function () {};
+ window.attachEvent("onunload", org.openx.SWFObjectUtil.cleanupSWFs);
+ };
+ window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", org.openx.SWFObjectUtil.prepUnload);
+ org.openx.unloadSet = true;
+ }
+if (!document.getElementById && document.all) {
+ document.getElementById = function (a) {
+ return document.all[a];
+ };
+var getQueryParamValue = org.openx.util.getRequestParameter;
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--- a/frontend/public/mock/dashboard/overview.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/dashboard/overview.json
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"efficiency": {
"all_time": 55.454,
"last_24h": 98.45,
- "last_7d": 77.65,
+ "last_7d": 77.65,
"last_30d": 88.88
"rewards": {
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@
"apr": {
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- "last_24h": {"el":3.45, "cl": 21.45},
- "last_7d": {"el":12.45, "cl": 31.45},
- "last_30d": {"el":22.45, "cl": 51.45}
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+ "last_24h": { "el": 3.45, "cl": 21.45 },
+ "last_7d": { "el": 12.45, "cl": 31.45 },
+ "last_30d": { "el": 22.45, "cl": 51.45 }
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index 99e8a5f30..238f79c95 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/dashboard/validatorRewardsChart.json
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@@ -1,2695 +1,2701 @@
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+ 10020, 10021, 10022, 10023, 10024, 10025, 10026, 10027, 10028, 10029,
+ 10030, 10031, 10032, 10033, 10034, 10035, 10036, 10037, 10038, 10039,
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--- a/frontend/public/mock/dashboard/validatorSummary.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/dashboard/validatorSummary.json
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"slashed_count": 12
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index 41759404a..10d17acb3 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/dashboard/validatorSummaryChart.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/dashboard/validatorSummaryChart.json
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+ 10020, 10021, 10022, 10023, 10024, 10025, 10026, 10027, 10028, 10029,
+ 10030, 10031, 10032, 10033, 10034, 10035, 10036, 10037, 10038, 10039,
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+ 97.5, 98, 98.25, 98.5, 98.75, 99, 99.1, 99.15, 99.175, 99.2, 99.201,
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+ "data": [
+ 84, 60, 16, 94, 7, 8, 88, 89, 24, 34, 38, 59, 59, 64, 0, 48, 91, 38,
+ 5, 93, 16, 71, 67, 7, 4, 68, 66, 54, 73, 91, 35, 28, 6, 42, 51, 5, 38,
+ 7, 85, 99, 17, 38, 13, 46, 29, 69, 94, 10, 62, 82
+ ]
"id": 3,
- "data": [84, 60, 16, 94, 7, 8, 88, 89, 24, 34, 38, 59, 59, 64, 0, 48, 91, 38, 5, 93, 16, 71, 67, 7, 4, 68, 66, 54, 73, 91, 35, 28, 6, 42, 51, 5, 38, 7, 85, 99, 17, 38, 13, 46, 29, 69, 94, 10, 62, 42]
+ "data": [
+ 84, 60, 16, 94, 7, 8, 88, 89, 24, 34, 38, 59, 59, 64, 0, 48, 91, 38,
+ 5, 93, 16, 71, 67, 7, 4, 68, 66, 54, 73, 91, 35, 28, 6, 42, 51, 5, 38,
+ 7, 85, 99, 17, 38, 13, 46, 29, 69, 94, 10, 62, 42
+ ]
"id": 4,
- "data": [77, 30, 96, 34, 90, 77, 53, 40, 80, 67, 0, 36, 17, 16, 16, 57, 90, 71, 77, 88, 70, 83, 10, 58, 34, 22, 60, 22, 44, 33, 28, 47, 41, 36, 71, 61, 21, 2, 19, 16, 11, 49, 52, 68, 89, 92, 89, 92, 100, 100]
+ "data": [
+ 77, 30, 96, 34, 90, 77, 53, 40, 80, 67, 0, 36, 17, 16, 16, 57, 90, 71,
+ 77, 88, 70, 83, 10, 58, 34, 22, 60, 22, 44, 33, 28, 47, 41, 36, 71,
+ 61, 21, 2, 19, 16, 11, 49, 52, 68, 89, 92, 89, 92, 100, 100
+ ]
"id": 5,
- "data": [90, 44, 35, 12, 92, 45, 11, 46, 91, 17, 49, 77, 4, 22, 27, 27, 17, 1, 47, 50, 49, 11, 69, 42, 28, 63, 23, 29, 99, 82, 80, 32, 25, 25, 17, 0, 51, 25, 9, 82, 52, 84, 42, 49, 79, 26, 12, 4, 71, 80]
+ "data": [
+ 90, 44, 35, 12, 92, 45, 11, 46, 91, 17, 49, 77, 4, 22, 27, 27, 17, 1,
+ 47, 50, 49, 11, 69, 42, 28, 63, 23, 29, 99, 82, 80, 32, 25, 25, 17, 0,
+ 51, 25, 9, 82, 52, 84, 42, 49, 79, 26, 12, 4, 71, 80
+ ]
"id": 6,
- "data": [72, 41, 47, 35, 53, 27, 48, 46, 59, 38, 47, 51, 15, 22, 21, 52, 67, 56, 47, 72, 51, 28, 67, 47, 36, 46, 42, 64, 67, 68, 51, 38, 39, 35, 18, 21, 29, 18, 25, 40, 47, 57, 44, 46, 50, 32, 44, 37, 25, 20]
+ "data": [
+ 72, 41, 47, 35, 53, 27, 48, 46, 59, 38, 47, 51, 15, 22, 21, 52, 67,
+ 56, 47, 72, 51, 28, 67, 47, 36, 46, 42, 64, 67, 68, 51, 38, 39, 35,
+ 18, 21, 29, 18, 25, 40, 47, 57, 44, 46, 50, 32, 44, 37, 25, 20
+ ]
"id": 9,
- "data": [58, 41, 47, 44, 54, 32, 54, 56, 69, 40, 28, 51, 18, 30, 26, 47, 52, 49, 47, 70, 48, 35, 61, 34, 29, 44, 56, 50, 55, 61, 43, 35, 31, 23, 32, 32, 25, 41, 46, 31, 50, 38, 37, 41, 60, 57, 42, 42, 63, 43]
+ "data": [
+ 58, 41, 47, 44, 54, 32, 54, 56, 69, 40, 28, 51, 18, 30, 26, 47, 52,
+ 49, 47, 70, 48, 35, 61, 34, 29, 44, 56, 50, 55, 61, 43, 35, 31, 23,
+ 32, 32, 25, 41, 46, 31, 50, 38, 37, 41, 60, 57, 42, 42, 63, 43
+ ]
"id": 10,
- "data": [0, 11, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 85, 90, 95, 97.5, 98, 98.25, 98.5, 98.75, 99, 99.1, 99.15, 99.175, 99.2, 99.201, 99.2015, 100, 100]
+ "data": [
+ 0, 11, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40,
+ 30, 20, 10, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 85, 90, 95,
+ 97.5, 98, 98.25, 98.5, 98.75, 99, 99.1, 99.15, 99.175, 99.2, 99.201,
+ 99.2015, 100, 100
+ ]
"id": 11,
- "data": [84, 13, 72, 24, 37, 12, 51, 63, 95, 45, 9, 33, 32, 80, 96, 41, 2, 71, 4, 90, 36, 53, 16, 17, 5, 17, 21, 74, 49, 52, 81, 67, 28, 7, 41, 5, 13, 74, 34, 47, 7, 97, 54, 62, 42, 42, 95, 22, 38, 53]
+ "data": [
+ 84, 13, 72, 24, 37, 12, 51, 63, 95, 45, 9, 33, 32, 80, 96, 41, 2, 71,
+ 4, 90, 36, 53, 16, 17, 5, 17, 21, 74, 49, 52, 81, 67, 28, 7, 41, 5,
+ 13, 74, 34, 47, 7, 97, 54, 62, 42, 42, 95, 22, 38, 53
+ ]
"id": 12,
- "data": [84, 6, 16, 94, 7, 8, 88, 89, 24, 34, 38, 59, 59, 64, 0, 48, 91, 38, 5, 93, 16, 71, 67, 7, 4, 68, 66, 54, 73, 91, 35, 28, 6, 42, 51, 5, 38, 7, 85, 99, 17, 38, 13, 46, 29, 69, 94, 10, 62, 82]
+ "data": [
+ 84, 6, 16, 94, 7, 8, 88, 89, 24, 34, 38, 59, 59, 64, 0, 48, 91, 38, 5,
+ 93, 16, 71, 67, 7, 4, 68, 66, 54, 73, 91, 35, 28, 6, 42, 51, 5, 38, 7,
+ 85, 99, 17, 38, 13, 46, 29, 69, 94, 10, 62, 82
+ ]
"id": 13,
- "data": [84, 60, 16, 94, 7, 8, 88, 89, 24, 34, 38, 59, 59, 64, 0, 48, 91, 38, 5, 93, 16, 71, 67, 7, 4, 68, 66, 54, 73, 91, 35, 28, 6, 42, 51, 5, 38, 7, 85, 99, 17, 38, 13, 46, 29, 69, 94, 10, 62, 42]
+ "data": [
+ 84, 60, 16, 94, 7, 8, 88, 89, 24, 34, 38, 59, 59, 64, 0, 48, 91, 38,
+ 5, 93, 16, 71, 67, 7, 4, 68, 66, 54, 73, 91, 35, 28, 6, 42, 51, 5, 38,
+ 7, 85, 99, 17, 38, 13, 46, 29, 69, 94, 10, 62, 42
+ ]
"id": 14,
- "data": [77, 30, 96, 34, 90, 77, 53, 40, 80, 67, 0, 36, 17, 16, 16, 57, 90, 71, 77, 88, 70, 83, 10, 58, 34, 22, 60, 22, 44, 33, 28, 47, 41, 36, 71, 61, 21, 2, 19, 16, 11, 49, 52, 68, 89, 92, 89, 92, 100, 100]
+ "data": [
+ 77, 30, 96, 34, 90, 77, 53, 40, 80, 67, 0, 36, 17, 16, 16, 57, 90, 71,
+ 77, 88, 70, 83, 10, 58, 34, 22, 60, 22, 44, 33, 28, 47, 41, 36, 71,
+ 61, 21, 2, 19, 16, 11, 49, 52, 68, 89, 92, 89, 92, 100, 100
+ ]
"id": 15,
- "data": [90, 44, 35, 12, 92, 45, 11, 46, 91, 17, 49, 77, 4, 22, 27, 27, 17, 1, 47, 50, 49, 11, 69, 42, 28, 63, 23, 29, 99, 82, 80, 32, 25, 25, 17, 0, 51, 25, 9, 82, 52, 84, 42, 49, 79, 26, 12, 4, 71, 80]
+ "data": [
+ 90, 44, 35, 12, 92, 45, 11, 46, 91, 17, 49, 77, 4, 22, 27, 27, 17, 1,
+ 47, 50, 49, 11, 69, 42, 28, 63, 23, 29, 99, 82, 80, 32, 25, 25, 17, 0,
+ 51, 25, 9, 82, 52, 84, 42, 49, 79, 26, 12, 4, 71, 80
+ ]
"id": 16,
- "data": [72, 41, 47, 35, 53, 27, 48, 46, 59, 38, 47, 51, 15, 22, 21, 52, 67, 56, 47, 72, 51, 28, 67, 47, 36, 46, 42, 64, 67, 68, 51, 38, 39, 35, 18, 21, 29, 18, 25, 40, 47, 57, 44, 46, 50, 32, 44, 37, 25, 20]
+ "data": [
+ 72, 41, 47, 35, 53, 27, 48, 46, 59, 38, 47, 51, 15, 22, 21, 52, 67,
+ 56, 47, 72, 51, 28, 67, 47, 36, 46, 42, 64, 67, 68, 51, 38, 39, 35,
+ 18, 21, 29, 18, 25, 40, 47, 57, 44, 46, 50, 32, 44, 37, 25, 20
+ ]
"id": 19,
- "data": [68, 40, 47, 44, 54, 32, 54, 56, 69, 40, 28, 51, 18, 30, 26, 47, 52, 49, 47, 70, 48, 35, 61, 34, 29, 44, 56, 50, 55, 61, 43, 35, 31, 23, 32, 32, 25, 41, 46, 31, 50, 38, 37, 41, 60, 57, 42, 42, 63, 43]
+ "data": [
+ 68, 40, 47, 44, 54, 32, 54, 56, 69, 40, 28, 51, 18, 30, 26, 47, 52,
+ 49, 47, 70, 48, 35, 61, 34, 29, 44, 56, 50, 55, 61, 43, 35, 31, 23,
+ 32, 32, 25, 41, 46, 31, 50, 38, 37, 41, 60, 57, 42, 42, 63, 43
+ ]
"id": 20,
- "data": [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 85, 90, 95, 97.5, 98, 98.25, 98.5, 98.75, 99, 99.1, 99.15, 99.175, 99.2, 99.201, 99.2015, 100, 100]
+ "data": [
+ 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40,
+ 30, 20, 10, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 85, 90, 95,
+ 97.5, 98, 98.25, 98.5, 98.75, 99, 99.1, 99.15, 99.175, 99.2, 99.201,
+ 99.2015, 100, 100
+ ]
"id": 21,
- "data": [87, 3, 72, 24, 37, 12, 51, 63, 95, 45, 9, 33, 32, 80, 96, 41, 2, 71, 4, 90, 36, 53, 16, 17, 5, 17, 21, 74, 49, 52, 81, 67, 28, 7, 41, 5, 13, 74, 34, 47, 7, 97, 54, 62, 42, 42, 95, 22, 38, 53]
+ "data": [
+ 87, 3, 72, 24, 37, 12, 51, 63, 95, 45, 9, 33, 32, 80, 96, 41, 2, 71,
+ 4, 90, 36, 53, 16, 17, 5, 17, 21, 74, 49, 52, 81, 67, 28, 7, 41, 5,
+ 13, 74, 34, 47, 7, 97, 54, 62, 42, 42, 95, 22, 38, 53
+ ]
"id": 22,
- "data": [84, 60, 16, 94, 7, 8, 88, 89, 24, 34, 38, 59, 59, 64, 0, 48, 91, 38, 5, 93, 16, 71, 67, 7, 4, 68, 66, 54, 73, 91, 35, 28, 6, 42, 51, 5, 38, 7, 85, 99, 17, 38, 13, 46, 29, 69, 94, 10, 62, 82]
+ "data": [
+ 84, 60, 16, 94, 7, 8, 88, 89, 24, 34, 38, 59, 59, 64, 0, 48, 91, 38,
+ 5, 93, 16, 71, 67, 7, 4, 68, 66, 54, 73, 91, 35, 28, 6, 42, 51, 5, 38,
+ 7, 85, 99, 17, 38, 13, 46, 29, 69, 94, 10, 62, 82
+ ]
"id": 23,
- "data": [84, 60, 16, 94, 7, 8, 88, 89, 24, 34, 38, 59, 59, 64, 0, 48, 91, 38, 5, 93, 16, 71, 67, 7, 4, 68, 66, 54, 73, 91, 35, 28, 6, 42, 51, 5, 38, 7, 85, 99, 17, 38, 13, 46, 29, 69, 94, 10, 62, 42]
+ "data": [
+ 84, 60, 16, 94, 7, 8, 88, 89, 24, 34, 38, 59, 59, 64, 0, 48, 91, 38,
+ 5, 93, 16, 71, 67, 7, 4, 68, 66, 54, 73, 91, 35, 28, 6, 42, 51, 5, 38,
+ 7, 85, 99, 17, 38, 13, 46, 29, 69, 94, 10, 62, 42
+ ]
"id": 24,
- "data": [77, 30, 96, 34, 90, 77, 53, 40, 80, 67, 0, 36, 17, 16, 16, 57, 90, 71, 77, 88, 70, 83, 10, 58, 34, 22, 60, 22, 44, 33, 28, 47, 41, 36, 71, 61, 21, 2, 19, 16, 11, 49, 52, 68, 89, 92, 89, 92, 100, 100]
+ "data": [
+ 77, 30, 96, 34, 90, 77, 53, 40, 80, 67, 0, 36, 17, 16, 16, 57, 90, 71,
+ 77, 88, 70, 83, 10, 58, 34, 22, 60, 22, 44, 33, 28, 47, 41, 36, 71,
+ 61, 21, 2, 19, 16, 11, 49, 52, 68, 89, 92, 89, 92, 100, 100
+ ]
"id": 25,
- "data": [90, 44, 35, 12, 92, 45, 11, 46, 91, 17, 49, 77, 4, 22, 27, 27, 17, 1, 47, 50, 49, 11, 69, 42, 28, 63, 23, 29, 99, 82, 80, 32, 25, 25, 17, 0, 51, 25, 9, 82, 52, 84, 42, 49, 79, 26, 12, 4, 71, 80]
+ "data": [
+ 90, 44, 35, 12, 92, 45, 11, 46, 91, 17, 49, 77, 4, 22, 27, 27, 17, 1,
+ 47, 50, 49, 11, 69, 42, 28, 63, 23, 29, 99, 82, 80, 32, 25, 25, 17, 0,
+ 51, 25, 9, 82, 52, 84, 42, 49, 79, 26, 12, 4, 71, 80
+ ]
"id": 26,
- "data": [72, 41, 47, 35, 53, 27, 48, 46, 59, 38, 47, 51, 15, 22, 21, 52, 67, 56, 47, 72, 51, 28, 67, 47, 36, 46, 42, 64, 67, 68, 51, 38, 39, 35, 18, 21, 29, 18, 25, 40, 47, 57, 44, 46, 50, 32, 44, 37, 25, 20]
+ "data": [
+ 72, 41, 47, 35, 53, 27, 48, 46, 59, 38, 47, 51, 15, 22, 21, 52, 67,
+ 56, 47, 72, 51, 28, 67, 47, 36, 46, 42, 64, 67, 68, 51, 38, 39, 35,
+ 18, 21, 29, 18, 25, 40, 47, 57, 44, 46, 50, 32, 44, 37, 25, 20
+ ]
"id": 29,
- "data": [68, 40, 47, 44, 54, 32, 54, 56, 69, 40, 28, 51, 18, 30, 26, 47, 52, 49, 47, 70, 48, 35, 61, 34, 29, 44, 56, 50, 55, 61, 43, 35, 31, 23, 32, 32, 25, 41, 46, 31, 50, 38, 37, 41, 60, 57, 42, 42, 63, 43]
+ "data": [
+ 68, 40, 47, 44, 54, 32, 54, 56, 69, 40, 28, 51, 18, 30, 26, 47, 52,
+ 49, 47, 70, 48, 35, 61, 34, 29, 44, 56, 50, 55, 61, 43, 35, 31, 23,
+ 32, 32, 25, 41, 46, 31, 50, 38, 37, 41, 60, 57, 42, 42, 63, 43
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/dashboard/validatorSummaryDetails.json b/frontend/public/mock/dashboard/validatorSummaryDetails.json
index b1228bf00..072f00df5 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/dashboard/validatorSummaryDetails.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/dashboard/validatorSummaryDetails.json
@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@
"validators": [1, 213, 1245, 453, 345, 23]
"attestation_count": {
- "success": 0,
- "failed": 32
+ "success": 0,
+ "failed": 32
"attestation_efficiency": 87.1234412,
"attestation_avg_incl_dist": 12,
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@
"validators": [1, 213, 1245, 453, 345, 23]
"attestation_count": {
- "success": 5111,
- "failed": 3223
+ "success": 5111,
+ "failed": 3223
"attestation_efficiency": 87.1234412,
"attestation_avg_incl_dist": 12,
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/latestState.json b/frontend/public/mock/latestState.json
index 14c257442..aacf892cb 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/latestState.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/latestState.json
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- "lastProposedSlot": 4181855,
- "currentSlot": 4181855,
- "currentEpoch": 130682,
- "currentFinalizedEpoch": 130679,
- "finalityDelay": 3,
- "syncing": false,
- "rates": {
- "EUR": 2127.51,
- "USD": 2304.85,
- "GNO": 10.46
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ "lastProposedSlot": 4181855,
+ "currentSlot": 4181855,
+ "currentEpoch": 130682,
+ "currentFinalizedEpoch": 130679,
+ "finalityDelay": 3,
+ "syncing": false,
+ "rates": {
+ "EUR": 2127.51,
+ "USD": 2304.85,
+ "GNO": 10.46
+ }
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/login.json b/frontend/public/mock/login.json
index 3a4419202..e1964b818 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/login.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/login.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- "refresh_token": "mySuperCoolRefreshToken",
- "access_token": "INowHaveAccessToken"
\ No newline at end of file
+ "refresh_token": "mySuperCoolRefreshToken",
+ "access_token": "INowHaveAccessToken"
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/notifications/dashboards.json b/frontend/public/mock/notifications/dashboards.json
index 0340b37ae..31658d54b 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/notifications/dashboards.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/notifications/dashboards.json
@@ -13,11 +13,7 @@
"type": "validator",
"count": 134
- "notification": [
- "Proposal missed",
- "Back online",
- "Foo Bar"
- ]
+ "notification": ["Proposal missed", "Back online", "Foo Bar"]
"group_id": 122,
@@ -29,11 +25,7 @@
"type": "account",
"count": 1
- "notification": [
- "Proposal missed",
- "Back online",
- "Foo Bar"
- ]
+ "notification": ["Proposal missed", "Back online", "Foo Bar"]
"group_id": 1,
@@ -45,11 +37,7 @@
"type": "validator",
"count": 134
- "notification": [
- "Proposal missed",
- "Back online",
- "Foo Bar"
- ]
+ "notification": ["Proposal missed", "Back online", "Foo Bar"]
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/notifications/managementDashboard.json b/frontend/public/mock/notifications/managementDashboard.json
index 6836f61d2..eb0d14c72 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/notifications/managementDashboard.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/notifications/managementDashboard.json
@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@
"networks": [1, 10, 42161, 8453]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/notifications/testEmail.json b/frontend/public/mock/notifications/testEmail.json
index 9e26dfeeb..0967ef424 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/notifications/testEmail.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/notifications/testEmail.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/notifications/testPush.json b/frontend/public/mock/notifications/testPush.json
index 9e26dfeeb..0967ef424 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/notifications/testPush.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/notifications/testPush.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/refreshToken.json b/frontend/public/mock/refreshToken.json
index 2e947bedf..605f073c3 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/refreshToken.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/refreshToken.json
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- "access_token": "thisIsANewAccessToken"
\ No newline at end of file
+ "access_token": "thisIsANewAccessToken"
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/stripe/checkout-session.json b/frontend/public/mock/stripe/checkout-session.json
index d65023209..36b563dc8 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/stripe/checkout-session.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/stripe/checkout-session.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"sessionId": "thisIsNotARealSessionId",
"error": "somethign went wrong"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/stripe/customer-portal.json b/frontend/public/mock/stripe/customer-portal.json
index 23d2acc63..695f723d7 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/stripe/customer-portal.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/stripe/customer-portal.json
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
"url": "https://stripe.com/"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/user/dashboards.json b/frontend/public/mock/user/dashboards.json
index e63f67d81..846c63b0c 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/user/dashboards.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/user/dashboards.json
@@ -35,6 +35,6 @@
"id": "8",
"name": "The other wallets"
- ]
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/user/me.json b/frontend/public/mock/user/me.json
index 80846bedf..7fd36499a 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/user/me.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/user/me.json
@@ -40,4 +40,4 @@
"custom_machine_alerts": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/user/me/email.json b/frontend/public/mock/user/me/email.json
index 9e26dfeeb..0967ef424 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/user/me/email.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/user/me/email.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/mock/user/me/password.json b/frontend/public/mock/user/me/password.json
index 9e26dfeeb..0967ef424 100644
--- a/frontend/public/mock/user/me/password.json
+++ b/frontend/public/mock/user/me/password.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useUserDashboardStore.ts b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useUserDashboardStore.ts
index 0db0f3102..bb58471e0 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useUserDashboardStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useUserDashboardStore.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import { warn } from 'vue'
-import type { GetUserDashboardsResponse, UserDashboardsData, ValidatorDashboard } from '~/types/api/dashboard'
+import type {
+ GetUserDashboardsResponse,
+ UserDashboardsData,
+ ValidatorDashboard,
+} from '~/types/api/dashboard'
import type { VDBPostReturnData } from '~/types/api/validator_dashboard'
-import { type DashboardKey, type DashboardType, type CookieDashboard, COOKIE_DASHBOARD_ID } from '~/types/dashboard'
+import {
+ type DashboardKey,
+ type DashboardType,
+ type CookieDashboard,
+} from '~/types/dashboard'
import { COOKIE_KEY } from '~/types/cookie'
import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
import type { ChainIDs } from '~/types/network'
@@ -36,7 +45,9 @@ export function useUserDashboardStore() {
async function refreshDashboards() {
if (isLoggedIn.value) {
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.USER_DASHBOARDS)
+ const res = await fetch(
+ )
data.value = res.data
// add fallback names for dashboards that have no names
@@ -69,10 +80,18 @@ export function useUserDashboardStore() {
dashboardCookie.value = JSON.stringify(db)
- async function createValidatorDashboard(name: string, network: ChainIDs, dashboardKey?: string): Promise {
+ async function createValidatorDashboard(
+ name: string,
+ network: ChainIDs,
+ dashboardKey?: string,
+ ): Promise {
if (!isLoggedIn.value) {
// Create local Validator dashboard
- const cd: CookieDashboard = { id: COOKIE_DASHBOARD_ID.VALIDATOR, name: '', hash: dashboardKey ?? '' }
+ const cd: CookieDashboard = {
+ name: '',
+ hash: dashboardKey ?? '',
+ }
data.value = {
account_dashboards: dashboards.value?.account_dashboards || [],
validator_dashboards: [cd as ValidatorDashboard],
@@ -81,23 +100,39 @@ export function useUserDashboardStore() {
return cd
// Create user specific Validator dashboard
- const res = await fetch<{ data: VDBPostReturnData }>(API_PATH.DASHBOARD_CREATE_VALIDATOR, { body: { name, network } })
+ const res = await fetch<{ data: VDBPostReturnData }>(
+ { body: { name, network } },
+ )
if (res.data) {
data.value = {
account_dashboards: dashboards.value?.account_dashboards || [],
validator_dashboards: [
...(dashboards.value?.validator_dashboards || []),
- { id: res.data.id, name: res.data.name, is_archived: false, validator_count: 0, group_count: 1 },
+ {
+ id: res.data.id,
+ name: res.data.name,
+ is_archived: false,
+ validator_count: 0,
+ group_count: 1,
+ },
return res.data
- async function createAccountDashboard(name: string, dashboardKey?: string): Promise {
+ async function createAccountDashboard(
+ name: string,
+ dashboardKey?: string,
+ ): Promise {
if (!isLoggedIn.value) {
// Create local account dashboard
- const cd: CookieDashboard = { id: COOKIE_DASHBOARD_ID.ACCOUNT, name: '', hash: dashboardKey ?? '' }
+ const cd: CookieDashboard = {
+ name: '',
+ hash: dashboardKey ?? '',
+ }
data.value = {
validator_dashboards: dashboards.value?.validator_dashboards || [],
account_dashboards: [cd],
@@ -106,7 +141,10 @@ export function useUserDashboardStore() {
return cd
// Create user specific account dashboard
- const res = await fetch<{ data: VDBPostReturnData }>(API_PATH.DASHBOARD_CREATE_ACCOUNT, { body: { name } })
+ const res = await fetch<{ data: VDBPostReturnData }>(
+ { body: { name } },
+ )
if (res.data) {
data.value = {
validator_dashboards: dashboards.value?.validator_dashboards || [],
@@ -126,14 +164,24 @@ export function useUserDashboardStore() {
if (type === 'validator') {
- const cd: CookieDashboard = { id: COOKIE_DASHBOARD_ID.VALIDATOR, name: '', ...dashboards.value?.validator_dashboards?.[0], hash }
+ const cd: CookieDashboard = {
+ name: '',
+ ...dashboards.value?.validator_dashboards?.[0],
+ hash,
+ }
data.value = {
account_dashboards: dashboards.value?.account_dashboards || [],
validator_dashboards: [cd as ValidatorDashboard],
else {
- const cd: CookieDashboard = { id: COOKIE_DASHBOARD_ID.ACCOUNT, name: '', ...dashboards.value?.account_dashboards?.[0], hash }
+ const cd: CookieDashboard = {
+ name: '',
+ ...dashboards.value?.account_dashboards?.[0],
+ hash,
+ }
data.value = {
validator_dashboards: dashboards.value?.validator_dashboards || [],
account_dashboards: [cd],
@@ -144,7 +192,9 @@ export function useUserDashboardStore() {
function getDashboardLabel(key: DashboardKey, type: DashboardType): string {
const isValidatorDashboard = type === 'validator'
- const list = isValidatorDashboard ? dashboards.value?.validator_dashboards : dashboards.value?.account_dashboards
+ const list = isValidatorDashboard
+ ? dashboards.value?.validator_dashboards
+ : dashboards.value?.account_dashboards
const id = parseInt(key ?? '')
if (!isNaN(id)) {
const userDb = list?.find(db => db.id === id)
@@ -152,11 +202,14 @@ export function useUserDashboardStore() {
return userDb.name
- // in production we should not get here, but with our public api key we can also view dashboards that are not part of our list
+ // in production we should not get here, but with our public api key we
+ // can also view dashboards that are not part of our list
return `${isValidatorDashboard ? $t('dashboard.validator_dashboard') : $t('dashboard.account_dashboard')} ${id}`
- return isValidatorDashboard ? $t('dashboard.public_validator_dashboard') : $t('dashboard.public_account_dashboard')
+ return isValidatorDashboard
+ ? $t('dashboard.public_validator_dashboard')
+ : $t('dashboard.public_account_dashboard')
return {
diff --git a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardBlocksStore.ts b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardBlocksStore.ts
index 60d3a538f..95e3ae66a 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardBlocksStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardBlocksStore.ts
@@ -4,22 +4,30 @@ import type { DashboardKey } from '~/types/dashboard'
import type { TableQueryParams } from '~/types/datatable'
import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
-const validatorDashboardBlocksStore = defineStore('validator_dashboard_blocks_store', () => {
- const data = ref < InternalGetValidatorDashboardBlocksResponse>()
- const query = ref < TableQueryParams>()
+const validatorDashboardBlocksStore = defineStore(
+ 'validator_dashboard_blocks_store',
+ () => {
+ const data = ref()
+ const query = ref()
- return { data, query }
+ return { data, query }
+ },
export function useValidatorDashboardBlocksStore() {
const { fetch } = useCustomFetch()
- const { data, query: storedQuery } = storeToRefs(validatorDashboardBlocksStore())
+ const { data, query: storedQuery } = storeToRefs(
+ validatorDashboardBlocksStore(),
+ )
const isLoading = ref(false)
const blocks = computed(() => data.value)
const query = computed(() => storedQuery.value)
- async function getBlocks(dashboardKey: DashboardKey, query?: TableQueryParams) {
+ async function getBlocks(
+ dashboardKey: DashboardKey,
+ query?: TableQueryParams,
+ ) {
if (!dashboardKey) {
data.value = undefined
isLoading.value = false
@@ -28,7 +36,12 @@ export function useValidatorDashboardBlocksStore() {
isLoading.value = true
storedQuery.value = query
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.DASHBOARD_VALIDATOR_BLOCKS, undefined, { dashboardKey }, query)
+ const res = await fetch(
+ undefined,
+ { dashboardKey },
+ query,
+ )
isLoading.value = false
if (JSON.stringify(storedQuery.value) !== JSON.stringify(query)) {
diff --git a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardClDepositsStore.ts b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardClDepositsStore.ts
index 5a3551b81..740da4ec9 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardClDepositsStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardClDepositsStore.ts
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
const validatorDashboardClDepositsStore = defineStore(
() => {
- const data = ref()
+ const data
+ = ref()
const total = ref()
const query = ref()
diff --git a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardElDepositsStore.ts b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardElDepositsStore.ts
index bec5b8847..c83689619 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardElDepositsStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardElDepositsStore.ts
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
const validatorDashboardElDepositsStore = defineStore(
() => {
- const data = ref()
+ const data
+ = ref()
const total = ref()
const query = ref()
diff --git a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardOverviewStore.ts b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardOverviewStore.ts
index 6e1be323d..154d3fae9 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardOverviewStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardOverviewStore.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import { useAllValidatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore } from './useValidatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore'
-import type { VDBOverviewData, InternalGetValidatorDashboardResponse } from '~/types/api/validator_dashboard'
+import type {
+ VDBOverviewData,
+ InternalGetValidatorDashboardResponse,
+} from '~/types/api/validator_dashboard'
import type { DashboardKey } from '~/types/dashboard'
import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
@@ -12,7 +15,8 @@ const validatorOverviewStore = defineStore('validator_overview_store', () => {
export function useValidatorDashboardOverviewStore() {
const { fetch } = useCustomFetch()
const { data } = storeToRefs(validatorOverviewStore())
- const { clearCache: clearRewardDetails } = useAllValidatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore()
+ const { clearCache: clearRewardDetails }
+ = useAllValidatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore()
const overview = computed(() => data.value)
@@ -22,7 +26,11 @@ export function useValidatorDashboardOverviewStore() {
try {
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.DASHBOARD_OVERVIEW, undefined, { dashboardKey: key })
+ const res = await fetch(
+ undefined,
+ { dashboardKey: key },
+ )
data.value = res.data
@@ -45,7 +53,13 @@ export function useValidatorDashboardOverviewStore() {
if (!overview.value?.validators) {
return false
- return !!overview.value.validators.online || !!overview.value.validators.exited || !!overview.value.validators.offline || !!overview.value.validators.pending || !!overview.value.validators.slashed
+ return (
+ !!overview.value.validators.online
+ || !!overview.value.validators.exited
+ || !!overview.value.validators.offline
+ || !!overview.value.validators.pending
+ || !!overview.value.validators.slashed
+ )
const validatorCount = computed(() => {
@@ -55,7 +69,13 @@ export function useValidatorDashboardOverviewStore() {
if (!overview.value.validators) {
return 0
- return overview.value.validators.exited + overview.value.validators.offline + overview.value.validators.online + overview.value.validators.pending + overview.value.validators.slashed
+ return (
+ overview.value.validators.exited
+ + overview.value.validators.offline
+ + overview.value.validators.online
+ + overview.value.validators.pending
+ + overview.value.validators.slashed
+ )
return { overview, refreshOverview, hasValidators, validatorCount }
diff --git a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore.ts b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore.ts
index 972569a0b..87fe94410 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,24 @@
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
-import type { VDBGroupRewardsData, InternalGetValidatorDashboardGroupRewardsResponse } from '~/types/api/validator_dashboard'
+import type {
+ VDBGroupRewardsData,
+ InternalGetValidatorDashboardGroupRewardsResponse,
+} from '~/types/api/validator_dashboard'
import type { DashboardKey } from '~/types/dashboard'
import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
-const validatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore = defineStore('validator_dashboard_rewards_details_store', () => {
- const data = ref < Record>({})
- return { data }
-export const useValidatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore = (dashboardKey: DashboardKey, groupId: number, epoch: number) => {
+const validatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore = defineStore(
+ 'validator_dashboard_rewards_details_store',
+ () => {
+ const data = ref>({})
+ return { data }
+ },
+export const useValidatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore = (
+ dashboardKey: DashboardKey,
+ groupId: number,
+ epoch: number,
+) => {
const { fetch } = useCustomFetch()
const { data } = storeToRefs(validatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore())
@@ -17,11 +27,16 @@ export const useValidatorDashboardRewardsDetailsStore = (dashboardKey: Dashboard
async function getDetails() {
- // Rewards of an epoch will only change when validators changed (see useValidatorDashboardOverviewStore), so we can cache data
+ // Rewards of an epoch will only change when validators changed
+ // (see useValidatorDashboardOverviewStore), so we can cache data
if (data.value[getKey()]) {
return data.value[getKey()]
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.DASHBOARD_VALIDATOR_REWARDS_DETAILS, undefined, { dashboardKey, groupId, epoch })
+ const res = await fetch(
+ undefined,
+ { dashboardKey, groupId, epoch },
+ )
data.value = { ...data.value, [getKey()]: res.data }
return res.data
diff --git a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardRewardsStore.ts b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardRewardsStore.ts
index e4da7c4a2..355388f5f 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardRewardsStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardRewardsStore.ts
@@ -5,16 +5,21 @@ import type { TableQueryParams } from '~/types/datatable'
import { DAHSHBOARDS_NEXT_EPOCH_ID } from '~/types/dashboard'
import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
-const validatorDashboardRewardsStore = defineStore('validator_dashboard_rewards_store', () => {
- const data = ref < InternalGetValidatorDashboardRewardsResponse>()
- const query = ref < TableQueryParams>()
+const validatorDashboardRewardsStore = defineStore(
+ 'validator_dashboard_rewards_store',
+ () => {
+ const data = ref()
+ const query = ref()
- return { data, query }
+ return { data, query }
+ },
export function useValidatorDashboardRewardsStore() {
const { fetch } = useCustomFetch()
- const { data, query: storedQuery } = storeToRefs(validatorDashboardRewardsStore())
+ const { data, query: storedQuery } = storeToRefs(
+ validatorDashboardRewardsStore(),
+ )
const isLoading = ref(false)
const { slotViz } = useValidatorSlotVizStore()
@@ -22,7 +27,10 @@ export function useValidatorDashboardRewardsStore() {
const rewards = computed(() => data.value)
const query = computed(() => storedQuery.value)
- async function getRewards(dashboardKey: DashboardKey, query?: TableQueryParams) {
+ async function getRewards(
+ dashboardKey: DashboardKey,
+ query?: TableQueryParams,
+ ) {
if (!dashboardKey) {
data.value = undefined
isLoading.value = false
@@ -31,7 +39,12 @@ export function useValidatorDashboardRewardsStore() {
isLoading.value = true
storedQuery.value = query
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.DASHBOARD_VALIDATOR_REWARDS, undefined, { dashboardKey }, query)
+ const res = await fetch(
+ undefined,
+ { dashboardKey },
+ query,
+ )
isLoading.value = false
if (JSON.stringify(storedQuery.value) !== JSON.stringify(query)) {
@@ -44,7 +57,15 @@ export function useValidatorDashboardRewardsStore() {
const nextEpoch = slotViz.value?.findLast(e => e.epoch > searchEpoch)
if (nextEpoch) {
- res.data = [{ epoch: nextEpoch.epoch, group_id: DAHSHBOARDS_NEXT_EPOCH_ID, duty: { attestation: 0, proposal: 0, slashing: 0, sync: 0 }, reward: { cl: '0', el: '0' } }, ...res.data]
+ res.data = [
+ {
+ epoch: nextEpoch.epoch,
+ duty: { attestation: 0, proposal: 0, slashing: 0, sync: 0 },
+ reward: { cl: '0', el: '0' },
+ },
+ ...res.data,
+ ]
diff --git a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardSummaryDetailsStore.ts b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardSummaryDetailsStore.ts
index ce8f132a7..f835986bc 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardSummaryDetailsStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardSummaryDetailsStore.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,29 @@
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
-import type { VDBGroupSummaryData, InternalGetValidatorDashboardGroupSummaryResponse } from '~/types/api/validator_dashboard'
+import type {
+ VDBGroupSummaryData,
+ InternalGetValidatorDashboardGroupSummaryResponse,
+} from '~/types/api/validator_dashboard'
import type { DashboardKey } from '~/types/dashboard'
import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
import type { SummaryTimeFrame } from '~/types/dashboard/summary'
-const validatorDashboardSummaryDetailsStore = defineStore('validator_dashboard_sumary_details_store', () => {
- const data = ref < Record>({})
- const timeFrame = ref < SummaryTimeFrame>()
- return { data, timeFrame }
+const validatorDashboardSummaryDetailsStore = defineStore(
+ 'validator_dashboard_sumary_details_store',
+ () => {
+ const data = ref>({})
+ const timeFrame = ref()
+ return { data, timeFrame }
+ },
-export function useValidatorDashboardSummaryDetailsStore(dashboardKey: DashboardKey, groupId: number) {
+export function useValidatorDashboardSummaryDetailsStore(
+ dashboardKey: DashboardKey,
+ groupId: number,
+) {
const { fetch } = useCustomFetch()
- const { data, timeFrame: storeTimeFrame } = storeToRefs(validatorDashboardSummaryDetailsStore())
+ const { data, timeFrame: storeTimeFrame } = storeToRefs(
+ validatorDashboardSummaryDetailsStore(),
+ )
function getKey() {
return `${dashboardKey}_${groupId}`
@@ -26,7 +37,11 @@ export function useValidatorDashboardSummaryDetailsStore(dashboardKey: Dashboard
data.value = {}
storeTimeFrame.value = timeFrame
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.DASHBOARD_SUMMARY_DETAILS, { query: { period: timeFrame } }, { dashboardKey, groupId })
+ const res = await fetch(
+ { query: { period: timeFrame } },
+ { dashboardKey, groupId },
+ )
data.value = { ...data.value, [getKey()]: res.data }
return res.data
diff --git a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardSummaryStore.ts b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardSummaryStore.ts
index 73a85bd2d..0bc1a0ead 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardSummaryStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardSummaryStore.ts
@@ -5,23 +5,32 @@ import type { TableQueryParams } from '~/types/datatable'
import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
import type { SummaryTimeFrame } from '~/types/dashboard/summary'
-const validatorDashboardSummaryStore = defineStore('validator_dashboard_sumary_store', () => {
- const data = ref < InternalGetValidatorDashboardSummaryResponse>()
- const query = ref < TableQueryParams>()
+const validatorDashboardSummaryStore = defineStore(
+ 'validator_dashboard_sumary_store',
+ () => {
+ const data = ref()
+ const query = ref()
- return { data, query }
+ return { data, query }
+ },
export function useValidatorDashboardSummaryStore() {
const { fetch } = useCustomFetch()
- const { data, query: storedQuery } = storeToRefs(validatorDashboardSummaryStore())
+ const { data, query: storedQuery } = storeToRefs(
+ validatorDashboardSummaryStore(),
+ )
const isLoading = ref(false)
const summary = computed(() => data.value)
const query = computed(() => storedQuery.value)
- async function getSummary(dashboardKey: DashboardKey, timeFrame: SummaryTimeFrame, query?: TableQueryParams) {
+ async function getSummary(
+ dashboardKey: DashboardKey,
+ timeFrame: SummaryTimeFrame,
+ query?: TableQueryParams,
+ ) {
if (!dashboardKey) {
data.value = undefined
isLoading.value = false
@@ -31,7 +40,12 @@ export function useValidatorDashboardSummaryStore() {
isLoading.value = true
storedQuery.value = query
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.DASHBOARD_SUMMARY, { query: { period: timeFrame } }, { dashboardKey }, query)
+ const res = await fetch(
+ { query: { period: timeFrame } },
+ { dashboardKey },
+ query,
+ )
isLoading.value = false
if (JSON.stringify(storedQuery.value) !== JSON.stringify(query)) {
return // in case some query params change while loading
diff --git a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardWithdrawalsStore.ts b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardWithdrawalsStore.ts
index e21bfb6eb..e5f86a453 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardWithdrawalsStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorDashboardWithdrawalsStore.ts
@@ -1,20 +1,30 @@
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
-import type { InternalGetValidatorDashboardWithdrawalsResponse, InternalGetValidatorDashboardTotalWithdrawalsResponse } from '~/types/api/validator_dashboard'
+import type {
+ InternalGetValidatorDashboardWithdrawalsResponse,
+ InternalGetValidatorDashboardTotalWithdrawalsResponse,
+} from '~/types/api/validator_dashboard'
import type { DashboardKey } from '~/types/dashboard'
import type { TableQueryParams } from '~/types/datatable'
import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
-const validatorDashboardWithdrawalsStore = defineStore('validator_dashboard_withdrawals', () => {
- const data = ref()
- const total = ref()
- const query = ref()
+const validatorDashboardWithdrawalsStore = defineStore(
+ 'validator_dashboard_withdrawals',
+ () => {
+ const data = ref()
+ const total = ref()
+ const query = ref()
- return { data, query, total }
+ return { data, query, total }
+ },
export function useValidatorDashboardWithdrawalsStore() {
const { fetch } = useCustomFetch()
- const { data, total, query: storedQuery } = storeToRefs(validatorDashboardWithdrawalsStore())
+ const {
+ data,
+ total,
+ query: storedQuery,
+ } = storeToRefs(validatorDashboardWithdrawalsStore())
const withdrawals = computed(() => data.value)
const totalAmount = computed(() => total.value)
@@ -22,7 +32,10 @@ export function useValidatorDashboardWithdrawalsStore() {
const isLoadingWithdrawals = ref(false)
const isLoadingTotal = ref(false)
- async function getWithdrawals(dashboardKey: DashboardKey, query?: TableQueryParams) {
+ async function getWithdrawals(
+ dashboardKey: DashboardKey,
+ query?: TableQueryParams,
+ ) {
if (!dashboardKey) {
data.value = undefined
isLoadingWithdrawals.value = false
@@ -32,7 +45,12 @@ export function useValidatorDashboardWithdrawalsStore() {
storedQuery.value = query
isLoadingWithdrawals.value = true
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.DASHBOARD_VALIDATOR_WITHDRAWALS, undefined, { dashboardKey }, query)
+ const res = await fetch(
+ undefined,
+ { dashboardKey },
+ query,
+ )
if (JSON.stringify(storedQuery.value) !== JSON.stringify(query)) {
return // in case some query params change while loading
@@ -51,11 +69,24 @@ export function useValidatorDashboardWithdrawalsStore() {
isLoadingTotal.value = true
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.DASHBOARD_VALIDATOR_TOTAL_WITHDRAWALS, undefined, { dashboardKey })
+ const res
+ = await fetch(
+ undefined,
+ { dashboardKey },
+ )
isLoadingTotal.value = false
total.value = res?.data?.total_amount
return total.value
- return { totalAmount, getTotalAmount, withdrawals, query, getWithdrawals, isLoadingTotal, isLoadingWithdrawals }
+ return {
+ totalAmount,
+ getTotalAmount,
+ withdrawals,
+ query,
+ getWithdrawals,
+ isLoadingTotal,
+ isLoadingWithdrawals,
+ }
diff --git a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorSlotVizStore.ts b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorSlotVizStore.ts
index 1772c895d..59e4ff44a 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorSlotVizStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/dashboard/useValidatorSlotVizStore.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
-import type { SlotVizEpoch, InternalGetValidatorDashboardSlotVizResponse } from '~/types/api/slot_viz'
+import type {
+ SlotVizEpoch,
+ InternalGetValidatorDashboardSlotVizResponse,
+} from '~/types/api/slot_viz'
import type { DashboardKey } from '~/types/dashboard'
import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
@@ -19,7 +22,11 @@ export function useValidatorSlotVizStore() {
if (groups?.length) {
query = { group_ids: groups.join(',') }
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.DASHBOARD_SLOTVIZ, { headers: {}, query }, { dashboardKey: dashboardKey || 'MQ' })
+ const res = await fetch(
+ { headers: {}, query },
+ { dashboardKey: dashboardKey || 'MQ' },
+ )
// We use this hacky solution as we don't have an api endpoint to load a slot viz without validators
// So we load it for a small public dashboard and then remove the validator informations from it.
@@ -30,8 +37,7 @@ export function useValidatorSlotVizStore() {
slot: s.slot,
status: s.status,
- }),
- )
+ }))
else {
data.value = res.data
diff --git a/frontend/stores/notifications/useNotificationsDashboardStore.ts b/frontend/stores/notifications/useNotificationsDashboardStore.ts
index b247e9a58..26b89773c 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/notifications/useNotificationsDashboardStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/notifications/useNotificationsDashboardStore.ts
@@ -3,23 +3,42 @@ import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
import type { TableQueryParams } from '~/types/datatable'
import type { NotifcationDashboardResponse } from '~/types/notifications/dashboards'
-const notificationsDashboardStore = defineStore('notifications-dashboard-store', () => {
- const data = ref()
- return { data }
+const notificationsDashboardStore = defineStore(
+ 'notifications-dashboard-store',
+ () => {
+ const data = ref()
+ return { data }
+ },
export function useNotificationsDashboardStore() {
const { isLoggedIn } = useUserStore()
const { fetch } = useCustomFetch()
const { data } = storeToRefs(notificationsDashboardStore())
- const { query, pendingQuery, cursor, pageSize, onSort, setCursor, setPageSize, setSearch, setStoredQuery, isStoredQuery } = useTableQuery({ limit: 10, sort: 'dashboard:desc' }, 10)
+ const {
+ query,
+ pendingQuery,
+ cursor,
+ pageSize,
+ onSort,
+ setCursor,
+ setPageSize,
+ setSearch,
+ setStoredQuery,
+ isStoredQuery,
+ } = useTableQuery({ limit: 10, sort: 'dashboard:desc' }, 10)
const isLoading = ref(false)
async function loadNotificationsDashboards(q: TableQueryParams) {
isLoading.value = true
- const result = await fetch(API_PATH.NOTIFICATIONS_DASHBOARDS, undefined, undefined, q)
+ const result = await fetch(
+ undefined,
+ undefined,
+ q,
+ )
isLoading.value = false
if (!isStoredQuery(q)) {
@@ -34,11 +53,15 @@ export function useNotificationsDashboardStore() {
return data.value
- watch(query, (q) => {
- if (q) {
- isLoggedIn.value && loadNotificationsDashboards(q)
- }
- }, { immediate: true })
+ watch(
+ query,
+ (q) => {
+ if (q) {
+ isLoggedIn.value && loadNotificationsDashboards(q)
+ }
+ },
+ { immediate: true },
+ )
return {
diff --git a/frontend/stores/useAdConfigurationStore.ts b/frontend/stores/useAdConfigurationStore.ts
index a8f11eaf9..a55124189 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/useAdConfigurationStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/useAdConfigurationStore.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import type { AdConfiguration } from '~/types/adConfiguration'
import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
const adConfigurationStore = defineStore('ad_configuration_store', () => {
- const data = ref< Record>({})
+ const data = ref>({})
return { data }
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@ export function useAdConfigurationStore() {
async function refreshAdConfigs(route: string) {
const keys = ['global', route].join(',')
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.AD_CONFIGURATIONs, undefined, { keys })
+ const res = await fetch(
+ undefined,
+ { keys },
+ )
const newConfigurations: Record = {}
res.forEach((config) => {
if (!newConfigurations[config.key]) {
diff --git a/frontend/stores/useLatestStateStore.ts b/frontend/stores/useLatestStateStore.ts
index 437370537..11fe728f7 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/useLatestStateStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/useLatestStateStore.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
-import type { InternalGetLatestStateResponse, LatestStateData } from '~/types/api/latest_state'
+import type {
+ InternalGetLatestStateResponse,
+ LatestStateData,
+} from '~/types/api/latest_state'
import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
const latestStateStore = defineStore('latest_state_store', () => {
@@ -15,7 +18,9 @@ export function useLatestStateStore() {
async function refreshLatestState(): Promise {
try {
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.LATEST_STATE)
+ const res = await fetch(
+ )
if (!res.data) {
return undefined
diff --git a/frontend/stores/useNetworkStore.ts b/frontend/stores/useNetworkStore.ts
index 428fc84ef..ec916acfe 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/useNetworkStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/useNetworkStore.ts
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ const store = defineStore('network-store', () => {
currentNetwork: networkTs.ChainIDs
availableNetworks: [networkTs.ChainIDs.Ethereum],
- currentNetwork: networkTs.ChainIDs.Any, // this impossible value by defaut must be kept, it ensures that the `computed` of `currentNetwork` selects the network of highest priority when `setCurrentNetwork()` has not been called yet
+ // this impossible value by defaut must be kept, it ensures that the `computed`
+ // of `currentNetwork` selects the network of highest priority when `setCurrentNetwork()` has not been called yet
+ currentNetwork: networkTs.ChainIDs.Any,
return { data }
@@ -28,11 +30,15 @@ export function useNetworkStore() {
async function loadAvailableNetworks(): Promise {
try {
const { fetch } = useCustomFetch()
- const response = await fetch>(API_PATH.AVAILABLE_NETWORKS)
+ const response = await fetch>(
+ )
if (!response.data || !response.data.length) {
return false
- data.value.availableNetworks = networkTs.sortChainIDsByPriority(response.data.map(apiInfo => apiInfo.chain_id))
+ data.value.availableNetworks = networkTs.sortChainIDsByPriority(
+ response.data.map(apiInfo => apiInfo.chain_id),
+ )
return true
catch {
@@ -41,12 +47,19 @@ export function useNetworkStore() {
const availableNetworks = computed(() => data.value.availableNetworks)
- const currentNetwork = computed(() => availableNetworks.value.includes(data.value.currentNetwork) ? data.value.currentNetwork : availableNetworks.value[0])
+ const currentNetwork = computed(() =>
+ availableNetworks.value.includes(data.value.currentNetwork)
+ ? data.value.currentNetwork
+ : availableNetworks.value[0],
+ )
const networkInfo = computed(() => networkTs.ChainInfo[currentNetwork.value])
function isNetworkDisabled(chainId: networkTs.ChainIDs): boolean {
// TODO: return `false` for everything once we are ready
- return !useRuntimeConfig().public.showInDevelopment && chainId !== currentNetwork.value
+ return (
+ !useRuntimeConfig().public.showInDevelopment
+ && chainId !== currentNetwork.value
+ )
function setCurrentNetwork(chainId: networkTs.ChainIDs) {
diff --git a/frontend/stores/useProductsStore.ts b/frontend/stores/useProductsStore.ts
index 78716fc96..f66fa77cc 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/useProductsStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/useProductsStore.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
-import type { InternalGetProductSummaryResponse, ProductSummary } from '~/types/api/user'
+import type {
+ InternalGetProductSummaryResponse,
+ ProductSummary,
+} from '~/types/api/user'
import { API_PATH } from '~/types/customFetch'
-import { ProductCategoryPremium, ProductStoreAndroidPlaystore, ProductStoreIosAppstore } from '~/types/api/user'
+import {
+ ProductCategoryPremium,
+ ProductStoreAndroidPlaystore,
+ ProductStoreIosAppstore,
+} from '~/types/api/user'
const productsStore = defineStore('products_store', () => {
- const data = ref ()
+ const data = ref()
return { data }
@@ -17,16 +24,25 @@ export function useProductsStore() {
const products = computed(() => data.value)
const bestPremiumProduct = computed(() => {
- return data.value?.premium_products.reduce((max, product) => (product.price_per_year_eur > max.price_per_year_eur ? product : max), data.value.premium_products[0])
+ return data.value?.premium_products.reduce(
+ (max, product) =>
+ product.price_per_year_eur > max.price_per_year_eur ? product : max,
+ data.value.premium_products[0],
+ )
const currentPremiumSubscription = computed(() => {
- return user.value?.subscriptions?.find(sub => sub.product_category === ProductCategoryPremium)
+ return user.value?.subscriptions?.find(
+ sub => sub.product_category === ProductCategoryPremium,
+ )
const isPremiumSubscribedViaApp = computed(() => {
const store = currentPremiumSubscription.value?.product_store
- return (store === ProductStoreAndroidPlaystore || store === ProductStoreIosAppstore)
+ return (
+ store === ProductStoreAndroidPlaystore
+ || store === ProductStoreIosAppstore
+ )
async function getProducts() {
@@ -34,11 +50,19 @@ export function useProductsStore() {
return data.value
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.PRODUCT_SUMMARY)
+ const res = await fetch(
+ )
data.value = res.data
return res
- return { products, getProducts, bestPremiumProduct, currentPremiumSubscription, isPremiumSubscribedViaApp }
+ return {
+ products,
+ getProducts,
+ bestPremiumProduct,
+ currentPremiumSubscription,
+ isPremiumSubscribedViaApp,
+ }
diff --git a/frontend/stores/useUserStore.ts b/frontend/stores/useUserStore.ts
index 0be2ae10d..ca66bc1d2 100644
--- a/frontend/stores/useUserStore.ts
+++ b/frontend/stores/useUserStore.ts
@@ -29,7 +29,13 @@ export function useUserStore() {
async function getUser(): Promise {
try {
- const res = await fetch(API_PATH.USER, undefined, undefined, undefined, true)
+ const res = await fetch(
+ undefined,
+ undefined,
+ undefined,
+ true,
+ )
return res.data
diff --git a/frontend/types/api/block.ts b/frontend/types/api/block.ts
index 56b0ff31b..c9de6fb15 100644
--- a/frontend/types/api/block.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/api/block.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Code generated by tygo. DO NOT EDIT.
/* eslint-disable */
-import type { ApiDataResponse, Hash, Address, ClElValue } from './common'
+import type { ApiDataResponse, Hash, Address, ClElValue } from "./common";
// source: block.go
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ export interface BlockOverview {
proposer_reward?: ClElValue ;
proposer_reward_recipient?: Address;
status?: {
- proposal: 'proposed' | 'orphaned' | 'missed' | 'scheduled';
- finalized: 'finalized' | 'justified' | 'not_finalized';
+ proposal: "proposed" | "orphaned" | "missed" | "scheduled";
+ finalized: "finalized" | "justified" | "not_finalized";
priority_fees?: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
transactions?: {
@@ -123,20 +123,24 @@ export interface BlockTransactionTableRow {
block: number /* uint64 */;
age: number /* uint64 */;
from: Address;
- type: 'out' | 'in' | 'out_in' | 'self' | 'contract';
+ type: "out" | "in" | "out_in" | "self" | "contract";
to: Address;
value: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
gas_price: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
tx_fee: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
-export type InternalGetBlockTransactionsResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetBlockTransactionsResponse = ApiDataResponse<
+ BlockTransactionTableRow[]
export interface BlockVoteTableRow {
allocated_slot: number /* uint64 */;
committee: number /* uint64 */;
included_in_block: number /* uint64 */;
validators: number /* uint64 */[];
-export type InternalGetBlockVotesResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetBlockVotesResponse = ApiDataResponse<
+ BlockVoteTableRow[]
export interface EpochInfo {
epoch: number /* uint64 */;
block_root: Hash;
@@ -151,7 +155,9 @@ export interface BlockAttestationTableRow {
target: EpochInfo;
signature: Hash;
-export type InternalGetBlockAttestationsResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetBlockAttestationsResponse = ApiDataResponse<
+ BlockAttestationTableRow[]
export interface BlockWithdrawalTableRow {
* no design present yet, TODO confirm this
@@ -163,19 +169,25 @@ export interface BlockWithdrawalTableRow {
recipient: Address;
amount: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
-export type InternalGetBlockWtihdrawalsResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetBlockWtihdrawalsResponse = ApiDataResponse<
+ BlockWithdrawalTableRow[]
export interface BlockBlsChangeTableRow {
index: number /* uint64 */;
signature: Hash;
bls_pubkey: Hash;
new_withdrawal_address: Address;
-export type InternalGetBlockBlsChangesResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetBlockBlsChangesResponse = ApiDataResponse<
+ BlockBlsChangeTableRow[]
export interface BlockVoluntaryExitTableRow {
validator: number /* uint64 */;
signature: Hash;
-export type InternalGetBlockVoluntaryExitsResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetBlockVoluntaryExitsResponse = ApiDataResponse<
+ BlockVoluntaryExitTableRow[]
export interface BlockBlobTableRow {
versioned_hash: Hash;
commitment: Hash;
@@ -185,4 +197,6 @@ export interface BlockBlobTableRow {
block: number /* uint64 */;
data: string;
-export type InternalGetBlockBlobsResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetBlockBlobsResponse = ApiDataResponse<
+ BlockBlobTableRow[]
diff --git a/frontend/types/api/common.ts b/frontend/types/api/common.ts
index ecce7231e..166456c1d 100644
--- a/frontend/types/api/common.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/api/common.ts
@@ -57,21 +57,27 @@ export interface PercentageDetails {
min_value: T;
max_value: T;
-export interface ChartSeries {
+export interface ChartSeries<
+ I extends number /* int */ | string,
+ D extends number /* float64 */ | string /* decimal.Decimal */,
+> {
id: I; // id may be a string or an int
property?: string; // for stacking bar charts
data: D[]; // y-axis values
-export interface ChartData {
+export interface ChartData<
+ I extends number /* int */ | string,
+ D extends number /* float64 */ | string /* decimal.Decimal */,
+> {
categories: number /* uint64 */[]; // x-axis
series: ChartSeries[];
export interface ValidatorHistoryEvent {
- status: 'success' | 'partial' | 'failed';
+ status: "success" | "partial" | "failed";
income: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
export interface ValidatorHistoryProposal {
- status: 'success' | 'partial' | 'failed';
+ status: "success" | "partial" | "failed";
el_income: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
cl_attestation_inclusion_income: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
cl_sync_inclusion_income: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
diff --git a/frontend/types/api/dashboard.ts b/frontend/types/api/dashboard.ts
index 37fa19546..f5c218836 100644
--- a/frontend/types/api/dashboard.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/api/dashboard.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Code generated by tygo. DO NOT EDIT.
/* eslint-disable */
-import type { VDBPublicId, ApiDataResponse } from './common'
+import type { VDBPublicId, ApiDataResponse } from "./common";
// source: dashboard.go
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export interface ValidatorDashboard {
name: string;
public_ids?: VDBPublicId[];
is_archived: boolean;
- archived_reason?: 'dashboard_limit' | 'validator_limit' | 'group_limit';
+ archived_reason?: "dashboard_limit" | "validator_limit" | "group_limit";
validator_count: number /* uint64 */;
group_count: number /* uint64 */;
diff --git a/frontend/types/api/latest_state.ts b/frontend/types/api/latest_state.ts
index 3797bfb76..1becf32e8 100644
--- a/frontend/types/api/latest_state.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/api/latest_state.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Code generated by tygo. DO NOT EDIT.
/* eslint-disable */
-import type { ApiDataResponse } from './common'
+import type { ApiDataResponse } from "./common";
// source: latest_state.go
diff --git a/frontend/types/api/notifications.ts b/frontend/types/api/notifications.ts
index 568641564..3baf46315 100644
--- a/frontend/types/api/notifications.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/api/notifications.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
// Code generated by tygo. DO NOT EDIT.
/* eslint-disable */
-import type { ApiDataResponse, ApiPagingResponse, IndexBlocks, Address, Hash } from './common'
+import type {
+ ApiDataResponse,
+ ApiPagingResponse,
+ IndexBlocks,
+ Address,
+ Hash,
+} from "./common";
// source: notifications.go
@@ -30,7 +36,8 @@ export interface NotificationOverviewData {
rocket_pool_subscription_count: number /* uint64 */;
networks_subscription_count: number /* uint64 */;
-export type InternalGetUserNotificationsResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetUserNotificationsResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Dashboards Table
@@ -45,7 +52,8 @@ export interface NotificationDashboardsTableRow {
entity_count: number /* uint64 */;
event_types: string[];
-export type InternalGetUserNotificationDashboardsResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetUserNotificationDashboardsResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
export interface NotificationEventGroup {
group_name: string;
dashboard_id: number /* uint64 */;
@@ -74,7 +82,8 @@ export interface NotificationValidatorDashboardDetail {
validator_back_online: NotificationEventValidatorBackOnline[];
group_back_online: NotificationEventGroupBackOnline[];
-export type InternalGetUserNotificationsValidatorDashboardResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetUserNotificationsValidatorDashboardResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
export interface NotificationEventExecution {
address: Address;
amount: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
@@ -88,7 +97,8 @@ export interface NotificationAccountDashboardDetail {
erc721_token_transfers: NotificationEventExecution[];
erc1155_token_transfers: NotificationEventExecution[];
-export type InternalGetUserNotificationsAccountDashboardResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetUserNotificationsAccountDashboardResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Machines Table
@@ -99,7 +109,8 @@ export interface NotificationMachinesTableRow {
event_type: string;
timestamp: number /* int64 */;
-export type InternalGetUserNotificationMachinesResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetUserNotificationMachinesResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Clients Table
@@ -109,7 +120,8 @@ export interface NotificationClientsTableRow {
version: string;
timestamp: number /* int64 */;
-export type InternalGetUserNotificationClientsResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetUserNotificationClientsResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Rocket Pool Table
@@ -120,7 +132,8 @@ export interface NotificationRocketPoolTableRow {
alert_value?: number /* float64 */; // only for some notification types, e.g. max collateral
node_address: Hash;
-export type InternalGetUserNotificationRocketPoolResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetUserNotificationRocketPoolResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Networks Table
@@ -131,7 +144,8 @@ export interface NotificationNetworksTableRow {
event_type: string;
alert_value: string /* decimal.Decimal */; // wei string for gas alerts, otherwise percentage (0-1) for participation rate
-export type InternalGetUserNotificationNetworksResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetUserNotificationNetworksResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Notification Settings
@@ -145,14 +159,16 @@ export interface NotificationNetwork {
chain_id: number /* uint64 */;
settings: NotificationSettingsNetwork;
-export type InternalPutUserNotificationSettingsNetworksResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalPutUserNotificationSettingsNetworksResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
export interface NotificationPairedDevice {
id: string;
paired_timestamp: number /* int64 */;
name?: string;
is_notifications_enabled: boolean;
-export type InternalPutUserNotificationSettingsPairedDevicesResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalPutUserNotificationSettingsPairedDevicesResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
export interface NotificationSettingsGeneral {
do_not_disturb_timestamp: number /* int64 */; // notifications are disabled until this timestamp
is_email_notifications_enabled: boolean;
@@ -166,13 +182,15 @@ export interface NotificationSettingsGeneral {
rocket_pool_max_collateral_threshold: number /* float64 */; // 0 means disabled
rocket_pool_min_collateral_threshold: number /* float64 */; // 0 means disabled
-export type InternalPutUserNotificationSettingsGeneralResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalPutUserNotificationSettingsGeneralResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
export interface NotificationSettings {
general_settings: NotificationSettingsGeneral;
networks: NotificationNetwork[];
paired_devices: NotificationPairedDevice[];
-export type InternalGetUserNotificationSettingsResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetUserNotificationSettingsResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
export interface NotificationSettingsValidatorDashboard {
webhook_url: string;
is_webhook_discord_enabled: boolean;
@@ -186,7 +204,8 @@ export interface NotificationSettingsValidatorDashboard {
is_withdrawal_processed_subscribed: boolean;
is_slashed_subscribed: boolean;
-export type InternalPutUserNotificationSettingsValidatorDashboardResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalPutUserNotificationSettingsValidatorDashboardResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
export interface NotificationSettingsAccountDashboard {
webhook_url: string;
is_webhook_discord_enabled: boolean;
@@ -199,7 +218,8 @@ export interface NotificationSettingsAccountDashboard {
is_erc721_token_transfers_subscribed: boolean;
is_erc1155_token_transfers_subscribed: boolean;
-export type InternalPutUserNotificationSettingsAccountDashboardResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalPutUserNotificationSettingsAccountDashboardResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
export interface NotificationSettingsDashboardsTableRow {
is_account_dashboard: boolean; // if false it's a validator dashboard
dashboard_id: number /* uint64 */;
@@ -208,7 +228,10 @@ export interface NotificationSettingsDashboardsTableRow {
* if it's a validator dashboard, SubscribedEvents is NotificationSettingsAccountDashboard, otherwise NotificationSettingsValidatorDashboard
- settings: NotificationSettingsAccountDashboard | NotificationSettingsValidatorDashboard;
+ settings:
+ | NotificationSettingsAccountDashboard
+ | NotificationSettingsValidatorDashboard;
chain_ids: number /* uint64 */[];
-export type InternalGetUserNotificationSettingsDashboardsResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetUserNotificationSettingsDashboardsResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
diff --git a/frontend/types/api/slot_viz.ts b/frontend/types/api/slot_viz.ts
index 3bc44e3c1..9c95c3ece 100644
--- a/frontend/types/api/slot_viz.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/api/slot_viz.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Code generated by tygo. DO NOT EDIT.
/* eslint-disable */
-import type { ApiDataResponse } from './common'
+import type { ApiDataResponse } from "./common";
// source: slot_viz.go
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ export interface VDBSlotVizStatus {
export interface VDBSlotVizSlot {
slot: number /* uint64 */;
- status: 'proposed' | 'missed' | 'scheduled' | 'orphaned';
+ status: "proposed" | "missed" | "scheduled" | "orphaned";
proposal?: VDBSlotVizTuple;
attestations?: VDBSlotVizStatus;
sync?: VDBSlotVizStatus;
@@ -42,8 +42,10 @@ export interface VDBSlotVizSlot {
export interface SlotVizEpoch {
epoch: number /* uint64 */;
- state?: 'scheduled' | 'head' | 'justifying' | 'justified' | 'finalized'; // all on landing page, only 'head' on dashboard page
+ state?: "scheduled" | "head" | "justifying" | "justified" | "finalized"; // all on landing page, only 'head' on dashboard page
progress?: number /* float64 */; // only on landing page
slots?: VDBSlotVizSlot[]; // only on dashboard page
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardSlotVizResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardSlotVizResponse = ApiDataResponse<
+ SlotVizEpoch[]
diff --git a/frontend/types/api/user.ts b/frontend/types/api/user.ts
index 41a56eeae..74b5d565e 100644
--- a/frontend/types/api/user.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/api/user.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Code generated by tygo. DO NOT EDIT.
/* eslint-disable */
-import type { ApiDataResponse, ChartHistorySeconds } from './common'
+import type { ApiDataResponse, ChartHistorySeconds } from "./common";
// source: user.go
diff --git a/frontend/types/api/validator_dashboard.ts b/frontend/types/api/validator_dashboard.ts
index 45493dd95..7e6229475 100644
--- a/frontend/types/api/validator_dashboard.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/api/validator_dashboard.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
// Code generated by tygo. DO NOT EDIT.
/* eslint-disable */
-import type { PeriodicValues, ClElValue, ChartHistorySeconds, ApiDataResponse, StatusCount, ApiPagingResponse, Luck, ChartData, ValidatorHistoryDuties, Address, PubKey, Hash, PercentageDetails } from './common'
+import type {
+ PeriodicValues,
+ ClElValue,
+ ChartHistorySeconds,
+ ApiDataResponse,
+ StatusCount,
+ ApiPagingResponse,
+ Luck,
+ ChartData,
+ ValidatorHistoryDuties,
+ Address,
+ PubKey,
+ Hash,
+ PercentageDetails,
+} from "./common";
// source: validator_dashboard.go
@@ -30,7 +44,8 @@ export interface VDBOverviewData {
apr: PeriodicValues >;
chart_history_seconds: ChartHistorySeconds;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
export interface VDBPostArchivingReturnData {
id: number /* uint64 */;
is_archived: boolean;
@@ -55,7 +70,8 @@ export interface VDBSummaryTableRow {
proposals: StatusCount;
reward: ClElValue ;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardSummaryResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardSummaryResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
export interface VDBGroupSummaryColumnItem {
status_count: StatusCount;
validators?: number /* uint64 */[];
@@ -88,8 +104,11 @@ export interface VDBGroupSummaryData {
collateral: number /* float64 */;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardGroupSummaryResponse = ApiDataResponse;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardSummaryChartResponse = ApiDataResponse >; // line chart, series id is group id
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardGroupSummaryResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardSummaryChartResponse = ApiDataResponse<
+ ChartData
+>; // line chart, series id is group id
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Summary Validators
@@ -99,10 +118,28 @@ export interface VDBSummaryValidator {
duty_objects?: number /* uint64 */[];
export interface VDBSummaryValidatorsData {
- category: 'deposited' | 'online' | 'offline' | 'slashing' | 'slashed' | 'exited' | 'withdrawn' | 'pending' | 'exiting' | 'withdrawing' | 'sync_current' | 'sync_upcoming' | 'sync_past' | 'has_slashed' | 'got_slashed' | 'proposal_proposed' | 'proposal_missed';
+ category:
+ | "deposited"
+ | "online"
+ | "offline"
+ | "slashing"
+ | "slashed"
+ | "exited"
+ | "withdrawn"
+ | "pending"
+ | "exiting"
+ | "withdrawing"
+ | "sync_current"
+ | "sync_upcoming"
+ | "sync_past"
+ | "has_slashed"
+ | "got_slashed"
+ | "proposal_proposed"
+ | "proposal_missed";
validators: VDBSummaryValidator[];
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardSummaryValidatorsResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardSummaryValidatorsResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Rewards Tab
@@ -119,7 +156,8 @@ export interface VDBRewardsTableRow {
group_id: number /* int64 */;
reward: ClElValue ;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardRewardsResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardRewardsResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
export interface VDBGroupRewardsDetails {
status_count: StatusCount;
income: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
@@ -137,13 +175,17 @@ export interface VDBGroupRewardsData {
proposal_cl_sync_inc_reward: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
proposal_cl_slashing_inc_reward: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardGroupRewardsResponse = ApiDataResponse;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardRewardsChartResponse = ApiDataResponse >; // bar chart, series id is group id, property is 'el' or 'cl'
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardGroupRewardsResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardRewardsChartResponse = ApiDataResponse<
+ ChartData
+>; // bar chart, series id is group id, property is 'el' or 'cl'
export interface VDBEpochDutiesTableRow {
validator: number /* uint64 */;
duties: ValidatorHistoryDuties;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardDutiesResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardDutiesResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Blocks Tab
@@ -153,13 +195,14 @@ export interface VDBBlocksTableRow {
group_id: number /* uint64 */;
epoch: number /* uint64 */;
slot: number /* uint64 */;
- status: 'success' | 'missed' | 'orphaned' | 'scheduled';
+ status: "success" | "missed" | "orphaned" | "scheduled";
block?: number /* uint64 */;
reward_recipient?: Address;
reward?: ClElValue ;
graffiti?: string;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardBlocksResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardBlocksResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
export interface VDBHeatmapEvents {
proposal: boolean;
slash: boolean;
@@ -175,9 +218,10 @@ export interface VDBHeatmap {
timestamps: number /* int64 */[]; // X-Axis Categories (unix timestamp)
group_ids: number /* uint64 */[]; // Y-Axis Categories
data: VDBHeatmapCell[];
- aggregation: 'epoch' | 'day';
+ aggregation: "epoch" | "day";
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardHeatmapResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardHeatmapResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
export interface VDBHeatmapTooltipData {
timestamp: number /* int64 */; // epoch or day
proposers: StatusCount;
@@ -189,7 +233,8 @@ export interface VDBHeatmapTooltipData {
attestation_income: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
attestation_efficiency: number /* float64 */;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardGroupHeatmapResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardGroupHeatmapResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Deposits Tab
@@ -207,7 +252,8 @@ export interface VDBExecutionDepositsTableRow {
amount: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
valid: boolean;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardExecutionLayerDepositsResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardExecutionLayerDepositsResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
export interface VDBConsensusDepositsTableRow {
public_key: PubKey;
index: number /* uint64 */;
@@ -218,15 +264,18 @@ export interface VDBConsensusDepositsTableRow {
amount: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
signature: Hash;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardConsensusLayerDepositsResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardConsensusLayerDepositsResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
export interface VDBTotalExecutionDepositsData {
total_amount: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardTotalExecutionDepositsResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardTotalExecutionDepositsResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
export interface VDBTotalConsensusDepositsData {
total_amount: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardTotalConsensusDepositsResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardTotalConsensusDepositsResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Withdrawals Tab
@@ -240,11 +289,13 @@ export interface VDBWithdrawalsTableRow {
amount: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
is_missing_estimate: boolean;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardWithdrawalsResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardWithdrawalsResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
export interface VDBTotalWithdrawalsData {
total_amount: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardTotalWithdrawalsResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardTotalWithdrawalsResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Rocket Pool Tab
@@ -271,8 +322,10 @@ export interface VDBRocketPoolTableRow {
unclaimed: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardRocketPoolResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardTotalRocketPoolResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardRocketPoolResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardTotalRocketPoolResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
export interface VDBNodeRocketPoolData {
timezone: string;
refund_balance: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
@@ -283,18 +336,35 @@ export interface VDBNodeRocketPoolData {
max: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardNodeRocketPoolResponse = ApiDataResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardNodeRocketPoolResponse =
+ ApiDataResponse;
export interface VDBRocketPoolMinipoolsTableRow {
node: Address;
validator_index: number /* uint64 */;
- minipool_status: 'initialized' | 'prelaunch' | 'staking' | 'withdrawable' | 'dissolved';
- validator_status: 'slashed' | 'exited' | 'deposited' | 'pending' | 'slashing_offline' | 'slashing_online' | 'exiting_offline' | 'exiting_online' | 'active_offline' | 'active_online';
+ minipool_status:
+ | "initialized"
+ | "prelaunch"
+ | "staking"
+ | "withdrawable"
+ | "dissolved";
+ validator_status:
+ | "slashed"
+ | "exited"
+ | "deposited"
+ | "pending"
+ | "slashing_offline"
+ | "slashing_online"
+ | "exiting_offline"
+ | "exiting_online"
+ | "active_offline"
+ | "active_online";
group_id: number /* uint64 */;
deposit: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
commission: number /* float64 */;
created_timestamp: number /* int64 */;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardRocketPoolMinipoolsResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardRocketPoolMinipoolsResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Manage Modal
@@ -304,11 +374,22 @@ export interface VDBManageValidatorsTableRow {
public_key: PubKey;
group_id: number /* uint64 */;
balance: string /* decimal.Decimal */;
- status: 'slashed' | 'exited' | 'deposited' | 'pending' | 'slashing_offline' | 'slashing_online' | 'exiting_offline' | 'exiting_online' | 'active_offline' | 'active_online';
+ status:
+ | "slashed"
+ | "exited"
+ | "deposited"
+ | "pending"
+ | "slashing_offline"
+ | "slashing_online"
+ | "exiting_offline"
+ | "exiting_online"
+ | "active_offline"
+ | "active_online";
queue_position?: number /* uint64 */;
withdrawal_credential: Hash;
-export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardValidatorsResponse = ApiPagingResponse;
+export type InternalGetValidatorDashboardValidatorsResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Misc.
diff --git a/frontend/types/currencies.ts b/frontend/types/currencies.ts
index cf1c1ba00..bc33058da 100644
--- a/frontend/types/currencies.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/currencies.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,28 @@
-const FiatCurrencies = ['AUD', 'CAD', 'CNY', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'JPY', 'USD', 'RUB'] as const
-type FiatCurrency = typeof FiatCurrencies[number]
+const FiatCurrencies = [
+ 'AUD',
+ 'CAD',
+ 'CNY',
+ 'EUR',
+ 'GBP',
+ 'JPY',
+ 'USD',
+ 'RUB',
+] as const
+type FiatCurrency = (typeof FiatCurrencies)[number]
const CryptoCurrencies = ['ETH', 'GNO', 'DAI', 'xDAI'] as const
-type CryptoCurrency = typeof CryptoCurrencies[number]
+type CryptoCurrency = (typeof CryptoCurrencies)[number]
const Native = 'NAT' as const
type Native = typeof Native
type Currency = FiatCurrency | CryptoCurrency | Native
type CryptoUnits = 'MAIN' | 'GWEI' | 'WEI'
-export { type Currency, type CryptoUnits, type CryptoCurrency, type FiatCurrency, CryptoCurrencies, FiatCurrencies, Native }
+export {
+ type Currency,
+ type CryptoUnits,
+ type CryptoCurrency,
+ type FiatCurrency,
+ CryptoCurrencies,
+ FiatCurrencies,
+ Native,
diff --git a/frontend/types/customFetch.ts b/frontend/types/customFetch.ts
index 4f28a06a2..c2b15fa79 100644
--- a/frontend/types/customFetch.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/customFetch.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-import { simulateAPIresponseForTheSearchBar, simulateAPIresponseAboutNetworkList, mockManageNotificationsGeneral } from '~/utils/mock'
+import {
+ simulateAPIresponseForTheSearchBar,
+ simulateAPIresponseAboutNetworkList,
+ mockManageNotificationsGeneral,
+} from '~/utils/mock'
export enum API_PATH {
AD_CONFIGURATIONs = '/adConfigurations',
@@ -71,7 +75,8 @@ type MappingData = {
export const mapping: Record = {
path: 'validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/validators',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/validators`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/validators`,
mock: false,
@@ -81,12 +86,14 @@ export const mapping: Record = {
path: 'validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/withdrawals',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/withdrawals`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/withdrawals`,
mock: false,
path: 'validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/total-withdrawals',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/total-withdrawals`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/total-withdrawals`,
mock: false,
@@ -97,7 +104,8 @@ export const mapping: Record = {
path: 'validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/groups/{group_id}',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/groups/${values?.groupId}`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/groups/${values?.groupId}`,
mock: false,
method: 'PUT', // can be 'DELETE' = delete group or 'PUT' = modify group
@@ -165,64 +173,76 @@ export const mapping: Record = {
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboardKey}/public-ids',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/public-ids`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/public-ids`,
mock: false,
method: 'POST',
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboardKey}/public-ids/{publicId}',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/public-ids/${values?.publicId}`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/public-ids/${values?.publicId}`,
mock: false,
method: 'PUT',
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboardKey}/groups/{group_id}/summary',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/groups/${values?.groupId}/summary`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/groups/${values?.groupId}/summary`,
mock: false,
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboardKey}/summary',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/summary`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/summary`,
mock: false,
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboardKey}/rewards-chart',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/rewards-chart`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/rewards-chart`,
mock: false,
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboardKey}/groups/{group_id}/rewards',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/groups/${values?.groupId}/rewards/${values?.epoch}`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/groups/${values?.groupId}/rewards/${values?.epoch}`,
mock: false,
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboardKey}/rewards',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/rewards`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/rewards`,
mock: false,
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/execution-layer-deposits',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/execution-layer-deposits`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/execution-layer-deposits`,
mock: false,
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/total-execution-layer-deposits',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/total-execution-layer-deposits`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/total-execution-layer-deposits`,
mock: false,
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/consensus-layer-deposits',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/consensus-layer-deposits`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/consensus-layer-deposits`,
mock: false,
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/total-consensus-layer-deposits',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/total-consensus-layer-deposits`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/total-consensus-layer-deposits`,
mock: false,
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboardKey}/summary-chart?',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/summary-chart`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/summary-chart`,
mock: false,
@@ -232,7 +252,8 @@ export const mapping: Record = {
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboardKey}/slot-viz',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/slot-viz`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/slot-viz`,
mock: false,
@@ -256,12 +277,14 @@ export const mapping: Record = {
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/duties/{epoch}:',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/duties/${values?.epoch}`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/duties/${values?.epoch}`,
mock: false,
path: '/validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/summary/validators',
- getPath: values => `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/summary/validators`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/validator-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/summary/validators`,
mock: false,
@@ -316,7 +339,8 @@ export const mapping: Record = {
path: '/users/me/notifications/settings/{for}-dashboards/{dashboard_key}/groups/{group_id}',
- getPath: values => `/users/me/notifications/settings/${values?.for}-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/groups/${values?.groupId}`,
+ getPath: values =>
+ `/users/me/notifications/settings/${values?.for}-dashboards/${values?.dashboardKey}/groups/${values?.groupId}`,
method: 'POST',
mock: false,
diff --git a/frontend/types/dashboard/slotViz.ts b/frontend/types/dashboard/slotViz.ts
index 2b86830f8..e046ad471 100644
--- a/frontend/types/dashboard/slotViz.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/dashboard/slotViz.ts
@@ -1,2 +1,12 @@
-export type SlotVizCategories = 'attestation' | 'proposal' | 'slashing' | 'sync' | 'visible' | 'initial'
-export type SlotVizIcons = SlotVizCategories | 'head_attestation' | 'source_attestation' | 'target_attestation'
+export type SlotVizCategories =
+ | 'attestation'
+ | 'proposal'
+ | 'slashing'
+ | 'sync'
+ | 'visible'
+ | 'initial'
+export type SlotVizIcons =
+ | SlotVizCategories
+ | 'head_attestation'
+ | 'source_attestation'
+ | 'target_attestation'
diff --git a/frontend/types/dashboard/summary.ts b/frontend/types/dashboard/summary.ts
index a320025d2..b46e2ff29 100644
--- a/frontend/types/dashboard/summary.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/dashboard/summary.ts
@@ -1,28 +1,75 @@
import { type ChartHistorySeconds } from '~/types/api/common'
-export const SummaryDetailsEfficiencyProps = ['attestations_head', 'attestations_source', 'attestations_target', 'slashings', 'sync'] as const
-export type SummaryDetailsEfficiencyProp = typeof SummaryDetailsEfficiencyProps[number]
+export const SummaryDetailsEfficiencyProps = [
+ 'attestations_head',
+ 'attestations_source',
+ 'attestations_target',
+ 'slashings',
+ 'sync',
+] as const
+export type SummaryDetailsEfficiencyProp =
+ (typeof SummaryDetailsEfficiencyProps)[number]
-export const SummaryDetailsEfficiencyValidatorProps = ['validators_sync', 'validators_proposal', 'validators_slashings'] as const
-export type SummaryDetailsEfficiencyValidatorProp = typeof SummaryDetailsEfficiencyValidatorProps[number]
+export const SummaryDetailsEfficiencyValidatorProps = [
+ 'validators_sync',
+ 'validators_proposal',
+ 'validators_slashings',
+] as const
+export type SummaryDetailsEfficiencyValidatorProp =
+ (typeof SummaryDetailsEfficiencyValidatorProps)[number]
-export const SummaryDetailsEfficiencyLuckProps = ['proposal_luck', 'sync_luck'] as const
-export type SummaryDetailsEfficiencyLuckProp = typeof SummaryDetailsEfficiencyLuckProps[number]
+export const SummaryDetailsEfficiencyLuckProps = [
+ 'proposal_luck',
+ 'sync_luck',
+] as const
+export type SummaryDetailsEfficiencyLuckProp =
+ (typeof SummaryDetailsEfficiencyLuckProps)[number]
export const SummaryDetailsEfficiencyCustomProps = ['attestations'] as const
-export type SummaryDetailsEfficiencyCustomProp = typeof SummaryDetailsEfficiencyCustomProps[number]
+export type SummaryDetailsEfficiencyCustomProp =
+ (typeof SummaryDetailsEfficiencyCustomProps)[number]
-export const SummaryDetailsEfficiencySpecialProps = ['reward', 'efficiency', 'apr', 'luck', 'attestation_avg_incl_dist', 'attestation_efficiency', 'proposals', 'missed_rewards'] as const
-export type SummaryDetailsEfficiencySpecialProp = typeof SummaryDetailsEfficiencySpecialProps[number]
+export const SummaryDetailsEfficiencySpecialProps = [
+ 'reward',
+ 'efficiency',
+ 'apr',
+ 'luck',
+ 'attestation_avg_incl_dist',
+ 'attestation_efficiency',
+ 'proposals',
+ 'missed_rewards',
+] as const
+export type SummaryDetailsEfficiencySpecialProp =
+ (typeof SummaryDetailsEfficiencySpecialProps)[number]
-export type SummaryDetailsEfficiencyCombinedProp = SummaryDetailsEfficiencySpecialProp | SummaryDetailsEfficiencyProp | SummaryDetailsEfficiencyCustomProp | SummaryDetailsEfficiencyLuckProp | SummaryDetailsEfficiencyValidatorProp
+export type SummaryDetailsEfficiencyCombinedProp =
+ | SummaryDetailsEfficiencySpecialProp
+ | SummaryDetailsEfficiencyProp
+ | SummaryDetailsEfficiencyCustomProp
+ | SummaryDetailsEfficiencyLuckProp
+ | SummaryDetailsEfficiencyValidatorProp
-export type DashboardValidatorContext = 'dashboard' | 'group' | 'attestation' | 'sync' | 'slashings' | 'proposal'
+export type DashboardValidatorContext =
+ | 'dashboard'
+ | 'group'
+ | 'attestation'
+ | 'sync'
+ | 'slashings'
+ | 'proposal'
-export type SummaryRow = { prop?: SummaryDetailsEfficiencyCombinedProp, title: string }
+export type SummaryRow = {
+ prop?: SummaryDetailsEfficiencyCombinedProp
+ title: string
-export const SummaryTimeFrames = ['last_1h', 'last_24h', 'last_7d', 'last_30d', 'all_time'] as const
-export type SummaryTimeFrame = typeof SummaryTimeFrames[number]
+export const SummaryTimeFrames = [
+ 'last_1h',
+ 'last_24h',
+ 'last_7d',
+ 'last_30d',
+ 'all_time',
+] as const
+export type SummaryTimeFrame = (typeof SummaryTimeFrames)[number]
export type SummaryTableVisibility = {
proposals: boolean
@@ -36,10 +83,15 @@ export const SUMMARY_CHART_GROUP_TOTAL = -1
export type AggregationTimeframe = keyof ChartHistorySeconds
-export const AggregationTimeframes: AggregationTimeframe[] = ['epoch', 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly']
+export const AggregationTimeframes: AggregationTimeframe[] = [
+ 'epoch',
+ 'hourly',
+ 'daily',
+ 'weekly',
export const EfficiencyTypes = ['all', 'attestation', 'sync', 'proposal']
-export type EfficiencyType = typeof EfficiencyTypes[number]
+export type EfficiencyType = (typeof EfficiencyTypes)[number]
export type SummaryChartFilter = {
groupIds: number[]
diff --git a/frontend/types/helper.ts b/frontend/types/helper.ts
index 8aa405337..b2fdd4fbd 100644
--- a/frontend/types/helper.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/helper.ts
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type KeyPaths = {
? never // remove Arrays
: `${K}.${KeyPaths}`
: K
- : never
+ : never;
}[keyof T]
export type { KeyPaths }
diff --git a/frontend/types/network.ts b/frontend/types/network.ts
index 0cef2e2b4..df6f86fe2 100644
--- a/frontend/types/network.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/network.ts
@@ -265,10 +265,11 @@ export function getAllExistingChainIDs(sortByPriority: boolean): ChainIDs[] {
* Should be used only when you test a network different from the current one.
- * Whereever you would write `isMainNet(currentNetwork.value)` you should rather use `isMainNet()` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
+ * Whereever you would write `isMainNet(currentNetwork.value)` you should
+ * rather use `isMainNet()` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
export function isMainNet(network: ChainIDs): boolean {
- return (ChainInfo[network].mainNet === network)
+ return ChainInfo[network].mainNet === network
@@ -276,37 +277,43 @@ export function isMainNet(network: ChainIDs): boolean {
* Wherever you would write `isL1(currentNetwork.value)` you should rather use `isL1()` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
export function isL1(network: ChainIDs): boolean {
- return (ChainInfo[network].L1 === network)
+ return ChainInfo[network].L1 === network
* Should be used only when you work with a network different from the current one.
- * Wherever you would write `epochsPerDay(currentNetwork.value)` you should rather use `epochsPerDay()` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
+ * Wherever you would write `epochsPerDay(currentNetwork.value)` you should
+ * rather use `epochsPerDay()` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
export function epochsPerDay(chainId: ChainIDs): number {
const info = ChainInfo[chainId]
if (info.timeStampSlot0 === undefined) {
return 0
- return 24 * 60 * 60 / (info.slotsPerEpoch * info.secondsPerSlot)
+ return (24 * 60 * 60) / (info.slotsPerEpoch * info.secondsPerSlot)
* Should be used only when you work with a network different from the current one.
- * Wherever you would write `epochToTs(currentNetwork.value, epoch)` you should rather use `epochToTs(epoch)` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
+ * Wherever you would write `epochToTs(currentNetwork.value, epoch)` you should
+ * rather use `epochToTs(epoch)` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
-export function epochToTs(chainId: ChainIDs, epoch: number): number | undefined {
+export function epochToTs(
+ chainId: ChainIDs,
+ epoch: number,
+): number | undefined {
const info = ChainInfo[chainId]
if (info.timeStampSlot0 === undefined || epoch < 0) {
return undefined
- return info.timeStampSlot0 + ((epoch * info.slotsPerEpoch) * info.secondsPerSlot)
+ return info.timeStampSlot0 + epoch * info.slotsPerEpoch * info.secondsPerSlot
* Should be used only when you work with a network different from the current one.
- * Wherever you would write `slotToTs(currentNetwork.value, slot)` you should rather use `slotToTs(slot)` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
+ * Wherever you would write `slotToTs(currentNetwork.value, slot)` you should
+ * rather use `slotToTs(slot)` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
export function slotToTs(chainId: ChainIDs, slot: number): number | undefined {
const info = ChainInfo[chainId]
@@ -314,12 +321,13 @@ export function slotToTs(chainId: ChainIDs, slot: number): number | undefined {
return undefined
- return info.timeStampSlot0 + (slot * info.secondsPerSlot)
+ return info.timeStampSlot0 + slot * info.secondsPerSlot
* Should be used only when you work with a network different from the current one.
- * Wherever you would write `tsToSlot(currentNetwork.value, ts)` you should rather use `tsToSlot(ts)` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
+ * Wherever you would write `tsToSlot(currentNetwork.value, ts)` you should
+ * rather use `tsToSlot(ts)` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
export function tsToSlot(chainId: ChainIDs, ts: number): number {
const info = ChainInfo[chainId]
@@ -331,7 +339,8 @@ export function tsToSlot(chainId: ChainIDs, ts: number): number {
* Should be used only when you work with a network different from the current one.
- * Wherever you would write `slotToEpoch(currentNetwork.value, slot)` you should rather use `slotToEpoch(slot)` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
+ * Wherever you would write `slotToEpoch(currentNetwork.value, slot)` you should
+ * rather use `slotToEpoch(slot)` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
export function slotToEpoch(chainId: ChainIDs, slot: number): number {
const info = ChainInfo[chainId]
@@ -343,7 +352,8 @@ export function slotToEpoch(chainId: ChainIDs, slot: number): number {
* Should be used only when you work with a network different from the current one.
- * Wherever you would write `secondsPerEpoch(currentNetwork.value)` you should rather use `secondsPerEpoch()` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
+ * Wherever you would write `secondsPerEpoch(currentNetwork.value)` you should
+ * rather use `secondsPerEpoch()` from `useNetworkStore.ts`.
export function secondsPerEpoch(chainId: ChainIDs): number {
const info = ChainInfo[chainId]
diff --git a/frontend/types/notifications/dashboards.ts b/frontend/types/notifications/dashboards.ts
index c41833e2a..7529027b4 100644
--- a/frontend/types/notifications/dashboards.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/notifications/dashboards.ts
@@ -15,4 +15,5 @@ export type NotifcationDashboardRow = {
nofitication: string[]
-export type NotifcationDashboardResponse = ApiPagingResponse
+export type NotifcationDashboardResponse =
+ ApiPagingResponse
diff --git a/frontend/types/notifications/settings.ts b/frontend/types/notifications/settings.ts
index 3baed8644..558119ffc 100644
--- a/frontend/types/notifications/settings.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/notifications/settings.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,22 @@
-import type { NotificationSettingsGeneral, NotificationPairedDevice } from '~/types/api/notifications'
+import type {
+ NotificationSettingsGeneral,
+ NotificationPairedDevice,
+} from '~/types/api/notifications'
-export type NotificationsManagementSettingsGeneralTab = Pick
+export type NotificationsManagementSettingsGeneralTab = Pick<
+ NotificationSettingsGeneral,
+ | 'do_not_disturb_timestamp'
+ | 'is_email_notifications_enabled'
+ | 'is_push_notifications_enabled'
export interface NotificationsManagementSettingsProvider {
- generalSettings: ComputedRef
- updateGeneralSettings: (newSettings: NotificationsManagementSettingsGeneralTab) => void
+ generalSettings: ComputedRef<
+ NotificationsManagementSettingsGeneralTab | undefined
+ >
+ updateGeneralSettings: (
+ newSettings: NotificationsManagementSettingsGeneralTab,
+ ) => void
pairedDevices: ComputedRef
updatePairedDevices: (newDevices: NotificationPairedDevice[]) => void
isLoading: Ref