diff --git a/backend/pkg/api/data_access/user.go b/backend/pkg/api/data_access/user.go
index 598f83995..c7c22d9cf 100644
--- a/backend/pkg/api/data_access/user.go
+++ b/backend/pkg/api/data_access/user.go
@@ -287,7 +287,10 @@ func (d *DataAccessService) GetUserInfo(ctx context.Context, userId uint64) (*t.
err = d.userReader.GetContext(ctx, &result, `SELECT email, COALESCE(user_group, '') as user_group FROM users WHERE id = $1`, userId)
if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting userEmail for user %v: %w", userId, err)
+ if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: user not found", ErrNotFound)
+ }
+ return nil, err
userInfo.Email = result.Email
userInfo.UserGroup = result.UserGroup
@@ -764,7 +767,7 @@ func (d *DataAccessService) GetUserDashboards(ctx context.Context, userId uint64
err := wg.Wait()
if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving user dashboards data: %v", err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving user dashboards data: %w", err)
// Fill the result
diff --git a/backend/pkg/api/data_access/vdb_management.go b/backend/pkg/api/data_access/vdb_management.go
index 9163a51ab..b523103c6 100644
--- a/backend/pkg/api/data_access/vdb_management.go
+++ b/backend/pkg/api/data_access/vdb_management.go
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ func (d *DataAccessService) GetValidatorDashboardInfo(ctx context.Context, dashb
err := wg.Wait()
if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving user dashboards data: %v", err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving user dashboards data: %w", err)
return result, nil
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ func (d *DataAccessService) GetValidatorDashboardOverview(ctx context.Context, d
validators, err := d.getDashboardValidators(ctx, dashboardId, nil)
if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("error retrieving validators from dashboard id: %v", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("error retrieving validators from dashboard id: %w", err)
if dashboardId.Validators != nil || dashboardId.AggregateGroups {
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ func (d *DataAccessService) GetValidatorDashboardOverview(ctx context.Context, d
query, args, err := ds.Prepared(true).ToSQL()
if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("error preparing query: %v", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("error preparing query: %w", err)
err = d.clickhouseReader.GetContext(ctx, &queryResult, query, args...)
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ func (d *DataAccessService) GetValidatorDashboardOverview(ctx context.Context, d
err = eg.Wait()
if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving validator dashboard overview data: %v", err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving validator dashboard overview data: %w", err)
return &data, nil
diff --git a/backend/pkg/api/handlers/common.go b/backend/pkg/api/handlers/common.go
index 3a895c481..ca585724b 100644
--- a/backend/pkg/api/handlers/common.go
+++ b/backend/pkg/api/handlers/common.go
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ func checkSort[T enums.EnumFactory[T]](v *validationError, sortString string) *t
return nil
if len(sortSplit) == 1 {
- sortSplit = append(sortSplit, "")
+ sortSplit = append(sortSplit, ":asc")
sortCol := checkEnum[T](v, sortSplit[0], "sort")
order := v.parseSortOrder(sortSplit[1])
diff --git a/backend/pkg/api/handlers/public.go b/backend/pkg/api/handlers/public.go
index a06e798c3..95df23ea7 100644
--- a/backend/pkg/api/handlers/public.go
+++ b/backend/pkg/api/handlers/public.go
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicPutAccountDashboardTransactionsSettings(w http.Re
// @Description Create a new validator dashboard. **Note**: New dashboards will automatically have a default group created.
// @Security ApiKeyInHeader || ApiKeyInQuery
-// @Tags Validator Dashboards
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Param request body handlers.PublicPostValidatorDashboards.request true "`name`: Specify the name of the dashboard.
`network`: Specify the network for the dashboard. Possible options are:
@@ -193,6 +193,16 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicPostValidatorDashboards(w http.ResponseWriter, r
returnCreated(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboards godoc
+// @Description Get overview information for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param modes query string false "Provide a comma separated list of protocol modes which should be respected for validator calculations. Possible values are `rocket_pool``."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse "Bad Request"
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id} [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboard(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardIdParam := mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"]
@@ -244,6 +254,16 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboard(w http.ResponseWriter, r *h
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicPutValidatorDashboard godoc
+// @Description Delete a specified validator dashboard.
+// @Security ApiKeyInHeader || ApiKeyInQuery
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard Management
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Success 204 "Dashboard deleted successfully."
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse "Bad Request"
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id} [delete]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicDeleteValidatorDashboard(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId := v.checkPrimaryDashboardId(mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -259,6 +279,18 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicDeleteValidatorDashboard(w http.ResponseWriter, r
returnNoContent(w, r)
+// PublicPutValidatorDashboard godoc
+// @Description Update the name of a specified validator dashboard.
+// @Security ApiKeyInHeader || ApiKeyInQuery
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard Management
+// @Accept json
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param request body handlers.PublicPutValidatorDashboardName.request true "request"
+// @Success 200 {object} types.ApiDataResponse[types.VDBPostReturnData]
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/name [put]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicPutValidatorDashboardName(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId := v.checkPrimaryDashboardId(mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -286,6 +318,19 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicPutValidatorDashboardName(w http.ResponseWriter,
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicPostValidatorDashboardGroups godoc
+// @Description Create a new group in a specified validator dashboard.
+// @Security ApiKeyInHeader || ApiKeyInQuery
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard Management
+// @Accept json
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param request body handlers.PublicPostValidatorDashboardGroups.request true "request"
+// @Success 201 {object} types.ApiDataResponse[types.VDBPostCreateGroupData]
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Failure 409 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse "Conflict. The request could not be performed by the server because the authenticated user has already reached their group limit."
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/groups [post]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicPostValidatorDashboardGroups(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId := v.checkPrimaryDashboardId(mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -337,6 +382,19 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicPostValidatorDashboardGroups(w http.ResponseWrite
returnCreated(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardGroups godoc
+// @Description Update a groups name in a specified validator dashboard.
+// @Security ApiKeyInHeader || ApiKeyInQuery
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard Management
+// @Accept json
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param group_id path string true "The ID of the group."
+// @Param request body handlers.PublicPutValidatorDashboardGroups.request true "request"
+// @Success 200 {object} types.ApiDataResponse[types.VDBPostCreateGroupData]
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/groups/{group_id} [put]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicPutValidatorDashboardGroups(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
vars := mux.Vars(r)
@@ -377,6 +435,18 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicPutValidatorDashboardGroups(w http.ResponseWriter
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicDeleteValidatorDashboardGroups godoc
+// @Description Delete a group in a specified validator dashboard.
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard Management
+// @Security ApiKeyInHeader || ApiKeyInQuery
+// @Accept json
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param group_id path string true "The ID of the group."
+// @Success 204 "Group deleted successfully."
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/groups/{group_id} [delete]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicDeleteValidatorDashboardGroup(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
vars := mux.Vars(r)
@@ -408,6 +478,19 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicDeleteValidatorDashboardGroup(w http.ResponseWrit
returnNoContent(w, r)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardGroups godoc
+// @Description Add new validators to a specified dashboard or update the group of already-added validators.
+// @Security ApiKeyInHeader || ApiKeyInQuery
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard Management
+// @Accept json
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param request body handlers.PublicPostValidatorDashboardValidators.request true "`group_id`: (optional) Provide a single group id, to which all validators get added to. If omitted, the default group will be used.
To add validators, only one of the following fields can be set:- `validators`: Provide a list of validator indices or public keys to add to the dashboard.
- `deposit_address`: (limited to subscription tiers with 'Bulk adding') Provide a deposit address from which as many validators as possible will be added to the dashboard.
- `withdrawal_address`: (limited to subscription tiers with 'Bulk adding') Provide a withdrawal address from which as many validators as possible will be added to the dashboard.
- `graffiti`: (limited to subscription tiers with 'Bulk adding') Provide a graffiti string from which as many validators as possible will be added to the dashboard.
+// @Success 201 {object} types.ApiDataResponse[[]types.VDBPostValidatorsData] "Returns a list of added validators."
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Failure 409 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse "Conflict. The request could not be performed by the server because the authenticated user has already reached their validator limit."
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/validators [post]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicPostValidatorDashboardValidators(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId := v.checkPrimaryDashboardId(mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -531,6 +614,20 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicPostValidatorDashboardValidators(w http.ResponseW
returnCreated(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardValidators godoc
+// @Description Get a list of groups in a specified validator dashboard.
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param group_id query string false "The ID of the group."
+// @Param cursor query string false "Return data for the given cursor value. Pass the `paging.next_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to forward, or pass the `paging.prev_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to backward."
+// @Param limit query string false "The maximum number of results that may be returned."
+// @Param sort query string false "The field you want to sort by. Append with `:desc` for descending order." Enums(index, public_key, balance, status, withdrawal_credentials)
+// @Param search query string false "Search for Address, ENS."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardValidatorsResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/groups [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardValidators(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId, err := h.handleDashboardId(r.Context(), mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -558,19 +655,30 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardValidators(w http.ResponseWr
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicDeleteValidatorDashboardValidators godoc
+// @Description Remove validators from a specified dashboard.
+// @Security ApiKeyInHeader || ApiKeyInQuery
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard Management
+// @Accept json
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param request body handlers.PublicDeleteValidatorDashboardValidators.request true "`validators`: Provide an array of validator indices or public keys that should get removed from the dashboard."
+// @Success 204 "Validators removed successfully."
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/validators/bulk-deletions [post]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicDeleteValidatorDashboardValidators(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId := v.checkPrimaryDashboardId(mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
- var indices []uint64
- var publicKeys []string
- req := struct {
+ type request struct {
Validators []intOrString `json:"validators"`
- }{}
+ }
+ var req request
if err := v.checkBody(&req, r); err != nil {
handleErr(w, r, err)
- indices, publicKeys = v.checkValidators(req.Validators, false)
+ indices, publicKeys := v.checkValidators(req.Validators, false)
if v.hasErrors() {
handleErr(w, r, v)
@@ -589,6 +697,19 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicDeleteValidatorDashboardValidators(w http.Respons
returnNoContent(w, r)
+// PublicPostValidatorDashboardPublicIds godoc
+// @Description Create a new public ID for a specified dashboard. This can be used as an ID by other users for non-modyfing (i.e. GET) endpoints only. Currently limited to one per dashboard.
+// @Security ApiKeyInHeader || ApiKeyInQuery
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard Management
+// @Accept json
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param request body handlers.PublicPostValidatorDashboardPublicIds.request true "`name`: Provide a public name for the dashboard
`share_settings`:- `share_groups`: If set to `true`, accessing the dashboard through the public ID will not reveal any group information.
+// @Success 201 {object} types.ApiDataResponse[types.VDBPublicId]
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Failure 409 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse "Conflict. The request could not be performed by the server because the authenticated user has already reached their public ID limit."
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/public-ids [post]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicPostValidatorDashboardPublicIds(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId := v.checkPrimaryDashboardId(mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -623,13 +744,26 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicPostValidatorDashboardPublicIds(w http.ResponseWr
handleErr(w, r, err)
- response := types.ApiResponse{
- Data: data,
+ response := types.ApiDataResponse[types.VDBPublicId]{
+ Data: *data,
returnCreated(w, r, response)
+// PublicPutValidatorDashboardPublicId godoc
+// @Description Update a specified public ID for a specified dashboard.
+// @Security ApiKeyInHeader || ApiKeyInQuery
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard Management
+// @Accept json
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param public_id path string true "The ID of the public ID."
+// @Param request body handlers.PublicPutValidatorDashboardPublicId.request true "`name`: Provide a public name for the dashboard
`share_settings`:- `share_groups`: If set to `true`, accessing the dashboard through the public ID will not reveal any group information.
+// @Success 200 {object} types.ApiDataResponse[types.VDBPublicId]
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/public-ids/{public_id} [put]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicPutValidatorDashboardPublicId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
vars := mux.Vars(r)
@@ -666,13 +800,24 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicPutValidatorDashboardPublicId(w http.ResponseWrit
handleErr(w, r, err)
- response := types.ApiResponse{
- Data: data,
+ response := types.ApiDataResponse[types.VDBPublicId]{
+ Data: *data,
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicDeleteValidatorDashboardPublicId godoc
+// @Description Delete a specified public ID for a specified dashboard.
+// @Security ApiKeyInHeader || ApiKeyInQuery
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard Management
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param public_id path string true "The ID of the public ID."
+// @Success 204 "Public ID deleted successfully."
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/public-ids/{public_id} [delete]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicDeleteValidatorDashboardPublicId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
vars := mux.Vars(r)
@@ -701,12 +846,26 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicDeleteValidatorDashboardPublicId(w http.ResponseW
returnNoContent(w, r)
+// PublicPutValidatorDashboardArchiving godoc
+// @Description Archive or unarchive a specified validator dashboard. Archived dashboards cannot be accessed by other endpoints. Archiving happens automatically if the number of dashboards, validators, or groups exceeds the limit allowed by your subscription plan. For example, this might occur if you downgrade your subscription to a lower tier.
+// @Security ApiKeyInHeader || ApiKeyInQuery
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard Management
+// @Accept json
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param request body handlers.PublicPutValidatorDashboardArchiving.request true "request"
+// @Success 200 {object} types.ApiDataResponse[types.VDBPostArchivingReturnData]
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Conflict 409 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse "Conflict. The request could not be performed by the server because the authenticated user has already reached their subscription limit."
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/archiving [put]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicPutValidatorDashboardArchiving(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId := v.checkPrimaryDashboardId(mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
- req := struct {
+ type request struct {
IsArchived bool `json:"is_archived"`
- }{}
+ }
+ var req request
if err := v.checkBody(&req, r); err != nil {
handleErr(w, r, err)
@@ -784,6 +943,16 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicPutValidatorDashboardArchiving(w http.ResponseWri
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardSlotViz godoc
+// @Description Get slot viz information for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param group_ids query string false "Provide a comma separated list of group IDs to filter the results by. If omitted, all groups will be included."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardSlotVizResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/slot-viz [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardSlotViz(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId, err := h.handleDashboardId(r.Context(), mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -809,6 +978,23 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardSlotViz(w http.ResponseWrite
returnOk(w, r, response)
+var summaryAllowedPeriods = []enums.TimePeriod{enums.TimePeriods.AllTime, enums.TimePeriods.Last30d, enums.TimePeriods.Last7d, enums.TimePeriods.Last24h, enums.TimePeriods.Last1h}
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardSummary godoc
+// @Description Get summary information for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param period query string true "Time period to get data for." Enums(all_time, last_30d, last_7d, last_24h, last_1h)
+// @Param cursor query string false "Return data for the given cursor value. Pass the `paging.next_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to forward, or pass the `paging.prev_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to backward."
+// @Param limit query string false "The maximum number of results that may be returned."
+// @Param sort query string false "The field you want to sort by. Append with `:desc` for descending order." Enums(group_id, validators, efficiency, attestations, proposals, reward)
+// @Param search query string false "Search for Index, Public Key, Group."
+// @Param modes query string false "Provide a comma separated list of protocol modes which should be respected for validator calculations. Possible values are `rocket_pool``."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardSummaryResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/summary [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardSummary(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId, err := h.handleDashboardId(r.Context(), mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -823,8 +1009,7 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardSummary(w http.ResponseWrite
period := checkEnum[enums.TimePeriod](&v, q.Get("period"), "period")
// allowed periods are: all_time, last_30d, last_7d, last_24h, last_1h
- allowedPeriods := []enums.TimePeriod{enums.TimePeriods.AllTime, enums.TimePeriods.Last30d, enums.TimePeriods.Last7d, enums.TimePeriods.Last24h, enums.TimePeriods.Last1h}
- checkEnumIsAllowed(&v, period, allowedPeriods, "period")
+ checkEnumIsAllowed(&v, period, summaryAllowedPeriods, "period")
if v.hasErrors() {
handleErr(w, r, v)
@@ -842,6 +1027,18 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardSummary(w http.ResponseWrite
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardGroupSummary godoc
+// @Description Get summary information for a specified group in a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param group_id path string true "The ID of the group."
+// @Param period query string true "Time period to get data for." Enums(all_time, last_30d, last_7d, last_24h, last_1h)
+// @Param modes query string false "Provide a comma separated list of protocol modes which should be respected for validator calculations. Possible values are `rocket_pool``."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardGroupSummaryResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/groups/{group_id}/summary [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardGroupSummary(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
vars := mux.Vars(r)
@@ -859,8 +1056,7 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardGroupSummary(w http.Response
groupId := v.checkGroupId(vars["group_id"], forbidEmpty)
period := checkEnum[enums.TimePeriod](&v, r.URL.Query().Get("period"), "period")
// allowed periods are: all_time, last_30d, last_7d, last_24h, last_1h
- allowedPeriods := []enums.TimePeriod{enums.TimePeriods.AllTime, enums.TimePeriods.Last30d, enums.TimePeriods.Last7d, enums.TimePeriods.Last24h, enums.TimePeriods.Last1h}
- checkEnumIsAllowed(&v, period, allowedPeriods, "period")
+ checkEnumIsAllowed(&v, period, summaryAllowedPeriods, "period")
if v.hasErrors() {
handleErr(w, r, v)
@@ -877,6 +1073,20 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardGroupSummary(w http.Response
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardSummaryChart godoc
+// @Description Get summary chart data for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param group_ids query string false "Provide a comma separated list of group IDs to filter the results by."
+// @Param efficiency_type query string false "Efficiency type to get data for." Enums(all, attestation, sync, proposal)
+// @Param aggregation query string false "Aggregation type to get data for." Enums(epoch, hourly, daily, weekly) Default(hourly)
+// @Param after_ts query string false "Return data after this timestamp."
+// @Param before_ts query string false "Return data before this timestamp."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardSummaryChartResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/summary-chart [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardSummaryChart(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
ctx := r.Context()
@@ -916,6 +1126,18 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardSummaryChart(w http.Response
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardSummaryValidators godoc
+// @Description Get summary information for validators in a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param group_id query string false "The ID of the group."
+// @Param duty query string false "Validator duty to get data for." Enums(none, sync, slashed, proposal) Default(none)
+// @Param period query string true "Time period to get data for." Enums(all_time, last_30d, last_7d, last_24h, last_1h)
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardSummaryValidatorsResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/summary/validators [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardSummaryValidators(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId, err := h.handleDashboardId(r.Context(), mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -966,6 +1188,20 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardSummaryValidators(w http.Res
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardRewards godoc
+// @Description Get rewards information for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param cursor query string false "Return data for the given cursor value. Pass the `paging.next_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to forward, or pass the `paging.prev_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to backward."
+// @Param limit query string false "The maximum number of results that may be returned."
+// @Param sort query string false "The field you want to sort by. Append with `:desc` for descending order." Enums(epoch)
+// @Param search query string false "Search for Epoch, Index, Public Key, Group."
+// @Param modes query string false "Provide a comma separated list of protocol modes which should be respected for validator calculations. Possible values are `rocket_pool``."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardRewardsResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/rewards [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardRewards(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId, err := h.handleDashboardId(r.Context(), mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -994,6 +1230,18 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardRewards(w http.ResponseWrite
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardGroupRewards godoc
+// @Description Get rewards information for a specified group in a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param group_id path string true "The ID of the group."
+// @Param epoch path string true "The epoch to get data for."
+// @Param modes query string false "Provide a comma separated list of protocol modes which should be respected for validator calculations. Possible values are `rocket_pool``."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardGroupRewardsResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/groups/{group_id}/rewards/{epoch} [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardGroupRewards(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
vars := mux.Vars(r)
@@ -1022,6 +1270,16 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardGroupRewards(w http.Response
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardRewardsChart godoc
+// @Description Get rewards chart data for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param modes query string false "Provide a comma separated list of protocol modes which should be respected for validator calculations. Possible values are `rocket_pool``."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardRewardsChartResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/rewards-chart [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardRewardsChart(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
vars := mux.Vars(r)
@@ -1048,6 +1306,22 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardRewardsChart(w http.Response
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardDuties godoc
+// @Description Get duties information for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param epoch path string true "The epoch to get data for."
+// @Param group_id query string false "The ID of the group."
+// @Param cursor query string false "Return data for the given cursor value. Pass the `paging.next_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to forward, or pass the `paging.prev_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to backward."
+// @Param limit query string false "The maximum number of results that may be returned."
+// @Param sort query string false "The field you want to sort by. Append with `:desc` for descending order." Enums(validator, reward)
+// @Param search query string false "Search for Index, Public Key."
+// @Param modes query string false "Provide a comma separated list of protocol modes which should be respected for validator calculations. Possible values are `rocket_pool``."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardDutiesResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/duties/{epoch} [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardDuties(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
vars := mux.Vars(r)
@@ -1079,6 +1353,20 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardDuties(w http.ResponseWriter
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardBlocks godoc
+// @Description Get blocks information for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param cursor query string false "Return data for the given cursor value. Pass the `paging.next_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to forward, or pass the `paging.prev_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to backward."
+// @Param limit query string false "The maximum number of results that may be returned."
+// @Param sort query string false "The field you want to sort by. Append with `:desc` for descending order." Enums(proposer, slot, block, status, reward)
+// @Param search query string false "Search for Index, Public Key, Group."
+// @Param modes query string false "Provide a comma separated list of protocol modes which should be respected for validator calculations. Possible values are `rocket_pool``."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardBlocksResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/blocks [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardBlocks(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId, err := h.handleDashboardId(r.Context(), mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -1107,6 +1395,19 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardBlocks(w http.ResponseWriter
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardHeatmap godoc
+// @Description Get heatmap information for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param aggregation query string false "Aggregation type to get data for." Enums(epoch, hourly, daily, weekly) Default(hourly)
+// @Param after_ts query string false "Return data after this timestamp."
+// @Param before_ts query string false "Return data before this timestamp."
+// @Param modes query string false "Provide a comma separated list of protocol modes which should be respected for validator calculations. Possible values are `rocket_pool``."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardHeatmapResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/heatmap [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardHeatmap(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId, err := h.handleDashboardId(r.Context(), mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -1143,6 +1444,19 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardHeatmap(w http.ResponseWrite
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardGroupHeatmap godoc
+// @Description Get heatmap information for a specified group in a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param group_id path string true "The ID of the group."
+// @Param timestamp path string true "The timestamp to get data for."
+// @Param modes query string false "Provide a comma separated list of protocol modes which should be respected for validator calculations. Possible values are `rocket_pool``."
+// @Param aggregation query string false "Aggregation type to get data for." Enums(epoch, hourly, daily, weekly) Default(hourly)
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardGroupHeatmapResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/groups/{group_id}/heatmap/{timestamp} [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardGroupHeatmap(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
vars := mux.Vars(r)
@@ -1180,6 +1494,17 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardGroupHeatmap(w http.Response
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardExecutionLayerDeposits godoc
+// @Description Get execution layer deposits information for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param cursor query string false "Return data for the given cursor value. Pass the `paging.next_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to forward, or pass the `paging.prev_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to backward."
+// @Param limit query string false "The maximum number of results that may be returned."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardExecutionLayerDepositsResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/execution-layer-deposits [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardExecutionLayerDeposits(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId, err := h.handleDashboardId(r.Context(), mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -1205,6 +1530,17 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardExecutionLayerDeposits(w htt
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardConsensusLayerDeposits godoc
+// @Description Get consensus layer deposits information for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param cursor query string false "Return data for the given cursor value. Pass the `paging.next_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to forward, or pass the `paging.prev_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to backward."
+// @Param limit query string false "The maximum number of results that may be returned."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardConsensusLayerDepositsResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/consensus-layer-deposits [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardConsensusLayerDeposits(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
dashboardId, err := h.handleDashboardId(r.Context(), mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -1231,6 +1567,15 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardConsensusLayerDeposits(w htt
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardTotalConsensusLayerDeposits godoc
+// @Description Get total consensus layer deposits information for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardTotalConsensusDepositsResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/total-consensus-layer-deposits [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardTotalConsensusLayerDeposits(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var err error
dashboardId, err := h.handleDashboardId(r.Context(), mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -1250,6 +1595,15 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardTotalConsensusLayerDeposits(
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardTotalExecutionLayerDeposits godoc
+// @Description Get total execution layer deposits information for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardTotalExecutionDepositsResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/total-execution-layer-deposits [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardTotalExecutionLayerDeposits(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var err error
dashboardId, err := h.handleDashboardId(r.Context(), mux.Vars(r)["dashboard_id"])
@@ -1269,6 +1623,20 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardTotalExecutionLayerDeposits(
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardWithdrawals godoc
+// @Description Get withdrawals information for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param cursor query string false "Return data for the given cursor value. Pass the `paging.next_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to forward, or pass the `paging.prev_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to backward."
+// @Param limit query string false "The maximum number of results that may be returned."
+// @Param sort query string false "The field you want to sort by. Append with `:desc` for descending order." Enums(epoch, slot, index, recipient, amount)
+// @Param search query string false "Search for Index, Public Key, Address."
+// @Param modes query string false "Provide a comma separated list of protocol modes which should be respected for validator calculations. Possible values are `rocket_pool``."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardWithdrawalsResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/withdrawals [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardWithdrawals(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
q := r.URL.Query()
@@ -1297,6 +1665,16 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardWithdrawals(w http.ResponseW
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardTotalWithdrawals godoc
+// @Description Get total withdrawals information for a specified dashboard
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param modes query string false "Provide a comma separated list of protocol modes which should be respected for validator calculations. Possible values are `rocket_pool``."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardTotalWithdrawalsResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/total-withdrawals [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardTotalWithdrawals(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
q := r.URL.Query()
@@ -1324,6 +1702,19 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardTotalWithdrawals(w http.Resp
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardRocketPool godoc
+// @Description Get an aggregated list of the Rocket Pool nodes details associated with a specified dashboard.
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param cursor query string false "Return data for the given cursor value. Pass the `paging.next_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to forward, or pass the `paging.prev_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to backward."
+// @Param limit query string false "The maximum number of results that may be returned."
+// @Param sort query string false "The field you want to sort by. Append with `:desc` for descending order." Enums(node, minipools, collateral, rpl, effective_rpl, rpl_apr, smoothing_pool)
+// @Param search query string false "Search for Node address."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardRocketPoolResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/rocket-pool [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardRocketPool(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
q := r.URL.Query()
@@ -1351,6 +1742,15 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardRocketPool(w http.ResponseWr
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardTotalRocketPool godoc
+// @Description Get a summary of all Rocket Pool nodes details associated with a specified dashboard.
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardTotalRocketPoolResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/total-rocket-pool [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardTotalRocketPool(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
q := r.URL.Query()
@@ -1376,6 +1776,16 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardTotalRocketPool(w http.Respo
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardNodeRocketPool godoc
+// @Description Get details for a specific Rocket Pool node associated with a specified dashboard.
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param node_address path string true "The address of the node."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardNodeRocketPoolResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/rocket-pool/{node_address} [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardNodeRocketPool(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
vars := mux.Vars(r)
@@ -1402,6 +1812,20 @@ func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardNodeRocketPool(w http.Respon
returnOk(w, r, response)
+// PublicGetValidatorDashboardRocketPoolMinipools godoc
+// @Description Get minipools information for a specified Rocket Pool node associated with a specified dashboard.
+// @Tags Validator Dashboard
+// @Produce json
+// @Param dashboard_id path string true "The ID of the dashboard."
+// @Param node_address path string true "The address of the node."
+// @Param cursor query string false "Return data for the given cursor value. Pass the `paging.next_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to forward, or pass the `paging.prev_cursor`` value of the previous response to navigate to backward."
+// @Param limit query string false "The maximum number of results that may be returned."
+// @Param sort query string false "The field you want to sort by. Append with `:desc` for descending order. Possible values are TODO."
+// @Param search query string false "Search for Index, Node."
+// @Success 200 {object} types.GetValidatorDashboardRocketPoolMinipoolsResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} types.ApiErrorResponse
+// @Router /validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/rocket-pool/{node_address}/minipools [get]
func (h *HandlerService) PublicGetValidatorDashboardRocketPoolMinipools(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var v validationError
vars := mux.Vars(r)
diff --git a/backend/pkg/api/types/common.go b/backend/pkg/api/types/common.go
index e658afa80..2c7253623 100644
--- a/backend/pkg/api/types/common.go
+++ b/backend/pkg/api/types/common.go
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ type Address struct {
type LuckItem struct {
Percent float64 `json:"percent"`
- Expected time.Time `json:"expected"`
- Average time.Duration `json:"average"`
+ Expected time.Time `json:"expected" swaggertype:"string" format:"date-time"`
+ Average time.Duration `json:"average" swaggertype:"primitive,integer"`
type Luck struct {
diff --git a/backend/pkg/api/types/validator_dashboard.go b/backend/pkg/api/types/validator_dashboard.go
index 39d5e5d0d..380d035d4 100644
--- a/backend/pkg/api/types/validator_dashboard.go
+++ b/backend/pkg/api/types/validator_dashboard.go
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type VDBOverviewBalances struct {
type VDBOverviewData struct {
- Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
+ Name string `json:"name,omitempty" extensions:"x-order=1"`
Network uint64 `json:"network"`
Groups []VDBOverviewGroup `json:"groups"`
Validators VDBOverviewValidators `json:"validators"`
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ type VDBSummaryValidators struct {
type VDBSummaryTableRow struct {
- GroupId int64 `json:"group_id"`
+ GroupId int64 `json:"group_id" extensions:"x-order=1"`
Status VDBSummaryStatus `json:"status"`
Validators VDBSummaryValidators `json:"validators"`
Efficiency float64 `json:"efficiency"`
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ type GetValidatorDashboardSummaryChartResponse ApiDataResponse[ChartData[int, fl
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary Validators
type VDBSummaryValidator struct {
- Index uint64 `json:"index"`
+ Index uint64 `json:"index" extensions:"x-order=1"`
DutyObjects []uint64 `json:"duty_objects,omitempty"`
type VDBSummaryValidatorsData struct {
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ type GetValidatorDashboardRewardsChartResponse ApiDataResponse[ChartData[int, de
// Duties Modal
type VDBEpochDutiesTableRow struct {
- Validator uint64 `json:"validator"`
+ Validator uint64 `json:"validator" extensions:"x-order=1"`
Duties ValidatorHistoryDuties `json:"duties"`
type GetValidatorDashboardDutiesResponse ApiPagingResponse[VDBEpochDutiesTableRow]
@@ -177,12 +177,12 @@ type GetValidatorDashboardDutiesResponse ApiPagingResponse[VDBEpochDutiesTableRo
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Blocks Tab
type VDBBlocksTableRow struct {
- Proposer uint64 `json:"proposer"`
- GroupId uint64 `json:"group_id"`
- Epoch uint64 `json:"epoch"`
- Slot uint64 `json:"slot"`
+ Proposer uint64 `json:"proposer" extensions:"x-order=1"`
+ GroupId uint64 `json:"group_id" extensions:"x-order=2"`
+ Epoch uint64 `json:"epoch" extensions:"x-order=3"`
+ Slot uint64 `json:"slot" extensions:"x-order=4"`
+ Block *uint64 `json:"block,omitempty" extensions:"x-order=5"`
Status string `json:"status" tstype:"'success' | 'missed' | 'orphaned' | 'scheduled'" faker:"oneof: success, missed, orphaned, scheduled"`
- Block *uint64 `json:"block,omitempty"`
RewardRecipient *Address `json:"reward_recipient,omitempty"`
Reward *ClElValue[decimal.Decimal] `json:"reward,omitempty"`
Graffiti *string `json:"graffiti,omitempty"`
@@ -198,22 +198,22 @@ type VDBHeatmapEvents struct {
Sync bool `json:"sync"`
type VDBHeatmapCell struct {
- X int64 `json:"x"` // Timestamp
- Y uint64 `json:"y"` // Group ID
+ X int64 `json:"x" extensions:"x-order=1"` // Timestamp
+ Y uint64 `json:"y" extensions:"x-order=2"` // Group ID
- Value float64 `json:"value"` // Attestaton Rewards
+ Value float64 `json:"value" extensions:"x-order=3"` // Attestaton Rewards
Events *VDBHeatmapEvents `json:"events,omitempty"`
type VDBHeatmap struct {
- Timestamps []int64 `json:"timestamps"` // X-Axis Categories (unix timestamp)
- GroupIds []uint64 `json:"group_ids"` // Y-Axis Categories
- Data []VDBHeatmapCell `json:"data"`
+ Timestamps []int64 `json:"timestamps" extensions:"x-order=1"` // X-Axis Categories (unix timestamp)
+ GroupIds []uint64 `json:"group_ids" extensions:"x-order=2"` // Y-Axis Categories
+ Data []VDBHeatmapCell `json:"data" extensions:"x-order=3"`
Aggregation string `json:"aggregation" tstype:"'epoch' | 'hourly' | 'daily' | 'weekly'" faker:"oneof: epoch, hourly, daily, weekly"`
type GetValidatorDashboardHeatmapResponse ApiDataResponse[VDBHeatmap]
type VDBHeatmapTooltipData struct {
- Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
+ Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp" extensions:"x-order=1"`
Proposers StatusCount `json:"proposers"`
Syncs uint64 `json:"syncs"`
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ type GetValidatorDashboardTotalWithdrawalsResponse ApiDataResponse[VDBTotalWithd
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Rocket Pool Tab
type VDBRocketPoolTableRow struct {
- Node Address `json:"node"`
+ Node Address `json:"node" extensions:"x-order=1"`
Staked struct {
Eth decimal.Decimal `json:"eth"`
Rpl decimal.Decimal `json:"rpl"`