Releases: gocd/docker-registry-artifact-plugin
Experimental: 1.1.0-104
Experimental: 1.1.0-103
Changelog v1.0.1-92..81b79de
bc23ccd - Allow support to read System environment variables while publishing artifact
ecb3d5b - Bump aws-java-sdk-ecr from 1.11.582 to 1.11.583
bc708e8 - Bump aws-java-sdk-ecr from 1.11.530 to 1.11.582
d8f1f23 - Bump mockito-core from 2.25.1 to 2.28.2
f63d4bc - Bump docker-client from 8.10.1 to 8.16.0
884f12c - Bump go-plugin-api from 18.6.0 to 19.5.0
4423264 - Bump jsoup from 1.10.2 to 1.12.1
07eab1e - Update changelog.
SHA256 Checksums
62126ab99f7d21f4ffabfc6146938a037df5737a638984614b74fc4fb0087552 *docker-registry-artifact-plugin-1.0.1-102.jar
Experimental: 1.0.1-102
Experimental: 1.0.1-100
Experimental: 1.0.1-99
Experimental: 1.0.1-98
Changelog v1.0.1-94-exp..d8f1f23
d8f1f23 - Bump mockito-core from 2.25.1 to 2.28.2
f63d4bc - Bump docker-client from 8.10.1 to 8.16.0
884f12c - Bump go-plugin-api from 18.6.0 to 19.5.0
4423264 - Bump jsoup from 1.10.2 to 1.12.1
SHA256 Checksums
0d98f2cec0a9d7a9b56cacf6dc1a9ccf4e24242548231a1e08bf76f594fcd3cd *docker-registry-artifact-plugin-1.0.1-98.jar
Experimental: 1.0.1-94
Changelog 1.0.0-25..2490ba0
bd2013f - Bump up plugin version to 1.0.1
beafc1b - Fix default selection for registry type in store UI.
4c8a53c - Introduce property RegistryID for amazon ecr.
59ac4d3 - Bump aws-java-sdk-ecr from 1.11.528 to 1.11.530
6329f30 - Bump aws-java-sdk-ecr from 1.11.477 to 1.11.528
fb7edfc - Add log messages while setting credentials for ecr.
57d8b12 - Make AWS keys optional. * If not provided, to get the ECR token - environment variables, system properties, aws profile (~/.aws/credentials), instance profile are checked.
f7cd9af - Bump gson from 2.8.2 to 2.8.5
95e4db1 - Bump jsonassert from 1.3.0 to 1.5.0
2797b2b - Bump assertj-core from 3.8.0 to 3.12.2
ba9f5c9 - Use the new plugin helper to build and deploy jars
4e4f67a - Bump mockito-core from 2.13.0 to 2.25.1
59c7e45 - Upgrade gradle
9029e26 - #28 - Make plugin support old extension version too
7f00858 - Update description, refactor ArtifactStoreConfig, update view.
ac89099 - Update
92f921e - Update artifact store view.
3588fc6 - Add support for ECR.
SHA256 Checksums
82f5ce0ea2e0aa603832bc9befb09526f7cf92860779cd2d60283649a40c7b82 *docker-registry-artifact-plugin-1.0.1-92.jar