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google/dart-test-runner is a docker image that makes it easy to run a Dart applications tests.

It automatically downloads a Dart application and its dependencies and run all tests of the project in an environment pre-configured with all tools to run tests (Dartium Content Shell, Dart SDK, Dart Test Runner...).

It is based on the google/dart image.


You can use this Docker image to automatically download and test a Pub package, a GitHub repo or a local project.

Pub packages

To automatically download and test a Pub package run:

docker run -e PKG=<package_name> -e VERSION=<package_version> google/dart-test-runner

example: docker run -e PKG=test_runner -e VERSION=0.2.11 google/dart-test-runner

example: docker run -e PKG=test_runner -e VERSION=0.2.11 google/dart-test-runner:1.8.3

GitHub repos

To automatically download and test a GitHub repo run:

docker run -e REPO=<repo_path> -e BRANCH=<branch_name> google/dart-test-runner

example: docker run -e REPO=google/test_runner.dart -e BRANCH=master google/dart-test-runner

example: docker run -e REPO=google/test_runner.dart -e BRANCH=1d10a11f0404be12ec643396c5b3db9041bb9919 google/dart-test-runner

example: docker run -e REPO=google/test_runner.dart google/dart-test-runner # Defaults to master

example: docker run -e REPO=google/test_runner.dart google/dart-test-runner:1.8.3

Local projects

To test a local project. You need to first create a Dockerfile at the root of your project with this content:

FROM google/dart-test-runner
ADD pubspec.* /app/
RUN pub get
ADD . /app
RUN pub get --offline

To run the tests use:

docker build -t my_project/tests .
docker run my_project/tests


You can also pass options to the Dart Test Runner. For instance you can get a colored output by adding -c:

docker run -e REPO=google/test_runner.dart google/dart-test-runner -c