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Support for Canon EOS R5m2 | Canon EOS R5 Mark II #1028

karlkopf opened this issue Sep 24, 2024 · 29 comments

Support for Canon EOS R5m2 | Canon EOS R5 Mark II #1028

karlkopf opened this issue Sep 24, 2024 · 29 comments
Canon tagging canon reports


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karlkopf commented Sep 24, 2024

*Name of the camera

Canon EOS R5 Mark II

Bus 002 Device 005: ID 04a9:3314 Canon, Inc. Canon Digital Camera

lsusb -v
Bus 002 Device 005: ID 04a9:3314 Canon, Inc. Canon Digital Camera
Device Descriptor:
bLength                18
bDescriptorType         1
bcdUSB               3.20
bDeviceClass            0
bDeviceSubClass         0
bDeviceProtocol         0
bMaxPacketSize0         9
idVendor           0x04a9 Canon, Inc.
idProduct          0x3314
bcdDevice            0.02
iManufacturer           1 Canon Inc.
iProduct                2 Canon Digital Camera
iSerial                 0
bNumConfigurations      1
Configuration Descriptor:
  bLength                 9
  bDescriptorType         2
  wTotalLength       0x0039
  bNumInterfaces          1
  bConfigurationValue     1
  iConfiguration          0
  bmAttributes         0xc0
    Self Powered
  MaxPower                0mA
  Interface Descriptor:
    bLength                 9
    bDescriptorType         4
    bInterfaceNumber        0
    bAlternateSetting       0
    bNumEndpoints           3
    bInterfaceClass         6 Imaging
    bInterfaceSubClass      1 Still Image Capture
    bInterfaceProtocol      1 Picture Transfer Protocol (PIMA 15470)
    iInterface              0
    Endpoint Descriptor:
      bLength                 7
      bDescriptorType         5
      bEndpointAddress     0x81  EP 1 IN
      bmAttributes            2
        Transfer Type            Bulk
        Synch Type               None
        Usage Type               Data
      wMaxPacketSize     0x0400  1x 1024 bytes
      bInterval               0
      bMaxBurst              15
    Endpoint Descriptor:
      bLength                 7
      bDescriptorType         5
      bEndpointAddress     0x02  EP 2 OUT
      bmAttributes            2
        Transfer Type            Bulk
        Synch Type               None
        Usage Type               Data
      wMaxPacketSize     0x0400  1x 1024 bytes
      bInterval               0
      bMaxBurst              15
    Endpoint Descriptor:
      bLength                 7
      bDescriptorType         5
      bEndpointAddress     0x83  EP 3 IN
      bmAttributes            3
        Transfer Type            Interrupt
        Synch Type               None
        Usage Type               Data
      wMaxPacketSize     0x0008  1x 8 bytes
      bInterval              10
      bMaxBurst               0
Binary Object Store Descriptor:
bLength                 5
bDescriptorType        15
wTotalLength       0x006c
bNumDeviceCaps          6
USB 2.0 Extension Device Capability:
  bLength                 7
  bDescriptorType        16
  bDevCapabilityType      2
  bmAttributes   0x00000006
    BESL Link Power Management (LPM) Supported
SuperSpeedPlus USB Device Capability:
  bLength                20
  bDescriptorType        16
  bDevCapabilityType     10
  bmAttributes         0x00000001
    Sublink Speed Attribute count 1
    Sublink Speed ID count 0
  wFunctionalitySupport   0x1100
  bmSublinkSpeedAttr[0]   0x000a4030
    Speed Attribute ID: 0 10Gb/s Symmetric RX SuperSpeedPlus
  bmSublinkSpeedAttr[1]   0x000a40b0
    Speed Attribute ID: 0 10Gb/s Symmetric TX SuperSpeedPlus
SuperSpeed USB Device Capability:
  bLength                10
  bDescriptorType        16
  bDevCapabilityType      3
  bmAttributes         0x00
  wSpeedsSupported   0x000e
    Device can operate at Full Speed (12Mbps)
    Device can operate at High Speed (480Mbps)
    Device can operate at SuperSpeed (5Gbps)
  bFunctionalitySupport   1
    Lowest fully-functional device speed is Full Speed (12Mbps)
  bU1DevExitLat          10 micro seconds
  bU2DevExitLat        2047 micro seconds
** UNRECOGNIZED:  12 10 06 00 54 4a 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 03 30 01
** UNRECOGNIZED:  18 10 07 03 01 01 01 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
** UNRECOGNIZED:  18 10 08 00 06 00 64 00 b4 00 00 00 8c 0a 00 00 8c 0a 00 00 ff ff ff ff
Device Status:     0x000d
Self Powered
U1 Enabled
U2 Enabled

camera summary output
Camera summary:
Manufacturer: Canon.Inc
Model: Canon EOS R5m2
Version: 3-1.0.0
Serial Number: 61d2b9efcb43a2a698e44599417a693
Vendor Extension ID: 0xb (1.0)
Vendor Extension Description:

Capture Formats: JPEG Unknown(b108) Unknown(b10b) Unknown(b982) Unknown(b109)
Display Formats: Association/Directory, Script, DPOF, MS AVI, MS Wave, JPEG, Unknown(b103), Unknown(bf02), Defined Type, Unknown(b105), Unknown(b982), Unknown(b10a), Unknown(b10b), Unknown(b109)

Device Capabilities:
File Download, File Deletion, File Upload
No Image Capture, No Open Capture, Canon EOS Capture, Canon EOS Capture 2
Canon Wifi support

Storage Devices Summary:

Device Property Summary:
Friendly Device Name (d402 ro str): 'Canon EOS R5m2'
Perceived Device Type (d407 ro u32): 1
Session Initiator Info (d406 rw str): 'Unknown Initiator'
[Unknown Property] (d303 ro u8 ): 1
Battery Level (5001 ro u8 ): Enumeration [100,0,75,0,50] value: 9% (9)

camera configuration output

gphoto2 --list-all-config > list-all-config.txt

and attach list-all-config.txt here

Label: Synchronize camera date and time with PC (UTC)
Readonly: 0
Current: 0
Label: Synchronize camera date and time with PC
Readonly: 0
Current: 0
Label: UI Lock
Readonly: 0
Current: 2
Label: Popup Flash
Readonly: 0
Current: 2
Label: Drive Canon DSLR Autofocus
Readonly: 0
Current: 0
Label: Drive Canon DSLR Manual focus
Readonly: 0
Current: None
Choice: 0 Near 1
Choice: 1 Near 2
Choice: 2 Near 3
Choice: 3 None
Choice: 4 Far 1
Choice: 5 Far 2
Choice: 6 Far 3
Label: Cancel Canon DSLR Autofocus
Readonly: 0
Current: 0
Label: Canon EOS Zoom
Readonly: 0
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: Canon EOS Zoom Position
Readonly: 0
Type: TEXT
Current: 0,0
Label: Canon EOS Viewfinder
Readonly: 0
Current: 0
Label: Canon EOS Remote Release
Readonly: 0
Current: None
Choice: 0 None
Choice: 1 Press Half
Choice: 2 Press Full
Choice: 3 Release Half
Choice: 4 Release Full
Choice: 5 Immediate
Choice: 6 Press 1
Choice: 7 Press 2
Choice: 8 Press 3
Choice: 9 Release 1
Choice: 10 Release 2
Choice: 11 Release 3
Label: Movie Mode
Readonly: 0
Current: 2
Label: PTP Opcode
Readonly: 0
Type: TEXT
Current: 0x1001,0xparam1,0xparam2
Label: Camera Date and Time
Readonly: 0
Type: DATE
Current: 1727182803
Printable: Tue Sep 24 15:00:03 2024
Help: Use 'now' as the current time when setting.

Label: Camera Date and Time
Readonly: 0
Type: DATE
Current: 1727182803
Printable: Tue Sep 24 15:00:03 2024
Help: Use 'now' as the current time when setting.

Label: Camera Output
Readonly: 0
Current: TFT
Choice: 0 TFT
Label: Recording Destination
Readonly: 0
Current: SDRAM
Choice: 0 Card
Choice: 1 None
Choice: 2 SDRAM
Label: EVF Mode
Readonly: 0
Current: 1
Choice: 0 1
Label: Owner Name
Readonly: 0
Type: TEXT
Label: Nickname
Readonly: 0
Type: TEXT
Current: EOSR5m2_B5C889
Label: Custom Functions Ex
Readonly: 0
Type: TEXT
Current: 20,1,6,14,1,102,1,0,
Label: Focus Area
Readonly: 0
Type: TEXT
Current: 127
Label: Strobo Firing
Readonly: 1
Current: 1
Choice: 0 1
Label: Flash Charging State
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: One Shot Raw On
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: Auto Power Off
Readonly: 0
Current: 0
Choice: 0 15
Choice: 1 30
Choice: 2 60
Choice: 3 180
Choice: 4 300
Choice: 5 600
Choice: 6 1800
Choice: 7 0
Choice: 8 -1
Label: Depth of Field
Readonly: 0
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: Capture Target
Readonly: 0
Current: Internal RAM
Choice: 0 Internal RAM
Choice: 1 Memory card
Label: Capture
Readonly: 0
Current: 0
Label: Remote Mode
Readonly: 0
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: Event Mode
Readonly: 0
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: Test OLC
Readonly: 0
Current: 2
Label: Serial Number
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Current: 61d2b9efcb43a2a698e44599417a693
Label: Camera Manufacturer
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Current: Canon.Inc
Label: Camera Model
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Current: Canon EOS R5m2
Label: Device Version
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Current: 3-1.0.0
Label: Vendor Extension
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Label: Camera Model
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Current: 2147484822
Label: Battery Level
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Current: 25%
Label: Mirror Lock Status
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: Mirror Down Status
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: Lens Name
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Current: RF24-105mm F4 L IS USM
Label: Available Shots
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: Movie Switch
Readonly: 1
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: Image Format
Readonly: 0
Current: Unknown value 0000
Choice: 0 Unknown value 0000
Choice: 1 Unknown value 1000
Choice: 2 Unknown value d000
Choice: 3 Unknown value e000
Choice: 4 cRAW
Choice: 5 RAW
Choice: 6 Unknown value 0b10
Choice: 7 Unknown value 0c10
Choice: 8 Unknown value 0bd0
Choice: 9 Unknown value 0cd0
Choice: 10 Unknown value 0be0
Choice: 11 Unknown value 0ce0
Choice: 12 RAW
Choice: 13 cRAW
Label: Image Format SD
Readonly: 0
Current: Unknown value 0000
Choice: 0 Unknown value 0000
Choice: 1 Unknown value 1000
Choice: 2 Unknown value d000
Choice: 3 Unknown value e000
Choice: 4 cRAW
Choice: 5 RAW
Choice: 6 Unknown value 0b10
Choice: 7 Unknown value 0c10
Choice: 8 Unknown value 0bd0
Choice: 9 Unknown value 0cd0
Choice: 10 Unknown value 0be0
Choice: 11 Unknown value 0ce0
Choice: 12 RAW
Choice: 13 cRAW
Label: Image Format CF
Readonly: 0
Current: Unknown value 0000
Choice: 0 Unknown value 0000
Choice: 1 Unknown value 1000
Choice: 2 Unknown value d000
Choice: 3 Unknown value e000
Choice: 4 cRAW
Choice: 5 RAW
Choice: 6 Unknown value 0b10
Choice: 7 Unknown value 0c10
Choice: 8 Unknown value 0bd0
Choice: 9 Unknown value 0cd0
Choice: 10 Unknown value 0be0
Choice: 11 Unknown value 0ce0
Choice: 12 RAW
Choice: 13 cRAW
Label: ISO Speed
Readonly: 0
Current: 16000
Choice: 0 Auto
Choice: 1 100
Choice: 2 125
Choice: 3 160
Choice: 4 200
Choice: 5 250
Choice: 6 320
Choice: 7 400
Choice: 8 500
Choice: 9 640
Choice: 10 800
Choice: 11 1000
Choice: 12 1250
Choice: 13 1600
Choice: 14 2000
Choice: 15 2500
Choice: 16 3200
Choice: 17 4000
Choice: 18 5000
Choice: 19 6400
Choice: 20 8000
Choice: 21 10000
Choice: 22 12800
Choice: 23 16000
Choice: 24 20000
Choice: 25 25600
Choice: 26 32000
Choice: 27 40000
Choice: 28 51200
Label: WhiteBalance
Readonly: 0
Current: Auto
Choice: 0 Auto
Choice: 1 AWB White
Choice: 2 Daylight
Choice: 3 Shadow
Choice: 4 Cloudy
Choice: 5 Tungsten
Choice: 6 Fluorescent
Choice: 7 Flash
Choice: 8 Color Temperature
Choice: 9 Manual
Choice: 10 Manual 2
Choice: 11 Manual 3
Choice: 12 Manual 4
Choice: 13 Manual 5
Label: Color Temperature
Readonly: 0
Current: 5200
Choice: 0 2500
Choice: 1 2600
Choice: 2 2700
Choice: 3 2800
Choice: 4 2900
Choice: 5 3000
Choice: 6 3100
Choice: 7 3200
Choice: 8 3300
Choice: 9 3400
Choice: 10 3500
Choice: 11 3600
Choice: 12 3700
Choice: 13 3800
Choice: 14 3900
Choice: 15 4000
Choice: 16 4100
Choice: 17 4200
Choice: 18 4300
Choice: 19 4400
Choice: 20 4500
Choice: 21 4600
Choice: 22 4700
Choice: 23 4800
Choice: 24 4900
Choice: 25 5000
Choice: 26 5100
Choice: 27 5200
Choice: 28 5300
Choice: 29 5400
Choice: 30 5500
Choice: 31 5600
Choice: 32 5700
Choice: 33 5800
Choice: 34 5900
Choice: 35 6000
Choice: 36 6100
Choice: 37 6200
Choice: 38 6300
Choice: 39 6400
Choice: 40 6500
Choice: 41 6600
Choice: 42 6700
Choice: 43 6800
Choice: 44 6900
Choice: 45 7000
Choice: 46 7100
Choice: 47 7200
Choice: 48 7300
Choice: 49 7400
Choice: 50 7500
Choice: 51 7600
Choice: 52 7700
Choice: 53 7800
Choice: 54 7900
Choice: 55 8000
Choice: 56 8100
Choice: 57 8200
Choice: 58 8300
Choice: 59 8400
Choice: 60 8500
Choice: 61 8600
Choice: 62 8700
Choice: 63 8800
Choice: 64 8900
Choice: 65 9000
Choice: 66 9100
Choice: 67 9200
Choice: 68 9300
Choice: 69 9400
Choice: 70 9500
Choice: 71 9600
Choice: 72 9700
Choice: 73 9800
Choice: 74 9900
Choice: 75 10000
Label: WhiteBalance Adjust A
Readonly: 0
Current: 0
Choice: 0 -9
Choice: 1 -8
Choice: 2 -7
Choice: 3 -6
Choice: 4 -5
Choice: 5 -4
Choice: 6 -3
Choice: 7 -2
Choice: 8 -1
Choice: 9 0
Choice: 10 1
Choice: 11 2
Choice: 12 3
Choice: 13 4
Choice: 14 5
Choice: 15 6
Choice: 16 7
Choice: 17 8
Choice: 18 9
Label: WhiteBalance Adjust B
Readonly: 0
Current: 0
Choice: 0 -9
Choice: 1 -8
Choice: 2 -7
Choice: 3 -6
Choice: 4 -5
Choice: 5 -4
Choice: 6 -3
Choice: 7 -2
Choice: 8 -1
Choice: 9 0
Choice: 10 1
Choice: 11 2
Choice: 12 3
Choice: 13 4
Choice: 14 5
Choice: 15 6
Choice: 16 7
Choice: 17 8
Choice: 18 9
Label: WhiteBalance X A
Readonly: 1
Current: 0
Choice: 0 0
Choice: 1 1
Choice: 2 2
Choice: 3 3
Label: WhiteBalance X B
Readonly: 1
Current: 0
Choice: 0 0
Choice: 1 1
Choice: 2 2
Choice: 3 3
Label: Color Space
Readonly: 0
Current: sRGB
Choice: 0 sRGB
Choice: 1 AdobeRGB
Label: Zoom Speed
Readonly: 0
Current: 0
Choice: 0 1
Choice: 1 2
Choice: 2 3
Choice: 3 4
Choice: 4 5
Choice: 5 6
Choice: 6 7
Choice: 7 8
Choice: 8 9
Choice: 9 10
Choice: 10 11
Choice: 11 12
Choice: 12 13
Choice: 13 14
Choice: 14 15
Label: Exposure Compensation
Readonly: 0
Current: 0
Choice: 0 -3
Choice: 1 -2.6
Choice: 2 -2.3
Choice: 3 -2
Choice: 4 -1.6
Choice: 5 -1.3
Choice: 6 -1
Choice: 7 -0.6
Choice: 8 -0.3
Choice: 9 0
Choice: 10 0.3
Choice: 11 0.6
Choice: 12 1
Choice: 13 1.3
Choice: 14 1.6
Choice: 15 2
Choice: 16 2.3
Choice: 17 2.6
Choice: 18 3
Label: Focus Mode
Readonly: 0
Current: AI Focus
Choice: 0 One Shot
Choice: 1 AI Servo
Choice: 2 AI Focus
Label: Continuous AF
Readonly: 0
Current: Off
Choice: 0 Off
Choice: 1 On
Label: Aspect Ratio
Readonly: 0
Current: 3:2
Choice: 0 3:2
Choice: 1 1:1
Choice: 2 4:3
Choice: 3 16:9
Choice: 4 1.6x
Label: AF Method
Readonly: 0
Current: WholeAreaAF
Choice: 0 LiveSpotAF
Choice: 1 Live
Choice: 2 LiveSingleExpandCross
Choice: 3 LiveSingleExpandSurround
Choice: 4 FlexibleZoneAF1
Choice: 5 FlexibleZoneAF2
Choice: 6 FlexibleZoneAF3
Choice: 7 WholeAreaAF
Choice: 8 Unknown value 000f
Choice: 9 Unknown value 0010
Choice: 10 Unknown value 0011
Choice: 11 Unknown value 0012
Label: Storage Device
Readonly: 0
Type: TEXT
Current: 00020000
Label: High ISO Noise Reduction
Readonly: 0
Current: Off
Choice: 0 Off
Choice: 1 Low
Choice: 2 Normal
Choice: 3 High
Label: Canon Auto Exposure Mode
Readonly: 0
Current: TV
Choice: 0 P
Choice: 1 TV
Choice: 2 AV
Choice: 3 Manual
Choice: 4 Bulb
Choice: 5 A_DEP
Choice: 6 DEP
Choice: 7 Custom
Choice: 8 Lock
Choice: 9 Green
Choice: 10 Night Portrait
Choice: 11 Sports
Choice: 12 Portrait
Choice: 13 Landscape
Choice: 14 Closeup
Choice: 15 Flash Off
Choice: 16 C2
Choice: 17 C3
Choice: 18 Creative Auto
Choice: 19 Movie
Choice: 20 Auto
Choice: 21 Handheld Night Scene
Choice: 22 HDR Backlight Control
Choice: 23 SCN
Choice: 24 Food
Choice: 25 Grainy B/W
Choice: 26 Soft focus
Choice: 27 Toy camera effect
Choice: 28 Fish-eye effect
Choice: 29 Water painting effect
Choice: 30 Miniature effect
Choice: 31 HDR art standard
Choice: 32 HDR art vivid
Choice: 33 HDR art bold
Choice: 34 HDR art embossed
Choice: 35 Panning
Choice: 36 HDR
Choice: 37 Self Portrait
Choice: 38 Hybrid Auto
Choice: 39 Smooth skin
Choice: 40 Fv
Label: Canon Auto Exposure Mode Dial
Readonly: 0
Current: TV
Choice: 0 P
Choice: 1 TV
Choice: 2 AV
Choice: 3 Manual
Choice: 4 Bulb
Choice: 5 Custom
Choice: 6 C2
Choice: 7 C3
Choice: 8 Auto
Choice: 9 Fv
Label: Drive Mode
Readonly: 0
Current: Single
Choice: 0 Single
Choice: 1 Super high speed continuous shooting
Choice: 2 Continuous high speed
Choice: 3 Continuous low speed
Choice: 4 Timer 10 sec
Choice: 5 Timer 2 sec
Choice: 6 Continuous timer
Label: Picture Style
Readonly: 0
Current: Standard
Choice: 0 Standard
Choice: 1 Portrait
Choice: 2 Landscape
Choice: 3 Neutral
Choice: 4 Faithful
Choice: 5 Monochrome
Choice: 6 Auto
Choice: 7 Fine detail
Choice: 8 User defined 1
Choice: 9 User defined 2
Choice: 10 User defined 3
Label: Aperture
Readonly: 0
Current: 1
Choice: 0 Unknown value 0f00
Choice: 1 1
Label: Shutter Speed
Readonly: 0
Current: 1/125
Choice: 0 30
Choice: 1 25
Choice: 2 20
Choice: 3 15
Choice: 4 13
Choice: 5 10.3
Choice: 6 8
Choice: 7 6.3
Choice: 8 5
Choice: 9 4
Choice: 10 3.2
Choice: 11 2.5
Choice: 12 2
Choice: 13 1.6
Choice: 14 1.3
Choice: 15 1
Choice: 16 0.8
Choice: 17 0.6
Choice: 18 0.5
Choice: 19 0.4
Choice: 20 0.3
Choice: 21 1/4
Choice: 22 1/5
Choice: 23 1/6
Choice: 24 1/8
Choice: 25 1/10
Choice: 26 1/13
Choice: 27 1/15
Choice: 28 1/20
Choice: 29 1/25
Choice: 30 1/30
Choice: 31 1/40
Choice: 32 1/50
Choice: 33 1/60
Choice: 34 1/80
Choice: 35 1/100
Choice: 36 1/125
Choice: 37 1/160
Choice: 38 1/200
Choice: 39 1/250
Choice: 40 1/320
Choice: 41 1/400
Choice: 42 1/500
Choice: 43 1/640
Choice: 44 1/800
Choice: 45 1/1000
Choice: 46 1/1250
Choice: 47 1/1600
Choice: 48 1/2000
Choice: 49 1/2500
Choice: 50 1/3200
Choice: 51 1/4000
Choice: 52 1/5000
Choice: 53 1/6400
Choice: 54 1/8000
Choice: 55 Unknown value 00a3
Choice: 56 Unknown value 00a5
Choice: 57 1/16000
Choice: 58 Unknown value 00ab
Choice: 59 Unknown value 00ad
Choice: 60 Unknown value 00b0
Label: Metering Mode
Readonly: 0
Current: Evaluative
Choice: 0 Spot
Choice: 1 Evaluative
Choice: 2 Partial
Choice: 3 Center-weighted average
Label: Bracket Mode
Readonly: 0
Current: Unknown value 0000
Choice: 0 Unknown value 0000
Label: Auto Exposure Bracketing
Readonly: 0
Current: off
Choice: 0 off
Choice: 1 +/- 1/3
Choice: 2 +/- 2/3
Choice: 3 +/- 1
Choice: 4 +/- 1 1/3
Choice: 5 +/- 1 2/3
Choice: 6 +/- 2
Choice: 7 +/- 2 1/3
Choice: 8 +/- 2 2/3
Choice: 9 +/- 3
Label: Auto Lighting Optimization
Readonly: 0
Current: Standard (disabled in manual exposure)
Choice: 0 Standard (disabled in manual exposure)
Choice: 1 x1
Choice: 2 x2
Choice: 3 x3
Label: Movie Servo AF
Readonly: 0
Current: Off
Choice: 0 Off

test capture

test if capture perhaps already works:

gphoto2 --capture-image-and-download

time env LC_ALL=C gphoto2 --debug-logfile=capture-image-and-download_logfile.log --debug --capture-image-and-download
*** Error ***
Canon EOS Half-Press failed (0x02fa: PTP Timeout)
ERROR: Could not capture image.
ERROR: Could not capture.

real    2m0.493s
user    0m0.470s
sys     0m0.130s

gphoto2 --capture-preview

time env LC_ALL=C gphoto2 --debug-logfile=capture-preview_logfile.log --debug --capture-preview

*** Error ***
PTP Timeout

*** Error ***
An error occurred in the io-library ('Timeout reading from or writing to the port'): The supplied vendor or product id (0x0,0x0) is not valid.
*** Error (-10: 'Timeout reading from or writing to the port') ***

real    0m24.384s
user    0m0.417s
sys     0m0.122s

gphoto2 --capture-tethered

time env LC_ALL=C gphoto2 --debug-logfile=capture-tethered_logfile.log --debug --capture-tethered --filename=raw_current_%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S_%06n.jpg --hook-script=/usr/local/sbin/hook-script
Waiting for events from camera. Press Ctrl-C to abort.
*** Error (-10: 'Timeout reading from or writing to the port') ***


real    0m50.971s
user    0m0.430s
sys     0m0.143s

At the moment it's not possible for me to capture pictures from the camera


@msmeissn msmeissn added the Canon tagging canon reports label Sep 24, 2024
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axxel commented Sep 26, 2024

This is weird. It times out while waiting for the Response packet of a EOS_GetDeviceInfoEx call after the data has been transferred apparently successfully (I compared the output with my R8 and the output seems reasonable).

I noticed you were working with a fairly up to date code base. Can you quickly test if gphoto2 --get-config aperture fails with both the current HEAD revision as well as with the last release version 2.5.31?

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This is weird. It times out while waiting for the Response packet of a EOS_GetDeviceInfoEx call after the data has been transferred apparently successfully (I compared the output with my R8 and the output seems reasonable).

I noticed you were working with a fairly up to date code base. Can you quickly test if gphoto2 --get-config aperture fails with both the current HEAD revision as well as with the last release version 2.5.31?

I will do any test you want. I just have to wait to get the camera back

axxel added a commit to axxel/libgphoto2 that referenced this issue Sep 27, 2024
This brings my original ptp_unpack_EOS_ImageFormat() documentation
up-to-date with new M1/M2 and new 0/1 compression info added with 5Ds,
1DXm2 and R5m2.

It also fixes the problem that led to a double entry of e.g. `RAW` in the
imageformat config output visible in gphoto#1028 and also in the 1DX sample here:
msmeissn pushed a commit that referenced this issue Sep 27, 2024
This brings my original ptp_unpack_EOS_ImageFormat() documentation
up-to-date with new M1/M2 and new 0/1 compression info added with 5Ds,
1DXm2 and R5m2.

It also fixes the problem that led to a double entry of e.g. `RAW` in the
imageformat config output visible in #1028 and also in the 1DX sample here:
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karlkopf commented Sep 27, 2024

I just testet a small set of actions on the camera with different commits and branches but I wasn't able to get a picture from the camera. I'll upload the logs to a git repository and link it here later

Edit: Here is the repository for the logs based on the commit


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axxel commented Sep 27, 2024

Thanks for the effort. I conclude that

  1. EOS_GetDeviceInfoEx fails to send a PTP response packet even on an 8 month old code base as well as with the latest.
  2. my new imageformat2 code works for the R5m2

My first guess is: this is a bug in the firmware of the camera. It just so happens that Canon released a 1.0.1 firmware update yesterday. Could you maybe try updating it and then perform another gphoto2 --get-config aperture?

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axxel commented Sep 27, 2024

If the firmware upgrade is not an option or does not help, please see if the following 2 lines added exactly here does fix it for you.

if (operation == PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetDeviceInfoEx && !strcmp(params->deviceinfo.Model,"Canon EOS R5m2"))
    return 0;

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can i also ask to check if hardware is affected, like switch to a different usb port, use a different cable?

karlkopf added a commit to karlkopf/r5m2_debug that referenced this issue Sep 27, 2024
karlkopf added a commit to karlkopf/r5m2_debug that referenced this issue Sep 27, 2024
karlkopf added a commit to karlkopf/r5m2_debug that referenced this issue Sep 27, 2024
karlkopf added a commit to karlkopf/r5m2_debug that referenced this issue Sep 27, 2024
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Thanks for all your suggestions.

I have updated the camera to FW: 1.0.1 but there was no big change in the behavior

In the next step I patched the ptp.h and testet it with the different commits --> this was a little success! :-)

Now the camera informations from for example --list-all-config appears immediately and not after 3m20s
It is also possible to capture a preview, but after the capture the camera is in "busy" mode

It's still not possible for me to do --capture-and-download and --capture-tethered

I have tried three different USB cabel to be sure

If I can further assist you, I'd be happy to do so

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axxel commented Sep 27, 2024

I have updated the camera to FW: 1.0.1 but there was no big change in the behavior

Ahh, bummer. That would have been too easy ;).

In the next step I patched the ptp.h and testet it with the different commits --> this was a little success! :-)

So far so good. The hanging, now disabled call is actually not really necessary for the devices operation.

It's still not possible for me to do --capture-and-download and --capture-tethered

The capture command now fails with busy when sending the "Full press button" command after the library went into a 2s timeout waiting for some feedback about successful auto-focusing. Could you please set your lens / settings to manual focus, just to see if that changes things?

karlkopf added a commit to karlkopf/r5m2_debug that referenced this issue Sep 27, 2024
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The capture command now fails with busy when sending the "Full press button" command after the library went into a 2s timeout waiting for some feedback about successful auto-focusing. Could you please set your lens / settings to manual focus, just to see if that changes things?

I tested it with manual focus, after a --capture-preview the camera is still in busy mode
Test with --capture-image-and-download - Now there is a shutter sound and an image is taken on the camera but gphoto is unable to retreive the image.

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axxel commented Sep 27, 2024

Looks like we are slowly making progress... ;). The log-file indicates that there is no SD-Card in the camera. Just to rule out more potential pitfalls: can you please insert an SD-Card? Then please set the mode dial to 'M', the exposure time to 1/60 and execute the following command:

gphoto2 --set-config capturetarget=1 --trigger-capture --wait-event=1s

karlkopf added a commit to karlkopf/r5m2_debug that referenced this issue Sep 28, 2024
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Now the image is triggered and will be saved on the SD-Card but not downloaded by gphoto2

--get-all-files also doesn't work

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axxel commented Sep 30, 2024

I had closer look at the log files you added and unfortunately, I'm out of ideas now. Comparing with my R8, I see the following differences

  1. ad --get-all-files: the very first EOS_GetObjectInfoEx on the R5m2 simply fails with an error. The parameters passed are the same as on the R8.
  2. ad --wait-for-events: the R8 sends 2 events related to the completion of the capture process (object-info-added and camera-status-changed) while the R5m2 is simply silent.
  3. ad EOS_GetDeviceInfoEx: the earlier discussed timeout waiting for the response packet for that command.

While the first 2 might potentially be explained by a random change in the firmware now requiring some new command or setting before executing the respective operation, the 3rd one can't be explained that way as it simply seems to be in violation of the PTP specification to do that.

If @msmeissn has no other ideas, then the only next option I see would be to setup a USB packet-sniffer on Windows and collect a trace of a working PTP session from the EOS utility and compare the differences. That is a lot of work, at least it was 10 years ago. :-/

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it looks weird that commands fail, and usually it would mean hardware or firmware issues.

so, yes, check if it works on windows, and if yes, try to get a packettrace (using USBPcap for instance)

karlkopf added a commit to karlkopf/r5m2_debug that referenced this issue Sep 30, 2024
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Thanks for the info

I have added a raw USB trace.

I have started the trace, opened the Canon EOS Utility, selected remote capture, took a picture, close the utility

I hope this'll help a bit

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One thing i see is it calls 0x9170, the GetObjectInfo64 call ... We are not doing that so far.
calls also 913f PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetCameraSupport

There is 0x9087 which I do not know the name for yet.

and 0x917d whuich I also do not know.

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axxel commented Sep 30, 2024

I spend all afternoon manually parsing the dumped data (reminded me of the good old times, when I did this for the 5Dm2 ;)). I'm not fully done, yet. But I think I found the key to maybe get the download going after capture: a new EOS event 0xc1b8. @msmeissn where did this name come from? Could it be that there is a typo and this was actually supposed to be c1b8 instead of c1a8? Or could you get some more of those names, which would already help quit a bit in deciphering their meaning.

Not clear yet why we ran into the busy issue when the in auto-focus mode. @karlkopf was that USB trace with manual or auto-focus? Can you make a second remote-capture trace with the setting reversed?

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I think a name in the disassembly of Canon EOS driver kit.

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(need to do another round of disassembly on the current EOS driver, last tiome was a while ago I think)

karlkopf added a commit to karlkopf/r5m2_debug that referenced this issue Oct 1, 2024
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karlkopf commented Oct 1, 2024

Not clear yet why we ran into the busy issue when the in auto-focus mode. @karlkopf was that USB trace with manual or auto-focus? Can you make a second remote-capture trace with the setting reversed?

Yesterday it was done with manual focus, shutter time 1/60

Now I have done three traces, manual focus, auto focus and auto focus fail. When the auto focus fail you can't capture an image with the eos utility --> status busy

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axxel commented Oct 1, 2024

@karlkopf thanks for the new trace data. I'll have a look at it later. Can you do me the favor and pull current HEAD and run these commands with manual focus and 1/60?:

gphoto2 --set-config capturetarget=4 --trigger-capture --wait-event=1s
gphoto2 --set-config capturetarget=1 --trigger-capture --wait-event=1s

I improved the event logging to help with finding the differences between EOSUtility and gphoto2 faster. This also includes the one-liner fix, so it should do something out of the box. If you feel bored, doing the first with auto-focus would also be of interest.

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karlkopf commented Oct 1, 2024

I just compiled the latest head, run a few tests and added the new debug logs for af and mf. I hope this'll help a little bit

karlkopf added a commit to karlkopf/r5m2_debug that referenced this issue Oct 1, 2024
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axxel commented Oct 1, 2024

@karlkopf Thanks for all the new data. Unfortunately, the new event c1b8 does not show up in any of the logs. So the EOS utility does something important before performing the remote-release commands. It might be settings the CaptureDestination to 4 (instead of 2). I thought I could achieve that with the capturetarget=4 but I was mistaken.

Random idea: you are not living in Berlin by any chance? That would maybe open the possibility for us meeting in person and having your camera being connected to my PC and thereby speeding up this trial-and-error processes substantially.

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axxel commented Oct 1, 2024

Here is my current "manual" parsing of the original USB message trace:

0110 - GetDeviceInfo
0191 - GetStorageIDs
0291 - GetStorageInfo
1091 - SetDevicePropValueEx
1491 - SetRemoteMode
1591 - SetEventMode
1791 - TransferComplete
1a91 - PCHDDCapacity
2791 - RequestDevicePropValue
2891 - RemoteReleaseOn
2991 - RemoteReleaseOff
3d91 - SetRequestOLCInfoGroup


3f91 - GetCameraSupport
7091 - GetObjectInfo64
7291 - GetPartialObject64
7d91 - ???
8790 - ???
8991 - GetPictureStylePCFlavorParam


actual order of appearance with arguments:
 *'#' means a command/param that we don't use, yet
 * GetEvent (9116) has been ommitted most of the time to make it more readable

1491 01000000 					- SetRemoteMode 1
1591 01000000					- SetEventMode 1
7091 000020a3					# GetObjectInfo64
7091 000020a3					# GetObjectInfo64
7091 000020a3					# GetObjectInfo64
0291 00000200					- GetStorageInfo
3d91 ff0f0000					- SetRequestOLCInfoGroup
3f91 00000001 10010000 00008431 		# GetCameraSupport
0191 						- GetStorageIDs
0291 00000100 					- GetStorageInfo
0291 00000200 					- GetStorageInfo
3f91 00000001 10020000 09008431 		# GetCameraSupport
0110 						- GetDeviceInfo
8790 						# ??? - this returns nothing
7d91 01000000					# ??? - this retrieves over 50kB of 'random' data

1491 02000000 					# SetRemoteMode 2
0110 						- GetDeviceInfo
2791 afd10000					- RequestDevicePropValue ???
0110 						- GetDeviceInfo
2791 a6d10000					- RequestDevicePropValue ???
2791 69d10000					- RequestDevicePropValue ErrorHistory
2791 6ad10000					- RequestDevicePropValue LensExchangeHistory
2791 6bd10000					- RequestDevicePropValue StroboExchangeHistory
2791 72d20000					- RequestDevicePropValue ???
0291 00000100					- GetStorageInfo
0291 00000200					- GetStorageInfo
2791 d0d10000					- RequestDevicePropValue Artist
2791 d1d10000					- RequestDevicePropValue Copyright

1491 01000000 					- SetRemoteMode 1
1091 						# SetDevicePropValueEx (with no parameters!?!)
1091 0c000000 1cd10000 04000000 		- SetDevicePropValueEx CaptureDestination -> 4 (PC?)

1a91 7f86fb0b 00100000 01000000 		- PCHDDCapacity
8991 01000000					- GetPictureStylePCFlavorParam
8991 02000000					- GetPictureStylePCFlavorParam
8991 03000000					- GetPictureStylePCFlavorParam
2791 7fd10000					- RequestDevicePropValue FlavorLUTParams

2891 01000000 01000000				- RemoteReleaseOn (1, 1)
1691						- GetEvent (see A)
2991 01000000					- RemoteReleaseOff (1)

# capture starts here
2891 01000000 01000000				# RemoteReleaseOn (1, 1) # use use (1, 0)
1691						- GetEvent (see B)
1a91 e1feffff 00100000 00000000	- PCHDDCapacity
0291 00000100					- GetStorageInfo
0291 00000200					- GetStorageInfo
2891 02000000 01000000				# RemoteReleaseOn (2, 1) # we use (2, 0) @33.66
1691 						# GetEvent (see C) @ 33.70
2991 02000000					- RemoteReleaseOff (2)   @ 33.95s
1691 						- GetEvent (see D1) @ 34.14
1691 						- GetEvent (see D2) @ 34.36 contains c1b8 80880714
7291 80880714 00000000 00f00f00 00000000	# GetPartialObject64 @ 34.37
7291 80880714 00f00f00 00f00f00 00000000	# GetPartialObject64
7291 80880714 00e01f00 00f00f00 00000000	# GetPartialObject64
7291 80880714 00d02f00 00f00f00 00000000	# GetPartialObject64
7291 80880714 00c03f00 00f00f00 00000000	# GetPartialObject64
7291 80880714 00b04f00 00f00f00 00000000	# GetPartialObject64
7291 80880714 00a05f00 00f00f00 00000000	# GetPartialObject64
7291 80880714 00906f00 00f00f00 00000000	# GetPartialObject64
7291 80880714 00807f00 00f00f00 00000000	# GetPartialObject64
7291 80880714 00708f00 00f00f00 00000000	# GetPartialObject64
7291 80880714 00609f00 00f00f00 00000000	# GetPartialObject64
7291 80880714 0050af00 00f00f00 00000000	# GetPartialObject64
2991 01000000					- RemoteReleaseOff (1)
7291 80880714 0040bf00 05880c00 00000000	# GetPartialObject64
1791 80880714					# TransferComplete
1a91 b0fcffff 00100000 00000000 		- PCHDDCapacity

2891 01000000 01000000				- RemoteReleaseOn (1, 1)
2991 01000000					- RemoteReleaseOf (1)
1a91 d4ffffff 00100000 00000000 		- PCHDDCapacity

Event C:
888	33.703424	URB_BULK in	
0c000000 8bc10000 01000000 		- CameraStatusChanged 1
10000000 89c10000 1bd10000 789f0000	- PropValueChanged (EOS_AvailableShots)
10000000 89c10000 c3d10000 00000000	- PropValueChanged (EOS_OneShotRawOn)
12000000 a5c10000 0e000000010000000400	- OLCInfoChanged
08000000 00000000

Event D1:
898	34.142530	URB_BULK in
10000000 89c10000 b7d10000 00000000		- PropValueChanged (EOS_ExposureSimMode)
10000000 89c10000 c3d10000 00000000 		- PropValueChanged (EOS_OneShotRawOn)
12000000 a5c10000 0e000000010000000200		- OLCInfoChanged
15000000 a5c10000 11000000000200000101040000	- OLCInfoChanged
15000000 a5c10000 11000000000200000101080000	- OLCInfoChanged
08000000 00000000

Event D2:
904	34.360451	URB_BULK in
24000000 b8c10000 80880714 01380000 00000000 05c8cb00 00000000 00880714 01000000 # new event
08000000 00000000

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msmeissn commented Oct 2, 2024

Disassembly brings new defines:

+#define PTP_EC_CANON_EOS_ObjectAddedEx64LFN 0xc1b6
+#define PTP_EC_CANON_EOS_ObjectInfoChangedEx64LFN 0xc1b7
+#define PTP_EC_CANON_EOS_RequestObjectTransfer64LFN 0xc1b8

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msmeissn commented Oct 2, 2024

more opcodes added, the two we see are:
+#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetDebugLog 0x9087
+#define PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetDebugLogEx 0x917D

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zaps166 commented Dec 2, 2024

Skimmed this thread only, so don't know if it's already implemented. We have a few new events (defines already added). These events has new data structure (but similar). The difference is in file name field.

What I checked:

  • 0xc1b6 event - the file name field is moved to the bottom (below the date field) preceded by by 1-byte (string length). String is in UTF-16.
  • 0xc1b8 event - the the file name field is missing, the rest is the same.

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tangbl93 commented Dec 16, 2024

event from R5m2, only tested in wifi mode

  • 0xC1B6: same as PTP_EC_ObjectAdded
  • 0xC1B7: same as PTP_EC_CANON_EOS_ObjectInfoChangedEx

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blaineam commented Dec 31, 2024

Now the image is triggered and will be saved on the SD-Card but not downloaded by gphoto2

--get-all-files also doesn't work

I am able to get images using that flag on Canon EOS R5 Mark II Camera Firmware version 1.0.2 however --capture-and-download seems to not retrieve the files when used with --HEAD version of libgphoto2.

Waiting for 1 seconds for events from camera. Press Ctrl-C to abort.           
UNKNOWN PTP Property d1c3 changed, "oneshotrawon" to "0"
UNKNOWN Button 2
UNKNOWN PTP Property d103 changed, "iso" to "1600"
UNKNOWN Focus Mask 0101002000
UNKNOWN PTP Property d103 changed, "iso" to "1600"
UNKNOWN PTP Property d1b7 changed
UNKNOWN PTP Property d103 changed, "iso" to "1600"
UNKNOWN Camera Status 1
UNKNOWN StorageInfoChanged 0x00010001
UNKNOWN StorageInfoChanged 0x00020001
UNKNOWN PTP Property d11b changed, "availableshots" to "10444"
UNKNOWN PTP Property d1c3 changed, "oneshotrawon" to "0"
UNKNOWN Button 4
UNKNOWN OLCInfo event 0x0010, 4 bytes: 04 02 28 cd 
UNKNOWN OLCInfo event 0x0010, 4 bytes: 04 02 28 cc 
UNKNOWN PTP Property d1c3 changed, "oneshotrawon" to "0"
UNKNOWN Button 2
UNKNOWN PTP Property d1c3 changed, "oneshotrawon" to "0"
UNKNOWN Button 3
UNKNOWN PTP Property d102 changed, "shutterspeed" to "1/125"
UNKNOWN PTP Property d103 changed, "iso" to "1600"
UNKNOWN PTP Property d1b7 changed
UNKNOWN OLCInfo event 0x0010, 4 bytes: 04 01 28 cc 

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002
Saving file as 259A7716.CR3

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002
Saving file as 259A7716.HIF

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002
Saving file as 259A7717.CR3

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002
Saving file as 259A7717.HIF

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002
Saving file as 259A7718.CR3

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002
Saving file as 259A7718.JPG

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002
Saving file as 259A7719.CR3

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002
Saving file as 259A7719.JPG

*** Error ***              
error 0x2002

*** Error ***              
PTP Cancel Request
Operation cancelled.

I would like to help collect any information you can use to get a new version of libgphoto2 out that will support the Canon R5 Mark II.

Overall it is working better with the current HEAD of this repo but seems like some things are not quite working yet like capture and download doesn't find anything but does take the picture.

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