inits the grida.config.js with code related user prompts
grida code init
No project root is found. [package.json or pubspec.y(a)ml] Do you want to continue anyway? (y/n)
what's the name of the project?
which design tool are you using?
- figma
- please enter the figma file url: (
- sketch
- xd
- other
- figma
Which frontend framework are you using?
- Which style(s) will you be using? (This can be changed later)
- styled-components (@emotion/styled) (found in package.json#dependencies)
- styled-components (styled-components)
- css
- scss
- inline-style (
<div style={{…}}/>
) - tailwind-css
- mui (@mui/core)
- others
- Please select the default styling strategy for this project (This can be changed later)
- styled-components + tailwind
- Choose the default components directory (This can be changed later)
- my-project/components/*
- my-project/*/components/
- don’t specify
- How would you like your components to be exported? (This can be changed later)
export function Component(){…}
export const Component = () => {…}
export default function (){…}
const Component () => {}
&export default Component
function Component () => {}
&export default Component
- Which style(s) will you be using? (This can be changed later)
vanilla html/css
Where is your assets directory?
- other
Created my-project/grida.config.js .
grida code
- ..
grida code issue
- Design-to-code issues
- I get a broken layout
- I get a broken style
- Something else is wrong
- CLI Issues
- My configuration is broken
- Design-to-code issues
prompt: handle-assets-replacement
- 12 Assets found for x (view at
- How would you like to import assets? (select)
- with temporary url (expires after 7 days)
- with permanent public url (previously selected)
- Host 12 assets? will take up 3mb (Y/N)
- Hosted 12 new assets. you can manage hosted files at
- Host 12 assets? will take up 3mb (Y/N)
- download to project’s assets folder
- cancel
grida add
- generate all components for source ? (y/n)
- Fetching data from… Caching data to…
- 600 Frames found.
- 20 Components & 10 Variants found.
- Select pages to add
- All
- page1
- page2
- page3
- Select frames to add from page1
- Select frames to add from page2
- Import components used by 40 frames? (y/n)
- Imported 40 components.
- You can manage components at
- You are adding more than one components at once. Do you want to ignore individual issues and continue for all? (y/n)
- yes (add all with ignoring all issues)
- no (add each individually)
- cancel
grida add <uri...>
- (if uri points page)
- This uri is a page. Add all x frames (x found) & components (x found) under page "
"?- yes (add all x frames & components)
- add only components (n components)
- add only frames (n frames)
- manually choose from list
- This uri is a page. Add all x frames (x found) & components (x found) under page "
- (if uri points entire file)
- (if uri points page)
grida code <framework> https://...
- running code command individually outside of project. to run in project, run
grida code add
orgrida code init
- framework not specified
- choose framework from below
- ..
- running code command individually outside of project. to run in project, run
grida code add https://...
- Fetching fresh data from…
- Running grida lint …
- 20 Issues found
- View issues 👉
- Continue anyway? This might generate non responsive code
- Continue
- Cancel & Fix issues
- Continue & Ignore issues for this session
- Frame “Page” has dependency to below 4 components. How would you like to handle this?
grida code editor
- Starting grida dev server @
- Visit localhost:6626
- You can install grida pwa or grida desktop app at
- Port already in use run with --port option to start another dev server. run grida editor kill to kill existing dev server
- Starting grida dev server @
CLI References
- prisma
- webpack
- storybook
- firebase
- vercel
- yarn