For every stop
- conditional distribution of arrival times, conditioned on
- previous arrival
- scheduled arrival
- nearest bus location
- other buses' timeliness at this moment in this vacinity.
Track each bus's position relative to:
- expected position (by the schedule)
- mean position (by the time)
Could have conditional distribution of bus positions, aggregated by tracking buses over a period of weeks
When are buses going fastest / slowest (rel. to speed limit)
When should I get off and walk vs. finish taking the bus (on campus)?
Optimizing bus transfers
- if bus is X minutes behind schedule, should I do something different?
Is the bus being used efficiently (seeing to student needs?)
- How much time does a bus arrival give students to get to class?
- Incorporate external data about numbe of students waiting?
- When should PVTA add additional buses (what routes, times?)
What are common bus transfers? How efficient are these?
- Puffton to/from BigY
- Puffton to/from Target
Fuel consumption per route/time/location?
- Where to optimally put hybrid buses in system?
What are impacts of student pedestrians crossing?
- Can we justify pedestrian bridges/tunnels?