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File metadata and controls

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Lab Kubebuilder: Creating a CRD and Controller


The focus of this lab is to become familar with kubebuilder. In this lab you will create a CRD through go structs and automation. You will see how RBACs are created through generation from code annotations. Then you will create a controller for working with the CRD.

This lab and code was inspired by the previous work of and in particular, however that code is out of date for the current versions of controller-runtime and kubebuilder. Using it as a reference you will notice some nice improvements to standard patterns in controller-runtime.

The basics of this operator is that we will have an at CRD which takes a time and command. A controller will monitor the CRD and Pods. The controller will create at kinds and will create a pod to run the command if the time has past. Once the pod is finished running, the controller will update the CR regarding the pod status.


  • Running Kubernetes 1.15+ cluster
  • kubebuilder 2.20 (install from site) or brew install kubebuilder
  • go 1.13+
  1. Creating a Go project
$GOPATH = /Users/kensipe/projects/go
mkdir $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/

go mod init
  1. Initialize kubebuilder

kubebuilder init --domain --owner “jfokus"

Review the create structure and files. In particular main.go. The project has started but there isn't much there yet.

  1. Add an API
kubebuilder create api \
 --group cnat \
 --version v1alpha1 \
 --kind At

Now it's time to review a number of files. main.go has changed. Review at_types.go and at_controller.go.

  1. Defining the CRD via Go struts

Start with at_types.go. We want to change the Spec and Status similar to the CRD lab. This requires changes to AtSpec and AtStatus respectively. You'll notice a defined Foo in Spec which should be removed.

For AtSpec add Schedule and Command both are strings. You will need the json... annotation and can use the generated Foo as an example.

For AtStatus you need to add a string variable named Phase.

To complete the types definition and for controller convenience define the following phases in the at_types.go file.

const (
	PhasePending = "PENDING"
	PhaseRunning = "RUNNING"
	PhaseDone    = "DONE"

Let's try it out... In the terminal from the project root run: make manifests which will generate files in the config folder AND/OR make install which will apply the CRDs to the running kubernetes cluster.

# after make install the CRD is installed
 k get crd
NAME                    CREATED AT       2020-02-02T09:48:23Z

Let's create a CR from this CRD...

kind: At
  name: at-sample2
  schedule: "2020-01-30T10:02:00Z"
  command: "echo YAY"

advanced: Looking to add the printer columns? The following build tags can be placed before type At struct

// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
// +kubebuilder:subresource:status
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:JSONPath=".spec.schedule", name=Schedule, type=string
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:JSONPath=".status.phase", name=Phase, type=string
// At is the Schema for the ats API
type At struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`

Reinstall manifests with make install

Retrieve the CR

k get at
NAME         SCHEDULE               PHASE
at-sample2   2020-01-30T10:02:00Z   

Now that we have a CRD to work with lets focus on the controller.

in the at_controller.go file, there are 2 tags to generate RBAC for the CRD, however we this controller will need permission for pods as well.



and add:

// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps,resources=deployments,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps,resources=deployments/status,verbs=get;update;patch

For more details on kubebuilder markers read:

Working on the func (r *AtReconciler) Reconcile function, change the logger to a specific logger name and with some defined structure as follows:

	logger := log.FromContext(ctx).WithValues("namespace", req.NamespacedName, "at", req.Name)
	logger.Info("== Reconciling At")

Following the logger, is a good place for fetching instances of the CR for at as follows:

	// Fetch the At instance
	instance := &cnatv1alpha1.At{}
	err := r.Get(context.TODO(), req.NamespacedName, instance)
	if err != nil {
		if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
			// Request object not found, could have been deleted after reconcile request - return and don't requeue:
			return reconcile.Result{}, nil
		// Error reading the object - requeue the request:
		return reconcile.Result{}, err

Now that we have an instance defined by the request namespacedname, lets check to see if it has a status, if not, lets initialize.

	// If no phase set, default to pending (the initial phase):
	if instance.Status.Phase == "" {
		instance.Status.Phase = cnatv1alpha1.PhasePending

While there is some additional logic you will want to add for working an instance through it's phases, lets follow this up with an update which will define the end of our function just prior to a return.

	// Update the At instance, setting the status to the respective phase:
	err = r.Status().Update(context.TODO(), instance)
	if err != nil {
		return reconcile.Result{}, err

	return ctrl.Result{}, nil

It is now possible to see some work within this controller. You will need to re-run make install to setup new RBAC manifests. Then to run the controller.. run the following:

make run

If you have an instance of at, after running the controller the status should have been updated... try k get at

Completing the controller requires a couple of support functions for creating the pod and checking the schedule. Add the following functions to the at_controller.go file.

// newPodForCR returns a busybox pod with the same name/namespace as the cr
func newPodForCR(cr *cnatv1alpha1.At) *corev1.Pod {
	labels := map[string]string{
		"app": cr.Name,
	return &corev1.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      cr.Name + "-pod",
			Namespace: cr.Namespace,
			Labels:    labels,
		Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
			Containers: []corev1.Container{
					Name:    "busybox",
					Image:   "busybox",
					Command: strings.Split(cr.Spec.Command, " "),
			RestartPolicy: corev1.RestartPolicyOnFailure,

// timeUntilSchedule parses the schedule string and returns the time until the schedule.
// When it is overdue, the duration is negative.
func timeUntilSchedule(schedule string) (time.Duration, error) {
	now := time.Now().UTC()
	layout := "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"
	s, err := time.Parse(layout, schedule)
	if err != nil {
		return time.Duration(0), err
	return s.Sub(now), nil

Finishing the Reconcile function, insert the code below after the if body that sets the instance.Status.Phase = cnatv1alpha1.PhasePending:

// Now let's make the main case distinction: implementing
	// the state diagram PENDING -> RUNNING -> DONE
	switch instance.Status.Phase {
	case cnatv1alpha1.PhasePending:
		logger.Info("Phase: PENDING")
		// As long as we haven't executed the command yet, we need to check if it's time already to act:
		logger.Info("Checking schedule", "Target", instance.Spec.Schedule)
		// Check if it's already time to execute the command with a tolerance of 2 seconds:
		d, err := timeUntilSchedule(instance.Spec.Schedule)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error(err, "Schedule parsing failure")
			// Error reading the schedule. Wait until it is fixed.
			return reconcile.Result{}, err
		logger.Info("Schedule parsing done", "Result", fmt.Sprintf("diff=%v", d))
		if d > 0 {
			// Not yet time to execute the command, wait until the scheduled time
			return reconcile.Result{RequeueAfter: d}, nil
		logger.Info("It's time!", "Ready to execute", instance.Spec.Command)
		instance.Status.Phase = cnatv1alpha1.PhaseRunning
	case cnatv1alpha1.PhaseRunning:
		logger.Info("Phase: RUNNING")
		pod := newPodForCR(instance)
		// Set At instance as the owner and controller
		if err := controllerutil.SetControllerReference(instance, pod, r.Scheme); err != nil {
			// requeue with error
			return reconcile.Result{}, err
		found := &corev1.Pod{}
		err = r.Get(context.TODO(), types.NamespacedName{Name: pod.Name, Namespace: pod.Namespace}, found)
		// Try to see if the pod already exists and if not
		// (which we expect) then create a one-shot pod as per spec:
		if err != nil && errors.IsNotFound(err) {
			err = r.Create(context.TODO(), pod)
			if err != nil {
				// requeue with error
				return reconcile.Result{}, err
			logger.Info("Pod launched", "name", pod.Name)
		} else if err != nil {
			// requeue with error
			return reconcile.Result{}, err
		} else if found.Status.Phase == corev1.PodFailed || found.Status.Phase == corev1.PodSucceeded {
			logger.Info("Container terminated", "reason", found.Status.Reason, "message", found.Status.Message)
			instance.Status.Phase = cnatv1alpha1.PhaseDone
		} else {
			// don't requeue because it will happen automatically when the pod status changes
			return reconcile.Result{}, nil
	case cnatv1alpha1.PhaseDone:
		logger.Info("Phase: DONE")
		return reconcile.Result{}, nil
		return reconcile.Result{}, nil

If you run the controller again make run you should see phase status changing for the CR but it never fully gets to "Done". This is because the controller isn't watching pods yet.

The final modification needed is in the SetupWithManager function. Make the following changes:

	return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).

Advanced: Using the kubernete events

Take a look a the desription of the at RC using k describe at at-sample

 k describe at at-sample
Name:         at-sample
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
API Version:
Kind:         At
  Creation Timestamp:  2020-02-02T11:30:46Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    27790
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 89d3ef30-8714-47b9-bbf8-664262b00610
  Command:   echo YAY
  Schedule:  2020-01-30T10:02:00Z
  Phase:  RUNNING

Notice there are no "events" against this object. This step of the lab changes that.

Add the Recorder record.EventRecorder to the AtReconciler struct so that it looks like:

// AtReconciler reconciles a At object
type AtReconciler struct {
	Log    logr.Logger
	Scheme *runtime.Scheme
	Recorder record.EventRecorder

This struct is initialized in main.go, Modify this file to the following:

if err = (&controllers.AtReconciler{
		Client:   mgr.GetClient(),
		Log:      ctrl.Log.WithName("controllers").WithName("At"),
		Scheme:   mgr.GetScheme(),
		Recorder: mgr.GetEventRecorderFor("at-controller"),	

Now modify the at_controller.go code to record the events for each transition of the phase status. Below is an example of when the phase is set to "Pending"

r.Recorder.Event(instance, "Normal", "PhaseChange", cnatv1alpha1.PhasePending)

The results of a describe after this modification will now look like:

k describe at at-sample`

 k describe at at-sample
Name:         at-sample
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
API Version:
Kind:         At
  Creation Timestamp:  2020-02-02T11:30:46Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    27790
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 89d3ef30-8714-47b9-bbf8-664262b00610
  Command:   echo YAY
  Schedule:  2020-01-30T10:02:00Z
  Phase:  RUNNING
  Type    Reason       Age   From           Message
  ----    ------       ----  ----           -------
  Normal  PhaseChange  34s   at-controller  PENDING
  Normal  PhaseChange  34s   at-controller  RUNNING


The following are the imports needed for the at_controller.go for the changes indicated in this lab.

import (

	corev1 ""
	metav1 ""
	ctrl ""

	cnatv1alpha1 ""

Some changes were needed:

At at_controller.go:

logger := log.FromContext(ctx).WithValues("namespace", req.NamespacedName, "at", req.Name)
//instead of 
//logger := r.Log.WithValues("namespace", req.NamespacedName, "at", req.Name)
r.Recorder.Event(instance, "Normal", "PhaseChange", cnatv1alpha1.PhaseRunning) 
//eventtype should be "Normal" not "Running".
r.Recorder.Event(instance, "Normal", "PhaseChange", cnatv1alpha1.PhaseDone) 
//eventtype should be "Normal" not "Done".